The Federal Polytechnic Offa, Kwara State: BA/ND/F19/4844
The Federal Polytechnic Offa, Kwara State: BA/ND/F19/4844
The Federal Polytechnic Offa, Kwara State: BA/ND/F19/4844
In nowadays, role of Technology has been increased worldwide. Top leaders of global trade are fully
aware of the IT tools to achieve business targets. These tools not only help in achieving goals but are
also helpful to optimize the activities of a business. This paper will give a brief overview of possibilities of
Information Technology, in the field of Human Resources for measuring the effectiveness of human
capital and use of HR information properly. Our world has become a king of global trade which is, no
doubt, is possible, only because of effective technology. These improved means of technological
advancement and information have changed the functioning of business world in a great way. The
impact of technology can be easily observed in all the areas of business. IT has created a significant
impact on increasing the efficiency of development, and functioning of the employees. This paper is an
attempt to study the effect of technology on Human Resource Management.
Human Resource Management (HRM) includes its managerial functions- Planning, Staffing, Directing,
Organizing, Motivating, Developing, Controlling. It aims at achieving the heights in the field of HR
competition by providing proper education, training, appropriate compensation and by motivating them
to attain the personal as well as Organizational development. Human Resources Management is of great
importance while studying any organizational behavior. Management of Human Resources and need of
HR has become the main importance for the employers in all the organizations. Human Resource is the
key element for any business. They play an important role in strategic management. They get to know
the 2 problems of an organization and with various strategies; they solve them by motivating the
employees and helps in increasing the performance of an organization. HR people are the essence of
any organization. If we create a better work environment to them, and move according to them, the
success of company will be achieved and the productivity will also increase definitely .
It has proved that HR activities can be improved by the Information and Communication Technology
(ICT), i.e. internet, media, network communication. They help in contributing for achieving targets of the
organization and fulfillment of its personnel policies. Advancement in technology has created a great
impact of HR department of any business. It helps to company in improving its ongoing process, core
competencies, and making the best organizational structure. Human Resource must be focusing on the
strategic objectives of the business mainly. These strategies help in incorporating a technological
advanced plan for the organization. These activities are related to the development of the technological
systems of the business, such as research and development of IT systems. Technological Advancement
has become an important part for the innovation process within the organization, and it includes
knowledge acquired by HR professionals. In short, all the activities have some technical content, which,
in the end, will result in greater technological advancement.
With the help of technology, automation has become advanced to create an era for HR professionals,
who are not only administrator for any organization but also the strategy makers and key for taking
decisions for the business .International Journal of Research in Human Resource Management success in
the industry. With an increased dependency of business on HR and Technology, we are, today, amid
around billions of dollars in the industry. Information Technology created a great impact on
organizations which are existing in a dynamic environment. It will lead to greater efficiency and
effectiveness of the Human Resources. Hence, by using IT application for database management system
and advanced recruitment system, efficiency of the business will be increased.
“As money comes to HR technology, so do new ideas and smart people.” Human Resources are one of
those parts of industry, which are not only working in the organization, but are also responsible for the
working and functioning of the organization. The industry, has changed, so, the technology also needs to
be advanced, so that HR Professionals can perform their job easily and smoothly. Technology has
changed Human Resource Management in a number of ways. The impact of rapid changes in technology
and its evolution has made India; take this issue seriously to be a part of the world trade. Indian
organization needs to cope up with it, and create a highly developed workforce, get them trained,
motivated and make them efficient with skills require moving with technology advancements.
Many researchers have studied about the changing role of HR function in the past. HR is no longer,
restricted to manpower only, but now technology is equally important. HR Personnel keeps them
involved in changing the HR processes with the help of latest technology. The use of Technology in HR is
helpful in reducing cost, improving services, and achieving effectiveness. The present study has been
made, keeping technological factor in mind.
Both Primary and Secondary data are used for our study purpose. The secondary data is collected from
various websites, books, published articles and other sources. The study has been made to examine the
technological tools which can be used for HR Planning, Recruitment, Employees Engagement,
Communication, Maintenance and Development of the employees.
motto for HR planning. With the help of technology, technical database is created, where various
important information about the employees can be stored, which helps in determining, if the individual
is suitable for a particular job or not.
2. Administration: All the necessary data is identified within the organizational employees, like their
names, their address, email-id, contact no., strengths, salary,
date of joining in the organization, employment status whether they are full time or part time
employees, etc. can be stored in a database which can be used anytime.
3. Recruitment: With the help of technology, process of recruitment. Internet has created a great
change in the enrollment procedure during the last decades, as it acts as the intermediate between the
organization and the job seekers.
4. Training and Development: With the help of technology, E-learning is introduced. It is a very
progressive approach which helps the workers in keeping pace with quickly changing market. By
introducing the change in HR database with technology, the E-learning platform can be used.
5. Compensation: Technology has made easier to calculate the accurate compensation and benefits
given to the workforce. The E-pay bundles provide direct and easy access in assessment of data for
calculating compensation.
By implementing technology in the organization in the form of IT, various opportunities can be availed
by the Business, which are also helpful in being the part of competitive global trade.
Competitive Usage: By providing customized applications with the help of E-HRM, HRM portals can be
used as a key element for technological advancement of the organization.
Accessibility: With the help of latest technology, data has become accessible for everyone, via
internet. If anyone wants any information, he/she can get the information easily and effortlessly.
Fast and accurate changes: Technology has expanded the speed of administration in companies, and is
also helpful in removing errors which are occurred during human usage.
Interactive Environment: Technology has improved and increased the interactions among all the levels
of the organization. In large organizations, where there is a need of more data, they can take the help of
electronic gateways while small and medium organizations, spreads their data over various areas of
IMPACTS OF TECHNOLOGY ON HRM: Innovations such as technology have become advanced with
Information Technology (IT) which helps in creating a positive impact on Human Resources. Rosabeth
Moss Kanter, who was one of the leaders of management theories, stated that the success and survival
of business organizations are totally dependent on technology and innovation which includes innovating
new ideas, creating new products, introducing new services, and methods of operations. It encourages
decision making and participation on giving innovative ideas at all levels of the organizations. However,
technology in Human Resource Management can help in no. of ways:
1. Providing Better services to Managers: Both HR and other Line managers are the main assets in the
success of any organization. The main function of HR is to support the needs of its workforce. Strategic
plans are made by all the HR and line managers for the various projects which are helpful in achieving
primary objectives of the organizations. They also decide whether to train the existing employees or to
them or to recruit new candidates with high level of skills to help in achieving goals. Training and
development, as per the advanced technology must be provided to line managers to prepare them for
performing leadership tasks.
2. Enhancing management: Engaging the employees to organizational goals and linking them with their
personal goals is the main feature of any business. The management must ensure that the whole
organization is improving their methods and activities for achieving company’s competitive objectives.
Technological tools can help in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. Managers
measure their performance with benchmarks set by the organization’s head, and to analyze their
performance, and to find out how to increase the performance. These can be best utilized by using
customized HR technological tools.
3. Effective Recruitment: Today, the effective recruitment cannot be done without using technological
tools. Various organizations are using online job portals to search for the suitable candidates for the job
position by using internet. The effectiveness of this process has increased as many people come to know
about the job offers and hence the possibility of recruiting more appropriate employees increases.
Employers also provide all the necessary details related to job, qualification, career and other
information online on the portals. It has become an effective tool for both the organization and the job
seekers. These technological tools not only help in recruiting the employees but are also helpful in
retaining them.
4. Data management and its analysis: Data management has become easier as it becomes paper free
and use of technology has improved it. There is no need to do manual work. It also helps in increasing
efficiency of the work and the work effectiveness. Performance of organization can lead to the success
of the business in the competitive global environment. Performance of employees can be easily
analyzed critically with the help of technological tools and become accessible to everyone. For ex. The
company Zenefits has developed a new HR tool, which has made the passport paperless. This tool is also
used for pinging the approval of manager, once it is approved. It helps in letting the individuals get rid of
the paperwork. Thus by the help of various technological tools, many works can become easier.
5. Stock management tools: Leading entrepreneurs have said that, the organizational performance can
become more effective and efficient by customer involvement, efficiency in operations and leading in a
proper manner. Customers need to meet customization by providing them better and accurate
information. For this, organizations have to use HR technological tools to provide a suitable product and
diversification of business by providing improved and better products and services than the competitor.
6. Reduction in Cost: Efficiency in costs can only be attained by providing various reports using
technological tools. Considerable benefit can be obtained as various reports can be made using IT tools.
Performance of organization can be increased by implementation of management by objectives and
using participating style of management By HR technological
tools. Organizational management is responsible for the business owner for the achievement of
objectives. Performance of managers is justified only if their management is able to produce desirable
results. For ex. They have to achieve a desired amount of profit in a specified time. Management often
uses it Operational Research team for maximizing the profit and utilization of performance.
Organizational management creates a system of measurement to set target for changing and measuring
the performance of organization.
8. Development of Career and Human Capital Management: Career planning is a tool for learning and it
is a knowledge based system, which helps a businessman in managing their personal development, and
career path with other employees. Evaluation of performance and career progression are important
motivating factors, for the employees for working efficiently and effectively. Measurement of
performance and system of reward in a business establish its view of priority i.e. what is important and
why? This economic and better performance evaluation system is an important tool for HR technological
performance. This sound system must be one so that people can depend on it. This reward system
should be reviewed so that managers and other employees can get their rewards on the basis of their
performance stored in HR technological tool. Employees must get rewards for the performance based
on their desired behavior and the results according to the technological tool database. According to
Vroom, who is one of the best management theorists, reward system is affecting motivation for the
increasing performance in organization. Managers should keep their promises that they will give reward
for performance to the employees and to be sure that they will believe that the organization will keep
its promises. However, the performance targets don’t need to be measurable with financial targets.
They can be given in various other forms like promotion, recognition etc.
But there are some challenges too which are associated with the application of technology in the field of
Human Resource Management. Some of them are:
technology-based HR policy is expensive, but once it is executed, it decreases the expenses incurred in
operations. Many large growing organizations may introduce HR activity, while small and mid-size
organizations, find it difficult to bear high costs.
2. Acknowledgment: Because of the use of technology, various issues like skills and knowledge for its
its dangers in job and so on, dependably affect its direction. Acknowledgment from the employees is
required because they are more connected with the customers than the management and which is
helpful for the organization in attainment of goals.
3. Back-ups and Security: Maintenance cost of technology is comparatively high and if we want to avoid
hacking to all arrangements, a lot of discussions is required on these issues. With the discussion, it
becomes easier to know the problems where there is more need of security and how it can be resolved
with the help of technology.
4. Increasing Withdrawals:Due to the arrangement of various networks via internet or E-HR gateways,
the individual connections between the members have reduced. In the traditional frameworks, they
connect with the members, and were intrinsic towards the organization. They are now disengaged, and
can be connected by all purposes by such technology only.
Better technology in Management can provide better services to its employees. It will also be served as
an important tool in achieving the goals of an organization at optimum cost. It also facilitates personal
management in the company. With the help of technology, important and useful data is analyzed for
making better strategies and taking decisions. It also enables analysis of information for HR assistants. It
helps in reducing the labor costs.
In the field of HRM, technology has made a crucial change in the organization towards reducing cost and
increasing efficiency of its employees. It also helps in reducing the administrative expenses. It enables
the organization in data management, which is useful for taking important decisions. It improves HR
strategies and helps the organization to attain their objectives. Although there are a few challenges, but
technology and HRM are now inseparable.
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