Tutorial 4

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6 Tutorial 4
In this tutorial we are going to show some of the new UNIQUE functionality of
SplitWorks, which enables corrections to the part (whatever they may be) to be
down streamed to the final inserts through our unique Update Surface
In the first tutorial we demonstrated modifications, which were made on the
part WITHOUT adding or deleting features. Here we are going to show the
general modification of parts including addition/deletion of features and even
modification of an IGES file.

Tutorial 4

6.1 Propagation of modifications through SOLIDWORKS

6.1.1 Creating the inserts
 Open Cover.SLDPRT from the Cover folder under SplitWorks\Example

 Click on the Tools > SplitWorks > Split… menu or relevant icon from
the CommandManager. Check that the cavity direction is correct (Top).
 Check the Show parting line(s) and Main groups only parameter.
 Click on the Create Silhouette button in the Split dialogue box.

 Click .
 Select the Cavity folder from the SplitWorks property page, click on the
RHM button and press Create Surface.
 Click on the Tools > SplitWorks > Plug Hole(s)… menu or icon. (The
Solid Bodies are hidden and the surface is visible)

 Click .
 Select Surface-Knit from the Surfaces Bodies folder and click on the
Tools > SplitWorks > Loft… menu. The parting surface is flat so it is
automatically created.

 Click .

SplitWorks 2017 6-2

Tutorial 4

 Click on the Tools > SplitWorks > Create Solid Insert… menu and
select the surface from the screen.

 Click .
 Explode the assembly.

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Tutorial 4

SplitWorks 2017 6-4

Tutorial 4

6.1.2 Correcting the original part

 Open Cover.SLDPRT.
 Edit the feature Cut-Extrude17.SLDPRT. The change we are going to
make is to create a hole instead of the pocket, which will belong to the

 Change the End Condition to Up To Next.

 Mark the Draft outward check box.

 Click .
This is a major change, which will cause difficulty for most splitting procedures.

SplitWorks 2017 6-5

Tutorial 4

SplitWorks automatically updates the color classification showing the pocket

faces as being in the core direction, and of course the fillet as being both sides
since it now connects the core and the cavity.
We now have to make some corrections but we must make sure that they
appear before Cavity-Surface1 otherwise they will not be taken into account.
 Roll up the feature tree to a point just before the Cavity-Surface1.
 Select the Both Directions folder from the SplitWorks property page, click
on the RHM button and press Create Silhouette. The split faces have
been automatically reclassified.

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Tutorial 4

Now we must update Cavity-Surface1.

 Roll down to just after Cavity-Surface1.
 Select the Cavity folder from the SplitWorks property page, click on the
RHM button and press Update Surface.
There is a new hole, and a shut-off for it has to be made. The shut-off should
be made before Surface-Knit2 so that we can add it to make sure that the rest
of the parts are coherent.

 Hide the solid (Split Line2) under the Solid Bodies folder.
 Select Cavity-Surface1 under the Surfaces Bodies folder and click on
Tools > SplitWorks > Plug Hole(s)…menu or relevant icon.
 Clear the Boundary Loop(s) selection box.
 Select an edge from the new hole.

 Click .

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Tutorial 4

 Roll down to below Surface-Knit2, edit and add the last created surface

 Click .
 Roll down to the end and show Surface-Knit3 under the Surface Bodies
The parting surface has now been completely updated.
 Hide Surface-Knit3 under Surface Bodies and show Split Line2 under
Solid Bodies.
 Open Cover.SLDASM. The assembly updates to include all the

Here you can see the modifications made to both the core and the cavity.

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Tutorial 4

Important Note:
The process of modification has two separate steps:

First Step (modification of the part)

In order for the Automatic Rebuild (color classification) and Update Surface
(insert surface update) functionality to work correctly the modifications of the
part must be made prior to the creation of the surface (Create Surface) menu.
This can be achieved either by rolling back the feature tree to before the insert
surface or if the original part was added as a base part. (If you forgot to do this
you can always move the modifications back to before the insert surface was
In the previous part the actual modification of the part was created before the
insert surface however, we had to add a new split feature, which must also be
added before the insert surface.

Second Step (modification of the parting surfaces)

As a result of modifications of the part new shut-offs or different parting lines
have to be accounted for. This must be performed on the feature tree within
the context of the relevant parts i.e. adding the shut-off must be done before
the knitting of all the holes and added to that knit in order to preserve the
In the previous part we had to create and add a new shut-off to the knit
surface, which contained all the other shut-offs.

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Tutorial 4

6.2 Changes in an IGES file

The parts for this section exist in the IGES folder under SplitWorks\Example
6.2.1 Creating the inserts
 Open the file dek.iges. Click Attempt to Heal All and change the view to
Shading With Edges.
 Select the top face and click on the Tools > SplitWorks > Split… menu
or relevant icon (since the part has not been saved you will be asked to
save it).

 Mark the Main groups only parameter.

 Click .
We are going to create the core surface. We can see both the main parting
lines and some open parting lines where we have holes.
 Zoom to one of the pairs of open paring lines as shown below.

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Tutorial 4

 Modify the draft angle of the “no draft face” so that they become part of the
core, using the Insert > Features > Draft… menu or relevant icon,
choosing the bottom face as the direction and the 4 faces (one for each of
the snaps) to draft.

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Tutorial 4

 Click .
Notice that the core and the open parting lines are updated. The other no draft
faces obviously belong to the cavity part and we will ignore them, although
their draft angle might have to be corrected.
 Select the Core folder from the SplitWorks property page, click on the
RHM button and press Create Surface.
 Hide the Open and Closed Parting lines.
 Click on the Tools > SplitWorks > Plug Hole(s)… menu or relevant icon.
Obviously Plug Hole(s)… cannot fill these holes and we will use standard
SOLIDWORKS tools to create the shut-offs. (SOLIDWORKS Parting Surface
menu doesn't close them properly either)
Here we will create the cut-off on one hole and use the Copy Surface
command from SOLIDWORKS to translate and rotate it to the other holes.
 Create a SOLIDWORKS > Surface-Loft on one of the snap-through’s as
shown below.

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Tutorial 4

 Cntrl-Select three edges as shown below and click on the RHM button to
Select Planar Surface. Make sure that the first edge is from the loft.

 Cntrl-Select four edges as shown below and click on the RHM button to
Select Planar Surface. Make sure that the first edge is from the knit (not
the core surface).

Repeat the last 2 actions on the other side of the snap-through.

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Tutorial 4

If you have created these planar surfaces where the first edge was NOT from
the Core-Surface – then you will have a knit Surface as well as the Core-
Surface in the Surface folders. This knit surface includes only the five faces we
have created for the snap-through.
 Select the Insert > Surface > Move/Copy… menu to move this knit
surface to the second hole on the same side using the translate (76 or -76
mm in the Z direction) and mark copy, the use it again to rotate the 2
surfaces around the center point by 180 degrees (y direction) again with
the copy parameter marked.
 Knit all the surfaces together.
 Select Surface-Knit from the Surface Bodies folder and click on the
Tools > SplitWorks > Loft… menu to create the loft surface. SplitWorks
recognizes that it is a planar surface. Make the distance 25.

 Select the Tools > SplitWorks > Create Solid Insert… (or relevant icon)
and create the core and cavity inserts, modifying Thickness (material
margin) for both the core and the cavity to 15 (i.e. Stack height of 30).
 Click .
 Explode the assembly with the SOLIDWORKS Explode function.

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 Save the result.

6.2.2 Reading in a modified IGES file
Now for the interesting part we will read in an IGES file which is a correction of
the previous file.
 Click Window and Open dek.SLDPRT.
 Select Imported1 and with RHM button click on Edit Feature.
 Choose dekModified.IGS and click Open.
Notice that the new file is created and the SplitWorks property page updated
with the correct face coloring. At this stage corrections could be made to the
core if the part needed them, however, in our simple
example no corrections are necessary.
 Select the Core folder from the SplitWorks property
page, click on the RHM button. Instead of Create
Surface the menu Update Surface appears since
the Core-Surface already exists.
 Activate Update Surface.
 Open Dek.SLDASM from the Window menu.
The inserts have been automatically corrected.

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Tutorial 4

The part and the inserts have been updated. This is a simple example; no new
shut-offs had to be made etc. however, if in more complex parts the
SOLIDWORKS rebuild errors appear then modifications can be achieved using
the same methodology as you would in the standard SOLIDWORKS
You may have to extend the Base-Extrude feature in the core.

SplitWorks 2017 6-16

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