The Outsiders Part II (HL) : Language Acquistion Department English B - Summative 11Th Grade

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The Outsiders Part II (HL)

By: Chris Gault

“It seemed funny to me that the sunset she saw from her patio and the one I saw from the back steps was the same one.
Maybe the two different worlds we lived in weren't so different. We saw the same sunset.” -S.E. Hinton from The

Introduction: You have recently read, “Why I Want a Wife” (1971) and are being asked to consider another unjust
treatment that occurred in history. This reading’s purpose was to highlight the many responsibilities that women had at
that time in society. What can we learn about American society at that time from this article? How much have things
changed in (American) society since then? Was the format effective in persuading the audience?

Instructions: For the next activity, I would like for you to consider how minorities/the oppressed have faced difficulties
in English-speaking countries at other times. This can include difficulties related to ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation,
religion, or disability. This will be included in a blog, in which you are discussing your frustrations with the world. You
should first explain the difficulties faced by minorities with a source included. Afterwards, you should connect this to
what it represents for the English-speaking society that they are part of. Finally, you can conclude by discussing how
conditions improved or can still improve. This will be sent to many followers, so you will need to be especially careful
with the language that you use to avoid blowback from your sponsors and fans. Please remember that this should be
hand-written, with the exception of the APA source(s) mentioned. Good luck!

Note: Please consider the work that we did in 10th grade for the Outsiders to give you some ideas.

Example for articles

Race and Gun Control
Religious choice for Businesses vs. Customers (Transgender)
Barbados (black) impacted by British rule
Critical Race Theory in the US
British-Chinese during Covid
Rugby and Racism in South Africa
Criterion A: Language (RECEPTIVE)
Students should…
Use a minimum of 3 idioms within their work and have these highlighted.
Demonstrate their understanding through delicate vocabulary, and language related to injustice and the
Write 400-600 words on the topic
How successfully does the candidate command written language?
• To what extent is the vocabulary appropriate and varied?
• To what extent are the grammatical structures varied?
• To what extent does the accuracy of the language contribute to effective communication?
Marks Level descriptor
0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
Command of the language is limited.
Vocabulary is sometimes appropriate to the task.
Some basic grammatical structures are used, with some attempts to use more complex
Language contains errors in both basic and more complex structures. Errors interfere with
Command of the language is partially effective.
Vocabulary is generally appropriate to the task and varied.
4–6 A variety of basic and some more complex grammatical structures is used.
Language is mostly accurate for basic structures, but errors occur in more complex
structures. Errors at times interfere with communication.
Command of the language is effective and mostly accurate.
Vocabulary is appropriate to the task, and varied, including the use of idiomatic
A variety of basic and more complex grammatical structures is used effectively.
Language is mostly accurate. Occasional errors in basic and in complex grammatical structures
do not interfere with communication.
Command of the language is mostly accurate and very effective.
Vocabulary is appropriate to the task, and nuanced and varied in a manner that enhances the
message, including the purposeful use of idiomatic expressions.
9–10 A variety of basic and more complex grammatical structures is used selectively in order to
enhance communication.
Language is mostly accurate. Minor errors in more complex grammatical structures do not
interfere with communication.
Criterion B: Message (PRODUCTIVE)
Students should…
Ensure that they highlight their understanding with examples and details which support their overall
ideas from an accurate/reliable source. (No blogs, wiki, or forums)
Utilize examples from an English-speaking country which demonstrates difficulties for a specific
To what extent does the candidate fulfill the task?
• How relevant are the ideas to the task?
• To what extent are ideas developed?
• To what extent do the clarity and organization of ideas contribute to the successful delivery of the
Marks Level descriptor
0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
The task is partially fulfilled.
Few ideas are relevant to the task.
1–3 Ideas are stated, but with no development.
Ideas are not clearly presented and do not follow a logical structure, making the message
difficult to determine.
The task is generally fulfilled.
Some ideas are relevant to the task.
4–6 Ideas are outlined, but are not fully developed.
Ideas are generally clearly presented and the response is generally structured in a logical
manner, leading to a mostly successful delivery of the message.
The task is fulfilled.
Most ideas are relevant to the task.
7–9 Ideas are developed well, with some detail and examples.
Ideas are clearly presented and the response is structured in a logical manner, supporting the
delivery of the message.
The task is fulfilled effectively.
Ideas are relevant to the task.
10–12 Ideas are fully developed, providing details and relevant examples.
Ideas are clearly presented and the response is structured in a logical and coherent
manner that supports the delivery of the message.

Criterion C: Conceptual understanding (PRODUCTIVE)

Students should…
Display their knowledge of the Blog format with 3 of the following included: Tip, personal experience,
voice, PEEL paragraph.
Cohesively explain their ideas for the audience following three stages outlined: identity, example, explain.
Follow APA format expectations with source provided.
To what extent does the candidate demonstrate conceptual understanding?
• To what extent is the choice of text type appropriate to the task?
• To what extent are register and tone appropriate to the context, purpose and audience of the task?
• To what extent does the response incorporate the conventions of the chosen text type?
Marks Level descriptor
0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
Conceptual understanding is limited.
The choice of text type is generally inappropriate to the context, purpose or audience.
The register and tone are inappropriate to the context, purpose and audience of the task.
The response incorporates limited recognizable conventions of the chosen text type.
Conceptual understanding is mostly demonstrated.
The choice of text type is generally appropriate to the context, purpose and audience.
4–6 The register and tone, while occasionally appropriate to the context, purpose and
audience of the task, fluctuate throughout the response.
The response incorporates some conventions of the chosen text type.
Conceptual understanding is fully demonstrated.
The choice of text type is appropriate to the context, purpose and audience.
The register and tone are appropriate to the context, purpose and audience of the task.
The response fully incorporates the conventions of the chosen text type.

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