Tell Me About Yourself?

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1. Tell me about yourself?

I am a professional in process improvement, project manager and quality

management systems, where I wore many hats for more than 18 years, such as,
analyst, supervisor, manager, project manager, IT manager and regional manager.

My strong points are that I am focused, committed, dedicated and motivated. In

my recent job, we achieved many goals such as: first company to obtain ISO
9001:2015, 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 in Panamá and Latin America,
implementing lean six sigma methodology, which allowed the company to achieve
goals related to increasing customer satisfaction and profit margins.

Overall, I would say that I am energic, motivated and hard-working person who
always look for ways to improve.

2. Why Amazon?

I want to work in amazon because it is the best company on the planet in terms of
how it serves its customers and always is continually looking forward for process
improvement in order to satisfy their customers. Always put its customers first and
employs the smartest and most talent people available. I am attracted to Amazon’s
culture of Think Big and taking ownership. I see a lot of value in taking projects
seriously and trying to find clever ways to improve results as a team.
I would get to put my own skills and qualities in order to solving complex problem
and help to develop and make more efficient the Amazon Marketplace
professional services. I would love to work alongside a great team of people while
doing something I love, which is providing valued solutions and customer service.

3. Tell me about a time when you have to make a quick decision that was going to
have a significant impact on the organization?

Due to restrictions of the pandemic, in my previous job, the company could not
open the stores in order to sales batteries, only could be done through delivery
channel, but the call center was not prepared to handle that volume of calls, and
many customers was complained about delay in delivery services and waiting time.
My team and I was suspended of work without salary for two months. We
researched many options in order to solve that problem, and through of
brainstorming we found a quick solution of a WhatsApp bot with only 160$
monthly, which allowed collect customer request and create services
appointments. In only a weekend we configured the workflows, tested, and went
live, resulting in an increased of customer satisfaction in 22% and increased the
sales by 40%, which allowed to the company to remain profitable during the
pandemic. My team went included to payroll again after this. Nowadays the
company continue using that solution.

4. Tell me about a time when you found a simple solution to a complex problem?

We were at monthly performance indicators meeting in my previous job, and

each manager had to extract the data from SAP and prepare a PowerPoint
presentation, but the numbers did not match with the company incomes
statement. I met with financial manager in order to find out what reports the ceo
wants to see. After this, we developed a dashboard in google data studio
integrated with SAP which allowed to obtain the correct data at any time, only
with a click. This allowed the unification of criteria and standardization of reports,
also allowed see in 360º all company sales channel.

5. Describe a situation when you had to work with incomplete data or information?

In a previous job, I was in charge of a big project in which one of the critical tasks
was to upload the battery size for each brand, model, year and technology of
vehicles. I don't remember what happened with the coworker who was in charge
of this task, I think that he became ill or one of his parents. The data base was in
70% complete. Only we had 5 days remaining to finish the project. My team and I
began to research in technical web pages of vehicles manufactures and working
hard at nights we completed the data and delivered the project to the client. The
Client was satisfied with the product and a long-term relationship was achieved.

6. Tell me about a time when you had to take a calculated risk at work?

My team was in charge of Salesforce implementation project. Due to the

pandemic, the company wanted to suspend the project, but i explained to my CEO
( with goals to achieve, Return on investment) that will be convenient to take
advantage of the pandemic closure in order to finish the project, that allows us to
be prepared and with advantage with other competitors and provide to customers
efficient and better services. The CEO give us the approval and we finish the
project in two months, and when the government lifted the pandemic restrictions,
the sales increased by 25% due the response time to our customers.

7. Tell me about a time when you experienced conflict within a team?

I was part of a project team in a previous role which included ten other team
members. We were tasked with delivering an important web-based, time-sensitive
project for an important client. During the initial stage of the project we got
together as a team to discuss and agree upon the initiation-phase of the project,
and also an agreed action plan. From the very first meeting, two members of the
team took an instant dislike to each other, and their constant disagreements were
causing conflict within the team. I took control of the situation and spoke up
during the meeting to express my concerns that, unless we all agreed to put our
differences aside, and work collaboratively as part of a team to achieve the project
aims, we would all be responsible for the failure of the project. As soon as I raised
the issue it was clear the two team members knew they had to put their
differences aside, which they agreed to do so. From that point on, the conflict was
stopped dead in its tracks and the remainder of the project went smoothly and
according to plan.

8. Give me two examples of when you have gone above of beyond what was
Saleforce implementation
Bot whatsapp
Customer calls to my office
Lean Six sigma

9. Have you ever failed at work? If so, tell me what happened and how you reacted?

Guatemala Salesforce delivery guys equipment.

When have you had to overcome a challenging situation at work?

Carenero Cementos caribe

When have you had a disagreement at work, either with a work colleague or a

Rule of 3 technical data Arturo

Equation of a line

Give me a situation where you have previously shown one of Amazon’s

Leadership Principles at work

Frugality project salesforce.

Customer obsession
Canal de panama quality department, quality assurance test

Tell me about an unpopular decision you had to make at work

I was managing a team of people during a difficult recession in 2017. The Company CEO
gave me the task of looking at how we could cut costs and save money during this very
difficult period. The CEO suggested that I had to cut staff, and that I had to assume that
responsibilities, the staff that I have to get fire, was the closest friend that i met since 10
years ago. This decision was very unpopular amongst the rest of the team. However, for
the sake of the business and our future operations, I did not hesitate in making this tough
decision when needed.
Give me one thing you will like the most about being a leader with Amazon,
and one thing you will dislike?

The one thing I most like about leading and managing people is the challenge of
consistently delivering team goals for my employer through hard work, the creation of a
robust strategic plan and also motivating and inspiring my team to be the best they can be.
In regard to the one thing I most dislike, it’s team members who do not work to the best of
their abilities. I have worked in a couple of teams before whereby some people are happy to
plod along and do the bare minimum. As a leader, I would always ensure the team I am
leading feel inspired and motivated to be the absolute best they can be at all times. I have
high personal and professional standards, and I would expect my team to be the same.

Tell me a time when you had to give bad news to a member of your team?

I was tasked with managing a team for my previous employer and it quickly became
apparent to me that a long standing employee was no longer effective in his role. After
carefully analysing the team, I felt his presence within the team was hindering our
performance and I needed to make a difficult decision to replace him. This was a tough
decision simply because he was my friend and he was very popular amongst the other
team members, but I knew the only way I could move the team forward in the direction I
needed was to move him to a different department where I felt his skills would be put to
better use. After obtaining approval from the senior management team for the move, I
held a meeting with the employee and explained to him the reasons behind the move. He
was clearly upset and disappointed and made it clear that he felt I was making a big
Initially, the team were upset about my decision and it took me a few weeks to motivate
them and win their support. However, I persevered and 3 months on, the team was
performing to peak ability and it quickly became the most productive team within the
organization. I am not afraid to make difficult decisions when needed and will never shy
away from confrontation or challenges within this leadership role.

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