Slurry Trench Stability Analysis

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Missouri University of Science and Technology

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International Conference on Case Histories in (2008) - Sixth International Conference on Case

Geotechnical Engineering Histories in Geotechnical Engineering

15 Aug 2008, 11:00am - 12:30pm

Slurry Trench Stability Analysis – Constructing Cement-Bentonite

Slurry Trench Adjacent to Existing Soil-Bentonite Backfill
Xiaohai Wang
Camp Dresser & McKee Inc., Falls Church, Virginia

François G. Bernardeau
Camp Dresser & McKee Inc., Falls Church, Virginia

Jean-Claude Younan
South Carolina Electric & Gas Co., Columbia, South Carolina

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Recommended Citation
Wang, Xiaohai; Bernardeau, François G.; and Younan, Jean-Claude, "Slurry Trench Stability Analysis –
Constructing Cement-Bentonite Slurry Trench Adjacent to Existing Soil-Bentonite Backfill" (2008).
International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering. 24.

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Xiaohai Wang François G. Bernardeau Jean-Claude Younan
Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. South Carolina Electric & Gas Co.
Falls Church, Virginia-USA 22042 Falls Church, Virginia-USA 22042 Columbia, South Carolina-USA 29218


Vertical containment walls have been used as barriers to cut off hazardous fluid and chemical flow in the ground at contaminated sites.
An application of this technique in South Carolina is to construct a 1.6-mile long containment wall along a dike using cement-
bentonite slurry, which features low permeability and high compressive strength. However, concerns about the stability of the
cement-bentonite slurry trench have been raised because an existing soil-bentonite wall will be in very close proximity to the
alignment of the cement-bentonite slurry trench; and the shear strength of the existing soil bentonite backfill is considered to be low.
Excessive overbreak of the new trench sidewalls is anticipated during construction.

Utilizing the data obtained from the geotechnical borings drilled on the dike and CPT results, a parametric study was carried out in
order to establish the minimum distance between the cement-bentonite slurry trench and the existing soil-bentonite backfill. Different
cases were analyzed according to the strength parameters of the soil-bentonite backfill and the water level of the pond. In this paper
the authors present the method and results of the stability analyses of the cement-bentonite slurry trench against wall collapsing. The
calculated factor of safety with varying soil-bentonite backfill friction angles is plotted as function of the distance to the proposed
trench. The results are discussed and recommendations are given to minimize the probability of trench overbreak. As a means to
monitor the stability of the dike, inclinometers were installed prior to trench excavation. With the new trench being advanced, the
measurements from the inclinometers show the movement of the dike due to trenching. These data are also discussed in the paper.

INTRODUCTION Fox, 2004). Collapsing of the surrounding soil into the trench,
however, is almost inevitable during trenching because of
Since 1950s, vertical barrier walls or cutoff walls have been either removal of obstructions or instability of the trench
constructed in various applications around the nation walls. When it happens, it will take the contractor more time
(Soletanche, 1977; Meier and Rettberg, 1978; Brunner, 2004; to remove the collapsed material and clean the trench; it will
Opdyke and Evans, 2005). In most cases, they are used as increase the sand content in the trench, therefore increase the
containment walls to cut off flow of clean or contaminated permeability of the cutoff wall and influence the performance
ground water. The backfill material includes soil bentonite of the wall. Sometimes the collapsing of soil, or overbreak,
(SB) mixture, cement bentonite (CB) slurry, jet-grouts, etc. happens at certain depths in the slurry filled trench and may
Selecting the backfill material and technology depends on the not be visible from the ground surface. However, since it will
function of the containment wall, site condition, contamination result in more fresh slurry being introduced into the trench,
type, and budget. Particularly for slurry cutoff walls, the engineers can always estimate the degree of overbreak by
following issues also need to be considered before overbreak ratio, which is defined as the volume of slurry
construction: slurry mix design, compatibility with the site soil introduced into the trench divided by the theoretical volume of
and ground water, site slope stability, and trench stability. In the designed trench. Usually in slurry trenching this ratio is
this paper the authors present an application of cement controlled by the surrounding soil properties, ground water
bentonite slurry cutoff wall and discuss the issues of trench level, slurry level, and the workmanship. If the overbreak is
stability during construction. excessive, it may jeopardize the stability of the whole site and
surrounding structures and cause much more serious
Slurry trench stability is always of great concern during trench problems.
excavation. Engineers and researchers have done great
amount of work to analyze different situations and to find Trench stability can be maintained by increasing the hydraulic
solutions to increase the stability of trenches (Filz et al, 2004; pressure of the slurry against the trench walls. One of the

Paper No. 5.19 1

commonly adapted procedures is to increase slurry level by storage pond (Fig. 1). The dike top is at an elevation of about
raising the platform height. It may be limited by the site 80.0 feet and the pond water level is at an elevation of about
condition though. Another means is to decrease the ground 72.0 feet. Both side of the dike has a slope of about 3:1 (H:V),
water level and therefore increase the hydraulic gradient while the outboard slope is a little steeper (Fig. 2). The
between the slurry and the ground water. Some practitioners ground water level on the outboard side of the dike is at about
can also achieve trench stability by increasing the sand content El. 59.1 feet. Previously, a soil bentonite (SB) wall was built
in slurry but at the same time maintain the permeability of the around the pond. Recent investigation showed that a certain
final product. Some of these methods were used in the case amount of contaminants was found in the ground water
history described in this paper. outside the pond and it was suggested that a new containment
wall be built to minimize the leakage of the contaminated
The proposed cement bentonite wall is 8,300 feet long, 3 feet
The cement bentonite containment wall built in Canadys, wide and about 40~55 feet deep. The cement bentonite mix
South Carolina is to contain Active Ash Pond, a 95-acre ash was designed to achieve a hydraulic conductivity of less than



Fig. 1. An 8,300 feet CB wall was built around the 95-acre ash pond.

Paper No. 5.19 2

10-7 cm/sec and to have the compressive strength of at least 75 The shear strength parameters (cohesion and friction angle)
psi after it is cured. The mix was also tested for compatibility were estimated based on laboratory soil classification test
with the on-site water. The wall is designed to key in at least results, the CPT and SPT test results. In the analysis, the
3 feet into the Cooper Marl formation, a hard, low permeable friction angle of the soil-bentonite backfill is estimated to be
material. The alignment of the wall is to be in close vicinity to in the range of 10 to 30 degrees.
the existing soil-bentonite backfill (Fig. 2). Most portions of
the CB wall are in the inboard side of the dike with regard to Wedge method (Fig. 3) was used to estimate the factor of
the SB backfill. The distance between the CB wall and the safety with respect to the existing soil-bentonite backfill
sliding into the new trench as the distance between the two
~16 ft.
Existing Soil trenches varies. The wedge, in consideration, is between the
Bentonite Backfill

2.8 edges of the CB trench and the existing SB backfill. The
Lowered pond 1
water level SM assumption behind this is that the soil-bentonite backfill could
separate from the dike soil and cracks will be formed along the
interface of the SB backfill and the wedge. When the strength
CB slurry
of the SB backfill is low, it will push the wedge towards the
Cooper Marl
Scale (Feet)
5 10 20
trench and cause collapsing. The width of the wedge is
defined as X (Fig. 3), which varies from 1 to 8 feet in the
analysis. The two forces that control the wedge stability are:
Fig. 2. Typical cross section of the dike. The distance between
the CB slurry trench and the existing SB backfill varies from Ps: the force exerted by the hydraulic pressure of CB
0 to 17 feet. slurry;
existing SB backfill varies from 0 to 17 feet. Pa: the force exerted by the wedge itself and the SB
backfill, which is next to the wedge.
Concerns were raised before the construction. At several
locations during the SPT sampling and CPT tests, the existing The factor of safety can be calculated by:
SB backfill showed very low strength (SPT sampler dropped Pa
with weight of hammer). It is possible that the SB backfill FS = . (1)
will collapse into the new trench if the excavation is close to Ps
it. How close can the new CB trench be excavated beside the
SB backfill without causing trench stability problems? What Note that the estimated groundwater level within the
can be done to prevent excessive overbreak? These questions embankment was also considered in the analyses.
lead to the analyses that were carried out to determine the safe
distance between the CB slurry trench and the existing SB
backfill, which will be described in the following section. X


The dike soil profiles were established by utilizing the data

obtained from the geotechnical borings drilled on the dike,
existing CPT results, and undisturbed sample tests of the
existing SB wall material.. Wedge method was used to
calculate the factor of safety against trench wall collapsing.

Soil profile and properties Pa

The general cross-section of the dike shown in Fig. 2 was

developed for the stability analysis based on the data obtained SW
from test borings WR-3 and WR-7OW. The soil layers from Pa: Force exerted by SB backfill and
the top of the dike are silty sand (SM), clayey sand (SC/SM), the wedge soil.
45-φ/2 Ps: Force exerted by CB slurry against
widely graded sand (SW) and the Cooper Marl formation. the wedge.
The generalized section includes an assumed lowered ground
FS = Ps/Pa
water level at Elevation 65.0 feet in the embankment.

The engineering properties of the materials that were used in Fig. 3. Wedge method was used to determine the safe
the analyses are summarized in Table 1. distance between the CB trench and the existing SB backfill.

Paper No. 5.19 3

Table 1. Soil parameters used in the analyses

Estimated Moist Saturated Unit Estimated Friction Estimated
Average Unit Weight Weight Angle Cohesion
Material N-value (pcf) (pcf) (degrees) (pcf)
SM 33 110 130 34 0
SC/SM 18 105 125 30 0
SW 30 110 125 32 0
Existing Soil-Bentonite Backfill 3 130 130 10~30 0
Cement Bentonite Slurry - - 70 - -

Trench Stability Analysis Results and Discussions the trench alignment, caution should be taken when the CB
trench is very close to the backfill. Pond water level was
The evaluation of the factor of safety against trench sidewall suggested to be lowered to El. 65 feet to decrease the water
failure was completed by varying X, the distance between the level in the embankment; and the level of CB could be raised
two trenches. Three cases were analyzed for the SB backfill by building berms along the trench. The excavator operator
friction angle of 10, 20 and 30 degrees. The distance between should also take caution not to disturb the slurry level too
the proposed trench and the existing soil-bentonite backfill much in order to avoid unnecessary collapsing of trench walls.
varies from 1 foot, 3 feet, 5 feet, and 8 feet. The calculated
factor of safety is summarized in Fig. 4. TRENCH CONSTRUCTION

The analysis results indicate that the trench stability against The construction phase of the containment wall includes two
wedge sliding from the existing SB backfill to the new CB stages: a test section and a production section. In the test
trench drops dramatically when the distance between the SB section, construction equipment, workmanship, monitoring
backfill and the CB trench decreases or when the SB strength system, test procedure, productivity, and constructed wall
(friction angle) decreases. Although the lab test showed that quality are investigated and detailed recorded. The
at one location, the SB backfill may have a friction angle construction procedure and QA/QC procedure were fine tuned
higher than 30 degrees, the strength of the backfill is in the test section and contributed to the completion of the
considered moderately low because of the data variation and production section. The excavation of the trench by modified
conservatism. long beam backhoe is shown in Fig. 5.
The stability of the trench, however, is also controlled by the
ground water level and the unit weight of the CB slurry. With
the knowledge that the strength of the SB backfill varies along
Factor of Safety

0.90 30
Soil-Bentonite backfill
friction angle 20
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Distance between edges of the existing SB backfill
and the CB trench (ft)

Fig. 4. Wedge method analysis results show the factor of Fig. 5 Construction of the CB slurry trench.
safety of the wedge sliding with different scenarios of SB
backfill friction angle and various width of the wedge.

Paper No. 5.19 4

Two inclinometers were installed on the outside of the dike WR-1I readings did not show significant horizontal ground
before excavation. WR-1I is at Station 20+50 and 14 feet movement (<0.2 inch) during trenching in either directions.
from the trench center line. WR-2I is at Station 21+20 and 4 WR-2I, however, showed that horizontal ground movement of
feet from the trench center line (Fig. 6). Both inclinometers about 2 inches towards the trench at the top of the dike during
monitored the ground horizontal movement from dike top to construction (Fig. 7). This was correlated to the excavation
the Cooper Marl formation in two directions, parallel and around Station 21+20, where the distance between the CB
perpendicular to the trench alignment. wall and the SB backfill is about 7 feet. Since the excessive
horizontal movement happened only within the top 10 feet, it
is not likely that severe collapsing occurred. In addition, there
Sta. 20+00

Sta. 20+50

Sta. 21+00

Sta. 21+50
Sta. 19+00

Sta. 19+50

was no noticeable collapsing from the dike surface either.

The trench was completed with an overall overbreak of 1.3,

which shows that the existing SB backfill had not caused great
Excavation collapsing problems during the trench excavation. The field
MR-1I inspection report also showed that only very localized
collapsing was noticed during the construction.
Fig. 6. Inclinometers were installed on the dike. WR-1I is
at Sta. 20+50; WR-2I is at Sta. 21+20.

0 0

5 5

10 10

15 15

20 20
Depth (ft)

Depth (ft)

25 25

30 30
1/4/07 18:02
1/5/2007 8:55 1/4/2007 17:34

1/6/2007 7:59 1/5/2007 9:16

35 35 1/6/2007 7:30
1/6/2007 12:39
1/6/2007 17:24 1/8/2007 10:37

1/8/2007 10:22 1/9/2007 8:03

40 40
1/9/2007 7:41 1/10/2007 8:08

1/9/2007 18:00 1/10/2007 13:25

1/10/2007 7:43 1/10/2007 16:52

45 45
1/10/2007 17:14 1/11/2007 14:54

1/11/2007 14:38

50 50
-0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 -3 -2 -1 0
Cum ulative Displacem ent (in) Cum ulative Displacem ent (in)

(a) WR-1I (b) WR-2I

Fig. 7. Inclinometer (WR-1I and WR-2I) readings of ground horizontal movement perpendicular to the trench alignment during the

Paper No. 5.19 5


The application of CB slurry trench as a ground water cutoff

wall in Canadys, South Carolina brought up an issue of trench
stability with excavating trench in vicinity of existing low
strength backfill. The authors used wedge method to analyze
the safe distance from the existing SB backfill to the CB slurry
trench. The analysis results and recommendations to improve
trench stability were discussed. The trench was completed
with an overall overbreak ratio of 1.3 and did not show severe
soil collapsing during the whole construction.


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Fox, P. [2004]. “Analytical Solutions for Stability of Slurry

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Meier J. G., and W. A. Rettberg [1978]. “Report on Cement-

Bentonite Slurry Trench Cutoff Wall: Tilden Tailings Project”.
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Paper No. 5.19 6

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