Design of BLDC Motor Using Matlab & Autocad: Mohammad Aashiq Pathan, Jayesh Hadiya, Denish Khatri, Pushpa Bhatiya

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Vol-3 Issue-2 2017 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396


Mohammad Aashiq Pathan1, Jayesh Hadiya2, Denish Khatri3,Pushpa Bhatiya4

Student, electrical, V.I.E.R., Gujarat, INDIA
Student, electrical, V.I.E.R., Gujarat, INDIA
Student, electrical, V.I.E.R., Gujarat, INDIA
Asst.Prof. , electrical, V.I.E.R., Gujarat, INDIA


The idea of our project is based on design. Previously; design of machine was carried out of manually with
complicated calculation. We can avoid human error & save time in calculation by use of MATLAB. AUTOCAD is
used for design of BLDC motor. Now due to rapid development of electronic device, BLDC motor are widely used
to replace conventional DC motor BLDC motor are ideally suited for manufacturing applications because of their
high power density, good speed-torque characteristics, high efficiency BLDC motor are commonly used as pump,
fan, spindle drives& servomotors for machine tool servo drives.

Keyword: - MATLAB,autoCAD,BLDC motor.

During the last decade, modern control system design methods, involving advanced mathematical techniques and
time-consuming calculations have been greatly aided by design software MATLAB & AUTOCAD.

Conventional DC motors have many attractive properties such as high efficiency and linear torque-speed
characteristics. The control of DC motor is also simple and does not require much complex hardware. However, the
main drawback of the dc motor is the need of periodic maintenance. The Brushes of the mechanical commutator
eventually wear out and need to be replaced. The mechanical commutator has other undesirable effects such as
sparks, acoustic noise and carbon particles coming from the brushes. With rapid developments in power electronics,
power semiconductor technologies, modern control theory for motors and manufacturing technology for high
performance magnetic materials, the Brushless DC (BLDC) motors have been widely used in many applications.
BLDC Motor have many advantages over conventional DC motors like: Long operating life, High dynamic
response, High efficiency, Better Speed vs. Torque characteristic, Noiseless operational Higher speed range and
high torque.

A BLDC Motor is a permanent synchronous motor that uses position detectors and an inverter to control the
armature currents. Its armature is in the stator and the magnets are on the rotor and its operating characteristic
resembles those of a DC motor. Instead of using a mechanical commutator as in the conventional DC Motor, the
BLDC motor employs electronic commutation which makes it a virtually maintenances free. The BLDC motor is
driven by DC voltage but current commutation is done by solid-state switches.

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Vol-3 Issue-2 2017 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396

1.1 Problem statement

• Direct current motors was chosen for the speed control applications due to the control simplicity on the
intrinsic decoupling between flux & torque.

• As the name implies, there are physical limitation to speed & life time because of brush wear. However,
BLDC have been produced to overcome this problem.

• Since, there are no carbon brushes to wear out; a BLDC motor can provide significantly greater life being
now only limited by bearing wear.

• This advantage make BLDC motor becomes popular in the industry but this motor is a non- linear system
hence, need more complex speed controller than the dc motor.

1.2 Aims and objectives

To design and analysis of mathematical model for BLDC motor using MATLAB. And design of BLDC motor using

To improve speed performances and control of BLDC motor such as reduces overshoot; reduce rise time and steady
state error .

1.) main dimension :-
Rated speed, Wm=

Torque, T=

Lenghth of motor, L=

Stator outer diameter, Dso=

Rotor outer diameter, Dro=Dso

2.)magnet design:-

Electrical speed, We=

Fundamental electrical frequency, Fe=

No. of stator slot per pole per phase, Nspp=(Ns/Nm/Nph)

No. of turns per coil, nc=lcm(Ns,Nm)

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3.)stator design:-



= -

= +

= - -

Angular pole pitch, tavp=

Coil pole fraction, =

Coil pitch, tavc=

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Vol-3 Issue-2 2017 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396

Slot pitch, tavs=

= -

= - -

= -

= -


=[( ))-( )]

=( )

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Vol-3 Issue-2 2017 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396


Slot leakage inductance, =

2.1 motor specification:-

Parameters Values

ar(aspect ratio) 0.2 – 0.4

Sr(split ratio) 0.4 – 0.7

Ktrv(torque per unit voiume) 15 – 50

Bmax (maximum flux density) 1.7 – 2.3

Bg (airgap fiux density) Upto 0.9

Br (residual flux density) 1.25

Urec (relative recoil permeability) 1.05

Kst (stacking factor) 0.5 – 0.95

αsd (shoe depth fraction) 0.74

Lg (Length of airgap) 0.0005m – 0.002m

Bsy (stator yoke flux density) 1.24 – 1.55

Bry (rotor yoke flux density) 1.09 – 1.24

Bt (stator teeth flux density) 1.71 – 1.94

2.2 Results:-

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Vol-3 Issue-2 2017 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396

Parameters Values

Wm(Rated speed) 157.0796 rpm

T(Tourque) 0.9549 Nm

L(Length of the motor) 0.0419 m

Dso(stator outer diameter) 0.0681 m

Dro(rotor outer diameter) 0.0341 m

We 314.1593

Fe 50

Lm(length of magnet) 0.0037 m

Rro(rotor outer radius) 0.0170 m

Rso(stator outer radius) 0.0341 m

Eph(phase voltage) 6v

Iph(phase current) 13.2668 mA

ac(specific electric loading) 15.6250

Ttph(turns per phase) 21

Rsi(stotor inner diameter) 0.0178 m

Rri(rotor inner diameter) 0.0039 m

ds(total a lot depth) 0.0086 m

d1 7.236e-04 m

d2 7.236e-04 m

d3 0.0071 m

Efficiency 87.43%

Pcu(copper loss) 19.60645 w

Piron(Iron loss) 1.0420 w

Pfw(Friction and windage loss) 0.60 w

Ploss(total loss) 21.5487 w

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BLDC motors are a type of synchronous motor. This means the magnetic field generated by the stator and rotor
rotate at the same frequency. BLDC motor does not operate directly off a DC voltage source. It consists of a rotor
with permanent magnets, a stator with windings and commutation that is performed electronically. Normally three
Hall sensors are used to detect the rotor position and commutation is performed based on Hall sensor inputs. There
are two types of stator windings variants which are trapezoidal and sinusoidal motors.

Smaller motor: Modern permanent magnets and no losses in the rotor enable BLDC motor to be smaller compared
to both brush DC motors and induction AC motors.

More efficient: Permanent magnet in the rotor. Unlike AC induction motors, there are no core losses in the rotor.

Higher speed: No brushes to limit speed, lower speed losses by design. BLDC motors have been designed for speeds
as high as 100,000 RPM. The problem of retention of magnets, in a rotor spinning at high speeds, has long been

No maintenance: No brushes to replace, inspect or maintain

Faster response: Lower rotor inertia compared to a brushless motor or an induction motor

Lower RFI (radio frequency interference): no brushes

Linear speed-torque characteristics: Internal shaft position feedback. Permanent magnet design with internal shaft
position feedback gives BLDC motors linear speed-torque characteristics when compared to “open loop” AC
induction motor

High starting torque: Internal shaft position feedback gives BLDC motors higher starting and low speed torque
when compared to “open loop” AC induction motors.


 Uses in powering electric vehicles

 Uses in actuators for industrial robots

 Uses in heating and ventilation

 Uses in aerospace and instrumentation

 Uses in factory automation equipment


The future research in BLDCM drives is expected to focus on sensorless starting, reduction of motor cost,
controller cost reduction, comprehensive sensorless control, application specific controller design.

With the above objectives of BLDCM drives, the economic viability and performance of PMBLDC motor since a
wide range of applications is expected to grow in the future.

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Vol-3 Issue-2 2017 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396


The design modelling of BLDC motor and its validation in matlab have gave the platform for performance analysis
and desired output.We can obtain complete design of bldc motor using autocad which will very helpful for
combining different parts at the time of making model. All the design results are of theoretical aspect and can be
utilized for practical implementation of BLDC motor.


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