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Flask-RESTX Documentation

Release 0.2.1.dev

python-restx Authors

Jan 11, 2021


1 Why did we fork? 3

2 Compatibility 5

3 Installation 7

4 Documentation 9
4.1 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.2 Quick start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.3 Response marshalling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.4 Request Parsing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.5 Error handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.6 Fields masks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.7 Swagger documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.8 Logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.9 Postman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.10 Scaling your project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.11 Full example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
4.12 Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.13 API Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.14 Additional Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

5 Indices and tables 85

Python Module Index 87

Index 89

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

Flask-RESTX is an extension for Flask that adds support for quickly building REST APIs. Flask-RESTX encourages
best practices with minimal setup. If you are familiar with Flask, Flask-RESTX should be easy to pick up. It provides
a coherent collection of decorators and tools to describe your API and expose its documentation properly (using
Flask-RESTX is a community driven fork of Flask-RESTPlus

Contents 1
Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

2 Contents

Why did we fork?

The community has decided to fork the project due to lack of response from the original author @noirbizarre. We
have been discussing this eventuality for a long time.
Things evolved a bit since that discussion and a few of us have been granted maintainers access to the github project,
but only the original author has access rights on the PyPi project. As such, we been unable to make any actual releases.
To prevent this project from dying out, we have forked it to continue development and to support our users.

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

4 Chapter 1. Why did we fork?



flask-restx requires Python 2.7+ or 3.4+.

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

6 Chapter 2. Compatibility


You can install flask-restx with pip:

$ pip install flask-restx

or with easy_install:

$ easy_install flask-restx

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

8 Chapter 3. Installation


This part of the documentation will show you how to get started in using Flask-RESTX with Flask.

4.1 Installation

Install Flask-RESTX with pip:

pip install flask-restx

The development version can be downloaded from GitHub.

git clone https://github.com/python-restx/flask-restx.git

cd flask-restx
pip install -e .[dev,test]

Flask-RESTX requires Python version 2.7, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, or 3.8. It’s also working with PyPy and PyPy3.

4.2 Quick start

This guide assumes you have a working understanding of Flask, and that you have already installed both Flask and
Flask-RESTX. If not, then follow the steps in the Installation section.

4.2.1 Migrate from Flask-RESTPlus

Warning: The migration commands provided below are for illustration purposes. You may need to adapt them to
properly fit your needs. We also recommend you make a backup of your project prior running them.

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

At this point, Flask-RESTX remains 100% compatible with Flask-RESTPlus’ API. All you need to do is update your
requirements to use Flask-RESTX instead of Flask-RESTPlus. Then you need to update all your imports. This can be
done using something like:
:: find . -type f -name “*.py” | xargs sed -i “s/flask_restplus/flask_restx/g”
Finally, you will need to update your configuration options (described here). Example:
:: find . -type f -name “*.py” | xargs sed -i “s/RESTPLUS_/RESTX_/g”

4.2.2 Initialization

As every other extension, you can initialize it with an application object:

from flask import Flask

from flask_restx import Api

app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)

or lazily with the factory pattern:

from flask import Flask

from flask_restx import Api

api = Api()

app = Flask(__name__)

4.2.3 A Minimal API

A minimal Flask-RESTX API looks like this:

from flask import Flask

from flask_restx import Resource, Api

app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)

class HelloWorld(Resource):
def get(self):
return {'hello': 'world'}

if __name__ == '__main__':

Save this as api.py and run it using your Python interpreter. Note that we’ve enabled Flask debugging mode to provide
code reloading and better error messages.

$ python api.py
* Running on
* Restarting with reloader

10 Chapter 4. Documentation
Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

Warning: Debug mode should never be used in a production environment!

Now open up a new prompt to test out your API using curl:
$ curl
{"hello": "world"}

You can also use the automatic documentation on you API root (by default). In this case: See
Swagger UI for a complete documentation on the automatic documentation.

4.2.4 Resourceful Routing

The main building block provided by Flask-RESTX are resources. Resources are built on top of Flask pluggable
views, giving you easy access to multiple HTTP methods just by defining methods on your resource. A basic CRUD
resource for a todo application (of course) looks like this:
from flask import Flask, request
from flask_restx import Resource, Api

app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)

todos = {}

class TodoSimple(Resource):
def get(self, todo_id):
return {todo_id: todos[todo_id]}

def put(self, todo_id):

todos[todo_id] = request.form['data']
return {todo_id: todos[todo_id]}

if __name__ == '__main__':

You can try it like this:

$ curl http://localhost:5000/todo1 -d "data=Remember the milk" -X PUT
{"todo1": "Remember the milk"}
$ curl http://localhost:5000/todo1
{"todo1": "Remember the milk"}
$ curl http://localhost:5000/todo2 -d "data=Change my brakepads" -X PUT
{"todo2": "Change my brakepads"}
$ curl http://localhost:5000/todo2
{"todo2": "Change my brakepads"}

Or from python if you have the Requests library installed:

>>> from requests import put, get
>>> put('http://localhost:5000/todo1', data={'data': 'Remember the milk'}).json()
{u'todo1': u'Remember the milk'}
>>> get('http://localhost:5000/todo1').json()
{u'todo1': u'Remember the milk'}
>>> put('http://localhost:5000/todo2', data={'data': 'Change my brakepads'}).json()
(continues on next page)

4.2. Quick start 11

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(continued from previous page)

{u'todo2': u'Change my brakepads'}
>>> get('http://localhost:5000/todo2').json()
{u'todo2': u'Change my brakepads'}

Flask-RESTX understands multiple kinds of return values from view methods. Similar to Flask, you can return any
iterable and it will be converted into a response, including raw Flask response objects. Flask-RESTX also support
setting the response code and response headers using multiple return values, as shown below:

class Todo1(Resource):
def get(self):
# Default to 200 OK
return {'task': 'Hello world'}

class Todo2(Resource):
def get(self):
# Set the response code to 201
return {'task': 'Hello world'}, 201

class Todo3(Resource):
def get(self):
# Set the response code to 201 and return custom headers
return {'task': 'Hello world'}, 201, {'Etag': 'some-opaque-string'}

4.2.5 Endpoints

Many times in an API, your resource will have multiple URLs. You can pass multiple URLs to the
add_resource() method or to the route() decorator, both on the Api object. Each one will be routed to
your Resource:

api.add_resource(HelloWorld, '/hello', '/world')

# or

@api.route('/hello', '/world')
class HelloWorld(Resource):

You can also match parts of the path as variables to your resource methods.

api.add_resource(Todo, '/todo/<int:todo_id>', endpoint='todo_ep')

# or

@api.route('/todo/<int:todo_id>', endpoint='todo_ep')
class HelloWorld(Resource):

Note: If a request does not match any of your application’s endpoints, Flask-RESTX will return a 404 error mes-
sage with suggestions of other endpoints that closely match the requested endpoint. This can be disabled by setting
RESTX_ERROR_404_HELP to False in your application config.

12 Chapter 4. Documentation
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4.2.6 Argument Parsing

While Flask provides easy access to request data (i.e. querystring or POST form encoded data), it’s still a pain to
validate form data. Flask-RESTX has built-in support for request data validation using a library similar to argparse.
from flask_restx import reqparse

parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
parser.add_argument('rate', type=int, help='Rate to charge for this resource')
args = parser.parse_args()

Note: Unlike the argparse module, parse_args() returns a Python dictionary instead of a custom data struc-

Using the RequestParser class also gives you same error messages for free. If an argument fails to pass validation,
Flask-RESTX will respond with a 400 Bad Request and a response highlighting the error.
$ curl -d 'rate=foo'
{'status': 400, 'message': 'foo cannot be converted to int'}

The inputs module provides a number of included common conversion functions such as date() and url().
Calling parse_args() with strict=True ensures that an error is thrown if the request includes arguments your
parser does not define.
args = parser.parse_args(strict=True)

4.2.7 Data Formatting

By default, all fields in your return iterable will be rendered as-is. While this works great when you’re just dealing with
Python data structures, it can become very frustrating when working with objects. To solve this problem, Flask-RESTX
provides the fields module and the marshal_with() decorator. Similar to the Django ORM and WTForm, you
use the fields module to describe the structure of your response.
from flask import Flask
from flask_restx import fields, Api, Resource

app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)

model = api.model('Model', {
'task': fields.String,
'uri': fields.Url('todo_ep')

class TodoDao(object):
def __init__(self, todo_id, task):
self.todo_id = todo_id
self.task = task

# This field will not be sent in the response

self.status = 'active'

(continues on next page)

4.2. Quick start 13

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(continued from previous page)

class Todo(Resource):
def get(self, **kwargs):
return TodoDao(todo_id='my_todo', task='Remember the milk')

The above example takes a python object and prepares it to be serialized. The marshal_with() decorator will
apply the transformation described by model. The only field extracted from the object is task. The fields.Url
field is a special field that takes an endpoint name and generates a URL for that endpoint in the response. Using the
marshal_with() decorator also document the output in the swagger specifications. Many of the field types you
need are already included. See the fields guide for a complete list.

Order Preservation

By default, fields order is not preserved as this have a performance drop effect. If you still require fields order
preservation, you can pass a ordered=True parameter to some classes or function to force order preservation:
• globally on Api: api = Api(ordered=True)
• globally on Namespace: ns = Namespace(ordered=True)
• locally on marshal(): return marshal(data, fields, ordered=True)

4.2.8 Full example

See the Full example section for fully functional example.

4.3 Response marshalling

Flask-RESTX provides an easy way to control what data you actually render in your response or expect as in input
payload. With the fields module, you can use whatever objects (ORM models/custom classes/etc.) you want in
your resource. fields also lets you format and filter the response so you don’t have to worry about exposing internal
data structures.
It’s also very clear when looking at your code what data will be rendered and how it will be formatted.

4.3.1 Basic Usage

You can define a dict or OrderedDict of fields whose keys are names of attributes or keys on the object to render,
and whose values are a class that will format & return the value for that field. This example has three fields: two are
String and one is a DateTime, formatted as an ISO 8601 datetime string (RFC 822 is supported as well):

from flask_restx import Resource, fields

model = api.model('Model', {
'name': fields.String,
'address': fields.String,
'date_updated': fields.DateTime(dt_format='rfc822'),

class Todo(Resource):
(continues on next page)

14 Chapter 4. Documentation
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(continued from previous page)

@api.marshal_with(model, envelope='resource')
def get(self, **kwargs):
return db_get_todo() # Some function that queries the db

This example assumes that you have a custom database object (todo) that has attributes name, address, and
date_updated. Any additional attributes on the object are considered private and won’t be rendered in the output.
An optional envelope keyword argument is specified to wrap the resulting output.
The decorator marshal_with() is what actually takes your data object and applies the field filtering. The mar-
shalling can work on single objects, dicts, or lists of objects.

Note: marshal_with() is a convenience decorator, that is functionally equivalent to:

class Todo(Resource):
def get(self, **kwargs):
return marshal(db_get_todo(), model), 200

The @api.marshal_with decorator add the swagger documentation ability.

This explicit expression can be used to return HTTP status codes other than 200 along with a successful response (see
abort() for errors).

4.3.2 Renaming Attributes

Often times your public facing field name is different from your internal field name. To configure this mapping, use
the attribute keyword argument.

model = {
'name': fields.String(attribute='private_name'),
'address': fields.String,

A lambda (or any callable) can also be specified as the attribute

model = {
'name': fields.String(attribute=lambda x: x._private_name),
'address': fields.String,

Nested properties can also be accessed with attribute:

model = {
'name': fields.String(attribute='people_list.0.person_dictionary.name'),
'address': fields.String,

4.3.3 Default Values

If for some reason your data object doesn’t have an attribute in your fields list, you can specify a default value to return
instead of None.

4.3. Response marshalling 15

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

model = {
'name': fields.String(default='Anonymous User'),
'address': fields.String,

4.3.4 Custom Fields & Multiple Values

Sometimes you have your own custom formatting needs. You can subclass the fields.Raw class and implement
the format function. This is especially useful when an attribute stores multiple pieces of information. e.g. a bit-field
whose individual bits represent distinct values. You can use fields to multiplex a single attribute to multiple output
This example assumes that bit 1 in the flags attribute signifies a “Normal” or “Urgent” item, and bit 2 signifies
“Read” or “Unread”. These items might be easy to store in a bitfield, but for a human readable output it’s nice to
convert them to separate string fields.

class UrgentItem(fields.Raw):
def format(self, value):
return "Urgent" if value & 0x01 else "Normal"

class UnreadItem(fields.Raw):
def format(self, value):
return "Unread" if value & 0x02 else "Read"

model = {
'name': fields.String,
'priority': UrgentItem(attribute='flags'),
'status': UnreadItem(attribute='flags'),

4.3.5 Url & Other Concrete Fields

Flask-RESTX includes a special field, fields.Url, that synthesizes a uri for the resource that’s being requested.
This is also a good example of how to add data to your response that’s not actually present on your data object.

class RandomNumber(fields.Raw):
def output(self, key, obj):
return random.random()

model = {
'name': fields.String,
# todo_resource is the endpoint name when you called api.route()
'uri': fields.Url('todo_resource'),
'random': RandomNumber,

By default fields.Url returns a relative uri. To generate an absolute uri that includes the scheme, hostname and
port, pass the keyword argument absolute=True in the field declaration. To override the default scheme, pass the
scheme keyword argument:

model = {
'uri': fields.Url('todo_resource', absolute=True),
'https_uri': fields.Url('todo_resource', absolute=True, scheme='https')

16 Chapter 4. Documentation
Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

4.3.6 Complex Structures

You can have a flat structure that marshal() will transform to a nested structure:

>>> from flask_restx import fields, marshal

>>> import json
>>> resource_fields = {'name': fields.String}
>>> resource_fields['address'] = {}
>>> resource_fields['address']['line 1'] = fields.String(attribute='addr1')
>>> resource_fields['address']['line 2'] = fields.String(attribute='addr2')
>>> resource_fields['address']['city'] = fields.String
>>> resource_fields['address']['state'] = fields.String
>>> resource_fields['address']['zip'] = fields.String
>>> data = {'name': 'bob', 'addr1': '123 fake street', 'addr2': '', 'city': 'New York
˓→', 'state': 'NY', 'zip': '10468'}

>>> json.dumps(marshal(data, resource_fields))

'{"name": "bob", "address": {"line 1": "123 fake street", "line 2": "", "state": "NY",
˓→ "zip": "10468", "city": "New York"}}'

Note: The address field doesn’t actually exist on the data object, but any of the sub-fields can access attributes directly
from the object as if they were not nested.

4.3.7 List Field

You can also unmarshal fields as lists

>>> from flask_restx import fields, marshal

>>> import json
>>> resource_fields = {'name': fields.String, 'first_names': fields.List(fields.

>>> data = {'name': 'Bougnazal', 'first_names' : ['Emile', 'Raoul']}

>>> json.dumps(marshal(data, resource_fields))
>>> '{"first_names": ["Emile", "Raoul"], "name": "Bougnazal"}'

4.3.8 Wildcard Field

If you don’t know the name(s) of the field(s) you want to unmarshall, you can use Wildcard

>>> from flask_restx import fields, marshal

>>> import json
>>> wild = fields.Wildcard(fields.String)
>>> wildcard_fields = {'*': wild}
>>> data = {'John': 12, 'bob': 42, 'Jane': '68'}
>>> json.dumps(marshal(data, wildcard_fields))
>>> '{"Jane": "68", "bob": "42", "John": "12"}'

The name you give to your Wildcard acts as a real glob as shown bellow

4.3. Response marshalling 17

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

>>> from flask_restx import fields, marshal

>>> import json
>>> wild = fields.Wildcard(fields.String)
>>> wildcard_fields = {'j*': wild}
>>> data = {'John': 12, 'bob': 42, 'Jane': '68'}
>>> json.dumps(marshal(data, wildcard_fields))
>>> '{"Jane": "68", "John": "12"}'

Note: It is important you define your Wildcard outside your model (ie. you cannot use it like this: res_fields
= {'*': fields.Wildcard(fields.String)}) because it has to be stateful to keep a track of what fields
it has already treated.

Note: The glob is not a regex, it can only treat simple wildcards like ‘*’ or ‘?’.

In order to avoid unexpected behavior, when mixing Wildcard with other fields, you may want to use an
OrderedDict and use the Wildcard as the last field
>>> from flask_restx import fields, marshal
>>> import json
>>> wild = fields.Wildcard(fields.Integer)
>>> # you can use it in api.model like this:
>>> # some_fields = api.model('MyModel', {'zoro': fields.String, '*': wild})
>>> data = {'John': 12, 'bob': 42, 'Jane': '68', 'zoro': 72}
>>> json.dumps(marshal(data, mod))
>>> '{"zoro": "72", "Jane": 68, "bob": 42, "John": 12}'

4.3.9 Nested Field

While nesting fields using dicts can turn a flat data object into a nested response, you can use Nested to unmarshal
nested data structures and render them appropriately.
>>> from flask_restx import fields, marshal
>>> import json
>>> address_fields = {}
>>> address_fields['line 1'] = fields.String(attribute='addr1')
>>> address_fields['line 2'] = fields.String(attribute='addr2')
>>> address_fields['city'] = fields.String(attribute='city')
>>> address_fields['state'] = fields.String(attribute='state')
>>> address_fields['zip'] = fields.String(attribute='zip')
>>> resource_fields = {}
>>> resource_fields['name'] = fields.String
>>> resource_fields['billing_address'] = fields.Nested(address_fields)
>>> resource_fields['shipping_address'] = fields.Nested(address_fields)
>>> address1 = {'addr1': '123 fake street', 'city': 'New York', 'state': 'NY', 'zip':

>>> address2 = {'addr1': '555 nowhere', 'city': 'New York', 'state': 'NY', 'zip':

(continues on next page)

18 Chapter 4. Documentation
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(continued from previous page)

>>> data = {'name': 'bob', 'billing_address': address1, 'shipping_address': address2}
>>> json.dumps(marshal(data, resource_fields))
'{"billing_address": {"line 1": "123 fake street", "line 2": null, "state": "NY", "zip
˓→": "10468", "city": "New York"}, "name": "bob", "shipping_address": {"line 1": "555

˓→nowhere", "line 2": null, "state": "NY", "zip": "10468", "city": "New York"}}'

This example uses two Nested fields. The Nested constructor takes a dict of fields to render as sub-fields.input.
The important difference between the Nested constructor and nested dicts (previous example), is the context for
attributes. In this example, billing_address is a complex object that has its own fields and the context passed to
the nested field is the sub-object instead of the original data object. In other words: data.billing_address.
addr1 is in scope here, whereas in the previous example data.addr1 was the location attribute. Remember:
Nested and List objects create a new scope for attributes.
By default when the sub-object is None, an object with default values for the nested fields will be generated instead of
null. This can be modified by passing the allow_null parameter, see the Nested constructor for more details.
Use Nested with List to marshal lists of more complex objects:

user_fields = api.model('User', {
'id': fields.Integer,
'name': fields.String,

user_list_fields = api.model('UserList', {
'users': fields.List(fields.Nested(user_fields)),

4.3.10 The api.model() factory

The model() factory allows you to instantiate and register models to your API or Namespace.

my_fields = api.model('MyModel', {
'name': fields.String,
'age': fields.Integer(min=0)

# Equivalent to
my_fields = Model('MyModel', {
'name': fields.String,
'age': fields.Integer(min=0)
api.models[my_fields.name] = my_fields

Duplicating with clone

The Model.clone() method allows you to instantiate an augmented model. It saves you duplicating all fields.

parent = Model('Parent', {
'name': fields.String

child = parent.clone('Child', {
(continues on next page)

4.3. Response marshalling 19

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(continued from previous page)

'age': fields.Integer

The Api/Namespace.clone also register it on the API.

parent = api.model('Parent', {
'name': fields.String

child = api.clone('Child', parent, {

'age': fields.Integer

Polymorphism with api.inherit

The Model.inherit() method allows to extend a model in the “Swagger way” and to start handling polymor-

parent = api.model('Parent', {
'name': fields.String,
'class': fields.String(discriminator=True)

child = api.inherit('Child', parent, {

'extra': fields.String

The Api/Namespace.clone will register both the parent and the child in the Swagger models definitions.

parent = Model('Parent', {
'name': fields.String,
'class': fields.String(discriminator=True)

child = parent.inherit('Child', {
'extra': fields.String

The class field in this example will be populated with the serialized model name only if the property does not exists
in the serialized object.
The Polymorph field allows you to specify a mapping between Python classes and fields specifications.

mapping = {
Child1: child1_fields,
Child2: child2_fields,

fields = api.model('Thing', {
owner: fields.Polymorph(mapping)

20 Chapter 4. Documentation
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4.3.11 Custom fields

Custom output fields let you perform your own output formatting without having to modify your internal objects
directly. All you have to do is subclass Raw and implement the format() method:

class AllCapsString(fields.Raw):
def format(self, value):
return value.upper()

# example usage
fields = {
'name': fields.String,
'all_caps_name': AllCapsString(attribute='name'),

You can also use the __schema_format__, __schema_type__ and __schema_example__ to specify the
produced types and examples:

class MyIntField(fields.Integer):
__schema_format__ = 'int64'

class MySpecialField(fields.Raw):
__schema_type__ = 'some-type'
__schema_format__ = 'some-format'

class MyVerySpecialField(fields.Raw):
__schema_example__ = 'hello, world'

4.3.12 Skip fields which value is None

You can skip those fields which values is None instead of marshaling those fields with JSON value, null. This feature
is useful to reduce the size of response when you have a lots of fields which value may be None, but which fields are
None are unpredictable.
Let consider the following example with an optional skip_none keyword argument be set to True.

>>> from flask_restx import Model, fields, marshal_with

>>> import json
>>> model = Model('Model', {
... 'name': fields.String,
... 'address_1': fields.String,
... 'address_2': fields.String
... })
>>> @marshal_with(model, skip_none=True)
... def get():
... return {'name': 'John', 'address_1': None}
>>> get()
OrderedDict([('name', 'John')])

You can see that address_1 and address_2 are skipped by marshal_with(). address_1 be skipped
because value is None. address_2 be skipped because the dictionary return by get() have no key, address_2.

4.3. Response marshalling 21

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

Skip none in Nested fields

If your module use fields.Nested, you need to pass skip_none=True keyword argument to fields.

>>> from flask_restx import Model, fields, marshal_with

>>> import json
>>> model = Model('Model', {
... 'name': fields.String,
... 'location': fields.Nested(location_model, skip_none=True)
... })

4.3.13 Define model using JSON Schema

You can define models using JSON Schema (Draft v4).

address = api.schema_model('Address', {
'properties': {
'road': {
'type': 'string'
'type': 'object'

person = api.schema_model('Person', {
'required': ['address'],
'properties': {
'name': {
'type': 'string'
'age': {
'type': 'integer'
'birthdate': {
'type': 'string',
'format': 'date-time'
'address': {
'$ref': '#/definitions/Address',
'type': 'object'

4.4 Request Parsing

Warning: The whole request parser part of Flask-RESTX is slated for removal and will be replaced by documen-
tation on how to integrate with other packages that do the input/output stuff better (such as marshmallow). This
means that it will be maintained until 2.0 but consider it deprecated. Don’t worry, if you have code using that now
and wish to continue doing so, it’s not going to go away any time too soon.

22 Chapter 4. Documentation
Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

Flask-RESTX’s request parsing interface, reqparse, is modeled after the argparse interface. It’s designed to
provide simple and uniform access to any variable on the flask.request object in Flask.

4.4.1 Basic Arguments

Here’s a simple example of the request parser. It looks for two arguments in the flask.Request.values dict:
an integer and a string

from flask_restx import reqparse

parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
parser.add_argument('rate', type=int, help='Rate cannot be converted')
args = parser.parse_args()

Note: The default argument type is a unicode string. This will be str in python3 and unicode in python2.

If you specify the help value, it will be rendered as the error message when a type error is raised while parsing it. If
you do not specify a help message, the default behavior is to return the message from the type error itself. See Error
Messages for more details.

Note: By default, arguments are not required. Also, arguments supplied in the request that are not part of the
RequestParser will be ignored.

Note: Arguments declared in your request parser but not set in the request itself will default to None.

4.4.2 Required Arguments

To require a value be passed for an argument, just add required=True to the call to add_argument().

parser.add_argument('name', required=True, help="Name cannot be blank!")

4.4.3 Multiple Values & Lists

If you want to accept multiple values for a key as a list, you can pass action='append':

parser.add_argument('name', action='append')

This will let you make queries like

curl http://api.example.com -d "name=bob" -d "name=sue" -d "name=joe"

And your args will look like this :

args = parser.parse_args()
args['name'] # ['bob', 'sue', 'joe']

If you expect a coma separated list, use the action='split':

4.4. Request Parsing 23

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

parser.add_argument('fruits', action='split')

This will let you make queries like

curl http://api.example.com -d "fruits=apple,lemon,cherry"

And your args will look like this :

args = parser.parse_args()
args['fruits'] # ['apple', 'lemon', 'cherry']

4.4.4 Other Destinations

If for some reason you’d like your argument stored under a different name once it’s parsed, you can use the dest
keyword argument.

parser.add_argument('name', dest='public_name')

args = parser.parse_args()

4.4.5 Argument Locations

By default, the RequestParser tries to parse values from flask.Request.values, and flask.Request.
Use the location argument to add_argument() to specify alternate locations to pull the values from. Any
variable on the flask.Request can be used. For example:

# Look only in the POST body

parser.add_argument('name', type=int, location='form')

# Look only in the querystring

parser.add_argument('PageSize', type=int, location='args')

# From the request headers

parser.add_argument('User-Agent', location='headers')

# From http cookies

parser.add_argument('session_id', location='cookies')

# From file uploads

parser.add_argument('picture', type=werkzeug.datastructures.FileStorage, location=

Note: Only use type=list when location='json'. See this issue for more details

Note: Using location='form' is way to both validate form data and document your form fields.

24 Chapter 4. Documentation
Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

4.4.6 Multiple Locations

Multiple argument locations can be specified by passing a list to location:

parser.add_argument('text', location=['headers', 'values'])

When multiple locations are specified, the arguments from all locations specified are combined into a single
MultiDict. The last location listed takes precedence in the result set.
If the argument location list includes the headers location the argument names will no longer be case insensitive
and must match their title case names (see str.title()). Specifying location='headers' (not as a list) will
retain case insensitivity.

4.4.7 Advanced types handling

Sometimes, you need more than a primitive type to handle input validation. The inputs module provides some
common type handling like:
• boolean() for wider boolean handling
• ipv4() and ipv6() for IP adresses
• date_from_iso8601() and datetime_from_iso8601() for ISO8601 date and datetime handling
You just have to use them as type argument:

parser.add_argument('flag', type=inputs.boolean)

See the inputs documentation for full list of available inputs.

You can also write your own:

def my_type(value):
'''Parse my type'''
if not condition:
raise ValueError('This is not my type')
return parse(value)

# Swagger documentation
my_type.__schema__ = {'type': 'string', 'format': 'my-custom-format'}

4.4.8 Parser Inheritance

Often you will make a different parser for each resource you write. The problem with this is if parsers have arguments
in common. Instead of rewriting arguments you can write a parent parser containing all the shared arguments and then
extend the parser with copy(). You can also overwrite any argument in the parent with replace_argument(),
or remove it completely with remove_argument(). For example:

from flask_restx import reqparse

parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
parser.add_argument('foo', type=int)

parser_copy = parser.copy()
parser_copy.add_argument('bar', type=int)

(continues on next page)

4.4. Request Parsing 25

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(continued from previous page)

# parser_copy has both 'foo' and 'bar'

parser_copy.replace_argument('foo', required=True, location='json')

# 'foo' is now a required str located in json, not an int as defined
# by original parser

# parser_copy no longer has 'foo' argument

4.4.9 File Upload

To handle file upload with the RequestParser, you need to use the files location and to set the type to

from werkzeug.datastructures import FileStorage

upload_parser = api.parser()
upload_parser.add_argument('file', location='files',
type=FileStorage, required=True)

class Upload(Resource):
def post(self):
args = upload_parser.parse_args()
uploaded_file = args['file'] # This is FileStorage instance
url = do_something_with_file(uploaded_file)
return {'url': url}, 201

See the dedicated Flask documentation section.

4.4.10 Error Handling

The default way errors are handled by the RequestParser is to abort on the first error that occurred. This can be
beneficial when you have arguments that might take some time to process. However, often it is nice to have the errors
bundled together and sent back to the client all at once. This behavior can be specified either at the Flask application
level or on the specific RequestParser instance. To invoke a RequestParser with the bundling errors option, pass in the
argument bundle_errors. For example

from flask_restx import reqparse

parser = reqparse.RequestParser(bundle_errors=True)
parser.add_argument('foo', type=int, required=True)
parser.add_argument('bar', type=int, required=True)

# If a request comes in not containing both 'foo' and 'bar', the error that
# will come back will look something like this.

"message": {
"foo": "foo error message",
"bar": "bar error message"
(continues on next page)

26 Chapter 4. Documentation
Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

(continued from previous page)


# The default behavior would only return the first error

parser = RequestParser()
parser.add_argument('foo', type=int, required=True)
parser.add_argument('bar', type=int, required=True)

"message": {
"foo": "foo error message"

The application configuration key is “BUNDLE_ERRORS”. For example

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['BUNDLE_ERRORS'] = True

Warning: BUNDLE_ERRORS is a global setting that overrides the bundle_errors option in individual
RequestParser instances.

4.4.11 Error Messages

Error messages for each field may be customized using the help parameter to Argument (and also
If no help parameter is provided, the error message for the field will be the string representation of the type error itself.
If help is provided, then the error message will be the value of help.
help may include an interpolation token, {error_msg}, that will be replaced with the string representation of the
type error. This allows the message to be customized while preserving the original error:

from flask_restx import reqparse

parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
choices=('one', 'two'),
help='Bad choice: {error_msg}'

# If a request comes in with a value of "three" for `foo`:

"message": {
"foo": "Bad choice: three is not a valid choice",

4.4. Request Parsing 27

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4.5 Error handling

4.5.1 HTTPException handling

Werkzeug HTTPException are automatically properly seriliazed reusing the description attribute.

from werkzeug.exceptions import BadRequest

raise BadRequest()

will return a 400 HTTP code and output

"message": "The browser (or proxy) sent a request that this server could not
˓→ understand."

whereas this:

from werkzeug.exceptions import BadRequest

raise BadRequest('My custom message')

will output

"message": "My custom message"

You can attach extras attributes to the output by providing a data attribute to your exception.

from werkzeug.exceptions import BadRequest

e = BadRequest('My custom message')
e.data = {'custom': 'value'}
raise e

will output

"message": "My custom message",
"custom": "value"

4.5.2 The Flask abort helper

The abort helper properly wraps errors into a HTTPException so it will have the same behavior.

from flask import abort


will return a 400 HTTP code and output

"message": "The browser (or proxy) sent a request that this server could not
˓→ understand."

28 Chapter 4. Documentation
Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

whereas this:

from flask import abort

abort(400, 'My custom message')

will output

"message": "My custom message"

4.5.3 The Flask-RESTX abort helper

The errors.abort() and the Namespace.abort() helpers works like the original Flask flask.abort()
but it will also add the keyword arguments to the response.

from flask_restx import abort

abort(400, custom='value')

will return a 400 HTTP code and output

"message": "The browser (or proxy) sent a request that this server could not
˓→ understand.",
"custom": "value"

whereas this:

from flask import abort

abort(400, 'My custom message', custom='value')

will output

"message": "My custom message",
"custom": "value"

4.5.4 The @api.errorhandler decorator

The @api.errorhandler decorator allows you to register a specific handler for a given exception (or any excep-
tions inherited from it), in the same manner that you can do with Flask/Blueprint @errorhandler decorator.

def handle_root_exception(error):
'''Return a custom message and 400 status code'''
return {'message': 'What you want'}, 400

def handle_custom_exception(error):
'''Return a custom message and 400 status code'''
return {'message': 'What you want'}, 400
(continues on next page)

4.5. Error handling 29

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(continued from previous page)

def handle_another_exception(error):
'''Return a custom message and 500 status code'''
return {'message': error.specific}

def handle_fake_exception_with_header(error):
'''Return a custom message and 400 status code'''
return {'message': error.message}, 400, {'My-Header': 'Value'}

def handle_no_result_exception(error):
'''Return a custom not found error message and 404 status code'''
return {'message': error.specific}, 404

Note: A “NoResultFound” error with description is required by the OpenAPI 2.0 spec. The docstring in the error
handle function is output in the swagger.json as the description.

You can also document the error:

@api.marshal_with(error_fields, code=400)
@api.header('My-Header', 'Some description')
def handle_fake_exception_with_header(error):
'''This is a custom error'''
return {'message': error.message}, 400, {'My-Header': 'Value'}

class TestResource(Resource):
def get(self):
Do something

:raises CustomException: In case of something


In this example, the :raise: docstring will be automatically extracted and the response 400 will be documented
It also allows for overriding the default error handler when used without parameter:

def default_error_handler(error):
'''Default error handler'''
return {'message': str(error)}, getattr(error, 'code', 500)

Note: Flask-RESTX will return a message in the error response by default. If a custom response is required as an
error and the message field is not needed, it can be disabled by setting ERROR_INCLUDE_MESSAGE to False in

30 Chapter 4. Documentation
Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

your application config.

Error handlers can also be registered on namespaces. An error handler registered on a namespace will override one
registered on the api.

ns = Namespace('cats', description='Cats related operations')

def specific_namespace_error_handler(error):
'''Namespace error handler'''
return {'message': str(error)}, getattr(error, 'code', 500)

4.6 Fields masks

Flask-RESTX support partial object fetching (aka. fields mask) by supplying a custom header in the request.
By default the header is X-Fields but it can be changed with the RESTX_MASK_HEADER parameter.

4.6.1 Syntax

The syntax is actually quite simple. You just provide a coma separated list of field names, optionally wrapped in

# These two mask are equivalents

mask = '{name,age}'
# or
mask = 'name,age'
data = requests.get('/some/url/', headers={'X-Fields': mask})
assert len(data) == 2
assert 'name' in data
assert 'age' in data

To specify a nested fields mask, simply provide it in bracket following the field name:

mask = '{name, age, pet{name}}'

Nesting specification works with nested object or list of objects:

# Will apply the mask {name} to each pet

# in the pets list.
mask = '{name, age, pets{name}}'

There is a special star token meaning “all remaining fields”. It allows to only specify nested filtering:

# Will apply the mask {name} to each pet

# in the pets list and take all other root fields
# without filtering.
mask = '{pets{name},*}'

# Will not filter anything

mask = '*'

4.6. Fields masks 31

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

4.6.2 Usage

By default, each time you use api.marshal or @api.marshal_with, the mask will be automatically applied if
the header is present.
The header will be exposed as a Swagger parameter each time you use the @api.marshal_with decorator.
As Swagger does not permit exposing a global header once it can make your Swagger specifications a lot more verbose.
You can disable this behavior by setting RESTX_MASK_SWAGGER to False.
You can also specify a default mask that will be applied if no header mask is found.

class MyResource(Resource):
@api.marshal_with(my_model, mask='name,age')
def get(self):

Default mask can also be handled at model level:

model = api.model('Person', {
'name': fields.String,
'age': fields.Integer,
'boolean': fields.Boolean,
}, mask='{name,age}')

It will be exposed into the model x-mask vendor field:

{"definitions": {
"Test": {
"properties": {
"age": {"type": "integer"},
"boolean": {"type": "boolean"},
"name": {"type": "string"}
"x-mask": "{name,age}"

To override default masks, you need to give another mask or pass * as mask.

4.7 Swagger documentation

Swagger API documentation is automatically generated and available from your API’s root URL. You can configure
the documentation using the @api.doc() decorator.

4.7.1 Documenting with the @api.doc() decorator

The api.doc() decorator allows you to include additional information in the documentation.
You can document a class or a method:

@api.route('/my-resource/<id>', endpoint='my-resource')
@api.doc(params={'id': 'An ID'})
class MyResource(Resource):
def get(self, id):
(continues on next page)

32 Chapter 4. Documentation
Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

(continued from previous page)

return {}

@api.doc(responses={403: 'Not Authorized'})

def post(self, id):

4.7.2 Automatically documented models

All models instantiated with model(), clone() and inherit() will be automatically documented in your Swag-
ger specifications.
The inherit() method will register both the parent and the child in the Swagger models definitions:

parent = api.model('Parent', {
'name': fields.String,
'class': fields.String(discriminator=True)

child = api.inherit('Child', parent, {

'extra': fields.String

The above configuration will produce these Swagger definitions:

"Parent": {
"properties": {
"name": {"type": "string"},
"class": {"type": "string"}
"discriminator": "class",
"required": ["class"]
"Child": {
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/Parent"
}, {
"properties": {
"extra": {"type": "string"}

4.7.3 The @api.marshal_with() decorator

This decorator works like the raw marshal_with() decorator with the difference that it documents the methods.
The optional parameter code allows you to specify the expected HTTP status code (200 by default). The optional
parameter as_list allows you to specify whether or not the objects are returned as a list.

4.7. Swagger documentation 33

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

resource_fields = api.model('Resource', {
'name': fields.String,

@api.route('/my-resource/<id>', endpoint='my-resource')
class MyResource(Resource):
@api.marshal_with(resource_fields, as_list=True)
def get(self):
return get_objects()

@api.marshal_with(resource_fields, code=201)
def post(self):
return create_object(), 201

The Api.marshal_list_with() decorator is strictly equivalent to Api.marshal_with(fields,


resource_fields = api.model('Resource', {
'name': fields.String,

@api.route('/my-resource/<id>', endpoint='my-resource')
class MyResource(Resource):
def get(self):
return get_objects()

def post(self):
return create_object()

4.7.4 The @api.expect() decorator

The @api.expect() decorator allows you to specify the expected input fields. It accepts an optional boolean
parameter validate indicating whether the payload should be validated. The validation behavior can be customized
globally either by setting the RESTX_VALIDATE configuration to True or passing validate=True to the API
The following examples are equivalent:
• Using the @api.expect() decorator:

resource_fields = api.model('Resource', {
'name': fields.String,

class MyResource(Resource):
def get(self):

• Using the api.doc() decorator:

resource_fields = api.model('Resource', {
'name': fields.String,
(continues on next page)

34 Chapter 4. Documentation
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(continued from previous page)


class MyResource(Resource):
def get(self):

You can specify lists as the expected input:

resource_fields = api.model('Resource', {
'name': fields.String,

class MyResource(Resource):
def get(self):

You can use RequestParser to define the expected input:

parser = api.parser()
parser.add_argument('param', type=int, help='Some param', location='form')
parser.add_argument('in_files', type=FileStorage, location='files')

@api.route('/with-parser/', endpoint='with-parser')
class WithParserResource(restx.Resource):
def get(self):
return {}

Validation can be enabled or disabled on a particular endpoint:

resource_fields = api.model('Resource', {
'name': fields.String,

class MyResource(Resource):
# Payload validation disabled
def post(self):

# Payload validation enabled

@api.expect(resource_fields, validate=True)
def post(self):

An example of application-wide validation by config:

app.config['RESTX_VALIDATE'] = True

api = Api(app)
(continues on next page)

4.7. Swagger documentation 35

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

(continued from previous page)

resource_fields = api.model('Resource', {
'name': fields.String,

class MyResource(Resource):
# Payload validation enabled
def post(self):

# Payload validation disabled

@api.expect(resource_fields, validate=False)
def post(self):

An example of application-wide validation by constructor:

api = Api(app, validate=True)

resource_fields = api.model('Resource', {
'name': fields.String,

class MyResource(Resource):
# Payload validation enabled
def post(self):

# Payload validation disabled

@api.expect(resource_fields, validate=False)
def post(self):

4.7.5 Documenting with the @api.response() decorator

The @api.response() decorator allows you to document the known responses and is a shortcut for @api.
The following two definitions are equivalent:

class MyResource(Resource):
@api.response(200, 'Success')
@api.response(400, 'Validation Error')
def get(self):

class MyResource(Resource):
(continues on next page)

36 Chapter 4. Documentation
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(continued from previous page)

200: 'Success',
400: 'Validation Error'
def get(self):

You can optionally specify a response model as the third argument:

model = api.model('Model', {
'name': fields.String,

class MyResource(Resource):
@api.response(200, 'Success', model)
def get(self):

The @api.marshal_with() decorator automatically documents the response:

model = api.model('Model', {
'name': fields.String,

class MyResource(Resource):
@api.response(400, 'Validation error')
@api.marshal_with(model, code=201, description='Object created')
def post(self):

You can specify a default response sent without knowing the response code:

class MyResource(Resource):
@api.response('default', 'Error')
def get(self):

4.7.6 The @api.route() decorator

You can provide class-wide documentation using the doc parameter of Api.route(). This parameter accepts the
same values as the Api.doc() decorator.
For example, these two declarations are equivalent:
• Using @api.doc():

@api.route('/my-resource/<id>', endpoint='my-resource')
@api.doc(params={'id': 'An ID'})
class MyResource(Resource):
def get(self, id):
return {}

• Using @api.route():

4.7. Swagger documentation 37

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

@api.route('/my-resource/<id>', endpoint='my-resource', doc={'params':{'id': 'An ID'}}


class MyResource(Resource):
def get(self, id):
return {}

Multiple Routes per Resource

Multiple Api.route() decorators can be used to add multiple routes for a Resource. The doc parameter provides
documentation per route.
For example, here the description is applied only to the /also-my-resource/<id> route:

doc={"description": "Alias for /my-resource/<id>"},
class MyResource(Resource):
def get(self, id):
return {}

Here, the /also-my-resource/<id> route is marked as deprecated:

"description": "Alias for /my-resource/<id>, this route is being phased out
˓→in V2",

"deprecated": True,
class MyResource(Resource):
def get(self, id):
return {}

Documentation applied to the Resource using Api.doc() is shared amongst all routes unless explicitly overrid-

doc={"description": "Alias for /my-resource/<id>"},
@api.doc(params={"id": "An ID", description="My resource"})
class MyResource(Resource):
def get(self, id):
return {}

Here, the id documentation from the @api.doc() decorator is present in both routes, /my-resource/<id> in-
herits the My resource description from the @api.doc() decorator and /also-my-resource/<id> over-
rides the description with Alias for /my-resource/<id>.
Routes with a doc parameter are given a unique Swagger operationId. Routes without doc parameter have the
same Swagger operationId as they are deemed the same operation.

38 Chapter 4. Documentation
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4.7.7 Documenting the fields

Every Flask-RESTX field accepts optional arguments used to document the field:
• required: a boolean indicating if the field is always set (default: False)
• description: some details about the field (default: None)
• example: an example to use when displaying (default: None)
There are also field-specific attributes:
• The String field accepts the following optional arguments:
– enum: an array restricting the authorized values.
– min_length: the minimum length expected.
– max_length: the maximum length expected.
– pattern: a RegExp pattern used to validate the string.
• The Integer, Float and Arbitrary fields accept the following optional arguments:
– min: restrict the minimum accepted value.
– max: restrict the maximum accepted value.
– exclusiveMin: if True, minimum value is not in allowed interval.
– exclusiveMax: if True, maximum value is not in allowed interval.
– multiple: specify that the number must be a multiple of this value.
• The DateTime field accepts the min, max, exclusiveMin and exclusiveMax optional arguments.
These should be dates or datetimes (either ISO strings or native objects).

my_fields = api.model('MyModel', {
'name': fields.String(description='The name', required=True),
'type': fields.String(description='The object type', enum=['A', 'B']),
'age': fields.Integer(min=0),

4.7.8 Documenting the methods

Each resource will be documented as a Swagger path.

Each resource method (get, post, put, delete, path, options, head) will be documented as a Swagger
You can specify a unique Swagger operationId with the id keyword argument:

class MyResource(Resource):
def get(self):
return {}

You can also use the first argument for the same purpose:

4.7. Swagger documentation 39

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

class MyResource(Resource):
def get(self):
return {}

If not specified, a default operationId is provided with the following pattern:

{{verb}}_{{resource class name | camelCase2dashes }}

In the previous example, the default generated operationId would be get_my_resource.

You can override the default operationId generator by providing a callable for the default_id parameter. This
callable accepts two positional arguments:
• The resource class name
• The HTTP method (lower-case)

def default_id(resource, method):

return ''.join((method, resource))

api = Api(app, default_id=default_id)

In the previous example, the generated operationId would be getMyResource.

Each operation will automatically receive the namespace tag. If the resource is attached to the root API, it will receive
the default namespace tag.

Method parameters

Parameters from the URL path are documented automatically. You can provide additional information using the
params keyword argument of the api.doc() decorator:

@api.route('/my-resource/<id>', endpoint='my-resource')
@api.doc(params={'id': 'An ID'})
class MyResource(Resource):

or by using the api.param shortcut decorator:

@api.route('/my-resource/<id>', endpoint='my-resource')
@api.param('id', 'An ID')
class MyResource(Resource):

Input and output models

You can specify the serialized output model using the model keyword argument of the api.doc() decorator.
For POST and PUT methods, use the body keyword argument to specify the input model.

my_model = api.model('MyModel', {
'name': fields.String(description='The name', required=True),
'type': fields.String(description='The object type', enum=['A', 'B']),
'age': fields.Integer(min=0),
(continues on next page)

40 Chapter 4. Documentation
Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

(continued from previous page)


class Person(fields.Raw):
def format(self, value):
return {'name': value.name, 'age': value.age}

@api.route('/my-resource/<id>', endpoint='my-resource')
@api.doc(params={'id': 'An ID'})
class MyResource(Resource):
def get(self, id):
return {}

@api.doc(model=my_model, body=Person)
def post(self, id):
return {}

If both body and formData parameters are used, a SpecsError will be raised.
Models can also be specified with a RequestParser.

parser = api.parser()
parser.add_argument('param', type=int, help='Some param', location='form')
parser.add_argument('in_files', type=FileStorage, location='files')

@api.route('/with-parser/', endpoint='with-parser')
class WithParserResource(restx.Resource):
def get(self):
return {}

Note: The decoded payload will be available as a dictionary in the payload attribute in the request context.

class MyResource(Resource):
def get(self):
data = api.payload

Note: Using RequestParser is preferred over the api.param() decorator to document form fields as it also
perform validation.


You can document response headers with the @api.header() decorator shortcut.

@api.header('X-Header', 'Some class header')
class WithHeaderResource(restx.Resource):
@api.header('X-Collection', type=[str], collectionType='csv')
(continues on next page)

4.7. Swagger documentation 41

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

(continued from previous page)

def get(self):

If you need to specify an header that appear only on a given response, just use the @api.response headers parameter.

class WithHeaderResource(restx.Resource):
@api.response(200, 'Success', headers={'X-Header': 'Some header'})
def get(self):

Documenting expected/request headers is done through the @api.expect decorator

parser = api.parser()
parser.add_argument('Some-Header', location='headers')

class ExpectHeaderResource(restx.Resource):
def get(self):

4.7.9 Cascading

Method documentation takes precedence over class documentation, and inherited documentation takes precedence
over parent documentation.
For example, these two declarations are equivalent:
• Class documentation is inherited by methods:

@api.route('/my-resource/<id>', endpoint='my-resource')
@api.params('id', 'An ID')
class MyResource(Resource):
def get(self, id):
return {}

• Class documentation is overridden by method-specific documentation:

@api.route('/my-resource/<id>', endpoint='my-resource')
@api.param('id', 'Class-wide description')
class MyResource(Resource):
@api.param('id', 'An ID')
def get(self, id):
return {}

You can also provide method-specific documentation from a class decorator. The following example will produce the
same documentation as the two previous examples:

@api.route('/my-resource/<id>', endpoint='my-resource')
@api.params('id', 'Class-wide description')
@api.doc(get={'params': {'id': 'An ID'}})
class MyResource(Resource):
def get(self, id):
return {}

42 Chapter 4. Documentation
Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

4.7.10 Marking as deprecated

You can mark resources or methods as deprecated with the @api.deprecated decorator:

# Deprecate the full resource

class Resource1(Resource):
def get(self):
return {}

# Deprecate methods
class Resource4(Resource):
def get(self):
return {}

def post(self):
return {}

def put(self):
return {}

4.7.11 Hiding from documentation

You can hide some resources or methods from documentation using any of the following:

# Hide the full resource

@api.route('/resource1/', doc=False)
class Resource1(Resource):
def get(self):
return {}

class Resource2(Resource):
def get(self):
return {}

class Resource3(Resource):
def get(self):
return {}

# Hide methods
class Resource4(Resource):
def get(self):
return {}

def post(self):
return {}
(continues on next page)

4.7. Swagger documentation 43

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

(continued from previous page)

def put(self):
return {}

def delete(self):
return {}

Note: Namespace tags without attached resources will be hidden automatically from the documentation.

4.7.12 Documenting authorizations

You can use the authorizations keyword argument to document authorization information. See Swagger Au-
thentication documentation for configuration details.
• authorizations is a Python dictionary representation of the Swagger securityDefinitions config-

authorizations = {
'apikey': {
'type': 'apiKey',
'in': 'header',
'name': 'X-API-KEY'
api = Api(app, authorizations=authorizations)

Then decorate each resource and method that requires authorization:

class Resource1(Resource):
def get(self):

def post(self):

You can apply this requirement globally with the security parameter on the Api constructor:

authorizations = {
'apikey': {
'type': 'apiKey',
'in': 'header',
'name': 'X-API-KEY'
api = Api(app, authorizations=authorizations, security='apikey')

You can have multiple security schemes:

44 Chapter 4. Documentation
Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

authorizations = {
'apikey': {
'type': 'apiKey',
'in': 'header',
'name': 'X-API'
'oauth2': {
'type': 'oauth2',
'flow': 'accessCode',
'tokenUrl': 'https://somewhere.com/token',
'authorizationUrl': 'https://somewhere.com/auth',
'scopes': {
'read': 'Grant read-only access',
'write': 'Grant read-write access',
api = Api(self.app, security=['apikey', {'oauth2': 'read'}],

Security schemes can be overridden for a particular method:

class Authorized(Resource):
@api.doc(security=[{'oauth2': ['read', 'write']}])
def get(self):
return {}

You can disable security on a given resource or method by passing None or an empty list as the security parameter:

class WithoutAuthorization(Resource):
def get(self):
return {}

def post(self):
return {}

4.7.13 Expose vendor Extensions

Swaggers allows you to expose custom vendor extensions and you can use them in Flask-RESTX with the @api.vendor
It supports both extensions as dict or kwargs and perform automatique x- prefix:

@api.vendor(extension1='any authorized value')
class Vendor(Resource):
'extension-1': {'works': 'with complex values'},
'x-extension-3': 'x- prefix is optional',
def get(self):
return {}

4.7. Swagger documentation 45

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

4.7.14 Export Swagger specifications

You can export the Swagger specifications for your API:

from flask import json

from myapp import api


4.7.15 Swagger UI

By default flask-restx provides Swagger UI documentation, served from the root URL of the API.

from flask import Flask

from flask_restx import Api, Resource, fields

app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app, version='1.0', title='Sample API',
description='A sample API',

@api.doc(params={'id': 'An ID'})
class MyResource(Resource):
def get(self, id):
return {}

@api.response(403, 'Not Authorized')

def post(self, id):

if __name__ == '__main__':

If you run the code below and visit your API’s root URL (http://localhost:5000) you can view the automatically-
generated Swagger UI documentation.

46 Chapter 4. Documentation
Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev


You can control the Swagger UI path with the doc parameter (defaults to the API root):

from flask import Flask, Blueprint

from flask_restx import Api

app = Flask(__name__)
blueprint = Blueprint('api', __name__, url_prefix='/api')
api = Api(blueprint, doc='/doc/')


assert url_for('api.doc') == '/api/doc/'

You can specify a custom validator URL by setting config.SWAGGER_VALIDATOR_URL:

from flask import Flask

from flask_restx import Api
(continues on next page)

4.7. Swagger documentation 47

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

(continued from previous page)

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config.SWAGGER_VALIDATOR_URL = 'http://domain.com/validator'

api = Api(app)

You can enable [OAuth2 Implicit Flow](https://oauth.net/2/grant-types/implicit/) for retrieving an authorization token
for testing api endpoints interactively within Swagger UI. The config.SWAGGER_UI_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID and
authorizationUrl and scopes will be specific to your OAuth2 IDP configuration. The realm string is added as a
query parameter to authorizationUrl and tokenUrl. These values are all public knowledge. No client secret is specified
here. .. Using PKCE instead of Implicit Flow depends on https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui/issues/5348

from flask import Flask

from flask_restx import Api

app = Flask(__name__)

app.config.SWAGGER_UI_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID = 'MyClientId'
app.config.SWAGGER_UI_OAUTH_REALM = '-'
app.config.SWAGGER_UI_OAUTH_APP_NAME = 'Demo'

api = Api(
security={'OAuth2': ['read', 'write']},
'OAuth2': {
'type': 'oauth2',
'flow': 'implicit',
'authorizationUrl': 'https://idp.example.com/authorize?audience=https://

'clientId': app.config.SWAGGER_UI_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID,
'scopes': {
'openid': 'Get ID token',
'profile': 'Get identity',

You can also specify the initial expansion state with the config.SWAGGER_UI_DOC_EXPANSION setting
('none', 'list' or 'full'):

from flask import Flask

from flask_restx import Api

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config.SWAGGER_UI_DOC_EXPANSION = 'list'

api = Api(app)

By default, operation ID is hidden as well as request duration, you can enable them respectively with:

from flask import Flask

from flask_restx import Api

(continues on next page)

48 Chapter 4. Documentation
Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

(continued from previous page)

app = Flask(__name__)

api = Api(app)

If you need a custom UI, you can register a custom view function with the documentation() decorator:
from flask import Flask
from flask_restx import Api, apidoc

app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)

def custom_ui():
return apidoc.ui_for(api)

Configuring “Try it Out”

By default, all paths and methods have a “Try it Out” button for performing API requests in the browser. These can
be disable per method with the SWAGGER_SUPPORTED_SUBMIT_METHODS configuration option, supporting the
same values as the supportedSubmitMethods Swagger UI parameter.
from flask import Flask
from flask_restx import Api

app = Flask(__name__)

# disable Try it Out for all methods


# enable Try it Out for specific methods

app.config.SWAGGER_SUPPORTED_SUBMIT_METHODS = ["get", "post"]

api = Api(app)

Disabling the documentation

To disable Swagger UI entirely, set doc=False:

from flask import Flask
from flask_restx import Api

app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app, doc=False)

4.8 Logging

Flask-RESTX extends Flask’s logging by providing each API and Namespace it’s own standard Python logging.
Logger instance. This allows separation of logging on a per namespace basis to allow more fine-grained detail and

4.8. Logging 49
Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

By default, these loggers inherit configuration from the Flask application object logger.
import logging

import flask

from flask_restx import Api, Resource

# configure root logger


app = flask.Flask(__name__)

api = Api(app)

# each of these loggers uses configuration from app.logger

ns1 = api.namespace('api/v1', description='test')
ns2 = api.namespace('api/v2', description='test')

class MyResource(Resource):
def get(self):
# will log
ns1.logger.info("hello from ns1")
return {"message": "hello"}

class MyNewResource(Resource):
def get(self):
# won't log due to INFO log level from app.logger
ns2.logger.debug("hello from ns2")
return {"message": "hello"}

Loggers can be configured individually to override the configuration from the Flask application object logger. In the
above example, ns2 log level can be set to DEBUG individually:
# ns1 will have log level INFO from app.logger
ns1 = api.namespace('api/v1', description='test')

# ns2 will have log level DEBUG

ns2 = api.namespace('api/v2', description='test')

class MyResource(Resource):
def get(self):
# will log
ns1.logger.info("hello from ns1")
return {"message": "hello"}

class MyNewResource(Resource):
def get(self):
(continues on next page)

50 Chapter 4. Documentation
Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

(continued from previous page)

# will log
ns2.logger.debug("hello from ns2")
return {"message": "hello"}

Adding additional handlers:

# configure a file handler for ns1 only

ns1 = api.namespace('api/v1')
fh = logging.FileHandler("v1.log")

ns2 = api.namespace('api/v2')

class MyResource(Resource):
def get(self):
# will log to *both* v1.log file and app.logger handlers
ns1.logger.info("hello from ns1")
return {"message": "hello"}

class MyNewResource(Resource):
def get(self):
# will log to *only* app.logger handlers
ns2.logger.info("hello from ns2")
return {"message": "hello"}

4.9 Postman

To help you testing, you can export your API as a Postman collection.

from flask import json

from myapp import api

urlvars = False # Build query strings in URLs

swagger = True # Export Swagger specifications
data = api.as_postman(urlvars=urlvars, swagger=swagger)

4.10 Scaling your project

This page covers building a slightly more complex Flask-RESTX app that will cover out some best practices when
setting up a real-world Flask-RESTX-based API. The Quick start section is great for getting started with your first
Flask-RESTX app, so if you’re new to Flask-RESTX you’d be better off checking that out first.

4.9. Postman 51
Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

4.10.1 Multiple namespaces

There are many different ways to organize your Flask-RESTX app, but here we’ll describe one that scales pretty well
with larger apps and maintains a nice level organization.
Flask-RESTX provides a way to use almost the same pattern as Flask’s blueprint. The main idea is to split your app
into reusable namespaces.
Here’s an example directory structure:


The app module will serve as a main application entry point following one of the classic Flask patterns (See Larger
Applications and Application Factories).
The core module is an example, it contains the business logic. In fact, you call it whatever you want, and there can be
many packages.
The apis package will be your main API entry point that you need to import and register on the application, whereas
the namespaces modules are reusable namespaces designed like you would do with Flask’s Blueprint.
A namespace module contains models and resources declarations. For example:

from flask_restx import Namespace, Resource, fields

api = Namespace('cats', description='Cats related operations')

cat = api.model('Cat', {
'id': fields.String(required=True, description='The cat identifier'),
'name': fields.String(required=True, description='The cat name'),

CATS = [
{'id': 'felix', 'name': 'Felix'},

class CatList(Resource):
def get(self):
'''List all cats'''
return CATS

@api.param('id', 'The cat identifier')
@api.response(404, 'Cat not found')
class Cat(Resource):
(continues on next page)

52 Chapter 4. Documentation
Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

(continued from previous page)

def get(self, id):
'''Fetch a cat given its identifier'''
for cat in CATS:
if cat['id'] == id:
return cat

The apis.__init__ module should aggregate them:

from flask_restx import Api

from .namespace1 import api as ns1

from .namespace2 import api as ns2
# ...
from .namespaceX import api as nsX

api = Api(
title='My Title',
description='A description',
# All API metadatas

# ...

You can define custom url-prefixes for namespaces during registering them in your API. You don’t have to bind url-
prefix while declaration of Namespace object.

from flask_restx import Api

from .namespace1 import api as ns1

from .namespace2 import api as ns2
# ...
from .namespaceX import api as nsX

api = Api(
title='My Title',
description='A description',
# All API metadatas

api.add_namespace(ns1, path='/prefix/of/ns1')
api.add_namespace(ns2, path='/prefix/of/ns2')
# ...
api.add_namespace(nsX, path='/prefix/of/nsX')

Using this pattern, you simply have to register your API in app.py like that:

from flask import Flask

from apis import api
(continues on next page)

4.10. Scaling your project 53

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

(continued from previous page)

app = Flask(__name__)


4.10.2 Use With Blueprints

See Modular Applications with Blueprints in the Flask documentation for what blueprints are and why you should use
them. Here’s an example of how to link an Api up to a Blueprint.

from flask import Blueprint

from flask_restx import Api

blueprint = Blueprint('api', __name__)

api = Api(blueprint)
# ...

Using a blueprint will allow you to mount your API on any url prefix and/or subdomain in you application:

from flask import Flask

from apis import blueprint as api

app = Flask(__name__)
app.register_blueprint(api, url_prefix='/api/1')

Note: Calling Api.init_app() is not required here because registering the blueprint with the app takes care of
setting up the routing for the application.

Note: When using blueprints, remember to use the blueprint name with url_for():

# without blueprint

# with blueprint

4.10.3 Multiple APIs with reusable namespaces

Sometimes you need to maintain multiple versions of an API. If you built your API using namespaces composition,
it’s quite simple to scale it to multiple APIs.
Given the previous layout, we can migrate it to the following directory structure:

(continues on next page)

54 Chapter 4. Documentation
Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

(continued from previous page)


Each apivX module will have the following pattern:

from flask import Blueprint

from flask_restx import Api

api = Api(blueprint)

from .apis.namespace1 import api as ns1

from .apis.namespace2 import api as ns2
# ...
from .apis.namespaceX import api as nsX

blueprint = Blueprint('api', __name__, url_prefix='/api/1')

api = Api(blueprint
title='My Title',
description='A description',
# All API metadatas

# ...

And the app will simply mount them:

from flask import Flask

from api1 import blueprint as api1
from apiX import blueprint as apiX

app = Flask(__name__)

These are only proposals and you can do whatever suits your needs. Look at the github repository examples folder for
more complete examples.

4.11 Full example

Here is a full example of a TodoMVC API.

from flask import Flask

from flask_restx import Api, Resource, fields
from werkzeug.middleware.proxy_fix import ProxyFix

(continues on next page)

4.11. Full example 55

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

(continued from previous page)

app = Flask(__name__)
app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app)
api = Api(app, version='1.0', title='TodoMVC API',
description='A simple TodoMVC API',

ns = api.namespace('todos', description='TODO operations')

todo = api.model('Todo', {
'id': fields.Integer(readonly=True, description='The task unique identifier'),
'task': fields.String(required=True, description='The task details')

class TodoDAO(object):
def __init__(self):
self.counter = 0
self.todos = []

def get(self, id):

for todo in self.todos:
if todo['id'] == id:
return todo
api.abort(404, "Todo {} doesn't exist".format(id))

def create(self, data):

todo = data
todo['id'] = self.counter = self.counter + 1
return todo

def update(self, id, data):

todo = self.get(id)
return todo

def delete(self, id):

todo = self.get(id)

DAO = TodoDAO()
DAO.create({'task': 'Build an API'})
DAO.create({'task': '?????'})
DAO.create({'task': 'profit!'})

class TodoList(Resource):
'''Shows a list of all todos, and lets you POST to add new tasks'''
def get(self):
'''List all tasks'''
return DAO.todos

(continues on next page)

56 Chapter 4. Documentation
Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

(continued from previous page)

@ns.marshal_with(todo, code=201)
def post(self):
'''Create a new task'''
return DAO.create(api.payload), 201

@ns.response(404, 'Todo not found')
@ns.param('id', 'The task identifier')
class Todo(Resource):
'''Show a single todo item and lets you delete them'''
def get(self, id):
'''Fetch a given resource'''
return DAO.get(id)

@ns.response(204, 'Todo deleted')
def delete(self, id):
'''Delete a task given its identifier'''
return '', 204

def put(self, id):
'''Update a task given its identifier'''
return DAO.update(id, api.payload)

if __name__ == '__main__':

You can find other examples in the github repository examples folder.

4.12 Configuration

Flask-RESTX provides the following Flask configuration values:

Note: Values with no additional description should be covered in more detail elsewhere in the documen-
tation. If not, please open an issue on GitHub.
Provide global configuration options for JSON serialisation as a dict of json.dumps() keyword arguments.
Whether to enforce payload validation by default when using the @api.expect() decorator. See the
@api.expect() documentation for details. This setting defaults to False.
Choose the name of the Header that will contain the masks to apply to your answer. See the Fields masks
documentation for details. This setting defaults to X-Fields.

4.12. Configuration 57
Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

Whether to enable the mask documentation in your swagger or not. See the mask usage documentation for
details. This setting defaults to True.
This option allows you to include all defined models in the generated Swagger documentation, even if they are
not explicitly used in either expect nor marshal_with decorators. This setting defaults to False.
Bundle all the validation errors instead of returning only the first one encountered. See the Error Handling
section of the documentation for details. This setting defaults to False.

4.13 API Reference

If you are looking for information on a specific function, class or method, this part of the documentation is for you.

4.13.1 API


class flask_restx.Api(app=None, version=’1.0’, title=None, description=None, terms_url=None,

license=None, license_url=None, contact=None, contact_url=None,
contact_email=None, authorizations=None, security=None,
doc=’/’, default_id=<function default_id>, default=’default’, de-
fault_label=’Default namespace’, validate=None, tags=None, pre-
fix=”, ordered=False, default_mediatype=’application/json’, decora-
tors=None, catch_all_404s=False, serve_challenge_on_401=False, for-
mat_checker=None, **kwargs)
The main entry point for the application. You need to initialize it with a Flask Application:

>>> app = Flask(__name__)

>>> api = Api(app)

Alternatively, you can use init_app() to set the Flask application after it has been constructed.
The endpoint parameter prefix all views and resources:
• The API root/documentation will be {endpoint}.root
• A resource registered as ‘resource’ will be available as {endpoint}.resource

58 Chapter 4. Documentation
Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

• app (flask.Flask|flask.Blueprint) – the Flask application object or a Blueprint
• version (str) – The API version (used in Swagger documentation)
• title (str) – The API title (used in Swagger documentation)
• description (str) – The API description (used in Swagger documentation)
• terms_url (str) – The API terms page URL (used in Swagger documentation)
• contact (str) – A contact email for the API (used in Swagger documentation)
• license (str) – The license associated to the API (used in Swagger documentation)
• license_url (str) – The license page URL (used in Swagger documentation)
• endpoint (str) – The API base endpoint (default to ‘api).
• default (str) – The default namespace base name (default to ‘default’)
• default_label (str) – The default namespace label (used in Swagger documentation)
• default_mediatype (str) – The default media type to return
• validate (bool) – Whether or not the API should perform input payload validation.
• ordered (bool) – Whether or not preserve order models and marshalling.
• doc (str) – The documentation path. If set to a false value, documentation is disabled.
(Default to ‘/’)
• decorators (list) – Decorators to attach to every resource
• catch_all_404s (bool) – Use handle_error() to handle 404 errors throughout
your app
• authorizations (dict) – A Swagger Authorizations declaration as dictionary
• serve_challenge_on_401 (bool) – Serve basic authentication challenge with 401
responses (default ‘False’)
• format_checker (FormatChecker) – A jsonschema.FormatChecker object that is
hooked into the Model validator. A default or a custom FormatChecker can be provided
(e.g., with custom checkers), otherwise the default action is to not enforce any format vali-

add_namespace(ns, path=None)
This method registers resources from namespace for current instance of api. You can use argument path
for definition custom prefix url for namespace.
• ns (Namespace) – the namespace
• path – registration prefix of namespace
as_postman(urlvars=False, swagger=False)
Serialize the API as Postman collection (v1)
• urlvars (bool) – whether to include or not placeholders for query strings
• swagger (bool) – whether to include or not the swagger.json specifications

4.13. API Reference 59

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

The API path
Return type str
The API base absolute url
Return type str
default_endpoint(resource, namespace)
Provide a default endpoint for a resource on a given namespace.
Endpoints are ensured not to collide.
Override this method specify a custom algorithm for default endpoint.
• resource (Resource) – the resource for which we want an endpoint
• namespace (Namespace) – the namespace holding the resource
Returns str An endpoint name
A decorator to specify a view function for the documentation
error_router(original_handler, e)
This function decides whether the error occurred in a flask-restx endpoint or not. If it happened in a
flask-restx endpoint, our handler will be dispatched. If it happened in an unrelated view, the app’s original
error handler will be dispatched. In the event that the error occurred in a flask-restx endpoint but the local
handler can’t resolve the situation, the router will fall back onto the original_handler as last resort.
• original_handler (function) – the original Flask error handler for the app
• e (Exception) – the exception raised while handling the request
A decorator to register an error handler for a given exception
Error handler for the API transforms a raised exception into a Flask response, with the appropriate HTTP
status code and body.
Parameters e (Exception) – the raised Exception object
init_app(app, **kwargs)
Allow to lazy register the API on a Flask application:

>>> app = Flask(__name__)

>>> api = Api()
>>> api.init_app(app)

• app (flask.Flask) – the Flask application object
• title (str) – The API title (used in Swagger documentation)
• description (str) – The API description (used in Swagger documentation)
• terms_url (str) – The API terms page URL (used in Swagger documentation)

60 Chapter 4. Documentation
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• contact (str) – A contact email for the API (used in Swagger documentation)
• license (str) – The license associated to the API (used in Swagger documentation)
• license_url (str) – The license page URL (used in Swagger documentation)

make_response(data, *args, **kwargs)

Looks up the representation transformer for the requested media type, invoking the transformer to create a
response object. This defaults to default_mediatype if no transformer is found for the requested mediatype.
If default_mediatype is None, a 406 Not Acceptable response will be sent as per RFC 2616 section 14.1
Parameters data – Python object containing response data to be transformed
Returns a list of requested mediatypes sent in the Accept header
Return a method that returns a list of mediatypes
namespace(*args, **kwargs)
A namespace factory.
Returns Namespace a new namespace instance
Wraps a resource (as a flask view function), for cases where the resource does not directly return a response
Parameters resource – The resource as a flask view function
Tests if an endpoint name (not path) belongs to this Api. Takes into account the Blueprint name part of the
endpoint name.
Parameters endpoint (str) – The name of the endpoint being checked
Returns bool
Store the input payload in the current request context
Override this method to customize the documentation page
Allows additional representation transformers to be declared for the api. Transformers are functions that
must be decorated with this method, passing the mediatype the transformer represents. Three arguments
are passed to the transformer:
• The data to be represented in the response body
• The http status code
• A dictionary of headers
The transformer should convert the data appropriately for the mediatype and return a Flask response object.

def xml(data, code, headers):
resp = make_response(convert_data_to_xml(data), code)
return resp

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The Swagger specifications relative url (ie. swagger.json)
Return type str
Given a response, change it to ask for credentials
url_for(resource, **values)
Generates a URL to the given resource.
Works like flask.url_for().
class flask_restx.Namespace(name, description=None, path=None, decorators=None, vali-
date=None, authorizations=None, ordered=False, **kwargs)
Group resources together.
Namespace is to API what flask.Blueprint is for flask.Flask.
• name (str) – The namespace name
• description (str) – An optional short description
• path (str) – An optional prefix path. If not provided, prefix is /+name
• decorators (list) – A list of decorators to apply to each resources
• validate (bool) – Whether or not to perform validation on this namespace
• ordered (bool) – Whether or not to preserve order on models and marshalling
• api (Api) – an optional API to attache to the namespace
abort(*args, **kwargs)
Properly abort the current request
See: abort()
add_resource(resource, *urls, **kwargs)
Register a Resource for a given API Namespace
• resource (Resource) – the resource ro register
• urls (str) – one or more url routes to match for the resource, standard flask routing
rules apply. Any url variables will be passed to the resource method as args.
• endpoint (str) – endpoint name (defaults to Resource.__name__.lower()
Can be used to reference this route in fields.Url fields
• resource_class_args (list|tuple) – args to be forwarded to the constructor of
the resource.
• resource_class_kwargs (dict) – kwargs to be forwarded to the constructor of the
Additional keyword arguments not specified above will be passed as-is to flask.Flask.
namespace.add_resource(HelloWorld, '/', '/hello')
namespace.add_resource(Foo, '/foo', endpoint="foo")
namespace.add_resource(FooSpecial, '/special/foo', endpoint="foo")

62 Chapter 4. Documentation
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Allow to specify nested lists for documentation
clone(name, *specs)
Clone a model (Duplicate all fields)
• name (str) – the resulting model name
• specs – a list of models from which to clone the fields
See also:
A decorator to mark a resource or a method as deprecated
doc(shortcut=None, **kwargs)
A decorator to add some api documentation to the decorated object
A decorator to register an error handler for a given exception
expect(*inputs, **kwargs)
A decorator to Specify the expected input model
• inputs (ModelBase|Parse) – An expect model or request parser
• validate (bool) – whether to perform validation or not
extend(name, parent, fields)
Extend a model (Duplicate all fields)
Deprecated since 0.9. Use clone() instead
header(name, description=None, **kwargs)
A decorator to specify one of the expected headers
• name (str) – the HTTP header name
• description (str) – a description about the header
A decorator to hide a resource or a method from specifications
inherit(name, *specs)
Inherit a model (use the Swagger composition pattern aka. allOf)
See also:
marshal(*args, **kwargs)
A shortcut to the marshal() helper
marshal_list_with(fields, **kwargs)
A shortcut decorator for marshal_with() with as_list=True
marshal_with(fields, as_list=False, code=<HTTPStatus.OK: 200>, description=None, **kwargs)
A decorator specifying the fields to use for serialization.

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• as_list (bool) – Indicate that the return type is a list (for the documentation)
• code (int) – Optionally give the expected HTTP response code if its different from 200
model(name=None, model=None, mask=None, strict=False, **kwargs)
Register a model
:param bool strict - should model validation raise error when non-specified param is provided?
See also:
param(name, description=None, _in=’query’, **kwargs)
A decorator to specify one of the expected parameters
• name (str) – the parameter name
• description (str) – a small description
• _in (str) – the parameter location (query|header|formData|body|cookie)
Instanciate a RequestParser
Store the input payload in the current request context
A decorator to specify the MIME types the API can produce
response(code, description, model=None, **kwargs)
A decorator to specify one of the expected responses
• code (int) – the HTTP status code
• description (str) – a small description about the response
• model (ModelBase) – an optional response model
route(*urls, **kwargs)
A decorator to route resources.
schema_model(name=None, schema=None)
Register a model
See also:
vendor(*args, **kwargs)
A decorator to expose vendor extensions.
Extensions can be submitted as dict or kwargs. The x- prefix is optionnal and will be added if missing.
See: http://swagger.io/specification/#specification-extensions-128
class flask_restx.Resource(api=None, *args, **kwargs)
Represents an abstract RESTX resource.
Concrete resources should extend from this class and expose methods for each supported HTTP method. If a
resource is invoked with an unsupported HTTP method, the API will return a response with status 405 Method

64 Chapter 4. Documentation
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Not Allowed. Otherwise the appropriate method is called and passed all arguments from the url rule used when
adding the resource to an Api instance. See add_resource() for details.
classmethod as_view(name, *class_args, **class_kwargs)
Converts the class into an actual view function that can be used with the routing system. Internally
this generates a function on the fly which will instantiate the View on each request and call the
dispatch_request() method on it.
The arguments passed to as_view() are forwarded to the constructor of the class.
dispatch_request(*args, **kwargs)
Subclasses have to override this method to implement the actual view function code. This method is called
with all the arguments from the URL rule.
Perform a payload validation on expected model if necessary


class flask_restx.Model(name, *args, **kwargs)

A thin wrapper on fields dict to store API doc metadata. Can also be used for response marshalling.
• name (str) – The model public name
• mask (str) – an optional default model mask
All fields accept a required boolean and a description string in kwargs.
class flask_restx.fields.Raw(default=None, attribute=None, title=None, description=None,
required=None, readonly=None, example=None, mask=None,
Raw provides a base field class from which others should extend. It applies no formatting by default, and should
only be used in cases where data does not need to be formatted before being serialized. Fields should throw a
MarshallingError in case of parsing problem.
• default – The default value for the field, if no value is specified.
• attribute – If the public facing value differs from the internal value, use this to retrieve
a different attribute from the response than the publicly named value.
• title (str) – The field title (for documentation purpose)
• description (str) – The field description (for documentation purpose)
• required (bool) – Is the field required ?
• readonly (bool) – Is the field read only ? (for documentation purpose)
• example – An optional data example (for documentation purpose)
• mask (callable) – An optional mask function to be applied to output
Formats a field’s value. No-op by default - field classes that modify how the value of existing object keys
should be presented should override this and apply the appropriate formatting.
Parameters value – The value to format
Raises MarshallingError – In case of formatting problem

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class TitleCase(Raw):
def format(self, value):
return unicode(value).title()

output(key, obj, **kwargs)

Pulls the value for the given key from the object, applies the field’s formatting and returns the result. If
the key is not found in the object, returns the default value. Field classes that create values which do not
require the existence of the key in the object should override this and return the desired value.
Raises MarshallingError – In case of formatting problem
class flask_restx.fields.String(*args, **kwargs)
Marshal a value as a string. Uses six.text_type so values will be converted to unicode in python2 and
str in python3.
Formats a field’s value. No-op by default - field classes that modify how the value of existing object keys
should be presented should override this and apply the appropriate formatting.
Parameters value – The value to format
Raises MarshallingError – In case of formatting problem

class TitleCase(Raw):
def format(self, value):
return unicode(value).title()

class flask_restx.fields.FormattedString(src_str, **kwargs)

FormattedString is used to interpolate other values from the response into this field. The syntax for the source
string is the same as the string format() method from the python stdlib.

fields = {
'name': fields.String,
'greeting': fields.FormattedString("Hello {name}")
data = {
'name': 'Doug',
marshal(data, fields)

Parameters src_str (str) – the string to format with the other values from the response.

output(key, obj, **kwargs)

Pulls the value for the given key from the object, applies the field’s formatting and returns the result. If
the key is not found in the object, returns the default value. Field classes that create values which do not
require the existence of the key in the object should override this and return the desired value.
Raises MarshallingError – In case of formatting problem
class flask_restx.fields.Url(endpoint=None, absolute=False, scheme=None, **kwargs)
A string representation of a Url

66 Chapter 4. Documentation
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• endpoint (str) – Endpoint name. If endpoint is None, request.endpoint is used

• absolute (bool) – If True, ensures that the generated urls will have the hostname in-
• scheme (str) – URL scheme specifier (e.g. http, https)
output(key, obj, **kwargs)
Pulls the value for the given key from the object, applies the field’s formatting and returns the result. If
the key is not found in the object, returns the default value. Field classes that create values which do not
require the existence of the key in the object should override this and return the desired value.
Raises MarshallingError – In case of formatting problem
class flask_restx.fields.DateTime(dt_format=’iso8601’, **kwargs)
Return a formatted datetime string in UTC. Supported formats are RFC 822 and ISO 8601.
See email.utils.formatdate() for more info on the RFC 822 format.
See datetime.datetime.isoformat() for more info on the ISO 8601 format.
Parameters dt_format (str) – rfc822 or iso8601
Formats a field’s value. No-op by default - field classes that modify how the value of existing object keys
should be presented should override this and apply the appropriate formatting.
Parameters value – The value to format
Raises MarshallingError – In case of formatting problem

class TitleCase(Raw):
def format(self, value):
return unicode(value).title()

Turn a datetime object into an ISO8601 formatted date.
Parameters dt (datetime) – The datetime to transform
Returns A ISO 8601 formatted date string
Turn a datetime object into a formatted date.
Parameters dt (datetime) – The datetime to transform
Returns A RFC 822 formatted date string
class flask_restx.fields.Date(**kwargs)
Return a formatted date string in UTC in ISO 8601.
See datetime.date.isoformat() for more info on the ISO 8601 format.
class flask_restx.fields.Boolean(default=None, attribute=None, title=None, descrip-
tion=None, required=None, readonly=None, example=None,
mask=None, **kwargs)
Field for outputting a boolean value.
Empty collections such as "", {}, [], etc. will be converted to False.

4.13. API Reference 67

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Formats a field’s value. No-op by default - field classes that modify how the value of existing object keys
should be presented should override this and apply the appropriate formatting.
Parameters value – The value to format
Raises MarshallingError – In case of formatting problem

class TitleCase(Raw):
def format(self, value):
return unicode(value).title()

class flask_restx.fields.Integer(*args, **kwargs)

Field for outputting an integer value.
Parameters default (int) – The default value for the field, if no value is specified.
Formats a field’s value. No-op by default - field classes that modify how the value of existing object keys
should be presented should override this and apply the appropriate formatting.
Parameters value – The value to format
Raises MarshallingError – In case of formatting problem

class TitleCase(Raw):
def format(self, value):
return unicode(value).title()

class flask_restx.fields.Float(*args, **kwargs)

A double as IEEE-754 double precision.
ex : 3.141592653589793 3.1415926535897933e-06 3.141592653589793e+24 nan inf -inf
Formats a field’s value. No-op by default - field classes that modify how the value of existing object keys
should be presented should override this and apply the appropriate formatting.
Parameters value – The value to format
Raises MarshallingError – In case of formatting problem

class TitleCase(Raw):
def format(self, value):
return unicode(value).title()

class flask_restx.fields.Arbitrary(*args, **kwargs)

A floating point number with an arbitrary precision.
ex: 634271127864378216478362784632784678324.23432
Formats a field’s value. No-op by default - field classes that modify how the value of existing object keys
should be presented should override this and apply the appropriate formatting.
Parameters value – The value to format
Raises MarshallingError – In case of formatting problem

68 Chapter 4. Documentation
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class TitleCase(Raw):
def format(self, value):
return unicode(value).title()

class flask_restx.fields.Fixed(decimals=5, **kwargs)

A decimal number with a fixed precision.
Formats a field’s value. No-op by default - field classes that modify how the value of existing object keys
should be presented should override this and apply the appropriate formatting.
Parameters value – The value to format
Raises MarshallingError – In case of formatting problem

class TitleCase(Raw):
def format(self, value):
return unicode(value).title()

class flask_restx.fields.Nested(model, allow_null=False, skip_none=False, as_list=False,

Allows you to nest one set of fields inside another. See Nested Field for more information
• model (dict) – The model dictionary to nest
• allow_null (bool) – Whether to return None instead of a dictionary with null keys, if a
nested dictionary has all-null keys
• skip_none (bool) – Optional key will be used to eliminate inner fields which value is
None or the inner field’s key not exist in data
• kwargs – If default keyword argument is present, a nested dictionary will be marshaled
as its value if nested dictionary is all-null keys (e.g. lets you return an empty JSON object
instead of null)
output(key, obj, ordered=False, **kwargs)
Pulls the value for the given key from the object, applies the field’s formatting and returns the result. If
the key is not found in the object, returns the default value. Field classes that create values which do not
require the existence of the key in the object should override this and return the desired value.
Raises MarshallingError – In case of formatting problem
class flask_restx.fields.List(cls_or_instance, **kwargs)
Field for marshalling lists of other fields.
See List Field for more information.
Parameters cls_or_instance – The field type the list will contain.
Formats a field’s value. No-op by default - field classes that modify how the value of existing object keys
should be presented should override this and apply the appropriate formatting.
Parameters value – The value to format
Raises MarshallingError – In case of formatting problem

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class TitleCase(Raw):
def format(self, value):
return unicode(value).title()

output(key, data, ordered=False, **kwargs)

Pulls the value for the given key from the object, applies the field’s formatting and returns the result. If
the key is not found in the object, returns the default value. Field classes that create values which do not
require the existence of the key in the object should override this and return the desired value.
Raises MarshallingError – In case of formatting problem
class flask_restx.fields.ClassName(dash=False, **kwargs)
Return the serialized object class name as string.
Parameters dash (bool) – If True, transform CamelCase to kebab_case.
output(key, obj, **kwargs)
Pulls the value for the given key from the object, applies the field’s formatting and returns the result. If
the key is not found in the object, returns the default value. Field classes that create values which do not
require the existence of the key in the object should override this and return the desired value.
Raises MarshallingError – In case of formatting problem
class flask_restx.fields.Polymorph(mapping, required=False, **kwargs)
A Nested field handling inheritance.
Allows you to specify a mapping between Python classes and fields specifications.

mapping = {
Child1: child1_fields,
Child2: child2_fields,

fields = api.model('Thing', {
owner: fields.Polymorph(mapping)

Parameters mapping (dict) – Maps classes to their model/fields representation

output(key, obj, ordered=False, **kwargs)

Pulls the value for the given key from the object, applies the field’s formatting and returns the result. If
the key is not found in the object, returns the default value. Field classes that create values which do not
require the existence of the key in the object should override this and return the desired value.
Raises MarshallingError – In case of formatting problem
Resolve the common ancestor for all models.
Assume there is only one common ancestor.
class flask_restx.fields.Wildcard(cls_or_instance, **kwargs)
Field for marshalling list of “unkown” fields.
Parameters cls_or_instance – The field type the list will contain.
output(key, obj, ordered=False)
Pulls the value for the given key from the object, applies the field’s formatting and returns the result. If
the key is not found in the object, returns the default value. Field classes that create values which do not
require the existence of the key in the object should override this and return the desired value.

70 Chapter 4. Documentation
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Raises MarshallingError – In case of formatting problem

exception flask_restx.fields.MarshallingError(underlying_exception)
This is an encapsulating Exception in case of marshalling error.


flask_restx.marshal(data, fields, envelope=None, skip_none=False, mask=None, ordered=False)

Takes raw data (in the form of a dict, list, object) and a dict of fields to output and filters the data based on those
• data – the actual object(s) from which the fields are taken from
• fields – a dict of whose keys will make up the final serialized response output
• envelope – optional key that will be used to envelop the serialized response
• skip_none (bool) – optional key will be used to eliminate fields which value is None or
the field’s key not exist in data
• ordered (bool) – Wether or not to preserve order

>>> from flask_restx import fields, marshal

>>> data = { 'a': 100, 'b': 'foo', 'c': None }
>>> mfields = { 'a': fields.Raw, 'c': fields.Raw, 'd': fields.Raw }

>>> marshal(data, mfields)

{'a': 100, 'c': None, 'd': None}

>>> marshal(data, mfields, envelope='data')

{'data': {'a': 100, 'c': None, 'd': None}}

>>> marshal(data, mfields, skip_none=True)

{'a': 100}

>>> marshal(data, mfields, ordered=True)

OrderedDict([('a', 100), ('c', None), ('d', None)])

>>> marshal(data, mfields, envelope='data', ordered=True)

OrderedDict([('data', OrderedDict([('a', 100), ('c', None), ('d', None)]))])

>>> marshal(data, mfields, skip_none=True, ordered=True)

OrderedDict([('a', 100)])

flask_restx.marshal_with(fields, envelope=None, skip_none=False, mask=None, ordered=False)

A decorator that apply marshalling to the return values of your methods.

>>> from flask_restx import fields, marshal_with

>>> mfields = { 'a': fields.Raw }
>>> @marshal_with(mfields)
... def get():
... return { 'a': 100, 'b': 'foo' }
(continues on next page)

4.13. API Reference 71

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(continued from previous page)

>>> get()
OrderedDict([('a', 100)])

>>> @marshal_with(mfields, envelope='data')

... def get():
... return { 'a': 100, 'b': 'foo' }
>>> get()
OrderedDict([('data', OrderedDict([('a', 100)]))])

>>> mfields = { 'a': fields.Raw, 'c': fields.Raw, 'd': fields.Raw }

>>> @marshal_with(mfields, skip_none=True)
... def get():
... return { 'a': 100, 'b': 'foo', 'c': None }
>>> get()
OrderedDict([('a', 100)])

see flask_restx.marshal()
A decorator that formats the return values of your methods with a single field.

>>> from flask_restx import marshal_with_field, fields

>>> @marshal_with_field(fields.List(fields.Integer))
... def get():
... return ['1', 2, 3.0]
>>> get()
[1, 2, 3]

see flask_restx.marshal_with()
class flask_restx.mask.Mask(mask=None, skip=False, **kwargs)
Hold a parsed mask.
• mask (str|dict|Mask) – A mask, parsed or not
• skip (bool) – If True, missing fields won’t appear in result
Apply a fields mask to the data.
Parameters data – The data or model to apply mask on
Raises MaskError – when unable to apply the mask
Remove unnecessary characters
Handle the data filtering given a parsed mask
• data (dict) – the raw data to filter

72 Chapter 4. Documentation
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• mask (list) – a parsed mask to filter against

• skip (bool) – whether or not to skip missing fields
Parse a fields mask. Expect something in the form:


External brackets are optionals so it can also be written:


All extras characters will be ignored.

Parameters mask (str) – the mask string to parse
Raises ParseError – when a mask is unparseable/invalid
flask_restx.mask.apply(data, mask, skip=False)
Apply a fields mask to the data.
• data – The data or model to apply mask on
• mask (str|Mask) – the mask (parsed or not) to apply on data
• skip (bool) – If rue, missing field won’t appear in result
Raises MaskError – when unable to apply the mask

Request parsing

class flask_restx.reqparse.Argument(name, default=None, dest=None, required=False,

ignore=False, type=<function <lambda>>, loca-
tion=(’json’, ’values’), choices=(), action=’store’,
help=None, operators=(’=’, ), case_sensitive=True,
store_missing=True, trim=False, nullable=True)
• name – Either a name or a list of option strings, e.g. foo or -f, –foo.
• default – The value produced if the argument is absent from the request.
• dest – The name of the attribute to be added to the object returned by parse_args().
• required (bool) – Whether or not the argument may be omitted (optionals only).
• action (string) – The basic type of action to be taken when this argument is encoun-
tered in the request. Valid options are “store” and “append”.
• ignore (bool) – Whether to ignore cases where the argument fails type conversion
• type – The type to which the request argument should be converted. If a type raises an
exception, the message in the error will be returned in the response. Defaults to unicode
in python2 and str in python3.
• location – The attributes of the flask.Request object to source the arguments from
(ex: headers, args, etc.), can be an iterator. The last item listed takes precedence in the result
• choices – A container of the allowable values for the argument.

4.13. API Reference 73

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• help – A brief description of the argument, returned in the response when the argument
is invalid. May optionally contain an “{error_msg}” interpolation token, which will be
replaced with the text of the error raised by the type converter.
• case_sensitive (bool) – Whether argument values in the request are case sensitive or
not (this will convert all values to lowercase)
• store_missing (bool) – Whether the arguments default value should be stored if the
argument is missing from the request.
• trim (bool) – If enabled, trims whitespace around the argument.
• nullable (bool) – If enabled, allows null value in argument.
handle_validation_error(error, bundle_errors)
Called when an error is raised while parsing. Aborts the request with a 400 status and an error message
• error – the error that was raised
• bundle_errors (bool) – do not abort when first error occurs, return a dict with the
name of the argument and the error message to be bundled
parse(request, bundle_errors=False)
Parses argument value(s) from the request, converting according to the argument’s type.
• request – The flask request object to parse arguments from
• bundle_errors (bool) – do not abort when first error occurs, return a dict with the
name of the argument and the error message to be bundled
Pulls values off the request in the provided location :param request: The flask request object to parse
arguments from
flask_restx.reqparse.LOCATIONS = {'args': 'query', 'files': 'formData', 'form': 'formDat
Maps Flask-RESTX RequestParser locations to Swagger ones
flask_restx.reqparse.PY_TYPES = {<class 'int'>: 'integer', <class 'str'>: 'string', <clas
Maps Python primitives types to Swagger ones
class flask_restx.reqparse.ParseResult
The default result container as an Object dict.
class flask_restx.reqparse.RequestParser(argument_class=<class
’flask_restx.reqparse.ParseResult’>, trim=False,
Enables adding and parsing of multiple arguments in the context of a single request. Ex:

from flask_restx import RequestParser

parser = RequestParser()
parser.add_argument('int_bar', type=int)
args = parser.parse_args()


74 Chapter 4. Documentation
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• trim (bool) – If enabled, trims whitespace on all arguments in this parser

• bundle_errors (bool) – If enabled, do not abort when first error occurs, return a dict
with the name of the argument and the error message to be bundled and return all validation

add_argument(*args, **kwargs)
Adds an argument to be parsed.
Accepts either a single instance of Argument or arguments to be passed into Argument’s constructor.
See Argument’s constructor for documentation on the available options.
Creates a copy of this RequestParser with the same set of arguments
parse_args(req=None, strict=False)
Parse all arguments from the provided request and return the results as a ParseResult
Parameters strict (bool) – if req includes args not in parser, throw 400 BadRequest excep-
Returns the parsed results as ParseResult (or any class defined as result_class)
Return type ParseResult
Remove the argument matching the given name.
replace_argument(name, *args, **kwargs)
Replace the argument matching the given name with a new version.


This module provide some helpers for advanced types parsing.

You can define you own parser using the same pattern:

def my_type(value):
if not condition:
raise ValueError('This is not my type')
return parse(value)

# Swagger documentation
my_type.__schema__ = {'type': 'string', 'format': 'my-custom-format'}

The last line allows you to document properly the type in the Swagger documentation.
class flask_restx.inputs.URL(check=False, ip=False, local=False, port=False, auth=False,
schemes=None, domains=None, exclude=None)
Validate an URL.

parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
parser.add_argument('url', type=inputs.URL(schemes=['http', 'https']))

Input to the URL argument will be rejected if it does not match an URL with specified constraints. If check is
True it will also be rejected if the domain does not exists.

4.13. API Reference 75

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

• check (bool) – Check the domain exists (perform a DNS resolution)

• ip (bool) – Allow IP (both ipv4/ipv6) as domain
• local (bool) – Allow localhost (both string or ip) as domain
• port (bool) – Allow a port to be present
• auth (bool) – Allow authentication to be present
• schemes (list|tuple) – Restrict valid schemes to this list
• domains (list|tuple) – Restrict valid domains to this list
• exclude (list|tuple) – Exclude some domains
Parse the string "true" or "false" as a boolean (case insensitive).
Also accepts "1" and "0" as True/False (respectively).
If the input is from the request JSON body, the type is already a native python boolean, and will be passed
through without further parsing.
Raises ValueError – if the boolean value is invalid
Parse a valid looking date in the format YYYY-mm-dd
Turns an ISO8601 formatted date into a date object.


Parameters value (str) – The ISO8601-complying string to transform

Returns A date
Return type date
Raises ValueError – if value is an invalid date literal

Turns an ISO8601 formatted date into a datetime object.


Parameters value (str) – The ISO8601-complying string to transform

Returns A datetime
Return type datetime
Raises ValueError – if value is an invalid date literal

Turns an RFC822 formatted date into a datetime object.

76 Chapter 4. Documentation
Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

inputs.datetime_from_rfc822('Wed, 02 Oct 2002 08:00:00 EST')

Parameters value (str) – The RFC822-complying string to transform

Returns The parsed datetime
Return type datetime
Raises ValueError – if value is an invalid date literal

class flask_restx.inputs.email(check=False, ip=False, local=False, domains=None, ex-

Validate an email.

parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
parser.add_argument('email', type=inputs.email(dns=True))

Input to the email argument will be rejected if it does not match an email and if domain does not exists.
• check (bool) – Check the domain exists (perform a DNS resolution)
• ip (bool) – Allow IP (both ipv4/ipv6) as domain
• local (bool) – Allow localhost (both string or ip) as domain
• domains (list|tuple) – Restrict valid domains to this list
• exclude (list|tuple) – Exclude some domains
class flask_restx.inputs.int_range(low, high, argument=’argument’)
Restrict input to an integer in a range (inclusive)
Validate an IP address (both IPv4 and IPv6)
Validate an IPv4 address
Validate an IPv6 address
flask_restx.inputs.iso8601interval(value, argument=’argument’)
Parses ISO 8601-formatted datetime intervals into tuples of datetimes.
Accepts both a single date(time) or a full interval using either start/end or start/duration notation, with the
following behavior:
• Intervals are defined as inclusive start, exclusive end
• Single datetimes are translated into the interval spanning the largest resolution not specified in the input
value, up to the day.
• The smallest accepted resolution is 1 second.
• All timezones are accepted as values; returned datetimes are localized to UTC. Naive inputs and date
inputs will are assumed UTC.

4.13. API Reference 77

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

"2013-01-01" -> datetime(2013, 1, 1), datetime(2013, 1, 2)

"2013-01-01T12" -> datetime(2013, 1, 1, 12), datetime(2013, 1, 1, 13)
"2013-01-01/2013-02-28" -> datetime(2013, 1, 1), datetime(2013, 2, 28)
"2013-01-01/P3D" -> datetime(2013, 1, 1), datetime(2013, 1, 4)
"2013-01-01T12:00/PT30M" -> datetime(2013, 1, 1, 12), datetime(2013, 1, 1, 12, 30)
"2013-01-01T06:00/2013-01-01T12:00" -> datetime(2013, 1, 1, 6), datetime(2013, 1,
˓→1, 12)

Parameters value (str) – The ISO8601 date time as a string

Returns Two UTC datetimes, the start and the end of the specified interval
Return type A tuple (datetime, datetime)
Raises ValueError – if the interval is invalid.

flask_restx.inputs.natural(value, argument=’argument’)
Restrict input type to the natural numbers (0, 1, 2, 3. . . )
flask_restx.inputs.positive(value, argument=’argument’)
Restrict input type to the positive integers (1, 2, 3. . . )
class flask_restx.inputs.regex(pattern)
Validate a string based on a regular expression.

parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
parser.add_argument('example', type=inputs.regex('^[0-9]+$'))

Input to the example argument will be rejected if it contains anything but numbers.
Parameters pattern (str) – The regular expression the input must match
flask_restx.inputs.url = <flask_restx.inputs.URL object>
Validate an URL
Legacy validator, allows, auth, port, ip and local Only allows schemes ‘http’, ‘https’, ‘ftp’ and ‘ftps’


flask_restx.errors.abort(code=<HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: 500>, mes-

sage=None, **kwargs)
Properly abort the current request.
Raise a HTTPException for the given status code. Attach any keyword arguments to the exception for later
• code (int) – The associated HTTP status code
• message (str) – An optional details message
• kwargs – Any additional data to pass to the error payload
Raises HTTPException –
exception flask_restx.errors.RestError(msg)
Base class for all Flask-RESTX Errors

78 Chapter 4. Documentation
Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

exception flask_restx.errors.ValidationError(msg)
A helper class for validation errors.
exception flask_restx.errors.SpecsError(msg)
A helper class for incoherent specifications.
exception flask_restx.fields.MarshallingError(underlying_exception)
This is an encapsulating Exception in case of marshalling error.
exception flask_restx.mask.MaskError(msg)
Raised when an error occurs on mask
exception flask_restx.mask.ParseError(msg)
Raised when the mask parsing failed


This module give access to OpenAPI specifications schemas and allows to validate specs against them.
New in version 0.12.1.
class flask_restx.schemas.LazySchema(filename, validator=<class ’json-
A thin wrapper around schema file lazy loading the data on first access
• str (filename) – The package relative json schema filename
• validator – The jsonschema validator class version
New in version 0.12.1.
The jsonschema validator to validate against
flask_restx.schemas.OAS_20 = <flask_restx.schemas.LazySchema object>
OpenAPI 2.0 specification schema
exception flask_restx.schemas.SchemaValidationError(msg, errors=None)
Raised when specification is not valid
New in version 0.12.1.
flask_restx.schemas.VERSIONS = {'2.0': <flask_restx.schemas.LazySchema object>}
Map supported OpenAPI versions to their JSON schema
Validate an OpenAPI specification.
Supported OpenAPI versions: 2.0
Parameters dict (data) – The specification to validate
Returns boolean True if the specification is valid
• SchemaValidationError – when the specification is invalid
• flask_restx.errors.SpecsError – when it’s not possible to determinate the
schema to validate against
New in version 0.12.1.

4.13. API Reference 79

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev


These are internal classes or helpers. Most of the time you shouldn’t have to deal directly with them.
class flask_restx.api.SwaggerView(api=None, *args, **kwargs)
Render the Swagger specifications as JSON
class flask_restx.swagger.Swagger(api)
A Swagger documentation wrapper for an API instance.
class flask_restx.postman.PostmanCollectionV1(api, swagger=False)
Postman Collection (V1 format) serializer
flask_restx.utils.merge(first, second)
Recursively merges two dictionaries.
Second dictionary values will take precedence over those from the first one. Nested dictionaries are merged too.
• first (dict) – The first dictionary
• second (dict) – The second dictionary
Returns the resulting merged dictionary
Return type dict
Transform a CamelCase string into a low_dashed one
Parameters value (str) – a CamelCase string to transform
Returns the low_dashed string
Return type str
flask_restx.utils.default_id(resource, method)
Default operation ID generator
Remove all keys where value is None
Parameters data (dict) – A dictionary with potentially some values set to None
Returns The same dictionary without the keys with values to None
Return type dict
Remove all keys where value is None
Parameters data (OrderedDict) – A dictionary with potentially some values set to None
Returns The same dictionary without the keys with values to None
Return type OrderedDict
flask_restx.utils.unpack(response, default_code=<HTTPStatus.OK: 200>)
Unpack a Flask standard response.
Flask response can be: - a single value - a 2-tuple (value, code) - a 3-tuple (value, code,

80 Chapter 4. Documentation
Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

Warning: When using this function, you must ensure that the tuple is not the response data. To do so,
prefer returning list instead of tuple for listings.

• response – A Flask style response
• default_code (int) – The HTTP code to use as default if none is provided
Returns a 3-tuple (data, code, headers)
Return type tuple
Raises ValueError – if the response does not have one of the expected format

4.14 Additional Notes

4.14.1 Contributing

flask-restx is open-source and very open to contributions.

If you’re part of a corporation with an NDA, and you may require updating the license. See Updating Copyright below

Submitting issues

Issues are contributions in a way so don’t hesitate to submit reports on the official bugtracker.
Provide as much informations as possible to specify the issues:
• the flask-restx version used
• a stacktrace
• installed applications list
• a code sample to reproduce the issue
• ...

Submitting patches (bugfix, features, . . . )

If you want to contribute some code:

1. fork the official flask-restx repository
2. Ensure an issue is opened for your feature or bug
3. create a branch with an explicit name (like my-new-feature or issue-XX)
4. do your work in it
5. Commit your changes. Ensure the commit message includes the issue. Also, if contributing from a corporation,
be sure to add a comment with the Copyright information
6. rebase it on the master branch from the official repository (cleanup your history by performing an interactive
7. add your change to the changelog

4.14. Additional Notes 81

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

8. submit your pull-request

9. 2 Maintainers should review the code for bugfix and features. 1 maintainer for minor changes (such as docs)
10. After review, a maintainer a will merge the PR. Maintainers should not merge their own PRs
There are some rules to follow:
• your contribution should be documented (if needed)
• your contribution should be tested and the test suite should pass successfully
• your code should be properly formatted (use black . to format)
• your contribution should support both Python 2 and 3 (use tox to test)
You need to install some dependencies to develop on flask-restx:

$ pip install -e .[dev]

An Invoke tasks.py is provided to simplify the common tasks:

$ inv -l
Available tasks:

all Run tests, reports and packaging

assets Fetch web assets -- Swagger. Requires NPM (see below)
clean Cleanup all build artifacts
cover Run tests suite with coverage
demo Run the demo
dist Package for distribution
doc Build the documentation
qa Run a quality report
test Run tests suite
tox Run tests against Python versions

To ensure everything is fine before submission, use tox. It will run the test suite on all the supported Python version
and ensure the documentation is generating.

$ tox

You also need to ensure your code is compliant with the flask-restx coding standards:

$ inv qa

To ensure everything is fine before committing, you can launch the all in one command:

$ inv qa tox

It will ensure the code meet the coding conventions, runs on every version on python and the documentation is properly

Running a local Swagger Server

For local development, you may wish to run a local server. running the following will install a swagger server

$ inv assets

NOTE: You’ll need NPM installed to do this. If you’re new to NPM, also check out nvm

82 Chapter 4. Documentation
Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

Release process

The new releases are pushed on Pypi.org automatically from GitHub Actions when we add a new tag (unless the tests
are failing).
In order to prepare a new release, you can use bumpr which automates a few things. You first need to install it, then
run the bumpr command. You can then refer to the documentation for further details. For instance, you would run
bumpr -m (replace -m with -p or -M depending the expected version).

Updating Copyright

If you’re a part of a corporation with an NDA, you may be required to update the LICENSE file. This should be
discussed and agreed upon by the project maintainers.
1. Check with your legal department first.
2. Add an appropriate line to the LICENSE file.
3. When making a commit, add the specific copyright notice.
Double check with your legal department about their regulations. Not all changes constitute new or unique work.

4.14. Additional Notes 83

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

84 Chapter 4. Documentation

Indices and tables

• genindex
• modindex
• search

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

86 Chapter 5. Indices and tables

Python Module Index

flask_restx.errors, 78
flask_restx.fields, 65
flask_restx.inputs, 75
flask_restx.reqparse, 73
flask_restx.schemas, 79
flask_restx.utils, 80

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

88 Python Module Index


A datetime_from_rfc822() (in module

abort() (flask_restx.Namespace method), 62 flask_restx.inputs), 76
abort() (in module flask_restx.errors), 78 default_endpoint() (flask_restx.Api method), 60
add_argument() (flask_restx.reqparse.RequestParser default_id() (in module flask_restx.utils), 80
method), 75 deprecated() (flask_restx.Namespace method), 63
add_namespace() (flask_restx.Api method), 59 dispatch_request() (flask_restx.Resource
add_resource() (flask_restx.Namespace method), 62 method), 65
Api (class in flask_restx), 58 doc() (flask_restx.Namespace method), 63
apply() (flask_restx.mask.Mask method), 72 documentation() (flask_restx.Api method), 60
apply() (in module flask_restx.mask), 73
Arbitrary (class in flask_restx.fields), 68
Argument (class in flask_restx.reqparse), 73 email (class in flask_restx.inputs), 77
as_list() (flask_restx.Namespace method), 62 ERROR_404_HELP (built-in variable), 58
as_postman() (flask_restx.Api method), 59 error_router() (flask_restx.Api method), 60
as_view() (flask_restx.Resource class method), 65 errorhandler() (flask_restx.Api method), 60
errorhandler() (flask_restx.Namespace method), 63
B expect() (flask_restx.Namespace method), 63
base_path (flask_restx.Api attribute), 59 extend() (flask_restx.Namespace method), 63
base_url (flask_restx.Api attribute), 60 F
Boolean (class in flask_restx.fields), 67
boolean() (in module flask_restx.inputs), 76 filter_data() (flask_restx.mask.Mask method), 72
BUNDLE_ERRORS (built-in variable), 58 Fixed (class in flask_restx.fields), 69
flask_restx.errors (module), 78
C flask_restx.fields (module), 65
flask_restx.inputs (module), 75
camel_to_dash() (in module flask_restx.utils), 80
flask_restx.reqparse (module), 73
ClassName (class in flask_restx.fields), 70
flask_restx.schemas (module), 79
clean() (flask_restx.mask.Mask method), 72
flask_restx.utils (module), 80
clone() (flask_restx.Namespace method), 63
Float (class in flask_restx.fields), 68
copy() (flask_restx.reqparse.RequestParser method),
format() (flask_restx.fields.Arbitrary method), 68
format() (flask_restx.fields.Boolean method), 67
D format() (flask_restx.fields.DateTime method), 67
format() (flask_restx.fields.Fixed method), 69
Date (class in flask_restx.fields), 67 format() (flask_restx.fields.Float method), 68
date() (in module flask_restx.inputs), 76 format() (flask_restx.fields.Integer method), 68
date_from_iso8601() (in module format() (flask_restx.fields.List method), 69
flask_restx.inputs), 76 format() (flask_restx.fields.Raw method), 65
DateTime (class in flask_restx.fields), 67 format() (flask_restx.fields.String method), 66
datetime_from_iso8601() (in module format_iso8601() (flask_restx.fields.DateTime
flask_restx.inputs), 76 method), 67

Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

format_rfc822() (flask_restx.fields.DateTime not_none_sorted() (in module flask_restx.utils), 80

method), 67
FormattedString (class in flask_restx.fields), 66 O
OAS_20 (in module flask_restx.schemas), 79
H output() (flask_restx.Api method), 61
handle_error() (flask_restx.Api method), 60 output() (flask_restx.fields.ClassName method), 70
handle_validation_error() output() (flask_restx.fields.FormattedString method),
(flask_restx.reqparse.Argument method), 66
74 output() (flask_restx.fields.List method), 70
header() (flask_restx.Namespace method), 63 output() (flask_restx.fields.Nested method), 69
hide() (flask_restx.Namespace method), 63 output() (flask_restx.fields.Polymorph method), 70
HTTP_BASIC_AUTH_REALM (built-in variable), 58 output() (flask_restx.fields.Raw method), 66
output() (flask_restx.fields.Url method), 67
I output() (flask_restx.fields.Wildcard method), 70
inherit() (flask_restx.Namespace method), 63 owns_endpoint() (flask_restx.Api method), 61
init_app() (flask_restx.Api method), 60
int_range (class in flask_restx.inputs), 77 P
Integer (class in flask_restx.fields), 68 param() (flask_restx.Namespace method), 64
ip() (in module flask_restx.inputs), 77 parse() (flask_restx.mask.Mask method), 73
ipv4() (in module flask_restx.inputs), 77 parse() (flask_restx.reqparse.Argument method), 74
ipv6() (in module flask_restx.inputs), 77 parse_args() (flask_restx.reqparse.RequestParser
iso8601interval() (in module flask_restx.inputs), method), 75
77 ParseError, 79
parser() (flask_restx.Namespace method), 64
L ParseResult (class in flask_restx.reqparse), 74
LazySchema (class in flask_restx.schemas), 79 payload (flask_restx.Api attribute), 61
List (class in flask_restx.fields), 69 payload (flask_restx.Namespace attribute), 64
LOCATIONS (in module flask_restx.reqparse), 74 Polymorph (class in flask_restx.fields), 70
positive() (in module flask_restx.inputs), 78
M PostmanCollectionV1 (class in
make_response() (flask_restx.Api method), 61 flask_restx.postman), 80
marshal() (flask_restx.Namespace method), 63 produces() (flask_restx.Namespace method), 64
marshal() (in module flask_restx), 71 PY_TYPES (in module flask_restx.reqparse), 74
marshal_list_with() (flask_restx.Namespace
method), 63
marshal_with() (flask_restx.Namespace method), 63 Raw (class in flask_restx.fields), 65
marshal_with() (in module flask_restx), 71 regex (class in flask_restx.inputs), 78
marshal_with_field() (in module flask_restx), 72 remove_argument()
MarshallingError, 71, 79 (flask_restx.reqparse.RequestParser method),
Mask (class in flask_restx.mask), 72 75
MaskError, 79 render_doc() (flask_restx.Api method), 61
mediatypes() (flask_restx.Api method), 61 replace_argument()
mediatypes_method() (flask_restx.Api method), 61 (flask_restx.reqparse.RequestParser method),
merge() (in module flask_restx.utils), 80 75
Model (class in flask_restx), 65 representation() (flask_restx.Api method), 61
model() (flask_restx.Namespace method), 64 RequestParser (class in flask_restx.reqparse), 74
resolve_ancestor() (flask_restx.fields.Polymorph
N method), 70
Namespace (class in flask_restx), 62 Resource (class in flask_restx), 64
namespace() (flask_restx.Api method), 61 response() (flask_restx.Namespace method), 64
natural() (in module flask_restx.inputs), 78 RestError, 78
Nested (class in flask_restx.fields), 69 RESTX_INCLUDE_ALL_MODELS (built-in variable),
not_none() (in module flask_restx.utils), 80 58
RESTX_JSON (built-in variable), 57

90 Index
Flask-RESTX Documentation, Release 0.2.1.dev

RESTX_MASK_HEADER (built-in variable), 57

RESTX_MASK_SWAGGER (built-in variable), 57
RESTX_VALIDATE (built-in variable), 57
route() (flask_restx.Namespace method), 64

schema_model() (flask_restx.Namespace method), 64
SchemaValidationError, 79
source() (flask_restx.reqparse.Argument method), 74
specs_url (flask_restx.Api attribute), 61
SpecsError, 79
String (class in flask_restx.fields), 66
Swagger (class in flask_restx.swagger), 80
variable), 58
SWAGGER_UI_DOC_EXPANSION (built-in variable),
SWAGGER_UI_OAUTH_APP_NAME (built-in variable),
able), 58
SWAGGER_UI_OAUTH_REALM (built-in variable), 58
SWAGGER_UI_OPERATION_ID (built-in variable), 58
able), 58
SWAGGER_VALIDATOR_URL (built-in variable), 58
SwaggerView (class in flask_restx.api), 80

unauthorized() (flask_restx.Api method), 62
unpack() (in module flask_restx.utils), 80
Url (class in flask_restx.fields), 66
URL (class in flask_restx.inputs), 75
url (in module flask_restx.inputs), 78
url_for() (flask_restx.Api method), 62

validate() (in module flask_restx.schemas), 79
validate_payload() (flask_restx.Resource
method), 65
ValidationError, 78
validator (flask_restx.schemas.LazySchema at-
tribute), 79
vendor() (flask_restx.Namespace method), 64
VERSIONS (in module flask_restx.schemas), 79

Wildcard (class in flask_restx.fields), 70

Index 91

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