Twincat 3 PLC Lib Tc2 Mc2 en

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The document provides an overview and instructions for using TwinCAT PLC libraries for motion control.

The document provides an overview and instructions for using TwinCAT PLC libraries for motion control functions.

The document covers topics like state diagrams, organization blocks, axis functions, status and parameters, touch probe functions, and external setpoint generation.


PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

TwinCAT 3

Version: 1.8
Date: 2018-05-16
Table of contents

Table of contents
1 Foreword .................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Notes on the documentation...........................................................................................................  7
1.2 Safety instructions ..........................................................................................................................  8

2 Overview..................................................................................................................................................... 9

3 State diagram........................................................................................................................................... 10

4 General rules for MC function blocks.................................................................................................... 13

5 Organization blocks ................................................................................................................................ 16

5.1 Axis functions................................................................................................................................  16
5.1.1 MC_Power ....................................................................................................................... 16
5.1.2 MC_Reset ........................................................................................................................ 17
5.1.3 MC_SetPosition ............................................................................................................... 18
5.2 Status and parameter ...................................................................................................................  19
5.2.1 MC_ReadActualPosition .................................................................................................. 19
5.2.2 MC_ReadActualVelocity .................................................................................................. 20
5.2.3 MC_ReadAxisComponents.............................................................................................. 21
5.2.4 MC_ReadAxisError .......................................................................................................... 22
5.2.5 MC_ReadBoolParameter ................................................................................................. 23
5.2.6 MC_ReadParameter ........................................................................................................ 24
5.2.7 MC_ReadParameterSet................................................................................................... 25
5.2.8 MC_ReadStatus............................................................................................................... 26
5.2.9 MC_WriteBoolParameter ................................................................................................. 27
5.2.10 MC_WriteParameter ........................................................................................................ 28
5.2.11 MC_WriteBoolParameterPersistent ................................................................................. 29
5.2.12 MC_WriteParameterPersistent ........................................................................................ 30
5.3 Touch probe..................................................................................................................................  31
5.3.1 MC_TouchProbe .............................................................................................................. 31
5.3.2 MC_AbortTrigger.............................................................................................................. 34
5.4 External set value generator.........................................................................................................  35
5.4.1 MC_ExtSetPointGenEnable............................................................................................. 35
5.4.2 MC_ExtSetPointGenDisable ............................................................................................ 36
5.4.3 MC_ExtSetPointGenFeed................................................................................................ 37
5.5 Special extensions........................................................................................................................  38
5.5.1 MC_PowerStepper........................................................................................................... 38
5.5.2 Notes on the MC_PowerStepper ..................................................................................... 39
5.5.3 MC_OverrideFilter............................................................................................................ 44
5.5.4 MC_SetOverride .............................................................................................................. 45
5.5.5 MC_SetEncoderScalingFactor......................................................................................... 46
5.5.6 MC_ReadDriveAddress ................................................................................................... 47
5.5.7 MC_PositionCorrectionLimiter ......................................................................................... 48
5.5.8 MC_SetAcceptBlockedDriveSignal .................................................................................. 49

6 Motion function blocks ........................................................................................................................... 50

6.1 Point to point motion .....................................................................................................................  50
6.1.1 MC_MoveAbsolute........................................................................................................... 50
6.1.2 MC_MoveRelative............................................................................................................ 51
6.1.3 MC_MoveAdditive ............................................................................................................ 53
6.1.4 MC_MoveModulo ............................................................................................................. 55
6.1.5 Notes on modulo positioning............................................................................................ 57
6.1.6 MC_MoveVelocity ............................................................................................................ 61
6.1.7 MC_MoveContinuousAbsolute ........................................................................................ 63

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 3

Table of contents

6.1.8 MC_MoveContinuousRelative ......................................................................................... 65

6.1.9 MC_Halt ........................................................................................................................... 66
6.1.10 MC_Stop .......................................................................................................................... 68
6.2 Superposition................................................................................................................................  69
6.2.1 MC_MoveSuperimposed ................................................................................................. 69
6.2.2 Application examples for MC_MoveSuperimposed ......................................................... 72
6.2.3 MC_AbortSuperposition ................................................................................................... 75
6.3 Homing .........................................................................................................................................  76
6.3.1 MC_Home ........................................................................................................................ 76
6.4 Manual motion ..............................................................................................................................  78
6.4.1 MC_Jog............................................................................................................................ 78
6.5 Axis coupling.................................................................................................................................  80
6.5.1 MC_GearIn....................................................................................................................... 80
6.5.2 MC_GearInDyn ................................................................................................................ 81
6.5.3 MC_GearOut.................................................................................................................... 83
6.5.4 MC_GearInMultiMaster .................................................................................................... 84
6.6 Phasing.........................................................................................................................................  86
6.6.1 MC_HaltPhasing .............................................................................................................. 86
6.6.2 MC_PhasingAbsolute ...................................................................................................... 87
6.6.3 MC_PhasingRelative ....................................................................................................... 89

7 Data types ................................................................................................................................................ 91

7.1 Axis interface ................................................................................................................................  91
7.1.1 AXIS_REF........................................................................................................................ 91
7.1.2 NCTOPLC_AXIS_REF..................................................................................................... 92
7.1.3 NCTOPLC_AXIS_REF_OPMODE................................................................................... 94
7.1.4 NCTOPLC_AXIS_REF_STATE ....................................................................................... 95
7.1.5 NCTOPLC_AXIS_REF_STATE2 ..................................................................................... 96
7.1.6 NCTOPLC_AXIS_REF_STATE2_FLAGS ....................................................................... 97
7.1.7 NCTOPLC_AXIS_REF_CAMCOUPLINGSTATE ............................................................ 97
7.1.8 PLCTONC_AXIS_REF..................................................................................................... 98
7.1.9 PLCTONC_AXIS_REF_CTRL ......................................................................................... 99
7.2 Motion ...........................................................................................................................................  99
7.2.1 E_JogMode ...................................................................................................................... 99
7.2.2 E_SuperpositionMode.................................................................................................... 100
7.2.3 MC_AxisStates............................................................................................................... 101
7.2.4 MC_BufferMode ............................................................................................................. 101
7.2.5 MC_Direction ................................................................................................................. 103
7.2.6 MC_HomingMode .......................................................................................................... 104
7.2.7 ST_AxisOpModes .......................................................................................................... 104
7.2.8 ST_SuperpositionOptions .............................................................................................. 105
7.3 Status and parameter .................................................................................................................  106
7.3.1 E_ReadMode ................................................................................................................. 106
7.3.2 MC_AxisParameter ........................................................................................................ 106
7.3.3 ST_AxisParameterSet.................................................................................................... 108
7.3.4 ST_AxisStatus................................................................................................................ 109
7.3.5 ST_DriveAddress ........................................................................................................... 110
7.3.6 ST_PowerStepperStruct ................................................................................................ 111
7.3.7 E_AxisPositionCorrectionMode ..................................................................................... 111
7.4 External set value generator.......................................................................................................  111
7.4.1 E_PositionType .............................................................................................................. 111
7.5 Touch probe................................................................................................................................  112
7.5.1 TRIGGER_REF.............................................................................................................. 112
7.5.2 MC_TouchProbeRecordedData..................................................................................... 113

4 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Table of contents

8 Global constants ................................................................................................................................... 115

8.1 Library version ............................................................................................................................  115

9 Appendix ................................................................................................................................................ 116
9.1 Summary of examples ................................................................................................................  116
9.2 Support and Service ...................................................................................................................  117

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 5

Table of contents

6 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2


1 Foreword

1.1 Notes on the documentation

This description is only intended for the use of trained specialists in control and automation engineering who
are familiar with the applicable national standards.
It is essential that the documentation and the following notes and explanations are followed when installing
and commissioning the components.
It is the duty of the technical personnel to use the documentation published at the respective time of each
installation and commissioning.

The responsible staff must ensure that the application or use of the products described satisfy all the
requirements for safety, including all the relevant laws, regulations, guidelines and standards.


The documentation has been prepared with care. The products described are, however, constantly under
We reserve the right to revise and change the documentation at any time and without prior announcement.
No claims for the modification of products that have already been supplied may be made on the basis of the
data, diagrams and descriptions in this documentation.


Beckhoff®, TwinCAT®, EtherCAT®, Safety over EtherCAT®, TwinSAFE®, XFC® and XTS® are registered
trademarks of and licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH.
Other designations used in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own
purposes could violate the rights of the owners.

Patent Pending

The EtherCAT Technology is covered, including but not limited to the following patent applications and
EP1590927, EP1789857, DE102004044764, DE102007017835
with corresponding applications or registrations in various other countries.

The TwinCAT Technology is covered, including but not limited to the following patent applications and
EP0851348, US6167425 with corresponding applications or registrations in various other countries.

EtherCAT® is registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH,


© Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG, Germany.

The reproduction, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to
others without express authorization are prohibited.
Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a
patent, utility model or design.

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 7


1.2 Safety instructions

Safety regulations

Please note the following safety instructions and explanations!

Product-specific safety instructions can be found on following pages or in the areas mounting, wiring,
commissioning etc.

Exclusion of liability

All the components are supplied in particular hardware and software configurations appropriate for the
application. Modifications to hardware or software configurations other than those described in the
documentation are not permitted, and nullify the liability of Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG.

Personnel qualification

This description is only intended for trained specialists in control, automation and drive engineering who are
familiar with the applicable national standards.

Description of symbols

In this documentation the following symbols are used with an accompanying safety instruction or note. The
safety instructions must be read carefully and followed without fail!

Serious risk of injury!

Failure to follow the safety instructions associated with this symbol directly endangers the
life and health of persons.

Risk of injury!
Failure to follow the safety instructions associated with this symbol endangers the life and
health of persons.

Personal injuries!
Failure to follow the safety instructions associated with this symbol can lead to injuries to

Damage to the environment or devices

Failure to follow the instructions associated with this symbol can lead to damage to the en-
vironment or equipment.

Tip or pointer
This symbol indicates information that contributes to better understanding.


8 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2


2 Overview
The TwinCAT Motion Control PLC library Tc2_MC2 contains function blocks for programming machine
applications. It is based on the PLCopen specification for Motion Control function blocks V2.0

This is a converted TwinCAT 2 TcMC2 library. Existing projects that still use the TwinCAT 2
TcMC library must first be adapted to the TcMC2 library before they can be converted for
TwinCAT 3.

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 9

State diagram

3 State diagram
The following state diagram defines the behavior of an axis in situations where several function blocks are
simultaneously active for this axis. The combination of several function blocks is useful for generating more
complex motion profiles or for dealing with exceptional situations during program execution.

10 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

State diagram

Note 1 From any state in which an error occurs

Note 2 From any state if MC_Power.Enable = FALSE and the axis has no error
Note 3 MC_Reset and MC_Power.Status = FALSE

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 11

State diagram

Note 4 MC_Reset and MC_Power.Status = TRUE and MC_Power.Enable = TRUE

Note 5 MC_Power.Status = TRUE and MC_Power.Enable = TRUE
Note 6 MC_Stop.Done = TRUE and MC_Stop.Execute = FALSE

Motion commands are always processed sequentially. All commands operate in the described state diagram.

The axis is always in one of the defined states. Each motion command that causes a transition changes the
state of the axis and thus the motion profile. The state diagram is an abstraction layer that reflects the real
axis state, comparable to the process image for I/O points. The axis state changes immediately when the
command is issued.

The state diagram refers to single axes. Multi-axis blocks such as MC_CamIn or MC_GearIn influence the
states of several axes, which can always be traced back to individual axis states of the axes involved in the
process. For example, a cam plate master can be in "Continous Motion" state, while the associated slave is
in "Synchronized Motion" state. Coupling of a slave has no influence on the state of the master.

The "Disabled" state is the default state of an axis. In this state can the axis cannot be moved through a
function block. When the MC_Power function block is called with Enable = TRUE, the axis changes to the
"Standstill" state or, in the event of an error, to "ErrorStop" state. If the function block MC_Power is called
with Enable = FALSE, the status changes to "Disabled".

The purpose of "ErrorStop" state is to stop the axis and then block further commands, until a reset was
triggered. The "Error" state transition only refers to actual axis errors and not to execution errors of a function
block. Axis errors can also be displayed at the error output of a function block.

Function blocks that are not listed in the state diagram do not affect the state of the axis (MC_ReadStatus,
MC_ReadAxisError, MC_ReadParameter, MC_ReadBoolParameter, MC_WriteParameter,
MC_WriteBoolParameter, MC_ReadActualPosition and MC_CamTableSelect).

The "Stopping" state indicates that the axis is in a stop ramp. The state changes after the complete stop after

Motion commands such as MC_MoveAbsolute that lead out of the "Synchronized Motion" state are possible
only if they are explicitly permitted in the axis parameters. Uncoupling commands such as MC_GearOut are
possible independent of that.

12 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

General rules for MC function blocks

4 General rules for MC function blocks

The rules described below apply to all MC function blocks. They ensure a defined processing by the PLC

Exclusivity of the outputs

The outputs "Busy", "Done", "Error" and "CommandAborted" are mutually exclusive, i.e. only one of these
outputs can be TRUE on a function block at the same time. When the "Execute" input becomes TRUE, one
of the outputs must become TRUE. Furthermore, only one of the outputs "Active", "Error", "Done" and
"CommandAborted" can be TRUE at the same time.

An exception is the motion command MC_Stop [} 68]. The command sets "Done" to TRUE as soon as the
axis is stopped. However, "Busy" and "Active" remain TRUE since the axis is locked. The axis is only
unlocked and "Busy" and "Active" are set to FALSE when Execute is set to FALSE.

Initial state

If the function block is not active, the outputs "Done", "InGear", "InVelocity", "Error", "ErrorID" and
"CommandAborted" are reset with a falling edge at input "Execute". However, the falling edge at input
"Execute" does not affect the command execution.

Resetting "Execute" during command execution ensures that one of the outputs is set at the end of the
command for a PLC cycle. Only then are the outputs reset.

If "Execute" is triggered more than once while a command is executed, the function block will not execute
further commands and will not provide any feedback.

Input parameters

The input parameters become active with a positive edge. To change the parameters the command has to
be triggered again once it is completed, or a second instance of the function block must be triggered with
new parameters during command execution.

If an input parameter is not passed to the function block, the last value passed to this function block remains
valid. A meaningful default value is used for the first call.

Position and Distance

The "Position" input designates a defined value within a coordinate system. "Distance", in contrast, is a
relative measurement, i.e. the distance between two positions. "Position" and "Distance" are specified in
technical units, e.g. mm or °, according to the axis scaling.

Dynamic parameters

The dynamic parameters for Move functions are specified in technical units with second as timebase. For
example, if an axis is scaled in millimeters, the parameters have the following units:
Velocity mm/s
Acceleration mm/s2
Deceleration mm/s2
Jerk mm/s3

Error handling

All function blocks have two error outputs for indicating errors during command execution. "Error" indicates
the error and "ErrorID" returns a supplementary error number. The outputs "Done", "InVelocity", "InGear" and
"InSync" denote a successful command execution and are not set if "Error" becomes TRUE.

Errors of different type are signaled at the function block output. The error type is not specified explicitly. It
depends on the unique and global error number.

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 13

General rules for MC function blocks

Error types
• Function block errors only concern the function block, not the axis (e.g. incorrect parameterization).
Function block errors do not have to be reset explicitly. They are reset automatically when the
"Execute" input is reset.
• Communication errors (the function block cannot address the axis, for example). Communication errors
usually indicate incorrect configuration or parameterization. A Reset is not possible. The function block
can be retriggered after the configuration has been corrected.
• Axis errors (logical NC axis) usually occur during the motion (e.g. lag error). They cause the axis to
switch to error state. An axis error must be reset with the motion command MC_Reset [} 17].
• Drive errors (controller) may cause an axis error, i.e. an error of the logical NC axis. In many cases,
axis and drive errors can be reset together via the motion command MC_Reset [} 17]. Depending on
the drive controller, a separate reset mechanism may be required (e.g. connection of a reset line to the
control device).

Behavior of the Done output

The output "Done" (or alternatively "InVelocity", "InGear", "InSync" etc.) is set if a command was executed
successfully. If several function blocks are used for an axis and the running command is interrupted through
a further function block, the Done output for the first function block is not set.

Behavior of the CommandAborted output

"CommandAborted" is set if a command is interrupted through another function block.

Behavior of the Busy output

The "Busy" output indicates that the function block is active. The function block can only be triggered with a
positive edge at the "Execute" input if "Busy" is FALSE. "Busy" is immediately set with the positive edge at
the "Execute" input and is not reset until the command has been successfully or unsuccessfully terminated.
As long as "Busy" is TRUE, the function block must be called cyclically for the command to be executed.

Behavior of the Active output

If the axis movement is controlled by several function blocks, the "Active" output of a function block indicates
that the axis executes the command. The state Busy = TRUE and Active = FALSE means that the command
has not yet been executed or is no longer executed.

Enable input and Valid output

In contrast to the "Execute" input, the "Enable" input causes an action to be executed continuously and
repeatedly, as long as "Enable" is TRUE. For example, the function block MC_ReadStatus [} 26] cyclically
updates the status of an axis as long as "Enable" is TRUE. A function block with an "Enable" input indicates
through the "Valid" output that the data indicated at the outputs are valid. However, as long as "Valid" is
TRUE, the data can be constantly updated.


Some function blocks have a "BufferMode" input for controlling the command flow with several function
blocks. For example, BufferMode can specify that a command interrupts another command (unbuffered
mode) or that the following command is only executed after the previous command (buffered mode).
BufferMode can be used to specify the movement transition from one command to the next. This is referred
to as "Blending", which specifies the velocity at the transition point.

A second function block is always required to use the BufferMode. It is not possible to trigger a move
function block with new parameters while it is active.

In unbuffered mode a subsequent command leads to termination of a running command. The previous
command then sets the output "CommandAborted". In BufferMode a subsequent command waits until a
running command is completed. Note that a continuous motion does not allow a buffered follow-on
command. Buffered commands always lead immediately to an endless movement being aborted, as in
unbuffered operation.

14 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

General rules for MC function blocks

Only one command is buffered while another command is executed. If more than one command is triggered
during a running command, then the last-started command to be buffered is rejected with an error (error
0x4292 Buffer Full). However, if the last command is started unbuffered, it becomes active in any case and
interrupts the current and an already buffered command.

• Aborting: Default mode without buffering. The command is executed immediately and interrupts any
other command that may be running.
• Buffered: The command is executed once no other command is running on the axis. The previous
movement continues until it has stopped. The following command is started from standstill.
• BlendingLow: The command is executed once no other command is running on the axis. In contrast to
Buffered the axis does not stop at the previous target, but passes through this position with the lower
velocity of two commands.
• BlendingHigh The command is executed once no other command is running on the axis. In contrast to
Buffered the axis does not stop at the previous target, but passes through this position with the higher
velocity of two commands.
• BlendingNext: The command is executed once no other command is running on the axis. In contrast to
Buffered the axis does not stop at the previous target, but passes through this position with the velocity
of the last command.
• BlendingPrevious: The command is executed once no other command is running on the axis. In
contrast to Buffered the axis does not stop at the previous target, but passes through this position with
the velocity of the first command.

See also: Diagram of the BufferModes [} 101]

Optional blending position

Blending in the different BufferModes takes place in each case at the target position of the currently running
command. In the case of the motion command MC_MoveVelocity [} 61] no target position is defined, and in
other cases it may make sense to change the blending position. For this purpose, a blending position can be
defined via the "Options" input of the function block (see Options input [} 15]), which is then used for the
new command. The optional blending position must be located before the target position of the previous
command, otherwise the new command will be rejected with an error message (0x4296). If the optional
blending position has already been passed, the new command is implemented instantaneously. In other
words, the command behaves like an aborting command.

Option input

Many function blocks have an "Options" input with a data structure containing additional, infrequently
required options. To execute the basic function of the function block these options are often not required, so
that the input can remain open. The user only has to occupy the Options data structure in cases where the
documentation explicitly refers to certain options.

Slave axes

Motion commands can be applied to coupled slave axes, if this option was explicitly activated in the axis
parameters. A motion command such as MC_MoveAbsolute [} 50] then automatically leads to uncoupling
of the axis, after which the command is executed. In this case the only available BufferMode is "Aborting".

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 15

Organization blocks

5 Organization blocks

5.1 Axis functions

5.1.1 MC_Power

MC_Power activates software enable for an axis. Enable can be activated for both directions of travel or only
one direction. At "Status" output operational readiness of the axis is indicated.

A velocity override influences the velocity of all travel commands by a specified percentage.

Depending on the drive type, Status also signals operational readiness of the drive. Digital drives provide
feedback on operational readiness, while analog drives are unable to indicate their operational readiness. In
the latter case Status only indicated operational readiness of the control side.

In addition to software enable it may be necessary to activate a hardware enable signal in

order to enable a drive. This signal is not influenced by MC_Power and must be activated
separately by the PLC.

    Enable          : BOOL; (* B *)
    Enable_Positive : BOOL; (* E *)
    Enable_Negative : BOOL; (* E *)
    Override        : LREAL (* V *) := 100.0; (* in percent - Beckhoff proprietary input *)
    BufferMode      : MC_BufferMode; (* V *)

Enable: General software enable for the axis.

Enable_Positive: Advance movement enable in positive direction. Only takes effect if Enable = TRUE.

Enable_Negative: Advance movement enable in negative direction. Only takes effect if Enable = TRUE.

Override: Velocity override in % for all motion commands. (0 ≤ Override ≤ 100.0)

BufferMode: This is evaluated when "Enable" is reset (see also MC_BufferMode [} 101]). MC_Aborting
mode leads to immediate deactivation of the axis enable. Otherwise, e.g. in "MC_Buffered" mode, the
function block waits until the axis no longer executes a command.

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    Status  : BOOL; (* B *)
    Busy    : BOOL; (* V *)
    Active  : BOOL; (* V *)
    Error   : BOOL; (* B *)
    ErrorID : UDINT; (* E *)

Status: TRUE when the axis is ready for operation.

16 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Organization blocks

Busy: TRUE, as long as the function block is called with Enable = TRUE.

Active: Indicates that the command is executed.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


Development environment Target system type PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

5.1.2 MC_Reset

MC_Reset resets the NC axis. In many cases this also leads to a reset of a connected drive device.
Depending on the bus system or drive types, in some cases a separate reset may be required for the drive

    Execute : BOOL;

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge.

    Done    : BOOL;
    Busy    : BOOL;
    Error   : BOOL;
    ErrorID : UDINT;

Done: TRUE if the reset was successfully executed.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with "Execute" and as long as the command is processed.
If "Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new command. At the same time, one of the outputs
"Done" or "Error" is set.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 17

Organization blocks

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


Development environment Target system type PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

5.1.3 MC_SetPosition

MC_SetPosition sets the current axis position to a parameterizable value.

In absolute mode, the actual position is set to the parameterized absolute Position value. In relative mode,
the actual position is offset by the parameterized Position value. In both cases, the set position of the axis is
set such that any lag error that may exist is retained. The switch Options.ClearPositionLag can be used to
clear the lag error.

Relative mode can be used to change the axis position during the motion.

    Execute  : BOOL;
    Position : LREAL; 
    Mode     : BOOL; (* RELATIVE=True, ABSOLUTE=False (Default) *)
    Options  : ST_SetPositionOptions; 

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge.

Position: Position value to which the axis position is to be set. In absolute mode the actual position is set to
this value, in relative mode it is shifted by this value.

Mode: The axis position is set to an absolute value set if Mode = FALSE. Otherwise the axis position is
changed relative to the specified Position value. Relative mode can be used for changing the position of an
axis during motion.

Options: Data structure containing additional, rarely used parameters. The input can normally remain open.
• ClearPositionLag: Can optionally be used to set the set and actual positions to the same value. In this
case the lag error is cleared.
• SelectEncoderIndex: Can optionally be set if an axis with several encoders is used and the position of
a particular encoder is to be set (Options.EncoderIndex).
• EncoderIndex: Indicates the encoder (0..n) if SelectEncoderIndex = TRUE.

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    Done    : BOOL;
    Busy    : BOOL;

18 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Organization blocks

    Error   : BOOL;
    ErrorID : UDINT;

Done: TRUE if the position was set successfully.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with "Execute" and as long as the command is processed.
If "Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order. At the same time, one of the outputs "Done"
or "Error" is set.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


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TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

5.2 Status and parameter

5.2.1 MC_ReadActualPosition

The current axis position can be read with the MC_ReadActualPosition function block.

    Enable : BOOL;

Enable: TRUE as long as the command is executed.

    Valid    : BOOL;
    Busy     : BOOL;
    Error    : BOOL;
    ErrorID  : UDINT;
    Position : LREAL;

Valid: TRUE if the output "Position" has a valid value.

Busy: Indicates that the function block is active.

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Organization blocks

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

Position: Current axis position

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


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TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

5.2.2 MC_ReadActualVelocity

The current axis velocity can be read with the function block MC_ReadActualVelocity.

    Enable : BOOL;

Enable: TRUE as long as the command is executed.

    Valid          : BOOL;
    Busy           : BOOL;
    Error          : BOOL;
    ErrorID        : UDINT;
    ActualVelocity : LREAL;

Valid: TRUE if the output "ActualVelocity" has a valid value.

Busy: Indicates that the function block is active.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

ActualVelocity: Current axis velocity

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])

20 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

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5.2.3 MC_ReadAxisComponents

The function block MC_ReadAxisComponents can be used to read information about the subelements
encoder, drive and controller of an axis.

NOTE! In this case "axis" refers to the TwinCAT NC axis and its parameters, and not the drive.

    Execute : BOOL;

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge.

    Done    : BOOL;
    Busy    : BOOL;
    Error   : BOOL;
    ErrorID : UDINT;

Done: TRUE if the parameters were read successfully.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with "Execute" and as long as the command is processed.
If "Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order. At the same time, one of the outputs "Done"
or "Error" is set.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


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Organization blocks

5.2.4 MC_ReadAxisError

MC_ReadAxisError reads the axis error of an axis.

    Enable : BOOL; (* B *)

Enable: If Enable = TRUE, the axis error is output at the "AxisErrorID" output.

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    Valid       : BOOL; (* B *)
    Busy        : BOOL; (* E *)
    Error       : BOOL; (* B *)
    ErrorID     : DWORD; (* B *)
    AxisErrorID : DWORD; (* B *)

Valid: TRUE if the error signaled at the "AxisErrorID" output is valid.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with Enable and as long as the command is processed. If
Busy is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

AxisErrorID: Error number for the axis

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


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22 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Organization blocks

5.2.5 MC_ReadBoolParameter

The function block MC_ReadBoolParameter is used to read a boolean axis parameter.

NOTE! In this case "axis" refers to the TwinCAT NC axis and its parameters, and not the drive.

 Enable          : BOOL;         (* B *)
 ParameterNumber : MC_AxisParameter; (* B *)
 ReadMode        : E_ReadMode (* V *)

Enable: TRUE as long as the command is executed.

ParameterNumber: Number of the parameter to be read. (Type MC_AxisParameter [} 106])

ReadMode: Read mode of the parameter to be read (once or cyclic). (Type: E_ReadMode [} 106])

    Valid   : BOOL;  (* B *)
    Busy    : BOOL;  (* E *)
    Error   : BOOL;  (* B *)
    ErrorID : DWORD; (* E *)
    Value   : BOOL;  (* B *)

Valid: TRUE if the value signaled at output "Value" is valid.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with Enable and as long as the command is processed. If
"Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

Value: Shows the read Boolean value.

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


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PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 23

Organization blocks

5.2.6 MC_ReadParameter

The function block MC_ReadParameter is used to read an axis parameter.

NOTE! In this case "axis" refers to the TwinCAT NC axis and its parameters, and not the drive.

 Enable          : BOOL;  (* B *)
 ParameterNumber : MC_AxisParameter; (* B *)
 ReadMode        : E_ReadMode (* V *)

Enable: TRUE as long as the command is executed.

ParameterNumber: Number of the parameter to be read. (Type MC_AxisParameter [} 106])

ReadMode: Read mode of the parameter to be read (once or cyclic). (Type: E_ReadMode [} 106])

    Valid   : BOOL;  (* B *)
    Busy    : BOOL;  (* E *)
    Error   : BOOL;  (* B *)
    ErrorID : DWORD; (* E *)
    Value   : LREAL; (* B *)

Valid: TRUE if the value signaled at output "Value" is valid.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with "Enable" and as long as the command is processed. If
"Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

Value: Shows the read value.

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


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24 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Organization blocks

5.2.7 MC_ReadParameterSet

The function block MC_ReadParameterSet can be used to read the entire parameter set of an axis.

NOTE! In this case "axis" refers to the TwinCAT NC axis and its parameters, and not the drive.

    Execute : BOOL;

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge.

    Parameter : ST_AxisParameterSet;
    Axis      : AXIS_REF;

Parameter: Parameter data structure into which the parameters are read. (Type: ST_AxisParameterSet
[} 108])

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])

    Done    : BOOL;
    Busy    : BOOL;
    Error   : BOOL;
    ErrorID : UDINT;

Done: TRUE if the parameters were read successfully.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with "Execute" and as long as the command is processed.
If "Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order. At the same time, one of the outputs "Done"
or "Error" is set.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.


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PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 25

Organization blocks

5.2.8 MC_ReadStatus

MC_ReadStatus determines the current operating state of an axis and signals it at the function block

The updated operating state is additionally stored in the Status output data structure and in the Axis.Status
axis data structure. This means the operating state only has to be read once at the start of each PLC cycle
and can then be accessed via Axis.Status.

The Axis variable (type AXIS_REF [} 91]) already includes an instance of the function block MC_ReadStatus.
This means that the operating state of an axis can be updated at the start of a PLC cycle by calling up

    Axis1 : AXIS_REF

(* call the read status function *)

    Enable : BOOL; 

Enable: if Enable = TRUE, the axis operating state is updated with each call of the function block.

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    Valid              : BOOL; 
    Busy               : BOOL; 
    Error              : BOOL;
    ErrorId            : UDINT;
    (* motion control statemachine states: *)
    ErrorStop          : BOOL; 
    Disabled           : BOOL; 
    Stopping           : BOOL; 
    StandStill         : BOOL; 
    DiscreteMotion     : BOOL; 
    ContinuousMotion   : BOOL; 
    SynchronizedMotion : BOOL; 
    Homing             : BOOL;
    (* additional status *)
    ConstantVelocity   : BOOL;
    Accelerating       : BOOL;

26 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Organization blocks

    Decelerating       : BOOL; 
    (* status data structure *)
    Status             : ST_AxisStatus; 

Valid: Indicates that the axis operating state indicated at the other outputs is valid.

Busy: Indicates that the function block is active.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

ErrorStop: Axis status according to the PlcOpen state diagram [} 10]

Disabled: Axis status according to the PlcOpen state diagram [} 10]

Stopping: Axis status according to the PlcOpen state diagram [} 10]

StandStill: Axis status according to the PlcOpen state diagram [} 10]

DiscreteMotion: Axis status according to the PlcOpen state diagram [} 10]

ContinousMotion: Axis status according to the PlcOpen state diagram [} 10]

SynchronizedMotion: Axis status according to the PlcOpen state diagram [} 10]

Homing: Axis status according to the PlcOpen state diagram [} 10]

ConstantVelocity: The axis is moving with constant velocity.

Acceleration: The axis accelerates.

Decelerating: The axis decelerates.

Status: Extended status data structure [} 109] with additional status information. (Type: ST_AxisStatus
[} 109])

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


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5.2.9 MC_WriteBoolParameter

Boolean parameters for the axis can be written with the function block MC_WriteBoolParameter.

NOTE! In this case "axis" refers to the TwinCAT NC axis and its parameters, and not the drive.

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 27

Organization blocks

    Execute         : BOOL;
    ParameterNumber : INT;
    Value           : BOOL;

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge.

ParameterNumber: Number of the parameter to be written. (Type MC_AxisParameter [} 106])

Value: Boolean value that is written.

    Done    : BOOL;
    Busy    : BOOL;
    Error   : BOOL;
    ErrorID : UDINT;

Done: TRUE if the parameters were written successfully.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with "Execute" and as long as the command is processed.
If "Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order. At the same time, one of the outputs "Done"
or "Error" is set.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


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5.2.10 MC_WriteParameter

Axis parameters can be written with the function block MC_WriteParameter.

NOTE! In this case "axis" refers to the TwinCAT NC axis and its parameters, and not the drive.

    Execute         : BOOL;
    ParameterNumber : INT;
    Value           : LREAL;

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge.

28 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Organization blocks

ParameterNumber: Number of the parameter to be written. (See MC_AxisParameter [} 106])

Value: LREAL value that is written.

    Done    : BOOL;
    Busy    : BOOL;
    Error   : BOOL;
    ErrorID : UDINT;

Done: TRUE if the parameters were written successfully.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with "Execute" and as long as the command is processed.
If "Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order. At the same time, one of the outputs "Done"
or "Error" is set.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


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5.2.11 MC_WriteBoolParameterPersistent

Boolean axis parameters can be written persistently with the function block

The persistent parameter to be written is stored in an initialization list. At system startup, the system initially
starts with the originally configured values and overwrites these with the persistent data from the initialization
list before the start of the task. The initialization list is cleared when a new system configuration is registered.
The system then starts with the unchanged data from the new configuration.

NOTE! In this case "axis" refers to the TwinCAT NC axis and its parameters, and not the drive.

    Execute         : BOOL;
    ParameterNumber : INT;
    Value           : BOOL;

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge.

ParameterNumber: Number of the parameter to be written. (Type MC_AxisParameter [} 106])

Value: Boolean value that is written.

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Organization blocks

    Done    : BOOL;
    Busy    : BOOL;
    Error   : BOOL;
    ErrorID : UDINT;

Done: TRUE if the parameters were written successfully.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with "Execute" and as long as the command is processed.
If "Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order. At the same time, one of the outputs "Done"
or "Error" is set.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


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5.2.12 MC_WriteParameterPersistent

Axis parameters can be written persistently with the function block MC_WriteParameterPersistent.

The persistent parameter to be written is stored in an initialization list. At system startup, the system initially
starts with the originally configured values and overwrites these with the persistent data from the initialization
list before the start of the task. The initialization list is cleared when a new system configuration is registered.
The system then starts with the unchanged data from the new configuration.

NOTE! In this case "axis" refers to the TwinCAT NC axis and its parameters, and not the drive.

    Execute         : BOOL;
    ParameterNumber : INT;
    Value           : LREAL;

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge.

ParameterNumber: Number of the parameter to be written. (See MC_AxisParameter [} 106])

Value: LREAL value that is written.

    Done    : BOOL;
    Busy    : BOOL;

30 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Organization blocks

    Error   : BOOL;
    ErrorID : UDINT;

Done: TRUE if the parameters were written successfully.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with "Execute" and as long as the command is processed.
If "Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order. At the same time, one of the outputs "Done"
or "Error" is set.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


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5.3 Touch probe

5.3.1 MC_TouchProbe

The function block MC_TouchProbe records an axis position at the time of a digital signal (measuring probe
function). The position is usually not recorded directly in the PLC environment, but via an external hardware
latch and is therefore highly accurate and independent of the cycle time. The function block controls this
mechanism and determines the externally recorded position.

NOTE! The function block was extended, compared to TwinCAT 2. It has the same functionality as
the existing function block MC_TouchProbe_V2.


The prerequisite for the position detection is suitable encoder hardware that is able to latch the recorded
position. Support is offered for:
• SERCOS drives
In contrast to MC_TouchProbe, the drive must be configured with an extended interface, in which the
parameters S 0 0405 and S-0 0406 are included in the process image.
• EtherCAT SoE drives (E.g. AX5000)
In contrast to MC_TouchProbe, the drive must be configured with an extended interface, in which the
parameters S 0 0405 and S-0 0406 are included in the process image.
• EtherCAT CoE drives
The drive must be configured with the parameter 0x60B9 (touch probe status) in the process image.

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 31

Organization blocks

• EL5101, KL5101
Latching of the C track and the digital input is possible. This hardware can only record one signal or
edge at a time. Continuous mode is not supported.

The digital trigger signal is wired into this hardware and, independently of the PLC cycle, triggers the
recording of the current axis position.

These end devices have to be configured to some extent so that a position detection is possible. Beckhoff
EtherCAT drives can be configured with the System Manager. Note that the probe unit has to be configured
with the "Extended NC Probe Unit" interface.


After a measuring probe cycle has been initiated by a positive edge on the "Execute" input, this is only
terminated if the outputs "Done", "Error" or" CommandAborted" become TRUE. If the operation is to be
aborted in the meantime, the function block MC_AbortTrigger [} 34] must be called with the same
TriggerInput [} 112] data structure. Otherwise no new cycle can be initiated.

Signal curve

    Execute       : BOOL;
    WindowOnly    : BOOL;
    FirstPosition : LREAL;
    LastPosition  : LREAL;

32 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Organization blocks

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge, and the external position latch is activated.

WindowOnly: If WindowOnly = TRUE, only one position within the window between "FirstPosition" and
"LastPosition" is captured. Positions outside the window are rejected and the external position latch is
automatically newly activated. Only if the recorded position lies inside the window, "Done" becomes TRUE.
The recording window can be interpreted in terms of absolute or modulo values. For this purpose, the
"ModuloPositions" flag must be set accordingly in the TriggerInput [} 112] data structure. In the case of
absolute value positions there is exactly one window. With modulo positions, the window is repeated within
the modulo cycle defined in the axis parameters (e.g. 0 to 360 degrees).

FirstPosition: Initial position of the recording window, if "WindowOnly" is TRUE. This position can be
interpreted as an absolute or modulo value. For this purpose, the "ModuloPositions" flag must be set
accordingly in the TriggerInput [} 112] data structure.

LastPosition: Final position of the recording window, if "WindowOnly" is TRUE. This position can be
interpreted as an absolute or modulo value. For this purpose, the "ModuloPositions" flag must be set
accordingly in the TriggerInput [} 112] data structure.

    Done             : BOOL;
    Busy             : BOOL;
    CommandAborted   : BOOL;
    Error            : BOOL;
    ErrorId          : UDINT;
    RecordedPosition : LREAL;
    RecordedData     : MC_TouchProbeRecordedData; 

Done: TRUE if an axis position was successfully detected. The position is sent to the output

Busy: TRUE as soon as the function block is active. FALSE if it is in the default state.

CommandAborted: Becomes TRUE if the process is interrupted by an external event, e.g. by the call up of
MC_AbortTrigger [} 34].

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 33

Organization blocks

RecordedPosition: Axis position recorded at the point in time of the trigger signal

RecordedData: Data structure with complementary information relating to the logged axis position at the
time of the trigger signal

    Axis         : AXIS_REF;
    TriggerInput : TRIGGER_REF; 

Axis: Axis data structure (type: AXIS_REF [} 91])

TriggerInput: Data structure for describing the trigger source (type: TRIGGER_REF [} 112]). This data
structure must be parameterized before the function block is called for the first time.


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5.3.2 MC_AbortTrigger

The function block MC_AbortTrigger cancels a probe cycle started by MC_TouchProbe. MC_TouchProbe
initiates a measuring probe cycle by activating a position latch in external encoder or drive hardware. The
function block MC_AbortTrigger can be used to terminate the procedure before the trigger signal has
activated the position latch. If the measuring probe cycle has completed successfully, it is not necessary to
call up this function block.

    Execute : BOOL;

Execute: The command is executed with the positive edge and the external position latch is deactivated.

    Done    : BOOL;
    Busy    : BOOL;
    Error   : BOOL;
    ErrorID : UDINT;

Done: TRUE as soon as the measuring probe cycle has been successfully terminated.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the function block is active. FALSE if it is in the default state.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

    Axis         : AXIS_REF;
    TriggerInput : TRIGGER_REF; 

34 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Organization blocks

Axis: Axis data structure (type: AXIS_REF [} 91])

TriggerInput: Data structure for describing the trigger source (type: TRIGGER_REF [} 112]). This data
structure must be parameterized before the function block is called for the first time.


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5.4 External set value generator

5.4.1 MC_ExtSetPointGenEnable

The external setpoint generator of an axis can be switched on with the function block
MC_ExtSetPointGenEnable. The axis then adopts the set value specifications from its cyclic axis interface
(Axis.PlcToNc.ExtSetPos, ExtSetVelo, ExtSetAcc and ExtSetDirection).

An external setpoint generator is usually a PLC function block that calculates cyclic set values for an axis
and can therefore substitute the internal setpoint generator in an NC axis.

See also: MC_ExtSetPointGenDisable [} 36] and MC_ExtSetPointGenFeed [} 37]

    Execute      : BOOL;
    Position     : LREAL;
    PositionType : E_PositionType;

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge.

Position: Position for target position monitoring. Setting of this position does not mean that the axis moves
to this position, for which only the external setpoint generator is responsible. Instead, setting this position
activates the target position monitoring. The flag InTargetPosition becomes TRUE when this position is

PositionType: POSITIONTYPE_ABSOLUTE or POSITIONTYPE_RELATIVE (type: E_PositionType [} 111])

    Done    : BOOL;
    Busy    : BOOL;
    Error   : BOOL;
    ErrorID : UDINT;
    Enabled : BOOL;

Done: TRUE if the command was executed successfully.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the function block is active. FALSE if it is in the default state.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 35

Organization blocks

Enabled: Shows the current state of the external setpoint generator, regardless of the function execution.

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


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TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

5.4.2 MC_ExtSetPointGenDisable

The external setpoint generator of an axis can be switched off with the function block
MC_ExtSetPointGenDisable. The axis then no longer adopts the set value specifications from its cyclic axis
interface (Axis.PlcToNc.ExtSetPos, ExtSetVelo, ExtSetAcc and ExtSetDirection)

An external setpoint generator is usually a PLC function block that calculates cyclic set values for an axis
and can therefore substitute the internal setpoint generator in an NC axis.

See also: MC_ExtSetPointGenEnable [} 35] and MC_ExtSetPointGenFeed [} 37]

    Execute : BOOL;

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge.

    Done    : BOOL;
    Busy    : BOOL;
    Error   : BOOL;
    ErrorID : UDINT;
    Enabled : BOOL;

Done: TRUE if the command was executed successfully.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the function block is active. FALSE if it is in the default state.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

Enabled: Shows the current state of the external setpoint generator, regardless of the function execution.

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

36 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Organization blocks

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


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5.4.3 MC_ExtSetPointGenFeed

The MC_ExtSetPointGenFeed function is used to feed set values from an external setpoint generator into an
axis. The function copies the data instantaneously into the cyclic axis interface (fExtSetPos, fExtSetVelo,
fExtSetAcc and nExtSetDirection). The function result of MC_ExtSetPointGenFeed is not used and therefore
always FALSE.

An external setpoint generator is usually a PLC function block that calculates cyclic set values for an axis
and can therefore substitute the internal setpoint generator in an NC axis.

See also: MC_ExtSetPointGenEnable [} 35] and MC_ExtSetPointGenDisable [} 36]

    Position     : LREAL;
    Velocity     : LREAL;
    Acceleration : LREAL;
    Direction    : DINT;

Position: Set position from an external setpoint generator

Velocity: Set velocity from an external setpoint generator

Acceleration: Set acceleration from an external setpoint generator

Direction: Set direction from an external setpoint generator. ( -1 = negative direction, 0 = standstill, 1 =
positive direction)

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


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Organization blocks

5.5 Special extensions

5.5.1 MC_PowerStepper

The enables for an axis are set with the function block MC_PowerStepper. Function block MC_Power is
used internally for this purpose. The MC_PowerStepper also detects the stall situations that occur in stepper
motors if they are overloaded, and offers suitable counter measures. The status bits of a KL2531 or KL2541
terminal are monitored, and the errors indicated there are reported to the NC.

See also: Notes on the MC_PowerStepper [} 39]

    Enable          : BOOL;
    Enable_Positive : BOOL;
    Enable_Negative : BOOL;
    Override        : LREAL;
    DestallParams   : ST_PowerStepperStruct;
    KL_Status       : USINT;
    KL_Status2      : UINT;

Enable: NC controller enable for the axis.

Enable_Positive: NC feed enable in positive direction.

Enable_Negative: NC feed enable in negative direction.

Override: Override value in percent (e.g. 68.123%)

DestallParams: Structure in which the functions of the function block are enabled and their work rules are
defined. (Type: ST_PowerStepperStruct [} 111])

KL_Status: Status byte of a terminal of type KL2531 or KL2541.

KL_Status2: Status word of a terminal of type KL2531 or KL2541.

    Status     : BOOL;
    Error      : BOOL;
    ErrorID    : UDINT;
    Stalled    : BOOL;
    StallError : BOOL;

Status: TRUE if the enables were set successfully.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

Stalled: No description

StallError: No description

38 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Organization blocks

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


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5.5.2 Notes on the MC_PowerStepper

The enables and the override for an axis are set with the function block MC_PowerStepper [} 38]. Function
block MC_Power [} 16] is used internally for this purpose. The MC_PowerStepper also detects the stall
situations that occur in stepper motors if they are overloaded, and offers suitable counter measures. The
status bits of a KL2531 or KL2541 terminal are monitored, and the errors indicated there are reported to the

Stepper motor and synchronous servo: similarities and differences

Both types of motor use an electromagnetic field and the field of a permanent magnet in order to generate a
driving force through their interaction. Whereas, however, the servomotor makes use of an expensive
system of sensors in order to make specific adjustments to the alignments of the fields (current supplied
dependent on the rotor position), this position-dependent control is not used for the stepper motor. This can
lead to significant cost savings. However, the motor can be moved by an external force beyond the point of
maximum torque generated by it. Since the electromagnetically generated field does not take this into
account, it generates a falling restoring torque as the deflection continues to rise. As a result of this, if the
excursion is more than the one half of one pole step then the corrective torque will change sign, pushing the
motor on in the direction of the next pole position. Depending on the prevailing conditions, the motor can
latch in the new orientation (the so-called step loss has occurred) or repeat the same procedure. The latter is
called "stalling" and occurs mainly when the motor is supplied with current at typical frequencies of the active


A stepper motor fitted with an encoder is operated with the NC PTP using the parameters typical for servos.

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 39

Organization blocks

After about 1.8 seconds, the axis is briefly blocked by an obstacle. Although the axis is then able to move
freely, it is unable to follow the set value of the velocity, but will remain stationary, making considerable noise
but without generating any detectable torque. Only after the profile generator has reached its target does the
total of the set and correction velocities fall. The motor starts moving unevenly. Even a low load torque can
prevent this. The only solution is to execute the command MC_Reset [} 17] and an appropriate settling time.
The axis must then be restarted by the application. Various status bits in the axis interface respond. This has
to be taken into account in the application, as this can lead to faulty responses in the machine cycle.

First corrective step: Controller limitation

If, in the situation described above, the output of the position controller is limited to a sufficiently small value
such as, for instance, 2%, the following pattern results.

40 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Organization blocks

Here again, for the remaining period of profile generation, the set speed is too high for the stepper motor to
be able to follow the set movement properly. Once the end of the set profile has been reached, the position
controller guides the stepper motor to the target at a low operating frequency, which it can follow without a
ramp. During this process it generates a relatively high torque. The time required for this corrective measure
is, however, very long.

Second measure: Detection and handling of stall situations using an encoder

In order to be able to take appropriate counter-measures, it is first necessary to detect the problem. The
following pattern results if an MC_PowerStepper function block is used. It has a parameter structure of type
ST_PowerStepperStruct [} 111], in which "PwStDetectMode_Lagging" is entered as the "DestallDetectMode".
The function block uses the lag error of the axis as a basis for decision making, and the limit value and the
filter time of the lag monitoring to be deactivated here from the NC axis data. In this example,
"PwStMode_SetError" is entered as "DestallMode". Initially, the only difference from the lag error alarm is the
different error code.

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 41

Organization blocks

If "PwStMode_UseOverride" is entered as the "DestallMode", the function block MC_PowerStepper uses the
override to stop the profile immediately. Because, however, this halt does not abort the profile, yet does at
the same time prevent the end of the profile from being reached, there is no effect on any status bits. The
controller output, limited here to 2%, brings the axis to within the lag error threshold of the current set
position of the profile. Then the override is then returned to the value specified by the application.

42 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Organization blocks

As a result, a considerably larger part of the overall profile is moved at the specified velocity, and the target
position is reached correctly. The status information for the axis is generated correctly.

Combinations of stall detection and handling

The following table illustrates the combinations of the supported modes for stall detection and handling.

PwStMode_SetError PwStMode_SetErrNonRef PwStMode_UseOverride

PwStDetectMode_ Useful for axes without Useful for axes without not suitable
Encoderless encoder that are not encoder that are
referenced. referenced with the aid of
the terminal's pulse counter
and, for instance, an
external sensor.
PwStDetectMode_ The resultant behavior not useful Useful for axes with
Lagging largely corresponds to lag encoder.


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PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 43

Organization blocks

5.5.3 MC_OverrideFilter

The function block MC_OverrideFilter can be used to convert an unfiltered override value consisting of digits
(e.g. a voltage value of an analog input terminal) into a filtered override value that matches the cyclic axis
interface (PlcToNc) (DWORD in the range 0...1000000). This filtered override is also available in percent
(LREAL in the range 0...100%).

The raw input value is limited to a validity range by "LowerOverrideThreshold" and

"UpperOverrideThreshold", and implemented as parameterizable steps (resolution) ("OverrideSteps"). After
each override change at the output of the FB, the system internally waits for a minimum recovery time
("OverrideRecoveryTime") before a new override value can be applied. The only exceptions are the override
values 0% and 100%, which are always implemented without delay for safety reasons.

Due to the stepping of the override output value ("OverrideValueFiltered"), the filtered over-
ride may become zero for very small override input values ("OverrideValueRaw"). A zero
override leads to standstill of the axis. If total standstill is undesired, "OverrideValueRaw"
Note should not fall below the smallest level.

    OverrideValueRaw       : DINT;
    LowerOverrideThreshold : DINT := 0; (* 0...32767 digits *)
    UpperOverrideThreshold : DINT := 32767; (* 0...32767 digits *)
    OverrideSteps          : UDINT := 200; (* 200 steps => 0.5 percent *)
    OverrideRecoveryTime   : TIME := T#150ms; (* 150 ms *)

OverrideValueRaw: Raw, unfiltered override value (e.g. a voltage value of an analog input terminal).

LowerOverrideThreshold: Lower bound that limits the raw override value.

UpperOverrideThreshold: Upper bound that limits the raw override value.

OverrideSteps: The predefined steps (override resolution)

OverrideRecoveryTime: Minimum recovery time, after which a new filtered override value is applied to the
output. However, the override values 0% and 100% are implemented without delay.

    OverrideValueFiltered   : DWORD; (* 0...1000000 counts *)
    OverridePercentFiltered : LREAL; (* 0...100 % *)
    Error                   : BOOL;
    ErrorId                 : UDINT;

OverrideValueFiltered: Filtered override value in digits (the data type matches the override in the cyclic axis
interface 0..1000000).

OverridePercentFiltered: Filtered override value in percent (0..100%).

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

44 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Organization blocks

Possible error number Possible causes

• LowerOverrideThreshold >=


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5.5.4 MC_SetOverride

The override for an axis can be specified with the function block MC_SetOverride.

    Enable     : BOOL; (* B *)
    VelFactor  : LREAL (* B *) := 1.0; (* 1.0 = 100% *)
    AccFactor  : LREAL (* E *) := 1.0; (* 1.0 = 100% *) (* not supported *)
    JerkFactor : LREAL (* E *) := 1.0; (* 1.0 = 100% *) (* not supported *)

Enable: TRUE as long as the command is executed.

VelFactor: Velocity override factor

AccFactor: Not supported

JerkFactor: Not supported

    Enabled : BOOL;
    Busy    : BOOL;
    Error   : BOOL;
    ErrorID : UDINT;

Enabled: The parameterized override is set.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with Enable and as long as the command is processed. If
"Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])

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5.5.5 MC_SetEncoderScalingFactor

MC_SetEncoderScalingFactor changes the scaling factor for the active encoder of an axis, either at standstill
or in motion.

The change can be absolute or relative. This mode is only suitable at standstill, since in absolute mode the
change in scaling factor leads to a position discontinuity. In relative mode an internal position offset is
adapted at the same time such that no discontinuity occurs. Note that an intervention during the motion
results in a change in the actual axis velocity, while the real velocity remains constant. Therefore only small
changes can be implemented during the motion.

    Execute       : BOOL;
    ScalingFactor : LREAL; 
    Mode          : E_SetScalingFactorMode; 
    Options       : ST_SetEncoderScalingOptions; 

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge.

ScalingFactor: Scaling factor of the active encoder of an axis. The scaling factor is specified in physical
positioning units [u] divided by the number of encoder increments.

Mode: The scaling factor can be set in absolute or relative mode (ENCODERSCALINGMODE_ABSOLUTE,
In absolute mode counting starts at the origin of the axis coordinate system, resulting in a position
discontinuity if the scaling factor is changed. In relative mode the actual position of the axis does not change.
This mode is therefore also suitable for changes during motion.

Options: Data structure containing additional, rarely used parameters. The input can normally remain open.
• SelectEncoderIndex: Can be set if an axis with several encoders is used and the position of a
particular encoder is to be set (Options.EncoderIndex).
• EncoderIndex: Indicates the encoder (0..n) if "SelectEncoderIndex" is TRUE.

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    Done    : BOOL;
    Busy    : BOOL;
    Error   : BOOL;
    ErrorID : UDINT;

Done: TRUE if the position was set successfully.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with Execute and as long as the command is processed. If
"Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order. At the same time, one of the outputs "Done" or
"Error" is set.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

46 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Organization blocks

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


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5.5.6 MC_ReadDriveAddress

MC_ReadDriveAddress reads the ADS access data for a drive device connected to the axis. This
information is required for accessing the device, e.g. for special parameterization.

    Execute : BOOL; (* B *)

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge.

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    Done         : BOOL; (* B *)
    Busy         : BOOL; (* E *)
    Error        : BOOL; (* B *)
    ErrorID      : DWORD; (* B *)
    DriveAddress : ST_DriveAddress; (* B *)

Done: TRUE if the command was executed without errors.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with Execute and as long as the command is processed. If
"Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

DriveAddress: ADS access data of a drive device connected to the axis. (Type: ST_DriveAddress [} 110])

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 47

Organization blocks

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


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5.5.7 MC_PositionCorrectionLimiter

The function block MC_PositionCorrectionLimiter writes a correction value (PositionCorrectionValue) at the

actual position of an axis. Depending on the correction mode the data are fed either directly or filtered to the

NOTE! To use this function block successfully, the Position Correction parameter must be activated
in the System Manager.

    Enable                  :    BOOL;
    PositionCorrectionValue :    LREAL;
    CorrectionMode          :    E_AxisPositionCorrectionMode;
    Acceleration            :    LREAL;
    CorrectionLength        :    LREAL;

Enable: Activates continuous writing of the correction value "PositionCorrectionValue". It must be TRUE as
long as new correction values are to be accepted.

PositionCorrectionValue: Correction value to be added to the actual value of the axis

CorrectionMode: Depending on this mode, the correction value "PositionCorrectionValue" is written either
directly or filtered. For a detailed description see E_AxisPositionCorrectionMode [} 111].

Acceleration: Depending on the "CorrectionMode" the maximum acceleration to reach the new correction
value is specified here. In the case of PositionCorrectionMode_Fast [} 111] this value has a direct effect on
the position delta by PLC-tick.
Maximum permissible correction value Position delta = acceleration * (PLC cycle time)2.
If acceleration is parameterized as 0.0, the position correction is not limited.

CorrectionLength: Becomes active when the "CorrectionMode" matches

PositionCorrectionMode_FullLength [} 111]. A change in the "PositonCorrectionValue" is distributed over this
correction length.

    Busy     :    BOOL;
    Error    :    BOOL;
    ErrorID  :    UDINT;
    Limiting :    BOOL;

48 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Organization blocks

Busy: TRUE as soon as the function block is active. FALSE when it returns to its original state.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

Limiting: TRUE if the required correction value "PositionCorrectionValue" is not yet fully accepted.

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


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5.5.8 MC_SetAcceptBlockedDriveSignal

There are situations in which a drive no longer follows the set NC values, e.g. if an axis reaches a limit
switch. The NC interprets such a situation as an error, and the drive is stopped. In some cases the user may
want to provoke such a situation deliberately, e.g. in order to move to a limit switch for a reference run. The
function MC_SetAcceptBlockedDriveSignal can be used to temporarily prevent the NC axis generating an
error in situations where the drive no longer follows the set NC values.

• See also bit 8 of the ControlDWord in AXIS_REF.
• A SERCOS/SoE drive reports "Drive follows the command values" via status bit 3 of drive status word
• A CANopen/CoE drive reports "Drive follows the command values" via status bit 12 of object 6041h.

FUNCTION MC_SetAcceptBlockedDriveSignal: BOOL

    Enable :  BOOL;

Enable: NC controller enable for the axis.

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


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PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 49

Motion function blocks

6 Motion function blocks

6.1 Point to point motion

6.1.1 MC_MoveAbsolute

MC_MoveAbsolute starts positioning to an absolute target position and monitors the axis movement over the
whole travel path. The "Done" output is set once the target position has been reached. Otherwise, the output
"CommandAborted" or, in case of an error, the output "Error" is set.

MC_MoveAbsolute is predominantly used for linear axis systems. For modulo axes the position is not
interpreted as a modulo position, but as an absolute position in continuous absolute coordinate system.
Alternatively, the function block MC_MoveModulo [} 55] can be used for modulo positioning.

Motion commands can be applied to coupled slave axes, if this option was explicitly activated in the axis
parameters. A motion command such as MC_MoveAbsolute then automatically leads to uncoupling of the
axis, after which the command is executed. In this case the only available BufferMode is "Aborting".

    Execute      : BOOL;
    Position     : LREAL; 
    Velocity     : LREAL; 
    Acceleration : LREAL; 
    Deceleration : LREAL; 
    Jerk         : LREAL;
    BufferMode   : MC_BufferMode;
    Options      : ST_MoveOptions;

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge.

Position: Absolute target position to be used for positioning.

Velocity: Maximum travel velocity (>0).

Acceleration: Acceleration (≥0). If the value is 0, the standard acceleration from the axis configuration in the
System Manager is used.

Deceleration: Deceleration (≥0). If the value is 0, the standard deceleration from the axis configuration in the
System Manager is used.

Jerk: Jerk (≥0). At a value of 0, the standard jerk from the axis configuration in the System Manager is

BufferMode: Is evaluated if the axis already executes another command (type: MC_BufferMode [} 101]).
MC_MoveAbsolute becomes active after the current command or aborts it. Transition conditions from the
current to the next command are also determined by the BufferMode. If the command is applied to a coupled
slave axis, only the BufferMode "Aborting" is possible. A second function block is always required to use the
BufferMode. It is not possible to trigger a move function block with new parameters while it is active.

50 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Motion function blocks

Options: Data structure containing additional, rarely used parameters. The input can normally remain open.

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    Done           : BOOL;
    Busy           : BOOL;
    Active         : BOOL;
    CommandAborted : BOOL;
    Error          : BOOL;
    ErrorID        : UDINT;

Done: TRUE when the target position has been reached.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with "Execute" and as long as the movement command is
processed. If "Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order. At the same time, one of the
outputs "Done", "CommandAborted" or "Error" is set.

Active: Indicates that the command is executed. If the command was buffered, it becomes active once a
running command is completed.

CommandAborted: TRUE if the command could not be executed completely. The axis was stopped or the
current command was replaced by another Move command.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


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6.1.2 MC_MoveRelative

MC_MoveRelative starts a relative positioning procedure based on the current set position and monitors the
axis movement over the whole travel path. The "Done" output is set once the target position has been
reached. Otherwise, the output "CommandAborted" or, in case of an error, the output "Error" is set.

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 51

Motion function blocks

Motion commands can be applied to coupled slave axes, if this option was explicitly activated in the axis
parameters. A motion command such as MC_MoveRelative then automatically leads to uncoupling of the
axis, after which the command is executed. In this case the only available BufferMode is "Aborting".

    Execute      : BOOL;
    Distance     : LREAL;
    Velocity     : LREAL;
    Acceleration : LREAL;
    Deceleration : LREAL;
    Jerk         : LREAL;
    BufferMode   : MC_BufferMode;
    Options      : ST_MoveOptions;

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge.

Distance: Relative distance to be used for positioning.

Velocity: Maximum travel velocity (>0).

Acceleration: Acceleration (≥0). If the value is 0, the standard acceleration from the axis configuration in the
System Manager is used.

Deceleration: Deceleration (≥0). If the value is 0, the standard deceleration from the axis configuration in the
System Manager is used.

Jerk: Jerk (≥0). At a value of 0, the standard jerk from the axis configuration in the System Manager is

BufferMode: Is evaluated if the axis already executes another command (type: MC_BufferMode [} 101]).
MC_MoveRelative becomes active after the current command or aborts it. Transition conditions from the
current to the next command are also determined by the BufferMode. If the command is applied to a coupled
slave axis, only the BufferMode "Aborting" is possible. A second function block is always required to use the
BufferMode. It is not possible to trigger a move function block with new parameters while it is active.

Options: Data structure containing additional, rarely used parameters. The input can normally remain open.

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    Done           : BOOL;
    Busy           : BOOL;
    Active         : BOOL;
    CommandAborted : BOOL;
    Error          : BOOL;
    ErrorID        : UDINT;

Done: TRUE when the target position has been reached.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with "Execute" and as long as the movement command is
processed. If "Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order. At the same time, one of the
outputs "Done", "CommandAborted" or "Error" is set.

Active: Indicates that the command is executed. If the command was buffered, it becomes active once a
running command is completed.

CommandAborted: TRUE if the command could not be executed completely. The axis was stopped or the
current command was replaced by another Move command.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

52 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Motion function blocks

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


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6.1.3 MC_MoveAdditive

MC_MoveAdditive starts relative positioning procedure based on the last target position instruction,
irrespective of whether this was reached. The "Done" output is set once the target position has been
reached. Otherwise, the output "CommandAborted" or, in case of an error, the output "Error" is set.

If no last target position is known or the axis is moving continuously, the movement is executed based on the
current set position for the axis.

NOTE! MC_MoveAdditive is not implemented for high/low speed axes.

    Execute      : BOOL;
    Distance     : LREAL;
    Velocity     : LREAL;
    Acceleration : LREAL;
    Deceleration : LREAL;
    Jerk         : LREAL;
    BufferMode   : MC_BufferMode;
    Options      : ST_MoveOptions;

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge.

Distance: Relative distance to be used for positioning.

Velocity: Maximum travel velocity (>0).

Acceleration: Acceleration (≥0). If the value is 0, the standard acceleration from the axis configuration in the
System Manager is used.

Deceleration: Deceleration (≥0). If the value is 0, the standard deceleration from the axis configuration in the
System Manager is used.

Jerk: Jerk (≥0). At a value of 0, the standard jerk from the axis configuration in the System Manager is

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 53

Motion function blocks

BufferMode: Is evaluated if the axis already executes another command (see MC_BufferMode [} 101]).
MC_MoveAdditive becomes active after the current command or aborts it. Transition conditions from the
current to the next command are also determined by the BufferMode. A second function block is always
required to use the BufferMode. It is not possible to trigger a move function block with new parameters while
it is active.

Options: Data structure containing additional, rarely used parameters. The input can normally remain open.

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    Done           : BOOL;
    Busy           : BOOL;
    Active         : BOOL;
    CommandAborted : BOOL;
    Error          : BOOL;
    ErrorID        : UDINT;

Done: TRUE when the target position has been reached.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with "Execute" and as long as the movement command is
processed. If "Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order. At the same time, one of the
outputs "Done", "CommandAborted" or "Error" is set.

Active: Indicates that the command is executed. If the command was buffered, it becomes active once a
running command is completed.

CommandAborted: TRUE if the command could not be executed completely. The axis was stopped or the
current command was replaced by another Move command.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


Development environment Target system type PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

54 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Motion function blocks

6.1.4 MC_MoveModulo

The function block MC_MoveModulo is used to execute a positioning operation, which refers to the modulo
position of an axis. A modulo rotation is based on the adjustable axis parameter modulo factor (e.g. 360°). A
distinction is made between three possible start types, depending on the "Direction" input.
• Positioning in positive direction
• Positioning in negative direction
• Positioning along shortest path

Motion commands can be applied to coupled slave axes, if this option was explicitly activated in the axis
parameters. A motion command such as MC_MoveModulo then automatically leads to uncoupling of the
axis, after which the command is executed. In this case the only available BufferMode is "Aborting".

Starting an axis from standstill

If an axis is started from standstill with MC_MoveModulo , it is possible to specify positions greater than or
equal to 360°, in order to perform additional full turns. The same applies to a start with the BufferMode

Starting an axis during motion

If an axis is already in motion, certain special considerations apply. The direction of movement cannot be
reversed by MC_MoveModulo, i.e. the target can only be reached in the current direction. The user is not
able to specify the number of additional turns. The system automatically calculates how the axis can be
moved to the target position on the shortest possible path.

The error output must be analyzed, because under certain conditions an oriented stop is not possible. For
example, a standard stop may have been triggered just before, or an oriented stop would cause an active
software limit switch to be exceeded. For all fault conditions, the axis is stopped safely, but it may
subsequently not be at the required oriented position.

Special cases

Particular attention should be paid to the behavior when requesting one or more complete modulo rotations.
If the axis is located at an exact set position, such as 90 degrees, and if positioning to 90 degrees is
required, no movement is carried out. If required to turn 450 degrees in a positive direction, it will perform
just one rotation. The behavior can be different following an axis reset, because the reset will cause the
current actual position to be adopted as the set position. The axis will then no longer be exactly at
90 degrees, but will be a little under or over. These cases will give rise either to a minimum positioning to
90 degrees, or on the other hand a complete rotation.

Depending on the particular case, it may be more effective for complete modulo rotations to calculate the
desired target position on the basis of the current absolute position, and then to position using the
MC_MoveAbsolute [} 50] function block.

Modulo positioning and absolute positioning are available for all axes, irrespective of the
modulo setting in the TwinCAT System Manager. For each axis, the current absolute posi-
tion "SetPos" can be read from the cyclic axis interface data type NCTOPLC_AXIS_REF
Note [} 92].

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 55

Motion function blocks

See also: Further information on modulo movements [} 57]

    Execute      : BOOL;
    Position     : LREAL; 
    Velocity     : LREAL; 
    Acceleration : LREAL; 
    Deceleration : LREAL; 
    Jerk         : LREAL;
    Direction    : MC_Direction;
    BufferMode   : MC_BufferMode;
    Options      : ST_MoveOptions;

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge.

Position: Modulo target position to be used for positioning. If the axis is started from standstill, positions
greater than 360° result in additional turns. Negative positions are not permitted.

Velocity: Maximum travel velocity (>0).

Acceleration: Acceleration (≥0). If the value is 0, the standard acceleration from the axis configuration in the
System Manager is used.

Deceleration: Deceleration (≥0). If the value is 0, the standard deceleration from the axis configuration in the
System Manager is used.

Jerk: Jerk (≥0). At a value of 0, the standard jerk from the axis configuration in the System Manager is

Direction: Positive or negative direction of travel (type: MC_Direction [} 103]). If the axis is started during a
motion, the direction may not be reversed.

BufferMode: Is evaluated if the axis already executes another command (see MC_BufferMode [} 101]).
MC_MoveModulo becomes active after the current command or aborts it. Transition conditions from the
current to the next command are also determined by the BufferMode. A second function block is always
required to use the BufferMode. It is not possible to trigger a move function block with new parameters while
it is active.

Options: Data structure containing additional, rarely used parameters. The input can normally remain open.

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    Done           : BOOL;
    Busy           : BOOL;
    Active         : BOOL;
    CommandAborted : BOOL;
    Error          : BOOL;
    ErrorID        : UDINT;

Done: TRUE when the target position has been reached.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with "Execute" and as long as the movement command is
processed. If "Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order. At the same time, one of the
outputs "Done", "CommandAborted" or "Error" is set.

Active: Indicates that the command is executed. If the command was buffered, it becomes active once a
running command is completed.

CommandAborted: TRUE if the command could not be executed completely. The axis was stopped or the
current command was replaced by another Move command.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

56 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Motion function blocks

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


Development environment Target system type PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

6.1.5 Notes on modulo positioning

Modulo positioning (MC_MoveModulo [} 55]) is possible irrespective of the axis type. If may be used both for
linear or rotary axes, because TwinCAT makes no distinction between these types. A modulo axis has a
consecutive absolute position in the range ±∞. The modulo position of the axis is simply a piece of additional
information about the absolute axis position. Modulo positioning represents the required target position in a
different way. Unlike absolute positioning, where the user specifies the target unambiguously, modulo
positioning has some risks, because the required target position may be interpreted in different ways.

Settings in the TwinCAT System Manager

Modulo positioning refers to a modulo period that can be set in the TwinCAT System Manager. The
examples on this page assume a rotary axis with a modulo period of 360 degrees.

The modulo tolerance window defines a position window around the current modulo set position of the axis.
The window width is twice the specified value (set position ± tolerance value). A detailed description of the
tolerance window is provided below.

Special features of axis resets

Axis positioning always refers to the set position. The set position of an axis is normally the target position of
the last travel command. An axis reset (MC_Reset [} 17], controller activation with MC_Power [} 16]) can lead
to a set position that is different from that expected by the user, because in this case the current actual
position is used as the set position. The axis reset resets any lag error that may have occurred as a result of
this procedure. If this possibility is not considered, subsequent positioning may lead to unexpected behavior.

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 57

Motion function blocks


An axis is positioned to 90°, with the result that subsequently the set position of the axis is exactly 90°. A
further modulo travel command to 450° in positive direction results in a full turn, with the subsequent modulo
position of the axis is once again exactly 90°. If an axis reset is then carried out, the set position can
randomly be somewhat smaller or slightly larger than 90°. The new value depends on the actual value of the
axis at the time of the reset. However, the next travel command will lead to different results. If the set
position is slightly less than 90°, a new travel command to 90° in positive direction only leads to minimum
motion. The deviation created by the reset is compensated, and the subsequent set position is once again
exactly 90°. However, if the set position after the axis reset is slightly more than 90°, the same travel
command leads to a full turn to reach the exact set position of 90°. This problem occurs if complete turns by
360° or multiples of 360° were initiated. For positioning to an angle that is significantly different from the
current modulo position, the travel command is unambiguous.

To solve the problem, a modulo tolerance window can be parameterized in the TwinCAT System Manager.
This ensures that small deviations from the position that are within the window do not lead to different axis
behavior. If, for example, a window of 1° is parameterized, in the case described above the axis will behave
identically, as long the set position is between 89° and 91°. If the set position exceeds 90° by less than 1°,
the axis is re-positioned in positive direction at a modulo start. In both cases, a target position of 90°
therefore leads to minimum movement to exactly 90°. A target position of 450° leads to a full turn in both

Effect of the modulo tolerance window: Modulo target position 90° in positive direction

For values that are within the window range, the modulo tolerance window can therefore lead to movements
against the specified direction. For small windows this is usually not a problem, because system deviations
between set and actual position are compensated in both directions. This means that the tolerance window
may also be used for axes that may only be moved in one direction due to their construction.

58 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Motion function blocks

Modulo positioning by less than one turn

Modulo positioning from a starting position to a non-identical target position is unambiguous and requires no
special consideration. A modulo target position in the range [0 ≤; position < 360] reaches the required target
in less than one whole turn. No motion occurs if target position and starting position are identical. Target
positions of more than 360 degrees lead to one or more full turns before the axis travels to the required
target position.

For a movement from 270° to 0°, a modulo target position of 0° (not 360°) should therefore be specified,
because 360° is outside the basic range and would lead to an additional turn.

For modulo positioning, a distinction is made between three different directions, i.e. positive direction,
negative direction and along shortest path (MC_Direction [} 103]). For positioning along the shortest path,
target positions of more than 360° are not sensible, because the movement towards the target is always
direct. In contrast to positive or negative direction, it is therefore not possible to carry out several turns before
the axis moves to the target.

NOTE! For modulo positioning with start type "along shortest path", only modulo target positions
within the basic period (e.g. less than 360°) are permitted, otherwise an error is returned.

The following table shows some positioning examples:

Direction Absolute starting Modulo target posi- Relative travel path Absolute end posi- Modulo end posi-
(modulo start type) position tion tion tion
Positive direction 90.00 0.00 270.00 360.00 0.00
Positive direction 90.00 360.00 630.00 720.00 0.00
Positive direction 90.00 720.00 990.00 1080.00 0.00

Negative direction 90.00 0.00 -90.00 0.00 0.00

Negative direction 90.00 360.00 -450.00 -360.00 0.00
Negative direction 90.00 720.00 -810.00 -720.00 0.00

Along shortest path 90.00 0.00 -90.00 0.00 0.00

Modulo positioning with full turns

In principle, modulo positioning by one or full turns are no different than positioning to an angle that differs
from the starting position. No motion occurs if target position and starting position are identical. For a full
turn, 360° has to be added to the starting position.

The reset behavior described above shows that positioning with full turns requires particular attention. The
following table shows positioning examples for a starting position of approximately 90°. The modulo
tolerance window (TW) is set to 1°. Special cases for which the starting position is outside this window are
Direction Absolute start- Modulo target Relative travel Absolute end po- Modulo end po- Note
(modulo start ing position position path sition sition
Positive direction 90.00 90.00 0.00 90.00 90.00
Positive direction 90.90 90.00 -0.90 90.00 90.00
Positive direction 91.10 90.00 358.90 450.00 90.00 outside TF
Positive direction 89.10 90.00 0.90 90.00 90.00
Positive direction 88.90 90.00 1.10 90.00 90.00 outside TF

Positive direction 90.00 450.00 360.00 450.00 90.00

Positive direction 90.90 450.00 359.10 450.00 90.00
Positive direction 91.10 450.00 718.90 810.00 90.00 outside TF
Positive direction 89.10 450.00 360.90 450.00 90.00
Positive direction 88.90 450.00 361.10 450.00 90.00 outside TF

Positive direction 90.00 810.00 720.00 810.00 90.00

Positive direction 90.90 810.00 719.10 810.00 90.00
Positive direction 91.10 810.00 1078.90 1170.00 90.00 outside TF

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 59

Motion function blocks

Positive direction 89.10 810.00 720.90 810.00 90.00

Positive direction 88.90 810.00 721.10 810.00 90.00 outside TF

Negative direction 90.00 90.00 0.00 90.00 90.00

Negative direction 90.90 90.00 -0.90 90.00 90.00
Negative direction 91.10 90.00 -1.10 90.00 90.00 outside TF
Negative direction 89.10 90.00 0.90 90.00 90.00
Negative direction 88.90 90.00 -358.90 -270.00 90.00 outside TF

Negative direction 90.00 450.00 -360.00 -270.00 90.00

Negative direction 90.90 450.00 -360.90 -270.00 90.00
Negative direction 91.10 450.00 -361.10 -270.00 90.00 outside TF
Negative direction 89.10 450.00 -359.10 -270.00 90.00
Negative direction 88.90 450.00 -718.90 -630.00 90.00 outside TF

Negative direction 90.00 810.00 -720.00 -630.00 90.00

Negative direction 90.90 810.00 -720.90 -630.00 90.00
Negative direction 91.10 810.00 -721.10 -630.00 90.00 outside TF
Negative direction 89.10 810.00 -719.10 -630.00 90.00
Negative direction 88.90 810.00 -1078.90 -990.00 90.00 outside TF

Modulo calculations within the PLC program

In TwinCAT NC, all axis positioning tasks are executed based on the set position. The current actual position
is only used for control purposes. If a PLC program is to calculate a new target position based on the current
position, the current set position of the axis has to be used in the calculation (Axis.NcToPlc.ModuloSetPos
and Axis.NcToPlc.ModuloSetTurns).

It is not advisable to perform order calculations based on the actual modulo position, which is available in the
cyclical axis interface (ModuloActPos and ModuloActTurns). Due to the greater or lesser control deviation of
the axis, errors in the programmed sequence, such as undesired rotations, could occur.

Application example

Within a system, a rotational axis carries out an operation. The starting position for each operation is 90°,
and with each cycle the axis is to be positioned by 360° in positive direction. Reverse positioning is not
permitted for mechanical reasons. Small reverse positioning is acceptable as part of position control

The modulo tolerance window is set to 1.5° in the System Manager. This prevents undesired axis rotations
after an axis reset. Since the axis may only be pre-positioned, the motion command MC_MoveModulo [} 55]
with the modulo startup type "positive direction" (MC_Positive_Direction) is used. The modulo target position
is specified as 450°, since the original orientation is to be reached again after a full turn by 360°. A modulo
target position of 90° would not lead to any motion.

The process starts with a basic positioning movement (MC_MoveModulo [} 55]) to ensure that the starting
position is accurate. The step sequence then changes into an execution cycle. In the event of a fault, the
axis is reset with MC_Reset [} 17] and subsequently (at the start of the step sequence) moved to its valid
starting position. In this case, 90° is specified as the target position to enable this position to be reached as
quickly as possible. No motion occurs if the axis is already at the starting position.

60 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Motion function blocks

Alternatively, the reset step may be carried out at the start of the step sequence, so that the axis is initialized
at the start of the process.


Development environment Target system type PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

6.1.6 MC_MoveVelocity

MC_MoveVelocity starts a continuous movement with specified velocity and direction. The movement can be
stopped through a Stop command.

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 61

Motion function blocks

The InVelocity output is set once the constant velocity is reached. Once constant velocity has been reached,
the block function is complete, and no further monitoring of the movement takes place. If the command is
aborted during the acceleration phase, the output "CommandAborted" or, in the event of an error, the output
"Error" is set.

Motion commands can be applied to coupled slave axes, if this option was explicitly activated in the axis
parameters. A motion command such as MC_MoveAbsolute then automatically leads to uncoupling of the
axis, after which the command is executed. In this case the only available BufferMode is "Aborting".

    Execute      : BOOL; (* B *)
    Velocity     : LREAL; (* E *)
    Acceleration : LREAL; (* E *)
    Deceleration : LREAL; (* E *)
    Jerk         : LREAL; (* E *)
    Direction    : MC_Direction := MC_Positive_Direction; (* E *)
    BufferMode   : MC_BufferMode; (* E *)
    Options      : ST_MoveOptions; (* V *)

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge.

Velocity: Maximum travel speed (>0).

Acceleration: Acceleration (≥0). If the value is 0, the standard acceleration from the axis configuration in the
System Manager is used.

Deceleration: Deceleration (≥0). If the value is 0, the standard deceleration from the axis configuration in the
System Manager is used.

Jerk: Jerk (≥0). At a value of 0, the standard jerk from the axis configuration in the System Manager is

Direction: Positive or negative direction of travel (type: MC_Direction [} 103]).

BufferMode: Is evaluated if the axis already executes another command (type: MC_BufferMode [} 101]).
MC_MoveVelocity becomes active after the current command or aborts it. Transition conditions from the
current to the next command are also determined by the BufferMode. If the command is applied to a coupled
slave axis, only the BufferMode "Aborting" is possible. A second function block is always required to use the
BufferMode. It is not possible to trigger a move function block with new parameters while it is active.

Options: Data structure containing additional, rarely used parameters. The input can normally remain open.

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    InVelocity     : BOOL; (* B *)
    Busy           : BOOL; (* E *)
    Active         : BOOL; (* E *)
    CommandAborted : BOOL; (* E *)
    Error          : BOOL; (* B *)
    ErrorID        : UDINT; (* E *)

InVelocity: TRUE as soon as the constant velocity is reached and FALSE if the velocity deviates.

The function block remains "Busy" and "Active" until a new command is issued.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with "Execute" and as long as the function block is active. If
"Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order. At the same time, one of the outputs
"InVelocity", "CommandAborted" or "Error" is set.

Active: Indicates that the command is executed. If the command was buffered, it becomes active once a
running command is completed.

CommandAborted: TRUE if the command could not be executed completely. The axis was stopped or the
current command was replaced by another Move command.

62 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Motion function blocks

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


Development environment Target system type PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

6.1.7 MC_MoveContinuousAbsolute

MC_MoveContinuousAbsolute starts positioning to an absolute target position and monitors the axis
movement over the whole travel path. At the target position a constant end velocity is reached, which is
maintained. The "InEndVelocity" output is set once the target position was reached. Otherwise, the output
"CommandAborted" or, in case of an error, the output "Error" is set.

Once the target position has been reached, the function of the function block is terminated and the axis is no
longer monitored.

NOTE! MC_MoveContinuousAbsolute is not implemented for high/low speed axes.

    Execute      : BOOL;
    Position     : LREAL; 
    Velocity     : LREAL; 
    EndVelocity  : LREAL; 
    Acceleration : LREAL; 
    Deceleration : LREAL; 
    Jerk         : LREAL;
    BufferMode   : MC_BufferMode;
    Options      : ST_MoveOptions;

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge.

Position: Absolute target position

Velocity: Maximum velocity for the movement to the target position (>0).

EndVelocity: End velocity to be maintained once the target position has been reached.

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 63

Motion function blocks

Acceleration: Acceleration (≥0). If the value is 0, the standard acceleration from the axis configuration in the
System Manager is used.

Deceleration: Deceleration (≥0). If the value is 0, the standard deceleration from the axis configuration in the
System Manager is used.

Jerk: Jerk (≥0). At a value of 0, the standard jerk from the axis configuration in the System Manager is

BufferMode: Is evaluated if the axis already executes another command (type: MC_BufferMode [} 101]).
MC_MoveContinuousAbsolute becomes active after the current command or aborts it. Transition conditions
from the current to the next command are also determined by the BufferMode. A second function block is
always required to use the BufferMode. It is not possible to trigger a move function block with new
parameters while it is active.

Options: Data structure containing additional, rarely used parameters. The input can normally remain open.

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    InEndVelocity  : BOOL;
    Busy           : BOOL;
    Active         : BOOL;
    CommandAborted : BOOL;
    Error          : BOOL;
    ErrorID        : UDINT;

InEndVelocity: TRUE when the target position has been reached.

The function block remains "Busy" and "Active" until a new command is issued.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with "Execute" and as long as the movement command is
processed. If "Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order. At the same time, one of the
outputs "Done", "CommandAborted" or "Error" is set.

Active: Indicates that the command is executed. If the command was buffered, it becomes active once a
running command is completed.

CommandAborted: TRUE if the command could not be executed completely. The axis was stopped or the
current command was replaced by another Move command.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


Development environment Target system type PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

64 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Motion function blocks

6.1.8 MC_MoveContinuousRelative

MC_MoveContinuousRelative starts positioning by a relative distance and monitors the axis movement over
the whole travel path. At the target position a constant end velocity is reached, which is maintained. The
"InEndVelocity" output is set once the target position was reached. Otherwise, the output
"CommandAborted" or, in case of an error, the output "Error" is set.

Once the target position has been reached, the block function is complete and the axis is no longer

NOTE! MC_MoveContinuousRelative is not implemented for fast/slow axes.

    Execute      : BOOL;
    Distance     : LREAL; 
    Velocity     : LREAL; 
    EndVelocity  : LREAL; 
    Acceleration : LREAL; 
    Deceleration : LREAL; 
    Jerk         : LREAL;
    BufferMode   : MC_BufferMode;
    Options      : ST_MoveOptions;

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge.

Distance: Relative distance to be used for positioning.

Velocity: Maximum velocity for the movement over the "Distance" (>0).

EndVelocity: End velocity to be maintained after the relative "Distance".

Acceleration: Acceleration (≥0). If the value is 0, the standard acceleration from the axis configuration in the
System Manager is used.

Deceleration: Deceleration (≥0). If the value is 0, the standard deceleration from the axis configuration in the
System Manager is used.

Jerk: Jerk (≥0). At a value of 0, the standard jerk from the axis configuration in the System Manager is

BufferMode: Is evaluated if the axis already executes another command (type: MC_BufferMode [} 101]).
MC_MoveContinuousRelative becomes active after the current command or aborts it. Transition conditions
from the current to the next command are also determined by the BufferMode. A second function block is
always required to use the BufferMode. It is not possible to trigger a move function block with new
parameters while it is active.

Options: Data structure containing additional, rarely used parameters. The input can normally remain open.

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 65

Motion function blocks

    InEndVelocity  : BOOL;
    Busy           : BOOL;
    Active         : BOOL;
    CommandAborted : BOOL;
    Error          : BOOL;
    ErrorID        : UDINT;

InEndVelocity: TRUE when the target position has been reached.

The function block remains "Busy" and "Active" until a new command is issued.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with "Execute" and as long as the movement command is
processed. If "Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order. At the same time, one of the
outputs "Done", "CommandAborted" or "Error" is set.

Active: Indicates that the command is executed. If the command was buffered, it becomes active once a
running command is completed.

CommandAborted: TRUE if the command could not be executed completely. The axis was stopped or the
current command was replaced by another Move command.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


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6.1.9 MC_Halt

MC_Halt stops an axis with a defined braking ramp.

In contrast to MC_Stop [} 68], the axis is not locked against further movement commands. The axis can
therefore be restarted through a further command during the braking ramp or after it has come to a halt.

Motion commands can be applied to coupled slave axes, if this option was explicitly activated in the axis
parameters. A motion command such as MC_Halt then automatically leads to uncoupling of the axis, after
which the command is executed. In this case the only available BufferMode is "Aborting".

66 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Motion function blocks

    Execute      : BOOL; 
    Deceleration : LREAL; 
    Jerk         : LREAL;
    BufferMode   : MC_BufferMode; 
    Options      : ST_MoveOptions; 

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge.

Deceleration: Deceleration. If the value is ≤ 0, the deceleration parameterized with the last Move command
is used. For safety reasons MC_Halt and MC_Stop [} 68] cannot be executed with weaker dynamics than
the currently active travel command. The parameterization is adjusted automatically, if necessary.

Jerk: Jerk. If the value is ≤ 0, the jerk parameterized with the last Move command is used.
For safety reasons MC_Halt and MC_Stop [} 68] cannot be executed with weaker dynamics than the
currently active travel command. The parameterization is adjusted automatically, if necessary.

BufferMode: Is evaluated if the axis already executes another command (see MC_BufferMode [} 101]).
MC_Halt becomes active after the current command or aborts it. Transition conditions from the current to the
next command are also determined by the BufferMode. If the command is applied to a coupled slave axis,
only the BufferMode "Aborting" is possible.
Special characteristics of MC_Halt: The BufferMode "Buffered" has no effect, if the command is executed
when the system is at a standstill. The blending modes "MC_BlendingNext" and "MC_BlendingLow" do not
change the last target position, although they can result in a change in dynamics (deceleration) of the stop
ramp. The modes "MC_BlendingPrevious" and "MC_BlendingHigh" extend the travel to the original target
position. The stop ramp is only initiated when this position is reached (defined braking point).

Options: Currently not implemented

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    Done           : BOOL;
    Busy           : BOOL;
    Active         : BOOL;
    CommandAborted : BOOL;
    Error          : BOOL;
    ErrorID        : UDINT;

Done: TRUE if the axis has been stopped and is stationary.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with "Execute" and as long as the command is processed.
If "Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order. At the same time, one of the outputs "Done",
"CommandAborted" or "Error" is set.

Active: Indicates that the command is executed. If the command was buffered, it becomes active once a
running command is completed.

CommandAborted: Becomes TRUE, if the command could not be fully executed. The running command
may have been followed by a Move command.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])

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Motion function blocks


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6.1.10 MC_Stop

MC_Stop stops an axis with a defined braking ramp and locks it against other motion commands. The
function block is therefore suitable for stops in special situations, in which further axis movements are to be

At the same time the axis is blocked for other motion commands. The axis can only be restarted once the
Execute signal has been set to FALSE after the axis has stopped completely. A few cycles are required to
release the axis after a negative edge of Execute. During this phase the "Busy" output remains TRUE, and
the function block has to be called until "Busy" becomes FALSE.

The locking of the axis is canceled with an MC_Reset [} 17].

Alternatively, the axis can be stopped with MC_Halt [} 66] without locking. MC_Halt is preferable for normal

Motion commands can be applied to coupled slave axes, if this option was explicitly activated in the axis
parameters. A motion command such as MC_MoveStop then automatically leads to uncoupling of the axis,
after which the command is executed.

    Execute      : BOOL; 
    Deceleration : LREAL; 
    Jerk         : LREAL;
    Options      : ST_MoveOptions; 

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge. The axis is locked during the stop. The axis can
only be restarted once the Execute signal has been set to FALSE after the axis has stopped completely.

Deceleration: Deceleration. If the value is ≤ 0, the deceleration parameterized with the last Move command
is used. For safety reasons MC_Stop and MC_Halt cannot be executed with weaker dynamics than the
currently active motion command. The parameterization is adjusted automatically, if necessary.

Jerk: Jerk. If the value is ≤ 0, the jerk parameterized with the last Move command is used. For safety
reasons MC_Stop and MC_Halt cannot be executed with weaker dynamics than the currently active motion
command. The parameterization is adjusted automatically, if necessary.

Options: Currently not implemented

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    Done           : BOOL;
    Busy           : BOOL;
    Active         : BOOL;
    CommandAborted : BOOL;

68 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Motion function blocks

    Error          : BOOL;
    ErrorID        : UDINT;

Done: TRUE if the axis has been stopped and is stationary.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with Execute and as long as the command is processed. If
"Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order. "Busy" remains TRUE as long as the axis is
locked. The axis is only unlocked and "Busy" becomes FALSE when Execute is set to FALSE.

Active: Indicates that the function block controls the axis. Remains TRUE as long as the axis is locked. The
axis is only unlocked and "Active" becomes FALSE when Execute is set to FALSE.

CommandAborted: TRUE if the command could not be executed completely.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


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6.2 Superposition

6.2.1 MC_MoveSuperimposed

MC_MoveSuperimposed starts a relative superimposed movement while the axis is already moving. The
current movement is not interrupted. The "Done" output is set once the superimposed movement is
completed. The original subordinate movement may continue to be active and is monitored by the
associated Move function block.

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Motion function blocks

The function of the superimposition becomes clear when considering two axes that operate with the same
velocity. If one of the axes is superimposed by MC_MoveSuperimposed, it will precede or follow the other
axis as determined by the "Distance" parameter. Once the superimposed movement is completed, the
"Distance" between the two axes is maintained.

MC_MoveSuperimposed can be executed on single axes as well as on master or slave axes. In a slave axis,
the superimposed movement acts solely on the slave axis. If the function is applied to a master axis, the
slave mimics the superimposed movement of the master due to the axis coupling.

Since MC_MoveSuperimposed executes a relative superimposed movement, the target position for the
subordinate travel command changes by Distance.

The superimposed movement depends on the position of the main movement. This means that a velocity
change of the main movement also results in a velocity change in the superimposed movement, and that the
superimposed movement is inactive if the main movement stops. The "Options" parameter can be used to
specify whether the superimposed movement is to be aborted or continued if the main movement stops.

See also: Application examples for MC_MoveSuperimposed [} 72]

    Execute         : BOOL; (* B *)
    Mode            : E_SuperpositionMode;
    Distance        : LREAL; (* B *)
    VelocityDiff    : LREAL; (* E *)
    Acceleration    : LREAL; (* E *)
    Deceleration    : LREAL; (* E *)
    Jerk            : LREAL; (* E *)
    VelocityProcess : LREAL; (* V *)
    Length          : LREAL; (* V *)
    Options         : ST_SuperpositionOptions; (* V *)

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge.

Mode: Determines the type of the superimposed motion. (Type: E_SuperpositionMode [} 100])

Distance: Relative distance to catch up. A positive value means an increase in velocity by an amount
required to cover the additional distance, compared with the unaffected movement. A negative value results
in braking and falling back by this distance.

VelocityDiff: Maximum velocity difference to the current velocity (basic velocity) of the axis (>0). For this
parameter a distinction may have to be made, depending on the superimposition direction (acceleration or
deceleration). If, for example, a direction reversal is not permitted, the maximum available acceleration
corresponds to the maximum velocity, and the maximum deceleration to stop. Therefore, there are two
possible maximum values for "VelocityDiff":
• Distance > 0 (axis accelerates)
VelocityDiff = maximum velocity – basic velocity
• Distance < 0 (axis decelerates)
VelocityDiff = basic velocity

Acceleration: Acceleration (≥0). If the value is 0, the standard acceleration from the axis configuration in the
System Manager is used.

Deceleration: Deceleration (≥0). If the value is 0, the standard deceleration from the axis configuration in the
System Manager is used.

Jerk: Jerk (≥0). At a value of 0, the standard jerk from the axis configuration in the System Manager is

VelocityProcess: Mean process velocity in the axis (>0). If the basic velocity during superposition is
constant, the set axis velocity can be specified.

Length: Distance over which the superimposed movement is available. The "Mode" parameter defines how
this distance is interpreted.

70 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Motion function blocks

Options: Data structure containing additional, rarely used parameters. The input can normally remain open.
(Type: ST_SuperpositionOptions [} 105])
• AbortOption: Defines the behavior when the subordinate motion stops. The superimposed movement
can be aborted or continued later.

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    Done               : BOOL;
    Busy               : BOOL;
    Active             : BOOL;
    CommandAborted     : BOOL;
    Error              : BOOL;
    ErrorID            : UDINT;
    Warning            : BOOL;
    WarningID          : UDINT;
    ActualVelocityDiff : LREAL;
    ActualDistance     : LREAL;
    ActualLength       : LREAL;
    ActualAcceleration : LREAL;
    ActualDeceleration : LREAL;

Done: TRUE if the superimposed movement was successfully completed.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with "Execute" and as long as the movement command is
processed. If "Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order. At the same time, one of the
outputs "Done", "CommandAborted" or "Error" is set.

Active: Indicates that the command is executed.

CommandAborted: Becomes TRUE, if the command was aborted by another command and could therefore
not be completed.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

Warning: TRUE if the action cannot be executed completely.

WarningID: The function block returns warning 4243hex (16963) if the compensation was incomplete due to
the parameterization (distance, velocity, etc.). In this case compensation is implemented as far as possible.
The user has to decide whether to interpret this warning message within his application as a proper error or
merely as a warning.

ActualVelocityDiff: Actual velocity difference during the superimposed motion

(ActualVelocityDiff ≤ VelocityDiff).

ActualDistance: Actual superimposed distance. The function block tries to reach the full "Distance" as
specified. Depending on the parameterization ("VelocityDiff", "Acceleration", "Deceleration", "Length",
"Mode") this distance may not be fully reached. In this case the maximum possible distance is
superimposed. (ActualDistance ≤ Distance).

ActualLength: Actual travel during superimposed motion (ActualLenght ≤ Length).

ActualAcceleration: Actual acceleration of the superimposed movement

(ActualAcceleration ≤ Acceleration).

ActualDeceleration: Actual deceleration of the superimposed movement

(ActualDeceleration ≤ Deceleration).

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 71

Motion function blocks

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


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6.2.2 Application examples for MC_MoveSuperimposed

The function block MC_MoveSuperimposed [} 69] starts a superimposed movement on an axis that is
already moving. For this superposition various applications are available that are described below.

Distance correction for products on a conveyor belt

A conveyor belt consists of individual segments, each driven by an axis. The conveyor belt is used for
transporting packages, the spacing of which is to be corrected. To this end a conveying segment must briefly
run faster or slower relative to a following segment.

The measured distance is 1800 mm and is to be reduced to 1500 mm. Conveyor belt 1 should be
accelerated in order to reduce the distance. The correction must be completed by the time the end of belt 1
is reached in order to prevent the package being pushed onto the slower belt 2.

Since in this situation conveyor 1 has to be accelerated the drive system requires a velocity reserve,
assumed to be 500 mm/s in this case. In practice this value can be determined from the difference between
the maximum conveyor speed and the current set velocity.

For parameterization of function block MC_MoveSuperimposed [} 69] this means:

Distance = 1800 mm - 1500 mm = 300 mm (distance correction)

Length = 1000 mm (available distance up to the end of belt 1)


VelocityDiff = 500 mm/s

The "mode" defines that the distance "Length" up to the end of the conveyor belt is used for the correction
and that the correction is completed at this point. The system uses the internally calculated velocity as
degree of freedom. "VelocityDiff" therefore is the upper limit for the velocity change in this case.

Alternatively the correction could be achieved by decelerating belt 2. In this case, "Distance" must be
specified as a negative value, and the available correction distance "Length" is the distance between the
packet on the right and the end of the belt. The maximum possible velocity change "VelocityDiff"
corresponds to the current set velocity. Belt 2 could therefore be decelerated down to zero, if necessary.

Phase shift of a print roller

A print roller rotates with constant peripheral velocity at the same speed as conveyor belt on which a
workpiece to be printed is transported. For synchronization with the workpiece the print roller is to be
advanced by a certain angle (phase shift).

72 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Motion function blocks

The phase shift can be implemented in two ways:

• The angle can be corrected as quickly as possible, resulting in a short-term strong increase in the
velocity of the print roller.
• A correction distance can be defined within which the correction can take place, e.g. a full roller
revolution. This results in the following possibilities for parameterization of the function block
MC_MoveSuperimposed [} 69].

Fast correction:

Distance = 7.1°

Length = 360° (maximum possible correction distance)


VelocityDiff = 30°/s (velocity reserve)

The "mode" specifies that the correction distance should be as short as possible. The stated value for
"Length" therefore is an upper limit that can be chosen freely (but not too small).


this case the whole correction distance would be up to 367.1°. Since the distance should be as short as
possible both modes are equivalent in this case.

Slow correction:

Distance = 7.1°

Length = 360° (correction distance)


VelocityDiff = 30°/s (velocity reserve)

The mode specifies that the correction distance should be utilized fully and the velocity change should be
kept as small as possible. The stated value for "VelocityDiff" therefore is an upper limit that can be chosen
freely (but not too small).

Drilling unit

A drilling unit should drill two holes in a moving workpiece. Synchronization for the first hole is assumed to be
achieved via the flying saw (MC_GearInPos) and is not be considered here. After the first operation the
device must be moved by certain distance relative to the moving workpiece.

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Motion function blocks

The drilling unit is to be advanced by 250 mm relative to the workpiece after the first hole has been drilled.
Meanwhile the workpiece covers a distance of 400 mm. From this position the drilling unit is once again
synchronous with the workpiece and the second hole can be drilled.

Here too two options are available that differ in terms of the velocity change of the drilling device and
therefore in the mechanical strain.

Parameterization of function block MC_MoveSuperimposed [} 69]:

Fast correction:

Distance = 250 mm

Length = 400 mm


VelocityDiff = 500 mm/s (velocity reserve of the drilling device)

The mode specifies that the correction distance should be as short as possible. The stated value for "Length"
therefore is an upper limit that can be chosen freely (but not too small). The drilling unit can travel a larger
distance since "Length" refers to the workpiece plus a relative change in position.

Slow correction:

Distance = 250 mm

Length = 400 mm


VelocityDiff = 500 mm/s (velocity reserve of the drilling device)

"Mode" specifies that the correction distance should be utilized fully and the velocity change should be kept
as small as possible. The stated value for "VelocityDiff" therefore is an upper limit that can be chosen freely
(but not too small). During the change in position the workpiece covers the distance "Length", the drilling unit
travels 650 mm due to the additional correction distance (Length + Distance).


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74 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Motion function blocks

6.2.3 MC_AbortSuperposition

The MC_AbortSuperposition function block terminates a superimposed movement started by

MC_MoveSuperImposed [} 69], without stopping the subordinate axis movement.

A full axis stop can be achieved with MC_Stop [} 68] or MC_Halt [} 66], if necessary. In this case
MC_AbortSuperposition does not have to be called.

    Execute : BOOL;

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge and the superimposed movement is completed.

    Done    : BOOL;
    Busy    : BOOL;
    Error   : BOOL;
    ErrorID : UDINT;

Done: TRUE when the superimposed movement was successfully aborted.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the function block is active. FALSE when it returns to its initial state.

Error: TRUE as soon as an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


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Motion function blocks

6.3 Homing

6.3.1 MC_Home

An axis reference run is carried out with the function block MC_Home.

The referencing mode is set in the TwinCAT System Manager with the encoder parameter "Reference
Mode". Depending on the connected encoder system, different sequences are possible (see also Reference
mode for incremental encoders in the TwinCAT 3 ADS Interface NC documentation).

    Execute         : BOOL; 
    Position        : LREAL         := DEFAULT_HOME_POSITION;
    HomingMode      : MC_HomingMode;
    BufferMode      : MC_BufferMode; 
    Options         : ST_HomingOptions;
    bCalibrationCam : BOOL; 

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge.

Position: Absolute reference position to which the axis is set after homing. Alternatively, the constant
DEFAULT_HOME_POSITION can be used here. In this case, the "Reference position for homing" specified
in the TwinCAT System Manager is used. NOTE! Since the reference position is generally set during
the motion, the axis will not stop exactly at this position. The standstill position differs by the braking
distance of the axis, although the calibration is nevertheless exact.

HomingMode: Determines how the calibration is performed. (Type: MC_HomingMode [} 104])

• MC_DefaultHoming
Executes the standard homing.
• MC_Direct
Sets the axis position directly to Position without executing a movement.
• MC_ForceCalibration
Forces the state "Axis is calibrated". No movement takes place, and the position remains unchanged.
• MC_ResetCalibration
Resets the calibration status of the axis. No movement takes place, and the position remains

BufferMode: Currently not implemented.

Options: Data structure containing additional, rarely used parameters. The input can normally remain open.
• ClearPositionLag: Only works in "MC_Direct" mode. Can optionally be used to set the set and actual
positions to the same value. In this case the lag error is cleared.

bCalibrationCam: Reflects the signal of a reference cam that can be applied to the controller via a digital

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

76 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Motion function blocks

    Done           : BOOL;
    Busy           : BOOL;
    Active         : BOOL;
    CommandAborted : BOOL;
    Error          : BOOL;
    ErrorID        : UDINT;

Done: TRUE when the axis has been calibrated and the movement is complete.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with "Execute" and as long as the movement command is
processed. If "Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order. At the same time, one of the
outputs "Done", "CommandAborted" or "Error" is set.

Active: Currently not implemented - "Active" indicates that the command is running. If the command has
been buffered, it may only become active after a running command has been terminated.

CommandAborted: TRUE if the command could not be executed completely.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]

    Axis     : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


The referencing process has several phases. The calibration state is signaled in the cyclic interface of the
axis (Axis.NcToPlc.HomingState). The following diagram shows the process flow after starting function block
MC_Home with the individual phases.

If an axis is to be referenced without reference cam, i.e. only based on the sync pulse of the encoder, the
reference cam can be simulated via the PLC program. The "bCalibrationCam" signal is initially activated and
then canceled, if Axis.NcToPlc.HomingState [} 92] is equal or greater 4.

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6.4 Manual motion

6.4.1 MC_Jog

The function block MC_Jog enables an axis to be moved via manual keys. The key signal can be linked
directly with the "JogForward" and "JogBackwards" inputs. The required operating mode is specified via the
"mode" input. An inching mode for moving the axis by a specified distance whenever the key is pressed is
also available. The velocity and dynamics of the motion can be specified depending on the operation mode.

    JogForward   : BOOL;
    JogBackwards : BOOL;
    Mode         : E_JogMode;
    Position     : LREAL;
    Velocity     : LREAL;
    Acceleration : LREAL;
    Deceleration : LREAL;
    Jerk         : LREAL;

JogForward: The command is executed with a positive edge, and the axis is moved in positive direction of
travel. Depending on the operating mode (see "Mode" input), the axis moves as long as the signal remains
TRUE, or it stops automatically after a specified distance. During the motion no further signal edges are
accepted (this includes the "JogBackwards" input). If a simultaneous signal edge occurs at the inputs
"JogForward" and "JogBackwards", "JogForward" has priority.

JogBackwards: The command is executed with a positive edge, and the axis is moved in negative direction
of travel. "JogForward" and "JogBackwards" should be triggered alternatively, although they are also
mutually locked internally.

Mode: Determines the operating mode in which the manual function is executed. (Type: E_JogMode [} 99])
The axis moves as long as the signal at one of the jog inputs is TRUE. The "low velocity for manual
functions" specified in the TwinCAT System Manager and standard dynamics are used. In this
operation mode the position, velocity and dynamics data specified in the function block have no effect.
The axis moves as long as the signal at one of the jog inputs is TRUE. The "high velocity for manual
functions" specified in the TwinCAT System Manager and standard dynamics are used. In this
operation mode the position, velocity and dynamics data specified in the function block have no effect.
The axis moves as long as the signal at one of the jog inputs is TRUE. The velocity and dynamics data
specified by the user are used. The position has no effect.

78 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Motion function blocks

The axis is moved with a positive edge at one of the jog inputs by a certain distance, which is defined
via the "Position" input. The axis stops automatically, irrespective of the state of the jog inputs. A new
movement step is only executed once a further positive edge is encountered. With each start the
velocity and dynamics data specified by the user are used.
The axis is moved with a positive edge at one of the jog inputs by a certain distance, which is defined
via the "Position" input. The axis position will snap to an integer multiple of the position parameter. The
axis stops automatically, irrespective of the state of the jog inputs. A new movement step is only
executed once a further positive edge is encountered. With each start the velocity and dynamics data
specified by the user are used.

Position: Relative distance for movements in MC_JOGMODE_INCHING operation mode.

Velocity: Maximum travel velocity (>0).

Acceleration: Acceleration (≥0). If the value is 0, the standard acceleration from the axis configuration in the
System Manager is used.

Deceleration: Deceleration (≥0). If the value is 0, the standard deceleration from the axis configuration in the
System Manager is used.

Jerk: Jerk (≥0). At a value of 0, the standard jerk from the axis configuration in the System Manager is

NOTE! The parameters "Position", "Velocity", "Acceleration", "Deceleration" and "Jerk" are not
and can remain unassigned.

    Done           : BOOL;
    Busy           : BOOL;
    CommandAborted : BOOL;
    Error          : BOOL;
    ErrorID        : UDINT;

Done: TRUE if a movement was successfully completed.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the function block is active. FALSE if it is in the default state. Only then can a
further edge be accepted at the jog inputs.

Active: Indicates that the axis is moved via the jog function.

CommandAborted: TRUE if the operation was aborted from the outside, e.g. by calling MC_Stop [} 68].

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

    Axis : AXIS_REF;

Axis: Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it
contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. (Type: AXIS_REF [} 91])


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PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 79

Motion function blocks

6.5 Axis coupling

6.5.1 MC_GearIn

The function block MC_GearIn activates a linear master-slave coupling (gear coupling). The function block
accepts a fixed gear ratio in numerator/denominator format.

The slave axis can be coupled to the master axis at standstill. With this function block it is not possible to
synchronize to a moving master axis. The flying saw function blocks MC_GearInVelo or MC_GearInPos can
be used for this purpose.

The slave axis can be decoupled with the function block MC_GearOut [} 83]. If the slave is decoupled while
it is moving, then it retains its velocity and can be halted using MC_Stop [} 68]or MC_Halt [} 66].

Alternatively, the function block MC_GearInDyn [} 81] with dynamically changeable gear ratio is available.

    Execute          : BOOL;
    RatioNumerator   : LREAL;
    RatioDenominator : UINT;
    Acceleration     : LREAL;
    Deceleration     : LREAL;
    Jerk             : LREAL;
    BufferMode       : MC_BufferMode; 
    Options          : ST_GearInOptions;

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge.

RatioNumerator: Gear ratio numerator. Alternatively, the gear ratio can be specified in the numerator as a
floating point value, if the denominator is 1.

RatioDenominator: Gear ratio denominator

Acceleration: Acceleration (≥0). (Currently not implemented)

Deceleration: Deceleration (≥0). (Currently not implemented)

Jerk: Jerk (≥0). (Currently not implemented)

BufferMode: Currently not implemented

Options: Currently not implemented

For a 1:4 ratio the RatioNumerator must be 1, the RatioDenominator must be 4. Alternatively, the
RatioDenominator may be 1, and the gear ratio can be specified as floating point number 0.25 under
RatioNumerator. The RatioNumerator may be negative.

80 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Motion function blocks

    InGear         : BOOL;
    Busy           : BOOL; 
    Active         : BOOL; 
    CommandAborted : BOOL;
    Error          : BOOL;
    ErrorID        : UDINT;

InGear: TRUE if the coupling was successful.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with "Execute" and as long as the command is processed.
If "Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order. At the same time, one of the outputs
"InGear", "CommandAborted" or "Error" is set.

Active: Indicates that the command is executed. (Currently Active = Busy)

CommandAborted: TRUE if the command could not be executed completely. The axis may have become
decoupled during the coupling process (simultaneous command execution).

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

    Master : AXIS_REF;
    Slave  : AXIS_REF;

Master: Axis data structure of the master.

Slave: Axis data structure of the Slave.

The axis data structure of type AXIS_REF [} 91] addresses an axis unambiguously within the system. Among
other parameters it contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state.


Development environment Target system type PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

6.5.2 MC_GearInDyn

The function block MC_GearIn activates a linear master-slave coupling (gear coupling). The gear ratio can
be adjusted dynamically during each PLC cycle. Hence a controlled master/slave coupling can be build up.
The "Acceleration" parameter has a limiting effect in situations with large gear ratio variations.

The slave axis can be decoupled with the function block MC_GearOut [} 83]. If the slave is decoupled while
it is moving, then it retains its velocity and can be halted using MC_Stop [} 68]or MC_Halt [} 66].

Alternatively, the function block MC_GearIn [} 80] with dynamically variable gear ratio is available.

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 81

Motion function blocks

    Enable       : BOOL;
    GearRatio    : LREAL;
    Acceleration : LREAL;
    Deceleration : LREAL;
    Jerk         : LREAL;
    BufferMode   : MC_BufferMode; 
    Options      : ST_GearInDynOptions;

Enable: The coupling is executed with a positive edge. The gear ratio can be changed cyclically as long as
"Enable" is TRUE. The command is terminated if "Enable" becomes FALSE after coupling. The gear ratio is
frozen at its last value, but the slave is not decoupled.

GearRatio: Gear ratio as floating point value. The gear ratio can be changed cyclically as long as "Enable" is
TRUE. If "Enable" isFALSE, the gear ratio remains unchanged.

Acceleration: Acceleration (≥0). If the value is 0, the standard acceleration from the axis configuration in the
System Manager is used. The parameter limits the acceleration of the slave in situations with large gear ratio
variations. The maximum acceleration is only reached at the maximum master velocity. Otherwise the slave
acceleration is below this value when the gear ratio changes significantly.

Deceleration: Deceleration (≥0). (Not implemented)

Jerk: Jerk (≥0). (Not implemented)

BufferMode: Currently not implemented

Options: Currently not implemented

    InGear         : BOOL;
    Busy           : BOOL; 
    Active         : BOOL; 
    CommandAborted : BOOL;
    Error          : BOOL;
    ErrorID        : UDINT;

InGear: TRUE if the coupling was successful.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started and as long as the command is processed. If "Busy" is
FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order. At the same time, one of the outputs "InGear",
"CommandAborted" or "Error" is set.

Active: Indicates that the command is executed. (Currently Active = Busy)

CommandAborted: TRUE if the command could not be executed completely. The axis may have become
decoupled during the coupling process (simultaneous command execution).

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

    Master : AXIS_REF;
    Slave  : AXIS_REF;

Master: Axis data structure of the master.

Slave: Axis data structure of the Slave.

The axis data structure of type AXIS_REF [} 91] addresses an axis unambiguously within the system. Among
other parameters it contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state.

82 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Motion function blocks


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6.5.3 MC_GearOut

The function block MC_GearOut deactivates a master-slave coupling.

No automatic stop of the slave axis

When a slave axis is uncoupled during the movement, it is not stopped automatically but
reaches a constant velocity at which it continues to travel infinitely. The axis can be
Note stopped with a MC_Halt [} 66] or MC_Stop [} 68] command.

Setpoint generator type

If the setpoint generator type of the axis is set to "7 phases (optimized)", the slave axis as-
sumes an acceleration-free state after uncoupling and continues to move with the resulting
Note constant speed. There is no positioning based on the master travel path calculated with the
coupling factor. Instead, the behavior matches the behavior after a MC_MoveVelocity com-
mand. In TwinCAT 2.10, the setpoint generator type can be selected by the user. From
TwinCAT 2.11, the setpoint generator type is set to "7 phases (optimized)". The behavior
described here is the result of a project update from TwinCAT 2.10 to TwinCAT 2.11. De-
pending on the circumstances, an update of existing applications to version 2.11 may ne-
cessitate an adaptation of the PLC program.

    Execute : BOOL;
    Options : ST_GearOutOptions;

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge.

Options: Currently not implemented

    Done    : BOOL;
    Busy    : BOOL;
    Error   : BOOL;
    ErrorID : UDINT;

Done: TRUE if the axis has been successfully decoupled.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started and as long as the command is processed. If "Busy" is
FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order. At the same time, one of the outputs "Done" or "Error" is

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 83

Motion function blocks

    Slave : AXIS_REF;

Slave: Axis data structure of the Slave.

The axis data structure of type AXIS_REF [} 91] addresses an axis uniquely within the system. Among other
parameters it contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error status.


Development environment Target system type PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

6.5.4 MC_GearInMultiMaster

The function block MC_GearInMultiMaster is used to activate linear master/slave coupling (gear coupling) for
up to four different master axes. The gear ratio can be adjusted dynamically during each PLC cycle. The
slave movement is determined by the superimposed master movements. The "Acceleration" parameter has
a limiting effect in situations with large gear ratio variations.

The slave axis can be decoupled with the function block MC_GearOut [} 83]. If the slave is decoupled while it
is moving, then it retains its velocity and can be halted using MC_Stop [} 68].

If less than four masters are used, an empty data structure can be transferred for each of the parameters
"Master2" to "Master4" (the axis ID must be 0).

    Enable       : BOOL;
    GearRatio1   : LREAL;
    GearRatio2   : LREAL;
    GearRatio3   : LREAL;
    GearRatio4   : LREAL;
    Acceleration : LREAL;
    Deceleration : LREAL;
    Jerk         : LREAL;
    BufferMode   : MC_BufferMode;
    Options      : ST_GearInMultiMasterOptions;

Enable: The coupling is executed with a positive edge. The gear ratio can be changed cyclically as long as
"Enable" is TRUE. The command is terminated if "Enable" becomes FALSE after coupling. The gear ratio is
frozen at its last value, but the slave is not decoupled.

84 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Motion function blocks

GearRatio1: Gear ratio as floating point value for the first master axis. The gear ratio can be changed
cyclically as long as "Enable" is TRUE. If "Enable" isFALSE, the gear ratio remains unchanged.

GearRatio2: Gear ratio as floating point value for the second master axis. The gear ratio can be changed
cyclically as long as "Enable" is TRUE. If "Enable" isFALSE, the gear ratio remains unchanged.

GearRatio3: Gear ratio as floating point value for the third master axis. The gear ratio can be changed
cyclically as long as "Enable" is TRUE. If "Enable" isFALSE, the gear ratio remains unchanged.

GearRatio4: Gear ratio as floating point value for the fourth master axis. The gear ratio can be changed
cyclically as long as "Enable" is TRUE. If "Enable" isFALSE, the gear ratio remains unchanged.

Acceleration: Acceleration (≥0). If the value is 0, the standard acceleration from the axis configuration in the
System Manager is used. The parameter limits the acceleration of the slave in situations with large gear ratio

Deceleration: Deceleration (≥0). If the value is 0, the standard deceleration from the axis configuration in the
System Manager is used. The parameter limits the deceleration of the slave in situations with large gear ratio
variations. Used only for the option "Advanced Slave Dynamics".

Jerk: Jerk (≥0). If the value is 0, the standard jerk from the axis configuration in the System Manager is used.
The parameter limits the jerk of the slave in situations with large gear ratio variations. Used only for the
option "Advanced Slave Dynamics".

BufferMode: Currently not implemented

• AdvancedSlaveDynamics: Swaps the internal algorithm of the function block. This makes it possible
to synchronize to masters already in motion. In this case, "Acceleration" and "Deceleration" should only
be parameterized symmetrically. If jerk presets are too large, this is reduced to the extent that a
change from zero to the parameterized acceleration / deceleration can take place in one NC cycle. The
resolution of the acceleration / deceleration thus depends directly on the suitable parameterization of
the jerk value.

    InGear         : BOOL;
    Busy           : BOOL; 
    Active         : BOOL; 
    CommandAborted : BOOL;
    Error          : BOOL;
    ErrorID        : UDINT;

InGear: TRUE if the coupling was successful.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with "Enable" and as long as the command is processed. If
"Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order. At the same time, one of the outputs "InGear",
"CommandAborted" or "Error" is set.

Active: Indicates that the command is executed. (Currently Active = Busy)

CommandAborted: TRUE if the command could not be executed completely. The axis may have become
decoupled during the coupling process (simultaneous command execution).

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

    Master1 : AXIS_REF;
    Master2 : AXIS_REF;
    Master3 : AXIS_REF;
    Master4 : AXIS_REF;
    Slave   : AXIS_REF;

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 85

Motion function blocks

Master1: Axis data structure of the first master. (Type AXIS_REF [} 91])

Master2: Axis data structure of the second master. (Type AXIS_REF [} 91])

Master3: Axis data structure of the third master. (Type AXIS_REF [} 91])

Master4: Axis data structure of the fourth master. (Type AXIS_REF [} 91])

Slave: Axis data structure of the Slave. (Type AXIS_REF [} 91])

The axis data structure of type AXIS_REF [} 91] addresses an axis unambiguously within the system. Among
other parameters it contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state.


Development environment Target system type PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

6.6 Phasing

6.6.1 MC_HaltPhasing

The function block MC_HaltPhasing leads to a controlled stop of the phase shift of a slave axis relative to the
master axis. The "Halt" is always jerk-limited, based on the constant jerk value for the braking delay set in
the "Jerk" parameter. MC_HaltPhasing terminates a superimposed movement through MC_PhasingAbsolute
or MC_PhasingRelative.

    Execute      : BOOL;
    Deceleration : LREAL;
    Jerk         : LREAL;
    BufferMode   : MC_BufferMode;
    Options      : ST_PhasingOptions;

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge.

Deceleration: Maximum deceleration value

Jerk: Maximum jerk value

BufferMode: Not implemented

Options: Data structure containing additional, rarely used parameters. The input can normally remain open.

    Done           :    BOOL;
    Busy           :    BOOL;
    Active         :    BOOL;
    CommandAborted :    BOOL;

86 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Motion function blocks

    Error          :    BOOL;
    ErrorId        :    UDINT;

Done: TRUE if velocity = 0 is reached.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with "Execute" and as long as the command is processed.
If "Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order. At the same time, one of the outputs "Done",
"CommandAborted" or "Error" is set.

Active: Indicates that the command is executed. If the command was buffered, it becomes active once a
running command is completed.

CommandAborted: TRUE if the command could not be executed completely. The axis was stopped or the
current command was replaced by another Move command.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorId: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

    Master : AXIS_REF;
    Slave  : AXIS_REF;

Master: Axis data structure of the master.

Slave: Axis data structure of the Slave.

The axis data structure of type AXIS_REF [} 91] addresses an axis unambiguously within the system. Among
other parameters it contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state.


Development environment Target system type PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

6.6.2 MC_PhasingAbsolute

The function block MC_PhasingAbsolute can be used to set a phase shift between a master axis and a slave
axis. The function block executes a superimposed movement of the slave axis and thus sets a position
difference "PhaseShift" between master and slave.

The dynamic values "velocity", "acceleration" and "deceleration" refer to the superimposed movement with
which the phase shift is carried out. The movement is always jerk-limited, based on the constant jerk value
set in the Jerk parameter. This value applies both to "Acceleration" and "Deceleration".

    Execute      : BOOL;
    PhaseShift   : LREAL;
    Velocity     : LREAL;

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 87

Motion function blocks

    Acceleration : LREAL;
    Deceleration : LREAL;
    Jerk         : LREAL;
    BufferMode   : MC_BufferMode;
    Options      : ST_PhasingOptions;

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge.

PhaseShift: Phase shift to be set between master and slave axis

Velocity: Maximum velocity that may be reached during the phase shift.

Acceleration: Maximum acceleration value

Deceleration: Maximum deceleration value

Jerk: Maximum jerk value

BufferMode: Not implemented

Options: Data structure containing additional, rarely used parameters. The input can normally remain open.

    Done               : BOOL;
    Busy               : BOOL;
    Active             : BOOL;
    CommandAborted     : BOOL;
    Error              : BOOL;
    ErrorId            : UDINT;
    AbsolutePhaseShift : LREAL;

Done: TRUE when the absolute phase shift is established.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with Execute and as long as the phase shift occurs. If
"Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order. At the same time, one of the outputs "Done",
"CommandAborted" or "Error" is set.

Active: Indicates that the command is executed. If the command was buffered, it becomes active once a
running command is completed.

CommandAborted: TRUE if the command could not be executed completely. The axis was stopped or the
current command was replaced by another Move command.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorId: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

AbsolutePhaseShift: Absolute phase shift

    Master : AXIS_REF;
    Slave  : AXIS_REF;

Master: Axis data structure of the master.

Slave: Axis data structure of the Slave.

The axis data structure of type AXIS_REF [} 91] addresses an axis unambiguously within the system. Among
other parameters it contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state.


Development environment Target system type PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

88 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Motion function blocks

6.6.3 MC_PhasingRelative

The function block MC_PhasingRelative can be used to set a phase shift between a master and a slave axis.
The function block executes a superimposed movement of the slave axis, thereby changing the position
difference between master and slave by the distance "PhaseShift".

The dynamic values "velocity", "acceleration" and "deceleration" refer to the superimposed movement with
which the phase shift is carried out. The movement is always jerk-limited, based on the constant jerk value
set in the Jerk parameter. This value applies both to "Acceleration" and "Deceleration".

    Execute      : BOOL;
    PhaseShift   : LREAL;
    Velocity     : LREAL;
    Acceleration : LREAL;
    Deceleration : LREAL;
    Jerk         : LREAL;
    BufferMode   : MC_BufferMode;
    Options      : ST_PhasingOptions;

Execute: The command is executed with a positive edge.

PhaseShift: Amount by which the phase shift between master and slave axis is changed.

Velocity: Maximum velocity that may be reached during the phase shift.

Acceleration: Maximum acceleration value

Deceleration: Maximum deceleration value

Jerk: Maximum jerk value

BufferMode: Not implemented

Options: Data structure containing additional, rarely used parameters. The input can normally remain open.

    Done              : BOOL;
    Busy              : BOOL;
    Active            : BOOL;
    CommandAborted    : BOOL;
    Error             : BOOL;
    ErrorId           : UDINT;
    CoveredPhaseShift : LREAL;

Done: TRUE when the relative phase shift is established.

Busy: TRUE as soon as the command is started with "Execute" and as long as the phase shift occurs. If
"Busy" is FALSE, the function block is ready for a new order. At the same time, one of the outputs "Done",
"CommandAborted" or "Error" is set.

Active: Indicates that the command is executed. If the command was buffered, it becomes active once a
running command is completed.

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 89

Motion function blocks

CommandAborted: TRUE if the command could not be executed completely. The axis was stopped or the
current command was replaced by another Move command.

Error: TRUE, if an error occurs.

ErrorId: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

CoveredPhaseShift: Relative phase shift

    Master : AXIS_REF;
    Slave  : AXIS_REF;

Master: Axis data structure of the master.

Slave: Axis data structure of the Slave.

The axis data structure of type AXIS_REF [} 91] addresses an axis unambiguously within the system. Among
other parameters it contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state.


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90 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Data types

7 Data types

7.1 Axis interface

7.1.1 AXIS_REF
The AXIS_REF data type contains axis information. AXIS_REF is an interface between the PLC and the NC.
It is added to MC function blocks as axis reference.

ADS            : ST_AdsAddress;
Status         : ST_AxisStatus;

AXIS_REF elements

PlcToNc: Data structure which is cyclically exchanged between PLC and NC. Via this data structure the MC
function blocks communicate with the NC and send control information from the PLC to the NC. This data
structure is automatically placed in the output process image of the PLC and must be linked in
TwinCAT System Manager with the input process image of an NC axis. (Type: PLCTONC_AXIS_REF [} 98])

NcToPlc: Data structure which is cyclically exchanged between PLC and NC. Via this data structure the MC
function blocks communicate with the NC and receive status information from the NC. This data structure is
automatically placed in the input process image of the PLC and must be linked in TwinCAT System Manager
with the output process image of an NC axis. The NcToPlc structure contains all main state data for an axis
such as position, velocity and instruction state. Since data exchange takes place cyclically, the PLC can
access the current axis state at any time without additional communication effort. (Type: NCTOPLC_AXIS_REF
[} 92])

ADS: The ADS data structure contains the ADS communication parameters for an axis that are required for
direct ADS communication. Normally this structure does not have to be populated. The user can use it to
stored information for controlling an axis on another target system or via a special port number.

Status: Data structure containing additional or processed status information for an axis (type: ST_AxisStatus
[} 109]). This data structure is not refreshed cyclically, but has to be updated through the PLC program. For
this purpose MC_ReadStatus [} 26] or alternatively the action "ReadStatus" of AXIS_REF can be called:

 Axis1 : AXIS_REF (* axis data structure for Axis-1 *)

(* program code at the beginning of each PLC cycle *)

(* alternative program code at the beginning of each PLC cycle *)

The call of "ReadStatus" or "Axis1" should be made once at the beginning of each PLC cycle. The current
status information can then be accessed in AXIS_REF from the whole PLC program. Within a cycle the
status does not change.

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 91

Data types


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The data structure NCTOPLC_AXIS_REF is part of the AXIS_REF [} 91] data structure and is automatically
updated by the NC, so that updated information is available during each PLC cycle. NCTOPLC_AXIS_REF
is also referred to as axis interface between NC and PLC.
    StateDWord                    : NCTOPLC_AXIS_REF_STATE; (* Status double word *)
    ErrorCode                     : DWORD; (* Axis error code *)
    AxisState                     : DWORD; (* Axis moving status *)
    AxisModeConfirmation          : DWORD; (* Axis mode confirmation (feedback from NC) *)
    HomingState                   : DWORD; (* State of axis calibration (homing) *)
    CoupleState                   : DWORD; (* Axis coupling state *)
    SvbEntries                    : DWORD; (* SVB entries/orders (SVB = Set preparation task) *)
    SafEntries                    : DWORD; (* SAF entries/orders (SAF = Set execution task) *)
    AxisId                        : DWORD; (* Axis ID *)
    OpModeDWord                   : NCTPPLC_AXIS_REF_OPMODE; (* Current operation mode *)
    ActPos                        : LREAL; (* Actual position (absolut value from NC) *)
    ModuloActPos                  : LREAL; (* Actual modulo position *)
    ActiveControlLoopIndex        : WORD; (* Active control loop index *)
    ControlLoopIndex              : WORD; (* Axis control loop index (0, 1, 2, when multiple control
loops are used) *)
    ModuloActTurns                : DINT; (* Actual modulo turns *)
    ActVelo                       : LREAL; (* Actual velocity *)
    PosDiff                       : LREAL; (* Position difference (lag distance) *)
    SetPos                        : LREAL; (* Setpoint position *)
    SetVelo                       : LREAL; (* Setpoint velocity *)
    SetAcc                        : LREAL; (* Setpoint acceleration *)
    TargetPos                     : LREAL; (* Estimated target position *)
    ModuloSetPos                  : LREAL; (* Setpoint modulo position *)
    ModuloSetTurns                : DINT; (* Setpoint modulo turns *)
    CmdNo                         : WORD; (* Continuous actual command number *)
    CmdState                      : WORD; (* Command state *)
    SetJerk                       : LREAL;
    SetTorque                     : LREAL;
    ActTorque                     : LREAL;
    StateDWord2                   : NCTOPLC_AXIS_REF_STATE2;
    StateDWord3                   : DWORD;
    TouchProbeState               : DWORD;
    TouchProbeCounter             : DWORD;
    CamCouplingState              : ARRAY [0..7] OF NCTOPLC_AXIS_REF_CAMCOUPLINGSTATE;
    CamCouplingTableID            : ARRAY [0..7] OF UINT;
    ActTorqueDerivative           : LREAL;
    SetTorqueDerivative           : LREAL;
    {attribute 'hide'}
    _reserved1                    : ARRAY [1..16] OF USINT;
    ActPosWithoutPosCorrection    : LREAL;
    ActAcc                        : LREAL;
    DcTimeStamp                   : UDINT;
    {attribute 'hide'}
    _reserved2                    : ARRAY [1..12] OF USINT;

Variable name Data type Definition range Description

StateDWord NCTOPLC_AXIS_R - State double word.
EF_STATE [} 95]
ErrorCode DWORD ≥0 Axis error code
AxisState DWORD ENUM [} 94] Present state of the axis movement
AxisModeConfirmation DWORD ENUM Axis operating mode (feedback from the
HomingState DWORD ENUM [} 94] Reference status of the axis ("calibration
CoupleState DWORD ENUM [} 94] Axis coupling state

92 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Data types

Variable name Data type Definition range Description

SvbEntries DWORD ≥0 SVB entries/tasks
SafEntries DWORD ≥0 SAF entries/tasks (NC interpreter, FIFO
AxisId DWORD >0 Axis ID
OpModeDWord. NCTOPLC_AXIS_R - Axis operation mode double word
[} 94]
ActPos LREAL ±∞ Actual position (calculated absolute
ModuloActPos LREAL ≥0 Modulo actual position (calculated value
in, for example, degrees)
ActiveControlLoopIndex WORD ≥0 Active axis control loop index
ControlLoopIndex WORD ≥0 Axis control loop index (0, 1, 2, etc. if
more than one axis control loop is used)
ModuloActTurns DINT ±∞ Modulo actual rotations
ActVelo LREAL ±∞ Actual velocity (optional)
PosDiff LREAL ±∞ Lag error (position)
SetPos LREAL ±∞ Set position (calculated absolute value)
SetVelo LREAL ±∞ Set velocity
SetAcc LREAL ±∞ Set acceleration
TargetPos LREAL ±∞ Estimated target position of the axis
ModuloSetPos LREAL ≥0 Modulo set position (calculated value in,
for example, degrees)
ModuloSetTurns DINT ≥0 Modulo set rotations
CmdNo WORD ≥0 Command number of the active axis job
(see BufferMode)
CmdState WORD ≥0 Command status information (see
SetJerk LREAL Set jerk
SetTorque LREAL Set torque
ActTorque LREAL Actual torque
StateDWord2 NCTOPLC_AXIS_R State double word 2
[} 96]
StateDWord3 DWORD State double word 3
TouchProbeState DWORD TouchProbe status
TouchProbeCounter DWORD TouchProbe counter
CamCouplingState ARRAY [0..7] OF Cam coupling information for multitables
NCTOPLC_AXIS_R (from TwinCAT 3.1.4020.0)
GSTATE [} 97]
CamCouplingTableId ARRAY [0..7] OF Cam coupling ID for multitables (from
UINT TwinCAT 3.1.4020.0)
ActTorqueDerivative LREAL First derivative of the actual torque
SetTorqueDerivative LREAL First derivative of the set torque
ActPosWithoutPosCorrection LREAL Actual position without position
ActAcc LREAL Actual acceleration
DcTimeStamp UDINT Current NC time stamp

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 93

Data types

Define Master: Motion state / drive phase of the continuous master axis (servo) (Axis-
0 Setpoint generator not active (INACTIVE)
1 Setpoint generator active (RUNNING)
2 Velocity override is zero (OVERRIDE_ZERO)
3 Constant velocity (PHASE_VELOCONST)
4 Acceleration phase (PHASE_ACCPOS)
5 Deceleration phase (PHASE_ACCNEG)

Define Master: Motion state / drive phase of the discrete master axis (fast/creep) (Axis-
0 Setpoint generator not active
1 Moving phase (rapid or slow traverse)
2 Switchover delay from rapid to slow traverse
3 Creep motion (within the creep region)
4 Braking time (starting from the braking distance in front of the target)

Define Slave: Motion state / drive phase of the continuous slave axis (servo) (AxisState)!

0 Slave generator not active (INACTIVE)

11 Slave is in a movement pre-phase (PRE-PHASE)
12 Slave is synchronizing (SYNCHRONIZING)
13 Slave is synchronized and moves synchronously (SYNCHRON)

Define Referencing state of the axis (HomingState)

0 Referencing process completed (READY)
1 Endless start in the direction of the referencing cam (note: if the cam is occupied at the
start, then the process commences directly with referencing status 3)
2 Wait for rising edge of the referencing cam and initiate axis stop
3 Wait until the axis is stopped (check whether cam is still occupied) and then endless start
of the referencing cam in the direction of the sync pulse
4 Wait for falling edge of the referencing cam
5 Activate latch, wait until latch has become valid and then initiate axis stop
6 If axis has stopped, then set actual position (actual position = reference position +
braking distance)

See also function block description and remarks for MC_Home [} 76]

Define Coupling state of the axis (CoupleState)

0 Single axis that is neither a master nor a slave (SINGLE)
1 Master axis with any number of slaves (MASTER)
2 Slave axis that is the master of another slave (MASTERSLAVE)
3 Just a slave axis (SLAVE)


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TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

The structure NCTOPLC_AXIS_REF_OPMODE is part of the structure NCTOPLC_AXIS_REF [} 92].

94 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Data types


The individual items of information are provided in the status structure of the AXIS_REF at the following

Bit Variable name Description

0 Status.Opmode.PositionAreaMonitoring Position range monitoring
1 Status.Opmode.TargetPositionMonitoring Target position window monitoring
2 Status.Opmode.LoopMode Loop movement
3 Status.Opmode.MotionMonitoring Physical movement monitoring
4 Status.Opmode.PEHTimeMonitoring PEH time monitoring
5 Status.Opmode.BacklashCompensation Backlash compensation
6 Status.Opmode.DelayedErrorReaction Delayed error reaction of the NC
7 Status.Opmode.Modulo Modulo axis (modulo display)
8 Status.Opmode.SimulationAxis Simulation axis
12 Status.Opmode.StopMonitoring Standstill monitoring
16 Status.Opmode.PositionLagMonitoring Lag monitoring - position
17 Status.Opmode.VeloLagMonitoring Lag monitoring - velocity
18 Status.Opmode.SoftLimitMinMonitoringEnd position monitoring min.
19 Status.Opmode.SoftLimitMaxMonitoringEnd position monitoring max.
20 Status.Opmode.PositionCorrection Position correction ("Measuring system error
21 Status.Opmode.AllowSlaveCommands Allow motion commands to slave axes
22 Status.Opmode.AllowExtSetAxisComman Allow motion commands to an axis that is fed by an
ds external setpoint generator
23 Status.NcApplicationRequest Request bit for the application software (PLC code),
e.g. for an "ApplicationHomingRequest"
24-31 Status.NcCycleCounter NC cycle counter


Development environment Target system type PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

The structure NCTOPLC_AXIS_REF_STATE is part of the structure NCTOPLC_AXIS_REF [} 92].

The individual items of information are provided in the status structure of the AXIS_REF at the following

Bit Variable name Description

0 Status.Operational Axis is ready for operation
1 Status.Homed Axis is referenced ("axis calibrated")
2 Status.NotMoving Axis is logically stationary ("Axis not moving")
3 Status.InPositionArea Axis is in position window (physical feedback)
4 Status.InTargetPosition Axis is at target position (PEH) (physical feedback)
5 Status.Protected Axis in protected operation mode (e.g. slave axis)

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 95

Data types

Bit Variable name Description

6 Status.ErrorPropagationDelayed Axis signals a preliminary error warning (from TC 2.11)
7 Status.HasBeenStopped Axis has been stopped or is presently executing a stop
8 Status.HasJob Axis has job, is executing job
9 Status.PositiveDirection Axis moving to logically larger values
10 Status.NegativeDirection Axis moving to logically smaller values
11 Status.HomingBusy Axis is referencing ("axis is being calibrated")
12 Status.ConstantVelocity Axis has reached its constant velocity or rotary speed
13 Status.Compensating Section compensation passive[0]/active[1] (see
14 Status.ExtSetPointGenEnabled Enable external setpoint generation
15 Operation mode not yet executed (Busy). Not yet released!
16 Status.ExternalLatchValid External latch value or measuring probe has become valid
17 Status.NewTargetPos Axis has received a new end position or a new velocity
18 Axis not in target position or cannot/will not reach it (e.g.
axis stop). Not yet released!
19 Status.ContinuousMotion Axis executing endless positioning task
20 Status.ControlLoopClosed Axis ready to operate and axis control loop closed (e.g.
position control)
21 Status.CamTableQueued New table ready for "Online Change" and waiting for
22 Status.CamDataQueued Table data (MF) ready for "Online Change" and waiting for
23 CamScalingPending Table scalings ready for "Online Change" and waiting for
24 Status.CmdBuffered Follow-up command is available in the command buffer
(see BufferMode) (from TwinCAT V2.10 Build 1311)
25 Status.PTPmode Axis in PTP operating mode (no slave, no NCI axis, no
FIFO axis) (from TC 2.10 Build 1326)
26 Status.SoftLimitMinExceeded Software minimum end position is active/occupied
(from TC 2.10 Build 1327)
27 Status.SoftLimitMaxExceeded Software maximum end position is active/occupied
(from TC 2.10 Build 1327)
28 Status.DriveDeviceError Drive hardware has an error (no warning); interpretation
possible only if drive is in I/O data exchange. e.g.
EtherCAT "OP" state (from TC 2.10 Build 1326)
29 Status.MotionCommandsLocked Axis is blocked for motion commands (TcMc2)
30 Status.IoDataInvalid IO data invalid (e.g. "WcState" or "CdlState" of the fieldbus)
31 Error Axis is in an error state


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TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

The structure NCTOPLC_AXIS_REF_STATE2 is part of the structure NCTOPLC_AXIS_REF [} 92].
    Value     : DWORD;

96 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Data types



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The structure NCTOPLC_AXIS_REF_STATE2_FLAGS is part of the structure NCTOPLC_AXIS_REF_STATE2
[} 96].
    AvoidingCollision       : BIT;
    {attribute 'hide'}
    _reserved1              : BIT;
    {attribute 'hide'}
    _reserved2              : BIT;
    {attribute 'hide'}
    _reserved3              : BIT;
    {attribute 'hide'}
    _reserved4              : BIT;
    {attribute 'hide'}
    _reserved5              : BIT;
    {attribute 'hide'}
    _reserved6              : BIT;
    {attribute 'hide'}
    _reserved7              : BIT;
    {attribute 'hide'}
    _reserved8              : ARRAY [1..3] OF USINT;


Development environment Target system type PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

    CamActivationPending    : BIT;
    CamDeactivationPending  : BIT;
    CamActive               : BIT;
    {attribute 'hide'}
    _reserved1              : BIT;
    {attribute 'hide'}
    _reserved2              : BIT;
    {attribute 'hide'}
    _reserved3              : BIT;
    CamDataQueued           : BIT;
    CamScalingPending       : BIT;

Bit Variable name Description

0 CamActivationPending Table waiting for activation
1 CamDeactivationPending Table waiting for deactivation
2 CamActive Table is active
6 CamDataQueued Table data (MF) ready for "Online Change" and waiting for
7 CamScalingPending Table scalings ready for "Online Change" and waiting for

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 97

Data types


Development environment Target platform PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.1.4020 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

The data structure PLCTONC_AXIS_REF is part of the AXIS_REF [} 91] data structure and cyclically transfers
information to the NC. PLCTONC_AXIS_REF is also referred to as axis interface between PLC and NC.
    ControlDWord        : PLCTONC_AXIS_REF_CTRL; (* Control double word *)
    Override            : UDINT; (* Velocity override *)
    AxisModeRequest     : UDINT; (* Axis operating mode (PLC request) *)
    AxisModeDWord       : UDINT; (* optional mode parameter *)
    AxisModeLReal       : LREAL; (* optional mode parameter *)
    PositionCorrection  : LREAL; (* Correction value for current position *)
    ExtSetPos           : LREAL; (* external position setpoint *)
    ExtSetVelo          : LREAL; (* external velocity setpoint *)
    ExtSetAcc           : LREAL; (* external acceleration setpoint *)
    ExtSetDirection     : DINT; (* external direction setpoint *)
    {attribute 'hide'}
    _reserved1          : UDINT; (* reserved *)
    ExtControllerOutput : LREAL; (* external controller output *)
    GearRatio1          : LREAL; (* Gear ratio for dynamic multi master coupling modes *)
    GearRatio2          : LREAL; (* Gear ratio for dynamic multi master coupling modes *)
    GearRatio3          : LREAL; (* Gear ratio for dynamic multi master coupling modes *)
    GearRatio4          : LREAL; (* Gear ratio for dynamic multi master coupling modes *)
    MapState            : BOOL; (* reserved - internal use *)
    PlcCycleControl     : BYTE;
    PlcCycleCount       : BYTE;
    {attribute 'hide'}
    _reserved2          : ARRAY [1..21] OF USINT;

Variable name Data type Definition range Description

ControlDWord PLCTONC_AXSI_REF_CTR 0/1 Control double word
L [} 99]
Override UDINT 0...1000000 Velocity override (0% to 100%)
AxisModeReque UDINT Axis operating mode. Only provided
st for internal use!
AxisModeDWor UDINT Only provided for internal use!
AxisModeLReal LREAL Only provided for internal use!
PositionCorrecti LREAL Actual position correction value
ExtSetPos LREAL External set position
ExtSetVelo LREAL External set velocity
ExtSetAcc LREAL External set acceleration
ExtSetDirection DINT External set travel direction [-1,0,1]
ExtControllerOut LREAL External controller output. Not yet
put released!
GearRatio1 LREAL ±∞ Gear ratio (coupling factor) 1
GearRatio2 LREAL ±∞ Gear ratio (coupling factor) 2
GearRatio3 LREAL ±∞ Gear ratio (coupling factor) 3
GearRatio4 LREAL ±∞ Gear ratio (coupling factor) 4
MapState BOOL Internal use only
PlcCycleControl BYTE Internal use only
PlcCycleCount BYTE Internal use only

98 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Data types


Development environment Target system type PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

The structure PLCTONC_AXIS_REF_CTRL is part of the structure NCTOPLC_AXIS_REF [} 98].

Bit Variable name Description

0 Enable Enable controller
1 FeedEnablePlus Feed enable plus
2 FeedEnableMinus Feed enable minus
5 HomingSensor Referencing cam or referencing sensor
8 AcceptBlockedDrive Accept blocking of the drive setpoint adoption (e.g. hardware
end positions)
from TwinCAT V2.10 Build 1311
9 BlockedDriveDetected User signal "Axis is blocked" (e.g. mechanical fixed stop). Not
yet released!
10-29 - RESERVE
30 PlcDebugFlag PLC debug function. For internal use only!


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TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

7.2 Motion

7.2.1 E_JogMode
This data type is used in conjunction with the function block MC_Jog [} 78].
TYPE E_JogMode :
    MC_JOGMODE_STANDARD_SLOW, (* motion with standard jog parameters for slow motion *)
    MC_JOGMODE_STANDARD_FAST, (* motion with standard jog parameters for fast motion *)
    MC_JOGMODE_CONTINOUS, (* axis moves as long as the jog button is pressed using parameterized dy-
namics *)
    MC_JOGMODE_INCHING, (* axis moves for a certain relative distance *)
    MC_JOGMODE_INCHING_MODULO (* axis moves for a certain relative distance - stop posi-
tion is rounded to the distance value *)


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PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 99

Data types

7.2.2 E_SuperpositionMode
TYPE E_SuperpositionMode :

E_SuperpositionMode determines how a superimposed motion is carried out with the function block
MC_MoveSuperImposed [} 69].

The modes referred to as "Veloreduction" execute a superimposed movement with minimum velocity
change, preferentially over the full parameterized compensation section. Conversely, the modes referred to
as "Lengthreduction" use the maximum possible velocity and therefore reduce the required distance. In both
cases same distance is compensated.

In cases referred to as "Additivemotion", the superimposed axis executes a longer or shorter movement than
indicated by "Length", with the difference described by Distance. These modes are used, for example, if the
Length parameter refers to a reference axis and the superimposed axis may move by a longer or shorter
distance in comparison.

In cases referred to as "Limitedmotion", the superposition is completed within the parameterized distance.
These modes are used, for example, if the Length parameter refers to the superimposed axis itself. With
these modes it should be noted that the superimposed Distance must be significantly shorter than the
available "Length".


The superimposed motion takes place over the whole "Length". The specified maximum change in velocity
"VelocityDiff" is reduced in order to reach the required "Distance" over this length.

"Length" refers to a reference axis without superimposed movement (e.g. master axis). The travel path of the
axis affected by this compensation is Length + Distance.


The superimposed motion takes place over the whole "Length". The specified maximum change in velocity
"VelocityDiff" is reduced in order to reach the required "Distance" over this length.

The "Length" refers to the axis affected by the compensation. During compensation, the travel path of this
axis is "Length".


The distance of the superimposed motion is as short as possible and the speed is as high as possible.
Although neither the maximum velocity change "VelocityDiff" nor the maximum "Length" are exceeded.

"Length" refers to a reference axis without superimposed movement (e.g. master axis). The maximum travel
path of the axis affected by this compensation is "Length + Distance".


The distance of the superimposed motion is as short as possible and the speed is as high as possible.
Although neither the maximum velocity change "VelocityDiff" nor the maximum "Length" are exceeded.

The "Length" refers to the axis affected by the compensation. During compensation, the maximum travel
path of this axis is "Length".


The superimposed movement takes place over the whole "Length". The specified maximum acceleration
(parameter "Acceleration" or "Deceleration") is reduced as far as possible, in order to reach the specified
"Distance" on this path.

100 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Data types

"Length" refers to a reference axis without superimposed movement (e.g. master axis). The travel path of the
axis affected by this compensation is "Length + Distance".


The superimposed movement takes place over the whole "Length". The specified maximum acceleration
(parameter "Acceleration" or "Deceleration") is reduced as far as possible, in order to reach the specified
"Distance" on this path.

The "Length" refers to the axis affected by the compensation. During compensation, the travel path of this
axis is "Length".


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TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

7.2.3 MC_AxisStates
This data type describes the operating states according to the PlcOpen state diagram [} 10].
TYPE MC_AxisStates :

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]


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TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

7.2.4 MC_BufferMode
This data type is used with various function blocks of the Motion Control library. BufferMode is used to
specify how successive motion commands are to be processed.
TYPE MC_BufferMode :

NOTE! A second function block is always required to use the BufferMode. It is not possible to
trigger a move function block with new parameters while it is active.

See also: General rules for MC function blocks [} 13]


PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 101

Data types

In the following example, a move command is used to move an axis from position P0 to P1 and then to P2.
The second command is issued during the movement to P1, but before the braking ramp with different
BufferModes. The reference point for the different velocity profiles is always P1. The mode specifies the
velocity v1 or v2 at this point.

Since the speed of the first command is lower than the second, the modes BlendingLow/BlendingPrevious
and BlendingHigh/BlendingNext have the same result.

The difference in the next example is that the speed of the second command is lower than the first. Now, the
modes BlendingLow/BlendingNext and BlendingHigh/BlendingPrevious are equivalent.

102 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Data types

The velocity profiles described here assume that the following command is issued in time, i.e. before the
braking ramp of the first command. Otherwise, blending is implemented as best as possible.


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7.2.5 MC_Direction
This enumeration type contains the possible directions of movement for the function blocks
MC_MoveVelocity [} 61] and MC_MoveModulo [} 55].
TYPE MC_Direction :
    MC_Positive_Direction := 1,
    MC_Shortest_Way ,

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 103

Data types



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7.2.6 MC_HomingMode
This data type is used to parameterize the function block MC_Home [} 76].
TYPE MC_HomingMode :
    MC_DefaultHoming,    (* default homing as defined in the SystemManager encoder parameters *)
    MC_AbsSwitch,        (* not implemented - Absolute Switch homing plus Limit switches *)
    MC_LimitSwitch,      (* not implemented - Homing against Limit switches *)
    MC_RefPulse,         (* not implemented - Homing using encoder Reference Pulse "Zero Mark" *)
    MC_Direct,           (* Static Homing forcing position from user reference *)
    MC_Absolute,         (* not implemented - Static Homing forcing position from absolute en-
coder *)
    MC_Block,            (* not implemented - Homing against hardware parts blocking movement *)
    MC_ForceCalibration, (* set the calibration flag without perfomring any motion or chang-
ing the position *)
    MC_ResetCalibration  (* resets the calibration flag without perfomring any motion or chang-
ing the position *)


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TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

7.2.7 ST_AxisOpModes
This data type contains information about the parameterization of the operating modes of an axis.
TYPE ST_AxisOpModes :
    PositionAreaMonitoring   : BOOL; (* bit 0 - OpModeDWord *)
    TargetPositionMonitoring : BOOL; (* bit 1 - OpModeDWord *)
    LoopMode                 : BOOL; (* bit 2 - OpModeDWord - loop mode for two speed axes *)
    MotionMonitoring         : BOOL; (* bit 3 - OpModeDWord *)
    PEHTimeMonitoring        : BOOL; (* bit 4 - OpModeDWord *)
    BacklashCompensation     : BOOL; (* bit 5 - OpModeDWord *)
    Modulo                   : BOOL; (* bit 7 - OpModeDWord - axis is parameterized as mod-
ulo axis *)
    PositionLagMonitoring    : BOOL; (* bit 16 - OpModeDWord *)
    VelocityLagMonitoring    : BOOL; (* bit 17 - OpModeDWord *)
    SoftLimitMinMonitoring   : BOOL; (* bit 18 - OpModeDWord *)
    SoftLimitMaxMonitoring   : BOOL; (* bit 19 - OpModeDWord *)
    PositionCorrection       : BOOL; (* bit 20 - OpModeDWord *)


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104 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Data types

7.2.8 ST_SuperpositionOptions
TYPE ST_SuperpositionOptions :
   AbortOption : E_SuperpositionAbortOption;
TYPE E_SuperpositionAbortOption :


AbortOption is an optional parameter of the function block MC_MoveSuperimposed [} 69], which determines
the behavior of a superimposed movement at a standstill of the main movement.


The superimposed movement is aborted as soon as the subordinate movement leads to a standstill of the
axis. The only exception to this is a standstill caused by a speed override of zero. In this case the
superimposed movement is also continued as soon as the override is not equal to zero. AbortAtStandstill is
the default behavior if the option is not assigned by the user.


The superimposed movement is not aborted in the case of a temporary standstill of the main movement, but
is continued as soon as the axis moves again. This can occur in particular in the case of a reversal of
direction or with cam disc movements. The superimposed movement is terminated only if the target position
of the axis has been reached or the axis has been stopped.


The superimposed movement is not aborted in the case of a standstill of the main movement, even if the
axis has reached its target position or has been stopped. In this case, the superimposed movement is
continued after the axis restarts.

This case is not of importance if the superimposed movement is applied to a slave axis, since this cannot be
started or stopped actively. For slave axes, the operating modes RESUMEAFTERSTANDSTILL and
RESUMEAFTERMOTIONSTOP are equivalent. The superimposed movement would thus also be continued
after a restart of the master axis.

Overview of the abort conditions for a superimposed movement (MC_MoveSuperimposed)


1. override = 0% continued continued continued
2. temporary standstill of Abort continued continued
the main movement
3. motion reversal Abort continued continued
4. axis has reached the Abort Abort continued
target position or is
5. axis reset or switch-off Abort Abort Abort
of the enable signal
6. for slave axes: Abort Abort Abort

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 105

Data types


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7.3 Status and parameter

7.3.1 E_ReadMode
This data type is used in conjunction with the function blocks MC_ReadBoolParameter [} 24] and
MC_ReadBoolParameter [} 23] to specify a single or cyclic operation.
TYPE E_ReadMode :


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TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

7.3.2 MC_AxisParameter
This data type is used in conjunction with function blocks for reading and writing axis parameters.
TYPE MC_AxisParameter : (
(* PLCopen specific parameters *) (* Index-Group 0x4000 + ID*)
 CommandedPosition := 1,             (* lreal *) (* taken from NcToPlc *)
 SWLimitPos,                         (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0001_000E *)
 SWLimitNeg,                         (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0001_000D *)
 EnableLimitPos,                     (* bool  *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0001_000C *)
 EnableLimitNeg,                     (* bool  *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0001_000B *)
 EnablePosLagMonitoring,             (* bool  *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0002_0010 *)
 MaxPositionLag,                     (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0002_0012 *)
 MaxVelocitySystem,                  (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0027 *)
 MaxVelocityAppl,                    (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0027 *)
 ActualVelocity,                     (* lreal *) (* taken from NcToPlc *)
 CommandedVelocity,                  (* lreal *) (* taken from NcToPlc *)
 MaxAccelerationSystem,              (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0101 *)
 MaxAccelerationAppl,                (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0101 *)
 MaxDecelerationSystem,              (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0102 *)
 MaxDecelerationAppl,                (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0102 *)
 MaxJerkSystem,                      (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0103 *)
 MaxJerkAppl,                        (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0103 *)

(* Beckhoff specific parameters *) (* Index-Group 0x4000 + ID*)
 AxisId := 1000,                     (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0001 *)
 AxisVeloManSlow,                    (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0008 *)
 AxisVeloManFast,                    (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0009 *)
 AxisVeloMax,                        (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0027 *)
 AxisAcc,                            (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0101 *)
 AxisDec,                            (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0102 *)
 AxisJerk,                           (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0103 *)
 MaxJerk,                            (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0103 *)
 AxisMaxVelocity,                    (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0027 *)
 AxisRapidTraverseVelocity,          (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_000A *)
 AxisManualVelocityFast,             (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0009 *)
 AxisManualVelocitySlow,             (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0008 *)
 AxisCalibrationVelocityForward,     (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0006 *)
 AxisCalibrationVelocityBackward,    (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0007 *)
 AxisJogIncrementForward,            (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0018 *)
 AxisJogIncrementBackward,           (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0019 *)
 AxisEnMinSoftPosLimit,              (* bool  *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0001_000B *)
 AxisMinSoftPosLimit,                (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0001_000D *)
 AxisEnMaxSoftPosLimit,              (* bool  *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0001_000C *)

106 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Data types

 AxisMaxSoftPosLimit,                (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0001_000E *)
 AxisEnPositionLagMonitoring,        (* bool  *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0002_0010 *)
 AxisMaxPosLagValue,                 (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0002_0012 *)
 AxisMaxPosLagFilterTime,            (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0002_0013 *)
 AxisEnPositionRangeMonitoring,      (* bool  *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_000F *)
 AxisPositionRangeWindow,            (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0010 *)
 AxisEnTargetPositionMonitoring,     (* bool  *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0015 *)
 AxisTargetPositionWindow,           (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0016 *)
 AxisTargetPositionMonitoringTime,   (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0017 *)
 AxisEnInTargetTimeout,              (* bool  *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0029 *)
 AxisInTargetTimeout,                (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_002A *)
 AxisEnMotionMonitoring,             (* bool  *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0011 *)
 AxisMotionMonitoringWindow,         (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0028 *)
 AxisMotionMonitoringTime,           (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0012 *)
 AxisDelayTimeVeloPosition,          (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0104 *)
 AxisEnLoopingDistance,              (* bool  *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0013 *)
 AxisLoopingDistance,                (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0014 *)
 AxisEnBacklashCompensation,         (* bool  *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_002B *)
 AxisBacklash,                       (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_002C *)
 AxisEnDataPersistence,              (* bool  *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0030 *)
 AxisRefVeloOnRefOutput,             (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0003_0101 *)
 AxisOverrideType,                   (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0105 *)
 (* new since 4/2007 *)
 AxisEncoderScalingFactor,           (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0001_0006 *)
 AxisEncoderOffset,                  (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0001_0007 *)
 AxisEncoderDirectionInverse,        (* bool  *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0001_0008 *)
 AxisEncoderMask,                    (* dword *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0001_0015 *)
 AxisEncoderModuloValue,             (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0001_0009 *)
 AxisModuloToleranceWindow,          (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0001_001B *)
 AxisEnablePosCorrection,            (* bool  *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0001_0016 *)
 AxisPosCorrectionFilterTime,        (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0001_0017 *)
 (* new since 1/2010 *)
 AxisUnitInterpretation,             (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0026 *)
 AxisMotorDirectionInverse,          (* bool  *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0003_0006 *)
 (* new since 1/2011 *)
 AxisCycleTime,                      (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0004 *)
 (* new since 5/2011 *)
 AxisFastStopSignalType,             (* dword *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_001E *)
 AxisFastAcc,                        (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_010A *)
 AxisFastDec,                        (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_010B *)
 AxisFastJerk,                       (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_010C *)
(* new since 1/2012 *)
 AxisEncoderScalingNumerator,        (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0001_0023 - available in Tc3 *)
 AxisEncoderScalingDenominator,      (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0001_0024 - available in Tc3 *)
(* new since 7/2016 *)
 AxisMaximumAcceleration,            (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_00F1 - available in Tc3 *)
 AxisMaximumDeceleration,            (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_00F2 - available in Tc3 *)
 AxisVeloJumpFactor,                 (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0106 *)
 AxisToleranceBallAuxAxis,           (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0108 *)
 AxisMaxPositionDeviationAuxAxis,    (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0109 *)
 AxisErrorPropagationMode,           (* dword *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_001A *)
 AxisErrorPropagationDelay,          (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_001B *)
 AxisCoupleSlaveToActualValues,      (* bool  *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_001C *)
 AxisAllowMotionCmdToSlaveAxis,      (* bool  *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0020 *)
 AxisAllowMotionCmdToExtSetAxis,     (* bool  *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0021 *)
 AxisEncoderSubMask,                 (* dword *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0001_0108 *)
 AxisEncoderReferenceSystem,         (* dword *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0001_0019 *)
 AxisEncoderPositionFilterPT1,       (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0001_0010 *)
 AxisEncoderVelocityFilterPT1,       (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0001_0011 *)
 AxisEncoderAccelerationFilterPT1,   (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0001_0012 *)
 AxisEncoderMode,                    (* dword *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0001_000A *)
 AxisEncoderHomingInvDirCamSearch,   (* bool  *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0001_0101 *)
 AxisEncoderHomingInvDirSyncSearch,  (* bool  *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0001_0102 *)
 AxisEncoderHomingCalibValue,        (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0001_0103 *)
 AxisEncoderReferenceMode,           (* dword *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0001_0107 *)
 AxisRefVeloOutputRatio,             (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0003_0102 *)
 AxisDrivePositionOutputScaling,     (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0003_0109 *)
 AxisDriveVelocityOutputScaling,     (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0003_0105 *)
 AxisDriveVelocityOutputDelay,       (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0003_010D *)
 AxisDriveMinOutputLimitation,       (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0003_000B *)
 AxisDriveMaxOutputLimitation,       (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0003_000C *)
 AxisTorqueInputScaling,             (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0003_0031 - available in Tc3 *)
 AxisTorqueInputFilterPT1,           (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0003_0032 - available in Tc3 *)
 AxisTorqueDerivationInputFilterPT1, (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0003_0033 - available in Tc3 *)
 AxisTorqueOutputScaling,            (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0003_010B *)
 AxisTorqueOutputDelay,              (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0003_010F *)
 AxisAccelerationOutputScaling,      (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0003_010A *)
 AxisAccelerationOutputDelay,        (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0003_010E *)
 AxisDrivePosOutputSmoothFilterType, (* dword *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0003_0110 *)
 AxisDrivePosOutputSmoothFilterTime, (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0003_0111 *)

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 107

Data types

 AxisDrivePosOutputSmoothFilterOrder,(* dword *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0003_0112 *)
 AxisDriveMode,                      (* dword *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0003_000A *)
 AxisDriftCompensationOffset,        (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0003_0104 *)
 AxisPositionControlKv,              (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0002_0102 *)
 AxisCtrlVelocityPreCtrlWeight,      (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0002_000B *)
 AxisControllerMode,                 (* dword *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0002_000A *)
 AxisCtrlAutoOffset,                 (* bool  *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0002_0110 *)
 AxisCtrlAutoOffsetTimer,            (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0002_0115 *)
 AxisCtrlAutoOffsetLimit,            (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0002_0114 *)
 AxisSlaveCouplingControlKcp,        (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0002_010F *)
 AxisCtrlOutputLimit,                (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0002_0100 *)

(* Beckhoff specific axis status information - READ ONLY *) (* Index-Group 0x4100 + ID*)
 AxisTargetPosition := 2000,         (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0013 *)
 AxisRemainingTimeToGo,              (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0014 *)
 AxisRemainingDistanceToGo,          (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0022, 16#0000_0042 *)

(* Beckhoff specific axis functions *)
 (* read/write gear ratio of a slave *)
 AxisGearRatio := 3000,              (* lreal *) (* read: IndexGroup=0x4100+ID, IdxOff-
set=16#0000_0022, *)
 (* write:IndexGroup=0x4200+ID, IdxOffset=16#0000_0042 *) 

(* Beckhoff specific other parameters *)
 (* new since 1/2011 *)
 NcSafCycleTime := 4000,             (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0010 *)
 NcSvbCycleTime                      (* lreal *) (* IndexOffset= 16#0000_0012 *)

NOTE! The AxisGearRatio parameter can only be read or written if the axis is coupled as a slave.
During the motion only very small changes are allowed.


Development environment Target system type PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

7.3.3 ST_AxisParameterSet
This data type contains the entire parameter data set of an axis that can be read with the function block
MC_ReadParameterSet [} 25].

Individual parameters that can be changed at runtime can be written with MC_WriteParameter [} 28]. It is not
possible to write back the parameter dataset as a whole.

The individual parameters are described in the NC ADS documentation.

TYPE ST_AxisParameterSet :
    (* AXIS: *)
    AxisId                      : DWORD;        (* 0x00000001 *)
    sAxisName                   : STRING(31);   (* 0x00000002 *)
    nAxisType                   : DWORD;        (* 0x00000003 *)
    bEnablePositionAreaControl  : WORD;         (* 0x0000000F *)
    fPositionAreaControlRange   : LREAL;        (* 0x00000010 *)
    bEnableMotionControl        : WORD;         (* 0x00000011 *)
    fMotionControlTime          : LREAL;        (* 0x00000012 *)
    bEnableLoop                 : WORD;         (* 0x00000013 *)
    fLoopDistance               : LREAL;        (* 0x00000014 *)
    bEnableTargetPosControl     : WORD;         (* 0x00000015 *)
    fTargetPosControlRange      : LREAL;        (* 0x00000016 *)
    fTargetPosControlTime       : LREAL;        (* 0x00000017 *)
    fVeloMaximum                : LREAL;        (* 0x00000027 *)
    fMotionControlRange         : LREAL;        (* 0x00000028 *)
    bEnablePEHTimeControl       : WORD;         (* 0x00000029 *)
    fPEHControlTime             : LREAL;        (* 0x0000002A *)
    bEnableBacklashCompensation : WORD;         (* 0x0000002B *)
    fBacklash                   : LREAL;        (* 0x0000002C *)
    sAmsNetId                   : T_AmsNetId;   (* 0x00000031 *)
    nPort                       : WORD;         (* 0x00000031 *)
    nChnNo                      : WORD;         (* 0x00000031 *)
    fAcceleration               : LREAL;        (* 0x00000101 *)

108 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Data types

    fDeceleration               : LREAL;        (* 0x00000102 *)
    fJerk                       : LREAL;        (* 0x00000103 *)

    (* ENCODER: *)
    nEncId                      : DWORD;        (* 0x00010001 *)
    sEncName                    : STRING(31);   (* 0x00010002 *)
    nEncType                    : DWORD;        (* 0x00010003 *)
    fEncScaleFactor             : LREAL;        (* 0x00010006 *)
    fEncOffset                  : LREAL;        (* 0x00010007 *)
    bEncIsInverse               : WORD;         (* 0x00010008 *)
    fEncModuloFactor            : LREAL;        (* 0x00010009 *)
    nEncMode                    : DWORD;        (* 0x0001000A *)
    bEncEnableSoftEndMinControl : WORD;         (* 0x0001000B *)
    bEncEnableSoftEndMaxControl : WORD;         (* 0x0001000C *)
    fEncSoftEndMin              : LREAL;        (* 0x0001000D *)
    fEncSoftEndMax              : LREAL;        (* 0x0001000E *)
    nEncMaxIncrement            : DWORD;        (* 0x00010015 *)
    bEncEnablePosCorrection     : WORD;         (* 0x00010016 *)
    fEncPosCorrectionFilterTime : LREAL;        (* 0x00010017 *)

    (* CONTROLLER: *)
    nCtrlId                     : DWORD;        (* 0x00020001 *)
    sCtrlName                   : STRING(31);   (* 0x00020002 *)
    nCtrlType                   : DWORD;        (* 0x00020003 *)
    bCtrlEnablePosDiffControl   : WORD;         (* 0x00020010 *)
    bCtrlEnableVeloDiffControl  : WORD;         (* 0x00020011 *)
    fCtrlPosDiffMax             : LREAL;        (* 0x00020012 *)
    fCtrlPosDiffMaxTime         : LREAL;        (* 0x00020013 *)
    fCtrlPosKp                  : LREAL;        (* 0x00020102 *)
    fCtrlPosTn                  : LREAL;        (* 0x00020103 *)
    fCtrlPosTv                  : LREAL;        (* 0x00020104 *)
    fCtrlPosTd                  : LREAL;        (* 0x00020105 *)
    fCtrlPosExtKp               : LREAL;        (* 0x00020106 *)
    fCtrlPosExtVelo             : LREAL;        (* 0x00020107 *)
    fCtrlAccKa                  : LREAL;        (* 0x00020108 *)

    (* DRIVE: *)
    nDriveId                    : DWORD;        (* 0x00030001 *)
    sDriveName                  : STRING(31);   (* 0x00030002 *)
    nDriveType                  : DWORD;        (* 0x00030003 *)
    bDriveIsInverse             : WORD;         (* 0x00030006 *)
    fDriveVeloReferenz          : LREAL;        (* 0x00030101 *)
    fDriveOutputReferenz        : LREAL;        (* 0x00030102 *)

    (* fill up *)
    arrReserved : ARRAY[455..512] OF BYTE; (* fill up to 512 bytes *)


Development environment Target system type PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

7.3.4 ST_AxisStatus
This data type contains extensive status information about an axis. The data structure must be updated
during each PLC cycle by calling MC_ReadStatus [} 26] or by calling the action Axis.ReadStatus (AXIS_REF
[} 91]).
TYPE ST_AxisStatus :
    UpdateTaskIndex      : BYTE;  (* Task-Index of the task that updated this data set *)
    UpdateCycleTime      : LREAL; (* task cycle time of the task which calls the status function *)
    CycleCounter         : UDINT; (* PLC cycle counter when this data set updated *)
    NcCycleCounter       : UDINT; (* NC cycle counter incremented after NC task updated NcTo-
Plc data structures *)

    MotionState          : MC_AxisStates; (* motion state in the PLCopen state diagram *)

    Error                : BOOL;  (* axis error state *)
    ErrorId              : UDINT; (* axis error code *)

    (* PLCopen motion control statemachine states: *)
    ErrorStop            : BOOL;

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 109

Data types

    Disabled             : BOOL;
    Stopping             : BOOL;
    StandStill           : BOOL;
    DiscreteMotion       : BOOL;
    ContinuousMotion     : BOOL; 
    SynchronizedMotion   : BOOL;
    Homing               : BOOL;

    (* additional status - (PLCopen definition)*)
    ConstantVelocity     : BOOL; 
    Accelerating         : BOOL;
    Decelerating         : BOOL;

    (* Axis.NcToPlc.StateDWord *)
    Operational          : BOOL; 
    ControlLoopClosed    : BOOL; (* operational and position control active *)
    HasJob               : BOOL; 
    HasBeenStopped       : BOOL; 
    NewTargetPosition    : BOOL; (* new target position commanded during move *)
    InPositionArea       : BOOL; 
    InTargetPosition     : BOOL; 
    Protected            : BOOL; 
    Homed                : BOOL; 
    HomingBusy           : BOOL; 
    MotionCommandsLocked : BOOL; (* stop 'n hold *)
    SoftLimitMinExceeded : BOOL; (* reverse soft travel limit exceeded *)
    SoftLimitMaxExceeded : BOOL; (* forward soft travel limit exceeded *)

    Moving               : BOOL; 
    PositiveDirection    : BOOL; 
    NegativeDirection    : BOOL; 
    NotMoving            : BOOL; 
    Compensating         : BOOL; (* superposition - overlayed motion *)

    ExtSetPointGenEnabled: BOOL; 
    ExternalLatchValid   : BOOL; 
    CamDataQueued        : BOOL; 
    CamTableQueued       : BOOL; 
    CamScalingPending    : BOOL; 
    CmdBuffered          : BOOL; 
    PTPmode              : BOOL; 
    DriveDeviceError     : BOOL; 
    IoDataInvalid        : BOOL; 

    (* Axis.NcToPlc.CoupleState *)
    Coupled              : BOOL;

    (* axis operation mode feedback from NcToPlc *)
    OpMode               : ST_AxisOpModes;


Development environment Target system type PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

7.3.5 ST_DriveAddress
This data type contains the ADS access data of a drive device. The data is read with the function block
MC_ReadDriveAddress [} 47].
TYPE ST_DriveAddress :
    NetID        : T_AmsNetId;    (* AMS NetID of the drive as a string *)
    NetIdBytes   : T_AmsNetIdArr; (* AMS NetID of the drive as a byte array (same informa-
tion as NetID) *)
    SlaveAddress : T_AmsPort;     (* slave address of the drive connected to a bus master *)
    Channel      : BYTE;          (* channel number of the drive *)
(* new since 2013-04-04 - just available with versions after this date, otherwise zero *)
    NcDriveId    :DWORD;          (* ID [1..255] of the NC software drive of an axis *)
    NcDriveIndex   : DWORD;       (* index [0..9] of the NC software drive of an axis *)
    NcDriveType    : DWORD;       (* type enumeration of the NC software drive of an axis *)
    NcEncoderId    : DWORD;       (* ID [1..255] of the NC software encoder of an axis *)
    NcEncoderIndex : DWORD;       (* index [0..9] of the NC software encoder of an axis *)

110 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Data types

    NcEncoderType  : DWORD;       (* type enumeration of the NC encoder drive of an axis *)
    NcAxisId       : DWORD;       (* ID [1..255] of the NC axis *)
    NcAxisType     : DWORD;       (* type enumeration of the NC axis *)


Development environment Target system type PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

7.3.6 ST_PowerStepperStruct
TYPE ST_PowerStepperStruct :
    DestallDetectMode   : E_DestallDetectMode;
    DestallMode         : E_DestallMode;
    DestallEnable       : BOOL;
    StatusMonEnable     : BOOL;
    Retries             : INT;
    Timeout             : TIME;


Development environment Target system type PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

7.3.7 E_AxisPositionCorrectionMode
TYPE E_PositionCorrectionMode:
    POSITIONCORRECTION_MODE_UNLIMITED, (* no limitation - pass correction immediately *)
    POSITIONCORRECTION_MODE_FAST,      (* limitatation to maximum position change per cycle *)
    POSITIONCORRECTION_MODE_FULLLENGTH (* limitation uses full length to adapt to correc-
tion in small steps *)

POSITIONCORRECTION_MODE_UNLIMITED No filtering, the correction is executed immediately.

Note that large changes in the correction value can
lead to high accelerations.
POSITIONCORRECTION_MODE_FAST The position correction is limited to the extent that a
maximum acceleration is not exceeded. However, the
correction is completely executed as fast as possible.
POSITIONCORRECTION_MODE_FULLLENGTH The position correction is accomplished distributed
over a distance of the axis (CorrectionLength). This
results in smaller changes per time unit.

7.4 External set value generator

7.4.1 E_PositionType
TYPE E_PositionType :
    POSITIONTYPE_ABSOLUTE := 1, (*Absolute position*)
    POSITIONTYPE_RELATIVE,     (*Relative position*)
    POSITIONTYPE_MODULO := 5 (*Modulo position*)

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 111

Data types


Development environment Target system type PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

7.5 Touch probe

    EncoderID       : UDINT; (* 1..255 *)
    TouchProbe      : E_TouchProbe; (* probe unit definition *)
    SignalSource    : E_SignalSource; (* optional physical signal source used by the probe unit *)
    Edge            : E_SignalEdge; (* rising or falling signal edge *)
    Mode            : E_TouchProbeMode; (* single shot or continuous monitoring *)
    PlcEvent        : BOOL; (* PLC trigger signal input when TouchProbe sig-
nal source is set to 'PlcEvent' *)
    ModuloPositions : BOOL; (* interpretation of FirstPosition, LastPosition and RecordedPosi-
tion as modulo positions when TRUE *)

EncoderID: The ID of an encoder is indicated in the TwinCAT System Manager.

TouchProbe: Defines the latch unit (probe unit) within the encoder hardware used.
TYPE E_TouchProbe :
    TouchProbe1 := 1, (* 1st hardware probe unit with Sercos, CanOpen, KL5xxx and others *)
    TouchProbe2,      (* 2nd probe unit *)
    TouchProbe3,      (* currently not available *)
    TouchProbe4,      (* currently not available *)
    PlcEvent := 10    (* simple PLC signal TRUE/FALSE *)

SignalSource: Optionally defines the signal source, if it can be selected via the controller. In many cases the
signal source is permanently configured in the drive and should then be set to the default value
TYPE E_SignalSource :
    SignalSource_Default,    (* undefined or externally configured *)
    SignalSource_Input1,     (* digital drive input 1 *)
    SignalSource_Input2,     (* digital drive input 2 *)
    SignalSource_Input3,     (* digital drive input 3 *)
    SignalSource_Input4,     (* digital drive input 4 *)
    SignalSource_ZeroPulse := 128, (* encoder zero pulse *)
    SignalSource_DriveDefined (* defined by drive parameters - e. g. CAN object 0x60D0 *)

Edge: Defines whether the positive or negative edge of the trigger signal is evaluated.
TYPE E_SignalEdge :

Mode: Specifies the operation mode of the latch unit. In single mode only the first edge is recorded. In
continuous mode each PLC cycle edge is signaled.
TYPE E_TouchProbeMode :
    TOUCHPROBEMODE_SINGLE_COMPATIBILITYMODE, (* for TwinCAT 2.10 and 2.11 before Build 2022 *)
    TOUCHPROBEMODE_SINGLE, (* multi probe interface - from 2.11 Build 2022 *)
    TOUCHPROBEMODE_CONTINOUS (* multi probe interface - from 2.11 Build 2022 *)

112 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Data types

Note regarding Beckhoff drives:

For the SINGLE or CONTINUOUS modes the probe unit must be configured as an "Extended Nc Probe

PlcEvent: If the signal source "TouchProbe" is set to the type "PlcEvent", a positive edge on these variables
triggers the recording of the current axis position. "PlcEvent" is not a real latch function, but depends on the
cycle time.

ModuloPositions: If the variable "ModuloPositions" is FALSE, the axis position is interpreted in an absolute
linear range from -∞ to +∞. The positions "FirstPosition", "LastPosition" and "RecordedPosition" of the
function block MC_TouchProbe [} 31] are then also absolute.
If "ModuloPositions" is TRUE, all positions are interpreted as modulo values in the modulo range of the axis
used (e.g. 0..359.9999). At the same time this means that a defined trigger window repeats itself cyclically.


Development environment Target system type PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

7.5.2 MC_TouchProbeRecordedData
TYPE MC_TouchProbeRecordedData :
    Counter             : LREAL;
    RecordedPosition    : LREAL;
    AbsolutePosition    : LREAL;
    ModuloPosition      : LREAL;

Counter: Counter indicating how many valid edges were detected in the last cycle. Detection of multiple
edges is only implemented in mode TOUCHPROBEMODE_CONTINUOUS under SERCOS / SOE and must
be supported explicitly by the hardware (e.g. AX5000).

RecordedPosition: Axis position recorded at the point in time of the trigger signal. This corresponds to the
absolute axis position or the modulo axis position, depending on the parameterization.

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 113

Data types

AbsolutePosition: Absolute axis position detected at the time of the trigger signal.

ModuloPosition: Modulo axis position recorded at the time of the trigger signal.

114 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2

Global constants

8 Global constants

8.1 Library version

All libraries have a certain version. The version is indicated in the PLC library repository, for example. A
global constant contains the information about the library version:

    stLibVersion_Tc2_MC2 : ST_LibVersion;

stLibVersion_Tc2_MC2: version information of the Tc2_MC2 library (Typ: ST_LibVersion).

To check whether the version you have is the version you need, use the function F_CmpLibVersion (defined
in Tc2_System library).

NOTE! All other options for comparing library versions, which you may know from TwinCAT 2, are

PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 115


9 Appendix

9.1 Summary of examples

The sample programs use the Tc2_MC2 library and run entirely in simulation mode.

Progress can be monitored in TwinCAT Scope View with the configuration provided.

PTP – point to point movement

The sample program manages and moves an axis in PTP mode. The axis is moved with two instances of an
MC_MoveAbsolute function block in buffered mode over several intermediate positions and velocity levels.


Master-Slave coupling

The sample program couples two axes and moves them together. The slave axis is uncoupled and
positioned during the journey.


Dancer control

The sample program shows how the velocity of a slave axis can be controlled according to the position of a


Superimposed movement (Superposition)

The sample shows the overlay of a movement while an axis is driving.


Compensation of the backlash of an axis

The sample program shows how the backlash of an axis can be compensated


External setpoint generation

The sample shows how an axis can be moved via the external setpoint generator. The movement of the NC
axis "Axis" is generated as the sum of the individual movements of the other two Nc axes.


Control loop switching in an AX5000 with two existing encoders

The sample illustrates switching between two axis control loops. Suitable hardware is required for this


116 Version: 1.8 PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2



Development environment Target system type PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.0.0 PC or CX (x86) Tc2_MC2

9.2 Support and Service

Beckhoff and their partners around the world offer comprehensive support and service, making available fast
and competent assistance with all questions related to Beckhoff products and system solutions.

Beckhoff's branch offices and representatives

Please contact your Beckhoff branch office or representative for local support and service on Beckhoff

The addresses of Beckhoff's branch offices and representatives round the world can be found on her internet

You will also find further documentation for Beckhoff components there.

Beckhoff Headquarters

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33415 Verl

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e-mail: [email protected]

Beckhoff Support

Support offers you comprehensive technical assistance, helping you not only with the application of
individual Beckhoff products, but also with other, wide-ranging services:
• support
• design, programming and commissioning of complex automation systems
• and extensive training program for Beckhoff system components

Hotline: +49(0)5246/963-157
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Beckhoff Service

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• on-site service
• repair service
• spare parts service
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PLC Lib: Tc2_MC2 Version: 1.8 117

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