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Science / Engineering / Electrical Engineering

Chapter 6: electrical motors

Terms in this set (57)

electromechanical device that what is an electric motor?

converts electrical energy to
mechanical energy

constant torque, variable types of motor load

torque and constant power

type of load where the output power requirement

Constant torque loads may vary with the speed of operation but the torque
does not vary.

type of load where the torque required varies with

Variable torque loads
the speed of operation

type of load where the torque requirements

constant power loads
typically change inversely with speed

work horse electric motors are also termed as

AC and DC motors classification of electric motors

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11/14/21, 1:59 PM Chapter 6: electrical motors Flashcards | Quizlet

field pole, armature, Dc motors 3 parts


Field pole receives electricity to form magnetic fields

when current passes through it it becomes an


overturns the direction of the electric current in the


speed control main advantage of DC motors

restricted use and expensive disadvantage of DC motors

the attracting and repelling forces inside an electric

rotational motion

a magnet created when electricity flows through a

coil of wire

the battery feeds current how to set up a magnet

through the wire and current in
the wire produces magnetic

by reversing the battery's how do we reverse the poles of an electromagnet


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11/14/21, 1:59 PM Chapter 6: electrical motors Flashcards | Quizlet

simultaneous attraction and what causes armature rotation

repulsion between the
electromagnetic field of the
armature and the fixed field

stator stationary parts of the motor

rotor rotating parts of the motor

the permanent field magnet the stator houses

Armature resides on the rotor

aids in switching the armature poles when the poles

brushes and commutators
align causing the movement of the motor to stop

RPM speed of rotation of the output shaft is measured in

linear relationship up to the The speed of rotation is directly proportional to the

motor's max speed voltage applied to the armature windings.

used in toothbrushes, small characteristic of brushed motor

cheap, easy to control

excellent starting torque advantage of permanent DC motors

capability with good speed

limited to amount of load they disadvantage of permanent DC motor

can drive
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11/14/21, 1:59 PM Chapter 6: electrical motors Flashcards | Quizlet

permanent and self excited two types of DC motors

series, shunt and compound classification of self excited motors

shunt wound field is connected in parallel to armature

good speed regulation advantage of shunt

offers simplified control for reversing and is

shunt wound
beneficial in regenerative drives

advantage of serie better starting torque

T or F the speed of a shunt motor with no load

F, series increases to the point where the motor can become

serie field is connected in series to armature

field connected in series with armature + excited


causes problems in variable disadvantage of compound

speed drive application

single phase and three phase classification of induction motors

a motor in which the electric current reverses at

AC motor
regular intervals

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11/14/21, 1:59 PM Chapter 6: electrical motors Flashcards | Quizlet

speed is more difficult to advantage of DC over Ac motors

control for AC

runs at constant speed fixed by frequency of the

synchronous motor

most common motor used for equipments in

induction motors

induction motors transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy

the distribution of AC current using a system in

single phase electric power
which all the voltages vary in harmony

a type of polyphase system and commonly used by

three phase electric power
electrical grids worldwide

it uses less conductor material why is a three phase electric power more
to transmit electrical power economical than a single phase system

rotor stator and enclosure three basic parts of an AC motor

produces work and heat In an induction motor the real power

establishes the magnetic field In an induction motor the reactive power

power factor the ratio between kW and KVA

indicates the percentage of useful energy from the

power factor
total energy
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11/14/21, 1:59 PM Chapter 6: electrical motors Flashcards | Quizlet

Conveyors and rotary kilns Example of constant torque loads

centrifugal pumps and fans Example of variable torque loads

machine tools Example of constant power loads

delivering electric current to the commutator


rotor of SM travels at the same main difference between induction and

speed as the magnetic field synchronous motors 6/6

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