Law of Time CREST13 Experience - Report

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1st CREST13 Experience - Report

Dear Sisters & Brothers of this beautiful GAIA-Velatropa 24.3

The purpose of this report is to communicate the results of the 28-day retreat experiment, based
on the draft Planetary Engineering CREST13, which was conducted during the
Self-Existing Moon of the Owl - Red Overtone Moon Ring (18/10/2010 to 14/11/2010).

It was developed in the Star Holon, Argentina, Córdoba, Punilla Valley, Capilla del Monte, at the
base of the Sacred Mountain Uritorco , Overo Hill and the Twins Hill, on the grounds of the
Village "Tiempo de Brotar" in the area destined and reserved to be a CREST13 Retreat Center,
which is in a virgin forest road 400 meters from the village.

This place consists of approximately 13 hectares of virgin native forest, pure spring water,
mountain and river all drinkable, with fertile land for cultivation and very good weather
conditions. This area is protected by 3 km radius of virgin native forest without human habitat
(only the village is "Tiempo de Brotar”)

The center is located in the vicinity of interdimensional portals of intra-earth city ERKS, and
ceremonial centers Comechingon Aboriginal culture.

The kin who organized the recall are:

* 14
* 217
* 247
* 256
(Adult Core of “Tiempo de Brotar”)

And the Elfs

* 38
* 85
* 213

The retreat participant kin were:


Kins in the 1st week: 14 – 27 - 232 – 256 – 110 - 205

Kins in the 2nd week: 14 – 27 - 232 – 256
Kins in the 3rd week: 14 – 27 - 232 – 85
Kins in the 4rd week: 14 – 27 - 232 – 38 – 247

The first day's kin settled in the place and created the kitchen, from the 2nd day was held the
following crono-schedule:

 Salat (Before Sunrise)

 Natural Mind
 Solar Mantrams
 Synchronization (Cubication)
 Ejection Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge
 Mantrams (Yoghi- Bhajan)
 Breakfast (prepared by the family of the day ,during the mantrams)
 Working with Dreams
 Reading Seminar Cistercian- Italy (Synchronotron study)
 Tasks Group
 Salat (midday)
 Yoga or Tai Chi
 Luch (prepared for the Family of the Day)
 Special Practices
 Sunset Salat

Food (during 4 Weeks):

Based on seed sprouts, enzymatic water, honey, kefir, herbal tea (with herbs from site)
vegetarian diet (no eggs or dairy products), without wheat flour (bread), no mate, no sugar, no
sweeteners .

Not used substances that alter the mental state of reality (natural mind alone).

Tasks Group:
 Kitchen Fitting
 Cleaning paths
 Cleaning practice sites
 Search for water-firing
 Construction of compost toilet.
 Anchor sites for tents
 Care of outbreaks and seed for food.

Special Practices:
 Opening Ceremony
 Activation and initiation of the body MERKABAH
 Telepathic exercises
 Space Time Travel to Sirius
 Geomancy for determining practice domes, kitchen and individual micro
 Recognition and geomancy cave waterfall practices (in the course of
spring water)
 The 5 Alpha day was made a word fast (noble word), and day 6 was
limited to fast food (infusion only), and the full moon was a female circle.
 Urine therapy

 Inter-Galactic Bulletin N ° I-III
 Holomind Perceiver
 Cosmic History Chronicles (vol.
 Cisternino Seminar- Italy (full read and studied by the week)
 Training course to obtain the U.M.B Hunab-Ku 21, IFT, UMB and Kin Equivalent.



 Salat (Before Sunrise)

 Natural Mind
 Solar Mantrams
 Synchronitation ( Cubication)
 Ejection Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge
 Mantrams ( Yogui-Bhajan)
 Working with Dreams
 Activation Synchronotron codes (study and analysis on the Holomind Perceiver)
 Salat (Midday)
 Yoga or Tai Chi
 Luch (prepared for the Family of the Day)
 Special Practices
 Sunset Salat

Task group:

 Perimeter wiring
 Land leveling practices for dome
 Outbreaks Care

 Earth Ascending (fragments)
 Cosmic History Chronicles (Vol. III, Chapter 11)
 Cosmic History Chronicles (Vol. V, Ch 5)

Special practices:

 Planetary Sorcery - (water ceremony), based on the activation of a

Temple to
the Water, creation 441 matrix with stone-
pebbles submerged and
Synchronotron chanted-(mantrams) with the
intent to radiate through the
water (descent of biosphere in the noosphere.).
 Alpha- Word and fasting food. Practices alone of guardians anchor through
Elementals and Devas in portals of entry.
 Limi - Fasted and encuevamiento* (1 kin) (*put in cave)
Practice in a cave, made by 1 kin per day, this practice is to stay inside the
cave from morning to evening, in order to restore the energy body through
the four-dimensional visualization of Pleiadian healing chambers, and
techniques wrap

 Telepathic Exercises: sending and receiving runes UR H between members

of the retreat. Shipping and receiving with the kin of the village “Tiempo de
Brotar” (“Time to Sprout”) and kin who came in Silio 7 (kin 110 & 205)

 Space Time Travel: contact through Celestial Harmonics and Astral

Projection, in order to make contact with Valum Votan and the Red Queen.

 Urine Theraphy



 Salat (Before Sunrise)

 Natural Mind
 Solar Mantrams
 Synchronitation ( Cubication)
 Ejection Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge
 Mantrams ( Yogui-Bhajan)
 Working with Dreams
 Tasks Group
 Salat (Midday)
 Yoga or Tai Chi
 Luch (prepared for the Family of the Day)
 Special Practices
 Sunset Salat

Tasks Group:
 Finish perimeter fences
 Leveling the ground for large dome of practice

Reading Study:

 Cosmic History Chronicles (Vol. II)

 C.H.C. (Vol . V)

Special practices:
 Geomantic Activation of a new AC Ceremonial Space
 Court of Kin
 Telepathic Pulse to make manifest materially ,domes for
CREST center
 Pulse on kin Red Overtoned Skywalker(next Day Out off
 Purification submerged in water and prolonged allotropic
 Dervishes Whirling

Travel through time-space:

 Meeting with Elementals and natives Devas .

 Tiahuanaco, Bolivia (possible CREST Center)
 KIN Blue Crystal Hand (Blue Resonant Storm Ring)

Planetary Sorcery:
 Contact Ceremony for the Day of the Dead.
 Purification in the Temple of Water, creating sung chanted water ,and
 (with the sung chanted water) of this the place of ceremonial practices and
 Alpha - Word fasted alone
 Limi -food fast, and telepathic memory array 441.
 Urine therapy



 Salat (Before Sunrise)

 Natural Mind
 Solar Mantrams
 Synchronitation ( Cubication)
 Ejection Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge
 Mantrams ( Yogui-Bhajan)
 Working with Dreams
 Tasks Group
 Salat (Midday)
 Yoga or Tai Chi
 Luch (prepared for the Family of the Day)
 Special Practices
 Sunset Salat

Tasks Group:
 Construction of geodesic Domo Mini 4m in Diameter made with natural materials
from the site.

Reading Study:
 Cósmic History Chronicles Vol. III

Special Practices:
 Telepathic Pulse to White Ríthmic Wizzard Ring by Domos and economics
resources manifestation.
 Time Space travel, Antares Arcturus intermediate station, and
to intra-earth city Erks.

 Psycho Atmospheric ,Dance on 4 seasonal plates,24 Psi-Nimboids membranes,

Futhark Runes, for the Healing of Planet Earth
 Circular Dances
 Telepathics plays, sending & reception of UR H Runes
 Planetary Sorcery:
 Dispacht Ceremony of Andean culture in order to through Sacred Hills
thanks for blessings received in retirement, and attracting all the necessary
material and spiritual.
 Court of kin
 Closing Ceremony and festivities.

Thematic assessment
Salat Prayer Contact:
From day one we decided to perform this practice 3 times a day
(before dawn, noon / zenith, and dusk). We gave good done by generating connection with the
divine, by contacting the natural time to wake up before dawn without mechanical means
(without clock), gave us a time frame for other practices. This practice strengthened discipline
and submission.

Food / fasts:
With no evolutionary food restriction and fasting
(Seven Days in the process), we found that our bodies it was used to expand and facilitate
cosmic connection and perception of the sacred. At the end of the retreat the physical body is in
better conditions in all kin.
The kin participants learned the techniques of live food preparation (food life.)
We mention that 80% of infusions were made with herbs harvested site and 80% of the salads
were grown in the orchards of “Tiempo de Brotar”.

Tasks group:
Objectives were achieved, they were:
Assembling the basic facilities, perimeter fence to protect the site for animals, leveling large
dome platform of practice, building a geodesic dome mini 4 mts.
All activities were carried out as active meditation practice (karma - Yoga)

Reading / Study:
The factors favoring this process were: previous contact and the kin involved with the study
material, natural mind meditation before beginning to study ,the natural environment (climate
appropriate and natural time).
What ensued was an exponential increase in the understanding and assimilation of information,
increase in the cognitive domain.
One of the assimilated important tools is the Synchronotron and UR H Runes as functionals
elected four/dimensionals.

Special practices:
* Psycho-Atmospheric: check changing states of psycho-sensory perception
versus climate change to perceive them in consciousness.
There was a high psycho-sensory contact through the dance on the 24 membranes psi-
ninmboideas (Dance for Land)

 Telepathic Games / Telepathic Memory: the result of transmissions, there

were few successes, but these practices led us to understand, know the
runes UR A, trails and cosmic features.
 As for the memorization telepathic Matrix 441 were excellent results in most
of the participants and good results in the remainder.

* Planetary Sorcery/ ceremonial magic:

These were:
Opening ceremony
Merkaba Initiation
Water Temple
Guardians of the Portals
In cuevamiento
Purification with allotropic breathing in water
Ceremonial Clean- chanted water
Day of the Dead Ceremony
Andean Dispacht.

* Travel through time-space:

Most kin achieving excellent results and display psychic
connection, and can achieve a high conscious telepathic messages that were of great value in
retirement, and also after retirement.
The techniques used were: Celestial Harmonics, Telepathic Frequency Index , Time Travel
Cube with element 113 Syrius B 52 in the cube.

Synchronization / Cubication:

Composed by:
Pranayams and Solar Mantrams
Cyclical Order of Time Codes
Synchronic Order of Time Codes
Visualization and Psi Bank daily activation
Visualization and Planetary Holon activation
Visualization and Human Holon activation
Visualization –Overtone Pulsar and Color Pulsar activation
Telepathic reception of the north-south red pulse
Cube Building Genetic Order, Plasmic Cube, Bio-psychic Cube
and Non-ego Cube.
Tollan Zuvuya Cave initiation
Bolontiku Activation
Visualization of Crystal Heart Planet and its components.
Ejection Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge with allotropic breathing
Visualization and activation of Matrix 441 and the daily Heptad Gates.
Excellent results as a tool to synchronize us, perceive celestial harmonics and
harmonize us with the natural time for the day.

Urine therapy:
The participants kins carried out this practice ,can see that after two days of fasting ,
concentration odor, color and flavor urine was increased

Overall Assessment

Points to consider:
 The coordinator nucleus have need for more technics of dynamization
groupal to promote the integration process of the participants.
 It is preferable that the coordinators of the retreat are at least two and
preferably male-female.
 It is necessary to make a regulation of internal behavior to be signed prior to
retirement income, this would regulate rights and duties of kin during the
process, for example, sexual abstinence, total restriction of consumption of
psychoactive substances, hallucinogens, alcohol, snuff, etc.
 Make only the proposed practices in retirement.
 Sober and comfortable clothing.
 We made a brief experience with the presence of village children Tiempo de
Brotar and feel that was not favorable to the process.
 It is suitable that the experience does not generate emotional ties between
the participants (absorption)
 It is appropriate to use the practice of the noble word "noble silence during
the entire process.
 Experience shows that the results are optimal if completed within 28 days.
 We also feel that can get things for less time as facilitator of tools to join the

Doubts arose as to consult with the foundation:

 Is it necessary to vipassana style sex segregation?

 Is it possible to carry out such temascal purification practices?
 Is it suitable that the organization is by color or family and it is preferable
that participants refrain from these activities (cooking, cleaning bathrooms,
 Considering that this was the first experience of retirement of 28 days we
are very happy to report that we could see a gradual stabilization in the time
of the emotional body, clarity of dreams, the channel opening reception of
cosmic information. A crescendo in the timeless perception and
appreciation of the natural rhythmic cycle. The radiance of a subtle
psychological well-being permeated the activities, strengthening
brotherhood and mental clarity of the imminent presence of the closing of
the cycle, strengthening the purpose of the Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge
 The study and natural mind meditation ,catalyzed as well as the perception
of here now ,the clear internal vision of the next steps on this path of
planetary service. A clear guidance of Noospheric mind .Very important
factors favored these states were self-discipline, submission and the natural
environment isolated from the hustle and mind technospheric self-

Thank you with deep love for the Great Spirit, ALLAH HUNAB KU, the
hierarchies of the Galactic Federation, to intraterrestrial hierarchies of
ERKS , to Valun Votan and the Red Queen, our guides and fifth-
dimensional beings, the crew of the village "TIEMPO DE BROTAR "all the
brothers who supported us in this adventure, MOTHER EARTH, Elementary
Devas and invisible guardians in place, URITORCO APU, OVERO APU,
ÑUSTA the Twins, all animals of power that accompanied us; Hawks ,
foxes, mountain cats, hummingbirds, tarantula, spider weaver, lizards, frogs
and toads, trout, eagles, vultures, condors, owls and especially Ringo and
ourselves for allowing this sacred transformation, that this experience will
serve as encouragement for all beings who choose to take the evolutionary
leap of the soul.


Tiempo de Brotar (kin 14) with the Co-Creation of Kin 27 and 232
Kin 221 Red Cosmic Dragon (November 15 -2010)
Psi Crono: Yellow Cristal Seed
IFT 1198
U.M.B. 315 The Profet
8º Dimension of Time
7º Mental sphere
Equivalent Kin :157 Red Magnetic Earth
UR H 95 :Galactic Art Whole Becomes Meditation of Reality

[email protected]

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