Comparative Bioelectricity Generation From Waste Citrus Fruit Using A Galvanic Cell, Fuel Cell and Microbial Fuel Cell
Comparative Bioelectricity Generation From Waste Citrus Fruit Using A Galvanic Cell, Fuel Cell and Microbial Fuel Cell
Comparative Bioelectricity Generation From Waste Citrus Fruit Using A Galvanic Cell, Fuel Cell and Microbial Fuel Cell
fruit using a galvanic cell, fuel cell and microbial fuel cell
Abstract 1. Introduction
This article demonstrates the new approaches for Energy is the prime requirement of all sectors
the generation of bioelectricity from waste citrus including industry, transportation, agriculture and
fruit using direct a galvanic cell (DGC), an indirect domestic use without which advancement of tech-
galvanic cell (IDGC), a conventional fuel cell (CFC) nology and survival of life is not possible (Carvalho
and a microbial fuel cell (MFC). The citrus fruit was et al., 2011). Most of the energy around the world
used as whole for the preparation of DGC and their comes from non-renewable sources including:
juices for the preparation of IDGC, CFC and MFC. petroleum, coal, oil and natural gas which are being
The performance and bioelectrical parameters depleting at a high rate (Larhum, 2010). Fossil fuels
obtained were compared. The voltage found to be are the major source of global warming and pollu-
increased by increasing the number of cells in a tion due to increase in greenhouse gases, volatile
series while, the current remains constant. Whereas matter and particles in the atmosphere (Khan et al.,
the voltage remains constant and the current found 2011). However, technologies of renewable energy
to be increased with increasing the number of cells are growing worldwide that can overcome these
in parallel sequence. The power output of three drawbacks (Christi, 2007; Goff et al., 2004; Ha et
units of citrus fruit connected together in a series al., 2010). Biomass, which includes agricultural
found to be sufficient to turn on the LED light bulb crops, seeds, algae and biowastes are major sources
in all cases. The result showed that lemons have the of renewable energy that replenish themselves
maximum power output by the DGC and MFC through natural processes (Hossain and Mekhled,
method, whereas grapefruit showed the maximum 2010; Mata et al., 2010; Dincer, 2000).
power output by IDGC, and thus considered as the Bioelectricity generation is reported from waste-
best citrus fruit. Addition of NaCl solution in DGC water using a microbial fuel cell (Khan 2009, Khan
and IDGC slightly increased the values of power et al., 2010, Khan et al., 2011, Khan and Naz,
output. The power output of citrus fruit was also 2014). Lemon, orange and grapefruit are examples
determined by CFC and MFC before and after the of biomass and commonly known as citrus fruit
inoculation of Escherichia coli. The detailed micro- (Randhawa et al., 2014). They contain citric acid,
scopic analysis of all the samples was carried out. It sugar and other ingredients with sufficient chemical
is found that all MFCs have higher power output as energy that can be converted into electrical energy
compared to their counterpart CFCs. However, by means of redox reaction with a specific condition
maximum power output was displayed by DGCs. and thus be utilized as batteries to light up LEDs
Moreover, a lemon fuel cell has the higher power and power up a clock or a calculator etc. (Kelter and
output as compared to the fuel cells of other citrus Morgan, 1996; Goodisman, 2001; Swartling et al.,
fruit. This approach can be used to overcome the 1998). Under certain conditions, the citric acid con-
disadvantages of many non-renewable and conven- tained in citrus fruit may act as an electrolyte, which
tional sources of energy including burning of fossil enables the generation of electricity just the same
fuels to mitigate the major source of global warming way as a galvanic battery (Oon, 2007).
and pollution by using such biodegradable and The population around the globe is continuous-
renewable sources. ly increasing, which is demanding not only more
food but also the energy to fulfil the requirement of
Keywords: citrus fruit, bioelectricity, direct method, the latest needs and technology. Some crops may
indirect method, galvanic cell, microbial fuel cell, E. be produced and consumed for both purposes like
coli corn, sugarcane, fruit and vegetable oils. Therefore,
lemon, orange, grapefruit and mixed fruits. The connection chambers as of CFC however, the
other is a cathodic chamber containing water in microorganism (E. coli) was added to either of the
which air was continuously pumped by an aquari- fruit juice of lemon, orange, grapefruit and mixed
um pump. The two chambers were connected with fruits filled in the anodic chamber, which was sealed
a salt bridge (25% NaCl: 75% sand). One zinc elec- to prevent the entrance of air and thus forced the
trode was submerged in the fruit juice of the anod- microorganism to aid the fermentation of the sugar
ic chamber and another electrode of copper metal contents of the fruit juice. The cell units were also
was submerged in water. The two metal electrodes connected in a series and parallel combination and
were connected together with a copper wire to com- the electrical parameters were determined using the
pete the one unit of CFC. Then the numbers of the digital multimeter for each sample.
CFC unit were increased from one to four in a series
by connecting the zinc electrode of one CFC to the 3. Results and discussion
copper electrode of the next CFC via copper wire. The drawbacks of conventional technologies of
The electrical parameters with increasing number of energy like fossil fuels which are non-renewable,
CFC units were determined using the digital multi- being depleted and also considered as the major
meter for each fruit juice (see Figure 2). source of global warming and pollution stimulated
us to conduct this research in which some basic
2.5 Microbial fuel cell (MFC) parameters to generate the electricity from citrus
2.5.1 Microscopic examination fruit including lemon, orange, grapefruit and mixed
The apparatus and glass wares used were sterilized fruit were investigated. Experiments were carried
either by autoclaving or a flame (wire loop) where out using a galvanic cell (with two approaches
required. The extract of fruit juices were subjected namely direct method and indirect method), a fuel
to microscopic examination before and after inocu- cell and a microbial fuel cell. In the direct method,
lation of microorganism. A reference slide with E. whole fruit was used as a unit for the construction
coli culture was prepared for comparison. The sam- of a direct galvanic cell (DGC), whereas in the indi-
ples were incubated at 37°C for 7 days and the rect method, fruit juices were used for the prepara-
smears on glass slides were stained with standard tion of an indirect galvanic cell (IDGC, CFC and
procedure of gram’s staining technique (Khan and MFC). The galvanic cells (DGC and IDGC) were
Naz, 2014). The slides were examined through a tested with and without the addition of NaCl solu-
lens having a resolution of 10/ 0.25 (160/0.17). tion as electrolyte. Furthermore, a conventional fuel
cell (CFC) and a microbial fuel cell (MFC) were test-
2.5.2. MFC construction ed before and after the addition of microorganism
The MFC was constructed with the same electrical (E. coli).
3.1 Galvanic cell In the indirect method, the fruit juices were
In a galvanic cell, proton (H+) of citric acid dissolves extracted and analysed for the determination of
the zinc electrode of the anodic chamber to produce acid content, sugar, pH, total dissolved solids
zinc ions (Zn2+) along with the liberated electrons (TDS), salinity, water content, refractive index, con-
which travel via copper wire to the copper electrode ductivity etc. (see Table 1). The value of voltage and
at the cathodic chamber and reacted with H+ ions current in the indirect method was found to be
from the citrus fruit that generated bio-H2 gas. This lower but more stable than the direct method. This
supply of electron generates electric current due to may be due to better homogeneity and less hin-
the potential difference of the two electrodes (Oon, drance faced by ions in free flowing liquid medium
2007; Naidu and Kamakshiaih, 1995; Franco, as compared to the pulp of the whole fruit in the
2005) (see Figure 3). direct method. In the indirect method, the voltage
and current does not get altered by increasing the
Zn → Zn2+ + 2e- (Anodic reaction) amount (volume) of fruit juices in a glass container.
When the same juices were divided up into four
2H+ + 2e- → H2 (Cathodic reaction) separate glass containers (galvanic cells) connected
in a series, the voltage and power output were
Zn + 2H+ → Zn2+ + H2 (Overall reaction) increased in a typical manner with an increasing
number of cells and thus the LED light turn on.
Figure 3: Circuit diagram of galvanic cells connected In a microbial fuel cell, microorganism uses carbo-
in a series hydrates of the citrus fruit juices as food and con-
verts them to biogas, which is finally converted
3.2. Conventional fuel cell into H+, with the loss of electrons via a fermenta-
In a conventional fuel cell, carbohydrates of the cit- tion pathway in the absence of air oxygen in the
rus fruit juices in the anodic chamber were to sealed anodic chamber. The electrons move from
undergo the self-fermentation by environmental the zinc electrode of the anodic chamber via cop-
microorganisms to produce biogases (CH4, H2, per wire and reach the copper electrode at the
CO2, N2 etc.), where CH4 and H2 were utilized as cathodic chamber in the form of current and the
fuel along with liberation of H+ ions and electrons protons librated at the anodic chamber were trans-
at the anodic chamber. The electrons moves from ferred via the salt bridge to the cathodic chamber
zinc electrode of the anodic chamber via copper containing tap water where it reacted with O2 to
wire and reach the copper electrode at the cathod- produce extra ordinary pure water (Bennetto,
ic chamber in the form of current and the protons 1990; Moawad, 2013; Delaney et al., 1984) (see
librated at the anodic chamber were transferred via Figure 5). The values obtained for voltage, current
a salt bridge to the cathodic chamber containing tap and power output by DGC, IDGC, CFC and MFC
water, where it reacted with the air oxygen to pro- are displayed in Table 2.
duce water (John, 1983; Leon and Mugrwa, 1993;
Badwal et al, 2015). CH4 + 2H2O4 → H2 + CO2 (Anodic reaction)
to their counterpart galvanic cells (DGC and trons) in the circuit and thus produced the highest
IDGC). The difference in power output before and power output difference. Therefore, it suggested
after the addition of microorganism is observed that orange is a better choice for MFC in this exper-
highest in the orange series. This is due to the fer- iment (see Figure 7).
mentation of carbohydrates and acid contents (cit- In addition to above experimentation, a com-
ric acid) present in oranges in the highest quantity parison of series and parallel sequence were made
as compared to other fruit and convert them into with lemon fruit and electrical parameters were
simpler compounds with the liberation of electrons used using DGC, IDGC and MFC methods. The
and protons, which leads to surplus current (elec- results showed that, in parallel sequence, voltage
remain constant nearly at a value obtained with a output found less in IDGC, CFC and MFC respec-
single unit however, the current increased with tively. Orange has the lowest value of voltage in
increasing the number of galvanic or fuel cells in DGC and thus showed the lowest value of power
contrast to the series circuit, where the voltage was output. However, the orange showed competitive
increased with the increase in the number of gal- value of power output by MFC as compared to
vanic or fuel cells and the current in the circuit other fruit. Grapefruit has the highest power out in
remains almost constant (Table 3). IDGC and thus considered as most suitable for this
Furthermore, comparison of power output method. Mixed fruit showed the average values of
showed that the lemon has displayed the highest other fruits and thus no benefit or loss is considered
values of power output by DGC among the other with this series (see Figure 8). The merits and
citrus fruit, followed by mixed fruit, grapefruit and demerits of different fuel cells (DGC, IDGC, CFC
orange respectively. However, the values of power and MFC) have been summarized in Table 4.