DVR Shell Gadus s3 Ipm

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shell lubricants Construction

IPM ConstruCtIon reduCe

fallos en los
rodaMIentos CaMbIando
a shell gadus s3 V220C 3
total ahorro anual


IPM Construction company in the Philippines wanted to

CoMPany: IPM Construction upgrade the grease it was using for the wheel bearings
of its dumper trucks, as it was experiencing premature
Country: Philippines
degradation of the grease. the grease was leaking from the
aPPlICatIon: Wheel bearings
bearings just two weeks after greasing, which was causing
saVIng: US$63,150 total reported bearing failure.
annual customer saving
Shell technical experts recommended that the company change its wheel-
Key edge: Shell Gadus S3 V220C 3,
bearing lubricant to Shell Gadus S3 V220C 3* and take advantage of the
Shell LubeCoach
Shell LubeCoach lubrication training programme. Shell and the customer
carried out trials on the new lubricant for more than six months, during which
time the mechanics and drivers reported that Shell Gadus S3 V220C 3
performed well. There were no further grease leaks and fewer wheel-bearing

Since upgrading to Shell Gadus S3 V220C 3, IPM Construction has fewer

breakdowns, downtime due to greasing has been reduced by around 92%,
the greasing interval has been extended and parts replacement is significantly
less frequent. As a result, the company has reported annual savings of


*Shell Gadus S3 V220C 3 is the new name for the Shell lubricant formerly known as Shell Retinax LX3
1 Challenge 2 solutIon 3 outCoMe

IPM Construction company in the Shell technical experts recommended that Since upgrading to Shell Gadus S3
Philippines was experiencing premature the company upgrade its wheel-bearing V220C 3, the company has fewer
degradation of the grease in its dumper lubricant to Shell Gadus S3 V220C 3 and breakdowns, downtime due to greasing
truck wheel bearings. The grease take advantage of the Shell LubeCoach has been reduced by around 92%, the
was leaking from the bearings just lubrication training programme. greasing interval has been extended and
two weeks after greasing, which was parts replacement is significantly less
causing bearing failure. frequent.

Through fewer breakdowns, less downtime and an extended greasing interval,
the company has reported an annual saving of US$63,1501.

The savings indicated are specific to the calculation date and mentioned site. These calculations may vary from site to site
and from time to time, depending, for example, on the application, the operating conditions, the current products being used,
the condition of the equipment and the maintenance practices.

shell gadus s3 V220C 3 Product classification and specifications

Shell Gadus S3 V220C 3 meets ASTM D4950-07 GC-LB.
Shell Gadus S3 V220C 3 is a premium, extreme- Complementary products
pressure multipurpose grease based on a high-
equipment lubricants
viscosity-index mineral oil and a lithium complex
soap thickener. It contains the latest additives to Diesel engine oils Shell Rimula
offer excellent high-temperature anti-oxidation
Hydraulic oils Shell Tellus
performance and to enhance its anti-wear and anti-
corrosion properties. Transmission and gear oils Shell Spirax

Shell Gadus S3 V220C 3 is especially suitable for bearings operating at
high temperatures and under load.

Performance features and benefits

Excellent mechanical stability under vibrating conditions. The grease’s
consistency is retained over long periods, even in conditions of severe
Enhanced extreme-pressure properties. Shell Gadus S3 V220C 3 has
excellent load-carrying performance.
Good water resistance. Shell Gadus S3 V220C 3 helps to ensure
lasting protection, even in the presence of large volumes of water.
High dropping point
Long operational life at high temperatures
Effective corrosion protection. Shell Gadus S3 V220C 3 helps to
prevent corrosion of bearings or other components.

Hugh es y Cía.
Christian ll
cantes She
ib u id o r O ficial Lubri
e n tr a n o s en www.c
Encu “Shell Lubricants” refers to the various Shell companies engaged in the lubricants business.
297 0331
Telf. (032) 1/11

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