MM BPD Requisitioning V1.0
MM BPD Requisitioning V1.0
MM BPD Requisitioning V1.0
A purchase requisition is generated and converted to a purchase order. If the value exceeds certain criteria, the pur-
chase order must be approved. When the employee receives the goods, they perform a goods receipt confirmation. In-
voice receiving can then be performed.
Location Country Function Number of Users Point of Contact
Third Party Solution
This section contains the description of the third-party solution to close the gap to the SAP standard including the respective inter-
faces and the required developments.
1 Purpose................................................................................................................................................................................................................
This scope item describes employee requisitioning activities. An employee creates a shopping cart for free text material. A purchase requisition is
generated and converted to a purchase order. If the value exceeds certain criteria, the purchase order must be approved. When the employee re-
ceives the goods, they perform a goods receipt confirmation. Invoice receiving can then be performed.
This document provides a detailed procedure for testing this scope item after solution activation, reflecting the predefined scope of the solution.
Each process step, report, or item is covered in its own section, providing the system interactions (test steps) in a table view. Steps that are not in
scope of the process but are needed for testing are marked accordingly. Project-specific steps must be added.
If you need to trigger Payment Block workflow for supplier invoice, make sure the tolerance limit check for PP tolerance key has been maintained.
Employee create shopping cart for free text material, generate a purchase requisition.
Note This APP also supports Acct Assignment Cat P, and 1NT and 35F as a prerequisite if the end user is going to use AAC as P.
2 Access to Open Create Purchase The Create Purchase Requisition screen displays.
Create Pur- Requisition (F1643)
chase Re-
6 Add to Choose Add to Cart at The Purchase Requisition Overview screen displays.
Shopping the right bottom of the
Cart screen.
In this procedure, you release a purchase requisition. If the total amount of PR is more than 500.00 USD and order type is NB. Order type is con-
figured in Maintain the Default Setting for Users
Note You can ignore this step if you did not set up the Preliminary Steps - Configure Flexible Workflow for Purchase Requisition
2 Open My In- Open My Inbox - All Items (F2097) . A list of already cre-
box Note Maybe you can find the value of Confidence Level for PR approval in the top ated Purchase Re-
right corner, that's because scope item 43E was activated. quisition is dis-
3 Edit Purchase Option 1: Select the Purchase Requisition from the left screen. Choose the Pur- The Purchase Re-
Requisition chase Requisition number then choose Edit and Approval purchase requisition. On quisition is approved.
the Edit and Approve Purchase Requisition screen, choose Edit. Then change
quantity and choose Approve. Choose Approve after entering some comments.
Option 2 : Select the Purchase Requisition from the left screen and choose Ap-
prove at the bottom right of the screen.
Enter the approval reason, if needed, then choose Submit.
4 Back to SAP Choose the Home button to go back to the SAP Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori
Fiori launch- launchpad displays.
Note The purchaser requisition creator and requester will receive notification if purchase requisition is rejected.
2 Access Open Monitor The app opens up displayaing only the filters in search bar.
the App Purchase Re-
quisition Items
Tes Test Step Instruction Expected Result
t Name
(F2424) .
4 Search Search the Pur- All Items for the Purchase Requisition are displayed as individual line items in the output list.
Purchase chase Requisi-
Requisi- tion by applying
tion Purchase Re-
quisition filter
available on the
Choose Go.
5 Display Choose indi- The Purchase Requisition Item detail page is displayed.
Purchase vidual line item The data should be logically in sync with the created Purchase Requisition.
Requisi- of Purchase Re-
tion Item quisition to dis-
Detail play Purchase
Requisition Item
In this activity, the purchaser converts the purchase requisition created employee procurement to purchase order.
3 Search a Make the follow- The Purchase Requisition list displays depending on material.
Purchase ing entries:
Requisi- Plant : 1710
tion cre-
Purchasing Or-
ated in
ganization: 1710
the sec-
tion Cre- Material group:
ate Pur- YBMM00
chase Choose Go.
5 Prepare Select the Pur- The Purchase Order Preview screen displays.
the Pur- chase Requisition
chase where the as-
Order signed supplier is
displayed and
choose Create
Purchase Order.
In this procedure, you release a purchase order. If the total amount of PO is more than 500.00 USD and purchase group is 003, then the PO
should do the approval.
If the approval user does not have My Inbox app, you have to check whether business catalog SAP_PRC_BC_PURCHASING_MNGR has been
assigned to the business role of the approval user.
Note - In this case it is Autoapproved as per standard configuration.
4. Approve Purchase Select the Purchase order in left of the screen and The Submit Decision screen is dis-
Order choose Approve at the bottom right. played.
5. Enter Approval Enter the approval reason if necessary, and then The Purchase Order is approved.
Reason choose Submit.
Note For printing handling and the processing of purchase orders, see the chapter Preview Puchase Order (optional) in the Procurement of Direct
Materials (J45) test script.
This activity posts the receipt of goods with reference to an existing Purchase requisition.
4 Finalize On the Confirm Requisi- The system displays the data for the goods receipt on the Confirm Requisitions
the deliv- tions screen , enter your screen.
ery (Op- PR number and choose
tional) Go.
Choose your PR item in
the list.
On the right screen,
choose Edit.
Now you can make the
following entries:
In the General Informa-
tion part:
Document Date: <Date
of creation of
Posting Date: <Date of
posting the docu-
Delivery Note: <Refer-
ence of the de-
livery note>
Header Text: <De-
Tes Test Instruction Expected Result
t Step
Ste Name
scription of ma-
terial document>
In the Items part:
Check or change the
quantity in filed De-
livered Quantity.
2 Access Open Create Supplier Invoice The Create Supplier Invoice (Original) screen is displayed.
the App