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Westmead International School

College of Tourism and Hospitality Management




With people nowadays being too busy to find opportunities to spend

mealtime at home, restaurants have been an important place to them. Thus, in

turn restaurants need to consider customer satisfaction and their efficiency. With

the hospitality and culinary sectors continue to boom, the competition gets

intense for the existing restaurants. The key to survival is delivering well-

prepared foods and beverages at the right prices, however, the prices of staple

ingredients change all the time. Hence, restaurants need to maximize the

effectiveness and efficiency of the supply chain process. To address the issue

and thrive in the business competition, the inventory management becomes the

main pillar of the restaurants. (Granville, 2011)

Inventory turnover has been found significantly related to an index of

overall company performance. In fact, inventory management can be one of the

their most important assets. For others, taking inventory may be the least of

necessary tasks for restaurant owners, however, it is crucial in controlling the

food cost and reducing waste. More so, it is required at different locations within

a facility or within multiple locations of a supply network to protect the regular and

planned course of production against the random disturbance of running out of

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

materials or goods. The scope of inventory management also concerns the fine

lines between replenishment lead time, carrying costs of inventory, asset

management, inventory forecasting, inventory valuation, inventory visibility, future

inventory price forecasting, physical inventory, available physical space for

inventory, quality management, replenishment, returns and defective goods and

demand forecasting.(Piasecki, 2002)

It is connected to business operations from planning the menu, to

determining how many guests it can feed, to control inventory and to determine

daily menu costs in a larger operation. A key component in effective kitchen

management is inventory control. By determining what supplies are on hand at a

given time, the management can plan food orders, and make menu item changes

if needed. Managing inventory is like checking a bank account, and taking

inventory helps determine food costs and allows to control food waste. An

accurate inventory keeps track of which ingredients are fresh and ensures that

storage room always have the items needed. (Mercado, 2000)

On this note, the researchers being future employees in the field of the

food industry have deemed necessary to investigate the restaurant inventory

management in family owned restaurants in Lipa and Batangas City. They

strongly believe that the conduct of this study will be a valuable contribution to

the food industry as it will provide insights and enlightenment. Given the

importance of inventory management, restaurant managers will be compelled to

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

consider their own processes. The present study is guided by its statement of the

problem that is furnished with answers discussed in the next chapters.

Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study attempts to identify the inventory management of the

select restaurant respondents. Specifically, it seeks answers to the following


1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents from chosen

restaurants in Batangas City and Lipa City in terms of:

a. Gender;

b. Age;

c. Marital Status;

d. Educational Attainment; and

e. Occupation

2. What is the general inventory management procedures of the selected

restaurants in Batangas City and Lipa City?

3. What are the inventory management concerns and problems encountered

by the chosen family owned restaurants in Batangas City and Lipa City?

4. What internal and external factors affect the inventory management of

these selected family-owned restaurants?

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

5. Is there a significant difference between Lipa City and Batangas City

family owned restaurants management in terms of internal and external

factors affecting inventory management?

Hypothesis of the Study

The study tests the following hypothesis:

There is no significant difference between Lipa City and Batangas City’s

family-owned restaurants as to the internal and external variables affecting the

inventory management.

Significance of the Study

This research is mainly focused on inventory management applied in

family owned restaurants. Thus, the study targets to be of valuable assistance to

restaurant managers and owners. Through the results of the study, they will be

informed of the importance of inventory management thereby adopting efficient


Likewise, the study is beneficial to restaurants’ finance and budget

officers. They will be enlightened of the necessity to be responsible for the

financials record and the preparation of the budget of the stocks. Through the

present study, information on inventory management will be accessed easily.

In the same manner, the present study can serve as basis and reference

for future researchers who might take interest in the similar research topic. The

findings and results of the study may be used as support to their literature.

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Scope and Limitations of the study

This study is designed to identify the factors affecting inventory

management in family-owned restaurant in Batangas City and Lipa City.

A questionnaire made by a researchers was used as a main tool in

determining the factors affecting inventory management in family-owned

restaurant in Batangas City and Lipa City.

Greater emphasis is put on the use of the inventory management of the

family owned restaurants in the City of Lipa and Batangas. The study covers 100

respondents from the select restaurants in Lipa and Batangas. It intentionally

excludes other cities in the Batangas province considering the time constraints

and accessibility to information.

Definition of terms

For better understanding of the research, the following terms are defined

conceptually and operationally for easy comprehension of the study.

Accounting. This refers to the activity of keeping detailed records of the

amounts of money the restaurant business receives and spends the skill or

practice of maintaining and auditing accounts and preparing reports on the

assets, liabilities, etc. of the food business (Investopedia, 2019). In the study, it

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

means comprehensive and systematic recording of financial transactions of

select restaurants in Lipa and Batangas City.

Compliance. This means the attitude of yielding to a request or command

or taking steps to obligations. (Edmunds, 2018). In the study, it refers to fulfilling

the regulations of the family owned restaurants.

Customer Service. This pertains to any activity designed to increase the

level of customer satisfaction, like how these restaurateurs behave and treat their

customers to keep their patronage to their food business (Investopedia, 2019).

Operationally, this means actions taken by the select restaurants to take care of

the customers’ needs.

Efficiency. This pertains to the skill for implementing the change in the

business by considering the tools and processes (Martin, 2018). In the study, it

refers to the staff with competence, capable, skilled on doing the duties in the


Entrepreneur. It means a person or individual who a creates and runs a

business (Hayes, 2019). Operationally, it refers to the person who sets up the

family owned restaurant business, taking on financial risk in the hope of profit.

External factor. These pertain to the outside influences that can impact

the business (Business Dictionary, 2109). Operationally, this refers to the

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

measures that affect the restaurants operations that are imposed by the

government or another organizations. It is a rule that affects the restaurants

business and involves taxes as well.

Finance. It serves as the basic form for the decision and planning and

budgeting (Woodruff, 2019). In the study, it refers to the restaurants economics

concerns with resource allocation as well as resource management, acquisition

and investment. It also deals with matters related to money and market.

Food industry. It includes such areas as the raising of crops and

livestock, manufacture of farm equipment and agrochemicals, food processing,

packaging and labeling. Storage, distribution, regulatory framework, financing,

marketing, retailing, catering, research and development, and education. The

Economic Research Service of the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) uses

the term food system to describe this entire enterprise. In the study, it pertains to

the family-owned restaurants belonging to this category.

Inventory. This pertains to any item, property held in stock by firm

(Britannica, 2019). Operationally, it refers to the inventory and stocks of the

family owned restaurants.

Internal Factor. These are influences within a company that may affect

operations and processes (Business Dictionary, 2019). In the study, this refers to

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

the process or system that helps assure reliability, compliance, security, or

efficiency. Internal controls are effectively a set of checks and balances that are

critical to the restaurant business, especially as it becomes larger.

Inventory Control. It means regulating and involving warehouse

management (Tradegecko, 2019). It refers to the restaurants’ process of

effectively managing consumable supplies. It helps streamline storerooms and

provide supplies visibly because the inventory managers/supervisors know what

they have, where it is, and when to order more.

Inventory Cost. This refers to the cost related to storing and maintaining

its inventory over a certain period, described as a percentage of the inventory

value (annual average inventory, like for the restaurants average of the goods

bought from its suppliers/vendors during a year) on an annualized basis, and

always quite high, and costs alone represent generally 25% of inventory value on

hand (Tradegecko, 2019). In the study, same definition applies.

Inventory management. It is the management of inventory and stock, as

an element of supply chain management, which includes aspects such as

controlling and overseeing (Tradegecko, 2019). Operationally, it refers to the

management of the family owned restaurants in their stocks.

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Kitchen. This refers to the room in which food is cooked, a place with

cooking facilities, the personnel that prepares cook, food and serve food

(Merriam-Webster Dictionary). In the study, same definition applies.

Lead Time. It is the time it takes from the moment an item is ordered to

the moment it arrives (Business Dictionary, 2019). In the study, it pertains to the

days allowed for suppliers to deliver supplies to family-owned restaurants.

Marketing. This refers to the function that links the consumer, customer,

and public to the family owned restaurants through information used to identify

and define marketing opportunities and problems to generate, refine, and

evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing performance; and improve

understanding of marketing as a process (American Marketing Association). In

the study, same definition applies.

Operating Cost. This refers to the key components of operating income

calculation for operating income is a crucial component of many financial

measures. Thus, the lower a company’s operating costs are, the more profitable

it generally is (Murphy, 2019). Operationally, this pertains to the expenses

associated with the maintenance of family-owned restaurants.

Restaurant. It is a place to buy food and eat meals. (Merriam-Webster

Dictionary). In the study, this is place owned and operated by family members.

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Process. It refers to a series of actions that produce something or that

lead to a result (Business Dictionary, 2019). In the study, it refers to the

systematic operations in the family owned restaurants.

Purchasing. This refers to the organized acquisition of goods and service

on behalf of the buying entity (Business Dictionary, 2019). In the study,

purchasing activities are needed to ensure that needed item are obtaining in a

timely manner and at a reasonable cost. A purchasing department is especially

necessary in the restaurant business, where large amount of goods from

suppliers are obtained on a recurring basis.

Reliability. It means the probability of failure free-performance (Business

Dictionary, 2019). In the study, it refers to the quality of personnel being reliable

and worthy of trust and depended on.

Security. It means securing the business in all possible means (Business

Dictionary, 2019). This refers to a pledge that the person in position will fulfill

some duty in the restaurant.

Stockpile. This means a pile or storage location, in addition, it refers to

the reserve supply of something essential accumulated within a country for use

during a shortage (Business Dictionary, 2019). In the study, it pertains to supply

for family owned restaurants’ consumption.

System. It pertains to the process of providing service or specific goods to

customers (Business Dictionary, 2109). Operationally, this refers to a treat

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

prepared by some special method used by family owned restaurants to provide

service to customers.

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management



This portion of the research paper discusses the conceptual literature with

the topics and theories narrowed down to provide understanding of the present

study. It also includes conceptual framework which serves as a foundation of the


Conceptual Literature

Inventory management is the process of managing inventory to meet

customer demand at lowest possible cost and with the minimum of investment. A

successfully implemented inventory program considers things such as

purchasing goods that commensurable with demand seasonal variation,

changing usage patterns and monitoring for pilferage (Byoungho, 2004).

Inventory Management as Tool to Efficiency. According to Persson

(2004), effective inventory management has been essential in the operation of

any business. Three different trends in the development of logistics solutions

within industry were identified; one trend is concerned with the increased

integration of logistics activities beyond organization boundaries with an aim to

reduce cost items such as capital costs for inventory and handling costs of flows.

Inventory as an asset on the balance sheet of companies has taken on increased

importance because many companies are applying the strategy of reducing their

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

investment in fixed assets, like plants, warehouses, equipment and machinery,

and so on, which even highlights the significance of reducing inventory. Changes

in inventory levels affect return on assets (ROA), which is an important financial

parameter from an internal and external perspective. Reducing inventory usually

improves ROA, and vice versa if inventory goes up without offsetting increases in

revenue (Coyle et al., 2003).

Coyle, Bardi, and Langley (2003) stressed that effective inventory flow

management in supply chains becomes one of the key factors to success.

Emmett (2008) added that it is an important element both in the management of

individual companies and the supply chains as such. Regardless of whether the

inventory refers to raw materials, material, semi-finished or finished products, it is

an element which influences the operations of companies and supply chains and

should therefore be given adequate attention. Owing to frequent uncertainties in

the market development, fluctuating demand or production and changes in lean

times, the inventory management as such may be very complicated.

As to Kotler (2000), he likewise postulated that inventory management

refers to the entire activities involved in developing and managing the inventory

levels of raw materials, semi-finished materials and finished goods so that

adequate supplies are available and the costs of over stocks or under stocks are

low. Given the it encompasses all activities, Wild (2002) believes that the main

purpose of the inventory control function in supporting the business activities is to

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

optimize the following three targets which are customer service, inventory cost

and operating costs.

Further, Barnes (2008) highlighted that inventory management is a branch

of management that deals with management of fixed and current assets. It also

entails the management of daily operational supplies critical specially in

restaurants. As to Gibson’ perspective (2013), inventory plays a major role and

its management goes a long way in assisting a firm to grow as it relates to its

external customers, as well as, internal customers. Schroeder (2000) also

stressed that inventory management has an impact on all business functions,

particularly operations, marketing, accounting, and finance.

Thus, Shapiro, (2009) advised that when it comes to demand planning

and as a result, restaurants need to be versatile in its management of its

inventory when it comes to periodic or seasonal inventories. Restaurants must

follow what Stevenson (2006), considers that is inventory management is a key

operations management activity, effective inventory management is critical to the

smooth operation of most business and their supply chains. Good inventory

management has an impact on operation, marketing and finance departments.

Poor inventory management hinders operations, reduces customer satisfaction

and raises customer satisfaction and raises operating.

Dutta (2014) likewise confirmed that the appropriate inventory

management is very important to an industry such as to the food industry,

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

because of involvement of significant cost regarding raw materials, and these

costs include such expenses as storage costs, inventory risks, and the loss-of-

opportunity costs associated with tying up capital.

As pointed out by Wild (2000), inventory control in a restaurant is the

activity which organizes the availability of items to the requisitioned in the

kitchen. It coordinates the purchasing, manufacturing and distribution functions to

meet the customers’ need. This role includes the supply of current sales items,

new products, consumables among other supplies. Clodfelter (2003), added that

a good inventory management offers the proper relationship between sales and

inventory and can better be well maintained. Without inventory control

procedures in place, the storeroom can become overstocked or understocked.

Equally important, Gourdin (2001) noted that inventory is one area of

restaurant that has received a great deal of management attention over the past

decade. Inventory management provides a business with information needed to

take markdowns by identifying slow-selling menu. Discovering such items early in

the season will allow a business to reduce prices or make a change in marketing

strategy before consumer demand completely disappears.

As commented by Hugo, Badenhorst-Weiss and Van Rooyen (2002),

inventory is ensuring a sufficient level of stock and satisfying demands regarding

quantity, quality, time and place and to control prices. The basic characteristic of

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

the system is that whenever stocks are replenished, the same fixed quantity is

ordered every time, and flexes when there are changes to customer’s taste.

Smaros (2003) stated that the inventory control reveals that for products

with stable demand a partial improvement of demand visibility can have products

replenishment frequencies of the restaurant inventory supplies. Merdith (2006)

confirmed that stock management as inventory operations is the combination of

systems and processes involved with inventory management as well as the

physical aspects of storage and material handling as to its direction and control

of activities with the purpose of getting the right inventory in the right place, at the

right cost. Effective stock management and security are imperative and must

cover the whole supply chain through to the final distribution to customers of the


On the other hand, Buxton (2001) looked at inventory management as the

ability of a firm to ensure that supplies of a restaurant are made available on a

consistent basis in the light of the company’s service policy to its kitchen and

customers demand. Inventory management is extremely important for the

investment of inventories, the largest current assets in retail establishments may

also be a material portion of the company’s total assets. If unstable items have

accumulated in the inventory, a potential loss exist, and product ordered from

suppliers are not available in the desired quantity, quality, there is an inefficient

purchasing procedure, will thus all result in excessive and unstable inventories.

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

But when there are slight downward inventories in the business cycle, many live

merchandises move slowly, then stocks accumulate and bring about

obsolescence. To achieve this, if not stopped completely, management should

put much efforts and interest in inventory planning and control.

Hence, Jackson and Stent (2007) proposed a non-exhaustive list of

internal control measure as key indicators on its complement which include: staff

competency, segregation of duties, isolation of responsibility, access and

authorization, comparison reconciliations, and source document design. Ernst

and Young (2003) also added in their advisory and assurance manual proposed

that the inventory should include any procedure used and relied on by

management to prevent material misstatements, whether caused by error or

fraud from occurring during transaction processing or detect and correct on a

timely basis material misstatement that may occur in processing transaction.

Food business inventory is important, and its management is vital to the success

and cost reduction of the restaurant’s expenditure.

Likewise, Wild (2002) recommended proper keeping of inventory so that

when goods are ordered they are held at the storeroom for the least time

possible minimizing holding cost of inventory. Consequently, other operation cost

may increase inventory management costs like through the balance of ordering

costs, holding costs, safety stock and stock outs.

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Problems Encountered in Inventory Management. Inventory is planned

approach of determining what and when to order and how much to order and

how much stock so that costs associated with buying and storing are optimal

without interrupting production and sales. One of the reasons of taking inventory

is to determine food costs and to work out cost percentage (Scribd, 2013).

However, the temptation in small operations is to treat inventory control

casually. Perhaps, there are only one or two people doing the purchasing and

they are usually aware of the supplies that are on hand. It doesn’t eliminate the

need to track purchases against sales to see if they are managing the costs as

well as they can.

Schenkel (2018) revealed that the restaurant inventory management is

one of the trickier elements of running a kitchen, simply because there are so

many ways that small mistakes can affect the bottom line. If the manager under-

orders, the risk of having menu items during the busiest shifts, can leave the

restaurant guests with a bad impression of the service and menu. If the manager

over-orders, the risk is that extra product spoiling before it can be used. More so,

keeping track of the inventory can be further complicated by poor employee

behavior like sloppy prep waste, theft, and not sticking to FIFO (first in, first out).

Part of restaurant inventory management is being familiar enough with what the

standard inventory should look like that managers can spot when things are

wrong and get to the bottom of the problem right away.

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Thus, it is important to know what has arrived and what gets used every

day. This can easily be reconciled by doing a regular count of inventory. In larger

operations, the storage rooms and coolers may be on the kitchen, and therefore

a system is needed that requires to requisition supplies from the storeroom.

Restaurant need follow what Chase, Jacobs and Aquilano (2004) believe that is

identifying any item or resources used in organization and observing the set of

policies so to control the monitor levels of inventory and determine what selves

should be maintained when stock should be replenished, and how large order

should be.

In addition, Coyle (2003) stressed that the actors involved in downstream

distribution channels face a special challenge in keeping inventory at reasonable

levels due to the difficulty of forecasting demand and expectations of customers

about product availability. The challenge grows even bigger when they think

about the diversity of products in terms of their color or design, package type,

size and others. The aggregate demand needs to be broken down by various

specifications of the product into sub-total demand forecast to guide the stock

keeping units (SKUs) in the company to fulfill the final customer’s order. But the

sub-total demand forecasts could be diverse, reaching dozens, hundreds, or

even thousands of categories; in that case, they become truly difficult, complex

and time-consuming.

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

The difficulty of forecasting demands accurately naturally results in two

problems, which are in opposite extreme, overstock and stock-out of inventory.

As restaurants strive to avoid lost sales from stock-out of inventory, there is a

tendency to overstock. Nevertheless, because keeping inventory is costly which

reduces the profit margin, they try to reduce the inventory level, so appears the

tendency to stock-out of inventory.

This is in consonance with Chalotra’s perspective (2013) which highlighted

that the essence of inventory management is to augment business operations to

ensure effective flow of goods, product, and service. In this context, inventory is

the aggregate list of items; a quantity of goods in stock or stock of the product

which an organization is producing for sale and the components that make the

sale. Thus, inventory management is the supervision of supply, storeroom and

accessibility of items to ensure an adequate inventory supply without excessive

oversupply. Inventory management is often associated with understanding the

inventory mix of a restaurant organization and the different levels of demand on

that inventory, depending on diverse external and internal factors that can exert

demand for quality and just enough quantity of menus in a given period.

On the other hand, Sandeep (2007) pointed that inventory management

can bring unwarranted losses if the restaurant always has stock outs, lack of

proper storeroom plans, receiving the wrong goods from the suppliers, as well

as, lack of proper documentation for goods procured. The inventory staff needs

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

to understand and apply the inventory management techniques to ensure that

the restaurant organizations gets value for its money invested.

Graman and Magazine (2006), argued that today, the cost of holding

inventory, extensive product proliferation and the risk of obsolescence, especially

in rapidly changing markets, make the expense of holding large inventories of

finished goods excessive and that high demand items naturally have safety

stocks assigned to them, but in many restaurants, there are so many very-low-

demand items that keeping any stock of these items is unreasonably expensive,

so they argued that companies must provide good service while maintaining

minimal inventories.

James (2001) affirmed that inventories represent a sizeable investment

and a potential source of waste that needs to be carefully controlled. If managers

keep too much inventory on hand, they will waste money storing it and lose

money if inventories are damaged or stolen. On the other hand, managers who

run out of inventory may have to stop production until the necessary materials

are supplied, wasting time and labor. In most realistic inventory situations,

certainty does not exist. Both demand and acquisition lead time usually fluctuate

and cannot be completely predictable.

Utilization of Techniques to Effective Inventory Management. Many

factors affect inventory management, including the quality of supervisory and

operations personnel, counting and auditing procedures, security precautions

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

and the relationships with suppliers. A business owner must assume

responsibility for all these factors and ensure operations are as foolproof as


When forecasting inventory requirements, both the internal and external

factors that affect the inventory flow are both taken in. Inventory management

must respond to external factors that affect inventory while actively managing the

internal factors under control. In all restaurants, the two greatest costs of

operation are the cost of staffing and the cost of purchasing inventory for use in

the practice or sale to third parties. In a kitchen, they need to control inventory

extends beyond foods and kitchen supplies.

One factor that affects a business is the cost of financing. If they are

externally financing the cost of stocking the inventory, it pays to watch interest

rates closely and plan purchases accordingly. Any tax rebates that are

associated with the business inventory costs are internal factors needed to be

considered. Similarly, any risks faced when purchasing inventory should also

help shape the buying decisions. Some of the other financial costs associated

with inventory management are straightforward and include aspects like storage

and transportation, as well as product insurance and maintenance. It is also

essential to consider some of the internal factors that affect inventory

management; the restaurants need to understand the lead times faced by the

suppliers and maintain stock levels accordingly. It may also prove worthwhile to

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

find a backup supplier to use in case of unforeseen product demand or supplier

shortages. Namagembe (2010), recommended that chain partners implement

information technologies and collaborate among each other, so inventory

management could improve.

It has been mentioned that high levels of customer satisfaction directly

connected to better inventory management. Therefore, the Re-order level (ROL)

is critical for humanitarian organizations to achieve optimal efficiency and be

effective. They need to have two recorders level one that is normal whereas a

second one that is for emergency cases in case of disaster. This improves

performance and customer satisfaction. It is also emphasized that inventory

management need to be organized in logical way to facilitate the organization

knowledge of when to order and quantity to order. In economic order, it enables

the restaurant to plan their inventory replenishment on a timely basis such as

daily to weekly basis. It was found out that keeping moderate inventory is good

and it enables a food business to operate minimal expenses on it.

Management of inventory itself determines the way an organization will

thrust itself to high performance efficiency. The key aspect is that communication

which should be planned well from the beginning of business relations between

restaurant and its suppliers. It seeks to integrate the supplier more family into the

customer’s organization by using the point of sale which allows the supplier to

see the real time data of its customer’s inventory (Frahm 2003).

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

In the same manner, Frahm (2013) suggested that inventory management

techniques and organizational performance need to be scrutinized so that the

food business organization does not utilize a huge chunk of its budget on holding

inventory. Therefore, the total cost model needs to be balanced by ensuring

purchase costs, ordering costs, and holding costs are minimal so that the firm

can reap good profits and maintains its budget all year round.

According to Wallin and Bucklin (2006), the most common inventory

management method is inventory speculation. They explained this by stating that

a firm like the restaurant would purchase items and physically hold this inventory

within its storeroom facilities before there is a demand from the preparing cooks

and consumers. There are several advantages to this inventory management

method being that there is an ability to respond quickly to demand or

requirement, as well as, the ability to protect itself against fluctuations in prices.

They have elaborated this point by stating that through inventory postponement,

a firm can minimize the risk of inventory obsolescence, reduce the opportunity

cost of having capital tied up in these items, and avoid acquiring inventory

storage and tracking expenses since this inventory is physically located with the


On the other hand, Rietze (2004) analyzed that inventory postponement

refers to delayed decision-making about the product, and that it is beneficial to

delay commitment to product -specific characteristics as late as possible to avoid

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

a mismatch between orders and inventory on hand. In addition, Bucklin (2006)

agreed that a firm operating under an inventory postponement approach would

deliberately delay purchasing and the physical possession of inventory items until

demand or usage requirement are known certainty.

More so, transparency in inventory management techniques is important

because it eliminates corruption, biased procurement process, procuring

substandard good for the restaurants that prove to be extremely costly (Githui,

2012). Hence, Susan (2000) stressed that accuracy of inventory records is

necessary to provide satisfactory customer service, determine replenishment of

individual items; ensure that material availability meets repair or project demand,

analyze inventory levels and dispose of excess inventory. Stock records also

provide the management with the information which is used to ensure

accountability through stocktaking and stock audit exercise.

Fellows and Rottger (2005) also agreed that having inventory in storeroom

has an added advantage for the restaurant since customers will be satisfied

instantly leading to improved performance of service crew. With inventory in the

restaurants through timely delivery, stock out is not experienced. According to

Waller (2002), most of the inventory reduction can be attributed to frequent

inventory reviews, order intervals, and deliveries. Frequently monitoring the

inventory levels can provide updated information about inventory levels. This

assists the inventory controller to make the right decisions on inventory

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

replenishment, which in turn can reduce the cost and improve services

performance. However, frequently monitoring and make ordering if needed are

appropriate when the fluctuation of demand is high.

Meanwhile, Sezen (2005) suggested a guideline in monitoring and

ordering inventory. One important consideration is the cost of each review. Costs

related to the review process may include the cost of review personnel, ordering

and transportation costs. When the average inventories decrease, as the length

of the review period gets shorter. However, the total lost sales also increasing

sharply when longer review periods was applied. In terms of the safety stock

requirement, products having high variable demand may need shorter review

periods, and products with low fluctuating demand may require less frequent


As to Leonard (2018), by knowing what supplies are on hand at a given

time, the manager will be able to plan food orders, calculate food costs since the

previous inventory, and make menu item changes if needed. By keeping an eye

on inventory, it is possible to note potential problems with pilferage and waste. As

emphasized by Muller (2007), inventory management is about more than

counting what companies got, it is about understanding business realities and

making decisions that balance current demand with future needs-while keeping

overhead and operating costs to a minimum.

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Accordingly, Krautter (2009) recommended that companies follow the

steps to have an effective inventory management system: develop a

mathematical model which describes the behavior of inventory; design and adopt

an optimal inventory policy with respect to the firm’s mathematical model;

develop a computerized information processing system that will provide

information on the current inventory levels; use the current inventory levels

information to apply the optimal inventory policy to replenish existing inventory

levels. Summing up, as business owners, they have ultimate responsibility to

oversee the inventory and ensure orders placed appropriately and regular audits

performed, hire inventory supervisor and/or manager to monitor duties

Synthesis of the study

The foregoing concepts and related studies have provided the researchers

with significant insights on inventory management and helped enrich the

interpretation of the findings of the present study.

The reviewed conceptual and research literatures were found important

and provided rich overview of the constructs relevant to the present study.

Furthermore, the research literature presented discuss some previous studies,

related to the topic. The knowledge provided by this literature serve as a guide of

the researchers to arrive at accurate results.

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Conceptual Framework

The study was hinged upon a model on the variables such as the internal

and external factors affecting the inventory problems of the family-owned

restaurants. For clearer understanding of this study, the researchers’ conceptual

framework and conceptual paradigm show the variables.

As the definition explains, the internal inventory is the internal control

process or system that helps assure, reliability, compliance security and

efficiency, and this internal control is the set of checks and balance, critical to any

business especially as it becomes larger.

As to the external inventory, it affects the family owned restaurant

operation as imposed by the government or another organization, or a rule that

affect the restaurant business.

As they are handled by restaurant staff whose duty is the inventory

Management of the food business, the staff profiles such as the personal

qualities of the inventory personnel, especially the gender, age, marital status,

educational attainment and occupation are identified.

The arrow shows that the inventory personnel are the entrusted staff to

handle the general inventory management procedures and make and act upon

decisions on the internal and external factors affecting the inventory


Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management


Internal General Inventory External

Factors Management Procedure Factors


Inventory Concerns and Problems

Encountered by the Family Owned-
Restaurants in Lipa and Batangas City

Figure 1
Conceptual Framework

The conceptual paradigm presents the essence of this study. The first box

shows the respondents profile specifically gender, age, status and educational

attainment. On the other hand, the direction of the arrow shows that there is a

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

relationship between respondents’ profile and internal and external factors that

affect inventory management in the select restaurants. The dependent variables

are the factors affecting inventory management.

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management



This chapter describes and explains in full detail how the present study is

conducted. It presents the research design, the subject of the study the data

gathering procedure the data gathering instrument, and the statistical tools and

treatment of data.

Research Design

The method of research utilized in this study is the descriptive method.

The researchers used this method because it describes the present inventory

management process and or system based on the perception of the select

respondents from family owned restaurants in Lipa and Batangas City.

Descriptive studies are valuable in providing facts which could form basis of

scientific judgement. They also play large part in the development of instrument

that can help measures things, events, or phenomenon by interviews,

observation, schedules, checklists, score cards, and rating scale, test and


Subject of the study

A total of one hundred (100) inventory personnel respondents were

involved in this research. They were chosen using the random sampling

procedure based from the total population of the family-owned restaurants

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City
and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

enlisted in Batangas City and Lipa City, respectively. Their demographic profile

encompassed their gender, age, marital status, educational attainment, and


Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers studied and read several books, articles, and related

studies to collect data significant to the present study. Books and other reading

materials concerning inventory management in the restaurants had been

searched on school and local city libraries.

The data for this research were collected using the researcher-made

survey questionnaire. The survey was created using suitable questions modified

from related research and individual questions formed.

A request letter to conduct the study noted by the research adviser was

sent to concerned authorities and administrators to gain access to the data

needed in the conduct of the study. Given the approval, respondents sought for

the administrator of questionnaire. Thus, data were then tallied and were given

appropriate statistical treatment relative to the objective of the study.

Data Gathering Instrument

The researchers used primary and secondary sources of materials.

Whereas, they used a self- constructed survey questionnaire to serve as the

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

main instrument to gather data from the respondents. The questionnaire items

were taken from readings of theories and literature which serve as bases to

formulate the items. Different articles, journals and books were also consulted for

questionnaire construction. The draft of the questionnaire was presented to the

research adviser several times for further critiquing and refinement of the items.

This underwent through validation from research expert and research adviser.

The comments and suggestions regarding the content of the instrument were

considered. Relevant books, journals and thesis were reviewed to gain insight on

concept related to the study.

Statistical Tools and Treatment of Data

To describe and interpret the data objectively, the following statistical

measures were used.

To solve for the number of participants per city, the researchers used the

frequency count and percentage formula,



P= percentage distribution

f= frequency count

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

N= Total population

Frequency and Percentage. Frequency indicates the number of repeated

occurrence for a respondent. Percentage, on the other hand, displays the

percentage of observation or frequency count that exist for each data point or

grouping of data points, and it is used to determine the frequency count of the

responses of participants concerning their gender, age, marital status.

educational attainment and locality of the restaurant.

Weighted Mean. It refers to the arithmetic average of the overall response

of the participants. The weighted average of observed data is the result of

dividing the sum of the products of each observed value, the number of times it

occurs, and this other factor by the total number of observation. This statistical

treatment was used in this study to be able to determine the weighted average

and corresponding verbal interpretation of each specific response based on the

following Likert scale:

Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

4.50-5.49 Strongly Agree

3.50-4.49 Agree

2.50-3.49 Moderately Agree

1.50-2.49 Disagree

1.00-1.49 Strongly Disagree

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City
and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Analysis of variance or ANOVA. It is a statistical method used to test

difference between two or more weight means. This was used to resolve the

observed variance between sets of data to determine whether the difference

between two samples is explicable as random sampling variation with the same

underlying population. The formula used was correlation ranged in value from

+1.00. These will be the interpretation of range and to test the hypothesis

0= no correlation

0.0 to + 0.40 = slight correlation

1.0 +0.41 to + 0.70 = moderate correlation

2.0 +0.71 to + 0.99 = high correlation

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management



This chapter presents the results of the study to answer the problem

stated in the first part. The results are presented in tabular format with

interpretation and analysis to support the study.

1. Profile of Respondents

This part presents the first problem statement which shows the frequency

distribution of the demographic profile of respondents.

1.1 Gender. Table 1.1 presents the distribution of the demographic profile

respondents in terms of gender.

Table 1.1
Profile of Respondents in Terms of Gender

Gender Lipa City Batangas City

Freq. % Rank Freq. % Rank

Female 25 50 1.5 25 50 1.5

Male 25 50 1.5 25 50 1.5

Total 50 100 50 100

The table shows that there is an equal distribution of respondents as to the

managers or owners of restaurants in Lipa and Batangas City. The researchers

deem that having equal distribution of respondents will yield accurate results as

both genders are provided opportunity to evaluate their own inventory.

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Table 1.2
Profile of Respondents in Terms of Age

Lipa City Batangas City

Age Freq. % Rank Freq. % Rank

20 Below 1 2 5 4 8 4

21-30 19 38 1 22 44 1

31-40 10 20 3 16 32 2

41-50 13 26 2 6 12 3

51 Above 7 14 4 2 4 5

Total 50 100 50 100

It can be gleaned from the Table 1.2 that majority of the respondents belong

within the age bracket of 21-30 years old both from Batangas and Lipa City. This

receives the highest frequency of 22 or 38 percent in Batangas and 19 or 44

percent in Lipa.

On the other hand, 20 and below receives the least frequency in Lipa and 51

and above in Batangas City. The results reveal that both family owned

restaurants are managed by relatively young owners. The age also implies the

exact age of those who have graduated from university or college. It can be

concluded then that they have been prepared to take charge of the business.

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Table 1.3
Profile of Respondents in Terms of Marital Status

Lipa City Batangas City

Marital Freq. % Rank Freq. % Rank

Single 17 34 2 19 38 2

Married 33 66 1 31 62 1
Total 50 100 50 100

Table 1.3 shows the profile of the respondents with regard to civil status.

The result confirms most of the respondents in Lipa City are married having

received the frequency of 33. Likewise, the married respondents dominate in

Batangas City with frequency of 31 over 19 single owners. The shows that family

owned restaurants are managed by married ones. With the experience on the

responsibilities and handling expenses, married ones are deemed to make more

money when it comes to managing restaurants. This is confirmed by Stromberg

(2013) who stated that married people offer better rate of return in business.

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Table 1.4
Profile of Respondents in Terms of Educational Attainment

Educational Lipa City Batangas City

Attainment Freq. % Rank Freq. % Rank

Non-degree 12 24 3 18 36 2

Degree 17 34 2 21 42 1

Vocational 21 42 1 11 22 3
Total 50 100 50 100

It can be drawn from the table, 21 respondents with a percentage of 42

with vocational dominate in Lipa City. The same number of respondents

dominate in Batangas City, however, differs in educational attainment since the

latter finishes a degree program. The findings imply that family owned managers

have prior knowledge on managing a business. However, it must also be noted

that degree holders may have equipped themselves with skills concerning

inventory. Yet both educational degrees may often feature inventory

management courses, and students could learn about the technical aspects of

accurate record keeping, industry regulations and business communication.

Students are also provided with the training and skills necessary to oversee the

shipping, warehousing, transportation and other manufacturing-related

departments of a business as stressed by Baum (2015).

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Table 1.5
Profile of Respondents in Terms of Occupation

Occupation Lipa City Batangas City

Freq. % Rank Freq. % Rank

Supervisor 10 20 2 15 30 2

Manager 8 16 3 11 22 3

Others 32 64 1 24 48 1
Total 50 100 50 100

Table 1.4 shows that others receive the highest frequency of 32 in Lipa

City. These others are indicated as chef, inventory personnel and the stock man

or woman. On the other hand, the supervisor receives the highest frequency in

Batangas City obtaining 15. With the results in Lipa City, it implies that family

owned restaurants consider employing inventory personnel. This goes to say that

they find the importance and benefits of inventory management to the

restaurants’ operations. Same thing with Batangas City, majority of the

respondents are supervisors, thus they are informed of the processes of

business which includes inventory management.

The next table presents the concerns and problems encountered in

inventory management by family owned restaurants. The results are interpreted

by considering the highest and least indicator.

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Table 2.1
Concerns and Problems Encountered in Inventory Management
A. Concern and Problems Lipa City Batangas City
1. High operational cost 3.90 2 A 2.96 3 MA
2. Holding cost such as storage 3.48 8 MA 2.84 4 MA
and out of date
3. Insufficient supplies available 3.74 4 A 2.82 5 MA
or understock
4. Overstock supplies 3.56 6 A 2.80 6 MA
5. Stealing in small amount 3.86 3 A 2.54 9 MA
6. Fraud, dishonest dealings 3.52 7 A 2.66 8 MA
and tampering transpire on
7. Delayed delivery time 3.14 10 MA 3.00 2 MA
8. Personal concerns (ex. using 3.42 9 MA 2.76 7 MA
cellphone during work-time)
9. Maintenance of security 4.30 1 A 4.76 1 SA
services (CCTV, alarms)
10. Lack of training of the staff 3.62 5 A 2.42 10 MA

Composite Mean 3.65 A 2.96 MA

As drawn from the results, Table 2.1 reveals that the concerns and

problems receive a composite mean of 3.65 and verbal interpretation of Agree

and 2.96 and verbal interpretation of Moderately Agree in Lipa and Batangas

City, respectively. The respondents in Lipa City position the indicator,

maintenance of security services in the first rank with a weighted mean of 4.30

and verbal interpretation of Agree. Likewise, the same item receives the highest

mean of 4.76 and verbal interpretation of Strongly Agree for respondents in

Batangas City.

According to Hartman (2010) in today’s competitive marketplace,

businesses cannot afford to lose money anywhere within business operations.

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Hence, it is sad to note that the family owned restaurants fail to afford

maintenance security and alarms. On the other hand, the indicators that receive

the lowest weighted mean and verbal interpretation of Moderately Agree are

delayed delivery time and lack of training of staff obtaining 3.14 and 2.42 in Lipa

and Batangas City respondents, respectively.

This corroborates with the perspective of Sandeep (2007) who pointed

that inventory management can bring unwarranted losses if the restaurant

always has stock outs, lack of proper storeroom plans, receiving the wrong and

delayed goods from the suppliers, as well as, lack of proper documentation for

goods procured. The inventory staff needs to understand and apply the inventory

management techniques to ensure that the restaurant organizations gets value

for its money invested.

The table that follows presents the internal factors affecting the inventory

management of family owned restaurants.

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Table 2.2
Internal Factors Affecting the Inventory Management of the Selected
Restaurants in Batangas City and Lipa City

Internal Factors Lipa City Batangas City

1. Missing items affect the 4.32 10 A 4.24 9 A
smoothness and seamless
inventory management
2. Understanding the lead 4.56 3 SA 4.20 10 A
3 Inventory personnel 4.48 6 A 4.60 3.5 SA
trained properly of any
inventory process/system
4 Ensuring a reliable back 4.32 9.5 A 4.50 6.5 SA
up supplier to prevent
product shortages or delay
of orders
5 Keeping good records of 4.54 4 A 4.50 6.5 SA
how much supplies cost and
when supplies were
6. Planning the spending 4.38 8 A 4.60 3.5 SA
of each inventory
management task such as
item ordering
7 Ensuring that the foods 4.52 5 SA 4.58 5 SA
are accurately labeled
8 Reliable group of 4.40 7 A 4.36 8 A
suppliers 4.62 2 SA 4.62 2 SA
9 Maintaining stock levels
accordingly 4..64 1 SA 4.78 1 SA
10. Purchasing the right
item in the right quantity in
the inventory
Composite Mean 4.48 A 4.50 SA

Table 2.2 reveals that respondents agree on the internal factors affecting

the inventory management as supported by their composite mean of 4.48 and

4.50 verbally interpreted as Agree and Moderately Agree in Lipa and Batangas

City, respectively. Among the items, the respondents in Lipa City position the

indicator, purchasing the right item in the right quantity in the inventory receiving
Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City
and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

a weighted mean of 4.64. The same item is rated by the respondents in

Batangas as the foremost internal factor affecting inventory management

obtaining a weighted of 4.78.

The findings are in consonance with Coyle (2003) who stressed that the

actors involved in downstream distribution channels face a special challenge in

keeping inventory at reasonable levels due to the difficulty of forecasting demand

and expectations of customers about product availability. The challenge grows

even bigger when they think about the diversity of products in terms of their color

or design, package type, size and others. The aggregate demand needs to be

broken down by various specifications of the product into sub-total demand

forecast to guide the stock keeping units (SKUs) in the company to fulfill the final

customer’s order. But the sub-total demand forecasts could be diverse, reaching

dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of categories; in that case, they become

truly difficult, complex and time-consuming.

On the other hand, the items that obtain the lowest mean are missing

items affect the smoothness and seamless inventory management and

understanding the lead time. They receive 4.32 and 4.20 and verbal

interpretation of Agree in Lipa and Batangas City, respectively.

The results corroborate with Nagamembe’s (2010) recommendation that

inventory management need to be organized in logical way to facilitate the

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

organization knowledge of when to order and quantity to order. In economic

order, it enables the restaurant to plan their inventory replenishment on a timely

basis such as daily to weekly basis. It was found out that keeping moderate

inventory is good and it enables a food business to operate minimal expenses on


Table 2.3
External Factors Affecting the Inventory Management of the Selected
Restaurants in Batangas City and Lipa City
External Factors Lipa City Batangas City
1. Restaurants are subject to 4.54 2 SA 4.54 2 SA
government lawful tax dues for
taxpayers using an inventory
2 Changing the job market and 4.38 3 A 4.54 2 SA
wages can affect consumer’s
willingness and ability to buy or
order supplies
3. Lower amount of supply due 3.84 9 A 4.30 7 A
to weather data such as typhoon
and winter
4. Changes in oil and gas prices 3.68 10 A 4.28 8 A
(have heavy) impact on both
hard costs and consumer
5. Fluctuations in raw material 3.94 8.5 A 4.42 5 A
costs can reveal more than just a
potential price change in the
product being manufactured
6 Consumers purchasing power 4.24 4 A 4.36 6 A
in other goods and services
7. Government imposed laws or 4.68 1 SA 4.44 4 A
rules, such as the ordinance on
waste management/no-
plastic/DOH cleanliness program
8. Importing products from other 4.16 6 A 4.16 9 A
country to support the inventory
9. Getting personal loan to stock 4.02 7 A 4.04 10 A
enough inventory (borrowed

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

10. Continual increase in the 4.18 5 A 4.54 2 SA

price of goods and products.
Composite Mean 4.17 A 4.36 A

As revealed in Table 2.3 the external factors receive the composite mean

of 4.17 and 4.36 and verbal interpretation of Agree in Lipa and Batangas City,

respectively. Among the items, the indicator which is the government imposed

laws or rules, such as the ordinance on waste management/no-plastic/DOH

cleanliness program obtains the highest mean of 4.68 and verbal interpretation of

strongly agree for the respondents in Lipa. On the other hand, two items rated by

Batangas City respondents are placed in the same position which are restaurants

are subject to government lawful tax dues for taxpayers using an inventory

method and changing the job market and wages can affect consumer’s

willingness and ability to buy or order supplies with a weighted mean of 4.54.

With the unlawful taxes paid the family owned restaurants, it is imperative

then that they heed Frahm (2013) suggestion concerning inventory management.

Techniques and organizational performance need to be scrutinized so that the

food business organization does not utilize a huge chunk of its budget on holding

inventory. Therefore, the total cost model needs to be balanced by ensuring

purchase costs, ordering costs, and holding costs are minimal so that the firm

can reap good profits and maintains its budget all year round.

Table 2.4 that follows presents the general inventory procedure.

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Table 2.4
General Inventory Management Procedure

A. Procedures on General
Inventory Management Lipa City Batangas City
1.Classify and group its item 4.58 8.5 SA 4.48 10 A
which is consumable, perishable
and expendable
2. Classify supplies in the 4.86 4 SA 4.64 7 SA
shelves orderly
3 File records of orders and 4.90 2.5 SA 4.80 2.5 SA
4. Provide the current cost of 4.78 5 SA 4.76 4 SA
items purchased
5. Maintain records of back 4.90 2.5 SA 4.82 1 SA
ordered items
6 Pull out inventory items that 4.94 1 SA 4.70 6 SA
were purchased first (First In
First Out method)
7. Provide or supply inventory 4.60 6.5 SA 4.56 9 SA
records that maybe accounted
and audited
8. Manage the restaurant space 4.52 10 SA 4.74 5 SA
to combine family owned items
to avoid mix-up)
9. Provide regular checklist for 4.58 8.5 SA 4.80 3 SA
evaluating quality of stocked
10. Track purchasing in detail 4.60 6.5 SA 4.58 8 SA
and summary
Composite Mean 4.73 4.69 SA

With a composite mean of 4.73 and 4.69 for Lipa and Batangas City,

respectively, the respondents strongly agree on the indicated general inventory

management procedure. Among the items, the respondents in Lipa place the

indicator, pulling out inventory items that were purchased first (First In First Out

method) in the first rank having obtained a weighted mean of 4.94 and verbal

interpretation of strongly agree. On the other hand, the respondents in Batangas

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

City rank the indicator, maintaining records of back ordered items, first with a

weighted mean of 4.82.

The results address with Schenkel (2018) indicated as problem with

inventory. She cited that keeping track of the inventory can be further

complicated by poor employee behavior like sloppy prep waste, theft, and not

sticking to FIFO (first in, first out). Part of restaurant inventory management is

being familiar enough with what the standard inventory should look like that

managers can spot when things are wrong and get to the bottom of the problem

right away.

Further, Susan (2000) stressed that accuracy of inventory records is

necessary to provide satisfactory customer service, determine replenishment of

individual items; ensure that material availability meets repair or project demand,

analyze inventory levels and dispose of excess inventory. Stock records also

provide the management with the information which is used to ensure

accountability through stocktaking and stock audit exercise.

The table that follows reveals the significance difference of the responses

of the respondents in Lipa and Batangas City in terms of inventory management.

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Table 2.5

Significant Difference between Lipa City and Batangas City in terms of

Inventory Management in a Family Owned Restaurant

Factors F-value P- F-critical Decision Verbal

value Ho Interpretation

Concern and Problems 9.13 0.01 4.41 Reject Significant

Internal Factors 0.09 0.77 4.41 Accept Not Significant

External Factors 3.06 0.10 4.41 Accept Not Significant

Procedures on General 0.35 0.56 4.41 Accept Not Significant

Inventory Management

It can be gleaned from Table 2.5 that there is a significant difference on the

responses between the Lipa City and Batangas City respondents on the

concerns and problems encountered. This is evidenced by the F-value of 9.13

resulting the P-value of 0.01. The results imply that the respondents view the

challenges and problems differently. This may be due to the difference in their

educational attainment.

More so, the internal factors external factors as well as the general

procedures on inventory management are rejected, thus deemed to be not

significant. The internal factors are supported by the F-value of 0.09 resulting in

the P-value of 0.77, whereas, the external factors are evidenced by the F-value

of 3.06 obtaining the P- value of 0.10. On the other hand, the procedures on

general inventory management are shown to have the F-value of 0.35 resulting

the P-value of 0.56.

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City
and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management


This chapter discusses the conclusion and recommendations offered to

the present.


Based on the information, data and implications of data collected, the

respondents have come up with the following conclusions:

1. With the 100 respondents selected, gender is equally distributed. As for

the age, majority of the respondents belong within the age bracket of 21-

30 years old and married. In terms of educational attainment, majority of

the respondents from Lipa City have vocational with degree program for

Batangas City respondents. On the other hand, Lipa City respondents

have indicated others for occupation and supervisor for Batangas City


2. With regard to concerns and problems encountered in inventory

management, both respondents rank the maintenance of security services


3. As to internal factor affecting inventory management, purchasing the right

item in the right quantity in the inventory is the primary factor for both

respondents. As to external factors, respondents from Lipa City rated the

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

government imposed laws or rules, such as the ordinance on waste

management/no-plastic/DOH cleanliness program first. On the other hand,

two items rated by Batangas City respondents are placed in the same

position which are restaurants are subject to government lawful tax dues

for taxpayers using an inventory method and changing the job market and

wages can affect consumer’s willingness and ability to buy or order


4. In terms of general procedure on inventory management, respondents

from Lipa City deem that pulling out inventory items that were purchased

first (First In First Out method) the principal procedure, whereas,

respondents from Batangas City believe maintaining of records of back

ordered items chief procedure.

5. There is significant difference on the responses of respondents from Lipa

and Batangas in terms concerns and problems encountered in inventory



Based on the conclusions drawn from the study, the researchers

recommend the following:

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

1. Family owned restaurants must implement guidelines in the procedure

of their inventory management. As revealed in the previous tables, it

may be necessary for them to avail maintenance security system to

protect their business and operations.

2. Inventory personnel may be sent to trainings and workshops that

encourage and equip themselves with skills necessary to proper and

efficient inventory management.

3. The future researchers may explore other variables and propose an

action plan to strengthen their awareness and importance of managing


Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management


Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management


David J. Piasecki (2002) Inventory Management Explained: A Focus on

Forecasting Forecasting, Lot Sizing, Safety Stock and Ordering Systems

Antony Wild (2007) Best Practice in Inventory Management

Jon Schreibfeder (2011) Achieving Effective Inventory Management; Second

Edition Edition, New York. Ctd Inc.

John W. Toomey (1999) Inventory Management: Principles, Concepts and

Techni Techniques

Amar Sapra and J. A. Muckstadt (2001) Principles of Inventory Management:

When When You Are Down to Four, Order More

Geoff Relph (1998) Inventory Management: Advanced Methods For Managing

Inventory Inventory Within Business Systems

Haifeng Wang (2004) Inventory Management with Alternative Delivery Times

Darryl Landvater (2002) World Class Production and Inventory Management

Donald Fogarty (1998) Production Inventory Management; Plendx Books

Publishing Publishing

Ed C. Mercado (2000) Hands-On Inventory Management

John Christian Lang (2009) Production and Inventory Management with

Substitution Substitution

Paul Herbert Zipkin (2000) Foundation of Inventory Management; Third Edition,

P.W’s P.W’s Publications

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

David Granville (2007) Excellence in Inventory Management: How to Minimize

Costs Costs and Maximize Service; Second Edition, New York:
Schocken Schocken Books Publishing


Rietze (2004), Inventory Management Systems. Retrieve from

Wallin and Bucklin (2006), Inventory Management. Retrieve from
Katie Schenkel (2018), Upgrading Your Restaurant Inventory System
Linda Ray (2016), Internal and External that Affect Inventory Management
Jackson and Stent (2007), Factors Affecting Inventory Operations
Schenkel (2018), The Inventory Factor: What’s Affecting Your Inventory
Beamon (2007), Inventory Management Support Systems


Kotler (2009) Developing and Managing Inventory

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Max Muller (2007), Counting Inventory Management

Krautterv (2009), Effective Inventory Management System


Emmett (2008), Element of Inventory Management

Coyle, Bardi,and Langley(2003), Effective Inventory Flow Management in Supply



Jones and Riley (2001), Changes of Inventory Management the-changes-of- inventory- management

Power (2005), Developing Integrated Inventory Systems

https.www.inventory developing integrated inventory study


Cagliano (2011), Adoption of Inventory Management Systems

https:// adoption-of-inventory- management-

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City
and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management


Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Appendix A

Validation Letter


November 16, 2018

Ms. Sharmaine Brillo


Dear Ms. Brillo

Warm Greetings!

We are the Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management student of

Westmead International School. We are currently undertaking a research entitled

“Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-owned Restaurant in

Batangas City and Lipa City”

In relation to this, we are respectfully seeking your help for the validation of our

questionnaire. Your positive response would be highly appreciated

Respectfully yours,

Kristine Monica M. Torres

Maricris H. Plata
Mary Joy G. Lontoc

Prof, Armela Mercado

Thesis Adviser

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management



Westmead International School

College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Dear Sir/Ma’am

We are fourth year Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant

Management students, currently conducting a research study entitled “Inventory

Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Lipa City and Batangas City’’

In this regard, we would like to request a little of your time to answer the

questions which will be used for academic purposes only.

Thank you very much.

Respectfully yours,

Kristine Monica M. Torres

Maricris H. Plata

Mary Joy G. Lontoc


Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Part I: Demographic Profile

Personal Data of the Respondents

Fill in the blanks

Name: (optional)
1.1 Gender: ( ) Male ( ) Female

1.2 Age:
( ) 20-Below ( ) 21-30 ( ) 31-40
( ) 41-50 ( ) 51-Above

1.3 Marital Status: ( ) Single ( ) Married

1.4 Educational Attainment:

( ) Non- degree ( ) Degree ( ) Vocational

1.5 Occupation:
( ) Supervisor ( ) Manager ( ) other

Part II: Concerns and Problem encountered by family- owned restaurants in

terms of inventory management.
Kindly use the scale below for your answer, where,
(5) Strongly Agree (2) Disagree
(4) Agree (1) Strongly Disagree
(3) Moderately Agree

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

By using the criteria above please check (√) your answer.

2.1 Concerns and Problems
(Encountered by family- owned restaurants in 5 4 3 2 1
terms of inventory management)

1 High operational cost

2 Holding cost such as storage and out of date
3 Insufficient supplies available or understock
4 Overstock supplies
5 Stealing in small amount quantities
6 Fraud, dishonest dealings and tampering transpire
on vendors
7 Delayed delivery time
8 Personal concerns (ex. using cellphone during
9 Maintenance of security services (CCTV, alarms)
10 Lack of training of the staff

Part III: Instruction. Rate yourself of how the internal and external factors are
affecting the inventory problems of the family-owned restaurants. Please refer to
the scale for the criteria:
(5) Strongly Agree (2) Disagree
(4) Agree (1) Strongly Disagree
(3) Moderately Agree

Direction: Please place a check mark (√) on your choice of answer.

A. Internal Factors
(It is the inside process that can 5 4 3 2 1
influence the restaurants to their
inventory management)

1 Missing items affect the smoothness and

seamless inventory management

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

2 Understanding the lead time

3 Inventory personnel trained properly of any
inventory process/system chosen
4 Ensuring that you have a reliable back up
supplier to prevent product shortages or delay of
5 Keeping good records of how much supplies
cost and when supplies were purchased
6 Planning the spending of each inventory
management task such as item ordering,
7 Ensuring that the food are accurately labeled
8 Reliable group of supplier
9 Maintaining stock levels accordingly

10 Purchasing the right item in the right quantity in

your inventory

B. External Factors (Measures that affect the

inventory operation that are imposed by the 5 4 3 2 1
government or another organization. It is a rule
that affects the company and involves taxes as
1 Restaurants is subject to government lawful
tax dues for a taxpayers using an inventory
2 Changing the job market and wages can affect
consumer’s willingness and ability to buy or
order supplies
3 Lower amount of supply due to weather data
such as typhoon and winter
4 Changes in oil and gas prices( have heavy)
impact on both hard costs and consumer
5 Fluctuations in raw material costs can reveal
more than just a potential price change in the
product being manufactured
s6 Consumers purchasing power in other goods
and services
7 Government imposed laws or rules, such as
the ordinance on waste management/no-

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

plastic/DOH cleanliness program

8 Importing products from other country in order
to support the inventory supplies
9 Getting personal loan to stock enough
inventory (borrowed money)
10 Continual increase in the price of goods and
products. (Inflation)

Part IV: Instruction: Rate the family-owned restaurant general inventory

management procedure as to the following criteria, where,
(5) Strongly Agree (2) Disagree
(4) Agree (1) Strongly Disagree
(3) Moderately Agree

Direction: Please put a checkmark (√) on your chosen answer.

4.1 Procedure in general inventory

(A decision to do a simulation usually results 5 4 3 2 1
from a perception that simulation can help
resolve one or more issues associated with the
inventory management)
1 Classify and group its item which is consumable,
perishable and expendable
2 Classify supplies in the shelves orderly

3 File record of orders and receipts

4 Provide the current cost of items purchased

5 Maintain records of back ordered items
6 Pull out inventory items that were purchased
first ( First In First Out method)
7 Provide or supply inventory records that maybe
accounted and audited
8 Manage the restaurant space to combine family
owned items in order to avoid mix-up
9 Provide regular checklist for evaluating quality of
stocked items
10 Track purchasing in detail and summary

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management



Westmead International School

College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Dear Sir/Ma’am

We are fourth year Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant

Management students, currently conducting a research study entitled “Inventory

Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Lipa City and Batangas City’’

In this regard, we would like to request a little of your time to answer the

questions which will be used for academic purposes only.

Thank you very much.

Respectfully yours,

Kristine Monica M. Torres

Maricris H. Plata

Mary Joy G. Lontoc


Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Table 1.3
Profile of Respondents in Terms of Marital Status
Lipa City Batangas City

Marital Status Freq. % Rank Freq. % Rank

Single 17 34 2 19 38 2

Married 33 66 1 31 62 1

Total 50 100 50 100

Table 1.4
Profile of Respondents in Terms of Educational Attainment
Educational Lipa City Batangas City
Freq. % Rank Freq. % Rank

Non-degree 12 24 3 18 36 2

Degree 17 34 2 21 42 1

Vocational 21 42 1 11 22 3

Total 50 100 50 100

Table 1.5
Profile of Respondents in Terms of Occupation
Occupation Lipa City Batangas City

Freq. % Rank Freq. % Rank

Supervisor 10 20 2 15 30 2

Manager 8 16 3 11 22 3

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Others 32 64 1 24 48 1

Total 50 100 50 100

Table 2.1
Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurant in Lipa City and
Batangas City In Terms of Concern and Problems
A. Concern and Problems Lipa City Batangas City
1. High operational cost 3.90 2 A 2.96 3 MA
2. Holding cost such as storage 3.48 8 MA 2.84 4 MA
and out of date
3. Insufficient supplies available 3.74 4 A 2.82 5 MA
or understock
4. Overstock supplies 3.56 6 A 2.80 6 MA
5. Stealing in small amount 3.86 3 A 2.54 9 MA
6. Fraud, dishonest dealings 3.52 7 A 2.66 8 MA
and tampering transpire on
7. Delayed delivery time 3.14 10 MA 3.00 2 MA
8. Personal concerns (ex. using 3.42 9 MA 2.76 7 MA
cellphone during work-time)
9. Maintenance of security 4.30 1 A 4.76 1 SA
services (CCTV, alarms)
10. Lack of training of the staff 3.62 5 A 2.42 10 MA

Composite Mean 3.65 A 2.96 MA

Table 2.2
Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurant in Lipa City and
Batangas City In Terms of Internal Factors
Internal Factors Lipa City Batangas City
1. Missing items affect the 4.32 10 A 4.24 9 A
smoothness and seamless
inventory management
2. Understanding the lead 4.56 3 SA 4.20 10 A
3 Inventory personnel 4.48 6 A 4.60 3.5 SA
trained properly of any
inventory process/system
4 Ensuring that you have a 4.32 9.5 A 4.50 6.5 SA

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

reliable back up supplier to

prevent product shortages
or delay of orders
5 Keeping good records of 4.54 4 A 4.50 6.5 SA
how much supplies cost and
when supplies were
6. Planning the spending 4.38 8 A 4.60 3.5 SA
of each inventory
management task such as
item ordering
7 Ensuring that the food are 4.52 5 SA 4.58 5 SA
accurately labeled
8 Reliable group of supplier 4.40 7 A 4.36 8 A
9 Maintaining stock levels 4.62 2 SA 4.62 2 SA
10. Purchasing the right 4..64 1 SA 4.78 1 SA
item in the right quantity in
your inventory

Composite Mean 4.48 A 4.50 SA

Table 2.3
Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurant in Lipa City and
Batangas City In Terms of External Factors
External Factors Lipa City Batangas City


1. Restaurants is subject to 4.54 2 SA 4.54 2 SA

government lawful tax dues for
a taxpayers using an inventory

2 Changing the job market

and wages can affect 4.38 3 A 4.54 2 SA
consumer’s willingness and
ability to buy or order supplies

3 Lower amount of supply due

to weather data such as
3.84 9 A 4.30 7 A
typhoon and winter

4 Changes in oil and gas

prices (have heavy) impact on 3.68 10 A 4.28 8 A
both hard costs and consumer

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management


5 Fluctuations in raw material

costs can reveal more than
just a potential price change in 3.94 8.5 A 4.42 5 A
the product being

6 Consumers purchasing
power in other goods and
services 4.24 4 A 4.36 6 A

7 Government imposed laws

or rules, such as the
4.68 1 SA 4.44 4 A
ordinance on waste
cleanliness program

8 Importing products from

other country in order to 4.16 6 A 4.16 9 A
support the inventory supplies

9 Getting personal loan to

stock enough inventory 4.02 7 A 4.04 10 A
(borrowed money)

10 Continual increase in the

price of goods and products. 4.18 5 A 4.54 2 SA

Composite Mean 4.17 A 4.36 A

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Table 2.4
Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurant in Lipa City and
Batangas City In Terms of Procedures on General Inventory
A. Procedures on Lipa City Batangas City
General Inventory


1.Classify and group its 4.58 8.5 SA 4.48 10 A

item which is consumable,
perishable and expendable

2. Classify supplies in the 4.86 4 SA 4.64 7 SA

shelves orderly

3 File record of orders and

receipts 4.90 2.5 SA 4.80 2.5 SA

4. Provide the current

cost of items purchased
4.78 5 SA 4.76 4 SA
5. Maintain records of
back ordered items 4.90 2.5 SA 4.82 1 SA

6 Pull out inventory items

that were purchased first
4.94 1 SA 4.70 6 SA
(First In First Out method)

7. Provide or supply
inventory records that 4.60 6.5 SA 4.56 9 SA
maybe accounted and

8. Manage the restaurant

space to combine family
owned items in order to 4.52 10 SA 4.74 5 SA
avoid mix-up )

9. Provide regular
checklist for evaluating 4.58 8.5 SA 4.80 3 SA
quality of stocked items

10. Track purchasing in

detail and summary 4.60 6.5 SA 4.58 8 SA

Composite Mean 4.73 4.69 SA

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management



109 Bigain South, San Jose, Batangas
[email protected]

EDUCATION Westmead International School

Alangilan Batangas City
BS Hotel and Restaurant Management

Bigain National High School

Bigain South, San Jose, Batangas

INTERSHIP The Ascott Residences

TRAINING Makati City
August-October 2018


ACTIVITIES Food and Beverages Service
February 2018
Platinum, Ibaan, Batangas

Hotel Immersion Acacia Hotel
February, 2016
Alabang, Muntinglupa, 1781 Metro Manila

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

7th Annual Hospitality Tourism Forum 2017

“Raising the Bar for Customer Satisfaction”
February 10, 2017
Epic Event Center, Balagtas, Batangas City

Batangas Food Exposition 2017

“How To Handle Guest Complaints”
November 15, 2017
De La Salle Lipa, Lipa City

8th Annual Tourism & Hospitality Forum

“Developing Interpersonal Skills for Airlines and
Cruise Success”
March, 2018
Epic Event Center, Balagtas, Batangas City

Batangas Food Exposition 2018

“Guest Relation: Defining Superior Guest
November 9, 2018
De La Salle Lipa, Lipa City

CITHM Powered Seminar

“Hospitality Buffet: Catering the Needs for
Knowledge and Competence for Future
Industry Professionals”
December 5, 2018
LPU, Capitol Site, Batangas City

Age : 21
Birth Date : May 21, 1997
Place of Birth : Manila
Status : Single
Weight : 56kg
Height : 5’ 6ft.
Language : Filipino, English

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

SKILLS : Computer Literate (MS Word, MS PowerPoint,

: Ability to adapt difficult situations
: Good Communication Skills
: Organizing and Leading

: Able to work effectively and efficiently.
: Individual and a team player.
: Excellent adaptability and
flexibility to social situation.
: Works with less supervision


Ms. Armela Mercado

Program Chair of Tourism Management
Westmead International School
College Department

Ms. Sherly Manalo

Program Chair of Hotel and Restaurant Management
Westmead International School
College Department

Mr. Hyman Jay Blanco

Supreme Student Council Adviser
Westmead International School
College Department

I hereby certify that the foregoing answers are true and correct to the best
of my knowledge belief and ability.

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Kristine Monica M. Torres


Bucal Batangas City
[email protected]

EDUCATION Westmead International School

Alangilan Batangas City
BS Hotel and Restaurant Management

Batangas National High School

Batangas City

INTERSHIP Accacia Hotel Manila

TRAINING Filinvest, Alabang City
August-October 2018


ACTIVITIES Food and Beverages Service
February 2018
Platinum, Ibaan, Batangas

Hotel Immersion Acacia Hotel
February, 2016
Alabang, Muntinglupa, 1781 Metro Manila

7th Annual Hospitality Tourism Forum 2017

“Raising the Bar for Customer Satisfaction”
February 10, 2017
Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City
and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Table 2.4
Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurant in Lipa City and
Batangas City In Terms of Procedures on General Inventory
A. Procedures on Lipa City Batangas City
General Inventory


1.Classify and group its 4.58 8.5 SA 4.48 10 A

item which is consumable,
perishable and expendable

2. Classify supplies in the 4.86 4 SA 4.64 7 SA

shelves orderly

3 File record of orders and

receipts 4.90 2.5 SA 4.80 2.5 SA

4. Provide the current

cost of items purchased
4.78 5 SA 4.76 4 SA
5. Maintain records of
back ordered items 4.90 2.5 SA 4.82 1 SA

6 Pull out inventory items

that were purchased first
4.94 1 SA 4.70 6 SA
(First In First Out method)

7. Provide or supply
inventory records that 4.60 6.5 SA 4.56 9 SA
maybe accounted and

8. Manage the restaurant

space to combine family
owned items in order to 4.52 10 SA 4.74 5 SA
avoid mix-up )

9. Provide regular
checklist for evaluating 4.58 8.5 SA 4.80 3 SA
quality of stocked items

10. Track purchasing in

detail and summary 4.60 6.5 SA 4.58 8 SA

Composite Mean 4.73 4.69 SA

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management



109 Bigain South, San Jose, Batangas
[email protected]

EDUCATION Westmead International School

Alangilan Batangas City
BS Hotel and Restaurant Management

Bigain National High School

Bigain South, San Jose, Batangas

INTERSHIP The Ascott Residences

TRAINING Makati City
August-October 2018


ACTIVITIES Food and Beverages Service
February 2018
Platinum, Ibaan, Batangas

Hotel Immersion Acacia Hotel
February, 2016
Alabang, Muntinglupa, 1781 Metro Manila

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Maricris H. Plata

Appendix E
Mary Joy G. Lontoc
Sto Nino Taysan Batangas
[email protected]

EDUCATION Westmead International School

Alangilan Batangas City
BS Hotel and Restaurant Management

Dagatan National High School

Dagatan, Taysan Batangas

INTERSHIP Somerset Millennium Makati

TRAINING Makati City
August-October 2018


ACTIVITIES Food and Beverages Service
February 2018
Platinum, Ibaan, Batangas

Hotel Immersion Acacia Hotel
February, 2016
Alabang, Muntinglupa, 1781 Metro Manila

7th Annual Hospitality Tourism Forum 2017

“Raising the Bar for Customer Satisfaction”
February 10, 2017
Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City
and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Epic Event Center, Balagtas, Batangas City

Batangas Food Exposition 2017

“How To Handle Guest Complaints”
November 15, 2017
De La Salle Lipa, Lipa City

8th Annual Tourism & Hospitality Forum

“Developing Interpersonal Skills for Airlines and
Cruise Success”
March, 2018
Epic Event Center, Balagtas, Batangas City

Batangas Food Exposition 2018

“Guest Relation: Defining Superior Guest
November 9, 2018
De La Salle Lipa, Lipa City

CITHM Powered Seminar

“Hospitality Buffet: Catering the Needs for
Knowledge and Competence for Future
Industry Professionals”
December 5, 2018
LPU, Capitol Site, Batangas City

Age : 20
Birth Date : August, 02 1998
Place of Birth : Sto Nino Taysan Batangas
Status : Single
Weight : 45kg
Height : 5’ 4 ft.
Language : Filipino, English

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

SKILLS : Computer Literate (MS Word, MS PowerPoint,

: Ability to adapt difficult situations
: Good Communication Skills
: Organizing and Leading

: Able to work effectively and efficiently.
: Individual and a team player.
: Excellent adaptability and
flexibility to social situation.
: Works with less supervision


Ms. Armela Mercado

Program Chair of Tourism Management
Westmead International School
College Department

Ms. Sherly Manalo

Program Chair of Hotel and Restaurant Management
Westmead International School
College Department

Mr. Hyman Jay Blanco

Supreme Student Council Adviser
Westmead International School
College Department

I hereby certify that the foregoing answers are true and correct to the best
of my knowledge belief and ability.

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City
Westmead International School
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Mary Joy G. Lontoc

Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Family-Owned Restaurants in Batangas City

and Lipa City

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