Try Out B. Inggris

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In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There
are four parts to this section with special directions for each part.

Part I (Questions 1 to 3)
In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogs and questions spoken in English. The dialogs and
questions will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your text book, so you must listen carefully to
understand what the speakers say.
After you listen to a dialog and the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which
one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Now listen to a sample question.

You will hear

Waitress : Good evening, sir.
Mr. William : Good evening. I want a table for two.

Narrator : You will also hear

What would the waitress say?

You will read in your test book:

A. Let’s go in.
B. This is the bill, sir.
C. Oh, yes. It’s over there.
D. The entrance is this way.
E. Yes, sir. Please come with me.

Sample answer


The best answer to the question is “Yes, sir. Please come with me.”
Therefore, you should choose answer (E)

1. A. She is absolutely sure that she knows about Susan Yahya.

B. She is hesitant whether or not she knows about Susan Yahya.
C. She has known about Susan Yahya’s existence for a long time.
D. She doesn’t know about Susan Yahya at all for sure.
E. She pretends not to know about Susan Yahya by purpose.

2. A. At a supermarket.
B. At a prescription’s room.
C. At a drugstore.
D. At a dormitory room.
E. At the doctor’s room.

3. A. Eight dollars.
B. A dollar and fifty cents.
C. Nine dollars fifty cents.
D. Eight dollars fifty cents.
E. Fifty eight dollars.
Part II (Questions 4 to 8)
In this part of the test, you will hear some incomplete dialogs in English, followed by five responses, also
spoken in English. The dialogs and the responses will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test
book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. You have to choose the best
response to each question.
Now listen to a sample question:
Man : Hello, Kiki. How have you been?
Woman : Oh, hi Bill. Not bad, thank you. How about you?
Man : …………..
Narrator : What will the man most likely reply?
A. I’m glad. D. Take it easy.
B. I hope so. E. Yes, I do too.
C. Pretty Good.
Sample answer


The best answer to the question “How about you?” is choice C.

Therefore, you should choose answer C.

4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part III (Questions 9 to 11)

In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogs or monologs spoken in English. The dialogs or
monologs will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to
understand what the speakers say. After you listen to the dialog or monolog, look at the five pictures
provided in your test book, and decide which one would be the most suitable with the dialog or monolog you
have heard.

1 2 3

4 5
9. A. Picture 1 D. Picture 4
B. Picture 2 E. Picture 5
C. Picture 3

1 2 3 4 5

10. A. Picture 1 D. Picture 4

B. Picture 2 E. Picture 5
C. Picture 3

1 2 3 4 5
11. A. Picture 1 D. Picture 4
B. Picture 2 E. Picture 5
C. Picture 3

Part IV (Questions 12 to 15)

In this part of the test, you will hear several monologs. Each monolog will be spoken twice. They will not
be printed in your test, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you
hear the monolog and the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be
the best answer to the question you have heard.

12. A. Two detectives. D. A professional film director.

B. The Black Dahlia. E. Brian de Palma
C. A mysterious murder.

13. A. Comedy. D. Horror.

B. Thriller. E. Romance.
C. Drama.

14. A. To inform about popularity in Indonesian Idol briefly.

B. To convince that there is unjustified system in Indonesian Idol.
C. To explain about the unfair system in Indonesian Idol.
D. To describe about the Indonesian Idol’s contestant specifically.
E. To present the idea about the unfairness in Indonesian Idol.

15. A. Because it is a combination between a reality show and a talent show.

B. Because the score comes from the audience and the supporters’ SMS.
C. Because they do not consider the jury’s comments on the singer.
D. Because they do not have sufficient talent to be professional stars.
E. Because Indonesian Idol is only broadcasted by RCTI.

This is the end of the listening section

Reading section

Text for no. 16 – 17

The Omnicable Company representatives said yesterday that John A. Kaspar, its president and chief
operating officer, would resign on April 30. The announcement added to speculation that the world’s third-
largest cable television system could be bought within a few weeks. Mr. Kaspar, 62, said he was leaving
after more than 22 years for ‘personal reasons.’

16. The announcement above is telling us about …

A. the world’s third-largest cable television
B. the quiting plan of Mr. Kaspar
C. the Omnicable Company default
D. the speculation of Mr. Kaspar’s personal problem
E. the senior officer named John A. Kaspar

17. Why does Mr. Kaspar intend to quit his job? Because …
A. he is just bored with the works.
B. he is about to resign as he is getting old.
C. there will be a merger upon the company.
D. he has an individual problem with the company.
E. he plans to take a job which offers him more income.

This text is for questions 18 and 19.

January 17, 2018

Ms. Helen
Jorua Ltd.
224 Duke Street
Cranley, Dorset,

Dear Ms. Helen,

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for the excellent job you did in arranging financing for
our project. We appreciate the fact that you made yourself available for discussion seven days a
week. We were impressed by your through knowledge of financing and investment banking.
We have been dealing with our new financial institution for about a week now. The advantages
of association with this institution are already apparent. I feel though we have taken a quantum leap
forward in progress.
I would not hesitate to retain your services again and to recommend your firm to any company
seeking the best representation.

Sincerely yours,

General Manager

18. What is the letter about?

A. An opportunity of a new job
B. A report of financial project
C. The advantages of association
D. A gratitude for an excellent job
E. A recommendation to other companies

19. Why did the writer deal with a new financial institution?
A. Ms. Helen hasn’t done her job well.
B. The writer decided to not retain Ms. Helen services.
C. Ms. Helen has been hesitated to the writer’s appointment.
D. The advantages of association with the apparent institution.
E. The writer has a problem about financing and investment banking.

This text is for questions 20 to 22

Nelson Rohilahla Mandela was born in Transkei, South Africa on July 18, 1918. His father was Hendry
Mphakanyiswa of the Tembu Tribe. Mandela himself was educated at University College of Fort Hare and
the University of Witwatersrand where he studied law. He joined the African National Congress in 1944 and
was engaged in resistance against the ruling National Party’s apartheid policies after 1948. He went on trial
for treason in 1956-1961 and was acquitted in 1961.
After the banning of the ANC in 1960, Nelson Mandela argued for the setting up of a military wing
within the ANC. In June 1961, the ANC executive considered his proposal on the use of violent tactics and
agreed that those members who wished to involve themselves in Mandela’s campaign would not be
stopped from doing so by the ANC. This led to the formation of Umkhonto we Sizwe.
Mandela was arrested in 1962 and sentenced to five year’s imprisonment with hard labor. In 1963,
when many fellow leaders of the ANC and the Umkhonto we Sizwe were arrested, Mandela was brought to
stand trial with them for plotting to overthrow the government by violence. His statement from the dock
received considerable international publicity. On June 12, 1964, eight of the accused, including Mandela,
were sentenced to life imprisonment. From 1964 to 1982, he was incarcerated at Robben Island Prison, off
Cape Town; thereafter, he was at Pollsmor Prison, nearby on the mainland.
During his years in prison, Nelson Mandela’s reputation grew steadily. He was widely accepted as the most
significant black leader in South Africa and became a potent symbol of resistance as the anti-apartheid
movement gathered strength. He consistently refused to compromise his political position to obtain his
Nelson Mandela was released on February 11, 1990. After his release, he plunged himself
wholeheartedly into his life’s work, striving to attain the goals he and others had set out almost four decades

20. Why was Mandela brought to stand trial with many fellow leaders of the ANC and the Umkhonto we
A. Nelson Mandela’s reputation grew steadily.
B. They were plotting to overthrow the government by violence.
C. His statement from the dock received considerable international publicity.
D. He was arrested and sentenced to five year’s imprisonment with hard labor.
E. He consistently refused to compromise his political position to obtain freedom.

21. What is the main idea of third paragraph?

A. Nelson Mandela was sent to prison.
B. Nelson Mandela was released from prison.
C. Nelson Mandela formed Umkhonto we Sizwe.
D. The African National Congress executive was Mandela.
E. Nelson Mandela joined National Party’s apartheid policies.

22. How long was Mandela incarcerated at Robben Island Prison?

A. 16 years
B. 17 years
C. 18 years
D. 19 years
E. 20 years

This text is for questions 23 to 25

1. Find the phone number. Like the website, the phone number to activate the credit card will likely be on the
card. It may also be in the paperwork with the card.
2. Have your information ready. You'll likely need your credit card number, your account number, and the
security code on the back of the card. The account number should be with the information that came with the
card. You may also need your Social Security number or your date of birth. You may be asked to give your full
3. Call the number. Once you dial the number, you will likely reach a recorded service. Follow the directions
given by the system. You may have to input information with the keypad, such as your credit card number or
security code.
4. Complete the process. Finish giving the system your information. Once you've given all the information, your
card will be activated.
5. Take off the sticker, and sign the card. Peel the sticker back from the card with the activation information on
it. Add your signature to the back of the card.
 If you have trouble, call customer service, and click through until you get a live person. That person can talk to
you through the process or activate your card for you.

23. What is the most suitable topic for the text?

A. How to make a credit card
B. How to make a telephone call
C. How to find a telephone number
D. How to process credit card activation.
E. How to activate a credit card by phone
24. What will the customer service do when you have difficulty?
A. He will talk about the process.
B. He will have a live conversation.
C. He will solve the problem with you.
D. He will click through the activation.
E. He will make your credit card active.
25. “You'll likely need your credit card number, your account number, and the security code on the back of
the card.” (Point 2)
The underlined word is closest in meaning to … .
A. data
B. puzzle
C. system
D. private
E. convention

The following text is for questions 26 and 27

Lake Gunung Tujuh is one of the many lakes in Kabupaten Kerinci in Jambi Province. It is an amazing
tourist place to visit.
Lake Gunung Tujuh is located in Kecamatan Kayu Aro. It is about 50 km from Sungai Penuh to
Pelompek Village by public transport. To reach Lake Gunung Tujuh people have to climb and walk for
another 4 km or 2.5 hours. The lake is surrounded by steep forest slopes and seven hills. Lake Gunung
Tujuh is a huge mysterious lake on 1,995 meters above sea level. The length of the lake is 4.5 km and the
width is 3 km. It is the highest volcanic lake in Southeast Asia. The temperature around the lake is very
cold. Besides waterfalls, you can also find animals such as siamangs, elephants, and various birds.
Indeed, Lake Gunung Tujuh and its spectacular scenery are so beautiful to visit.

26. What can be concluded about Lake Gunung Tujuh? It is ...

A. the highest volcanic lake throughout Asia.
B. spectacular for its waterfalls and its temperature.
C. a remote tourist object in Jambi Province.
D. a tiny but full of mystery lake in the mountain.
E. easily reached by public transport or by foot.
27. People want to visit Lake Gunung Tujuh because ...
A. its height is so hard to reach.
B. they feel challenged to conquer that place.
C. the temperature is extremely cold there.
D. its maiden location which is naturally exquisite.
E. they don’t have to pay the entrance ticket.

The following text is for questions 28 – 30

Indonesia is developing unmanned submarine technology in the hope of securing the country’s vast ocean
territory at an efficient cost.
The unmanned submarine, called Kaledupa, will be able to operate at a depth 150 meters, the Defense
Ministry’s director for defense industry and technology, Brig. Gen. Jan Pieter Ate, said on Tuesday.
The product is made by PT Robo Marine Indonesia, a technology company based in Bandung, West
“The Defense Ministry has ordered the defense industry to develop the technology for this unmanned
submarine. We have appointed PT Robo Marine Indonesia because the company has skills in this
technology,” Jan Pieter told The Jakarta Post.
Kaledupa was tested on Sunday in Wakatobi waters, Southeast Sulawesi, to obtain the ministry’s
certificate of eligibility.
Jan Pieter said Kaledupa had many strengths. For instance, it has underwater sensing technology, an
underwater recorder with HD resolution and LED lighting tools that help the submarine see hundreds of
meters under the ocean.
“During the test, Kaledupa managed to prove all of its advantages. We hope this new technological
development will reduce our dependency on foreign weaponry systems,” he said. (hwa)

28. What is the topic of the text?

A. Adjusting unmanned submarine
B. Operating unmanned submarine
C. Competing unmanned submarine
D. Developing unmanned submarine
E. Manufacturing unmanned submarine
29. Why does the Defense Ministry assign PT Robo Marine to build unmanned submarine?
A. It possesses a large factory.
B. It holds skills in the technology.
C. It has experiences in making ships.
D. It has skills to operate submarines.
E. It always gets assignment from the Defense Ministry.
30. “Kaledupa was tested on Sunday in Wakatobi waters, Southeast Sulawesi, to obtain the ministry’s
certificate of eligibility.” (Paragraph 5)
What is the closest in meaning to the underlined word?
A. Legalize.
B. Propose.
C. Report.
D. Retain.
E. Get.

Queen Aji Bidara Putih

Muara Kaman lies along the Mahakam River, in eastern Borneo. In the past the area was a kingdom
ruled by Queen Aji Bidara Putih. She was a typical queen of myths: beautiful, wise, and sensitive. Many
princes and kings proposed to her but she always refused them because she was more concerned with
ruling her country and guarding her people.
One day, a Chinese boat came to eastern Borneo. First, the people thought it was a merchant ship but
the boat was loaded with trade goods and highly trained soldiers. Their envoys brought gold and porcelain
to announce the marriage proposal from a prince of China. The queen didn’t refuse instantly and replied
that she had to ponder the proposal first.
After the envoys left the palace, the queen called a court officer and ordered him to infiltrate the
Chinese boat to gather information on the prince. When night fell the officer sneaked onto the boat, got by
all the guards, and finally found the prince’s room. The large door would not open and he couldn’t find a
peek hole, so the officer put his ear to the wall, trying to catch sounds from inside. He heard that the prince
was having his dinner and the noise of his chewing and slurping surprised the officer. It was like a boar that
he had once heard when he was hunting.
He quickly left the boat and returned to the palace. He reported that the prince must have been a
phantom, not a human. He believed that the phantom could be in a human’s form only during the daytime.
The queen was so surprised and got angry.
On the next day, she refused his proposal. The enraged prince ordered his troops to raid Muara
Kaman. The battle was won by the prince’s huge band of troops. As they drew near to the palace, Queen
Aji Bidara Putih chewed a leaf of betel vine and sang a mantra while holding it. When she threw it at the
Chinese troops, it turned to giant centipedes. The Chinese troops started to retreat but three centipedes
chased them and sank the boat. The site of the sunken ship is now known as Danau Lipan (Lake of
Centipedes), with Chinese treasures hidden on the lake’s bed.

31. Where did the story take place?

A. In the area that is now called Muara Kaman
B. In the Lake of Centipedes
C. In a kingdom in China
D. In western Borneo
E. In Mahakam river

32. Why did the envoys bring gold and porcelain?

A. load their ship
B. to trade them for stocks
C. to sell them to the queen
D. to share them with the residents
E. to announce the marriage proposal from a prince of China

33. What can we learn from the story?

A. It is necessary to be honest before you begin a relationship.
B. The cruel will damage everything you have.
C. Honesty is more than everything.
D. You have to fight for a true love.
E. You should believe on yourself.

Soccer Story

When I was nine, my soccer team went to a tournament in South Portland. The only reason we got there
was because we didn’t lose a game during the regular season. The first game was easy for my team. We
beat Biddeford five to one. I got one goal and one assist. My friend Patrick got a hat trick, and Bailey got a
goal also.

The next game was a lot tougher. We played Westbrook and beat them one nil. I played goalkeeper for
the entire game. My teammate Josh is the one who scored the only goal of the game. We barely made
the playoff. We were tied with two other teams, but we had more goals than they did so we got to move

The third game was the hardest yet. We would get a goal then they would. This went on for about four
goals then finally my team scored two in a row. This game we played Bonny Eagle, and the final score
was four to six. Our team won, so we went on to semifinals and played the Massabesic team. We tied
them, so we went onto sudden death. In sudden death they took out one of our midfielders in the box. We
got a penalty kick. Our best player took the kick and put it right in the top corner.

We won, and we’re going to the finals! We played Saco. It was the toughest game I had ever played as a
goalie. I saved eighteen shots. The game was tied until the final minute when our best player scored. It
was one to zero with 56 seconds left. The other team set up for an attack play. They had seven on
offense. They rushed up the field, got past the defense and shot. I saved the first shot but not the second.
They tied the game. We had OT but neither team scored. We went into a penalty shoot out. Our team
got all our shots in, and saved three of the other team’s shots. We won the finals. We got medals and t-
shirts saying that we were the champions.

We won the South Portland tournament.


34. How were the writer and his team going to the finals?
A. they won the second game
B. they won the third game
C. they won the first game
D. they got penalty kick
E. they played Saco
35. What is the main idea of paragraph one?
A. The writer’s soccer tournament in South Portland.
B. The writer and his team played Westbrook and beat them one nil.
C. The game was tied until the final minute when our best player scored.
D. The writer and his team played Bonny Eagle, and the final score was four to six.
E. The writer and his team got medals and t-shirts saying that we were the champions.

36. From the text, we know that the writer is … of the team.
A. A striker
B. A captain
C. A goal keeper
D. A Middle player
E. The best player

The following text is for questions 37 – 40

Singapore had the highest global average peak internet connection speed in the third quarter of this year,
and ranked third in the world in average internet connection speed, according to a new report.
South Korea and Hong Kong took the top spots in average connection speed at 26.3 megabytes per
second (Mbps) and 20.1 Mbps respectively, according to the Akamai State of the internet report for Q3,
released by Massachusetts-based content delivery network services provider Akamai.
Singapore came in third at 18.2 Mbps, but led the pack in average peak connection speed at 162 Mbps,
with Hong Kong and South Korea trailing behind at 116.2 Mbps and 114.2 Mbps respectively.
This is the fifth consecutive quarter for which Singapore has snagged the top spot.
To explain the difference between average connection speed and average peak connection speed,
executive director of Deloitte Consulting in South-east Asia Jan Wupperman used an analogy of a highway,
The Straits Times reported in July.
"When the highway is empty, your car can go at its maximum speed, or peak speed," he said. "But when
there are many cars on the highway - such as when everyone is using the same bandwidth for streaming,
surfing and downloading during peak hours - you end up with traffic jams, or a lower average speed."
Connectivity has grown globally, with the average connection speed growing 2.3 per cent quarter-on-
quarter and increasing 21 per cent to 6.3 Mbps year-on-year, according to Akamai's report.
The global average peak connection speed increased 3.4 per cent quarter-on-quarter and 16 per cent
year-on-year to 37.2 Mbps.
In the Asia-Pacific region, India had the lowest average connection speed at 4.1 Mbps, and the lowest
average peak connection speed at 27.0 Mbps.
37. What topic is reported?
A. Internet connection speed in Asia.
B. Internet use in different countries.
C. Internet connection speed in Asean countries.
D. Internet connection speed in American region.
E. Internet connection speed in different countries.
38. Why does the speed of internet decrease?
A. Many people have access on internet.
B. A lot of people play games on internet.
C. Some people use high speed internet connection.
D. A lot of people use the same bandwidth at the same time.
E. People use internet for streaming, surfing and downloading.
39. It is implied that … .
A. People in Asean countries use internet faster than those in Hongkong
B. People in Korea use internet faster than those in Singapore.
C. People in Hongkong use internet faster than those in Korea.
D. People in Singapore use internet faster than those in Korea.
E. People in India use internet faster than those in Singapore.
40. People can use it at maximum speed …”the highway” of internet connection is “empty”,
A. As.
B. Before.
C. Although.
D. Meanwhile.
E. Furthermore.

The following text is for questions 41 – 44

Sometimes parents question whether they should have their children study at a course or just by
themselves. When students feels weak in a certain subject, attending a course is good for them. However,
parents should not force thir children to attend many courses.
Students who attend many courses may be dependent on their course teachers. They will feel that
have ’someone’ to go to when they have problems . They will just ask their teachers to help them do difficult
assignments, without knowing the process of solving a task.
Besides, attending many courses will make students tired, with less time to rest. As a result, they
cannot cencentrate and absorb well what they have learned, both at school or courses.
Based on the above reasons, it is clear that attending many courses is not good for students.
Therefore, it is better if students attend only one or two courses a week. Morever, parents should make sure
that their children benefit from the courses they attend, either by observation or questions to the children.

41. What does text mainly talk about?

A. Courses teachers
B. Benefit of courses
C. Attending courses
D. Learning at a courses
E. Solving the school task

42. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A. Attending coursess will lighten students’burden.
B. Attending many courses is not good for students.
C. Students need to ask their teachers of their problems.
D. Students attending many courses depend on their courses teachers.
E. Teachers should function as facilitators, not the sources of knowledge.

43. What is the effect for the students attending many courses?
A. They feel tired.
B. They are weak
C. They are underforce.
D. They have less time to study.
E. They don’t know process of solving-task.

44. ”… and absorb well what they have learned,….” (Paragraph 3)

The underlined word is closest in meaning to....
A. think
B. share
C. concern
D. connect
E. understand

This text is for questions 45 to 48

Ability to speak in public is an asset and it comes with several benefits. It can not only boost some aspects
of your personal life, but your professional life as well.
Public speaking can contribute to the growth of knowledge. It helps you share whatever valuable ideas
and thoughts you might have, with a larger group of people. In return, you also learn a lot when those
people challenge your ideas and question your opinions. It allows you to develop a clearer picture of the
Public speaking helps you develop the ability to persuade. When you speak confidently and
convincingly to a large group of people, persuading an individual to carry out a task becomes much easier.
Besides persuasion attempt and knowledge growth, public speaking can improve your critical thinking
abilities. When you sit and prepare a speech for a seminar or a workshop, you automatically tend to focus
on the quality of your work. You will be forced to do a lot of research in order to get the content right. It will
help you develop better ways to deliver your content and design it with relevance.
Your personal life also gains a lot from public speaking. The confidence you develop from public
speaking can support you with building more personal relationships. It becomes much easier to socialize
and make new friends.
So, public speaking skills enhance your professional and personal lives. These will boost your personal
quality in connecting with people.

45. What is the topic of the text?

A. The use of public speaking
B. The effect of public speaking in cognitive process
C. The advantages of having public speaking skills
D. The importance of developing public speaking skills
E. The relation between public speaking skills and personal life.

46. What is mainly told in paragraph 3?

A. The benefit of a confident speaker
B. The development of public speaking
C. The effect of public speaking in communication
D. The benefit of public speaking in persuading people
E. The power of public speaking during communication

47. Regarding the positive effects of public speaking in professional life, what argument is given by the
A. People who speak in front of the public is knowledgeable.
B. Knowledge, persuasion skill, and critical thinking can be improved.
C. The chance to get knowledge, persuasion skill, and critical thinking is obvious.
D. We can use knowledge, persuasion skill, and critical thinking appropriately.
E. The contribution of knowledge for improving persuasion skill and critical thinking is apparent.

48. … persuasion attempt and knowledge growth, public speaking can improve your critical
thinking abilities.
A. When.
B. Because.
C. Although.
D. Therefore.
E. A part from.

This text is for questions 49 and 50


For those who are interested in becoming outstanding debaters for our school team

Do you fit to the followings?

 10th and 11th graders

 Knowledgeable
 fluent in English
 Committed
 Disciplined

If so, come for the interview that will be held:

Date : December 17th, 2017

Time : 9 AM
Venue: AV Room

Point to ponder:
Most debaters will succeed in their higher education and career due to their trained personal and
communicative skills,

Confirmation to come, contact to Almira: 08158030833

49. What is the text mainly about?

A. English debate competition
B. The interview of school debating team
C. The recruitment of school debating team
D. The participants of school debating team
E. The establishment of school debating team

50. Why does the writer suggest the students to join the program?
A. It will have positive impacts on their education and jobs.
B. It encourages the students to be knowledgeable.
C. It motives the students to be fluent in English.
D. It will have effects on their incomes.
E. It promotes the school reputation.

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