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Editing and Omission Exercises The tear glands start secreting more and more

for Class 11 CBSE With

Answers Pdf out the irritants.

Question 1.
In the given paragraph, one
word has been omitted in each The tears are produced fast that they cannot be
line. Write the missing word
along with the word that comes
before the word and the word
that comes after it in the space
provided as shown. through nose and so run

Tears are produced tear glands which keep the eye e.g. produced by tear

down the eyes thus making cry.

moist and are normally drained the (a) ……

Question 2.
There is an error in each of the
following lines. Write the incorrect
nose. Onions a number of water-soluble word
volatile (b) in the
and the correct word ……
given space. The first one has
been done as an example:

substances containing sulphur, cutting the Intelligence

onion is praised to(c)
one and ……
We say that intelligence means
being able to solve problems.
Some animal
these spread the air and cause irritation in the eyes.
seem (d) ex. cats
abled to do this. For ……
find her way home from long
To do this they had to remember
and think.
Young birds are also able to made spaces. The first one has been
long done as an example. [NCT 2019,
journeys. They are borne with this 2016]
This is not intelligence. We call
these instinct. The next day during an break
when all the teacher and students
was eating their snacks, the
Incorrect – Correct mother
to – by left the school building hurrily.
The boy saw him walking
quickly from of the school gate
(a) …………… – ……………… when he was drank water after
(b) …………… – ……………… his meal and wonder where
(c) …………… – ……………… his mother is going.
(d) …………… – ………………
(e) …………… – ………………
(f) …………… – ………………. Incorrect – Correct
(g) …………… – ………………. an – the
(h) …………… – ……………….
(a) …………… – ………………
Answer: (b) …………… – ………………
Incorrect – Correction (c) …………… – ………………
(d) …………… – ………………
(e) …………… – ………………
(a) mean – means (f) …………… – ……………….
(b) animal – animals (g) …………… – ……………….
(c) abled – able (h) …………… – ……………….
(d) her – their
(e) had – have
(f) made – make Answer:
(g) borne – born Incorrect – Correct
(h) these – this
(a) teacher – teachers
Question 3. (b) was – were
The following passage has not (c) hurrily – hurriedly
been edited. There is an error in (d) him – her
each line. Write the incorrect word (e) from – out
and the correction in the blank (f) drank – drinking
(g) wonder – wondered (a) there
(h) is – was (b) high
(c) are
(d) lowers
Question 4. (e) scientists
The following passage has not (f) concerned
been edited. There is an error in (g) cause
the underlined words. Correct the (h) dealt
word and write in the space
Question 5.
The following passage has not
Although, their is no direct been edited. There is one error in
evidence that each line. Write the incorrect word
salt is a cause of highly blood and the correction in your answer
pressure sheet as given below against the
that reducing salt intake lower correct blank number. [NCT 2012]
blood pressure. Some scientist are
concern that excessive use of salt Mamta lost hey father when she is
may still
caused asthma and kidney a child. Her uncle looked at all the
disease. property
Asthma should not be deal with that she inherit from her father.
lightly. Since a few years her. uncle
worked very
sincerely. Afterwards he thinks,
Incorrect – Correct “This
property should make me rich.
How long
(a) …………… – ………………
should I kept serving my niece?
(b) …………… – ………………
I must do anything.
(c) …………… – ………………
(d) …………… – ………………
(e) …………… – ……………… Incorrect – Correct
(f) …………… – ……………….
(g) …………… – ……………….
(h) …………… – ………………. (a) …………… – ………………
(b) …………… – ………………
(c) …………… – ………………
Answer: (d) …………… – ………………
(e) …………… – ……………… true value for the service which
(f) …………… – ………………. people perform to us.
(g) …………… – ……………….
(h) …………… – ……………….
Incorrect – Correct

Incorrect – Correction (a) …………… – ………………
(b) …………… – ………………
(c) …………… – ………………
(a) is – was (d) …………… – ………………
(b) at – after (e) …………… – ………………
(c) inherit – had inherited (f) …………… – ……………….
(d) since – For (g) …………… – ……………….
(e) thinks – thought (h) …………… – ……………….
(f) should – can
(g) kept – keep
(h) anything – something Answer:
Incorrect – Correction

Question 6.
The following passage has not (a) anyone – everyone
been edited. There is an error in (b) sell – selling
each line. Underline the error and (c) off – by
write the correct word in front of it (d) wise – wisdom
in your answer sheet. (e) comforts – comfort
(f) extreme – extremely
(g) for – of
It has been said that anyone lives (h) to – for
sell something or the other. In the
light of Question 7.
this statement, teachers live off The following passage has not
selling been edited. There is one error in
knowledge, philosophers by each line. Underline the error and
selling wise write the correct word in front of it
and priests by selling spiritual in your answer sheet. The first one
comforts. has been done for you as an
It is extreme difficult to estimate example [NCT 2010]
The next day during a break correction in the space provided.
when all the teacher and students One has been done as an
was eating their snacks, the example.
left the school building hurrily.
The boy saw him walking My father become the Chief
quickly from of the school gate. Secretary of Tamil Nadu e.g.
He was drinking water after become became
his meal and wondered where op 1962. Soon after, he told my
his mother was going. cousin and me,
whenever we accompanied him to
any functions,
Incorrect – Correct we were to sit on the car on either
side of him
and gave him a nudge if we saw a
(a) …………… – ……………… policeman
(b) …………… – ……………… salute him which he was
(c) …………… – ……………… preoccupied studying
(d) …………… – ……………… his notes. He said so that he was
(e) …………… – ……………… concerned
(f) …………… – ………………. of the policeman standing in the
(g) …………… – ………………. hot sun.
(h) …………… – ………………. He felt that he would return their
when they took the trouble of
saluting him.
Incorrect – Correction

Incorrect – Correct
(a) Teacher – teachers
become – became
(b) was – were
(c) hurrily – hurriedly
(d) him – her (a) …………… – ………………
(e) from – out (b) …………… – ………………
(f) drank – drinking (c) …………… – ………………
(d) …………… – ………………
(e) …………… – ………………
Question 8.
(f) …………… – ……………….
A passage has been given below.
(g) …………… – ……………….
It has not been edited properly.
(h) …………… – ……………….
Underline the error and write the
Answer: (a) …………… – ………………
Incorrect – Correction (b) …………… – ………………
(c) …………… – ………………
(d) …………… – ………………
(a) On – in (e) …………… – ………………
(b) functions – function (f) …………… – ……………….
(c) on – in (g) …………… – ……………….
(d) gave – give (h) …………… – ……………….
(e) which – while
(f) that – because
(g) of – for Answer:
(h) would – should Incorrect – Correction

Question 9. (a) take – takes

The following passage has not (b) must – may
been edited. There is one error in (c) rebuilt – rebuilding
each line. Write the incorrect word (d) stop – stopped
and the correction in vour answer (e) when – which
sheet. (f) may – must
(g) build – built
(h) no – any
It takes a long time for a country to
rebuild after
an earthquake. There must be Question 10.
aftershocks for days The following passage has not
or weeks. Rebuilt cannot start until been edited. There is one error in
all the each line. Underline the error and
aftershocks have stopped. write the correct word in front of it
Aftershocks are small in your answer sheet. The first one
tremors when shaking the ground has been done for you as an
after an earthquake. example.
When rebuilding starts, new
buildings may be very
carefully planned. Sometimes they The camel is the oldest of
are built on huge domestic
blocks of rubber that will absorb animals. It has been used since
no further earthquake. thousands
of years by the desert people to
supply many
Incorrect – Correct of their needs. Camels pulled
ploughs each line. Write the incorrect world
and carry well to market. In the and the correction in your answer
desert, sheet. The first one has been
they are almost the only means of done as an example.
transport. This animal can adapt to
life in drylands and is often calling
the ship Traders of nearly 2,250 roads and
of the desert, it could survive on streets
dry leaves, seeds, and bones. across Delhi got the respite from
sealing and demolition of the
Incorrect – Correct Corporation of Delhi following a
Courts order in September 29
(a) …………… – ……………… allowing
(b) …………… – ……………… continuation of commercial
(c) …………… – ……………… activities on
(d) …………… – ……………… residential areas, pending the final
(e) …………… – ……………… decision in the matter. But the
(f) …………… – ………………. MCD’s sealing drive has already
(g) …………… – ………………. claimed four lives.
(h) …………… – ……………….

Incorrect – Correct
Answer: of – on
Incorrect – Correction

(a) …………… – ………………

(a) since – for (b) …………… – ………………
(b) year – years (c) …………… – ………………
(c) pulled – pull (d) …………… – ………………
(d) good – goods (e) …………… – ………………
(e) an – the (f) …………… – ……………….
(f) with – to (g) …………… – ……………….
(g) calling – called (h) …………… – ……………….
(h) could – can

Question 11. Incorrect – Correction
The following passage has not
been edited. There is an error in
(a) the – a (d) …………… – ………………
(b) of – by (e) …………… – ………………
(c) a – the (f) …………… – ……………….
(d) in – of (g) …………… – ……………….
(e) on – in (h) …………… – ……………….
(f) the – a
(g) in – on
(h) has – had Answer:
Incorrect – Correction

Question 12.
The following passage has not (a) on – in
been edited. There is one error in (b) over – under
each line. Underline the error arid (c) has – had
write the correct word in front of it (d) find – found
in your answer sheet. The first one (e) his – her
has been done for you as an (f) go – went
example. (g) an – a
(h) listen – listened

Kut was an hardworking

squirrel. She lived on a tree-hole. Question 13.
she was over the impression that In the following passage, one word
she has enough food in store for has been omitted in each line.
the Write the missing word along with
bad days until she find that the word that comes before and
someone had been stealing his after it.
She goes to the old owl to
Since the magpie bird was most
find a solution to her problem.
intelligent and clever birds at
The old owl listen to her problem
building nests, all the birds the
Air kingdom came her and
asked her to teach how to build
Incorrect – Correct their nests. So she all the
an – a birds to gather her and began
to show them to go about it.

(a) …………… – ………………

(b) …………… – ……………… Before – Word – After
(c) …………… – ………………
(a) …………… – ……………… – word that forms your answer is
……………… underlined. [NCT 2015]
(b) …………… – ……………… –
(c) …………… – ……………… – The moment he switched the eg.
……………… television there silence in
(d) …………… – ……………… – the room, we all looked each
……………… other not knowing to react.
(e) …………… – ……………… – He burst out laughing said,
……………… “How you like it?” We felt too
(f) …………… – ………………. – scared open our mouths.
(g) …………… – ………………. –
Before – Word – After
(h) …………… – ………………. –
Switched – off – the

(a) …………… – ……………… –

Before – Word – After
(b) …………… – ……………… –
(a) was – the – most (c) …………… – ……………… –
(b) clever – of – birds ………………
(c) birds – of – the (d) …………… – ……………… –
(d) came – to – her ………………
(e) teach – them – how (e) …………… – ……………… –
(f) she – asked – all ………………
(g) gather – around – her (f) …………… – ………………. –
(h) them – how – to ……………….

Question 14. Answer:

In the following passage, one word Before – Word – After
has been omitted in each line.
Write the missing word along with
(a) there – was – a
the word that conies before and
(b) looked – at – each
the word that comes after it in your
(c) knowing – how – to
answer sheet against the correct
(d) laughing – and – said
blank number. Ensure that the
(e) how – do – you ………………
(f) scared – to – open (d) …………… – ……………… –
(e) …………… – ……………… –
Question 15. ………………
In the passage given below, one (f) …………… – ………………. –
word has been omitted in each ……………….
line. Write the missing word in the
space provided. The first one has
been as an example. Answer:
Before – Word – After
On the banks of Ganga, where
it emerges of the Himalayan foot- (a) emerges – from/ out – of
hills, (b) stretches – of – forest
there is long stretches forest. (c) villages – on – the
There are (d) area – is – an
villages the fringe of the forest (e) and – wild – animals
inhabited (f) not – as – numerous
by bamboo cutters and farmers. (g) have – been – disappearing
This area an (h) the – forest – recedes
ideal hunting ground and animals
are not numerous as they used to
be. Question 16.
The trees, too, have disappearing The following passage has not
slowly been edited. There is one word
, and as the recedes the animals missing in each line. Find the
lose places of omission and write the
their food and shelter. missing words for each line.

e g. Seeing the man, I instantly got my

Before – Word – After feet
of the Ganga ready for anything. He was trying
to the
handle of the door. He had a strap
(a) …………… – ……………… – his neck
……………… and carried trayful of toothpowders
(b) …………… – ……………… – and
……………… tablets, selling a penny or two a
(c) …………… – ……………… – phial. I
stood to the door, barring his I never forget one of my childhood
further entry. experiences. I was trying climb a
when my foot slipped and fell and
Before – Word – After fainted. My friends thought I dead.
They all left me and ran. When
I regained consciousness I found
(a) …………… – ……………… –
not move part of my body. I
had a terrible pain in back and
(b) …………… – ……………… –
legs. I not know what to do.
(c) …………… – ……………… –
……………… Before – Word – After
(d) …………… – ……………… – I – can – never
(e) …………… – ……………… –
……………… (a) …………… – ……………… –
(f) …………… – ………………. – ………………
………………. (b) …………… – ……………… –
(c) …………… – ……………… –
Answer: ………………
Before – Word – After (d) …………… – ……………… –
(e) …………… – ……………… –
(a) got – on – my
(b) to – turn – the
(f) …………… – ………………. –
(c) strap – around his
(d) carried – a – trayful
(g) …………… – ……………… –
(e) selling – for – a
(f) stood – close – to
(h) …………… – ………………. –
Question 17.
One word is omitted in each line in
the following passage. Write the
Before – Word – After
missing word along with the word
coming before it and the word
coming after it. The first one is (a) trying – To – climb
done as an example: (b) and – I – fell
(c) I – Was – dead
(d) ran – away – When (c) …………… – ……………… –
(e) found – That – I ………………
(f) move – any – part (d) …………… – ……………… –
(g) in – My – back ………………
(h) I – did – not (e) …………… – ……………… –
(f) …………… – ………………. –
Question 18. ……………….
One word is omitted in each line in (g) …………… – ……………… –
the following passage. Write the ………………..
missing word along with the word (h) …………… – ………………. –
coming before it and the word ……………….
coming after it. The first one has
been done as an example.
Before – Word – After
The old owl said, “It is someone
neighbours.” Kutkut with surprise, (a) Kutkut – asked – with
“How you be so sure?” The old (b) How – can – you
owl (c) Looking – through – thick
looking thick glasses replied, “That (d) is – the – thief
is, thief knows the exact time (e) you – are – not
when (f) you – from – nearby
you not at home. As if he watches (g) thief – Next – morning
you nearby. He then told a plan to (h) she – had – kept
catch the thief.” morning, Kutkut
all her neighbours that she kept Question 19.
sweets In the passage given below, one
inside and kept a vigil for the thief. word has been omitted in each
line. Write the missing word along
with the word that comes before
Before – Word – After and after the word. The first one
someone – amongst – your has been done as an example.

(a) …………… – ……………… – Ten months I decided to leave

……………… my native country and went the
(b) …………… – ……………… – USA. When reached there
……………… I suddenly found labelled
as a foreign student. Gradually (e) discovered – that – a
I discovered a foreign student (f) was – from – Japan
had problems whether he was (g) from – some – other
Japan (h) hard – as – an
like me or from other country. A
foreign student had to work twice
as hard an American to succeed in Question 20.
college. In the passage given below, one
word has been omitted in each
line. Write the missing word along
e.g. with the word that comes before
Before – Word – After and the word that comes after
months – ago – I against the correct blank number.
Underline the word that forms your
(a) …………… – ……………… –
(b) …………… – ……………… – A decision rolling out the odd-even
……………… traffic restrictions in city will
(c) …………… – ……………… – now taken op Tuesday after
……………… the Delhi government filed review
(d) …………… – ……………… – petition in
……………… the National Green Tribunal
(e) …………… – ……………… – asking exemptions
……………… for two-wheelers women for
(f) …………… – ………………. – one year or 2000 when more
………………. buses will start operating in
(g) …………… – ……………… – the capital. The petition came on
……………….. day when the spell
(h) …………… – ………………. – of ‘severe’ air quality in Delhi
………………. completed full week.

Answer: Before – Word – After

Before – Word – After decision – on – rolling

(a) go – to – the (a) …………… – ……………… –

(b) when – I – reached ………………
(e) found – myself – labelled (b) …………… – ……………… –
(d) as – a – foreign ………………
(c) …………… – ……………… – the dynasty came to close 66
……………… million years ago when an
(d) …………… – ……………… – an asteroid crashed the Yucatan
……………… Peninsula in Mexico at a
(e) …………… – ……………… – the site knew the Chicxuluh crater
……………… paving the way for
(f) …………… – ………………. – mammals-and eventually humans-
………………. inherit the Earth.
(g) …………… – ……………… – But had extraterrestrial impact
……………….. happened nearly anywhere
(h) …………… – ………………. – else, like the ocean or in the
………………. middle of most continents,
some scientists now say it is
possible dinosaurs could be
Answer: survived
Before – Word – After annihilation. Other researchers
question the findings.
(a) in – the – city
(b) now – be – taken e.g.
(c) filed – a – review Before – Word – After
(d) asking – for – exemptions supreme – for – over
(e) wheelers – and – women
(f) or – till – 2000
(g) on – a – day (a) …………… – ……………… –
(h) completed – a – full ………………
(b) …………… – ……………… –
Question 21. (c) …………… – ……………… –
In the passage given below, one ………………
word has been omitted in each (d) …………… – ……………… –
line. Write the missing word along ………………
with the word that comes before (e) …………… – ……………… –
and the word that comes after ………………
against the correct blank number. (f) …………… – ………………. –
Underline the word that forms vour ……………….
answer. (g) …………… – ……………… –
(h) …………… – ………………. –
Dinosaurs reigned supreme over
180 million years. Their
Answer: e.g.
Before – Word – After Before – Word – After
struck – it – found
(a) to – a – close
(b) crashed – into – the (a) …………… – ……………… –
(c) known – as – the ………………
(d) humans – to – inherit (b) …………… – ……………… –
(e) had – the – extraterrestrial ………………
(f) like – in – the (c) …………… – ……………… –
(g) could – have – survived ………………
(h) question – their – findings (d) …………… – ……………… –
(e) …………… – ……………… –
Question 22. ………………
In the passage given below, one (f) …………… – ………………. –
word has been omitted in each ……………….
line. Write the missing word along (g) …………… – ……………… –
with the word that comes before ………………..
and the word that comes after (h) …………… – ………………. –
against the correct blank number. ……………….
Underline the word that forms your
Before – Word – After
When the asteroid struck, found a
rich source sulphur and
hydrocarbons, (a) source – of – sulphur
or organic deposits fossil fuels, (b) deposits – like – fossil
according to the researchers. (c) according – to – the
Scorching hot temperatures at the (d) crater – would – have
impact crater have ignited the fuel. (e) spewed – an – extraordinary
The Chicxulub impact (f) hat – in – turn
spewed an extraordinary amount (g) soot – into – the
of black carbon or soot from (h) much – as – 18
the rocks, the researchers said.
That turn, launched nearly
60 Hoover Dams worth of soot the Question 23.
upper atmosphere, In the passage given below, one
cooling the Earth’s surface by as word has been omitted in each
much 18 degrees Fahrenheit. line. Write the missing word along
with the word that comes before ………………
and the word that comes after (d) …………… – ……………… –
against the correct blank number. ………………
Underline the word that forms vour (e) …………… – ……………… –
answer. ………………
(f) …………… – ………………. –
Australian scientists launched (g) …………… – ……………… –
Monday a ………………..
smartphone app challenges (h) …………… – ………………. –
people to eat ……………….
more veggies. This app called
‘Veg Eze’.
It aims to motivate people to add Answer:
vegetables Before – Word – After
to daily diets and form long-term,
healthier habits
through a 21-day ‘Do 3 at Dinner’ (a) app – that – challenges
challenge. (b) app – is – called
It helps track their intake and tally (c) aims – to motivate
up vegetable (d) to – their – daily
serves, with daily reminders (e) helps – people – Track
rewards to help people (f) reminders – and rewards
stay motivated and track. (g) and – on – Track
Committing to eating more (h) is – one – of
vegetables every day is of the
most important dietary
Question 24.
habits we can adopt to improve
In the passage given below, one
our health.
word has been omitted in each
line. Write the missing word along
e.g. with the word that comes before
Before – Word – After and the word that comes after
launched – on – Monday against the correct blank number.
Underline the word that forms vour
(a) …………… – ……………… –
(b) …………… – ……………… – Every smog episode Delhi is
……………… blamed on crop
(c) …………… – ……………… – stubble burning farmers in the
neighbouring Answer:
states. Scientists agree that Before – Word – After
events Diwali and
stubble burning may pushing
pollution levels to (a) burning – by – farmers
“emergency levels” briefly, that (b) events – like – Diwali
cannot take (c) may – be – pushing
away the fact that Delhi’s local (d) briefly – but – that
emissions have (e) away – from – the
only risen the years. Central (f) risen – over – the
Pollution Control Board’s (g) which – has – been
national air quality monitoring (h) levels – since – 2009
programme which been
tracking annual PM 2.5 and PM 10
Question 25.
levels 2009, shows a
In the passage given below, one
clear trend of rising PM 2.5 level
word has been omitted in each
over the years.
line. Write the missing word along
with the word that comes before
e.g. and the word that comes after
Before – Word – After against the correct blank number.
episode – in – Delhi Underline the word that forms your

(a) …………… – ……………… –

……………… More than 400 people killed in
(b) …………… – ……………… – Iran a magnitude 7.3 earthquake
……………… jolted the country, state
(c) …………… – ……………… – media said on Monday. Rescuers
……………… searching for dozens
(d) …………… – ……………… – trapped rubble in the mountainous
……………… area. At least
(e) …………… – ……………… – six died in Iraq as well.
……………… Iran’s state television said more
(f) …………… – ………………. – 407 people were killed in
………………. the earthquake making it the
(g) …………… – ……………… – deadliest earthquake of 2017.
……………….. Local officials said the death toll
(h) …………… – ………………. – rise, as search and rescue
………………. teams reached remote areas of
Iran. The earthquake felt in
several western provinces of Iran Question 26.
as well. In the passage given below, one
word has been omitted in each
line. Write the missing word along
Before – Word – After with the word that comes before
400 – were – killed and the word that comes after
against the correct blank number.
Underline the word that forms your
(a) …………… – ……………… –
(b) …………… – ……………… –
……………… The most sought Indian goods are
(c) …………… – ……………… – spices
……………… followed cosmetics. Textiles and
(d) …………… – ……………… – home
……………… decoration pieces are sale. Buyers
(e) …………… – ……………… – include vast community of
……………… expatriates including
(f) …………… – ………………. – Pakistanis, Japanese, Arabs,
………………. Africans, and even Europeans
(g) …………… – ……………… – who are fond curried food.
……………….. Over a million expats live in
(h) …………… – ………………. – different Chinese cities.
………………. There are more 100 physical
stores selling Indian
products China. These shops
Before – Word – After
of are run by local traders, also
sell online. Indian products
(a) Iran – when – a usually sell a premium.
(b) Rescuers – were – Searching
(c) trapped – under – rubble
(d) six – have – Died
Before – Word – After
(e) more – than – 407
sought – after – Indian
(f) it – the – deadliest
(g) toll – would – rise
(h) earthquake – was – felt (a) …………… – ……………… –
(b) …………… – ……………… –
(c) …………… – ……………… – against all odds. Daughter of
……………… irrigation department
(d) …………… – ……………… – employee who passed in 2015,
……………… Sonia Sharma, 22,
(e) …………… – ……………… – won the gold medal Para Shooting
……………… World Cup in Bangkok November
(f) …………… – ………………. – 10, 2017.
………………. She won 10 m. air pistol event in
(g) …………… – ……………… – the team category. Her
……………….. team scored a total 1070 points,
(h) …………… – ………………. – 22 points more than nearest
………………. rivals. Sonia scored 357 in
four rounds, while her teammates
Pooja Delhi
Answer: scored 358 Rubina of Bhopal
Before – Word – After scored 355.

(a) followed – by – cosmetics e.g.

(b) are – on – sale Before – Word – After
(c) include – the – vast of – her – father
(d) fond – of – curried
(e) more – than – 100
(f) products – across/in – China (a) …………… – ……………… –
(g) of – which – are ………………
(h) sell – at – a (b) …………… – ……………… –
(c) …………… – ……………… –
Question 27. ………………
In the passage given below, one (d) …………… – ……………… –
word has been omitted in each ………………
line. Write the missing word along (e) …………… – ……………… –
with the word that comes before ………………
and the word that comes after (f) …………… – ………………. –
against the correct blank number. ……………….
Underline the word that forms vour (g) …………… – ……………… –
answer. ………………..
(h) …………… – ………………. –
An Agra girl fulfilled the last wish
of father, fighting
Answer: players who have more than
Before – Word – After 10,000 runs in first-class cricket.

(a) of – an – irrigation e.g.

(b) passed – away – in Before – Word – After
(c) medal – in – Para was – the – Irani
(d) Bangkok – on – November
(e) won – the – 10 m
(f) than – their – nearest (a) …………… – ……………… –
(g) Pooja – of/from – Delhi ………………
(h) 358 – and – Rubina (b) …………… – ……………… –
(c) …………… – ……………… –
Question 28. ………………
In the passage given below, one (d) …………… – ……………… –
word has been omitted in each ………………
line. Write the missing word along (e) …………… – ……………… –
with the word that comes before ………………
and the word that comes after (f) …………… – ………………. –
against the correct blank number. ……………….
Underline the word that forms vour (g) …………… – ……………… –
answer. ………………..
(h) …………… – ………………. –
It was Irani Cup.
Wriddhiman Saha smashed a
match-winning double Answer:
hundred to notch an unlikely win Before – Word – After
for Rest of India
against Gujarat. Asked a reaction,
Saha said, ‘I felt all (a) Saha – had – smashed
the comfortable because Puji (b) notch – up – an
was the other end. No chance of (c) Asked – for – a
his getting out”,-that (d) the – more – comfortable
sums Cheteshwar Pujara’s (e) was – at – the
batting. His (f) sums – up – Cheteshwar
182 the Ranji Trophy match (g) 182 – in – the
against Gujarat helped him (h) get – into – the
get the top 10 averages for
Question 29. ………………
In the passage given below, one (d) …………… – ……………… –
word has been omitted in each ………………
line. Write the missing word along (e) …………… – ……………… –
with the word that comes before ………………
and the word that comes after (f) …………… – ………………. –
against the correct blank number. ……………….
Underline the word that forms vour (g) …………… – ……………… –
answer. ………………..
(h) …………… – ………………. –
“Two the world’s great
democracies should also have
the world’s greatest militaries”, Answer:
The US India resolved Before – Word – After
on Monday in unprecedented
following a meeting between PM (a) US – and – India
Modi and President Trump (b) in – an – unprecedented
on the sidelines of the ASEAN (c) following – a – meeting
Summit in the Philippines. (d) on – the – sidelines
Supporting India’s rise a global (e) rise – as – a
power (f) has – been – an
has an objective for the last two (g) before – has – the
U.S. administrations. But never (h) set – on – helping
before the goal been stated in
such militaristic terms. The
The US seems set helping expand
India’s military capabilities.

Before – Word – After
Two – of – the

(a) …………… – ……………… –

(b) …………… – ……………… –
(c) …………… – ……………… –
Question 1. voice.
Read the following conversation (i) A terrible mistake has been
between a mother and daughter made by a teenager.
while watching a cricket match. (ii) The fire alarm has been
Report it by completing the sounded by him.
passage below. (iii) The roads are now jammed
with fire engines.
(iv) Water is being sprayed by
Mother: Who do you think will win them with great force.
the match? (v) The teenager is being asked by
Daughter: Who is wearing blue? the family to apologise for his
Mother: India. prank.
Daughter: Who are the men in (vi) The teenager can be seen
yellow? running away.
Mother: They are the Australians.
Daughter: They will surely win the
match. Answer:
Mother: Oh! Why do you feel so? (i) A teenager has made a terrible
Daughter: There are 11 of them mistake.
against just two Indians. (ii) He has sounded the fire alarm.
(iii) Fire engines have now
jammed the roads.
The mother asked her daughter (iv) They are spraying water with
who (a) ………………………… great force.
The daughter enquired who the (v) The family is asking the
ones in blue were. The mother teenager to apologise for his
replied that they were Indians. The prank.
girl then wanted (b) (vi) People can see the teenager
………………………… When the running away.
mother said that they were
Australians, the daughter
emphatically (c) Question 3.
………………………… The mother Rewrite these questions in indirect
(d) ………………………… The speech.
daughter replied that there were (i) Ramesh asked Rohan, “Who,
eleven of them against just two do you think, will become the next
Indians. prime minister of India?”
(ii) The policeman asked the
driver, “Why were you speeding so
Question 2. recklessly?”
Write the following in the active
(iii) “What do you mean by these eyes open.
words?” asked the teacher angrily. (ii) He is tall enough not to need a
(iv) “Where did you buy these ladder to change a light bulb.
books?” Arun asked Abhishek. (iii) The man who owns the house
has gone abroad.
(iv) The victorious soldiers were
Answer: honoured by the President.
(i) Ramesh asked Rohan who he (v) He was powerful but (he was)
thought would become the next lonely.
Prime Minister of India.
(ii) The policeman asked the driver
why he was speeding so Question 5.
recklessly. Given below is a set of rules from
(iii) The teacher asked angrily the School Rule Book. Purnima
what he meant by those words. Seshadri, Head Girl of Vidya
(iv) Arun asked Abhishek where Bhawan, Jodhpur, writes a set of
he had bought those books. instructions for the school
noticeboard using these. Write the
instructions for Purnima in the
Question 4. passive voice in your answer
Rewrite these sentences as sheet against the correct blank
directed. numbers.
(i) She was so tired that she could
not keep her eyes open, (use ‘too’)
(ii) He is so tall that he does not  Do not bring motorized
need a ladder to change the light vehicles to school.
bulb. (Rewrite using ‘enough’)  Do not park your cycles at
(iii) The owner of the house has the entrance.
gone abroad. (Rewrite as a  Return the library books
complex sentence) within a week.
(iv) The soldiers who were  Do not walk in the front
victorious were honoured by the lawns.
president. (Rewrite as a simple  Senior students should not
sentence) go to the Primary Wing
(v) Though he was powerful, he without permission.
was lonely. (Rewrite as a
compound sentence) Students are hereby informed that
they (a) ………………………… as
they do not have valid licences for
Answer: driving as yet. They are also (b)
(i) She was too tried to keep her
………………………… at the front done for you.
entrance but must go to the cycle (i) I am not sure that he is a
stand. The library books (c) graduate. (Rewrite using ‘might’)
………………………… within a (ii) He will probably get a good job
week of an issue as other students if he applies in time. (Rewrite
may also require them. No student using ‘might’)
(d) ………………………… to walk (iii) I am not sure that I can come
about or run in the front lawns. to your party. (Rewrite using
Senior students (e) ‘may’)
………………………… to go to the (iv) Speak loudly. (Rewrite using
Primary Wing without permission. ‘could’)
(v) Probably we will have to write
the test tomorrow. (Rewrite using
Question 6. ‘may’)
Rewrite the following sentences
according to the instructions given
for each. Answer:
(i) The teacher insists that the (a) He might not be a graduate.
students write neatly. (b) He might get a good job if he
Rewrite using ‘writing’. applies in time.
(ii) Don’t take bath in the pool as it (c) I may not be able to come to
needs to be cleaned. your party.
Rewrite using ‘bathe’. (d) Could you speak loudly,
(iii) The riverbed is slimy; don’t please?
step in. (e) We may have to write the test
Rewrite using ‘slime’. tomorrow.

Answer: Question 8.
(i) The teacher insists on the Make questions to which the
students writing neatly. following statements are full
(ii) Don’t bathe in the pool as it answers.
needs to be cleaned. (i) No, we don’t have to submit our
(iii) The riverbed is covered with homework tomorrow.
slime, don’t step in. (ii) No, we’ve never had to borrow
money. (Use ‘ever’)
(iii) Yes, the old man is suffering
Question 7. from an infectious disease.
Rewrite these sentences (iv) She’s had to wear her old
according to the instructions given shoes for five years.
after each. The first one has been
(v) The doctor visits this hospital
every month.

(a) Do you have to submit your
homework tomorrow.
(b) Did you ever have to borrow
(c) Is the old man suffering from
an infectious disease.
(d) How long has she had to wear
her old shoes?
(e) How often does the doctor visit
this hospital?

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