Postgres Enterprise Manager: Release 7.15

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Postgres Enterprise Manager

Release 7.15

Agent User Guide

Jul 22, 2020


1 Postgres Enterprise Manager - Overview 2

1.1 PEM Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2 Registering an Agent 4
2.1 Setting PEM Agent Configuration Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Using a non-root User Account to Register a PEM Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3 Managing a PEM Agent 9

3.1 Agent Privileges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2 Agent Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.3 Agent Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

4 PEM Agent Troubleshooting 20

4.1 Restoring a Deleted PEM Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.2 Using the Command Line to Delete a PEM Agent with Down or Unknown Status . . . . . . 21

5 Conclusion 22

Index 23

Postgres Enterprise Manager, Release 7.15

PEM is composed of three primary components: PEM server, PEM agent, and PEM web interface. The
PEM agent is responsible for performing tasks on each managed machine and collecting statistics for the
database server and operating system.
For information about the platforms and versions supported by PEM, visit the EnterpriseDB website at:
For information about the installation, uninstallation, or upgrading of a PEM Agent, visit the EnterpriseDB
website at:
This document provides information that is required to work with PEM agents. The guide will acquaint
you with the basic registering, configuration, and management of agents. The guide is broken up into the
following core sections:
• Postgres Enterprise Manager - Overview - This section provides an overview of PEM architecure.
• Registering a PEM Agent - This section provides information about registration of a PEM agent.
• Managing a PEM agent - This section provides information about configuring and managing a PEM
• Troubleshooting for PEM agent - This section provides information about troubleshooting for PEM
This document uses Postgres to mean either the PostgreSQL or EDB Postgres Advanced Server database.

Contents 1

Postgres Enterprise Manager - Overview

1.1 PEM Architecture

Postgres Enterprise Manager (PEM) consists of components that provide management and analytical func-
• PEM Server: The PEM server is used as the data repository for monitoring data and as a server to
which both agents and clients connect. The PEM server consists of an instance of PostgreSQL, an
associated database for storage of monitoring data, and a server that provides web services.
• PEM web interface: The PEM web interface allows you to manage and monitor Postgres servers
and utilize PEM extended functionality. The web interface software is installed with the PEM server
installer, and is accessed via your choice of web browser.
• PEM Agent: The PEM agent is responsible for executing tasks and reporting statistics from the agent
host and monitored Postgres instances to the PEM server. A single PEM agent can monitor multiple
installed instances of Postgres that reside on one or many hosts.
• SQL Profiler plugin: This plugin to the Postgres server is used to generate the monitoring data used
by the SQL Profiler tool. Installation of the SQL Profiler plugin is optional, but the plugin must be
installed on each instance of Postgres you wish to profile. The SQL Profiler may be used with any
supported version of an EnterpriseDB distribution of a PostgreSQL server or an Advanced Server (not
just those managed through the PEM server).
The PEM Agent installer creates two executables: the PEM worker (pemworker.exe) and the PEM agent
(pemagent.exe). Each PEM worker has a corresponding PEM agent that you can use to start or stop the
PEM worker. The PEM agent will also restart the PEM worker should it terminate unexpectedly. The PEM
worker log file contains information related to PEM worker activity (probe activities, heartbeat responses,
etc.), and is stored in /var/log/pem/worker.log.

Postgres Enterprise Manager, Release 7.15

The architectural diagram below illustrates the relationship between the various servers and workstations
involved in a typical PEM installation.

Fig. 1.1: A typical PEM installation.

1.1. PEM Architecture 3


Registering an Agent

Each PEM agent must be registered with the PEM server. The registration process provides the PEM
server with the information it needs to communicate with the agent. The PEM agent graphical installer for
Windows supports self-registration for the agent. You must use the pemworker utility to register the agent
if the agent is on a Linux host.
The RPM installer places the PEM agent in the /usr/edb/pem/agent/bin directory. To register
an agent, include the --register-agent keywords along with registration details when invoking the
pemworker utility:

pemworker --register-agent

Append command line options to the command string when invoking the pemworker utility. Each option
should be followed by a corresponding value:

Option Description
--pem-server Specifies the IP address of the PEM backend
database server. This parameter is required.
--pem-port Specifies the port of the PEM backend database
server. The default value is 5432.
--pem-user Specifies the name of the Database user (having su-
peruser privileges) of the PEM backend database
server. This parameter is required.
--pem-agent-user Specifies the agent user to connect the PEM server
backend database server.
Continued on next page

Postgres Enterprise Manager, Release 7.15

Table 2.1 – continued from previous page

Option Description
--cert-path Specifies the complete path to the directory in
which certificates will be created. If you do not
provide a path, certificates will be created in: On
Linux, ~/.pem On Windows, %APPDATA%/pem
--config-dir Specifies the directory path where configuration
file can be found. The default is the <pemworker
--display-name Specifies a user-friendly name for the agent that
will be displayed in the PEM Browser tree control.
The default is the system hostname.
--force-registration Include the force_registration clause to instruct the
PEM server to register the agent with the argu-
ments provided; this clause is useful if you are
overriding an existing agent configuration. The de-
fault value is Yes.
--group The name of the group in which the agent will be
--team The name of the database role, on the PEM back-
end database server, that should have access to the
monitored database server.
--owner The name of the database user, on the PEM back-
end database server, who will own the agent.
--allow_server_restart Enable the allow-server_restart parameter to allow
PEM to restart the monitored server. The default
value is True.
--allow-batch-probes Enable the allow-batch-probes parameter to allow
PEM to run batch probes on this agent. The default
value is False.
--batch-script-user Specifies the operating system user that should be
used for executing the batch/shell scripts. The de-
fault value is none; the scripts will not be executed
if you leave this parameter blank or the specified
user does not exist.
--enable-heartbeat-connection Enable the enable-heartbeat-connection parameter
to create a dedicated heartbeat connection between
PEM Agent and server to update the active status.
The default value is False.
--enable-smtp Enable the enable-smtp parameter to allow the
PEM agent to send the email on behalf of the PEM
server.The default value is False.
--enable-snmp Enable the enable-snmp parameter to allow the
PEM agent to send the SNMP traps on behalf of
the PEM server.The default value is False.
Continued on next page

Postgres Enterprise Manager, Release 7.15

Table 2.1 – continued from previous page

Option Description
-o Specify if you want to override the configuration
file options.

If you want to use any PEM feature for which database server restart is required by the pema-
gent (such as Audit Manager, Log Manager, or Tuning Wizard), then you must set the value for
allow_server_restart to true in the agent.cfg file.

Note: When configuring a shell/batch script run by a PEM agent that has PEM 7.11 or later version
installed, the user for the batch_script_user parameter must be specified. It is strongly recommended
that a non-root user is used to run the scripts. Using the root user may result in compromising the data
security and operating system security. However, if you want to restore the pemagent to its original settings
using root user to run the scripts, then the batch_script_user parameter value must be set to root.

You can use the PEM_SERVER_PASSWORD environment variable to set the password of the PEM Admin
User. If the PEM_SERVER_PASSWORD is not set, the server will use the PGPASSWORD or .pgpass file
when connecting to the PEM Database Server.
Failure to provide the password will result in a password authentication error; you will be prompted for any
other required but omitted information. When the registration is complete, the server will confirm that the
agent has been successfully registered.

Postgres Enterprise Manager, Release 7.15

2.1 Setting PEM Agent Configuration Parameters

The PEM agent RPM installer creates a sample configuration file named agent.cfg.sample in the
/usr/edb/pem/agent/etc directory. When you register the PEM agent, the pemworker program
creates the actual agent configuration file (named agent.cfg). You can modify the agent.cfg file,
adding the following configuration parameter:

heartbeat_connection = true

By default, heartbeat_connection value is false but you can override the value during pemagent
registration with pemworker utility using an option --enable-heartbeat-connection.
Then, use a platform-specific command to start the PEM agent service; the service is named pemagent.
For example, on a CentOS or RHEL 6.x system, you would use the command:


On a RHEL or CentOS 7.x or 8.x host, use systemctl to start the service:

systemctl start pemagent

The service will confirm that it is starting the agent; when the agent is registered and started, it will be
displayed on the Global Overview dashboard and in the Object browser tree control of the PEM web
For information about using the pemworker utility to register a server, please see the PEM
Administrator's Guide, available at:

2.1. Setting PEM Agent Configuration Parameters 7

Postgres Enterprise Manager, Release 7.15

2.2 Using a non-root User Account to Register a PEM Agent

To register a PEM agent using a non-root user, you first need to install PEM agent as a root user. After
installation, assume the identity of a non-root user (for example, edb) and perform the following steps:
1. Create the .pem directory and logs directory as following and assign read, write, and execute per-
missions to the file:

mkdir /home/<edb>/.pem
mkdir /home/<edb>/.pem/logs
chmod 700 /home/<edb>/.pem
chmod 700 /home/<edb>/.pem/logs

2. Register the agent with PEM server using the pemworker utility as shown below:

./pemworker --register-agent --pem-server <> --pem-user

˓→<postgres> --pem-port <5432> --display-name <non_root> --cert-path /home/
˓→<edb> --config-dir /home/<edb>

The above command creates agent certificates and an agent configuration file (agent.cfg) in the /home/
edb/.pem directory. Use the following command to assign read and write permissions to these files:
chmod -R 600 /home/edb/.pem/agent*
3. Change the parameters of the agent.cfg file as following:


4. Update the values for the configuration file path and the user in the pemagent service file:
• If you are using RHEL or CentOS 6, update the pemagent service file to reflect the correct path of
agent.cfg file and also change user su to su edb.
• If you are using RHEL or CentOS 7 or 8, update the parameters as following:

User=edb ExecStart=/usr/edb/pem/agent/bin/pemagent -c /home/edb/.pem/agent.cfg

5. Stop the agent process that was started earlier, and then restart the agent service using the non-root
user as follows:
• If you are using RHEL or CentOS 6,

sudo /etc/init.d/pemagent start/stop/restart

• If you are using RHEL or CentOS 7 or 8,

sudo systemctl start/stop/restart pemagent

6. Check the agent status on PEM dashboard.

2.2. Using a non-root User Account to Register a PEM Agent 8


Managing a PEM Agent

The sections that follow provide information about the behavior and management of a PEM agent.

3.1 Agent Privileges

By default, the PEM agent is installed with root privileges for the operating system host and superuser
privileges for the database server. These privileges allow the PEM agent to invoke unrestricted probes on
the monitored host and database server about system usage, retrieving and returning the information to the
PEM server.
Please note that PEM functionality diminishes as the privileges of the PEM agent decrease. For complete
functionality, the PEM agent should run as root. If the PEM agent is run under the database server’s
service account, PEM probes will not have complete access to the statistical information used to generate
reports, and functionality will be limited to the capabilities of that account. If the PEM agent is run under
another lesser-privileged account, functionality will be limited even further.
If you limit the operating system privileges of the PEM agent, some of the PEM probes will not return
information, and the following functionality may be affected:

Postgres Enterprise Manager, Release 7.15

Probe or Action Operating System PEM Functionality Affected

Data And Logfile Linux/ Windows The Postgres Expert will be unable to access complete infor-
Analysis mation.
Session Informa- Linux The per-process statistics will be incomplete.
PG HBA Linux/ Windows The Postgres Expert will be unable to access complete infor-
Service restart Linux/ Windows The Audit Log Manager, Server Log Manager Log Analysis
functionality Expert and PEM may be unable to apply requested modifica-
Package Deploy- Linux/ Windows PEM will be unable to run downloaded installation modules.
Batch Task Windows PEM will be unable to run scheduled batch jobs in Windows.
Collect data from Linux/ Windows Columns such as swap usage, CPU usage, IO read, IO write
server (root access will be displayed as 0 in the session activity dashboard.

Note: The above-mentioned list is not comprehensive, but should provide an overview of the type of
functionality that will be limited.

If you restrict the database privileges of the PEM agent, the following PEM functionality may be affected:

Probe Operating System PEM Functionality Affected

Audit Log Collec- Linux/Windows PEM will receive empty data from the PEM database.
Server Log Col- Linux/Windows PEM will be unable to collect server log information.
Database Statis- Linux/Windows The Database/Server Analysis dashboards will contain incom-
tics plete information.
Session Linux/Windows The Session/System Waits dashboards will contain incom-
Waits/System plete information.
Locks Information Linux/Windows The Database/Server Analysis dashboards will contain incom-
plete information.
Streaming Repli- Linux/Windows The Streaming Replication dashboard will not display infor-
cation mation.
Slony Replication Linux/Windows Slony-related charts on the Database Analysis dashboard will
not display information.
Tablespace Size Linux/Windows The Server Analysis dashboard will not display complete in-
xDB Replication Linux/Windows PEM will be unable to send xDB alerts and traps.

If the probe is querying the operating system with insufficient privileges, the probe may return a
permission denied error.

3.1. Agent Privileges 10

Postgres Enterprise Manager, Release 7.15

If the probe is querying the database with insufficient privileges, the probe may return a permission
denied error or display the returned data in a PEM chart or graph as an empty value.
When a probe fails, an entry will be written to the log file that contains the name of the probe, the reason the
probe failed, and a hint that will help you resolve the problem.
You can view probe-related errors that occurred on the server in the Probe Log dashboard, or review error
messages in the PEM worker log files. On Linux, the default location of the log file is:
On Windows, log information is available on the Event Viewer.

3.1. Agent Privileges 11

Postgres Enterprise Manager, Release 7.15

3.2 Agent Configuration

A number of user-configurable parameters and registry entries control the behavior of the PEM agent. You
may be required to modify the PEM agent’s parameter settings to enable some PEM functionality. After
modifying values in the PEM agent configuration file, you must restart the PEM agent to apply any changes.
With the exception of the PEM_MAXCONN parameter, we strongly recommend against modifying any of
the configuration parameters or registry entries listed below without first consulting EnterpriseDB support
experts unless the modifications are required to enable PEM functionality.
On Linux systems, PEM configuration options are stored in the agent.cfg file, located in /usr/edb/
pem/agent/etc. The agent.cfg file contains the following entries:

Parameter Name Description Default Value

pem_host The IP address or hostname of
the PEM server.
pem_port The database server port to Port 5432.
which the agent connects to com-
municate with the PEM server.
pem_agent A unique identifier assigned to The first agent is ‘1’, the second
the PEM agent. agent is ‘2’, and so on.
agent_ssl_key The complete path to the PEM /root/.pem/agent.key
agent’s key file.
agent_ssl_crt The complete path to the PEM /root/.pem/agent.crt
agent’s certificate file.
agent_flag_dir Used for HA support. Speci- Not set by default.
fies the directory path checked
for requests to take over monitor-
ing another server. Requests are
made in the form of a file in the
specified flag directory.
log_level Log level specifies the type of warning
event that will be written to the
PEM log files.
log_location Specifies the location of the PEM
worker log file.
agent_log_location Specifies the location of the PEM /var/log/pem/agent.log
agent log file.
long_wait The maximum length of time (in 30 seconds
seconds) that the PEM agent will
wait before attempting to con-
nect to the PEM server if an ini-
tial connection attempt fails.
Continued on next page

3.2. Agent Configuration 12

Postgres Enterprise Manager, Release 7.15

Table 3.1 – continued from previous page

Parameter Name Description Default Value
short_wait The minimum length of time 10 seconds
(in seconds) that the PEM agent
will wait before checking which
probes are next in the queue
(waiting to run).
alert_threads The number of alert threads to be Set to 1 for the agent that resides
spawned by the agent. on the host of the PEM server; 0
for all other agents.
enable_smtp When set to true for multiple true for PEM server host; false
PEM Agents (7.13 or lesser) and for all others.
PEM backend database (9.4 or
lesser) then it may send more du-
plicate emails. Whereas for PEM
Agents (7.14 or higher) and PEM
backend database (9.5 or higher)
then it may send lesser duplicate
enable_snmp When set to true for multiple true for PEM server host; false
PEM Agents (7.13 or lesser) and for all others.
PEM backend database (9.4 or
lesser) then it may send more du-
plicate traps. Whereas for PEM
Agents (7.14 or higher) and PEM
backend database (9.5 or higher)
then it may send lesser duplicate
enable_nagios When set to true, Nagios alerting true for PEM server host; false
is enabled. for all others.
connect_timeout The max time in seconds (a deci- Not set by default; set to 0 to in-
mal integer string) that the agent dicate the agent should wait in-
will wait for a connection. definitely.
allow_server_restart If set to TRUE, the agent can False
restart the database server that
it monitors. Some PEM fea-
tures may be enabled/disabled,
depending on the value of this
max_connections The maximum number of probe 0 (an unlimited number)
connections used by the connec-
tion throttler.
Continued on next page

3.2. Agent Configuration 13

Postgres Enterprise Manager, Release 7.15

Table 3.1 – continued from previous page

Parameter Name Description Default Value
connection_lifetime Use ConnectionLifetime (or con- By default, set to 0 (a connection
nection_lifetime) to specify the is dropped when the connection
minimum number of seconds an is idle after the agent’s process-
open but idle connection is re- ing loop).
tained. This parameter is ig-
nored if the value specified in
MaxConnections is reached and
a new connection (to a different
database) is required to satisfy a
waiting request.
allow_batch_probes If set to TRUE, the user will be false
able to create batch probes using
the custom probes feature.
heartbeat_connection When set to TRUE, a dedicated false
connection is used for sending
the heartbeats.
batch_script_dir Provide the path where script file /tmp
(for alerting) will be stored.
connection_custom_setup Use to provide SQL code that Not set by default.
will be invoked when a new con-
nection with a monitored server
is made.
ca_file Provide the path where the CA Not set by default.
certificate resides.
batch_script_user Provide the name of the user that None
should be used for executing the
batch/shell scripts.

On 64 bit Windows systems, PEM registry entries are located in:

The registry contains the following entries:

Parameter Name Description Default Value

PEM_HOST The IP address or hostname of
the PEM server.
PEM_PORT The database server port to Port 5432.
which the agent connects to com-
municate with the PEM server.
AgentID A unique identifier assigned to The first agent is ‘1’, the second
the PEM agent. agent is ‘2’, and so on.
AgentKeyPath The complete path to the PEM %APPDATA%\Roaming\pem\
agent’s key file. agent.key.
Continued on next page

3.2. Agent Configuration 14

Postgres Enterprise Manager, Release 7.15

Table 3.2 – continued from previous page

AgentCrtPath The complete path to the PEM %APPDATA%\Roaming\pem\
agent’s certificate file. agent.crt
AgentFlagDir Used for HA support. Speci- Not set by default.
fies the directory path checked
for requests to take over monitor-
ing another server. Requests are
made in the form of a file in the
specified flag directory.
LogLevel Log level specifies the type of warning
event that will be written to the
PEM log files.
LongWait The maximum length of time (in 30 seconds
seconds) that the PEM agent will
wait before attempting to con-
nect to the PEM server if an ini-
tial connection attempt fails.
shortWait The minimum length of time 10 seconds
(in seconds) that the PEM agent
will wait before checking which
probes are next in the queue
(waiting to run).
AlertThreads The number of alert threads to be Set to 1 for the agent that resides
spawned by the agent. on the host of the PEM server; 0
for all other agents.
EnableSMTP When set to true, the SMTP true for PEM server host; false
email feature is enabled. for all others.
EnableSNMP When set to true, the SNMP trap true for PEM server host; false
feature is enabled. for all others.
ConnectTimeout The max time in seconds (a deci- Not set by default; if set to 0, the
mal integer string) that the agent agent will wait indefinitely.
will wait for a connection.
AllowServerRestart If set to TRUE, the agent can true
restart the database server that
it monitors. Some PEM fea-
tures may be enabled/disabled,
depending on the value of this
MaxConnections The maximum number of probe 0 (an unlimited number)
connections used by the connec-
tion throttler.
Continued on next page

3.2. Agent Configuration 15

Postgres Enterprise Manager, Release 7.15

Table 3.2 – continued from previous page

ConnectionLifetime Use ConnectionLifetime (or con- By default, set to 0 (a connection
nection_lifetime) to specify the is dropped when the connection
minimum number of seconds an is idle after the agent’s process-
open but idle connection is re- ing loop).
tained. This parameter is ig-
nored if the value specified in
MaxConnections is reached and
a new connection (to a different
database) is required to satisfy a
waiting request.
AllowBatchProbes If set to TRUE, the user will be false
able to create batch probes using
the custom probes feature.
HeartbeatConnection When set to TRUE, a dedicated false
connection is used for sending
the heartbeats.
BatchScriptDir Provide the path where script file /tmp
(for alerting) will be stored.
ConnectionCustomSetup Use to provide SQL code that Not set by default.
will be invoked when a new con-
nection with a monitored server
is made.
ca_file Provide the path where the CA Not set by default.
certificate resides.
AllowBatchJobSteps If set to true,the batch/shell None
scripts will be executed using
Administrator user account.

3.2. Agent Configuration 16

Postgres Enterprise Manager, Release 7.15

3.3 Agent Properties

The PEM Agent Properties dialog provides information about the PEM agent from which the dialog
was opened; to open the dialog, right-click on an agent name in the PEM client tree control, and select
Properties from the context menu.

Fig. 3.1: PEM Agent Properties dialog - General tab

Use fields on the PEM Agent Properties dialog to review or modify information about the PEM agent:
• The Description field displays a modifiable description of the PEM agent. This description is
displayed in the tree control of the PEM client.
• You can use groups to organize your servers and agents in the PEM client tree control. Use the Group
drop-down listbox to select the group in which the agent will be displayed.
• Use the Team field to specify the name of the group role that should be able to access servers moni-
tored by the agent; the servers monitored by this agent will be displayed in the PEM client tree control
to connected team members. Please note that this is a convenience feature. The Team field does not
provide true isolation, and should not be used for security purposes.
• The Heartbeat interval fields display the length of time that will elapse between reports from
the PEM agent to the PEM server. Use the selectors next to the Minutes or Seconds fields to
modify the interval.

3.3. Agent Properties 17

Postgres Enterprise Manager, Release 7.15

Fig. 3.2: PEM Agent Properties dialog - Job Notifications tab

Use the fields on the Job Notifications tab to configure the email notification settings on agent
– Use the Override default configuration? switch to specify if you want the agent
level job notification settings to override the default job notification settings. If you select Yes
for this switch, you can use the rest of the settings on this dialog to define when and to whom
the job notifications should be sent. Please note that the rest of the settings on this dialog work
only if you enable the Override default configuration? switch.
– Use the Email on job completion? switch to specify if the job notification should be
sent on the successful job completion.
– Use the Email on a job failure? switch to specify if the job notification should be sent
on the failure of a job.
– Use the Email group field to specify the email group to whom the job notification should be

3.3. Agent Properties 18

Postgres Enterprise Manager, Release 7.15

Fig. 3.3: PEM Agent Properties dialog - Agent Configurations tab

The Agent Configurations tab displays all the current configurations and capabilities of a
– The Parameter column displays a list of parameters.
– The Value column displays the current value of the corresponding parameter.
– The Category column displays the category of the corresponding parameter; it can be either
configuration or capability.

3.3. Agent Properties 19


PEM Agent Troubleshooting

4.1 Restoring a Deleted PEM Agent

If an agent has been deleted from the pem.agent table then you cannot restore it. You will need to use the
pemworker utility to re-register the agent.
If an agent has been deleted from PEM Web client but still has an entry in the pem.agent table with value
of active = f, then you can restore the agent using the following steps:
1. Use the following command to check the values of the id and active fields:

pem=# SELECT * FROM pem.agent;

2. Update the status for the agent to true in the pem.agent table:

pem=# UPDATE pem.agent SET active=true WHERE id=<x>;

Where x is the identifier that was displayed in the output of the query used in step 1.
3. Refresh the PEM web client.
The deleted agent will be restored again. However, the servers that were bound to that particular agent might
appear to be down. To resolve this issue, you need to modify the PEM agent properties of the server to add
the bound agent again; after the successful modification, the servers will be displayed as running properly.

Postgres Enterprise Manager, Release 7.15

4.2 Using the Command Line to Delete a PEM Agent with Down or
Unknown Status

Using the PEM web interface to delete PEM agents with Down or Unknown status may be difficult if the
number of such agents is large. In such a situation, you might want to use the command line interface to
delete Down or Unknown agents.
1. Use the following query to delete the agents that are Down for more than N number of hours:

UPDATE pem.agent SET active=false WHERE id IN

(SELECT FROM pem.agent
a JOIN pem.agent_heartbeat b ON (
(SELECT agent_id FROM pem.agent_heartbeat WHERE (EXTRACT (HOUR FROM now())-
EXTRACT (HOUR FROM last_heartbeat)) > <N> ));

2. Use the following query to delete the agents with an Unknown status:

UPDATE pem.agent SET active=false WHERE id IN

(SELECT id FROM pem.agent WHERE id NOT IN
(SELECT agent_id FROM pem.agent_heartbeat));

4.2. Using the Command Line to Delete a PEM Agent with Down or Unknown Status 21


EDB Postgres Enterprise Manager Agent User Guide

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T +1 781 357 3390 F +1 978 467 1307 E [email protected]
• EnterpriseDB and Postgres Enterprise Manager are registered trademarks of EnterpriseDB Corpora-
tion. EDB and EDB Postgres are trademarks of EnterpriseDB Corporation. Oracle is a registered
trademark of Oracle, Inc. Other trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners.
• EDB designs, establishes coding best practices, reviews, and verifies input validation for the logon UI
for EDB Postgres Enterprise Manager where present. EDB follows the same approach for additional
input components, however the nature of the product may require that it accepts freeform SQL, WMI
or other strings to be entered and submitted by trusted users for which limited validation is possible.
In such cases it is not possible to prevent users from entering incorrect or otherwise dangerous inputs.
• EDB reserves the right to add features to products that accept freeform SQL, WMI or other potentially
dangerous inputs from authenticated, trusted users in the future, but will ensure all such features are
designed and tested to ensure they provide the minimum possible risk, and where possible, require
superuser or equivalent privileges.
• EDB does not that warrant that we can or will anticipate all potential threats and therefore our process
cannot fully guarantee that all potential vulnerabilities have been addressed or considered.


Agent Configuration, 12
Agent Privileges, 9
Agent Properties, 17

Conclusion, 22

deleting agents with Down status, 21
deleting agents with Unknown status, 21

Managing a PEM Agent, 9

PEM Agent Troubleshooting, 20
PEM architecture, 2
PEM components, 2
PEM overview, 2

Registering an Agent, 4
restoring a deleted agent, 20


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