Design & Technology / Design & Technology (Alt. Syll.) : Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination 2010

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Design & Technology / Design & Technology (Alt. Syll.)

General Procedure for the Assessment of Design Project

A. 19.2.2010 Candidates should stop working on their projects by this date and complete the “Assessment
Sheet – Part 1”. (Information Sheet for Techniques and Processes)

B. 22.2.2010 − Internal Assessment

(1) Candidates' projects should be marked by their own subject teacher during this period.
8.3.2010 (2) The marks awarded by the subject teacher should be entered and submitted through the
School-based Assessment System ( Please refer to user
manuals (Panel / Teacher) for the functions and procedures. To ensure the accuracy of
the marks, teacher should conduct counter checks of marks to be submitted to the

Moreover, schools should fill out the “Survey on Choice of Projects” and fax back to the
School Examinations and Assessment Division, HKEAA on or before the date specified
(Fax number: 3628 8990).

C. 15.3.2010 − External Assessment by Project Moderator

(1) Candidates' projects and the relevant documents should be labelled with candidates’
numbers only.

(2) The school subject teacher concerned is requested to keep all the projects in a safe place
for subsequent moderation purposes.

(3) On the day of the assessment, candidates' projects, together with their respective file
folder and “Assessment Sheet – Part 1” (duly completed), should be laid out in
numerical order of candidate numbers, preferably on tables or desks in the school.

(4) A moderator of the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority will visit the
school and inspect the projects, with a view to equating standard and, if necessary, carry
out adjustments to the internal assessed marks. After the moderation, the school can
return the projects to the candidates at the beginning of June.

(5) After the entire external moderation, the moderator should return the “Assessment
Sheet – Part 3” (duly completed) under confidential cover, to the General Manager,
School Examinations & Assessment Division of the Hong Kong Examinations and
Assessment Authority at Southorn Centre, 12/F, 130 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong

Note: In case of enquiries, please contact Dr. Eric Fung, Manager – Assessment Development (Technology)1 of the Hong
Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority at Tel. No. 3628 8006.

With effect from the 2009 exam, the word “UNCLASSIFIED” will be printed in the SBA component (i.e. Design
Project) on the result notices for candidates who fail to submit project for assessment. This change will not affect the
overall subject grade of the candidates.

If such candidates do not sit any of the written papers, they will be regarded as absent from the subject, irrespective of
whether their design project or SBA scores have been submitted to the Authority before the examination. In such
cases, the word “ABSENT” will be printed against the subject on the result notices and the subject will not be listed on
the certificates.

Design Project for

Design & Technology / Design & Technology (Alternative Syllabus)

Programme for Assessment

1. The practical work of the students will be continuously assessed during the period from the commencement of the
practical work to the time of the final assessment and grading of the projects. Candidates should aim to complete
their projects by 19 February 2010.

2. Final assessment and grading of projects will be completed by end of May 2010. Teachers concerned could
return the projects to the candidates at the beginning of June 2010.

Note: No project is to be taken away from the school premises before the completion of the assessment exercise.

Materials for Assessment

It should be noted that each piece of work submitted for assessment should be accompanied by a design folder
containing the following information:

1. Preliminary sketches of the selected article with rough overall sizes and notes of the main problems requiring
solutions and the proposed solutions.

e.g. materials considered and the final choice of material with reasons,
methods available for joining pieces and final choice with reasons,
final surface finish to be applied, etc.

2. Fully dimension working drawings including, if necessary, an assembly drawing and a materials cutting list.

3. Notes on any modifications to (1) and (2) which may have been made during construction.

Note: 1. The design folder may consist of sheets of paper stapled together to form a simple folder.

2. On no account should the name of the candidates appear on the design folder. In all cases,
candidates’ HKID numbers should be used.

DT−Teacher Guideline

Design & Technology

Design & Technology (Alternative Syllabus)

Guidelines to Teachers

1. Candidates should choose one project from the project list issued by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment
Authority, in July, 2009.

2. Each project submitted by the candidates for assessment should include:

(a) Identification and Analysis of the Problem

Candidates should demonstrate understanding of the selected problem by showing an awareness of the
factors upon which a solution will depend and list the attributes required and constraints encountered.

(b) Specification

Following an initial analysis of the problem, candidates should write out a list of specifications for their
selected project.

(c) Research and Investigation

This should consist of the collection of data, cuttings (magazine, newspaper, brochures, etc.), photographs,
models, testing, etc. Consideration should also be given to the availability of resources, techniques and

(d) Development and Planning of Ideas

This is the combination of the results of (a), (b) and (c) to generate a range of initial ideas and possible
solutions to the problem. The various design solutions should be in sketches with notes and/or mock

(e) Final Solution

(f) Evaluation

This should show the extent to which the solution has met the specifications at the final stage of testing an
artifact. Faults in the designs should be identified and ways of improving the designs should be stated.

(g) Range of Communication Skills

The skills should be sufficient to initiate and develop ideas and convey them to others. These should
consist of the writing of a factual and accurate report, the use of formal instrument drawings and other
relevant techniques. (e.g. freehand sketching, tabulating, charting, scaling, etc.)

3. The above information should be collated in a Design Folder. Of course, the mock-up * should be kept separately
and may be submitted as part of the assessment.

4. Notes on any modifications of the practical work being done should be recorded in the Design Folder throughout
the year.

* Mock-up — Rough scaled model of the final solution or part of the proposed solution.

DT−Teacher Guideline
5. The Design Folder

(a) The design folder is a collection of notes, research data, initial ideas/sketches, notes on any modifications,
working drawings, assembly drawings, details, etc.

(b) Notes, sketches, research data, etc. can be written on ordinary typing paper or paper of a similar nature,
and the working drawings and assembly should be done on cartridge paper.

(c) A4 size is recommended for the Design Folder for Design & Technology (Wood/Metal) and A3 size for
Design & Technology (Alternative Syllabus).

(d) The cover of the Design Folder should be made of heavy-duty brown paper which can stand wear and tear
in the workshop situation.

(e) On every cover of the Design Folder, the following should be clearly written:

Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination

Design Project — 2010
Design and Technology

Class No. All in light pencil to be erased when submitted for assessment.

6. These folders must always be readily available.

7. Please note that every project should be completed within 6 months (September - February). Extra time spent on
projects is not encouraged.

8. Project Assessment Sheet (provided)

The assessment sheets are divided into 3 parts:

Part 1 The pupil must list processes/materials/techniques, reasons for choosing, with a final comment
from him on any difficulties etc. on the project.

Part 2 This is for internal assessment – here you are asked to assess the pupil's work based on the 17
headings. (See guidelines for assessment.)

Part 3 The first three columns are to be completed by the Internal Assessor who will consolidate the
marks as Score B and then the Project Moderator who will finalize all the marks. Scores will
be entered in candidate number order.

9. Completion of projects

This includes work on the Design Process and the actual finished piece.
Candidates should aim to complete their projects by 19 February 2010.

10. Internal Assessment

It is envisaged that continuous assessment of pupils' project should be done by their class teachers.

11. Preparation for Project Moderation

Class teachers should arrange all project work in ascending numerical order and display them in a suitable room for
project moderation.

DT−Teacher Guideline


Guidelines for the Assessment of Design Project

Marks Below Average

Candidate's abilities/skills/performance to be assessed:

Very Good



Please read the following guidelines before starting your assessment


5 4 3 2 0-1 1. Identification and Analysis of the Problem

This mark is an evaluation of the candidate's ability to identify, analyse and evaluate the
selected problem; to formulate a design brief; to identify the design criteria; to analyse
acquired information relative to the problem; and to prepare a design specification.

8-10 6-7 4-5 2-3 0-1 2. Research and Investigation

This mark is an evaluation of the candidate's ability to gather, order and assess the
information relevant to the solution of the problem. Marks given to this part should reflect
the depth of the research which includes sketches, cuttings, photographs, models, test
results, etc.

8-10 6-7 4-5 2-3 0-1 3. Generation and Development of Ideas

This mark is an evaluation of the candidate's ability to generate, develop and evaluate a
variety of initial ideas and possible solutions to the problem.

8-10 6-7 4-5 2-3 0-1 4. Synthesis

This mark is an evaluation of the candidate's ability to collate ideas into a coherent final
design; to combine ideas and known facts in the formation of a complete design proposal;
to apply known principles to new design applications; and to model design solutions and
partial solutions in appropriate media.

8-10 6-7 4-5 2-3 0-1 5. Final Solution – Fitness for Purpose

This mark should reflect the extent to which the design solution has solved the key factors
of the design assignment.

5 4 3 2 0-1 6. Final Solution – Individuality and Originality

This mark should reflect the candidate's individuality in project work and personal
expression; and the ability to provide innovative, original solutions.

5 4 3 2 0-1 7. Evaluation

This mark is an evaluation of the candidate's ability to appraise the design solution against
the original specification; and to make recommendations for modification(s) where


5 4 3 2 0-1 8. Written Communication

This mark is an evaluation of the candidate's ability to write a factual report accurately,
concisely, and with a considerable amount of specific detail.

DT−Assessment Guideline
9. Graphic Communication
This mark is an evaluation of the candidate's ability to contribute and present information
graphically such as using sketches/drawings, graphs, charts, symbols and models, etc.
The candidate may use presentation techniques on the drawings such as shading, colour
washing, crayon colouring, etc.
The candidate's knowledge and understanding of current engineering drawing standards
and conventions, and how to apply them appropriately should also be assessed.

5 4 3 2 0-1 (a) Design Sketches – these include annotated preliminary sketches which outline first
thoughts and ideas, and development sketches which transform these vague ideas
into workable solution ready for drawing up to scale.

5 4 3 2 0-1 (b) Working Drawings - which should provide all the details needed to make the
artefact/final solution, including dimensions, material, surface finish and quantity
required, etc.

5 4 3 2 0-1 (c) Assembly Drawing/Exploded Drawing - which should show how various parts of
the artefact/final solution are fitted together. A part list must also be included.

5 4 3 2 0-1 10. Overall Presentation

This mark should reflect the candidate's ability to record and present the design project as a
complete package.


8-10 6-7 4-5 2-3 0-1 11. Use of Appropriate Making Techniques and Processes
This mark is an evaluation of the candidate's ability to use techniques and processes
appropriate to relevant workshop tools, equipment, machines and components as applied
to making the design solution.
(Refer to "Operation Sequence Planning Sheet” to be completed by the candidates.)

5 4 3 2 0-1 12. Choice of Material

This mark is an evaluation of the candidate's ability to select and use appropriate materials
for the design solution.

8-10 6-7 4-5 2-3 0-1 13. Accuracy of End Product

This mark should reflect the extent to which the constructional and dimensional details on
the end product agreeing with the working drawings.

8-10 6-7 4-5 2-3 0-1 14. Finish of End Product

This mark is an evaluation of the appropriateness and quality of surface treatment applied
to the end product.

8-10 6-7 4-5 2-3 0-1 15. Aesthetic Quality of End Product
This mark is an evaluation of the candidate's ability to apply aesthetic considerations to the
end product, with special reference to the structure, form, proportion and surface finish of
the end product and its component parts.

13-15 9-12 5-8 2-4 0-1 16. Function of End Product

This mark is an evaluation of the constructional soundness of the end product in terms of
usability and reliability according to the defined specification.

5 4 3 2 0-1 17. Safety Considerations

This is an evaluation of the candidate's ability to design products with safety considerations.

Total Marks : I + II + III = 55 + 25 + 65 = 145

(1/3 of Subject Mark for D&T; 30% of Subject Mark for D&T Alt. Syl.)

DT−Assessment Guideline
Roles and Responsibilities of HKEAA, EDB and Schools in SBA Administration

1. Develop the assessment framework, assessment/administrative guidelines and marking criteria of SBA.
2. Conduct research in SBA to better inform One Committees and working groups (e.g. international policies and
practices, moderation methods, psychometric issues involved and implementation issues).
3. Lead and organize teacher professional development courses on assessment in collaboration with EDB.
4. Monitor the conduct of SBA in schools to ensure compliance with SBA requirements.
5. Process assessment records submitted by schools.
6. Moderate SBA marks submitted by schools.
7. Provide feedback to schools.


1. Develop the curriculum framework.

2. Sponsor and organize teacher professional development courses on assessment in collaboration with HKEAA.
3. Provide teaching resources to facilitate the implementation of SBA in schools.
4. Support the WebSAMS system to facilitate retention of SBA teacher/class data and assessment records.
5. Evaluate quality assurance processes of school assessments including SBA (e.g. through inspection of teaching
facilities, observation of lessons and the external school review process).

School (Principals and Teachers)

1. Explain to students the design, requirements and assessment criteria of SBA, as set out in the relevant guidelines
issued by HKEAA.
2. Send representatives to attend SBA conferences and coordinator-teacher meetings.
3. Administer SBA according to requirements and regulations set by HKEAA.
4. Provide information on the administration of SBA as required by HKEAA.
5. Facilitate visits by HKEAA subject officers and examination personnel (e.g. supervisors, coordinators and moderators)
who may need to review students’ work and assessment records.
6. Facilitate visits by EDB inspectors who may need to observe lessons.
7. Assess students’ work/performance using assessment criteria set by HKEAA.
8. Maintain a quality assurance system for SBA.
9. Implement control and security measures in handling question papers (where applicable) and assessment records.
10. Authenticate students’ SBA work and performance records and verify that no irregularities have occurred.
11. Submit SBA marks and assessment records to HKEAA according to schedule.
12. Retain students’ assessed work and performance records and make them available for inspection if required.
13. Provide feedback to HKEAA.

DT−Assessment Guideline
Project Assessment Sheet – Part 1
Design & Technology
Design & Technology (Alternative Syllabus)

Operation Sequence Planning Sheet

(To be completed by the candidates)

Component Part Material Description of Operations Remarks

DT−Part 1

Survey on Choice of Projects

(To be completed by the Internal Assessor)

Design and Technology (Wood / Metal)

Design and Technology (Alternative Syllabus)

Number of candidates attempted

DT(W) DT(M) DT(Alt.)


School : ______________________________________________ Date: _______________________

Name of Internal Assessor : ___________________________________ Signature : ___________________

Note: This form must be completed and fax to the School Examinations & Assessment Division, Hong Kong
Examinations and Assessment Authority (Fax number: 3628 8990) on or before 8 March, 2010.


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