Deciduous Tree and Vine Fruit: Transportation
Deciduous Tree and Vine Fruit: Transportation
Deciduous Tree and Vine Fruit: Transportation
Table 2 Storage Periods for Certain Apple Cultivars and Their Susceptibility to Storage Disorders
Months of Storage Storage Scald
Cultivar Normal Maximuma Susceptibility Other Disorders Likely to Occur in Storageb
Baldwin 4 to 5 6 to 7 Moderate Bitter pit, brown core
Cortland 3 to 4 6 to 7 Very high Senescent breakdown
Delicious 5 to 6 8 to 11 Moderate Bitter pit, senescent breakdown, soft scald
Empire 4 to 5 8 to 9 Slight Chilling injury, brown core, senescent breakdown
Golden Delicious 5 to 6 7 to 11 Slight Shriveling, bitter pit, senescent breakdown
Gravenstein 2 3 Moderate Bitter pit, Jonathan spot
Granny Smith 5 to 6 7 to 9 High Bitter pit, brown core, senescent breakdown
Idared 5 to 6 8 to 9 Slight Breakdown, Jonathan spot
Jonathan 3 to 4 6 to 8 Moderate Breakdown, Jonathan spot, soft scald
McIntosh 4 to 5 7 to 8 Moderate McIntosh breakdown, brown core
Northern Spy 4 to 5 7 to 8 Slight Senescent breakdown, Spy spot, bitter pit
Rome Beauty 5 to 6 7 to 8 Very high Jonathan spot, soft scald
Spartan 5 to 6 7 to 10 Slight Spartan breakdown, brown core
Stayman Winesap 4 to 5 7 to 8 Very high Senescent breakdown
Winesap 5 to 6 8 to 9 High Senescent breakdown
Yellow Newtown 5 to 6 8 to 9 High Internal browning, senescent breakdown, bitter pit
York Imperial 4 to 5 6 to 7 Very high Cork spot
Source: Hardenburg et al. (1986).
a For maximum storage, cultivars must be harvested at optimum maturity, stored under b Watercore not listed for Delicious, Jonathan, Winesap, Stayman, and others, as it is
ideal temperature and humidity, and in most cases in the recommended controlled present at harvest and does not develop in storage.
atmosphere. Some fruit may be stored 1 to 2 months longer than shown.
careful handling, and prompt storage after harvest are conducive to Table 2 lists the range in storage life at -1°C of several apple
long storage life. varieties. The following practices affect the condition of apples held
Chilling injury is the term commonly applied to disorders that for both conventional and controlled atmosphere storage:
occur at low storage temperatures where freezing is not a factor. The Maturity. Because there is no reliable maturity index, growers
exact mutual relationship of the many types of chilling injury is must use personal experience of the variety, area, or orchard to
unknown. The principal disorders classed as chilling injuries in decide when the crop is mature. Availability of labor, size of oper-
apples are (1) soft scald; (2) soggy breakdown; (3) brown core; and ation and crop, weather, storage facilities, and intended length of
(4) internal browning. Varieties susceptible to one or more of these storage also affect the time of harvest.
disorders are Rome Beauty, Braeburn, Jonathan, Golden Delicious, Handling to Storage. For optimum storage, apples should be
Empire, Grimes Golden, McIntosh, Rhode Island Greening, and cooled within one or two days of harvest because they can deterio-
Yellow Newtown. In addition to variable susceptibility by variety, rate as much during one day at field temperatures as during one
there are also yearly variations related to climate, fruit size, and cul- week at proper storage temperature. If other factors prevent final
tural factors. packaging, fruit can be cooled and stored in the field bins used for
Deciduous Tree and Vine Fruit 21.3
harvest. In this case, no grading will have been done to remove sub- fruit without losing the desired atmosphere. Some of these disad-
standard product. Subsequent grading may result in an increased vantages have been overcome by a method that passes the air enter-
level of bruising, especially if the fruit is still cold when handled. ing the storage room through a generator, which reduces the oxygen
Normally, apples are placed in storage and cooled by the room (O2) level and raises the CO2 content to desired levels. The process
refrigeration equipment to about 0°C in 1 to 3 days. Hydrocooling is is continuous, so airtight rooms are not essential. Also, the desired
sometimes used, but it requires careful disease control. It also inter- atmosphere may be restored quickly after the rooms are opened for
feres with scald inhibitors, which must be applied to the warm fruit. inspection.
possible for varieties that tolerate that temperature. Watch ripening tester is perhaps the best measure of potential storage life of pears
rate, particularly of fruit with water core. from any single orchard. For the Bartlett variety, a firmness of 85 to
Internal Browning. No abnormal skin appearance. Sometimes 75 N, measured with a Magnus-Taylor pressure tester or similar
appears only around core; the apple’s outer fleshy portion remains device, using an 8 mm plunger head, indicates best storage quality.
normal in appearance. Occasionally only outer flesh is involved; but If average firmness is as low as 67 N, storage for any prolonged
when internal browning develops in the outer fleshy portion, it is period is hazardous. Pressure test information for each lot of pears
usually accompanied by browning around the core. Disease devel- going into storage may be very helpful to both the fruit owner and
ops uniformly throughout tissue. Occurs in firm, sound apples. Con- the cold storage operator in determining the storage program.
trol: Use CA at 3°C for Empire and other susceptible varieties. Careful harvesting and handling are essential to good storage
Jonathan Spot. Slate-brown to black, entirely superficial or quality. Bruises and skin breaks are likely sites for infection by
very slightly sunken, skin-deep spots in color-bearing cells of skin. microorganisms. Varieties such as Winter Nelis and Bosc are highly
In some varieties, spots center at lenticels. Control: Refrigerate susceptible to punctures caused by stems broken in the harvesting
promptly as this disease is greatly aggravated by delayed storage. operation. Comice is also easily damaged because of its very tender
Use CA storage. skin. Many pears are now being harvested into pallet bins holding
Lenticel Rots. Bullseye rot (Neofabrabraea): most common of about 450 kg of fruit. Care in dumping fruit from a picking container
group; of importance only in apples from Northwest; spots fairly is important in keeping mechanical damage to a minimum.
firm, pale centers, decay mealy, may penetrate nearly as deep as For best storage quality, rapid cooling after harvest is essential.
wide. Fisheye rot (Corticum): tough leathery spot, often follows Pears ripen rapidly at elevated temperatures but do not soften or
scab; decayed tissue stringy. Side rots (Phialophora): spots shallow change color in the early ripening stages. Therefore, a considerable
with tender skin, decayed tissue wet, slippery. Control: Harvest at part of the storage life may be used up without a visible change in
prime maturity; store and cool promptly; use forecasting technique the fruit. If cold storage rooms do not have adequate refrigeration
for bullseye rot to determine potential keeping quality. and ventilation capacity for the rapid cooling of fruit, precooling in
Scab (Venturia). Occasionally, active scab spots on fruit at time special rooms (or hydrocooling) prior to placing in the storage room
of storage will enlarge. Fruit may be infected in orchard but show no should be considered. When warm fruit is placed in a room with
disease at the time of storage. Disease may subsequently develop in cold fruit, the loading arrangements should be such that the temper-
storage as small brown or jet black spots in peel, often without ature of the cold fruit is not elevated.
breaking cuticle of fruit. Control: Follow recommended orchard Pears are very sensitive to temperature and should be stored at
spray schedule. -1°C and 90 to 95% rh. Recommendations as low as -1.7°C have
Scald. Diffuse browning and killing of skin of fruit stored for been made, but the risk of freezing injury is great unless the tem-
several months. Ordinarily most prevalent on immature fruit or on perature in all parts of the room can be controlled precisely. Pears
green portions of fruit. Control: Pick apples when well matured. are not subject to chilling injury as are some apple varieties, so ele-
Treat with effective scald-inhibiting chemicals. Scald develops less vated storage temperatures are not required. The stacking arrange-
on fruit in controlled atmospheres. ment recommended for apples in the cold storage room also applies
Soft Scald. Sharply defined or slightly sunken ribbon-like areas for pears.
in the skin. Affected tissue shallow and rubbery. Most severe on Since pears lose water more readily than most apple varieties,
Jonathan, Golden Delicious, and Wealthy. Control: Store promptly. good humidity conditions in the storage room must be maintained.
Use recommended controlled atmospheres, temperatures, and For long storage, 90 to 95% rh is recommended. Perforated film box
lengths in storage for each variety. liners are excellent for moisture loss control.
Soggy Breakdown. Light brown, moist, rubbery, definitely The approximate storage life of pears at -1°C is shown in Table
delimited areas in cortex of apple. Not visible on surface. Worst in 4. These values assume an additional time for transportation and
Grimes Golden, Wealthy, and Golden Delicious. Control: Same as marketing. If Bartlett pears for canning are harvested at the best
for soft scald. stage of maturity and quickly cooled to -1°C, their safe storage life
Water Core. Hard, glassy, water-soaked regions in flesh of apple may be as long as 4 months, since marketing involves only ripening
at core or under skin. Decreases in extent during storage but predis- for processing. However, quality deteriorates during storage, partic-
poses fruit to internal breakdown. Control: Pick as soon as mature. ularly as the maximum storage life is approached.
Watch fruit in storage and move before it becomes overripe. After removal from storage, best dessert quality is attained if
pears are ripened in a controlled temperature range of about 16 to
21°C. This applies to fruit for the cannery and for fresh use. For can-
nery fruit, ripening at 20 to 22°C is more practical than lower tem-
Bartlett is the most important pear variety, exceeding the total of peratures because the shorter time involved reduces overhead costs
all others by a wide margin. Other Pacific Coast varieties are Hardy, with no measurable difference in quality.
Comice, Anjou, Bosc, and Winter Nelis. The eastern states have
limited varieties due to the severe problem of fire blight and prima- Controlled Atmosphere Storage
rily grow the Kieffer variety. Although most Bartlett and Hardy and The practice of CA storage of pears is promising. The storage
many Winter Nelis pears are canned, cold storage prior to ripening life of Bartlett pears can be extended to 5 to 6 months at -1°C for
for canning is the usual procedure. A 10 day to 2 week cold storage fruit of desirable maturity (75 to 89 N firmness) in an atmosphere
period for Bartlett pears is commonly used by canners because it
improves uniform ripening. Substantial quantities may also be Table 4 Controlled Atmosphere Storage Life of Pear Varieties
stored for periods approaching maximum storage life of the variety
at -1°C
to better use processing facilities.
Maturity at harvest has a very important bearing on subsequent Variety Storage Life, Months
storage life, as it does for apples. However, unlike apples, pears do Bartlett, Hardy, and Kieffer 2 to 3
not ripen on the tree, nor do most varieties ripen at cold storage tem- Bosc, Comice, and Seckel 3 to 4
peratures. If harvested too early, they are subject to excessive water
Anjou 6 to 7
loss in storage. If permitted to become overmature on the tree, their
storage life is shortened, and they may be highly susceptible to scald Packham 5 to 6
and core breakdown. Flesh firmness as measured by a pressure Winter Nelis 7 to 8
Deciduous Tree and Vine Fruit 21.5
containing 2 to 2.5% oxygen and 0.8 to 1% CO 2. Bartlett pears of as core from surrounding flesh. Found late in storage season, usu-
advanced maturity are intolerant to elevated CO2 and develop core ally at punctures. Control: Prevent skin breaks. Remove from stor-
and flesh browning within a few weeks. They are tolerant to low O2, age at first appearance of trouble.
but have less storage potential than pears of desirable maturity. Brown Core. Anjou and Bartlett pears stored in sealed, polyeth-
Chronological age and pressure test (under 71 N firmness) are evi- ylene-lined boxes with inadequate permeability may show various
dence of advanced maturity. degrees of pithy brown core and desiccated air pockets. Prolonged
Commercial storage of pears in a controlled atmosphere has not storage in concentrations of 4% or more CO 2 often produces brown
been considered as necessary as it is in the apple industry. Since no core, particularly when pears are harvested at advanced maturity or
low-temperature disorders have been recognized, there has not been are cooled slowly after packing. Control: Harvest at proper matu-
a need for further extension of the storage life. rity. Cool promptly. Store at -1°C. Use perforated film liners to
Many pears from western states, when packed for storage before maintain CO2 level at 1 to 3%.
marketing, have perforated polyethylene liners in the container. Freezing Injury. Bartlett and Anjou pears exposed for 4 to 6
While such liners give excellent protection against water loss, there weeks just below their freezing point develop glassy, water-soaked
is no agreement as to their value in modifying the atmosphere within external appearance with tan pithy area around core. Pears frozen
the container. sharply may break down completely or show abruptly sunken large
pits where slightly bruised while frozen. Control: Keep transit and
Storage Diseases and Deterioration storage temperature above -1°C.
The principal storage disorders in pears are (1) core breakdown;
(2) scald and failure to ripen; and (3) fungus rots. GRAPES
Core Breakdown. Often accompanies scald. Soft, brown break- Grapes are widely grown in the United States, but over 90% are
down in core area having acrid, disagreeable odor of acetaldehyde. grown in California. This state produces grapes of the Vitis vinifera
Control: Do not allow pears to become overmature on tree. Cool species almost exclusively. This species can withstand the rigors of
promptly. Store at -1°C. Ripen fruit between 18 and 24°C. handling, transport, and storage required of table grapes for wide dis-
Core breakdown is associated with overmaturity at harvest. This tribution over a long marketing period. Almost all of this fruit is pre-
problem has become more important because of growth regulator cooled and much of it stored for varying periods before consumption.
sprays used to keep pears from dropping during the harvest season. On the other hand, for fresh use, the fruit of the species Vitis labrusca
Pressure test information on late-harvested fruit is helpful in locat- (Eastern type) is largely limited to local market distribution.
ing lots susceptible to core breakdown. Records of the time lapse Grapes grow relatively slowly and should be mature before har-
between harvest and storage are important, since pressure test infor- vest because all of their ripening occurs on the vine. Mature here
mation may not be a true measure of relative storage quality where means that stage of physiological development when the fruit
storage is delayed. Pear color, particularly in California Bartletts, is appears pleasing to the eye and can be eaten with satisfaction. How-
a very poor measure of potential storage life because of great vari- ever, grapes should not be overripe, as this predisposes them to two
ability among pears from different districts. serious postharvest disorders: (1) weakening of the stem attachment
Scald. Often accompanies core breakdown. Brown to black soft- in some varieties, such as Thompson seedless, which causes the ber-
ening of large areas of skin and tissues immediately beneath skin. ries to separate from the pedicel attachment; and (2) progressively
Affected areas slough off readily. Acetaldehyde odor and flavor greater susceptibility to invading decay organisms. Danger of fruit
prominent. Control: Pick before overmature. Cool promptly. Store decay is increased with exposure to rain or excessively damp
only for proper period. Oiled paper wraps do not control scald. weather before harvest (conditions favorable for the inception of
Pear scald is associated with pears that have been stored too long field infections by Botrytis cinerea Pers).
and have lost their capacity to ripen. It is not related to apple scald
and cannot be controlled by any supplemental treatments. The Cooling and Storage
problem develops progressively earlier as the temperature is raised Grapes are vulnerable to the drying effect of the air because of
above -1°C. Yellowing of the fruit is the principal storage symp- their relatively large surface-to-volume ratio, especially that of the
tom; Bartlett and Bosc are the two most susceptible varieties. Anjou stems. Stem condition is an important quality factor and an excel-
and Comice may not develop scald but do lose their capacity to lent indicator of the past treatment of the fruit. Stems should be
ripen. Periodic inspection is desirable to be sure that green pear maintained in a fresh green condition not only for appearance but
varieties are removed from storage before yellowing progresses to because they become brittle when dry and are apt to break. The stem
the danger point. Yellow pears may show no scald in storage but of a grape cluster, unlike that of other fruit, is the handle by which
may develop scald on removal to a ripening temperature. If pear the fruit is carried; if breakage (shatter) occurs, the fruit is lost for all
scald does show in storage, the pears have been kept too long and practical purposes even though the shattered berries may still be in
may be worthless. excellent condition. Therefore, careful attention should be paid to
Anjou Scald. Anjou pears are often affected with a surface those operations that minimize moisture loss.
browning more superficial than common scald and distinct from it, The rate of water loss is especially high before and during pre-
resembling apple scald. Anjou scald is controlled by oiled paper cooling because grapes are normally harvested under hot, dry con-
wraps and effective scald-inhibiting chemicals. ditions. Field heat should be removed promptly after the fruit is
Gray Mold Rot (Botrytis). Extensive, firm, dull brown, water- picked to minimize the exposure of grapes to low vapor pressure
soaked decay with bleached border. Dirty white to gray extensive conditions. Volume and temperature of the precooling air, velocity
mycelium forming nests of decayed fruit. Control: Wrap fruit in of the air past or through the containers (lugs), and accessibility of
copper-impregnated paper. Use fungicide in spray or wax on pack- the fruit to this air are significant factors in the rate of heat
ing line. Cool promptly to -1°C. removal. These factors are drastically influenced by the location
Gray mold rot caused by Botrytis cinerea grows at cold storage and amount of venting of the containers, alignment of the contain-
temperatures and can be a serious threat to long-stored winter vari- ers (air channels), and packing materials such as curtains, cluster
eties such as Anjou and Winter Nelis. Without control measures, the wraps, and pads.
disease may spread from one fruit to another by contact. Two general systems of air handling used for precooling table
Alternaria Rot. Surface is dark brown to black. Decayed tissue grapes are (1) the velocity or conventional system, and (2) the pres-
is gray to black, dry in center, gelatinous at edge, easily removable sure system.
21.6 1998 ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook (SI)
In the velocity system, air is forced through channels parallel to evening. In this way, precooling is not delayed, and fumigation can
the long axis of the containers. Heat transfer is effected by conduc- be done after most of the working crew has left. This initial treatment
tion through the packaging materials and by penetration of the cold often becomes the responsibility of the refrigeration personnel.
air to the fruit from turbulence in and around the vents. Satisfactory Amount of Sulfur Dioxide. Other commodities should not be
precooling rates can be attained if (1) the containers are aligned so treated along with the grapes or even held where the fumigant can
that there are no obstructed channels; (2) the velocity of the air reach them, as most of them are very easily injured by the gas.
through these channels is at least 0.5 m/s; and (3) air of not more Because grapes also can be injured, they should be exposed to the
than 1.5°C can be supplied at the rate of at least 0.17 L/s per kilo- minimum quantity of SO2 required, which depends on the following:
gram of fruit. Very humid air helps to reduce the rate of water loss
from the fruit. Large cooling surfaces can be maintained, or atom- • Decay potential and condition of the fruit
ized water can be added to the airstream. However, the rate of • Amount of fruit to be treated
removal of field heat is the significant factor; humidifying tech- • Type of containers and packing materials
niques that retard precooling are likely to be a liability. • Air velocity and uniformity of air distribution
In the pressure system, a pressure gradient is set up so that there • Size of the room
is a positive flow of cold air through the fruit from one vented side • Losses from leakage and sorption on walls
of the container to the other. The containers are arranged so that the
air must pass through the containers before returning to the refrig- Under favorable conditions, a basic SO2 concentration of 0.5% by
eration surface. Precooling time may be as little as one-fifth that of volume for 20 min is adequate. To keep the concentration at this
the velocity system if the pressure differential across the packages is level, consider the absorptive capacity of the containers and fruit as
equivalent to at least 60 Pa and cold air is supplied at the rate of at well as their volume. The dosage can then be calculated from the
least 1 L/s per kilogram of fruit. following equation:
The recommended storage temperature for Vitis vinifera (Euro-
pean or California type) grapes is -1°C. The relative humidity AB
W s = ------- + CD
should be 90 to 95%. Although temperatures as low as -1.7°C have E
not been injurious to well-matured fruit of some varieties, other
varieties having low sugar content have been reported damaged by where
exposure to -0.5°C. Grape storage plants in California should pro- Ws = quantity of SO2 required, kg
vide uniform air circulation in the rooms. Some have precooling A = concentration of SO2 to be used, %
rooms where the grapes are cooled to about 4°C in 6 to 24 h before B = free volume of room (total volume minus 0.014 m3 for each con-
storage. In some plants, all of the cooling is done in the storage tainer), m3
rooms, but only a few have sufficient air movement to cool the fruit C = number of carloads of 12.7 kg lugs (1000 lugs/car)
as quickly as desired. After the fruit has been precooled, the air D = quantity of SO2 absorbed by each carload, kg
velocity should be reduced to a rate that maintains uniform temper- E = volume occupied by SO2 gas at 0°C = 0.34 m3/kg
atures throughout the room (no more than 0.05 to 0.1 m/s in the
channels between the lugs). Ventilation is required only to exhaust For factor D, 0.5 kg per car is adequate when the fruit is sound, air
sulfur dioxide and air following fumigation. velocities are maintained past both sides of every container at 0.25
The greatest change that takes place in grapes in storage is loss of m/s or more (0.4 to 0.5 m/s if the fruit has curtains over it or the clus-
water. The first noticeable effect is drying and browning of stems ters are wrapped), and the room is relatively gastight with no oppor-
and pedicels. This effect becomes evident with a loss of only 1 to tunity for the fumigant to be lost on refrigeration surfaces.
2% of the mass of the fruit. When the loss reaches 3 to 5%, the fruit Conversely, a higher value of 1 kg/car would be used when these
loses its turgidity and softens. factors are less favorable.
Maintaining a relative humidity of 90 to 95% in grape storage is Grapes must be fumigated weekly in storage to prevent Botrytis
often a problem, especially at the beginning of the storage season cinerea from spreading from infected fruit to adjacent sound fruit.
when the rooms are being filled with dry lugs. Each lug will absorb The amount of SO2 needed depends on the same factors as for the
0.15 to 0.3 kg of water over a month, and, unless moisture is sup- initial treatment. However, a basic concentration of 0.1% for 30 min
plied to the room, this water must come from the fruit. Spray humid- is adequate. Also, an absorptive factor in the range of 0.15 to 0.3 kg
ification is an effective method of supplying water to minimize of SO2 per carload should be used.
shrinkage. With proper balance of water and air pressure and the Gas Distribution Procedure. The gas must be distributed
correct type of nozzle, a fine spray can be obtained that will vapor- quickly and evenly to all parts of the room. This can be done by
ize readily even at -0.5°C. spacing special nozzles 1800 mm apart along the ceiling in the
room. If the outlet is placed in front of a fan, there should be one for
Fumigation each fan, or the air from the single fan should be distributed evenly
Vinifera grapes must be fumigated with sulfur dioxide (SO2) after across the room through a plenum.
they are packed to prevent or retard the spread of decay. The treatment The same requirements of proper container alignment, adequate
surface-sterilizes the fruit, particularly wounds made during han- fan capacity, and uniform air distribution apply here as for the initial
dling. treatment. The lugs should be oriented parallel to the airflow, and 20
Fumigation with SO2 in storage prevents new infections of the to 40 mm channels should be provided on both sides and kept com-
fruit but does not control infections that have already occurred in pletely unobstructed through the stacked fruit. The fruit should be
the vineyard. Frequently, these have not developed far enough to stacked as near the ceiling as possible so that curtains provided over
be detected at harvest and consequently are the primary cause of the fruit will prevent air from passing over the fruit and thus bypass-
decay in storage. A method of measuring field infection has been ing the channels. The working distance between pallets should be
developed and used to forecast decay during storage. The forecast kept to an absolute minimum to avoid wide channels, and no holes
indicates the lots that are sound and can be safely stored and also should be left in the wall of lugs when pallets of fruit are withdrawn.
those that are likely to decay and should be marketed early (Har- The hot-gas method of delivery may be used if the room
vey 1955, 1984). requires 4.5 kg or less of gas. The steel cylinder containing the liq-
It has become common practice to accumulate packed fruit in the uid SO2 is first connected to the gas inlet, and the valve is then
precooler during the daily packing and to fumigate the fruit in the opened. The cylinder should then be placed in a pot of boiling water
Deciduous Tree and Vine Fruit 21.7
to vaporize the fumigant as rapidly as possible. Only about 7.5 g/s Table 5 Storage Life of California Table Grapes at 0°C
can be delivered this way. Variety Storage Life, Months
For larger quantities, the cold-gas method is usually more prac-
tical. A riser extends to the bottom of the cylinder through which the Emperor, Ohanez, Ribier 3 to 5
liquid SO2 rises and flows through the delivery line. Every precau- Malaga, Red Malaga, Cornichon 2 to 3
tion must be taken to provide enough air volumetric flow and velocity Thompson seedless, Tokay 1 to 2.5
to vaporize and mix the gas thoroughly with the air before it reaches Muscat, Cardinal 1 to 1.5
the fruit. Up to 45 kg of the material can be released in 2 to 3 min.
After 30 min, the room should be purged of the gas-laden air until
Table 6 Storage Life of Labrusca Grapes at 0°C
personnel can remain in the space without excessive discomfort.
In plants that are devoted entirely to the storage of grapes, the gas Variety Storage Life, Weeks
is sometimes released into the air ducts of the plant, thus using the Catawba 5 to 8
air-cooling system for even distribution and good circulation in the Concord, Delaware 4 to 7
rooms. With a brine spray system of refrigerating the air, a bypass
around the spray chamber prevents the gas from contacting the wet Niagara, Moore 3 to 6
metal surfaces, since it readily forms a corrosive acid in combina- Worden 3 to 5
tion with water. For the same reason, SO2 should be cleared from the
air of the rooms before the damper is turned and the air is circulated Rhizopus Rot. Soft, mushy, leaky decay causing staining of
through the spray. It is advisable to check the acidity of the brine fre- lugs. Coarse extensive mycelium and black sporangia develop
quently to guard against corrosion. under moist conditions. Control: Prevent skin breaks. Cool
Precautions. Sulfur dioxide has certain properties that demand promptly to below 10°C.
care in its use as a fumigant in cold storage plants. The concentra- Sulfur Dioxide Injury. Bleached sunken areas on berry at skin
tions recommended for the fumigation of grapes in storage can cause breaks or cap-stem attachment. Decolorized portions have disagree-
respiratory spasms and death if the victim cannot escape the fumes. able astringent flavor. Does not appear in full severity until cool
When working in even weak concentrations of SO2, goggles to pro- grapes are warmed. Control: Apply proper concentration and distri-
tect against injury to the eyes and a gas mask fitted with canister for bution of gas for recommended period.
acid gases (not the usual canister for ammonia gas) should be worn.
Concentrations as low as 30 to 40 mg/kg can be detected by smell. Storage Life
It requires several times these concentrations to cause discomfort. The normal storage life of the principal varieties of California
Because a small segment of the population may experience table grapes at -1°C is shown in Table 5. Under exceptional con-
severe allergic reactions to sulfites, the U.S. Environmental Protec- ditions, sound fruit will keep longer than indicated; for example,
tion Agency has proposed a 10 mg/kg tolerance for sulfite residues Emperor grapes have been held in good condition for 7 months, and
in table grapes (EPA 1989, Harvey et al. 1988). Fruit with residues Thompson seedless for 4 months.
exceeding the tolerance cannot be marketed. The storage life of grapes is affected most by the attention given
Another precaution about SO2 that cannot be overemphasized is to selecting and preparing the fruit. Grapes should be picked at the
its injurious effects on other produce. For this reason, care must be best maturity for storage, especially Thompson seedless and
taken that only grapes are stored in the room that is to be fumigated Ohanez. Stems and pedicels should be well developed, and the fruit
and that there are no leaks through walls or halls to adjacent rooms should be firm and mature. Soft and weak fruit should not be stored.
storing other produce. The display lug is a satisfactory package for storage since it can be
Periodic inspection of the fruit is recommended to check whether cooled and fumigated easily.
the SO2 gas is reaching the center of the stacks or whether some
Cooling to 4 to 7°C is advised for grapes that are to be in transit
grapes are being overtreated. If the pedicels and stems retain a yel-
a day or two before reaching storage. Special care should be taken
low or green color and broken berries show no mold and appear to
during transit so that decay does not start. It is not good practice to
be dried or seared, the gas has reached the fruit in question and is
delay fumigation until the grapes reach a distant storage plant, for in
having the desired effect. Serious bleaching on unbroken grapes
the picking and packing of grapes, many berries are injured suffi-
means too high a concentration or too long an exposure; there
ciently to permit mold to begin unless the fruit is fumigated
should be better distribution of the gas, lower concentration, or
shorter fumigation periods.
For labrusca (Eastern type) grapes, a storage temperature of 0°C
Diseases and humidity of 85% are recommended. Care in packing and han-
dling the fruit, a minimum of delay before storage, and prompt cool-
Blue Mold Rot (Penicillium). Watery, mushy condition. Early ing are important for best results with these varieties, as they are
production of typical bluish-green spores on berries and stems. with the vinifera grapes. The Eastern varieties are not fumigated
Moldy odor and flavor. Control: Prevent deterioration in fruit by with SO2 due to their susceptibility to injury from it. The storage life
careful handling and prompt refrigeration, preferably to 0°C. Fumi- of the important commercial varieties at 0°C is shown in Table 6.
gate with SO2 in storage.
Cladosporium Rot. Black, firm, shallow decay which produces PLUMS
an olive-green surface mold. Common on stored grapes harvested
early in the season. Infections occur on small growth cracks at the Plums are not suitable for long storage. Among the major ship-
blossom end and sides of the grape. Control: Precool and store grapes ping varieties, well-matured Santa Rosa, El Dorado, Nubiana,
promptly at 0°C. After harvest, fumigate with SO2 to reduce spread. Queen Ann, Laroda, Late Santa Rosa, and Casselman are some-
Gray Mold Rot (Botrytis). Early stage: slip skin with no mold times stored for short periods. The Italian Prune can be held for no
growth. Later, nest of fairly firm decay covered with abundant fine more than 2 weeks before marketing begins.
gray mold and grayish-brown, velvety spore masses. Control: Cull Plums intended for storage should be harvested at a high soluble
out decay when packing. Fumigate grapes with SO2. For storage, solids level for the variety, although doing so may delay the harvest
cool grapes rapidly to -1°C. Use forecasting technique to deter- beyond the normal picking date. Harvested fruit should be carefully
mine safe storage periods. Use short storage period for grapes har- graded to remove disease, defects, and injuries before packing in the
vested in rainy periods or after slight freezes. shipping container.
21.8 1998 ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook (SI)
peaches are air cooled in pressure coolers to remove the field heat APRICOTS
rapidly for the postharvest holding period. With forced-air or pres-
Apricots are not stored for a prolonged time but may be held for
sure cooling, peaches or nectarines in two-layer plastic tray packs
2 or 3 weeks if they are picked firm enough that they will not bruise.
with 6% side-vented corrugated containers will cool 80% in about
Unfortunately, this maturity does not yield good dessert-quality
6 h with an airflow of 0.2 L/s per kilogram of fruit.
fruit. Care must be used in sizing and packing the fruit going into
storage, as small surface bruises can become infected with disease-
producing organisms. Chapter 10 has further details.
Peaches are normally stored in corrugated or tray pack shipping Apricots for short-term storage are harvested in much the same
containers. way as freestone peaches, precooled, and placed in storage
An environment of -0.5°C and 90 to 95% rh with very low air promptly. Storage temperature should be 0°C with 90 to 95% rh.
movement is best for peaches. Under these conditions, peaches can
be held for 2 to 6 weeks, depending on variety. Diseases and Deterioration
The same storage conditions may be used for nectarines; how- See the section on Peaches and Nectarines.
ever, they are somewhat more susceptible to shrivel than are
peaches. Air velocity in the storage room should be as low as pos- BERRIES
sible but still maintain proper storage temperatures. Frequent
checks should be made of the fruit at the edge of alleyways, for Blackberries, raspberries, and related berries cannot be stored for
example, to detect the first signs of shrivel. more than 2 or 3 days even at -0.5°C with a relative humidity of 90
to 95%. An atmosphere with 20 to 40% CO2 will increase storage
Good experimental CA results have been obtained with peaches life by 3 or 4 days by inhibiting fungal rots.
and nectarines held in 1% O2 with 5% CO2 at 0°C. Extended storage
As they come from the field, cranberries are stored in field boxes
of 6 to 9 weeks is possible. The fruit ripens or softens with good fla-
at 2 to 4°C and 90 to 95% rh. They are usually not stored longer than
vor and is juicy on removal. Low-temperature breakdown, which is
2 months. Storage at -1 to 0°C causes chilling and physiological
usually encountered with lengthy storage, is controlled by CA.
breakdown. Modified atmospheres have not extended the storage life
While CA reduces decay, it does not completely control it; thus, a
of fresh cranberries beyond that attainable in conventional storage.
fungicide is needed for extended storage.
Cladosporium Rot. Surfaces of berries covered with olive to
Brown Rot (Monolinia). Extensive firm, brown, unsunken olive-green mold. In raspberries, the mold is most abundant on
areas turning dark brown to black in the center and generally cov- inside or cup of berry. Control: Avoid bruising; pack and ship
ered with yellowish-gray spore masses. Skin clings tightly to center promptly. Refrigerate to 0°C.
of old lesions. Control: Follow recommended field and postharvest Gray Mold Rot. Causes soft, watery rot. Fruit may be covered
control measures involving use of heat treatments and fungicides. with dense, dusty gray growth of fungus, which spreads rapidly in
Refrigerate promptly to as near 0°C as feasible. package, forming nests. Control: Avoid bruising. Refrigerate to 0°C
Cold Storage Injury. Fruit loses flavor, becomes dry and in transit.
mealy. Breakdown starting around pit is grayish brown, water- Anthracnose (Gloeosporium sp.). Berries may be completely
soaked, or mealy. Control: Refrigerate promptly to 0°C. Break- rotted and show masses of spores glistening in salmon-colored
down appears earlier at 3°C. Store for only 2 to 4 weeks, depend- droplets on fruit. Control: Refrigerate to 0°C.
ing on variety. Alternaria Rot. Affected berries remain firm and show gray-
Pustular Spot (Coryneum). Common on peaches from the white woolly fungal growth from injured cap-stem areas. Nesting
West, occasionally on Eastern fruit. At first small purplish-red occurs in tight clusters scattered throughout containers. Control:
spots, later up to 13 mm in diameter, brown, sunken with white cen- Refrigerate to 0°C.
ter. Control: Treat with orchard sprays. Cool harvested fruit to Chilling Injury. Berries held for 4 or more weeks become tough
below 7°C. and rubbery; surfaces are dull in appearance, red in color through-
Rhizopus Rot. Extensive, fairly firm, watery decay with uni- out. Control: Hold fruit at 2.8°C.
formly brown surface color. Skin slips readily from center of Fungus Rots (Several Fungi). Limited portions or entire berries
lesions. Coarse mycelium, black spherical sporangia develop. Con- are brown, soft, or collapsed. Some berries turn into water bags.
trol: Store cannery peaches at 0°C before ripening. Prevent skin Control: Spray in field. Handle carefully. Reduce temperature to
breaks. Follow recommended field and postharvest control mea- 3.3°C after harvest.
sures. Refrigerate promptly to as near 0°C as feasible.
Sulfur Dioxide Injury. Bleached and pitted areas on fruit sur- STRAWBERRIES
face. After removal from refrigeration, injured areas of peaches are
brown, dry, and collapsed. Skin may slough off. Control: Avoid SO2 Diseases
contact of peaches (and other stone fruit) in storage or in transit with Gray Mold Rot (Botrytis). Brown, fairly firm, fairly dry decay.
grapes. Dirty-gray mold and grayish-brown velvety spore masses present.
Sour Rot. An unfamiliar postharvest disease in peaches Nesting common. Control: Apply recommended fungicides in field.
noticed in some packing sheds in the southeastern states. First Handle carefully to prevent skin breaks. Cull out all diseased ber-
signs of the infection may be peaches that are easily skinned by ries. Cool promptly to 4°C or below.
the brushes and belts on the packing line. Affected peaches then Leather Rot (Phytophthora). Large, slightly discolored tough
develop softened and sunken brown lesions that eventually areas with indefinite purplish margins. Vascular system browned,
become covered with a white or creamy exudation. The infected flavor bitter. Control: Mulch plants to keep berries from contact
areas generally emit a vinegar-like, sour odor. Control: Chlorina- with infested soil. Cool promptly to 4°C or below.
tion of dump tank water, chlorination of hydrocooling water, and Rhizoctonia Rot. Hard dark brown decay on one side of berry,
careful culling of all overripe, bruised, and damaged fruit. In short, usually small quantities of soil adhering. Develops only a little after
good shed sanitation and quality control are the keys to eliminat- harvest. Control: Mulch plants to keep berries from contact with
ing sour rot. infested soil. Cull thoroughly.
21.10 1998 ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook (SI)
Rhizopus Rot. Mushy, leaky collapse of berries associated with example, brown rot and rhizopus rot of peaches are reduced by expos-
coarse black mycelium and sporangia. Extensive red staining of ing the fruit for 1.5 min in 55°C water or for 3 min in 49°C water.
containers from leaking juice. Control: Reduce temperature
promptly to 4°C or below. Handle carefully to prevent skin breaks. Fungicides
Fungicides may be applied during cleaning, brushing, or waxing
FIGS of some fruit. Only fungicides registered for the particular fruit and
Diseases application may be used.
Alternaria Spot. White fungal growth on surfaces that soon Irradiation
darkens. As fungus spots enlarge, tissue beneath becomes slightly
sunken. Control: Cool promptly after harvest, hold at 7°C in transit. Gamma radiation has effectively controlled decay in some prod-
Black Mold Rot (Aspergillus). Disease first appears as a dirty- ucts. High dosages can cause discoloration, softening, or flavor loss.
white to pink color of the skin and pulp. White mold growth devel- Commercial application of gamma radiation is limited due to the
ops within fig. Cavities formed in fruit become lined with black cost and size of equipment needed for the treatment and to uncer-
spore masses. Control: Store fresh figs at 0°C and 85 to 90% rh. tainty about the acceptability of irradiated foods to the consumer
(Hardenburg et al. 1986).
SUPPLEMENTS TO REFRIGERATION Ultraviolet lamps are sometimes used to control bacteria and
mold in refrigerated storage. While ultraviolet light kills bacteria
Antiseptic Washes and fungi that are sufficiently exposed to the direct rays, it does not
Many types of fruit are washed before packing to remove dirt and reduce decay of packaged fruit in storage. Even ultraviolet light
improve appearance. In some cases, hydrocoolers are used to directed on fruit as it passed over a grader did not control decay.
remove field heat. If the water is recirculated, it may become
heavily contaminated with decay-producing bacteria and fungi. REFERENCES
Chlorine can be added to the water at 50 to 100 mg/kg to control the EPA. 1989. Interim policy for sulfiting agents on grapes; Pesticide tolerance
buildup of these organisms. Other fungicides may also be used, but for sulfur dioxide. Federal Register 54(3):382-85.
they must be legally registered for the specific application. Hardenburg, R.E., A.E. Watada, and C.Y. Wang. 1986. The commercial stor-
age of fruit, vegetables, and florist and nursery stocks. USDA Agricul-
Protective Packaging ture Handbook No. 66. U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Proper packaging protects against bruising, moisture loss, and Harvey, J.M. 1955. A method of forecasting decay in California storage
spread of disease. Packaging materials may also contain chemicals grapes. Phytopathology 45:229-32.
to control spoilage. Packages must have good stacking strength for Harvey, J.M. 1984. Instructions for forecasting decay in table grapes for
palletizing and must also perform under high-humidity conditions. storage. ARS-7. U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Harvey, J.M., C.M. Harris, T.A. Hanke, and P.L. Hartsell. 1988. Sulfur diox-
Selective Marketing ide fumigation of table grapes: Relative sorption of SO2 by fruit and
packages, SO2 residues, decay, and bleaching. American Journal of
The potential storage life of grapes and apples can be predicted Enology and Viticulture 39:132-36.
within a few weeks after they are stored. Thus, those with a short Kader, A.A., R.F. Kasmire, and J.F. Thompson. 1992. Cooling horticultural
storage life may be marketed while still in good condition, and commodities: Selecting a cooling method. Pub. 3311. University of Cal-
longer lived products can be stored for late-season marketing. Sam- ifornia Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
ples taken from each lot placed in storage are kept for a few weeks
at temperatures and relative humidities that favor rapid develop- BIBLIOGRAPHY
ment of decay. Grapes that will not keep long can be detected in
about 2 weeks and apples in about 60 days. Since both kinds of fruit Chau, K.V., C.D. Baird, P.C. Talasila, and S.A. Sargent. 1992. Development
of time-temperature-humidity relations for fresh fruits and vegetables.
may be stored for several months, knowing their potential storage
Final report for ASHRAE Research Project 678-RP.
life can significantly reduce spoilage losses.
Nelson, K.E. 1979. Harvesting and handling California table grapes for mar-
ket. University of California Publication 4095.
Heat Treatment
Ryall, A.L. and W.T. Pentzer. 1982. Handling, transportation, and storage
Heat treatments to reduce decay also kill insects on and microor- of fruits and vegetables, 2nd ed. Vol. 2, Fruits and tree nuts. AVI Pub-
ganisms near the surface of the fruit without leaving a residue. For lishing Co., Westport, CT.