Towards Water Sustainability: Ias Prelims Exam How To Command Polity Topics W

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VOL. XLVI NO. 51 PAGES 40 NEW DELHI 19 - 25 MARCH 2022 `12.00


Jyoti S. Verma 2050. If it declines further to around 1,000-

B eginning with setting up a new

Ministry of Jal Shakti in 2019, the
Government of India has committed to
1,100 cubic meter, then India could be
declared as water-stressed country,” he
warned. The water stress leads to more
taking clean drinking water to every social problems, apart from diseases and
household, overcoming the pollution of drudgery.
groundwater and rivers, and making
A change came in 2019, when the
water conservation and management a
Government of India set up a new Ministry
priority through its various
dedicated to address the country’s
increasing water stress and problems
Every year, millions of people, mostly
originating from it. The Ministry of Jal
children, die from diseases associated
Shakti was formed by merging of two
with inadequate potable water supply,
previous ministries, the Ministry of Water
sanitation and hygiene. About 52 per cent
Resources, River Development and
of the world’s projected 9.7 billion people
Ganga Rejuvenation (MoWR, RD&GR)
will live in water-stressed regions by 2050,
and the Ministry of Drinking Water and
say Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sanitation. The prime objectives of the
(MIT) researchers after evaluating water
new ministry were to clean river Ganga,
resources. The issue needs worldwide
resolve disputes of inter-state water
attention considering the possible impact
bodies, and provide safe and adequate
of climate change and socioeconomics on
drinking water to every rural household. In
water stress. urgent call for action by all countries, declined to 1,508 cubic meter in 2014 from
the last two years, these objectives have
A universal problem, more so in developed and developing, in a global 5,177 cubic meter in 1951. This is below
been given targets, funds, technology
developing countries with high population, partnership with 2030 as the target year. the internationally recognised threshold of
support and platforms for other stake-
water shortage and pollution together with For India, home to 18 per cent of the water stress of 1,700 cubic metre per
holders to connect and partner. The
lack of sanitation and increasing pressure global population and only 4 per cent of person and close to the threshold for
support of dedicated websites, dash-
of global warming helped make ‘Clean the global water resources, the struggle water scarcity of 1,000 cubic metre per
boards and mobile applications, to give
Water and Sanitation for All’ one of the 17 for water is real. Indian Council for person.
regular updates on the work done so far,
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 6) Agriculture Research (ICAR) Director “The per capita availability of water is
set by the United Nations General General T Mohapatra has pointed out that estimated to decline further to 1,465 cubic makes these programmes urgent, efficient
Assembly in 2015. These 17 SDGs are an the per capita annual water availability has meter by 2025 and 1,235 cubic meter by Continued on page 2

Small Industries
Development Bank of India HOW TO COMMAND POLITY TOPICS
(SIDBI) invites applications
for recruitment of Officers in S B Singh asked. Then, cover economics,
Last date : 24.03.2022 W ithout a sound strategy, no
amount of hard work can
assure success in a competitive
art and culture and current affairs
reasonably well so that no area
remains neglected. In other
Page : 22
examination like the Civil words, though all areas of the GS
NMDC Services. The key to success syllabus must be covered, but
NMDC Limited, Hyderabad lies in knowing the nature of the there should be a prioritization
invites applications for exam, right sources to follow the based on the number of ques-
recruitment of Executive syllabus, and finally, a strategy tions being asked from each
Trainees that suits your individual needs. section.
Last date : 25.03.2022 There is no single strategy that Covering Polity for Prelims:
Page : 18-20 applies to all in any exam. It Polity is a subject that is liked by
depends on your educational most of the candidates as it
ITD background, personal interest, sounds familiar, interesting, and
Income Tax Department, and a study plan tailored to your contemporary. The number of
West Bengal and Sikkim needs. To take an example, if geography and economics, while, the same time, you should score questions asked on polity ranges
requires meritorious sports- you are from science, for a student of art stream, maximum from two or three between 15-20 each year. What
persons for various posts engineering, or, medical science portion poses a areas of the GS syllabus. The is most interesting about polity is
Last date : 18.04.2022 background, you will find the challenge. Awareness about safest mode of preparation for its predictable nature. If one
Page : 13 science and technology section one’s weak, unfamiliar areas of the prelims exam is to ensure knows what to study and how to
of the syllabus familiar. Also, the study in polity, maximum ques-
IRCON CSAT paper is easier for those
the syllabus is the starting point
of preparation. The golden rule of
that you get at least qualifying
marks in the CSAT paper, and tions can be anticipated. Always
IRCON International Limited who are from science and preparation,thus is: master your then to command history, polity, remember, key to success in the
invites applications for mathmetics background. On the strong areas in a way that you geography and environment very exam is reading from the good
various posts other hand, if one comes from score very high marks from those well. From these three sections,
Page : 21 art, humanities background, sections. At the same time, focus at least 50 questions will be Continued on page 4
history, polity, geography, on your weak areas in such a
economy should appear more way that you fetch a respectable EN QUESTION OF THE WEEK
familiar to him. Thus, for a score in these sections. Though Readers’ views elicited on important issues
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science stream student, the real no part of the syllabus should be Last date for entry submission: 30/03/2022
challenge is to master the core ignored because there will be FREE SUBSCRIPTION FOR WINNERS
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subjects of history, polity, questions from each part, but at BEST ENTRY on page 39
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2 Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022
for JJM, a positive contribution to project seeks to bring about 11 The Ken-Betwa Link Project
Continued from Page 1
the government’s goal of lakh hectares of land under envisages transferring water
TOWARDS WATER SUSTAINABILITY ‘doubling farmers' income’ and irrigation in the dry Bundelkhand from river Ken to river Betwa,
instilling behavioural changes in region in Uttar Pradesh and both Yamuna tributaries. The
and transparent. among local people. The
the community to facilitate Madhya Pradesh. Ken-Betwa Link Canal will be
Jal Jeevan Mission government began with areas
optimal water use. Under the National 221 km long, including a 2-km
suffering from massive water
In 2019, the centrally An important area for India, Perspective Plan (NPP) of the long tunnel. The river-linking
stress and grave water-related
sponsored scheme of the groundwater is also the theme of erstwhile Ministry of Irrigation project will be completed in eight
problems, such as arsenic and
Department of Drinking Water this year’s World Water Day: (now Ministry of Jal Shakti), years.
fluoride-affected habitations,
and Sanitation (DDWS), the Groundwater: Making the prepared in 1980, 30 links have Pradhan Mantri Krishi
SC/ST majority villages, drought-
National Rural Drinking Water Invisible Visible. It is a vital been identified, with 14 links Sinchayee Yojana
prone and desert areas, and
Programme (NRDWP) was resource that provides almost under Himalayan rivers and 16
Japanese Encephalitis (JE/AES) Though a programme of the
restructured and subsumed into half of all drinking water links under peninsular rivers
affected districts, to name a few. Ministry of Agriculture, Pradhan
Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) to worldwide, about 40 per cent of component, for inter-basin
The government also realised Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana
provide functional household tap water for irrigated agriculture transfer of water based on field
that commissioning of piped (PMKSY) is an important
connections (FHTCs) to every and about one-third of water surveys and investigation and
water supply schemes may take government programme working
rural household by 2024. In the required for industry, says the detailed studies. Feasibility
two to three years, and so on water conservation and
next two years, the mission, United Nations. For decades, it reports of 14 links under
advised that states to install management.
launched with the aim of Har has been a solution for people peninsular rivers and seven links
Community Water Purification Agriculture is highly water-
Ghar Jal, brought about a huge without access to safe water in (Indian portion) under Himalayan
Plants (CWPPs), especially in dependent and increasingly
difference in the lives of the India. However, human acti- rivers have been prepared, and
arsenic and fluoride-affected affected by paucity of water,
people despite the challenges vities, due to population and draft feasibility reports of three
habitations as an interim (short- affecting many farmer families
imposed by the pandemic. economic growth, climate varia- link projects (Indian portion) of
term) measure to provide 8-10 across the country. Water-
In 2019, out of about 18.93 bility and other reasons put Himalayan Component have
lpcd of water for drinking and intensive farming consumes
crore households in rural areas, pressure on groundwater resour- been completed, say reports.
cooking purposes. Continued on page 38
about 3.23 crore (17 per cent) ces, leading to their depletion
had tap water connections. By Namami Gange and pollution.
March 8, 2022, the mission An Integrated Conservation Atal Bhujal Yojana is being
covered more than 47 per cent Mission, Namami Gange taken up in 8,353 water-stressed
of rural households targeted. Programme is approved as a Gram Panchayats of Haryana,
Under JJM, the functionality of flagship programme of the union Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya
all existing water supply systems government to accomplish Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan
and tap connections has to be effective abatement of pollution, and Uttar Pradesh. It has an
ensured, through strengthening and conservation and outlay of Rs. 6,000 crore, with
of drinking water sources and rejuvenation of National River Rs. 3,000 crore as a loan from
treating and reusing greywater. Ganga. The government is the World Bank and Rs. 3,000
The programme will directly implementing the programme crore from the Centre. The funds
benefit more than 19 crore rural through entry-level activities (for are given to states as grants-in-
families, bridging rural-urban immediate visible impact), aid.
divide and improving public medium-term activities (to be The scheme has two
health. The mission has been implemented within five years of components, institutional streng-
given enough funds to make this time frame) and long-term thening and capacity building
vision a reality. activities (to be implemented (Rs. 1,400 crore) and incentive
Jal Jeevan Mission, imple- within 10 years). (Rs. 4,600 crore). The first
mented in partnership with Under Namami Gange, 70 component strengthens institu-
states, is part of one of the sewage management projects tional arrangements for ground-
government of India’s biggest are under implementation, 73 water governance by facilitating
community infrastructure outlays sewage projects have been strong data base, scientific
with a fund of Rs. 3.60 lakh completed, 11 sewage projects approach and community parti-
crore. It not only works towards are under tendering and six new cipation to enable states to
water security, but also helps the sewage projects have been sustainably manage their resour-
manufacturing industry, creates launched, informs the ministry. ces. The second component
employment opportunities and The work of creating a sewerage incentivises the states for
supports the rural economy. The capacity of 5023.98 (MLD) is achieving pre-defined results
long-term drinking water security under construction, it adds. with emphasis on community
will also relieve people from The National Mission for Clean participation, demand manage-
making emergency arrange- Ganga endeavours to deploy the ment and convergence among
ments such as tankers or trains best available knowledge and ongoing schemes of both Centre
or hand pump installation in resources across the world for and state for improvement in
villages. Ganga rejuvenation. The groundwater management.
The next priority of JJM is programme also aims at creating River Interlinking
consistency with assured and river-front development, river
A project with civil engineering
regular water supply at the surface cleaning, biodiversity
at its core, river interlinking is an
household level. Water supply in conservation, afforestation,
ambitious programme of the
adequate quantity (55 litres per public awareness, industrial
government of India and aims at
person per day) of prescribed effluent monitoring and building
resolving the country’s water
quality (as per Bureau of Indian Ganga Gram (a project for
woes. Suggested to be a relief
Standards) on a long-term and sanitation-based integrated
for drought-prone and rain-fed
regular basis will ensure the development of 4,470 villages
areas and the people living in
functionality of taps or water along the river). For the Ganga
these regions, the programme is
supply systems. Assured Gram project, the ministry works EN 51/12
driven towards greater equity in
availability of drinking water in in close coordination with
the distribution of water by
homes is particularly important NMCG, ministries, state IMPORTANT NOTICE
increasing its availability.
for women and girls, who travel governments and districts. We take utmost care in publishing results of the various competitive
After Finance Minister Nirmala
long distances to fetch drinking Atal Bhujal Yojana examinations conducted by the UPSC, SSC, Railway Recruitment Boards etc.
Sitharaman announced the
water, adversely impacting their Candidates are however advised to check with official notification/ gazette.
A central sector scheme, Atal implementation of Ken-Betwa Employment News will not be responsible for any inadvertent printing error.
health, education and socio-
Bhujal Yojana lays emphasis on Link Project, to be taken up at an
economic conditions.
community participation and estimated cost of Rs. 44,605 DISCLAIMER
To make Jal Jeevan Mission a
demand-side interventions for crore, in her union budget The views expressed by the authors in the articles published in Employment
public movement, the govern- News are their own. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the
sustainable groundwater manage- speech, the Centre constituted
ment has made the programme government or the organizations they work for.
ment in chosen water-stressed the Ken-Betwa Link Project The contents of the advertisements published in the Employment News
decentralised, demand-driven
areas in seven Indian states. Authority (KBLPA) to implement belong to the organization or their representatives. Candidates must satisfy
and community-managed to themselves about the accuracy of the contents and their implications before
The scheme also envisages country’s first initiative under the
instill a sense of ownership applying. The Employment News is in no way responsible for any liability
improved source sustainability river interlinking policy. The arising out of the contents/texts of these advertisements.
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Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022 3


I mmunization is the process
whereby a person is made
immune or resistant to an
Mission Indradhanush
aimed to fully immunize
more than 90% of
most successful and
largest vaccination
Competitiveness (part of the
global network of the Institute for
Strategy and Competitiveness
programmes in the
infectious disease, typically by newborns by 2020 world. The Economic and affiliated to Harvard
the administration of a vaccine. through innovative and Survey 2022 notes that Business School) titled COVID-
Vaccines are substances that planned approaches to Indian National COVID 19-India's Vaccine Development
stimulate the body's own reach all children. It not Vaccination Program Story and India's COVID - 19
immune system to protect the only aimed to rapidly has not only supported Vaccination Administration
person against subsequent increase the produc-tion of COVID- Journey. The reports highlight
infection or disease. immunization coverage the crucial aspects that have
vaccines domestically,
India's immunization pro- through special drives contributed to the success of
but it has also ensured
gramme, launched in 1985, is during specified months India's COVID-19 vaccine develop-
Commemorative Postal Stamp on COVID-19 free vaccines to its
one of the largest health but also focused ment and administration efforts,
vaccine to mark the 1st anniversary of India's population.
programmes of its kind in the towards strengthening which includes manufacturing of
National COVID-19 Vaccination Programme. India is among the
world. The programme provides indigenous vaccines, sturdy and
vaccination against eight life- Vaccines provided under UIP timely procedures and protocols
threatening diseases (dip- S.No. Vaccine name About for approvals that ensured the
htheria, whooping cough, Hae- 1 BCG BCG stands for Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccine. It is given to infants to protect
safe administration of vacci-
mophilus influenzae type B (Hib) nations.
them from tubercular meningitis and disseminated TB.
causing pneumonia and meni- The reports acknowledge the
ngitis, tetanus, polio, tubercu- significant challenges faced by
losis, measles and hepatitis B) in 2 OPV OPV stands for Oral Polio Vaccine. It protects children from poliomylitis.
the Indian Government, of
the entire country. In addition, delivering and administering
vaccination against Japanese 3 Hepatitis B Hepatitis B vaccine protects from Hepatitis B virus infection. vaccines to a majority of 1.3
Encephalitis (JE) and rotavirus billion people of India who were
vaccine (RVV) has also been 4 Pentavalent Vaccine A combined vaccine to protect children from Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertusis, eligible for the COVID-19
introduced in the country. Haemophilis influenza type b infection and Hepatitis B. vaccines; working with the state
Evidence shows that un- governments to ensure free and
5 RVV RVV stands for Rotavirus vaccine. It gives protection to infants and children
vaccinated and partially vacci- against rotavirus diarrhoea. equitable distribution and effec-
nated children are most tive management of vaccine
susceptible to childhood disea- 6 PCV PCV stands for Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine. It protects infants and young
eagerness along with addressing
ses and disability, and run a children against disease caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae.
vaccine hesitancy that was
three to six times higher risk of 7 fIPV fIPV stands for Fractional Inactivated Poliomylitis Vaccine. It is used to boost the prevalent in certain pockets of
death as compared with fully protection against poliomylitis.
the country. They also appre-
immunized children. Major ciate the massive efforts
8 Measles/ MR vaccine Measles vaccine is used to protect children from measles. In few states, ‘Measles
reasons for inequity in immuni- and Rubella’ (MR) a combined vaccine is given to protect from Measles and Rubella considering the size and
zation are lack of awareness infection. heterogeneity of a country like
among parents about the India. The phased approach of
benefits of vaccination, fear of 9 JE vaccine JE stands for Japanese encephalitis vaccine. It gives protection against Japanese
India's vaccination programme,
adverse events following immuni- Encephalitis disease.
prioritizing populations of those
zation (AEFI) and operational 10 DPT booster DPT is a combined vaccine; it protects children from Diphtheria, Tetanus and who were in greatest need,
reasons such as non availability Pertussis. including the healthcare profe-
of vaccines or vaccinators during
11 Tetanus and adult TT vaccine has been replaced with Td vaccine in UIP to limit the waning immunity ssionals, frontline workers,
vaccination sessions. diphtheria (Td) vaccine against diphtheria in older age groups. elders, and those with morbi-
The Ministry of Health and
dities, have been highlighted as
Family Welfare (MoHFW) is
few countries producing COVID exemplars in these reports.
committed to rapidly address the
inequity in immunization cove-
health systems for addressing
equity issues in access to EN EXPLAINS vaccines. The country started The reports also identify efforts
with two made-in-India COVID towards training and skilling of
rage and consolidate the health immunization. districts (high priority districts) vaccines. In line with India's healthcare professionals to
system’s strengthening efforts. Under Mission Indradhanush, and urban areas. Special vision of Atmanirbhar Bharat, manage adverse events during
To strengthen routine immuni- the Government is providing attention is given to unserved/ India's first domestic COVID-19 vaccination; digital scheduling of
zation planning and delivery vaccination free of cost against low coverage pockets in sub- vaccine, Whole Virion vaccination sessions and certifi-
mechanisms, the MoHFW vaccine preventable diseases. centre and urban slums with Inactivated Corona Virus cation post-vaccination through
launched its flagship programme The ultimate goal of Mission migratory populations. The focus Vaccine (COVAXIN), was the CoWin digital platform as
"Mission Indradhanush" in Indradhanush is to ensure full is also on the urban settlements
developed and manufactured by global best practices that other
December 2014 to achieve more immunization with all available and cities identified under
Bharat Biotech International countries can learn from India.
than 90% full immunization vaccines for children up to two National Urban Health Mission
Limited in collaboration with Vaccine Maitri
coverage in the country. years of age and pregnant (NUHM). Intensified Mission
Indradhanush strategy includes National Institute of Virology of Since the development of
Did you know? women. Mission Indradhanush
two broad interventions: Inten- Indian Council of Medical COVID-19 vaccines, the world
The National Vaccination was also identified as one of the
sified Mission Indradhanush Research (ICMR). The ICMR has been looking to India to
Day, also called the National flagship schemes under Gram
drive and Routine Immunization funded the clinical trials of the leverage its superior vaccine
Immunization Day, is cele- Swaraj Abhiyan and Extended
System Strengthening to sustain COVISHIELD vaccine deve- manufacturing capacities for the
brated every year on March 16 Gram Swaraj Abhiyan. global good. The unique initiative
the gains. Union Minister of loped in collaboration with
to convey the importance of Did you know? Health and Family Welfare Oxford-AstraZeneca which is of Vaccine Maitri which means
vaccination to the entire nation. Immunization Programme in launched the Intensified Mission being manufactured in the Vaccine Friendship was laun-
The day was first observed in India was introduced in 1978 as Indradhanush (IMI) 4.0 on country by Serum Institute of ched because India's foreign
the year 1995, the year when 'Expanded Programme of February 7, 2022. Intensified India. policy is governed by its age-old
India started Pulse Polio Immunization' (EPI) by the Mission Indradhanush 4.0 will maxim of "Vasudhaiva Kutumba-
Subsequently, world's first
Programme. Ministry of Health and Family have three rounds and will be kam''-The World is One Family.
DNA-based vaccine against
This historic campaign launched
Mission Indradhanush Welfare, Government of India. conducted in 416 districts COVID-19, ZyCoV-D, was deve- in January 2021 garnered us
In 1985, the programme was (including 75 districts identified loped in India by pharmaceutical
With a view to provide the right high praise from far and wide
modified as 'Universal for Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav) company Cadila Healthcare, in
of immunization to every child, and also demonstrated what
Immunization Programme' across 33 States/UTs in the partnership with the Department
the Government of India effective diplomacy in difficult
(UIP) to be implemented in a country. of Biotechnology, DBT-BIRAC
launched the Universal Immuni- times looks like. The principle
zation Programme (UIP) in 1985, phased manner to cover all The two major (Biotechnology Industry Research 'none of us are safe until
one of the largest health pro- districts in the country by 1989- milestones of UIP Assistance Council) under everybody is safe' is at the heart
grams of its kind in the world, to 90 through one of the largest z In 2014, India was officially Mission COVID Suraksha. This of the Vaccine Maitri programme.
cater to a birth cohort of 2.6 crore health programmes in the declared polio-free, along is India's second indigenously- As part of this humanitarian
infants, and around 3 crore world. with the rest of the South- developed COVID-19 vaccine. initiative, India has been
pregnant women every year. Intensified Mission East Asia Region. Sputnik V, developed by M/s supplying and donating India-
Despite being operational for Indradhanush (IMI) z In 2015, India achieved Gamaleya Institute, Russia and made vaccines to countries
many years, UIP was able to To further intensify the imported by M/s Dr. Reddy's across the globe, with our
maternal and neonatal
fully immunize only 65% children immunization programme, Prime Laboratories Ltd., is also being neighbours Maldives and Bhutan
tetanus elimination.
in the first year of their life. Minister Shri Narendra Modi used in the vaccination drive in becoming the first recipients.
launched the Intensified Mission COVID-19 the country. Compiled by Annesha
The MoHFW launched Mission
Indradhanush on October 8, In the fight against global Dr Mansukh Mandaviya, Union Banerjee & Anuja Bhardwajan
Indradhanush in December 2014
2017. Intensified Mission pandemic COVID-19, India's Minister for Health and Family Source: PIB / Invest India /
as a special drive to vaccinate all
Indradhanush has covered low national COVID-19 vaccination Welfare in February released National Health Mission /
unvaccinated and partially
performing areas in the selected programme has been one of the two reports of the Institute for MoHFW/NHP
vaccinated children under UIP.
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4 Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022
ment, composition of the Lok
Continued from page 1
comparison of powers of the Statement about ownership and other particulars about newspaper
sources. Good sources mean IV. Main features of the two houses, budgetary Employment News published in the first issue every year after the last day
original text books. Always go Constitution: Internal and procedure in parliament, to February, 2022.
for reading authentic, original external sources from which passage of bills in 1. Place of Publication : Delhi
books written by wellknown it has been drawn, what parliament, various parlia- 2. Periodicity of its : Weekly
subject experts. Though plenty accounts for such a lengthy mentary committees: compo- publication
of material and video lectures constitution, federalism and sition and functions, parlia- 3. Printer's Name : Ms. Monideepa Mukerjee
Address : Director General
are available, they do not explain its unique features in our mentary privileges, rules and
Publications Division,
the nuances of polity as clearly constitution, secularism, procedures of loksabha and Ministry of Information & Broadcasting,
as a good, authentic book does. judicial review, limitations on rajyasabha, devices like the 6th Floor, Soochna Bhawan,
An analysis of the last several parliamentary sovereignty. Question Hour, Zero Hour, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road,
years' questions clearly reveals V. Preamble: Its utility, whether Short duration questions, New Delhi -110003

that a clause by clause it is a part of the Constitution, Adjournment motion, calling 4. Publisher's Name : Ms. Monideepa Mukerjee
Nationality : Indian
knowledge of the various various keywords used in the attention motion, censure
Address : Director General
constitutional pro-visions is preamble and their meaning: motion, no confidence Publications Division,
essential to correctly answer the We the people of India, motion, powers of the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting,
questions. To understand this sovereign, secular, socialist, speaker and his controversial 6th Floor, Soochna Bhawan
role in recent times, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road,
with an example, let us consider democratic republic, justice, New Delhi-110003
that a question is being asked dignity, fraternity, unity and disruption of parlia-ment and
5. Editor's Name : Manogyan Rani Pal
about holding a joint session of integrity. remedial mea-sures.
Nationality : Indian
the both Houses of Parliament. VI. The Union and its XIII. State Executive: Role of Address : Publications Division,
Unless one knows all the territories (Articles 1-4): Governor, controversies Ministry of Information & Broadcasting,
regarding his manner of 7th Floor, Soochna Bhawan
clauses of Article 108 of the Interpretation of the term, "
appointment and removal, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road
Constitution on joint sessions, it union of states", linguistic New Delhi-110003
would be difficult to answer this reorganization of the states, discretionary powers of
6. Names and Addresses of : Wholly owned by Ministry
question. Only by reading this 1956, provisions relating to governor.
individuals who own the of Information & Broadcasting
article clause wise, the various creation of new states. XIV. State Legislature: Provi- Newspaper and Partners Government of India
aspects of summoning a joint VII.Citizenship (articles 5-11): sions for unicameral and or more than one percent
bicameral legislatures, com- of the total capital
session of the Parliament can Criteria for citizenship under
parison between upper and I, Ms. Monideepa Mukerjee hereby declare that the particulars given above
be understood. In the present article 5, 6, 7, 8. Citizenship are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
lower houses of state
trend of prelims exam, the Act 1955 enacted under
legislatures, role of and
constitutional clauses appear in article 11, its main features.
justification for having Signature of Publisher/Printer
the options of the multiple choice Dual citizenship and
legislative councils.
questions and without under- overseas citizenship of India, provisions with special refe- bodies: CAG, Finance
XV. Judiciary: Organization of
standing this article, it will be The Citizenship Amendment rence to the status of Delhi Commission, Attorney
Indian judiciary, concept of
difficult to answer a question on Act (CAA). The concept of XX. Administration of sche- General, Advocate General,
an independent judiciary,
joint session of Parliament citizenship, rights and duled and tribal areas: Inter-State Council, National
what makes the judiciary
correctly. Thus, in order to be obligations of citizens. provisions of the 5th and 6th Commissions for SCs, STs,
independent, composition of
able to correctly answer a VIII. Fundamental Rights Schedules and OBCs. National
the supreme court,
question on Article 108, one (Articles 12-35): Meaning XXI. Emergency provisions: Commission for Women,
appointment of judges, re-
should know the following: what and evolution of fundamental Provisions of Article 352, 356 National Commi-ssion for
moval of judges, jurisdiction
is a joint session, who can rights, position of funda- and 360. Minorities, NHRC, CVC, CBI.
of supreme court, review
summon it, who shall preside mental rights in the consti- XXII. Amendment procedure: XXVIII. Comparison of Indian
jurisdiction, curative petition
over such a session, on what tution, amendability of funda- Provisions of Article 368. Constitution with the British,
before supreme court.
grounds it can be summoned, mental rights, doctrine of Creation of National Courts Important amendments of the US and Canadian consti-
how the voting takes place in a basic structure, article wise tutions
of Appeal, High courts: constitution.
joint session etc. All this can be understanding of each Besides covering the above
composition, jurisdiction, XXIII. All India Services: Provi-
known by reading the original fundamental right, suspen- mentioned topics, the following
subordinate courts, village sions under Art. 308-323
Article only. This necessitates sion of fundamental rights polity terms and terminologies
courts. relating to all India services,
the reading of the bare acts of during emergency. must also be understood clearly.
PIL, Judicial activism, constitutional protection
the Constitution. For this, P M IX. Directive Principles of Important terms in polity:
administrative tribunals, Lok granted to these services,
Bakshi's book: The Indian State Policy (DPSP, Articles meaning of 'state', sovereignty,
Adalats, alternative dispute composition and functions of
Constitution is a must read. 36-51): Nature of DPSPs, secularism, liberty, equality, citi-
resolution: mediation, recon- UPSC, recent controversy
Topics to be covered in comparison between funda- zenship, rights, duties, consti-
ciliation, arbitration, concept relating to deputation of the
polity: mental rights and DPSPs, tutional rights and statutory
of plea bargaining, reforms in IAS in central government.
article wise inter-pretation of rights, democracy, curative peti-
I. Meaning and types of judiciary, need for an All India XXIV. Anti - defection law: tion, plea bargaining, statutory
Constitution: What is a each directive, directives Judicial Service, reforms in Provisions of the law, bail, parole, voting rights of
constitution, what purposes it given elsewhere in the the criminal justice system. controversial role of the prisoners, recall, referendum,
serves, how it is written. constitution viz; Art. 335, XVI. Centre - State relations: speakers in disqualification plebiscite, filibustering, gerry-
Differences between unitary, 350A, 351. Implementation Division of legislative, of members, ineffectiveness mandering, lame duck parlia-
federal constitutions. of DPSPs. administrative and financial of the law and need to ment.
II. Constitutional develop- X. Fundamental Duties: Posi- powers between the union strengthen it. Sources:
ment during British rule: tion in the constitution, and the states, role of finance XXV. Delimitation Commi- 1. P.M. Bakshi: The Constitution
Main provisions of The enumeration of duties, utility commission with special ssion: Its Constitutional of India
Regulating Act 1773, Pitts and limitation of duties, reference to the 15th finance roots in Articles 82 and 327. 2. Granville Austin: The Indian
India Act 1784, Charter Acts comparing rights with duties. commission and its terms of Functions and composition of Constitution: Cornerstone of
of 1813, 1833, 1853. XI. Union Executive: Post and reference. Problem areas in the commission. Recent a Nation
Government of India Act of position of the President, Indian federalism
controversy over delimitation 3. D. D. Basu: The Indian
1858 , Indian Council Acts of manner of election, removal XVII. Panchayati Raj Institu- exercise in Jammu and Constitution
1861, 1892, 1909. Govern- by impeachment, executive, tions (PRIs): Article wise Kashmir 4. S C Kashyap: Our Political
ment of India Acts, 1919, legislative, emergency provisions contained in part XXVI. Electoral reforms and System
1935, The Indian Indepen-
powers, pardoning powers, IX and IX A of the consti- the role of Election Commi- 5. Bidyut Chakrabarty: Indian
dence Act 1947. The Simon
relationship between the tution, composition and func- ssion: Main features of the Constitution: Text, context
Commission, Round Table
President and the Council of tions of panchayats. The 11th RPA Act, 1950, electoral and Interpretation
Conferences, Cripps Mission,
Minister (article 74). The and 12th schedules relating reforms for free and fair 6. Rules and Procedures of Lok
Cabinet Delegation.
Council of Ministers, to functions of PRIs. PESA elections, functions of the Sabha: A Handbook
III. The making of the
collective responsibility, Act, 1996. Election Commission, refor- (available online only)
Constitution: the Consti-
cabinet and the cabinet XVIII. Cooperative Societies: ming the election commi- 7. A C Kapoor and K K Mishra:
tuent Assembly, manner of its
election, various committees committees, Cabinet Constitutional provisions, ssion, electoral funding, Select Constitutions
of the constituent assembly secretariat, role of the Mandate of the newly formed electoral bonds , RTI and (S B Singh is an acade-
and their presidents, the cabinet secretary, functions ministry of cooperation, state political parties, simultane- mician and civil services
objective resolution intro- of the PMO. and multistate cooperatives. ous elections. mentor. He can be reached at:
duced by Nehru in the XII. Union Legislature (Parlia- XIX. Administration of Union XXVII. Important consti- [email protected])
constituent assembly. ment): Functions of Parlia- Territories: constitutional tutional and statutory Views expressed are personal
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Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022 5

÷Ê⁄Uà ‚⁄U∑§Ê⁄U/Bharat Sarkar F.No.A.12026/24/2021-ES Cell

Government of India
ªÎ„U ◊¥òÊÊ‹ÿ/Grih Mantralaya
÷Ê⁄Uà ∑§ ◊„UÊ⁄UÁ¡S≈˛UÊ⁄U ∑§Ê ∑§Êÿʸ‹ÿ Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Office of the Registrar General, India Room No.55, North Block, New Delhi-110001
Dated, the 16th February, 2022
Ad-II Section, Sewa Bhawan, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110066 OFFICE MEMORANDUM
File No. A 31011/01/2022-Ad-II Subject: Filling up of post of Administrative Officer (Group ‘A’), in the
Filling up of one post of "Despatch Rider" on deputation/absorption basis in the Adjudicating Authority under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002,
Headquarters Office of the Registrar General, India, New Delhi. New Delhi - Reg.
The services of suitable officers from Central Government Departments/Offices are The undersigned is directed to say that in terms of section 6 of the Prevention of Money
required for filling up of one post of Despatch Rider on deputation basis in the pay level- Laundering Act, 2002 (PMLA) the Central Government has established an Adjudicating
2 (Rs. 19,900-63,200/-) in the Headquarters Office of the Registrar General, India at Authority to exercise jurisdiction, powers and authority conferred by or under the said
New Delhi. Act.
2. The particulars/eligibility condition for appointment to this post are given in Annexure-I. 2. One vacancy of Administrative Officer in the Adjudicating Authority under the
The pay of the candidate selected for appointment on deputation will be regulated in Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002, Department of Revenue, Ministry of
accordance with the provisions contained in the Department of Personnel & Training Finance at New Delhi is decided to be filled up on deputation basis. The description of
O.M. No. 2/12/87-Estt (Pay.II) dated 29.04.88 as amended from time to time. The the posts and the eligibility criteria is given in the table below:
period of deputation including the period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held SI. Name of Pay Scale Eligibility Criteria
immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other Organization or No. post
Department of the Central Government shall not exceed three years. Those who are 1. Adminis- Level-11 Deputation : Officers under the Central Government:-
the age of 56 years or above need not apply. trative (Rs. 67700- (a)(i) holding analogous posts on regular basis in the
3. Names of the suitable Officers who are eligible/willing and who can be spared may Officer 208700) in parent cadre or department; or
be sent to the undersigned in the given Proforma (Annexure-II), within 45 days from the pay (ii) with five years' regular service in the grade
the date of its publication in the Employment News/Rozgar Samachar along with matrix. rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis
their attested copies of C.R. Dossiers for the last 5 years, Vigilance clearance/Integrity in the level-10 (Rs. 56100-177500/-) in the pay matrix
certificate and cadre clearance. The candidates who apply for the post will not be in the parent cadre or Department; or
allowed to withdraw their candidature subsequently. (iii) with six years' regular service in the grade
The applications received after the prescribed date or without CR Dossiers/ rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis
Vigilance Clearance etc will not be entertained. (Kulvinder Singh) in the level-8 (Rs. 47600-151100/-) or equivalent in the
Under Secretary to the Govt of India pay matrix in the parent cadre or Department; and
Annexure-I (b) possessing the following educational qualifications
Name of the post: Despatch Rider and experience:-
No. of Posts: 01 (i) Bachelor's degree or equivalent from recognized
Pay scale : Erstwhile pay scale of Rs. 3050-75-4590 as per 5th CPC and in level-2 of university;
the 7th CPC (ii) five years' experience of handling administration or
Method of Recruitment: Deputation/Absorption accounts or budget works.
Eligibility Note-1. Period of deputation including period of depu-
tation in another ex-cadre post held immediately
Post Method of recruitment
preceding this appointment in the same or some other
Despatch Rider Deputation / absorption: Organisation or Department of the Central Govern-
Education qualification ment shall ordinarily not to exceed four years.
NA Note-2. The maximum age limit for appointment by
Deputation/Absorption: deputation shall be not exceeding 56 years as on the
From amongst regular Group 'D' employees in the office of the closing date of receipt of applications.
Registrar General, India/ Ministry of Home Affairs failing which Note 3: For the purpose of appointment on deputation
from regular Despatch Riders of Group 'D' employees in other basis the service rendered on a regular basis by an
Ministries/Departments of the Central Government who possess:- officer prior to 1st January, 2006 (the date from which
(a) Valid driving license for motorcycle/ auto rickshaw; and the revised pay structure based on the recommen-
(b) Two years' experience in driving motor cycle/auto rickshaw dation of 6th Central Pay Commission has extended)
Annexure-II shall be deemed to be service rendered in the corres-
Bio-Data Proforma ponding grade pay/pay scale extended based on the
Application for the post of ____ recommendation of the said Pay Commission except
where there has been merger of grade with a common
1. Name and Address in Block letters
grade pay/pay scale and where their benefit will extend
2. Date of Birth (in Christian era) only for the post for which that grade pay/pay scale is
3. Date of retirement under Central/State Government Rules. the normal replacement grade without any up-gradation.
4. Educational Qualifications: 3. The pay & allowances and other terms will be regulated in accordance with the
instructions issued by Department of Personnel & Training from time to time.
5. Whether Educational and other qualifications required
for the post are satisfied. (If any qualification has been treated 4. The willing and eligible officers should send their applications for the post in the
as equivalent to the one prescribed in the rules, state the enclosed format (proforma-J) through the cadre controlling authority, addressed to the
authority for the same). : Under Secretary, Economic Security Cell, Room No.55, North Block, New Delhi -
Qualifications/ Qualifications/Experience 110001, within 60 days from the date of publication of this circular in the
Experience required possessed by the Officer Employment News. The vacancy circular and Proforma-J can also be downloaded
6. Please state clearly whether in the light of entries from Department of Revenue's website
made by you above you meet the requirements of the 5. The Cadre Controlling Authority, while forwarding the application must enclose
post. vigilance clearance including whether disciplinary case is pending or being
7. Details of Employment in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet duly contemplated against the officer, Major/Minor Penalty statement for the last 10 years,
authenticated by your signature, if the space below is insufficient.
Integrity Certificate & photocopies of Annual Confidential Reports (ACRs)/Annual
Office/Instt./ Post From To Scale of pay and basic Nature of duties
Orgn. Held pay Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) for the last five years duly attested on each
page by an officer not below the rank of Under Secretary to the Government of India.
8. Nature of present employment i.e. ad-hoc / Cadre Controlling Authority may ensure that the applicant fulfills all the eligibility
temporary or quasi-permanent/permanent. conditions specified above and also verify the particulars furnished by the applicants,
9. In case the present employment is held on deputation/ before granting cadre clearance. Once cadre clearance is given it will be presumed that
contract basis, please state:- the eligibility conditions are fulfilled and particulars are correct.
(a) The date of initial appointment
(Arvind Saran)
(b) Period of appointment on deputation/contract
EN 51/84 Director (Hqrs.)
(c) Name of the parent Office/Organization to which
you belong.
13. Additional information, if any, which you would
10. Additional details about present employment. like to mention in support of your suitability for the post.
Please state whether working under Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient.
(a) Central Govt.
14. Whether belongs to SC/ST
(b) State Govt.
(c) Autonomous Organizations 15. Remarks
(d) Government Undertakings Note:- Incomplete applications and not countersigned by Head of Office/Employer will
(e) Universities not be entertained.
11. Are you in Revised Scale of Pay? If yes, give the date Date: ____________ Signature of the Candidate
from which the revision took place and also indicate the Address ____________
pre-revised scale. Countersigned_____
13. Present total emoluments per month
davp 19108/11/0007/2122 EN 51/75
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6 Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022

Áfl∑§Ê‚ •ÊÿÈÄà ∑§Êÿʸ‹ÿ

Office of the Development
∑§Ê¥«U‹Ê Áfl‡Ê· •ÊÁÕ¸∑§ ˇÊòÊ
Kandla Special Economic Zone
flÊÁáÊíÿ ÃÕÊ ©UlÊª ◊¥òÊÊ‹ÿ
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Phone (02836) -2522273, 253711,
253300 & 252475
Fax (02836) - 252250 & 252194
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
F. No. KASEZ/Estt-II//24/86/2020-21-10897 Dated : 08.03.2022
Applications are invited from willing and eligible candidates for filling up the following
posts for the year 2022-23 on deputation basis, in Kandla Special Economic Zone,
Gandhidham Gujarat. The description of the post(s) and eligibility conditions are as
Sr. Name and Pay Scale No. of Eligibility Condition
No. of the post posts
1. Appraiser 3 (Three) Officers of the Central Board of Indirect
Level 8 of the pay Tentative Taxes and Customs:
matrix under 7CPC, (a) (i) Holding analogous posts on regular
pre-revised scale of basis in the parent cadre or department:
Rs. 9300-34800/- + OR
Grade Pay Rs. 4800 (ii) With three years' service in the grade
rendered after appointment thereto on a
regular basis in the scale of pay of
(Rs. 9300-34800 + 4600) Level-7 as per
7th CPC or equivalent in the parent cadre
or Department and
(b) Possessing two years experience in
Central Excise or Customs/GST work.
(2) The terms & conditions of deputation of Appraiser will be regulated in accordance
with the instructions contained in Department of Personnel & Training O.M. No.6/8/
2009/Estt.(Pay-II) dated 17/06/2010 as amended from time to time, to draw pay of the
EN 51/56
post held by them in the parent department plus deputation allowance in accordance
with and subject to the conditions laid down in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grie-
vances and Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training OM.No.6/8/2009/ Centre for Military Airworthiness and
Estt.(Pay-II) dated 17/06/2010 as modified time to time and such other general or Certification (CEMILAC)
special orders issued by the Ministry of Finance. Tenure of deputation normally is Government of India, Ministry of Defence
three (03) years as per DOPT's guidelines.
Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO)
(3) The officers selected will be entitled to transfer T.A. and joining time in accordance
with the Rules of the Government of India, in force. Marathahalli Colony P.O. BENGALURU - 560 037
ANNEXURE-I (email: [email protected])
1. Name and office address (in Block Letters) Advt No. CEMILAC/ADM/AT/2022 Date: 03 Mar 2022
CEMILAC invites applications for Apprenticeship trainees.
2. Date of Birth
SI. No. of Fellowships No of Educational Qualifications
3. Date of retirement under Central/State
No. Vacancies
Government Rules
1 Graduate Apprentice Trainees 10 (B.E/B.Tech)
4. Educational Qualifications
2 Diploma Apprentice Trainees 10 Diploma in Engg
5. Present Basic Pay
Age Limit: Minimum Age - 18 years
6. Post held on regular basis with Scale of
Pay (pre-revised) and date of appoint- Maximum Age - Unreserved category 27 yrs, OBC-30 yrs, SC/ST-32 yrs,
ment thereto the regular basis Person with disability (PWD) - 37 yrs
7. Permanent post held with Scale of Pay Probable date of start of online applications: 12/03/2022
(pre-revised) and date of confirmation Probable last date of submission of online applications: 01/04/2022
8. Details of employment in chronological order (enclosed a separate sheet, For further details and application form (to be filled online),
duly authenticated by your signature, if the space below is not sufficient): Please visit website under caption "What's New"
Sr. Name of the Office/ Post held From To Scale of Pay Nature of davp 10301/11/0169/2122 EN 51/48
No. Organisation and Basic Pay Duties
13. Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Place : ............. Signature of Candidate
Date : ............... Address (R) : ........................
Phone (O) :............................
9. Nature of present employment i.e. Mobile No. : ..........................
whether adhoc or temporary or Email address :....................
permanent (Countersigned)
10. In case the present employment (Employer)
is held on deputation basis, please (4) Names of officers who have worked in this zone or any other SEZs on deputation
state; (a) Date of appointment to earlier, as Appraising Officer or worked in any other deputation post and have not
the present post (b) Period of completed cooling off period of 3 years, may not be recommended. Also, officers with
appointment on deputation vigilance clearance and clean reputation may only be recommended.
(c) Name of the parent office/ (5) It is requested that the names of eligible and willing officers may be recommended
in the prescribed proforma (Annexure I ) along with : -
organization to which you belong
(1) ACR grading for last five years duly attested by the competent authority (2)
11. Additional details about present Vigilance clearance certificate. (3) Integrity certificate. (4) Details of penalty if any
employment. Please state whether imposed during last 10 years.
working under: (6) In absence of these requirements application will not be entertained. The last date
(a) Central Government of receipt of names of suitable officers is 30 days from the date of publication
(b) State Government of the vacancy in the Employment News. Applications received after the due date
(c) Autonomous Organization without the Confidential Report and other necessary documents or otherwise found
(d) Government Undertaking incomplete will not be considered. Advance copy of application will not be entertained.
(e) University (7) Number of post(s) may differ depending upon actual requirement at the time of
12. Additional information, if any, which selection and the Development Commissioner, KASEZ reserves the right to modify
you would like to mention, in and/or withdraw the vacancy circular at any time without assigning any reasons.
support of your suitability for post (Satyadeep Mahapatra)
(Enclose a separate sheet, if the Joint Development Commissioner
space is not sufficient). EN 51/41 Kandla Special Economic Zone
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Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022 7
Government of India Fax: 011-23098552

National Technical Research F.No.A-35021/01/2022-Admn.ll

Organisation Union Public Service Commission

Applications are invited through ONLINE Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi-110069
Registration for engagement of Consultants Dated : 28/02/2022
(Chinese Language) in National Technical
Applications are invited from Officers of Central Government to fill up two (02) vacancy of
Research Organisation (NTRO) purely on
Halwai-cum-Cook (Canteen) (General Central Service, Group 'C', Non-Gazetted, Non-
contract basis. Ministerial) in Level- 3 (Rs. 21,700-69,100) of the pay matrix in the O/o UPSC on Deputation
2. The desirous applicants are requested to (For Officers under Central Government) basis. Eligibility conditions are as under:-
visit the website for the Deputation: Officers under the Central Government-
detailed recruitment notice which contains a) (i) Holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or department; or
(ii) Assistant Halwai-cum-Cook in departmental canteens with three years regular service in the
category of position, eligibility criteria,
level 2 in the pay matrix (Rs. 19900-63200), and
Educational Qualification, requisite experi- b) Possessing the following qualifications and experience :-
ence/skill set, value of contract & schedule of (i) 10th class pass from a recognised Board with a certificate or diploma in catering.
online registration etc. The candidates (ii) two years in a Government Department or Government Undertaking.
fulfilling eligibility criteria are required to 2. The details like General Conditions, Eligibility Criteria, Age limit, proforma of
register themselves ONLINE by visiting the application form etc. are available on the website of UPSC i.e. http://www.
said website. Applications submitted through
3. Interested and eligible officials may send their applications in prescribed proforma along with
any other mode will NOT be accepted. copies of the APARs for the last five years (2015-16 to 2019-20) duly attested on each page by
3. ONLINE Registration is tentatively an officer not below the rank of an Under Secretary to the Govt. of India, cadre clearance and
scheduled to start on 16.03.2022 and will vigilance clearance through proper channel to the undersigned within 60 days from the date
close on 25.03.2022. Changes, if any, in the of advertisement of this vacancy in the Employment News/ ⁄UÊ ÊªÊ⁄U ‚◊ÊøÊ⁄U.
(Shailesh Gautam)
registration schedule would be notified
Under Secretary (Admn.)
updated in the website. Union Public Service Commission
davp 58101/11/0026/2122 EN 51/73 EN 51/35 Tel. No.011-23389078

North Eastern
Indira Gandhi
Regional Institute
of Health &
Director's Block
Dated the 21st January 2022
Refer to Institute's Adver-
tisement No. NEIGR-E.II/
19/2004/Pt.XXIV dated
05.11.2021 for recruitment
of various faculty posts in
North Eastern Indira Gandhi
Regional Institute of Health
& Medical Sciences,
Shillong read with the Insti-
tute's Notice No.NEIGR-
E.II/19/2004/ Pt.XXIV dated
23rd November 2021
wherein the last date of
submission of application
was fixed on 03.01.2022.
The last date of submi-
ssion of application has
been extended for another
45 days from the date of
publication of the Corrig-
endum in the Employment
Other terms & conditions
remain same as per
Advertisement No.NEIGR-
E.II/19/2004/Pt.XXIV dated
Deputy Director (Admn)
davp 17119/12/0023/2122
EN 51/77 EN 51/55
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8 Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022

Continued on page 9
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Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022 9
Continued from page 8

Continued on page 10
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10 Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022

Division of Genetics
÷Ê⁄UÃËÿ ¬˝ÊÒlÊÁª∑§Ë ‚¥SÕÊŸ
ICAR-Indian Agricultural (÷Ê⁄UÃËÿ πÁŸ ÁfllʬËΔU), äÊŸ’ÊŒ
Research Institute Indian Institute of Technology
New Delhi - 110012 (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad
Maize/2021-22 No. 411002/10/2021-NFR 21 Feb, 2022
Online Interview for the position of Junior Research Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad invites applications for the following
Fellow (one) and Lab Assistant (one) in the DST- S. Name of the Category Pay Educational and other qualifications required for
N. Post, Maximum Level direct recruits
SERB funded project "Molecular Insights to Age Limit
1. Chief of UR 14 Essential: i) M.D. or M.S. Degree in a clinical discipline with
Understand the Mechanisms of Resistance to Fall Medical (1 Post) Plus an outstanding educational background with at least
Services NPA 15 years' professional experience, out of which 07 years in
Army Worm (Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith) and Age Limit: the Grade Pay of Rs. 8700/- (Pay Level- 13) or equivalent.
Preferably ii) Administrative experience in the capacity of being in-
Spotted Stem Borer (Chilo partellus Swinhoe) in below 55 Years charge of an Institute / Research Organization / Industrial -
[Those who had township hospital which would be serving at least
Tropical Field Corn (Zea mays L.)'' will be held on 11- applied against 5000 beneficiaries.
earliar adverti- Desirable:
04-2022". Eligible candidates are requested to send sement No. P.G. Degree / Diploma in Hospital Administration.
their application in prescribed format along with a self- NFR dated
14.12.2021 need
attested scanned copy of the original documents to the not apply afresh]
concerned PI's e-mail addresses: ganapati.mukri@ 2. Senior UR 12 Essential: i) M.D. or M.S. Degree in a clinical discipline with
Medical (1 Post) Plus an outstanding educational background with at least 08 years' latest by 06-04-2022. The posts are Officer NPA professional experience, out of which 05 years in the Grade
Age Limit: Pay of Rs. 6600/- (Pay Level- 11) or equivalent.
purely on a contractual basis, for detailed Preferably Desirable:
below 50 Years i) The above qualifications MD / MS preferably in Pediatrics.
information please visit ii) The work experience should be in a medical college
or large Govt/Private Hospitals of repute.
EN 51/8 Sr. Admn Officer 3. Medical OBC 10 Essential: M.D. or M.S in an appropriate branch of
Officer (1 Post) Plus Medicine. OR

Council of Scientific and Age Limit:

NPA Postgraduate Diploma in an appropriate branch of Medicine
plus at least one-year experience in a recognized hospital.
Industrial Research (CSIR) below 40 Years OR
M.B.B.S. including completion of compulsory rotatory
Anusandhan Bhawan, 2, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 internship followed by at least 03 years of experience in
Advt. No. 02/2022 a recognized hospital.
CSIR invites applications/nominations for the position of
i) The above qualifications Diploma / MD / MS preferably in
DIRECTOR of CSIR-CSIR-Central Building Research Institute Medicine, Chest Diseases, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and
(CSIR-CBRI), Roorkee, in Level 15 of pay-matrix (Rs.1,82,200- Gynecology & Family Medicine.
ii) The work experience should be in a medical college or
2,24,100) plus allowances as applicable in CSIR.
large Govt/Private Hospitals of repute.
For eligibility criteria and other conditions, please see the detailed/
For complete details visit Institute's website: The last date for submission of
complete advertisement No. 02/2022 on CSIR website www.csir. applications ONLINE is 08.04.2022 using the Non-Faculty Recruitment module available on the link Applications/nominations may be sent alongwith complete
EN 51/6 Registrar (Actg.)
bio-data and list of publications/patents etc. through email on email
ID [email protected] or by post to Director Recruitment Cell,
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), Anusandhan Division of Plant Pathology
Bhawan, 2, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 on or before ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi - 110012
31.03.2022. Online Interview
davp 36202/12/0032/2122 EN 51/3 Applications are invited to attend Online Interview on 04.04.2022 in DBT funded project at Division of
Plant Pathology, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi-12, as mentioned below. The post is purely on contractual basis.
Continued from page 9 Owing to the prevailing COVID-19 crisis, the eligible candidates are requested to send their applications
along with self-attested scanned copies of the original documents to the e-mail address as given below
latest by 31.03.2022. After screening the applications, only the eligible candidates will be informed about
the details of online interview (time and link) by email. Original documents will be verified at the time of
appointment. For details please visit
Name of Project : Gene silencing approaches for managing thrips-tospovirus threats to
horticultural crops.
Email ID: [email protected]
Position: No. : Monthly Postgraduate degree in basic science (Life Sciences) or /
Senior Two emoluments: postgraduate degree in professional courses (Life Sciences
Research Rs. 35,000 + including Agricultural Sciences/Biotechnology/ Molecular
Fellow 24% HRA Biology) selected through a process described through any
(SRF) one of the following with two years of research experience:
a. Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility
Tests-CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant
Professorship) and GATE.
b. The selection process through National level examina-
tions conducted by Central Government Departments and
their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS,
(As per DST Office Memorandum (O.M) No. SR/S9/Z08/2018
dated 30-01-2019)
Desirable: Experience in handling plant viruses, insects,
Molecular cloning, and Gene-silencing techniques.
Lab One Rs. 19473/- Matriculate and above with work experience in culturing plant
Assistant (consolidated) viruses and insects.
EN 51/23 EN 51/20
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Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022 11

Chief Engineer-Cum-Special
Secretary (Engineering)
Engineering Department, Union Territory, Chandigarh
1st Floor, Room No. 117, U.T. Secretariat Sector-9-D
TELEPHONE NO.0172 2740091, 2740192, FAX 0172 2740276
e-mail id : [email protected]
The Engineering Department, Union Territory, Chandigarh intend to fill up 04 vacant VERIFICATION/CERTIFICATE TO BE FURNISHED BY THE EMPLOYER
posts of Junior Engineers (Public Health) out of which 03 posts are proposed to be It is certified that the information furnished by Mr/Ms. _____________ has been
filled up from amongst Junior Engineers having Diploma in Civil Engineering and 01 checked as per the service record of the individual and found correct.
post from amongst Junior Engineer having Diploma in Electrical Engineering in the Records of service of Mr/Ms.________________________ who has applied for the
pay scale of Rs. 10300-34800+4800 Grade Pay by deputation in the Building and post of Junior Engineer (Public Health) has been carefully examined and it is certified
Roads Wing in terms of the criteria as laid down in the notified recruitment rules dated that there is no doubt about his/her integrity.
25.01.2018 for a period of one year which can be extended for a period of three years Neither any disciplinary proceedings are pending nor a decision has been taken to
or till such time the said vacancies are filled up by promotion from amongst the eligible initiate disciplinary proceedings against Mr./Ms. _________ who has applied for the
feeder cadre official. The detail of the vacant posts and eligibility criteria as mentioned post of Junior Engineer (Public Health) in the Engineering Department, Union Territory,
in the notified RRs is given as under : Chandigarh.
1. Name of Post : Junior Engineer (Public Health) In the event of his/her selection Mr./Ms. .............will be relieved of his/her duties in this
2. Pay Scale : Rs. 10300-34800 + 4800 GP office.
3. Educational Qualification for JE (Civil) Dated: (Signature with office seal)
Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University/Institute. Name: .................................
4. Educational Qualification for JE (Electrical) Designation:........................
Diploma in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University/Institute. Tele. No. ..............................
NOTE: Incomplete applications or applications not in accordance with the
format/ particulars will not be entertained.
The officers under Central Govt./State Government/Public Sector Undertakings/Semi-
Govt./autonomous or statutory organization holding analogous post of Junior Engineer
(Public Health) or similar post on regular basis in the grade and possessing the
educational qualification and experience. 1. Name and address in BLOCK letters :
(A) (i) Holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent cadre/department; or 2. Date of Birth (in Christian era) :
(ii) With 2 years service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular 3. Date of retirement under State Government Rules/P.S.Us.
basis on the post in PB-2 of Rs. 9300-34800 with grade pay of Rs. 4600 or equivalent
4. Educational Qualifications:
in the parent cadre or department. or
(iii) With 6 years service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular 5. Whether Educational and other qualifications required for the post are
basis in post in PB-2 of Rs. 9300-34800 with grade pay of Rs. 4200 or equivalent in satisfied. (If any qualification has been treated as equivalent to the one
prescribed for the post, state the authority for the same). :
the parent cadre or department: and
(iv) 02 year experience in the relevant field of discipline for dealing with the Qualifications/ Qualifications/Experience
maintenance of residential and non residential buildings and for executing various Experience required possessed by the Officer
original works of Public Health Services as well as for preparing estimates/tender Essential (a)
cases etc. (i)
Note-1 : The departmental officials in the feeder category who in direct line of
promotion will not be eligible for consideration for appointment on deputation. Similarly
the deputationists shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment by promotion.
(Period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this (i)
appointment in the same or some other organization or department of the Central (ii)
Government shall ordinarily not to exceed 3 years. The maximum age limit for 6. Please state clearly whether in the light of entries made by you above you
appointment by deputation (including short term contract) shall be not exceeding 56 meet the requirements of the post.
years as on the closing date of receipt of applications). 7. Details of past service in chronological order (please enclosed separate
Note-2 : For the purpose of appointment on deputation basis, the service rendered on sheet, authenticated by your signature, if requird)
a regular basis by an officer prior to 01.01.2006 (the date from which the revised pay Name of the Post Period for which Scale of Nature of
structure based on the 6th Central Pay Commission recommendations has been Office/ Held post held Pay duties
extended ) shall be deemed to be service rendered in the corresponding grade pay or Organization From To in brief
pay scale extended based on the recommendations of the pay commission except
where there has been merger of more than one pre-revised scale of pay into one
grade with a common grade pay or pay scale, and where this benefit will extend only
for the post(s) for which that grade pay or pay scale before is the normal replacement 8. Nature of present employment i.e. whether adhoc or regular
grade without any up-gradation. 9. In case the present employment is held on deputation/contract basis, please
The application of eligible and willing officers who can be spared immediately be state:-
forwarded through proper channel in the prescribed format (Annexure-I) in the (a) The date from which on deputation/contract
aforementioned address so as to reach on or before 30 days from the date of
(b) Period of appointment on deputation/contract
publishing the advertisement in the Employment News. The application should
(c) Name of the parent Office/Organization to which candidate belongs.
also be accompanied by photocopies of ACRs/APARs for the last five years duly
attested by an officer not below the rank of Under Secretary or equivalent. While (d) Scale of pay in the parent department.
forwarding the applications, it may please be certified that the particulars furnished by (e) Date from which drawing that scale in the parent department against
the officer(s) are correct and that no disciplinary or vigilance case is either pending or regular appointment.
contemplated against the officer (Annexure-II). It may also be confirmed that in the 10. Additional details about present employment.
event of selection of the officer concerned will be relieved of his duties. The integrity Please state whether working under
of the officer may also be certified by an officer of the rank of Under Secretary or i Central Govt.
equivalent. ii State Govt.
Applications, which are incomplete or are not accompanied with the photocopies of
iii Autonomous Organization
ACRs for the last five years will not be entertained and no correspondence will be
made or entertained in this regard. iv Government Undertaking
(DR. RAJESH BANSAL) v Universities
Superintending Engineer (W&E) 11. Are you in Revised Scale of Pay? If yes, give the date from which the revision
O/o Chief Engineer-cum-SS (Engg.) took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale.
Mobile No. 98766 07948 12. Total emoluments per month drawn.
13. Additional information, if any, which candidate would like to mention in support
of one’s suitability for the post. Enclose a separate sheet, if required.
(i) Statement of Bio-Data in the prescribed Proforma (as per Annexure-I) in
14. Whether belongs to SC/ST :
duplicate duly signed by the officer and forwarded through proper channel.
(ii) Vigilance Clearance certificate. 15. Remarks
(iii) Integrity Certificate DATED : SIGNATURE OF THE CANDIDATE
(iv) Statement of penalty (Major/Minor) imposed if any.
(v) ACR dossier of ACRs for the last five years (it may kindly be noted that in case
of photo of ACRs the same should be attested on each page by an officer not MOBILE NUMBER
below the rank of Under Secretary or equivalent rank.) EN 51/7 E-MAIL ID
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12 Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022

Continued on page 13
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Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022 13

EN 51/17

Indian Statistical Institute

203, B.T. Road, Kolkata-700108
(An Autonomous Institute funded by MoS&PI, Government of India)
Advertisement No. REC-01/2022-1,Kol Date: 15.01.2022
Those who have already applied against the advertisement published in the Employment News
VOL. XLVI NO. 42 dated 15th January, 2022 need not apply again.
The Institute invites applications from dynamic persons for the post of Chief Executive (Administration
& Finance) on direct or on transfer/ transfer on deputation from Government Offices.
Pay Level: Rs. 1,31,100-2,16,600 in Pay Level 13-A plus other admissible allowances at Central
Government rates.
Age: Preferably below 55 years for direct recruitment and below 56 years for deputation as on
For detailed notification regarding Application Form, Eligibility Criteria, Reservation and other
information, please refer to the Institute website
The last date for submission of application form along with self-attested copies of all
EN 51/18 documents/testimonials has been extended upto 30th March, 2022 (17:00 Hrs.). Candidates are
requested to kindly send their applications through SPEED POST only. Director
davp 39103/12/0017/2122 EN 51/74

Continued from page 12

EN 51/14
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14 Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022

Government of India
Ministry of Textiles
Office of the Development Commissioner (Handicrafts)
West Block 7, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110066
Recruitment to the post of Handicrafts Promotion Officer in Level 6 Rs. 35400- (b) possessing the educational qualifications -
112400 on deputation basis in the Office of the DC (Handicrafts), Ministry of Bachelor's Degree in Design or Fine Arts (Fashion or Textile or Apparel Production) of
Textiles-regarding. four years' duration from a recognised University or institute with one-year experience
It is proposed to fill up 34 posts in the cadre of Handicrafts Promotion Officer in field of handicrafts or cottage or small scale industry; or
[Group 'B' Non-Gazetted] in Level 6 of the pay matrix of Rs. 35400-112400 on Diploma in Fine Arts (Fashion or Textile Design) of three years' duration from a
deputation basis from amongst the officers under Central/State Govt./Union recognized University or Board or institute plus two years' experience in field of
Territories. The place of posting is given as Annexure-A. handicrafts or cottage or small scale industry.
The terms and conditions of the deputation will be in accordance with the Central NOTE:
Government rules and orders issued in this regard from time to time. The eligibility 1. The Departmental Officers in the feeder category who are in the direct line of
conditions for the post are given in Annexure-I. promotion shall not be eligible for consideration on deputation. Similarly,
The application in the prescribed proforma as per Annexure-II in respect of candidates deputationists shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment by promotion.
who wish to apply for the post and who can be relieved at short notice duly 2. The period of deputation (including short term contract) including period of
accompanied by ACR/APARs for the last five years, vigilance clearance certificate, deputation (including short term contract) in another ex-cadre post held immediately
Integrity Certificate and statement of major/ minor penalties imposed during the last preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization or department of
10 years may please be forwarded through proper channel so as to reach this office the Central Government shall ordinarily not to exceed three years.
within two months from the date of publication of this advertisement in Rozgar 3. The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation (including short term
Samachar/Employment News positively. Incomplete application will not be contract) shall not be exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of
accepted. applications.
The envelope containing application for the post must be superscribed with the words, 4. For the purpose of appointment on deputation/absorption basis, the service
"Application for the post of Handicrafts Promotion Officer on deputation basis". The rendered on a regular basis by an officer prior to the 1st January, 2006 or the date
applications which are not accompanied by the above documents or received after the from which the revised pay structure based on the recommendations of the 6th CPC
closing date or incomplete or are not routed through proper channel will not be has been extended shall be deemed to be service rendered in the corresponding
entertained for consideration. grade pay or pay scale extended based on the recommendations of the said Pay
This issues with the approval of Development Commissioner (Handicrafts). Commission except where there has been merger of more than one pre-revised scale
(Astha Agarwal) of pay into one grade with a common grade pay or pay scale and where this benefit
Assistant Director (Admn.) will extend only for the post(s) for which that grade pay or pay scale is the normal
Annexure-A replacement grade without any upgradation.
Vacancy Position of Handicrafts Promotion Officer ANNEXURE-II
2. Udaipur 01 1. Full Name of the candidate (in capital letters) :......................................................
3. Rewari 01 2. Date of Birth (In Christian Era) : ..........................................................................
4. Udhampur 01 3. Date of retirement under Central Government Rules :.........................................
4. Educational Qualifications :...................................................................................
5. Jodhpur 01
5. Post held :.............................................................................................................
6. Mumbai 02 (a) Name of the present post and service :................................................................
7. Panaji, Goa 01 (b) Whether held on regular or adhoc basis :.............................................................
8. Aurangabad 01 (c) Date from which the present post is held :...........................................................
(d) Scale of pay :........................................................................................................
9. Jagdalpur 01 (e) Present post :........................................................................................................
10. Nagpur 01 (f) Name of substantive post, if any :..........................................................................
11. Agartala 02 (g) Pay scale of substantive post :.............................................................................
(h) Pay last drawn against substantive post :.............................................................
12. Gangtok 02
(i) Date of continuous Central Government Service
13. Aizawl 02 6. Experience, if any, in the required discipline/field
14. Imphal 02 7. Details of service
15. Kohima 01 S. Name of Pay Whether on Name of the Duration Nature of
16. Itanagar 01 No. the post Scale regular/adhoc/ employer From To duties
17. Bhubaneswar 01 held deputation performed
18. Chennai 01 1.
19. Bengaluru 01 2.
20. Mysuru 01 3.
21. Dharwad 01 4.
22. Vijayawada 01 5.
23. Tirupati 01 6.
24. Warangal 02 8. Whether belongs to SC/ST
25. Hyderabad 02 9. Special qualifications/experience, if any :
10. Date of return from the last ex-cadre post, if any :
26. Port Blair 01
Date : Name of the applicant
TOTAL 34 Place : Signature
ANNEXURE-I (To be filled by the office forwarding the application)
ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS FOR THE POST OF HANDICRAFTS PROMOTION The application of Shri/Smt./Ms. _________________ for the post of Handicrafts
OFFICER IN LEVEL 6 OF THE PAY MATRIX OF Rs.35400-112400 IN THE OFFICE Promotion Officer on deputation basis is forwarded to the Office of the Development
OF THE DEVELOPMENT COMMISSIONER (HANDICRAFTS), MINISTRY OF Commissioner (Handicrafts), West Block 7, R.K. Puram, New Delhi - 110066 for
consideration please.
The ACR/APAR dossier of Shri/Smt/Ms. ______________ containing his/her
1. Name of the Post : HANDICRAFTS PROMOTION OFFICER ACRs/APARs for the years _____ to ______ is also sent herewith. Certified that
2. Scale of Pay : Level 6 [Rs. 35400-112400] Shri/Smt/Ms. ___________ is clear from vigilance angle and no disciplinary
3. Essential Qualifications : Officers under Central Government or State case/proceedings are pending/contemplated against him/her.
Governments or Union Territory Administrations or public sector undertakings or The information furnished by Shri/Smt./Ms. ___________ against Col. No. 1 to 10 is
Universities or recognized research institutions or Semi-Government or autonomous correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of his/her selection for the
post applied for, Shri/Smt./Ms. _______ will be relieved at short notice.
bodies or statutory organisations:
F. No. Signature___________________
(a) (i) holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent cadre or department; or Date Name______________________
(ii) with six years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular Place Designation ________________
basis in posts in the pay band-1, Rs. 5200-20200/- with grade pay of Rs. 2800 or Official Seal_________________
equivalent in the parent cadre or department; and davp 41103/11/0013/2122 EN 51/4
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Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022 15

National Investigation Agency 3. The nominations of eligible officials alongwith following

documents should reach to the SP (Adm), NIA HQ. Opposite CGO
Complex, Lodhi road, New Delhi- 110003 through proper
Ministry of Home Affairs channel within 01 month from the date of publication of this
Government of India item in ‘Employment News’.
i) Bio-data in prescribed proforma (Annexure-II) (available in NIA
Opposite CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi website duly countersig-
Notice for deputation to NIA as Inspector and Sub Inspector ned by the competent authority.
Nominations are invited for the posts of Inspector and Sub-Inspector on deputation basis in National ii) Photocopies of APAR dossier from the year 2016-17 to 2020-21
Investigation Agency (NIA). Details of posts and vacancies are as under :- duly attested (it may be ensured that the same are attested on each
pages with rubber stamp by an officer not blow the rank of Under
Srl. Post with pay scale Vacancies Proposed place of posting depending
No. on vacancies Secretary to the Government of India)
iii) Vigilance Clearance Certificate and Integrity Certificate issued by
i) Inspector 27 Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Mumbai,
Pay Scale - Pay Matrix Level-7 Lucknow, Jammu, Kochi, Kolkata, Raipur, the respective department.
(PB-2 with GP Rs. 4600/- pre-revised) Jammu, Chandigarh, Imphal, Chennai, iv) The details of major/minor penalties imposed on the official
Ranchi,Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, during the last 10 years.
Jaipur, Patna & Ahmedabad. 4. Applications received after the last date, or incomplete
ii) Sub- Inspector 79 -do- application, in any respect, or those not accompanied by the
Pay Scale- Pay Matrix Level- 6 documents/ information as per Para 3 above shall not be
(PB-2 with GP Rs. 4200/- pre-revised) considered. The Cadre Authorities may ascertain that the particulars
2. The eligibility criteria (educational qualification, experience, etc.) are furnished in the enclosed sent by the officials are correct as per the official records.
Annexure-I (A), & I (B). (available in NIA website recruitment-notice.htm). The 5. The eligibility criteria and application form as well as Recruitment
candidates who apply for the post will not be allowed to withdraw their candidature subsequently. Rules are also available on NIA website (available
in NIA website recruitment-notice.htm).
(Amit Singh, IPS)
Superintendent of Police (Adm)
NIA HQrs, New Delhi
011-24368801 (Fax)
davp 19133/11/0152/2122 EN 51/2

EN 51/24 EN 51/13
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16 Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022
ŒÍ⁄UèÊÊ· — 011-23007298 Telephone: 011-23007298
»Ò§Ä‚ — 011-23014576 Fax : 011-23014576
÷Ê⁄Uà ‚⁄U∑§Ê⁄U, ⁄UˇÊÊ ◊¥òÊÊ‹ÿ Government of India
⁄UˇÊÊ •ŸÈ‚¥äÊÊŸ ÃâÊÊ Áfl∑§Ê‚ ‚¥ªΔUŸ Ministry of Defence
∑§ÊÁ◊¸∑§ ÁŸŒ‡ÊÊ‹ÿ, ∑§ÊÁ◊¸∑§ ∞∞1 Defence Research & Dev. Orgn.
266, “∞” πá«U, «UË•Ê⁄U«UË•Ê ÷flŸ Directorate of Personnel (Pers-AA1)
⁄UÊ¡Ê¡Ë ◊ʪ¸, Ÿß¸U ÁŒÀ‹Ë-110011 266, 'A' Block, DRDO Bhawan, Rajaji Marg, New Delhi - 110011

DOP/AA1/68068/Depu/ADOL/2021 03 Feb 2022

Applications from eligible candidates are invited for filling up the 01 post of Assistant 4. Educational Qualifications
Director (Offical Language) {AD(OL)}, General Central Service Group ‘A’ Gazetted,
5. Whether educational and other qualifications
Ministerial in the pay level-10 on deputation basis.
required for the post are satisfied.
2. The eligibility conditions for the above posts are :-
Qualifications/Experience required as men- Qualifications/Experience
tioned in the advertisement/vacancy circular possessed by the officer
(A) Deputation:-
Officers of the Central or State Government or Union Territory administration: Essential Essential
(a) (i) holding analogous posts on a regular basis in the parent cadre or department; A) Qualification A) Qualification
or With three years of service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on B) Experience B) Experience
regular basis in Level-7 (Rs. 44900-142400) in pay matrix or equivalent in the parent
Desirable Desirable
cadre or department; and
(b) possessing the following educational qualification and experience:- A) Qualification A) Qualification
(i) Master Degree of a recognized university in Hindi with English as a compulsory or B) Experience B) Experience
elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level; Or 5.2. In the case of Degree and Post Graduate Qualifications elective/main subjects
Masters degree of a recognized University in English with Hindi as compulsory or and subsidiary subjects may be indicated by the candidate.
elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level; Or
6. Please state clearly whether in the light of entries made by you above, you meet
Masters degree of a recognized University in any subject other than Hindi or English,
the requisite Essential Qualifications and work experience of the post.
with Hindi medium and English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium
of examination at the degree level; Or 7. Details of Employment in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet duly
Masters degree of a recognized University in any subject other than Hindi or English, authenticated by your signature, if the space below is insufficient.
with English medium and Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium Office/ Post held on From To *Pay Band and Grade Nature of Duties
of examination at the degree level; Or Institution regular basis Pay/Pay Level of the (in detail) highlig-
Masters degree of a recognized University in any subject other than Hindi or English, post held on regular hting experience
with Hindi and English as a compulsory or elective subject or either of the two as a basis required for the
medium of examination and the other as a compulsory or elective subject at the post applied for
degree level;
(ii) Three years experience of using or applying terminology (terminological work) in
Hindi and translation work from English to Hindi or vice-versa, preferably of technical
or scientific literature under Central or State Governments or Autonomous Body or * Important: Pay Band & Grade Pay granted under ACP/MACP are personal to the
Statutory Organisation or Public Sector Undertakings or Universities or recognized officer and therefore, should not be mentioned. Only Pay Band and Grade Pay/
research of educational institutions. Or Pay Scale of the post held on regular basis to be mentioned. Details of ACP/MACP
Three years experience of teaching in Hindi and English or research in Hind, or with present Pay Band and Grade Pay where such benefits have been drawn by
English under Central or State or Governments or Autonomous Body or Statutory the Candidate, may be indicated as below:
Organisations or Public Sector Undertakings or Universities or recognized research or Office/ Pay, Pay Band and Grade Pay, Pay Level From To
educational institutions. Institution drawn under ACP/MACP
Studied one of the languages other than Hindi included in the 8th Schedule to the
8. Nature of present employment i.e. Ad-hoc or
Constitution at 10th Standard from a recognized board.
Temporary or Quasi-Permanent or Permanent
Note 1: The Departmental Officers in the feeder category who are in the direct line of
promotion shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment on deputation. 9. In case the present employment is held on
Similarly, deputationists shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment by deputation/contract basis, please state-
promotion. a) The date b) Period of c) Name of the d) Name of the post
Note 2: Period of deputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post of Initial appointment on parent office/organi- and Pay of the post
held immediately preceding, this appointment in the same or some other Organisation appointment deputation/contract zation to which the held in substantive
or Department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed three years. The applicant belongs capacity in the
maximum age-limit for appointment on deputation shall not exceed fifty six years as parent organisation
on the closing date of receipt of applications.
3. The selected officers will be appointed under the normal terms and conditions 9.1 Note: In case of Officers already on deputation, the applications of such officer
prescribed in this regard by the Govt of India from time to time. should be forwarded by the parent Cadre/Department alongwith Cadre Clearance,
4. It is requested that application (counter-signed by the Cadre Controlling Authority), Vigilance Clearance and Integrity Certificate.
as per the given (Annexure-I), alongwith photocopies of completed and up-to-date
9.2 Note: Information under Column 9 (c) & (d) above must be given in
APARs for the last five years (2015-16 to 2019-20) of the officers who could be spared
all cases where a person is holding a post on deputation outside the
in the event of their selection may be sent to Shri Pravin Kumar Das, Deputy
cadre/organization but still maintaining a lien in his parent cadre/
Director, Dte of Personnel (Pers-AA1), Room No. 266, 2nd Floor, DRDO Bhawan,
New Delhi-110105, within a period of 60 days from the date of circulation /
publication of this circular in Employment News/Rozgar Samachar. Photocopies 10. If any post held on deputation in the past by the applicant,
of the APARs should be attested on each page by an officer not below the rank date of return from the last deputation and other details.
of Under Secretary or equivalent in the Central Govt, failing which the 11. Additional details about present employment:
application of the candidate shall be summarily rejected. In the event of Please state whether working under (indicate the
selection, the applicant will not be allowed to withdraw his candidature. name of your employer against the relevant column)
5. Applications received after the last date or without duly attested copies of a) Central Government b) State Government
ACRs/APARs as indicated above or without the counter-signature of the Cadre c) Autonomous Organization d) Government Undertaking
Controlling Authority, or otherwise incomplete, will not be considered. No action will e) Universities f) Others
be taken on advance copies of the applications or applications, which are not 12. Please state whether you are working in the same Department
received through proper channel. and are in the feeder grade or feeder to feeder grade.
(Pravin Kumar Das)
Dy Dir.(Pers AA-1/ DOP) 13. Are you in Revised Scale of Pay? If yes, give the date from which
for Chairman DRDO the revision took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale.
ANNEXURE-I 14. Total emoluments per month now drawn
1. Name and Address (in block letters) : 15. In case the applicant belongs to an organisation which is not following the Central
1. (ii) Complete Postal address of the applicant's present office: Government Pay Scales, the latest salary slip issued by the Organisation showing
(with PIN, Tele/FAX) Space for the following details may be enclosed.
1 (iii) Complete Postal address of the Cadre Controlling Authority : photograph Basic Pay in the Pay Matrix Dearness Pay/Interim relief/ Total
(with PIN, Tele/FAX) other Allowances etc., (with Emoluments
break-up details)
2. Date of Birth (in Christian era) :
3. i) Date of entry in service Continued on page 17
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Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022 17
Government of India Annexure -I
1. (a) Name of Statistician
Ministry of Development of N.E. Region the post
(b) No. of post 1 (one)
North Eastern Council Secretariat
(c) Scale of pay Rs. 10,000-325-15,200/- (5th CPC)/ PB-3 Rs.15,600-39,100
Nongrim Hills, Shillong-793003 + Grade Pay of Rs.6,600/- (6th CPC) corresponding to
No. ADMN-12015(11)/2/2021-ADMN Dated: 22nd February, 2022 Level-11 of Pay Matrix of the 7th CPC.
(d) Method of Deputation:-
The North Eastern Council Secretariat is looking for services of suitable officer for filling Recruitment 1. Officers under the Central Government or State Govern-
up one (01) post of Statistician on deputation basis as per the provisions of and ments or Union Territories:-
Recruitment Rules. The pay and other terms and conditions of deputation will be Eligibility (a) (i) holding analogous posts on regular basis in the
Criteria parent cadre or department; or
regulated in accordance with DOPT's O&M No.6/8/2009-Estt.(Pay-II) dt.17.06.2010 as
(ii) with five years' service in the grade rendered after
amended from time to time. Cadre authorities/Head of Departments are requested to appointment thereto on a regular basis in posts in
forward applications of eligible and willing candidates whose services can be spared on the scale of pay of Rs. 8000- 13500/- (5th CPC)/
deputation basis immediately so as to reach the undersigned within 60 days from the PB-3 Rs. 15,600-39,100/- + Grade Pay Rs. 5,400/-
(6th CPC) corresponding to Level 10 of Pay Matrix
date of publication of this advertisement in the Employment News. The details of of 7th CPC or equivalent in the parent cadre or
post, eligibility criteria, job requirement, age limit, qualifications and experience department; or
required for the posts are indicated in Annexure-I below. For Application (iii) with eight years' service in the grade rendered after
Forms/Curriculum Vitae Proforma (Annexure-II) and other necessary details the appointment thereto on a regular basis in posts in the
scale of pay of Rs. 6500- 10,500 (5th CPC)/PB-2
candidates are advised to visit and download from the NEC Website http://necouncil. Rs. 9,300- 34,800/- + Grade Pay Rs. 4,600/- (6th CPC) corresponding to Level 7 of Pay Matrix of
department; and
1. Application in prescribed format - Annexure-II duly completed, signed by the
(b) possessing the following educational qualifications and
candidate and countersigned by the Cadre/Appointing authority. experience :
2. Attested copies of ACRs for the last 5 (five) years duly attested on each page with (i) Master's degree in Statistics or Operations Research
seal by an officer not below the rank of Under Secretary to the Government of or Mathematics or Commerce or Economics (with
Statistics) of a recognised University or equivalent.
India or equivalent.
(ii) Five year's experience in compilation, analysis and
3. Integrity Certificate.
interpretation of statistical data.
4. Vigilance Clearance.
(Period of deputation including period of deputation in
5. Major or minor penalty certificate for the last 10 years of his service. another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this
6. A certificate to the effect that the particulars furnished by the candidate have been appointment in the same or some other Organisation or
Department of the Central Government, shall ordinarily not
verified and found correct as per service records.
exceed three years. The maximum age-limit for appoint-
7. Cadre clearance certificate. ment by deputation shall be not exceeding 56 years as on
8. Self attested copies of educational certificates. the closing date of receipt of applications).
(L. Beimopha) (e) Job Compilation, analysis and interpretation of statistical data
requirement and other tasks as assigned from time to time as per
Deputy Secretary (Admn.)
NEC Secretariat, Nongrim Hills
Note: Candidates who apply for the above post would not be allowed to withdraw
Shillong: 793003 their candidature subsequently.
Ph. No.: 0364-2522647 EN 51/38
Continued from page 16
16. A Additional information, if any, relevant to the post you National Company Law Appellate Tribunal
applied for in support of your suitability for the post. 3rd Floor, Mahanagar Doorsanchar Sadan (M.T.N.L. Building)
(This among other things may provide information with regard to 9, C.G.O. Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
(i) Additional academic qualifications (ii) Professional training and Ph. 24306834, Email: [email protected]
(iii) Work experience over and above prescribed in the Vacancy VACANCY CIRCULAR
Filling up of the posts in the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal on
deputation basis.
(Note: Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient) The National Company Law Appellate Tribunal invites applications for filling up of the
16. B Achievements: following posts on deputation basis:
The candidates are requested to indicate information with regard to: SI. Name of the Post No. of Pay Scale (as per 7th CPC Pay
i) Research publications and reports and special projects; No. Posts Matrix)
ii) Awards/Scholarships/Official Appreciation; 1. Joint Registrar 1 Level 13 (Rs. 1,23,100-2,15,900)
iii) Affiliation with the professional bodies/institutions/societies; and
2. Deputy Registrar 1 Level 12 (Rs. 78,800-2,09,200)
iv) Patents registered in own name or achieved for the organization;
3. Principal Private Secretary 1 Level 11 (Rs. 67,700-2,08,700)
v) Any research/innovative measure involving official recognition; and
vi) Any other information. 4. Programmer 1 Level 9 (Rs. 53,100-1,67,800)
(Note: Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient) 5. Court Officer 3 Level 8 (Rs. 47,600-1,51,100)
17. Please state whether you are applying for deputation (ISTC)/ 6. Administrative Officer 2 Level 8 (Rs 47,600-1,51,100)
Absorption/Re-employment Basis#. (Officers under Central/ State 7. Senior Legal Assistant 2 Level 7 (Rs. 44,900-1,42,400)
Governments are only eligible for “Absorption”. Candidates of Non- The detailed Vacancy Circular containing qualifications, eligibility criteria, age limit etc.
Government Organizations are eligible only for Short-Term Contract). (Annexure-I) and the application form (Annexure-II) can be downloaded from the
# (The option of ‘STC/ ‘Absorption’/ ‘Re-employment’ are website The last date of receipt of applications is 30th April,
available only if the vacancy circular specially mentioned 2022.
recruitment by “STC” or “Absorption” or “Re-employment”) The applications in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-II), complete in all respects as
per the vacancy circular available on the website of this Tribunal "",
18. Whether belongs to SC/ST may be sent to "The Registrar, National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, 3rd
19. Choice of Stations for posting. Floor, Mahanagar Doorsanchar Sadan (M.T.N.L. Building), 9, C.G.O. Complex,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003" through proper channel and shall reach in the
I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and I am well aware registry of the NCLAT on or before the closing date.
that the information furnished in the Curriculum Vitae duly supported by the (Peeush Pandey)
documents in respect of Essential Qualification/Work Experience submitted by me will Registrar
also be assessed by the Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post. The F.No.02/01/2022-Estt/NCLAT
information/details provided by me are correct and true to the best of my knowledge davp 07119/12/0002/2122 EN 51/70
and no material fact having a bearing on my selection has been suppressed/withheld.
Date __________ 2. Also certified that:
(Signature of the Candidate) i) There is no vigilance or disciplinary case pending/contemplated against Shri/
Address with Mob No. & email ________________ Smt./Ms. _______________________
Countersigned ii) His/her integrity is certified.
(employer with Seal) iii) His/Her CR Dossier in original is enclosed/photocopies of the APARs for the last
5 years duly attested by an officer of the rank of Under Secretary of the Govt. of
The information/details provided in the above application by the applicant are true and iv) No major/minor penalty has been imposed on him/her during the last 10 years Or
correct as per the facts available on records. He/she possesses educational A list of major/minor penalties imposed on him/her during the last 10 years is
qualifications and experience mentioned in the advt. If selected, he/she will be relieved enclosed (as the case may be) Countersigned
immediately. EN 51/16 (Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority with Seal)
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18 Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022

Continued on page 19
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Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022 19
Continued from page 18

Continued on page 20
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20 Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022

EN 51/21

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Division of Entomology, New Delhi-110012
Eligible candidates may attend online interview for ad-hoc posts at Division of Entomology, ICAR-IARI,
New Delhi-12, as mentioned below. Applications should reach the respective E-mail IDs as mentioned
below by 2nd April, 2022. Shortlisted candidates will be informed through email. Eligibility, application
form and other details are available at website
Name of the Project and Email ID for Name and Emoluments
application Number of per
Position month
Project Title: Studies on thermal stress vis-à-vis reproductive physiology Junior Research Rs. 31,000/-
in invasive fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) Fellow per month +
(Period: 2022-2025) ([email protected]) (1 position) HRA @ 24%
Project Title: Taxonomic studies of family Elateridae from North Junior Research Rs. 31,000/-
Eastern India (Coleoptera: Elateridae) Fellow per month +
Period: 2022-25 ([email protected]) (1 position) HRA @ 24%
Assistant Administrative Officer
EN 51/29 EN 51/11

Continued from page 19

EN 51/30
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Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022 21

Ministry of Jal
Department of
Water Resource
Krishna Water
Trikoot- 1, 3rd Floor
Bhikaji Cama Place
New Delhi - 110066
Date: 7 March, 2022
It is proposed to fill up three
posts of Private Secretary in
the pay level-8 (Rs. 47600 -
Rs.151,100 ) 7th CPC on
deputation (including short
term contract)/re-employ-
ment basis in this Tribunal
from the employees of
Central Government / State
Governments/ UT/PSUs/
Autonomous/Semi Govt./
Statutory Organizations etc.
The description of the posts
and eligibility criteria are
available on the website The terms
and conditions of appoint-
ment on deputation basis will
be regulated under the DoP
&T's OM No. 6/8/2009-Estt.
(Pay-II) dated 17th June,
2010. Applications duly filled
in as per "Proforma" at
Annexure-II along with CR
dossiers and the latest
vigilance clearance certifi-
cate of the eligible candida-
tes may be forwarded by the
Organizations/ Departments
concerned to the Administra-
tive Officer, Krishna Water
Disputes Tribunal, Trikoot- 1,
3rd Floor, Bhikaji Cama
Place, New Delhi - 110066.
The application on re-
employment basis may be
submitted directly to the
Administration Officer at the
above address. The applica-
tion duly completed in all
respects should be submi-
EN 51/28
tted within 60 days from
the date of publica-tion of
this advertisement in the
Employment News. The (100% Funded by the Govt. of N.C.T. of Delhi)
employees working in the (University of Delhi)
B-Block, Vikaspuri, New Delhi-110 018
Krishna Water Disputes
Phone No.011-28544497, Fax No.28549003
Tribunal are not eligible for
Email: [email protected] Website:
Govt. accommodation. The Ref.No.IPE/Principal/2022/01 Date: 07.03.2022
selected candidates would Online applications are invited in the prescribed Application Form available at web-link from eligible candidates for
not be allowed to withdraw appointment to the post of Principal, in the Academic Level 14 of 7th Central Pay Commission Pay Matrix, in the College. The last date for
their candidature. Incomplete receipt of application is Friday, 08.04.2022 or two weeks from the date of publication of the advertisement in the Employment News,
applications shall not be whichever is later. For details, please visit the College Website
Any addendum/corrigendum shall be posted only on the University/College website.
Important Note:
(P. C. Gupta) The details regarding qualifications, publications, experience, screening guidelines and indicative proforma etc. are available on
Administrative Officer the College website along with this advertisement. The applicants are required to read these details before filling up the form.
Tel. No. 011-26162190 CHAIRMAN
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22 Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022

EN 51/31 EN 51/32

College (M)
of Delhi)
Nehru Nagar
New Delhi-110065

Advertisement for
the Post of Principal
Online applications are
invited in the prescribed
application form available at
from eligible candidates for
appointment to the post of
Principal, in the Academic
Pay Level 14 of 7th CPC, in
the college. The last date
for receipt of application
is 02.04.2022 or within two
weeks from the date of
publication of the adver-
tisement in the Employ-
ment News, whichever is
later. For details, please
visit the college website
Any addendum/ corrigen-
dum shall be posted only
on the College website.
EN 51/15 EN 51/10 EN 51/25

Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Department (Link ΠRecruitment).

Room No. 399, F-Wing, Krishi Bhawan 3. The application complete in all respects should be forwarded
New Delhi - 110001 through proper channel to Shri Umesh Kumar Sah, Under
F. No. A-12023/4/2020-E.II Secretary (Pers.-II), Room No. 37-A, Ground Floor, F-Wing,
VACANCY CIRCULAR Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001, within 60 days of the
The Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare invites application for the post of Assistant
publication of the circular in the Employment News/ Rozgar
Commissioner (Integrated Nutrients Management) on Composite method [Deputation (ISTC) plus
Promotion] Basis, as per details below: Samachar. Applications not forwarded through proper channel
S. Name of the No. of Method of or received after due date or those received without the
No. post and Scale Vacancies Recruitment requisite certificates and necessary documents will not be
1. Assistant Commissioner One (01) Composite Method [Deputation (ISTC) plus entertained.
(Integrated Nutrients Mana- Promotion] 4. The name of the post applied for should be super scribed in bold
Level-11 of pay matrix letters on the envelope containing the application.
as per 7th CPC (U. K. Sah)
2. For complete advertisement, application format, eligibility criteria, i.e. educational qualification, Under Secretary (Pers.-II)
experience, bio-data proforma etc. the applicants are advised to visit to the official website of this EN 51/27 Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare
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Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022 23
Defence Research & Development International Financial Services Centres
Organisation Authority
Defence Geoinformatics 2nd and 3rd Floor, Pragya Tower
GIFT City, Gandhinagar
Research Establishment F.No.537/IFSCA/GAD/HR/Rec./2022-23 March 04, 2022

Him Parisar, Plot No. 01, Sector 37A VACANCY NOTIFICATION

Chandigarh - 160036 (UT) International Financial Sevices Centres Authority (IFSCA) is a unified regulatory body
Walk-In Interview for the Position of Junior Research of Government of India established by an Act of Parliament to develop and regulate the
financial products, financial services and financial institutions in the International
Fellow (JRF) & Research Associate (RA) Financial Services Centres in India. The Authority invites applications from eligible
Applications are invited from the interested candidates for the following positions at Indian citizens for filling up of following posts on Direct Recruitment / Deputation /
DGRE, Chandigarh:- Contract basis at IFSCA HQ, Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
Sr Eligibility Nos. S. Name of the Post Stream No. of Pay scale
No. No. posts
1. Essential: 01 No. 1. Executive Director Risk Based 01 Rs. 120500-3500 (2) -
Subject: Ph.D in Geology/Geo-informatics/Remote Sensing. or RA Supervision 127500 (3 years).
equivalent degree or having 3 years of research, teaching or design 2. Deputy General Manager Fin Tech 01 Rs. 68500-2150(2)-
and development experience after M.E./M.Tech with at least 2
(Officer Grade-D) Banking 01 72800-2250(6)-
research papers in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) journal.
Desirable: (i) Experience in Rock Mass Characterization, Analogous Insurance 01 86300(9 years)
Terrain Identification using earth observation and Geological Field Development 01
Surveys, Geomorphology and tectonic studies along with good hands 3. Assistant General Development 01 Rs. 49000-1750(3)-
on experience of different GIS software and Field Investigation.
Manager (Officer Banking 01 54250-1900(2)-58050-
2. Essential: Post Graduate Science Degree in first division with 02 No.
NET/GATE in fields of Remote Sensing/Geo-Informatics. OR JRF Grade-C) Insurance 01 2000(4)-66050-
ME or M.Tech in first division (both at Graduate and Post Graduate Fin Tech 01 EB-2000(2)-70050-
level) in the fields of Remote Sensing/Geo-Informatics. 2150(1)-72200(13 years)
Desirable: (iii) Good working knowledge about: Different Image
4. Total number of vacancies 09
Processing and GIS software like QGIS, ArcGIS, ENVI, ERDAS etc.,
Hyperspectral remote sensing data analysis. Note: Inter stream allocation of posts are only indicative.
(iv) Exposure to AI/ML based analysis and modeling. 2. The candidates willing to apply for the above posts are requested to refer
3. Essential: B.E./B.Tech with first division in Computer Science 02 No. for detailed vacancy notification, service benefits and
& Engineering/Computer Engineering with NET/GATE OR JRF the eligibility criteria in terms of age, qualification and experience etc. The last date for
M.E/M.Tech (Computer Science/Computer Engineering) with receipt of application along with requisite documents by post is March 31, 2022 by 6.00
first division both at Graduate and Post Graduate level. OR PM.
M.Sc (Computer Science) with first division with NET/GATE Deputy General Manager
Desirable: (i) Knowledge of Machine Learning/AI tools & techniques. EN 51/54 General Administration Department
(ii) Knowledge of image processing/GIS software, such as ERDAS,
(iii) Knowledge of Python, C++, MATLAB, Predictive modeling, etc.
z Duly filled application (Annexure-I) along with self-attested copies of Mark
sheets/Certificates, Caste certificate, Experience certificates, publications if
(To be filled by the candidate in his/her own handwriting)
any, to be sent by Registered/Speed Post to The Director, Defence
Geoinformatics Research Establishment (DGRE), Him Parisar, Plot No. 01, 1. Post Sr. No. : Advertisement No. :
Sector- 37A, Chandigarh (UT) - 160036. The envelope should be superscribed 2. Full Name (in Block letters) : Affix
with the Post Sr. No. The closing date for submission of application is 21 3. (i) Father's Name (in Block letters) : Recent
days from the date of publishing of advertisement in the Employment News. (ii) Mother's Name (in Block letters) : Passport
z Application form can be downloaded from the website (iii) Spouse Name (if applicable) : Size
new. (in Block letters) Photograph
z Screening of the application will be carried out and only short-listed candidates will 4. Gender : Male/Female/Third Gender
be called for walk-in interview as per schedule intimated via e-mail (gmail).
5. Category : Gen/SC/ST/OBC
z Incomplete / partially filled applications would not be accepted.
z Candidates working in Govt. /Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous Bodies
6. Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) :
should produce NOC at the time of interview. 7. Correspondence Address :
z The selection through walk-in interview will be purely provisional and subject to (With Pin Code) :
verification of documents and original certificates. The candidature will be rejected 8. Permanent Address :
if any mismatch/canvassing is noticed in details regarding qualification, discipline, (with Pin Code) :
percentage of marks or non-fulfillment of any specified criteria at the time of joining. 9. Contact Details: Mobile/Landline :
z Maximum age 28 years for JRF & 35 years for RA and relaxation in age for 05 years
Alternate No. (if any)) :
for SC/ST and 03 years for OBC as per govt. rules.
10. E-mail ID :
z For field data collection, the selected person will have to regularly visit and stay in
the snow bound, glaciated region of Himalaya, as per requirement. Alternate E-mail ID :
z The positions are purely temporary. The offer of fellowship will not confer any right 11. Educational Qualification (from Matric/10th/HSC onwards, Self Attested copies
for regular appointment /absorption in DRDO. The period of fellowship will not to be enclosed)
count for the purpose of seniority, other Govt. benefit in DRDO in case of Examination Subject (s) Board/ Month & Division/ Percentage/
appointment at a later date. passed University Year of Class/ (%) CGPA
z The tenure of Junior Research Fellowship is initially for a period of two years and passing Grade
for Research Associate total tenure for a period of two years only or co-terminus
with the project whichever is earlier.
z The fellowship may be terminated at any time during the tenure with a prior notice
of one month.
GENERAL CONDITIONS 12. Experience (if any) Note: Attach Sheets, if required period of service job
1. One candidate can apply only for one fellowship as per their essential and desirable description (in brief).
qualification. Name of post/ Name of the Organization/ From To
2. The number of fellowships may increase or decrease depending upon the Designation Department
prevailing requirement. 13. Whether qualified UGC/CSIR/NET : Yes/No
3. No govt. accommodation would be provided by the organization to the candidates. GATE Examination
4. The candidates shall be shortlisted for the interview on the basis of criteria in order If Yes, give details (proof to be enclosed)
of preference:- Enrolment/ Roll No. ........................Year..............Score.............Validity...............
(i) Score of national written test of NET/GATE.
14. Have you ever been debarred for recruitment examination : Yes/No
(ii) Percentage of marks obtained in minimum qualifying degree. (will be considered
by any Govt. Agency (if so give details)
only when a candidate has not appeared in NET/GATE )
IMPORTANT DATES: 15. Declaration:
Date of Interview for walk-in interview: To be intimated to shortlisted candidates. I hereby declare that, the above furnished particulars are correct to the best of my
Last date for receipt of application forms: 21 days from the date of publishing knowledge and no information is suppressed. If at any time I am found to have
of advertisement in the Employment News. concealed/distorted any information, my fellowship shall be liable to be summarily
Sr. Admin Officer- I terminated without any prior notice. I am ready, to take up and discharge the
For Director duties assigned to me anywhere in India, as and when required.
Defence Geoinformatics Research Establishment Place: ................... Signature of Candidate...............................
Ph (O): 0172-2699804-06, Extn: 202 Date: .................... Name of the Candidate.....................................
Fax (O): 0172-2699802 davp 10301/11/0161/2122 EN 51/47
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24 Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022
GOVERNMENT OF INDIA 12. Category : General SC ST
(Tick ‘9’ whichever
CABINET SECRETARIAT is applicable) OBC Ex-Service Men

Advertisement No. 01(A)/2022 Closing Date : 29/04/2022 Central Govt. Employee

Applications are invited from Indian Nationals for direct recruitment in the grade of 13. If ex-serviceman, please Years Months Days
Trainee Pilot [Group ‘A’ Gazetted] in Cabinet Secretariat, Government of India specify length of Defence
Organisation. The post carries the pay scale in Level 10 of Pay Matrix [minimum pay service (Enclose copy of
of Rs. 56,100/- & allowances as per CCS(RP) Rules, 2016]. Candidates possessing discharge certificate)
the following Educational Qualification and prescribed age are eligible for the above 14. Marital Status MARRIED UNMARRIED
(Tick ‘9’ whichever
mentioned post:-
is applicable)
Name of Educational & Technical Qualification Tentative number Age-limit If married,
the Post [As on closing date ] of vacancies a) Name of spouse FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Trainee 50% marks and above in Higher 06 Between b) Religion of spouse FFFFFFFFFFFF
Pilot Secondary or equivalent with a valid 20 and 30
Commercial Pilot Licence or Helicopter years (as c) Nationality of spouse FFFFFFFFFFFF
Pilot Commercial Licence from Director on closing 15. Educational and Technical qualifications from matriculation onwards:-
General Civil Aviation (DGCA). date) (a) Educational Qualification (Attach self-attested copies of all mark-sheets &
2. The upper age-limit is relaxable for identified categories [SC/ST – 5 years, OBC certificates):
(Recognised by resolution issued by Govt. of India) – 3 years, Central Govt. Exam / University/Board Year of Duration of Subjects Total marks
Employees / Ex-servicemen, as per Central Government Orders in force]. Degree Passing the Course Studied obtained in
3. Selection process for the above grade shall take into account the marks obtained passed From To percentage (%)
by the candidates in subjects namely (a) Air Navigation (b) Air Regulation (c) Air
Meteorology (d) Technical General and (e) Technical Specification in Flight Crew
License Examination (FCLE), conducted by Central Examination Organisation of
DGCA. Marks scored in FCLE out of maximum 500 marks in the said subjects shall
be divided by 5 and the figure obtained would be treated as written score out of (b) Technical Qualification (Attach self-attested copies of relevant certificates i.e.
maximum 100 marks. Final selection shall be based on marks obtained in FCLE FCLE etc.):
(Maximum Marks -100), Pilot Aptitude related Psychometric Test (qualifying in nature) (i) Indian Licence details:-
and Interview (Maximum Marks - 25). License Name of Number Date of Validity Remarks
4. Applications of all the eligible candidates will be arranged in the order of merit Category Institute Issue From To
as per marks secured in the said FCLE. Out of eligible candidates, only five CPL
times the number of vacancies will be called for interview, as per merit. Any Other
5. Eligible candidates applying for the above mentioned post must submit self attested (ii) Medical Assessment:-
copies of certificates in respect of age, educational qualification and result card issued Last medical done on Medical validity Medical status Remarks
by the Central Examination Organisation, Commercial Pilot Licence, experience etc. upto (Fit/Unfit) (limitations if any)
Candidates claiming for age-relaxation must submit a certificate issued by the
Competent Authority alongwith the application as per standard format annexed.
6. Persons, who are already in Government Service, should submit their applications (iii) English Language Proficiency (ELP) Certificate:-
through respective office and should enclose “No Objection Certificate” obtained from ELP level ELP done on ELP Valid till
the Competent Authority. Applications received directly are liable to be rejected.
7. The employment carries with it the All India Transfer Liability. Final appointment
(iv) Hours flown:-
would be subject to producing medical fitness certificate from authorised Medical
Type of A/C Command First Officer or Dual Total Remarks
Board approved by DGCA for civil license holders, as to be conveyed by Cabinet
(i) Single Engine
8. Application Form to be typed on A-4 size paper, should be filled in English Capital (ii) Multi Engine
(Block) letters using Black or Blue ink only. Total
9. Any cutting or overwriting in any part of the application form will render it liable to Did you have any flying incident/accident:
be rejected. Candidates are, therefore, advised to take special care while filling the (Brief details thereof including
punishment/warning awarded (if any)] Yes ....... No. ...........
application form. Do not leave any column blank. Incomplete / unsigned and
DGCA Computer No:
application without requisite certificates will be rejected.
10. The envelope containing application (alongwith requisite certificates and two self- 16. Whether employed or not : Yes / No
If yes, details of employment FFFFFFFFFFFFFF
attested recent passport size colour photograph with name & DOB on the back)
PILOT” and sent through ORDINARY POST addressed to Post Bag No. 3003, Lodhi DECLARATION
Road Head Post Office, New Delhi-110003. I hereby declare that (a) I fulfil the laid down eligibility conditions for the post of Trainee
11. The last date of receipt of application is 29.04.2022. Pilot; and (b) I have not submitted any other application in response to the same
12. The Cabinet Secretariat reserves the right to cancel or withdraw the advertisement. In the event of information or part thereof being found incorrect at any
stage, my candidature / appointment is liable to be cancelled / terminated without any
recruitment process / revise number of vacancies, at any stage without
notice to me.
assigning any reason. Place : ................. Signature of the applicant with date
Date : ..................
(GOVERNMENT OF INDIA) Affix self-attested
Note: Please fill in the form in English capital letters recent passport size
A candidate who claims to belong to one of the Scheduled Caste or the Scheduled
Name of the Post applied for : Trainee Pilot colour photograph
Tribes should submit in support of his/ her claim an attested/certified copy of a
1. Name : FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF certificate in the form given below, from the District Officer or the Sub-Divisional Officer
2. Nationality : FFFFFF or any other officer as indicated below of the District in which his parents (or surviving
3. Gender : Male Female parent) ordinarily reside who has been designated by the State Government
(Tick ‘9’ whichever is concerned as competent to issue such a certificate. If both his parents are dead, the
applicable) officer signing the certificate should be of the district in which the candidate himself
4. Father's Name : FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ordinarily resides otherwise than for the purpose of his own education. Wherever
5. Mother's Name : FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF photograph is an integral part of the certificate, the Commission would accept only
6. Date of Birth : Date Month Year attested photocopies of such certificates and not any other attested or true copy.
Place (The format of the certificate to be produced by Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
7. Age as on closing date : Years Months Days Tribes candidates applying for appointment to posts under Government of India)
8. Address for FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF This is to certify that Shri/Shrimati/Kumari* ............................. son/daughter of
correspondence : FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF .................................................................. of village/town* .........................................
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF in District/Division * ............................. of the State/ Union Territory* .....................
STATE PIN belongs to the Caste/Tribes .................................. which is recognized as a Scheduled
9. Contact No. : FFFFFFFFFF Castes/ Scheduled Tribes* under:-
The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) order, 1950 .....................................................
(Mobile) (Mandatory)
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) order, 1950 ......................................................
10. Email Id (Mandatory) :
The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Union Territories order, 1951 * .......................
(IN BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS) The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Union Territories Order, 1951* .........................
11. Religion : FFFFFFFFFFFFFF Continued on page 25
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Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022 25

National Investigation Agency recruitment-notice.htm). The candidates who apply for the post will
not be allowed to withdraw their candidature subsequently.
Ministry of Home Affairs 3. It is requested that the above advertisement may kindly be circulated among all
Departments/Institutions/Offices under your charge and also hosted on their websites.
Government of India The nominations of eligible officials alongwith following documents should reach to the
SP (Adm), NIA HQ, Opposite CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
New Delhi-03 through proper within 01 month from the date of publication of this item in
No. E-96/002/Depu-HC & ASI/NIA/2022(Vol-I)/3172 'Employment News'.
NOTICE FOR DEPUTATION TO NIA AS ASSISTANT i) Bio-data in prescribed proforma (Annexure-II) (available in NIA website
SUB-INSPECTOR AND HEAD CONSTABLE duly filled and countersigned by the
Nominations are invited for the post of Assistant Sub-Inspector and Head Constable on competent authority.
deputation basis in NIA. Details of posts and vacancies are as under: ii) Photocopies of APAR dossier from the year 2016-17 to 2020-21 duly attested (it may
Srl Post with pay scale Vacan- Proposed place of posting be ensured that the same are attested on each pages with rubber stamp by an officer
No. cies depending on vacancies not below the rank of Under Secretary to the Government of India.)
iii) Vigilance Clearance Certificate and Integrity Certificate issued by the respective
i) Assistant Sub-Inspector 43 Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Mumbai,
Pay Scale- Pay Matrix Lucknow, Jammu, Kochi, Kolkata,
iv) The details of major/minor penalties imposed on the official during the last 10 years.
Level-5 (PB-2 with GP Raipur, Jammu, Chandigarh, Imphal,
v) Photocopies of education certificates duly attested with rubber stamp.
Rs.2800 pre-revised) Chennai, Ranchi, Bengaluru, Bhopal,
3. Applications received after the last date, or incomplete applications in any respect or
Bhubaneswar, Jaipur, Patna & Ahmeda-
those not accompanied by the documents/information as per para 3 above will not be
considered. The Cadre Authorities will ascertain that the particulars sent by the officers
ii) Head Constable 24 -do- are correct as per the records.
Pay Scale- Pay Matrix 4. The complete information and eligibility criteria are available in NIA websites
Level-4 ( PB-2 with GP (Amit Singh, IPS)
Rs. 2400 pre-revised) Supdt of Police (Adm)
2. The eligibility criteria (educational qualification, experience, etc.) are furnished in the NIA Hqrs, New Delhi
enclosed Annexure-I (A) and Annexure-I (B) (available at NIA website davp 19133/11/0054/2122 EN 51/49

Continued from page 24

As amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Lists (Modification) order, ............................................... with 3 years regular service in the grade as on closing
1956, the Bombay Reorganization Act, 1960 & the Punjab Reorganization Act, 1966, date. This office has no objection for his/ her appearing in the .............................
the State of Himachal Pradesh Act 1970, the North-Eastern Area (Reorga-nization) Act, Examination.
1971 and the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Order (Amend-ment) Act, 1976. Signature ....................
The Constitution (Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Castes Order, 1956 ....................... Name ..........................
The Constitution (Andaman and Nicobar Islands) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1959 as Office Seal ..................
amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes order (Amendment Act), Place : ..................
1976*. Date : ..................
The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Castes order 1962. (*Please delete the words which are not applicable.)
The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Tribes Order 1962@. ANNEXURE
The Constitution (Pondicherry) Scheduled Castes Order 1964@ UNDERTAKING TO BE GIVEN BY THE EX-SERVICEMEN
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) (Uttar Pradesh) Order, 1967 @ I …………………………………………………., bearing Roll No………………….,
The Constitution (Goa, Daman & Diu) Scheduled Castes Order, 1968@ appearing for the Document Verification of the ……………………………………….
The Constitution (Goa, Daman & Diu) Scheduled Tribes Order 1968 @ Examination, 20………., do hereby undertake that:
The Constitution (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1970 @ (a) I am entitled to the benefits admissible to Ex-Servicemen in terms of the Ex-
The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Castes Order 1978@ Servicemen Re-employment in Central Civil Services and Posts Rules, 1979, as
The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Tribes Order 1978@ amended from time to time.
The Constitution (Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Tribes Order 1989@ (b) I have not joined the Government job on civil side (including Public Sector
Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies/ Statutory Bodies, Nationalized Banks, etc.) in
The Constitution (SC) orders (Amendment) Act, 1990@
Group “C” and “B” posts on regular basis after availing of the benefits of reservation
The Constitution (ST) orders (Amendment) Ordinance 1991@
given to ex-serviceman for re-employment; or
The Constitution (ST) orders (Second Amendment) Act, 1991@
(c) I have availed the benefit of reservation as ex-serviceman for securing Government
The Constitution (ST) orders (Amendment) Ordinance 1996@
job on civil side. I have joined as …………………………….on……………… in the office
The Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Orders (Amendment ) Act 2002@
of ………………………………………………………… I hereby undertake that I have
The Constitution (Scheduled Caste) Orders (Amendment) Act 2002@
submitted the self-declaration/ undertaking to my current employer about date wise
The Constitution (Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe) Orders (Amendment) Act detail of the application for the above mentioned examination for which I had applied
2002@ for before joining the present civil employment; or
The Constitution (Scheduled Caste) Order (Amendment) Act 2007@ (d) I have availed the benefit of reservation as ex-serviceman for securing Government
%2. Applicable in the case of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes persons who have job on civil side. I have joined as …………………………….on……………… in the office
migrated from one State/ Union Territory Administration. of ……………………………………. Therefore, I am eligible for age-relaxation only;
This certificate is issued on the basis of the Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes I hereby declare that the above statements are true, complete and correct to the best
certificate issued to Shri/Shrimati .................................................................. of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in the event of any information being
Father/mother of Shri/Srimati/Kumari* ................................................................. of found false or incorrect at any stage, my candidature/ appointment is liable to be
village/town* ....................................... in District/Division* ................................. of the cancelled/ terminated
State/Union Territory* ........................................................ who belong to the Signature: ......................................................
......................................... Caste/ Tribe which is recognized as a Scheduled Caste/ Name: ……………...........................................
Scheduled Tribe in the State/Union Territory* issued by the ............................................ Roll Number: ..................................................
dated ................................................... . Date: ……………..............................................
%3. Shri/Shrimati/Kumari ...................... and /or * his/ her family ordinarily reside(s) in Date of appointment in Armed Forces: ……
village/town* ...................................... of ............................ District/Division* Date of Discharge: …………….......................
........................... of the State/Union Territory of ................................. Last Unit/ Corps: ……………...........................
Signature ............................ Mobile Number: …………….............................
** Designation ..................... Email ID: …………….........................................
Place : ......................... (with seal of office) ............ ANNEXURE
* Please delete the words which are not applicable CLASSES APPLYING FOR APPOINTMENT TO POSTS UNDER
@ Please quote specific presidential order THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA)
% Delete the paragraph which is not applicable. This is to certify that Shri/Smt./Kumari ............................. son/daughter of
NOTE: The term ordinarily reside(s) used here will have the same meaning as in ........................ of village/ town ............................ in District/Division ..................... in
section 20 of the Representation of the People Act, 1950. the State/ Union Territory ..................................... belongs to the .......................
** List of authorities empowered to issue Caste/ Tribe Certificates : Community which is recognized as a backward class under the Government of India,
(i) District Magistrate/ Additional District Magistrate/ Collector/ Deputy Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment’s Resolution No. .................. dated
Commissioner/ Additional Deputy Commissioner/ Dy. Collector/ Ist Class ..................... *. Shri/Smt./Kumari ................................... and/or his/her family ordinarily
Stipendiary Magistrate/ Sub-Divisional Magistrate/ Extra-Assistant reside(s) in the ............................... District/Division of the ................................
Commissioner/ Taluka Magistrate/ Executive Magistrate. State/Union Territory. This is also to certify that he/she does not belong to the persons/
(ii) Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Presidency sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in Column 3 of the Scheduled to the Government
Magistrate. of India, Department of Personnel & Training O.M. No. 36012/22/93-Estt (SCT) dated
(iii) Revenue Officers not below the rank of Tehsildar. 8.9.1993**.
(iv) Sub-Divisional Officers of the area where the candidate and/or his family normally District Magistrate
resides. Deputy Commissioner etc.
NOTE: ST candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu State should submit caste certificate Dated : ................
ANNEXURE * The authority issuing the certificate may have to mention the details of Resolution of
FORM OF CERTIFICATE TO BE SUBMITTED BY CENTRAL GOVERNMENT Government of India, in which the caste of the candidate is mentioned as OBC.
(To be filled by the Head of the Office or Department in which the candidate is working) Note: The term “Ordinarily” used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of
It is certified that *Shri/Smt./Km. ....................................... is a Central Government the Representation of the People Act, 1950.
Civilian employee holding the post of ...................................... in the pay scale of Rs. davp 58101/11/0024/2122 EN 51/57
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26 Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022
No.: N-302/6/2020-NI (E 12916)
Government of India
Ministry of
Social Justice
Department of
of Persons with
Room No. 517, 5th Floor
Antyodaya Bhawan
CGO Complex
New Delhi 110003
Appointment of Director,
National Institute for the
Empowerment of Persons
with Intellectual
Disabilities (NIEPID),
Applications are invited for the
post of Director, National
Institute for the Empowerment
of Persons with Intellectual
Disabilities (NIEPID), Secunde-
rabad, an autonomous body
under the administrative
control of Ministry of Social
Justice & Empowerment (MSJ
&E), Department of Empower-
ment of Persons with Disabili-
ties (Divyangjan), Government
of India. Post carries pay as per
Level 13 ( Rs. 123100-215900)
of Pay Matrix with admissible
allowances and is to be filled
EN 51/22 EN 51/9
up on Deputation/Short Term
Contract initially for a period of would be 45 days from the
2 years which may be date of publishing of
extended on yearly basis, after advertisement in Employment
review of the performance, up News.
to 5 years. (Navin Kumar)
2. Detailed advertisement, Under Secretary to
application format etc. are the Government of India
available on the website of the
Department www.disabilityaff and on the website
of the Institute i.e. http:// The last date davp 38117/11/0053/2122
for receipt of applica-tions EN 51/51

Áfl‡flÁfllÊ‹ÿ •ŸÈŒÊŸ •ÊÿÊª

University Grants Commission
(Á‡ÊˇÊÊ ◊¥òÊÊ‹ÿ, ÷Ê⁄Uà ‚⁄U∑§Ê⁄U)
(Ministry of Education, Govt. of India)
’„UÊŒÈ⁄U‡ÊÊ„U ¡»§⁄U ◊ʪ¸, Ÿß¸U ÁŒÀ‹Ë-110 002
Bahadurshah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110002
Phone : 011-23604181, 23604201
Advertisement No.03/2022
University Grants Commission, New Delhi invites online applications
for appointment on Deputation / Direct Recruitment basis for the
following posts:
S. Name and Number of the Post Scale of Pay
1. Joint Secretary (07) - on deputation Level 13
(01) Reserved for OBC -Direct Rs. 1,23,100-2,15,900
2. Deputy Secretary (01) - Direct Level 12
Recruitment Reserved for ST Rs. 78,800-2,09,200
Eligibility criteria, qualifications, scale of pay and other details can be
accessed on UGC website i.e. Last date for
online submission of applications is 22nd April, 2022.
F.No. 5-1/2020(Admin.I/A&B) Secretary, UGC
davp 21205/12/0024/2122 EN 51/50 EN 51/39
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Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022 27

EN 51/59

Vacancy Advertisement No. 01-2022

Government of India

Ministry of
Environment, Forest and
Climate Change
Wildlife Crime Control Bureau
02nd Floor, Trikoot-01, Bhikaji Cama Place
New Delhi-110066
Vacancy Notice
Staff on Deputation
Wildlife Crime Control Bureau (WCCB) invites
applications for the below-mentioned posts on
deputation basis for its Headquarters and Regional
Offices :-
1. Stenographer Grade- I : 02 (01 Post at Delhi and
01 Post at Jabalpur)
2. Stenographer Grade-Ill : 01 (at Delhi)
3. Upper Division Clerk : 01 (at Mumbai)
4. Lower Division Clerk : 01 (at Chennai)
The qualification, eligibility criteria and other details are
available at The last date for receipt of
completed application form in prescribed format is
60 days from the publication of this advertisement.
The Additional Director
EN 51/60 Wildlife Crime Control Bureau EN 51/65
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28 Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022
Sainik School
(Tamil Nadu)
(A Residential Public School
run under the aegis of
Sainik Schools Society,
Ministry of Defence
Govt. of India)
Sainik School, Amaravathi-
nagar (Tamil Nadu) invites
applications for under mentio-
ned Posts.
(a) PGT - Chemistry- 01 Post
(Regular Basis)
(b) TGT - Chemistry- 01 Post
(Regular Basis)
(c) TGT - Hindi - 01 Post
(Regular Basis)
(d) Office Superintendent -
01 Post (Regular Basis)
(e) General Employees (MTS) -
03 Posts (Regular Basis)
(f) Band Master - 01 Post
(Contractual Basis)
(g) Art Master - 01 Post
(Contractual Basis)
(h) PEM/PTI-cum-Matron (Fe-
male) - 01 Post (Contractual
For complete details please
visit the school website
Contact No. : 6383911204
EN 51/19 EN 51/53 EN 51/52

No.F.12021/1/2020-O/o DIR (NWIC)-MOWR

Government of India
⁄UÊc≈˛UËÿ ¬ÎâflË ÁflôÊÊŸ •äÿÿŸ ∑¥§Œ˝
Ministry of Jal Shakti National Centre for Earth
Department of Water Resources, RD & GR

National Water Informatics Centre Science Studies

Applications had been invited from eligible candidates to fill the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India
following post (General Central Services, Group 'A', Gazetted, Non- Akkulam, Thiruvananthapuram -11
Ministerial) in the National Water Informatics Centre (NWIC), a No. NCESS/P&GA/1224/01/2022 Date: 09.03.2022
subordinate office of Department of Water Resources, RD & GR, RECRUITMENT OF HINDI TYPIST
Ministry of Jal Shakti on deputation (including Short-Term
Contract) basis vide vacancy circular issued in the 08-14 NCESS invites online applications from eligible Indian citizens for appointment to one post of Hindi

January, 2022 Edition of Employment News and Times of India Typist, on direct recruitment basis.
& Dainik Jagran, Delhi Editions dated 26.02.2022:- Post Vaca- Qualifications Group Pay Level Age limit Reser-
SI. Name of Post No. of Pay Level/Scale Code ncy vation
No. Posts 01 1 Essential: (i) 10+2 or its equivalent quali- C Level 2 of Not Unre-
1. Assistant 04 Level - 10, Rs. 56100-177500/- fication from a recognized Board or Uni- the 7th exceeding served
Director of the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC. versity. CPC Pay 28 years
2. The last date for submission of applications which expired (ii) Typing speed of 30 w.p.m in Hindi on Matrix of (relaxation
on 08.03.2022 has now been extended by 60 days from the computer (correspond to 9000 KDPH on Rs. 19,900- as per
date of publication of this advertisement in the Employment an average of 5 key depression for each 63,200 Govt.
News. word). Rules)
3. Interested eligible officers/candidates may send their Time allowed 10 minutes.
applications in the prescribed proforma along with attested copies Job Profile :
of the APAR for the last five years, cadre clearance and vigilance The position is intended for handling and
clearance through proper channel to the undersigned within 60 accounting correspondence; maintenance
days from the date of publication of this advertisement in the
of diary and dispatch registers; Hindi typing
Employment News/⁄UÊ ÊªÊ⁄U ‚◊ÊøÊ⁄U. and periodic website updation; preparation
4. The details like general conditions, eligibility criteria, proforma of
of quarterly reports; drawing up and draft
application & other details are available on the official website of
agenda/minutes of OLIC / other meetings.
NWIC i.e., under heading 'vacancy/ procure-
Selection Process : Typewriting test and
Written Test.
(Adhir Kumar Mallik)
Under Secretary (Admn.), NWIC Detailed advertisement is made available in the NCESS website
EN 51/64 Tel: 011-29583203 EN 51/62 Senior Manager
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Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022 29
No. 95004/Q/BOCCS/22 3. The applicants should have minimum of three years residual service balance on the
Integrated HQ of Ministry of Defence (Army) last date of acceptance of application. The applications may be forwarded through
Quartermaster General’s Branch proper channel alongwith up-to-date APARs for the last 05 years (in original or
(Canteen Services Directorate) photocopies duly attested by an officer at the level of Under Secretary or above),
Selection on Deputation to the Canteen Vigilance Clearance and Integrity Certificate to Integrated HQ of MoD (Army),
Quartermaster General's Branch, Canteen Services Directorate, West Block-Ill,
Stores Department, Ministry of Defence Second Floor, Wing-lll, RK Puram, New Delhi-110066 so as to reach within two
Applications are invited in the prescribed proforma for the following posts for selection months of publication to this advertisement as per format given at the end of the
on deputation basis for two years to Canteen Stores Department, Head Office, Mumbai, advertisement. Candidates who apply for the post will not be allowed to withdraw their
Ministry of Defence :- candidature subsequently. Cadre Controlling Authorities may also kindly ensure that
1. Deputy General Manager (Finance and Accounts) while forwarding the application, they should verify and certify that particulars furnished
No. of post - 01 by the officers are correct.
Pay Scale - Pay level 12 (Rs 78,800-2,09,200)
Eligibility Criteria:- Curriculum Vitae Proforma
“Transfer on deputation: FOR THE POST OF_____________________ VIDE EMPLOYMENT NEWS ADVT
Officers of any of the Accounts service under the Central Government holding Junior NO. _______________ DATED _______________
Administrative grade scale posts or with 3 years' regular service in the senior scale 1. Name and address (in block letters): ................................................................
posts Rs. 1100-1600 (Now Pay level-11 (Rs. 67,700-2,08,700/-) and having experience 2. Date of Birth (in Christian era): ..........................................................................
of commercial accounting. 3. Date of retirement under Central Government rules: .......................................
(Period of deputation shall ordinarily not exceed 5 years)" 4. Educational Qualifications : ............................................................................
2. Deputy General Manager (Electronic Data Processing) 5. Details of Employment, in chronological order: ............................................
No. of Post - 01
Pay Scale - Pay level 12 (Rs. 78,800-2,09,200) Office/Institution Post held From To Scale of pay Nature of
Eligibility Criteria :- "Transfer on deputation: and basic pay duties (in
1. Officers under the Central Govt. detail)
(a) (i) holding analogous post on regular basis; or
(ii) with 5 years regular service in posts in the scale of Rs. 3,000-4500
(Now Pay level- 11 (Rs. 67,700-2,08,700/-)): or
2. Officers of the Defence Services of the rank of Lt Col or equivalent.
The officers should possess the following qualifications and experience :- 6. In case the present employment is held on deputation/contract basis, please state:-
(i) Master's degree in Statistics/Operations Research/Physics or Economics/ (a) The date of initial appointment of deputation.........................................................
Commerce (with Statistics) or Degree in Engineering/Computer Science of a
(b) Period of appointment on deputation/contract........................................................
recognised University or equivalent.
(c) Name of the present office/organization to which you belong................................
(ii) For Programming: 10 years experience of electronics data processing/computer
oriented optimisation information or Statistical system out of which atleast 5 years' 7. Additional details about present employment (Please state whether working under
experience should be on actual computer programming and system design. Central Government/ State Government/ Autonomous Organisation / Government
For Information System: 10 years experience of electronic data processing work, Undertaking/ Universities/ Others).
out of which atleast 5 years experience should be in a supervisory capacity in design, 8. Are you in Revised Scale of Pay? If yes, give the date from which the revision took
development organising computerised information storage and retrieval system. place and also indicate the pre-revised scale .....................................................
(Period of deputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held 9. Total emoluments per month now drawn..............................................................
immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organisation/ 10. Information, if any, which you would like to mention in support of your suitability for
department of the Central Govt. shall not exceed 4 years)"
the post ...............................................................................................................
3. Assistant General Manager (Accounts)
No. of Post - 02 I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/ advertisement and I am well aware
Pay Level - Pay Level-11 (Rs. 67,700-2,08,700/-) that the Curriculum Vitae duly supported by documents submitted by me will also be
Eligibility Criteria :- assessed by the Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post.
"Transfer on deputation: Signature of the candidate: .....................................
1. Officers of any of the Accounts Services under the Central Government holding Date: ......................... Address: ................................................
senior posts in the scale of Rs. 1100-1600 (Now Pay Level 11 (Rs. 67,700-2,08,700)) Verification from the Employer
or with 4 years' regular service in junior scale posts (Rs 700-1300) (Now Pay Level-10 Particulars given by the applicant are verified with reference to service records
and found to be correct.
2. Accounts/Audit Officer with 7 years' regular service as such from any of the
(i) It is certified that no vigilance case is either pending or being contemplated against
organised Accounts Departments, e.g., Indian Audit and Account Department, Indian
Railway Accounts Department, Indian Defence Accounts Department, Indian P & T the officer.
Finance and Accounts Department and Indian Civil Accounts Department. (ii) It is certified that no penalty has been imposed on the officer during the last 10
(Period of deputation shall ordinarily not exceed 3 years)” years.
(iii) It is certified that the integrity of the officer is beyond doubt.
National Scheduled Tribes davp 10117/11/0002/2122
Countersigned (Employer with seal)
EN 51/1
Finance and
Development Corporation Office of the Secretary-Cum-Commissioner (Dev.)

( A Govt. of India Undertaking) Development Department

NBCC Tower, 5th Floor, 15, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066 Govt. of NCT of Delhi, 5/9 under Hill Road, Delhi-54
Tel: 26712519, 26712539 / Website : Tel.No. 23918817, 23955227, Fax No.23957289
VACANCY NOTICE E-mail: [email protected]
National Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporation, a Public Sector Owing to NIC Website is under maintenance, Pr. Secretary-cum-Commissioner
Undertaking under the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Govt. of India, is seeking applications (Dev.) is pleased to extend the last date for inviting applications for recruitment to
from eligible candidates for its Head Office, New Delhi, on Direct Recruitment basis as the post of Jt. Director (Agriculture), Project Officer (Multiple Cropping) &
per details here under: Project Officer (IADP) on deputation (ISTC) from 45 days to 75 days i.e. upto
Name of post and Categories 20.04.2022 from the date of initial advertisement.
Pay Scale However, all other terms and conditions including eligibility criteria, age limit,
Assistant General UR SC ST OBC PwD EWS Total qualification etc. remain unchanged and may be seen in the Employment News
Manager (Personnel) - 01 - - - - 01 till the last date of the advertisement and Department's website (link mentioned
E- 4 Level (Backlog) below).
70000-200000 (IDA)
1. 01 (One) post of Joint Director (Agriculture), Group ‘A’ Gazetted, in PB-3
Manager (Projects) 01 - - - - - 01 Rs. 15600-39100 + Grade Pay of Rs. 6600 revised to Pay Matrix Level -11 (Rs.
E-2 Level
50000-160000 (IDA)
2. 01 (One) post of Project Officer (Multiple Cropping), Group 'A' Gazetted, in
Dy. Manager (Personnel) 01 - - - - - 01 PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 + Grade Pay of Rs. 6600 revised to Pay Matrix Level -11
E-1 Level
(Rs. 67700-208700).
40000-140000 (IDA)
3. 01 (One) post of Project Officer (IADP), Group 'A' Gazetted, in PB-3 Rs.
Assistant 02 - - 01 01 - 04
15600-39100 + Grade Pay of Rs. 6600 revised to Pay Matrix Level -11 (Rs.
23200-89400 (IDA) (PH)
Jr. Assistant
Complete details regarding eligibility conditions, qualifications, duties and other
21700-83900 (IDA) 01 01 01 - - - 03*
details including format of application form in the prescribed proforma for the said
* One post of Jr. Assistant would be considered for Physically Handicapped.
posts are available on the website of the Development Department.
For qualifications, eligibility and other details, please visit our website
The last date of receipt of applications is 30 days from the date of publication of
the advertisement in the Employment News. Development/Home/Vacancy)
Dy. General Manager (Pers.&Vig.), NSTFDC PAWAN CHOPRA
EN 51/37 EN 51/34 Dy. Director (H.Q.).
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30 Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022

Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission

Viniyamak Bhawan, C-Block, Shivalik
Malviya Nagar, New Delhi - 110017
Fax No.: 26673608; 41080417
Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission invites applications from eligible candidates to consider filling up following anticipated vacancy. The vacancy shall be filled up either on
Deputation/ Direct Recruitment or on Contract basis in accordance with the Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (Management & Development of Human Resources)
Regulations 2001 (as amended from time to time). However, the preferred mode of recruitment is Deputation. The Regulations can be accessed / downloaded from DERC’s
Sl. Name of the Post, Scale of Pay, Group, Essential Qualification Desirable Qualification
No. Number of vacancy
1. Dy. Director 1. Graduate degree from a recognised university 1. Administrative experience in
(Personnel) 2. Officers holding analogous posts on regular basis Managerial capacity in Human
Pay Matrix Level – 11 (7th CPC) OR Resources Development.
Rs. 67,700-2,09,200) With 3 years regular service in the Pay Matrix Level – 10 (7th CPC) / 2. Diploma in Management.
Pay Band -3 (pre-revised) Rs.15600- PB-3 (pre-revised) Rs. 15600-39100 with Grade Pay Rs. 5400/-
39100 Grade Pay Rs. 6600/- OR
Group-A With 5 years regular service in the Pay Matrix Level – 8 (7th CPC) /
(One post) PB-2 (pre-revised) Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade Pay Rs. 4800/-
Anticipated OR
With 8 years regular service in the Pay Matrix Level –6 (7th CPC)
Pay Band – 2 (pre-revised) Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-. .
1. The preferred mode of appointment for the above post is Deputation from ONLINE APPLICATION: The candidates must submit application through
Central / State / UT Government Departments, Statutory/Autonomous/ ONLINE mode only for which a provision has been made in DERC website. The
Constitutional/Cooperative/Local Govt. Bodies and Public Sector Undertakings, candidates should click "APPLY ONLINE" link provided in the notice for vacancy
Corporations etc. under administrative control of Central / State/ UT to open ONLINE Application Form . Please follow the instructions and proceed
Governments. In the event of non availability of suitable candidate for to fill the form. Please note that all fields to be filled and no column should be left
appointment on deputation, the post can be filled up on contract recruitment blank. You are also requested to upload relevant documents at appropriate
basis. The Commission shall have full discretion to fill up the post through any of column to substantiate essential qualifications possessed by you along with last
03 months salary slips, IT Statements, FORM-16 (for verification purpose). It is
the three modes viz. Deputation /Direct /Contract recruitment as per the specific
mandatory for the candidates after successfully submitting application ONLINE,
requirement. The Commission’s decision in this regard shall be final.
to take a Print Out of the application form together with copies of the testimonials
2. The Commission reserves the right not to fill the above mentioned anticipated
and supporting documents already sent online and the same be forwarded to the
vacancy. In case of any eventuality, no action on the application received against
Secretary, DERC at the given below :
this anticipated vacancy may be taken by the Commission and the advertisement The Secretary
of the said vacancy shall be treated as withdrawn. Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission
3. All candidates should have fulfilled the minimum eligibility on the date of Viniyamak Bhawan, 'C' Block, Shivalik
application. Further, merely fulfilling the minimum qualifications or the eligibility Malviya Nagar, New Delhi - 110017
criteria does not entitle a candidate to be necessarily considered or called for The envelope containing the application must mention the name of the post
interview. More stringent criteria may be applied for short-listing the candidates to applied for.
be called for interview. 13. Submission of Undertaking :
4. The Commission shall follow the Government’s policy on reservation for The candidates have to give Undertaking as mentioned below:-
SC/ST/OBC/PH candidates in the case of direct recruitment. The candidates serving in Government/PSU/Autonomous Body/Statutory Body/
5. The age limit is subject to general guidelines issued by Central Govt. / Govt. of Local Body/Corporations etc. must submit Undertaking as per Annexure - I.
NCT of Delhi. The crucial date for determining eligibility criteria / age limit would The candidates who have retired or resigned from Government/PSU/
Autonomous Body/Statutory Body/Local Body/Corporations must give Under-
be date of publication of advertisement.
taking as per Annexure - II.
6. The age limit for the post of Deputy Director (Personnel) for appointment on
The candidates other than Annexure-I & Annexure-II must give Undertaking as
Deputation and Direct is 56 years and 45 years respectively.
per Annexure - III.
7. (i) The tenure of appointee on contract basis though shall be initially for three 14. Last date of application:
years, but the same is subject to satisfactory performance appraisal every year The last date for submission of ON-LINE application is eight weeks from the
within the three years period. date of publication of advertisement in newspaper.
(ii) The tenure of appointment on deputation initially for 3 years which shall be The last date for receipt of hard copy of ON-LINE application is seven days
extendable by each year, subject to concurrence of Parent Department of after expiry of eight weeks from the date of publication of advertisement in
Deputationist. newspaper.
(iii) For Direct recruitment, the probation period shall be 02 years from the date 15. APPLICANTS IN CENTRAL/STATE/UT GOVERNMENT SERVICE OR IN
8. Canvassing in any form shall be a disqualification for the post. No RATIONS ETC. SHOULD APPLY THROUGH PROPER CHANNEL ONLY. THE
correspondence with the applicants will be entertained. APPLICATIONS OF SUCH APPLICANTS SHOULD BE FORWARDED
9. The Pay & Allowances and other terms and conditions of appointments on THROUGH PROPER CHANNEL WITH ATTESTED COPIES OF ANNUAL
deputation basis will be regulated in accordance with the instructions contained in CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS OF LAST FIVE YEARS AND VIGILANCE
the Department of Personnel & Training OM. No. 6/8/2009-Estt. (Pay II) dated CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE. NO ADVANCE COPY SHALL BE ENTER-
17.06.2010, as amended from time to time. The pay package of the appointee on TAINED.
contract, shall be in accordance with the DERC (Management & Development of 16. Incomplete application or application submitted in a different format is liable to be
Human Resources) Regulations 2001, as amended from time to time. summarily rejected.
10. For fulfilling the eligibility criteria of the post, regular service of certain years in Secretary, DERC
various pay scales has been prescribed as essential qualification. The pay scale ANNEXURE - I
shown in the eligibility criteria are Central Government Scale/ Delhi Government APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF DEPUTY DIRECTOR (PERSONNEL)
Scale of Pay and Dearness Allowance pattern applicable w.e.f. 01.01.2016 and UNDERTAKING
the eligibility of candidates shall be accordingly determined with reference to the (Applicable to candidates serving in Government / PSU / Autonomous Body /
pay scales. Statutory Body / Local Body / Corporations etc.).
11. The eligibility of such candidates who are working in Public Sector Undertakings
1. I certify that all statements made in this application are true, complete and correct
or other Govt. Organizations where Industrial / Variable Dearness Allowance
to the best of my knowledge and belief.
pattern is applicable shall be determined by equating their IDA/VDA pattern Pay
scale with the requisite CDA pattern Pay scales of eligibility in the following 2. I certify that I am eligible for the post applied for vis-à-vis the age or qualifications
manner: or experience prescribed for the said post.
3. I certify that no vigilance / disciplinary case is pending against me.
Central DA pay scale = Industrial/Variable DA pay scale
4. I certify that no major or minor penalty was imposed on me during the last 10
7th CPC Pay Matrix Level Minimum of Pay scale held by the
years of my service in the Ministry / Department / Organization.
(Pre-revised 6th CPC 2006, Minimum candidate + Dearness pay, if any +
of Pay Band + Grade Pay) + Applicable Applicable Industrial / Variable 5. I certify that no prosecution for criminal charge is pending against me in any court
Central Dearness Allowance on Pay) Dearness Allowance of law.
Further, only those applicants who hold the post as well as the pay scale of that
post on substantive basis shall be considered eligible for appointment. The NAME OF THE CANDIDATE
Competent Authority may, however, in most deserving cases, consider relaxation PLACE : ................
in the eligibility criteria in public interest. DATE : ................... Continued on page 31
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Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022 31
Division of Plant Pathology
ICAR- Indian Agricultural Research Institute
New Delhi-110012
Walk-In Interview
Applications are invited for the recruitment of One Research Associate III, Two Senior Research Fellow
and One Lab Attendant under ICAR- National Professor project entitled "Virome analysis of
vegetatively propagated fruit crops for enhancing the productivity through virus prevention
program" and One Project Assistant in DBT funded PORI project. (24-649) at Division of Plant
Pathology, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi- 110012. The eligible candidates are
requested to attend the Walk-In Interview along with duly filled application in the enclosed format and self
attested copy of documents at 9:30 am on 12th April, 2022. Candidates are required to bring their original
documents for verification at the time of interview.
S. Name of No. of Emoluments Qualifications
No. Post Post (Fixed) PM
1. Research One Rs. 54,000/- Doctoral degree: Ph.D. in Plant Pathology /Biotechno-
Associate plus HRA logy/ Microbiology.
III Desirable: Experience in bioinformatics analysis of viral
genomes through deep sequencing.
2. Senior Two Rs. 35,000/- Master degree in Plant Pathology / Microbiology / Bio-
Research plus HRA technology/ Bioinformatics with 4/5 years of Bachelor's
Fellow Degree. Candidates having Post-graduate degree in
Basic Sciences with 3 years Bachelor's degree and 2
years Master's degree should have NET qualifications.
Two years of research experience after masters degree.
Desirable: NET qualified and research experience in
genomics and molecular diagnostics of plant viruses.
3. Lab One Rs.18,000/- Essential: Graduation.
Attendant plus HRA Desirable: Experience in scientific research laboratory.
and knowledge of computer work.
4. Project One Rs.18000/- Essential: Graduation in biological Sciences.
Asstt consolidated Desirable: Experience in scientific research laboratory.
For detailed terms & conditions, please visit IARI website
EN 51/61

Vacancy Circular
Filling up of various Senior Management positions in the
National e-Governance Division (NeGD) on deputation basis.
The National e-Governance Division (NeGD), under Digital India Corporation, a not for profit company of
Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY) is currently inviting applications for the following
position on deputation basis from amongst officers holding regular positions in the Central & State
Government, PSUs, Autonomous Organizations and Statutory Bodies of Government of India, States &
UT Government.
S. Name of the Post Mode of Pay Level & Pay Band No. of
No. Recruitment post(s)
1. Director (Capacity Building) Deputation Pay Matrix Level-14
PB-4, - Rs. 37,400/- 67,000/- 01
EN 51/63
- Grade Pay - Rs. 10,000/-
2. Director (Technology Deputation Pay Matrix Level-14
Management) PB-4 - Rs. 37,400/- 67,000/- 01 ⁄UÊc≈˛UËÿ ¬ÎâflË ÁflôÊÊŸ •äÿÿŸ ∑¥§Œ˝
- Grade Pay - Rs. 10,000/-
3. Director (Infrastructure Deputation Pay Matrix Level-14 National Centre for
and e-Services) PB-4, - Rs. 37,400/- 67,000/- 01
- Grade Pay - Rs. 10,000/- Earth Science Studies
- Eligible officers may send their application in the prescribed proforma through proper channel to the
¬ÎâflË ÁflôÊÊŸ ◊¥òÊÊ‹ÿ, ÷Ê⁄Uà ‚⁄U∑§Ê⁄U
undersigned by 01.04.2022.
- Prescribed proforma of application form, eligibility conditions, Job Description and other details may be Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India
downloaded from the official website of MeitY, Digital India Corporation and NeGD viz
Akkulam, Thiruvananthapuram -11,, and
Last date of receipt of application : 1st April 2022. Ms. Anjali Khanna No: NCESS/P&GA/1224 Date: 07.03.2022
Additional Director (HR/Admin)
National e-Governance Division NOTICE
4th Floor, Electronics Niketan
6, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 Recruitment of Librarian against Post Code-02 of the
davp 06124/12/0005/2122 EN 51/45 Advt. No. NCESS/P&GA/06/2018 dated 16.08.2018
Continued from page 30 and all subsequent orders connected with the
ANNEXURE - II recruitment of Librarian stand cancelled due to
administrative reasons. Inconvenience caused to the
(Applicable to candidates who have retired / resigned from Government / PSU / Autonomous candidates is regretted.
Body / Statutory Body / Local Body / Corporations etc.).
1. I certify that all statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my EN 51/26 Senior Manager
knowledge and belief.
2. I certify that I am eligible for the post applied for vis-à-vis the age or qualifications or experience 2. I certify that I am eligible for the post applied for vis-à-vis the
prescribed for the said post. age or qualifications or experience prescribed for the said post.
3. I certify that no prosecution for criminal charge is pending against me in any court of law. 3. I certify that no prosecution for criminal charge is pending
4. I certify that no vigilance / disciplinary case was either pending or contemplated against me in the against me in any court of law.
Ministry/Department / Organisation at the time of my retirement/ resignation. (Please enclose a 4. I certify that no punitive action was taken against me for any
copy of PPO (if applicable) and Order notifying your discharge from service on retirement /
misconduct during my present / previous employment /
5. I certify that I have never been convicted, charge sheeted or ever had a vigilance case/ punishment
and major/ minor penalties imposed on me during my present/ previous employment or otherwise. 5. I certify that I have never been convicted, charge sheeted or
PLACE : ...................... SIGNATURE OF CANDIDATE ever had a vigilance case/ punishment and major/ minor
DATE : ......................... NAME OF THE CANDIDATE penalties imposed on me during my present/ previous
ANNEXURE - III employment or otherwise .
APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF DEPUTY DIRECTOR (PERSONNEL) Note: Please enclose copy of last relieving Order / Certificate
UNDERTAKING from previous employer/ employment.
(Applicable to candidates other than Annexure- I & Annexure-II ) PLACE : ................. SIGNATURE OF CANDIDATE
1. I certify that all statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my DATE : ......................... NAME OF THE CANDIDATE
knowledge and belief. EN 51/69
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32 Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022
ŒÍ⁄UèÊÊ· — 011-23007298 Telephone: 011-23007298
»Ò§Ä‚ — 011-23014576 Fax : 011-23014576
÷Ê⁄Uà ‚⁄U∑§Ê⁄U, ⁄UˇÊÊ ◊¥òÊÊ‹ÿ Government of India
⁄UˇÊÊ •ŸÈ‚¥äÊÊŸ ÃâÊÊ Áfl∑§Ê‚ ‚¥ªΔUŸ Ministry of Defence, Defence
∑§ÊÁ◊¸∑§ ÁŸŒ‡ÊÊ‹ÿ, ∑§ÊÁ◊¸∑§ ∞∞1 Research & Dev. Orgn.
266, “∞” πá«U, «UË•Ê⁄U«UË•Ê ÷flŸ Directorate of Personnel (Pers-AA1)
⁄UÊ¡Ê¡Ë ◊ʪ¸, Ÿß¸U ÁŒÀ‹Ë-110011 266 'A' Block, DRDO Bhawan, Rajaji Marg, New Delhi - 110011

DOP/AA1/6807/Depu/PS/22 09 Mar, 2022

SUB: FILLING OF THE POST OF PRIVATE SECRETARY IN DRDO, MINISTRY OF Office/ Post held on From To *Pay Band and Grade Nature of Duties
DEFENCE ON DEPUTATION BASIS. Institution regular basis Pay/Pay Level of the (in detail) highlig-
Applications from eligible candidates are invited for filling up 63 posts of Private post held on regular hting experience
Secretary (PS), General Central Service Group `B’ Gazetted, Ministerial in the pay basis required for the
level 7 on deputation basis in DRDO as per details in Annexure-I. post applied for
2. The selected officers will be appointed under the normal terms and conditions
prescribed in this regard by the Govt of India from time to time.
3. It is requested that application duly counter-signed by the Cadre Controlling
Authority, as per the given (Annexure-II), alongwith photocopies of complete and up- * Important: Pay Band & Grade Pay granted under ACP/MACP are personal to the
to-date APARs for the last five years (2015-16 to 2019-20) of the officers who could officer and therefore, should not be mentioned. Only Pay Band and Grade Pay/
be spared in the event of their selection may be sent to Shri Pravin Kumar Das, Pay Scale of the post held on regular basis to be mentioned. Details of ACP/MACP
Deputy Director, Dte of Personnel (Pers-AA1), Room No. 266, 2nd Floor, DRDO with present Pay Band and Grade Pay where such benefits have been drawn by
Bhawan, New Delhi-110105, within a period of 60 days from the date of the candidate, may be indicated as below:
circulation/publication of this circular in Employment News/Rozgar Samachar. Office/ Pay, Pay Band and Grade Pay, Pay Level From To
Photocopies of the APARs should be attested on each page by an officer not Institution drawn under ACP/MACP
below the rank of Under Secretary or equivalent in the Central Govt. failing
which the application of the candidate shall be summarily rejected. In the event
8. Nature of present employment i.e. Ad-hoc or
of selection, the applicant will not be allowed to withdraw his candidature.
Temporary or Quasi-Permanent or Permanent
4. Applications received after the last date or without duly attested copies of
ACRs/APARs as indicated above or without the counter-signature of the Cadre 9. In case the present employment is held on
Controlling Authority or otherwise incomplete, will not be considered. No action will deputation/contract basis, please state-
be taken on advance copies of the applications or applications, which are not a) The date b) Period of c) Name of the d) Name of the post
received through proper channel. of Initial appointment on parent office/organi- and Pay of the post
(Pravin Kumar Das) appointment deputation/contract zation to which the held in substantive
Dy Dir. (Pers AA-1/ DOP) applicant belongs capacity in the
for Chairman DRDO parent organisation
Educational qualitative and experience for the post of 9.1 Note: In case of Officers already on deputation, the applications of such officer
Private Secretary to be filled on deputation should be forwarded by the parent Cadre/Department alongwith Cadre Clearance,
(a) Number of posts* : 63; General Central Service Gp 'B' Gaz Ministerial Vigilance Clearance and Integrity Certificate.
(b) Location* : Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Delhi, Chandigarh, Dehradun, Pune, Jodhpur,
9.2 Note: Information under Column 9 (c) & (d) above must be given in
Kochi (subject to change)
all cases where a person is holding a post on deputation outside the
(c) Pay Level : 7
cadre/organization but still maintaining a lien in his parent cadre/
Officers holding the post in Stenographer Cadre under the Central Government: OR 10. If any post held on deputation in the past by the applicant,
(i) holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent cadre or Department. date of return from the last deputation and other details.
(ii) with five years service in the Stenographers grade rendered after appointment 11. Additional details about present employment:
thereto on regular basis in the Pay Band-2, Rs. 9300- 34800 plus Grade Pay of Rs. Please state whether working under (indicate the name of
4200 or equivalent in the parent cadre or department; your employer against the relevant column)
Note 1 : The departmental officers in the feeder category who are in the direct line of a) Central Government
promotion shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment on deputation. 12. Please state whether you are working in the same Department
Similarly, deputationists shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment by and are in the feeder grade or feeder to feeder grade.
13. Are you in Revised Scale of Pay? If yes, give the date from which
Note 2 : The period of deputation including the period of deputation in another ex-
the revision took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale.
cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other
organisation or department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed 14. Total emoluments per month now drawn
three years. The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall be 'not Basic Pay in the Pay Pay Level Total Emoluments
exceeding 56 years' as on the closing date of receipt of applications. Matrix/pay in pay cell
15. In case the applicant belongs to an organisation which is not following the Central
Government Pay Scales, the latest salary slip issued by the Organisation showing
1. Name and Address (in block letters) : the following details may be enclosed.
1. (ii) Complete Postal address of the applicant's present office: Basic Pay in the Pay Matrix Dearness Pay/Interim relief/ Total
(with PIN, Tele/FAX) Space for other Allowances etc., (with Emoluments
1. (iii) Complete Postal address of the Cadre Controlling Authority : photograph break-up details)
(with PIN, Tele/FAX
2. Date of Birth (in Christian era) : 16. A Additional information, if any, relevant to the post you
3. i) Date of entry in service applied for in support of your suitability for the post.
ii) Date of retirement under Central/State (This among other things may provide information with regard to
Government Rules (i) Additional academic qualifications (ii) Professional training and
(iii) Work experience over and above prescribed in the Vacancy
4. Educational Qualifications Circular/Advertisement).
5. Whether Educational and other qualifications (Note: Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient)
required for the post are satisfied. 16. B Achievements:
Qualifications/Experience required as men- Qualifications/Experience The candidates are requested to indicate information with regard to:
tioned in the advertisement/vacancy circular possessed by the officer i) Research publications and reports and special projects;
ii) Awards/Scholarships/Official Appreciation;
Essential Essential iii) Affiliation with the professional bodies/institutions/societies;
A) Qualification A) Qualification iv) Patents registered in own name or achieved for the organization;
B) Experience B) Experience v) Any research/innovative measure involving official recognition; and
vi) Any other information.
Desirable Desirable (Note: Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient)
A) Qualification A) Qualification 17. Please state whether you are applying for deputation (ISTC)/
B) Experience B) Experience Absorption/Re-employment Basis#. (Officers under Central/ State
5.2. In the case of Degree and Post Graduate Qualifications Elective/main subjects Governments are only eligible for “Absorption”. Candidates of Non-
Government Organizations are eligible only for Short-Term Contract).
and subsidiary subjects may be indicated by the candidate.
# (The option of ‘STC/ ‘Absorption’/ ‘Re-employment’ are
6. Please state clearly whether in the light of entries made by you above, you meet available only if the vacancy circular specially mentioned
the requisite Essential Qualifications and work experience of the post. recruitment by “STC” or “Absorption” or “Re-employment”)
7. Details of Employment in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet duly 18. Whether belongs to SC/ST
authenticated by your signature, if the space below is insufficient. 19. Choice of Stations for posting. Continued on page 33
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Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022 33

North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health & Medical

Sciences, Mawdiangdiang, Shillong -793018
Advertisement No. NEIGR-GAD (RC)/35/2013/Pt- l: Dated 03rd December, 2021
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up the following Group 'C' posts on direct recruitment/deputation. Eligible/suitable candidates are requested to submit
their applications in the prescribed format along with attested copies of certificates & testimonials, two copies of recent passport size photograph. Demand Draft of Rs.500/-
(Rupees five Hundred) for General & OBC and Rs.250/- (Rupees two hundred and fifty) only for SC, ST & EWS being the application fee in favour of the "Deputy Director
(Admn), NEIGRIHMS, Shillong payable at Shillong. The application fee once deposited will not be refunded. Candidates working in Govt. /Semi Govt. /Public Sector
Undertaking/Autonomous Institutions/Organizations are requested to submit their applications through proper channel. Candidates should note that mere fulfilling of the minimum
requisite qualifications & experience bestows no right on them to be called for written test. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for the written test as the Institute deemed
fit. Only Indian citizens need to apply. Candidates belonging to Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) category must submit a valid Income and Asset Certificate in
the prescribed format issued by any of the specified competent authorities.
SI. Name of post(s) No. of Pay Band & Grade Pay Educational Qualification & Experience Age Limit
No. post (s) (as on closing date
of application)
1. Radiotherapy Technician 2 (ST) Pay Matrix Level-5 Essential:
Entry Pay Rs.29,200/- BSc in Medical Technology -(Radiotherapy) from a recognized Not exceeding 30 years
Desirable: One year's experience in Radiotherapy in teaching
2. Upper Division Clerk 1 (SC) Pay Matrix Level-4 Deputation: Officials working under Central/State Govt. Not exceeding 56 years
(By Deputation) Entry Pay Rs.25,500/- Autonomous/Statutory bodies and PSU in an analogous post on
regular basis or 8 (eight) years regular service as Lower Division
Clerk in the Pay Band-1, Rs.5200-20200/- with Grade Pay of
Rs.1900/- or equivalent.
The period of deputation shall not ordinarily not exceed 3 years.
The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall not
be exceeding 56 years on the closing date of receipt of application.
3. Laundry Mechanic 1 (UR) Pay Matrix Level-2 Essential: Not exceeding 30 years
Entry Pay Rs.19,900/- 1. Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized University/ Board.
2. ITI Diploma in Mechanical Engineering.
3. Two years’ experience in Mechanical Laundry including
practical experience of handling maintaining and repairing of Laundry
equipment and knowledge of Store Accounting.
1. Experience in Dry cleaning Machine.
2. Experience in handling large number of factory works.
4. Lower Division Clerk 2 (UR) Pay Matrix Level-2 Essential: Not exceeding 30 years
Entry Pay Rs.19,900/- 1. 12th class or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board or
2. A typing speed of 35 words per minutes in English on Computer.
NB: 35 wpm correspond to 10,500 KDPH in an average of 5 key
depressions for each word.
Abbreviation Used: UR-Unreserved, ST - Scheduled Tribe, OBC- Other Backward Class, EWS- Economically Weaker Sections.
General Information:
1. Upper age limit is relaxable for Govt. servants' upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Govt. of India.
2. Relaxation of upper age limit for SC/ST/OBC/Ex-Serviceman/Handicapped/candidates will also be allowed as per Govt. Rules, where reservations of posts are advertised
and meant for these categories only.
3. Reservation for STs/SCs/OBCs and EWSs will be as per Govt. of India norms.
4. Persons who are not covered under the scheme of reservation for SCs, STs and OBCs and whose family has gross annual income below Rs.8.00 lakh (Rupees eight lakh
only) are to be identified as EWS for benefit of reservation. Reservation under Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) can be availed upon production of Income and Asset
certificate issued by a Competent Authority. The Income and Asset Certificate issued by any one of the following competent authorities in the prescribed format shall only
be accepted as proof of candidate's claim as belonging to EWS:-
(i) District Magistrate/Addl. District Magistrate/Collector/Deputy Commissioner/Addl. Deputy Commissioner/1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate/Sub-Divisional Magistrate/
Taluka Magistrate/Executive Magistrate/Extra Assistant Commissioner. (ii) Chief Presidency Magistrate/Addl. Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidency Magistrate.
(iii) Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar and
5. Persons working under Central/State Government/Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous Organization should submit their applications through proper channel. They may,
however, send an advance copy of the application along with enclosures which should reach before the prescribed last date.
6. The decision of the Institute as to eligibility or otherwise of a candidate will be final.
7. The applicants, who do not have requisite qualifications up to the last date for submission of applications, will not be considered.
8. Canvassing of any kind will be a disqualification.
9. In case response to the post is large in number screening will be restricted to those with higher percentage of marks.
10. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
11. Mere fulfilling the minimum educational qualification and experience doesn't bestow right to a candidate to be called for test/interview.
12. Institute reserves the right to reject or accept any candidature without assigning any reason thereof.
13. Due to dearth of quarters, the institute is not in a position to provide quarters to selected candidates. If quarters are not provided the officer will be entitled to House Rent
Allowances (HRA) as per prescribed rules.
14. The Institute will not be responsible for non-receipt/late receipt of any communication send by the candidates due to postal delay/lost in transit.
15. The number of vacancies indicated against each category of posts is provisional and may increase or decrease depending on the actual needs of the Institute.
16. The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date for receipt of the application from the candidates.
17. Complete applications may be sent in the prescribed proforma along with attested copies of certificates/testimonials and two copies of recent passport size Photographs to
the "Deputy Director (Admn)", North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences, Mawdiangdiang, Shillong-793018
SUPERSCRIBING "Application for the post of ......................,...................................................................".
Prescribed proforma of application form can be downloaded in PDF format from Institute's website
Last date for submission of applications is one month from the date of publication of this advertisement in the Employment News. Deputy Director (Admn)
davp 17119/11/0015/2122 EN 51/80

Continued from page 32 qualifications and experience mentioned in the advt. If selected, he/she will be relieved
I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and I am well aware immediately.
that the information furnished in the Curriculum Vitae duly supported by the 2. Also certified that:
documents in respect of Essential Qualification/Work Experience submitted by me will
i) There is no vigilance or disciplinary case pending/contemplated against Shri/
also be assessed by the Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post. The
information/details provided by me are correct and true to the best of my knowledge Smt./Ms. _______________________
and no material fact having a bearing on my selection has been suppressed/withheld. ii) His/her integrity is certified.
Date __________ iii) His/Her CR Dossier in original is enclosed/photocopies of the APARs for the last
(Signature of the Candidate) 5 years (2015-16 to 2019-20) duly attested by an officer of the rank of Under
Address with Mob No & email ________________ Secretary of the Govt. of India or above are enclosed.
Countersigned iv) No major/minor penalty has been imposed on him/her during the last 10 years Or
(employer with Seal) A list of major/minor penalties imposed on him/her during the last 10 years is
The information/details provided in the above application by the applicant are true and Countersigned
correct as per the facts available on records. He/she possesses educational EN 51/66 (Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority with Seal)
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34 Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022
Government of India, Ministry of Defence
Kalyani Gorakshan Trust's (Defence Research & Development Organisation)
Krishi Vigyan Kendra Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory
A/P-Kalawade Tal Karad Dist Satara 415539 Sector-30, Chandigarh 160030
(0172-2307151, 2307202)
Email: [email protected]
Applications are invited to the following vacant post under planned scheme of ICAR
under Kalyani Gorakshan Trust, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kalawade (Karad), Satara-I,
Applications are invited from interested candidates for the following positions at TBRL,
Sr. Post/Discipline Pay scale Qualifications Chandigarh –
Sr. Position Eligibility Nos.
1. Senior Scientist Rs.37400-67000+ Doctoral degree in Agriculture and No.
and Head GP of Rs.9000/- relevant subject including relevant
01 Research PhD or equivalent degree in Chemistry OR 1
(One Post) (Pre-revised) basic sciences with 8 years' experi-
Associate (RA) Post Graduation in Chemistry and 03 (Three)
ence in Agriculture subject as Chemistry years of Research, Teaching or Design &
Scientist/ Lecturer/ Extension Development experience with publication of at
Specialist or in an equivalent posi- least one paper in Science Citation Indexed
tion in the pay band-3 of Rs.15600- (SCI) Journal.
39100 with Grade Pay of Rs.5400/ 02 Junior Research Post Graduation in Chemistry in 1st Division 4
Rs.6000/ Rs.7000/Rs.8000 having Fellow (JRF) Chemistry with NET
made contribution to research/ 03 Junior Research Post Graduation in Physics in 1st Division with 2
teaching/extension education as Fellow (JRF) Physics NET
evidenced by published work/
04 Junior Research B.E./B.Tech in Mechanical in 1st Division with 1
innovations and impact.
2. Subject Matter Rs.15600-39100 + Master's degree in Agricultural Mechanical Engg. M.E./M.Tech in Mechanical in 1st Division
Specialist-Plant GP of Rs.5400/- Entomology or Plant Pathology or both at Graduate and Post graduate level.
Protection (Pre-revised) equivalent qualification from a
Age : For JRFs- Maximum of 28 years on last date of receipt of application relaxable
(One Post) recognized University.
by 5 years for SC/ST and 03 years for OBC Candidates.
3. Subject Matter Rs.15600-39100 + Master's degree in Horticulture or For RAs - Maximum of 35 years on last date of receipt of application relaxable by 5
Specialist- GP of Rs.5400/- equivalent qualification from a years for SC/ST and 03 years for OBC Candidates.
Horticulture (Pre-revised) recognized University. Monthly : For JRFs - 31000/- plus HRA admissible as per prevailing rules.
(One Post) Stipend For RAs - 54000/- plus HRA admissible as per prevailing rules.
4. Office Rs.9300-34800 + A Bachelor's degree in Commerce Tenure : For JRFs - Initially for a period of two years (extendable as per rules)
Superintendent GP of Rs.4200/- from a recognized University. For RAs - For two years only.
(One Post) (Pre-revised) z Application in the prescribed proforma (Annexure –I) along with scanned copies
of required certificates or degrees should be sent by candidates by E-mail to
5. Programme Rs.9300-34800 + Bachelor's degree in Agriculture or
[email protected]. The closing date for submitting application by
Assistant- GP of Rs.4200/- any other branch of veterinary
E-mail is 15.04.2022 (FRIDAY).
Veterinary (Pre-revised) science or equivalent qualification
z Screening of the application will be carried out and only short-listed candidates
Science from a recognized University.
will be called for online interview as per schedule intimated via E-mail and SMS.
(One Post)
z Candidates working in Govt./Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous Bodies
6. Skilled Rs.5200-20200 + Matriculation or equivalent pass should have NOC at the time of interview.
Supporting Staff GP of Rs.1800 OR ITI pass. z The selection through online interview will be purely provisional and subject to
(One Post) (Pre-revised) verification of documents and original certificates. The candidature will be rejected
The last date for receipt of application will be 30 days from the date of publication if any mismatch/canvassing is noticed in details regarding qualification, discipline,
of this advertisement in Employment News. The applicant should refer our website percentage of marks or non-fulfillment of any specified criteria at the time of for qualification, experience details & format of application. joining.
Trustee z The positions are purely temporary. The offer of fellowship will not confer any right
EN 51/71 Kalyani Gorakshan Trust for regular appointment/absorption in DRDO. The period of fellowship will not
count for the purpose of seniority or other Govt. benefit in DRDO in case of
Entrance-2022 appointment at a later date.
z The fellowship may be terminated at any time during the tenure with a prior notice
Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi of one month.
Fursatganj Airfield, Distt. Amethi (U.P)- 229302 GENERAL CONDITIONS
1. One candidate can apply only for one fellowship as per their essential and
(An Autonomous Body under the Ministry of Civil Aviation
desirable qualification.
Govt. of India)
2. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview/joining, irrespective of the
ISO 9001-2008 Certified
"PROVIDE WINGS TO DREAMS" 3. No. govt. accommodation will be provided by the organization to the candidates.
Join India's Best Flying Training Institution 4. The number of fellowships may increase or decrease depending upon the current
Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi (IGRUA) invites applications for Ab-initio to requirement
Commercial Pilot License course, scheduled to commence from September 2022 5. The candidates shall be shortlisted for the interview on the basis of their score of
onwards in FOUR batches. The eligibility criteria for General Category is: national written test or NET/GATE and percentage of marks obtained in minimum
(i) Must have passed English with minimum 50% marks at 10+2 or equivalent. qualifying degree.
(ii) Must have passed Maths & Physics with minimum 50% marks in individual at 10+2 6. For Research Associateship, candidates who have submitted their Ph.D thesis
or equivalent. may also apply. However, the Research Associateship shall be awarded only after
The eligibility criteria for SC, ST, EWS and OBC (belonging to non creamy layer) the candidate has been awarded the degree or provisional certificate.
candidates is:
(i) Must have passed English with minimum 45% marks at 10+2 or equivalent.
(ii) Must have passed Maths & Physics with minimum 45% marks in individual at 10+2 (Senior Admin Officer-I)
or equivalent. For Director
The training fee is Rs. 45 Lacs plus Boarding -Lodging and other expenses extra. APPLICATION FORM FOR JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP/RESEARCH
For detailed information and application formats etc. please visit "ENTRANCE" ASSOCIATE IN TERMINAL BALLISTICS RESEARCH
The last date of filling of ONLINE application is 18 May 2022 (To be filled by the candidate in his/her own handwriting)
(fee payment by online mode) 1. Name/Type of Fellowship : Subject : Advt. No.__________
The date of online examination 12 Jun 2022 (Sunday) 2. Full Name in Block letters :
Entrance 2022 3. (i) Father’s Name :
(ii) Mother’s Name :
Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi (iii) Spouse Name (if applicable) :
Fursatganj Airfield, Distt. Amethi (U.P) - 229 302 (in Block letters)
(An Autonomous Body under the Ministry of Civil Aviation 4. Gender : Male/Female/Third Gender
Govt. of India)
5. Category : Gen/SC/ST/OBC
ISO 9001-2008 Certified
6. Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) :
IGRUA OFFERS PILOT ASPIRANTS BSC AVIATION DEGREE along with the 7. Correspondence Address (with Pin Code) :
CPL Training. 8. Permanent Address (with Pin Code) :
Programme : 3 Year B.Sc programme exclusively for CPL trainees at IGRUA. 9. Contact Details Phone (with STD Code) :
20 seats only. Alternate No. (if any) :
For Details Contact: 10. E-mail ID :
Course Coordinator (B Sc Aviation) IGRUA Alternate E-mail ID :
Phone: +91 (535) 2441150, 2441528, 2441529, 2441144 EXTN : 437 11. Educational Qualification (from Matric/10th/HSC onwards, Self Attested copies to
e-mail: [email protected] EN 51/81 be enclosed) Continued on page 35
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Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022 35
Government of India

Ministry of
Jal Shakti
Department of
Water Resources
Filling up the post of
Senior Joint
(Agricultural Discipline)
on deputation basis
Ministry of Jal Shakti,
Department of Water
Resources, River Deve-
lopment & Ganga Reju-
venation invites applica-
tions from the eligible
officers for filling up the
post of Senior Joint
Commissioner (Agricu-
ltural Discipline), a
General Central Service,
Group 'A' Gazetted, Non-
Ministerial post in the pay
matrix level- 13 (Rs.
123100-215900) on depu-
tation (including short-
term contract) basis vide
letter no. dated 17.12.2021.
2. The last date of
receiving the applications
is extended by 30 days
from the date of publi-
cation of this advertise-
ment in the Employ-
ment News. Applicant
fulfilling the eligibility
criteria and other condi-
tions may submit their
application through pro- EN 51/58 EN 51/68
per channel within stipula-
ted time. The details like
general condi-tions, eligi-
bility criteria, proforma of
application and other
details may be accessed
from Depart-ment's web-
site www.jalshakti-dowr.
3. It may be noted that
application received after
the prescribed period or
not accompanied with the
requisite information/
documents are liable to
be rejected.
(S.B. Pandey)
Under Secretary to the
Government of India
Tel. No:- 011-23738126
EN 51/82 EN 51/40

Continued from page 34

14. Whether qualified UGC/CSIR/NET/GATE Examination : Yes/No
Examination Subject (s) Board/ Month & Year Division/Class/ (%age)/ If Yes, give details (proof to be enclosed)
passed University of passing Grade CGPA Enrolment/ Roll No. ........................Year..............Score.............Validity...............
15. Have you ever been debarred for recruitment : Yes/No
examination by any Govt. Agency (if so give details)
12. Research papers published in SCI Journal (for the position of RA only) 16. Declaration:
Sr. No. Title of Research paper Author Publisher Year I hereby declare that the above furnished particulars are correct to the best of my
knowledge and no information is suppressed. If at any time I am found to have
13. Experience (if any) Note: Attach Sheets, if required with job description in brief. concealed/distorted any information, my fellowship shall be liable to summarily
Name of post/ Name of the From To terminated without any prior notice. I am ready to take up and discharge the duties
Designation Organization/ Department assigned to me anywhere in India, as and when required.
Place: Signature of Candidate
davp 10301/11/0166/2122 EN 51/79
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36 Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022

÷Ê⁄Uà ‚⁄U∑§Ê⁄U/Bharat Sarkar ÷Ê⁄UÃËÿ ‚Òãÿ •∑§ÊŒ◊Ë, Œ„U⁄Uʌ͟

ªÎ„U ◊¥òÊÊ‹ÿ/Grih Mantralaya ‚ŸÊ ∑Ò§«U≈U ∑§ÊÚ‹¡ Áfl¥ª
÷Ê⁄Uà ∑§ ◊„UÊ⁄UÁ¡S≈˛UÊ⁄U ∑§Ê ∑§Êÿʸ‹ÿ Indian Military Academy, Dehradun
Office of the Registrar General, India Army Cadet College Wing
Ad-II Section, Sewa Bhawan, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110066
File No. A 24011/05/2022-Ad-II Á‡ÊˇÊáÊ »Ò§∑§À≈UË ∑§Ë •Êfl‡ÿ∑§ÃÊ
Filling up of one post of "Staff Car Driver Ordinary Grade" on deputation basis in Hiring of Teaching Faculty
the Headquarters Office of the Registrar General, India, New Delhi.
The services of suitable officers from Central Government Departments/Offices are v. ÷Ê⁄UÃËÿ ŸÊªÁ⁄U∑§Ê¥ ‚ ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ¬ŒÊ¥ ∑§ Á‹∞ vv (ÇÿÊ⁄U„U) ◊Ê„U ∑§ •ŸÈ’¥äÊ ∑§ •ÊäÊÊ⁄U ¬⁄U •ÊflŒŸ
required for filling up of one post of Staff Car Driver on deputation basis in the pay •Ê◊¥ÁòÊà Á∑§ÿ ¡ÊÃ „Ò¥U—-
level-2 (Rs. 19,900-63,200/-) in the Headquarters Office of the Registrar General, India Applications are invited from Indian Nationals for the following posts on contract basis
at New Delhi. for a period of eleven months:-
2. The particulars/eligibility condition for appointment to this post are given in Annexure-
∑˝§◊ ¬Œ Áfl·ÿ Á⁄UÁÄÃÿÊ¥ •ÊÿÈ ¬˝ÁÃ◊Ê„U ÁŸÁ‡øÃ
I. The pay of the candidate selected for appointment on deputation will be regulated in
accordance with the provisions contained in the Department of Personnel & Training ‚¥ÅÿÊ •ÁäÊ∑§Ã◊ ¬Á⁄U‹ÁéäÊÿÊ¥
O.M. No. 2/12/87-Estt (Pay. II) dated 29.04.88 as amended from time to time. The S No. Post Subject Vacancy Age (Max) Consolidated Pay
period of deputation including the period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held (∑§) ⁄U‚ÊÿŸ ÁflôÊÊŸ Æv (SC**)
immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other Organization or ( a) Chemistry
Department of the Central Government shall not exceed three years. Those who are
the age of 56 years or above need not apply. ÷ͪÊ‹ Æv
3. Names of the suitable Officers who are eligible/willing and who can be spared may •Á‚S≈ã≈U Geography
be sent to the undersigned in the given Proforma (Annexure-II), within 45 days from
¬˝Ê»§‚⁄U Á„UãŒË Æv
the date of its publication in the Employment News/Rozgar Samachar along with
Assistant Hindi 40 L§. /Rs. 31,500/-
their attested copies of C.R. Dossiers for the last 5 years, Vigilance clearance/Integrity
certificate and cadre clearance. The candidates who apply for the post will not be Professor ßUÁÄUÊ‚ Æv (ST**) fl·¸/Year
allowed to withdraw their candidature subsequently. History
The applications received after the prescribed date or without CR Dossiers/
Vigilance Clearance etc will not be entertained. ⁄UÊ¡ŸËÁÃ ÁflôÊÊŸ Æv
(Kulvinder Singh) Poltical Sc
Under Secretary to the Govt of India ªÁáÊà Æv+01 (OBC**)
Name of the post: Staff Car Driver Ordinary Grade
No. of Posts: 01 (π) •¥ª˝¡Ë Æv (SC**)
Pay scale : Erstwhile pay scale of Rs. 3050-75-3950-80-4590 in level-2 of the 7th CPC (b§) *∞‚ÊÁ‡Ê∞≈U English
Method of Recruitment: Deputation
¬˝Ê»§‚⁄U ⁄UÊ¡ŸËÁà ÁflôÊÊŸ Æv 50 L§. /Rs. 40,000/-
*Associate Poltical Sc fl·¸/Year
Post Method of recruitment
Staff Car Driver Deputation or absorption failing which by direct recruitment. Professor ßUÁÄUÊ‚ Æv
Ordinary Grade Education qualification History
1. Possession of a valid driving license for Motor cars. *∞‚ÊÁ‡Ê∞≈U
¬˝Ê»§‚⁄U ∑§ ¬Œ ∑§ Á‹∞ ÿÊÇÿ •èÿÕ˸ ©U¬‹éäÊ Ÿ „UÊŸ ¬⁄U Á⁄UÄà SÕÊŸ ¬⁄U ‚„UÊÿ∑§ ¬˝Ê»§‚⁄U
2. Knowledge of motor mechanism (the candidates should be
able to remove minor defects in vehicles).
ÁŸÿÈÄà Á∑§ÿÊ ¡ÊÿªÊ.
3. Experience of driving a motor car for at least five years. *If no applicant is found suitable for the post of Associate Prof, the post will be filled by
Desirable: Asst. Prof.
A pass in the 8th Standard. **•Ê⁄UÁˇÊà flª¸ ∑§Ê ÿÊÇÿ •èÿÕ˸ ©U¬‹éäÊ Ÿ „UÊŸ ¬⁄U Á⁄UÄà ¬Œ ‚Ê◊Êãÿ flª¸ ∑§ •èÿÕ˸ mUÊ⁄UÊ ÷⁄UÊ ¡ÊÿªÊ.
Deputation/Absorption: **To be filled by general category if no applicant from reserved category is found
On the basis of a test in driving designed to adjudge suitability for suitable.
the post with refernece to standards of competence considered w. ÿÊÇÿÃÊ— Áfl‡flÁfllÊ‹ÿ •ŸÈŒÊŸ •ÊÿÊª (ÿÍ.¡Ë.‚Ë.) wÆv} ∑§ ◊ÊŸ∑§Ê¥ ∑§ •ŸÈ‚Ê⁄U.
essential in drivers of staff car from officials hodling the analogous Qualification: As per UGC Regulation 2018.
posts of Group D emplyees in the organization of Registrar General,
India with at least five years regular service. x. •ÊflŒŸ ∑§Ê ¬˝ÊM§¬— ‚¥ÁˇÊåà Áflfl⁄UáÊ, ‡ÊÒˇÊÁáÊ∑§ ÿÊÇÿÃÊ, ∞.¬Ë. •Ê߸U. ‚Ë≈U, ÿÍ.¡Ë.‚Ë. wÆv} ∑§ ◊ÊŸ∑§Ê¥ ∑§
Note 1. The Deptatmental Officers in the feeder category who are •ŸÈ‚Ê⁄U ÃÕÊ Sfl-•Á÷¬˝◊ÊÁáÊà ¬˝àÿÿ ¬òÊÊ¥ ∑§Ë »§Ê≈UÊ ∑§Ê¬Ë ∑§ ‚ÊÕ •ÊflŒŸ ¬òÊ ÷¡ ‚∑§Ã „Ò¥U. •ÊflŒŸ ¬òÊ ßU‚
in the direct line of promotion will not be eligible for consideration ÁflôÊʬŸ ∑§Ë ¬˝∑§Ê‡ÊŸ ∑§Ë ÁÃÁÕ ∑§ vz ÁŒŸÊ¥ ∑§ •¥Œ⁄U ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ¬Ã ¬⁄U ¬„È¥Uø ¡ÊŸ øÊÁ„U∞¥.
for appointment by deputation. Similarly, deputationists shall not Application Format: Resume, Educatonal Qualification, API Score Sheet as per UGC
be eligible for consideration for appointment by promotion. Regulation 2018 along with self attested photo copies of credentials. Application should
Note 2. Period of deputation including the period of deputation in reach the following address within 15 days from publication of this notification.
another ex-cadre post held immedicately preceding this appoint-
ment in the same or some other Organization/Department of the ¬ÃÊ— ¬˝ÊøÊÿ¸ ∞.‚Ë.‚Ë. Áfl¥ª Address: Principal, ACC Wing
Central Government shall ordinarily not be exceeding three years. ÷Ê⁄UÃËÿ ‚Òãÿ •∑§ÊŒ◊Ë Indian Military Academy
Annexure-II Œ„U⁄Uʌ͟- wy}ÆÆ| Dehradun- 248007
Bio-Data Proforma ߸U-◊‹ [email protected] ‚ê¬∑¸§- 8899218271 (∑Ò§‹Ê‡Ê øãŒ˝ «U’⁄UÊ‹)
Application for the post of ___ (Kailash Chanra Dabral)
1. Name and Address in Block letters Email- [email protected] Contact No.- 8899218271
2. Date of Birth (in Christian era) davp 10628/11/0006/2122 EN 51/78
3. Date of retirement under Central/State Government Rules.
4. Educational Qualifications: 10. Additional details about present employment.
Please state whether working under
5. Whether Educational and other qualifications required
(a) Central Govt.
for the post are satisfied. (If any qualification has been treated
(b) State Govt.
as equivalent to the one prescribed in the rules, state the
(c) Autonomous Organizations
authority for the same). :
(d) Government Undertakings
Qualifications/ Qualifications/Experience (e) Universities
Experience required possessed by the Officer
11. Are you in Revised Scale of Pay? If yes, give the date
6. Please state clearly whether in the light of entries from which the revision took place and also indicate the
made by you above you meet the requirement of the pre-revised scale.
12. Present total emoluments per month
7. Details of Employment in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet duly
13. Additional information, if any, which you would
authenticated by your signature, if the space below is insufficient. like to mention in support of your suitability for the post.
Office/Instt./ Post From To Scale of pay and basic Nature of duties Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient.
Orgn. Held pay
14. Whether belongs to SC/ST
8. Nature of present employment i.e. ad-hoc/ 15. Remarks
temporary or quasi-permanent/Permanent. Note:- Incomplete applications and not countersigned by Head of Office/Employer will
9. In case the present employment is held on deputation/ not be entertained.
contract basis, please state:- Date: ____________ Signature of the Candidate
(a) The date of initial appointment Address ____________
(b) Period of appointment on deputation/contract Countersigned_____
(c) Name of the parent Office/Organization to which (Employer)
you belong. davp 19108/11/0008/2122 EN 51/76
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Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022 37
School of Archival Studies
National Archives of India
Government of India 83rd short term certificate course in Reprography
Ministry of Commerce & Industry 1. Objective : To train personnel in the process of reproduction of documents and
Department of Commerce manuscripts, in microfilming, handling of automated information storage, retrieval and
Office of the Development Commissioner dissemination.
2. Duration : 25th April to 3rd June 2022.
Indore Special Economic Zone 3. Eligibility : Second class graduate from a recognized university, preferably in
207, 2nd Floor, Atulya IT Park, Near Crystal IT Park
4. Age : Below 50 years for sponsored candidates.
Khandwa Road, Indore-452001, Ph. 0731-2971128, 2971129
Below 30 years for private candidates. (Relaxation in age for reserved categories is
E-mail: [email protected], Website:
applicable as per government norms)
No. A-30/ISEZ/2006-07/ Date: 09.03.2022
5. Reservation : Seats are reserved for private candidate of SC/ST/OBC/Persons
Applications are invited from interested eligible candidates/officials for filling up the following
with disability (PH) as per government norms.
posts on deputation basis in the O/o the Development Commissioner, Indore Special
6. Application fee : Rs.100/- (Rs. one hundred only) through Indian Postal Order or
Economic Zone. The description of the posts and eligibility conditions are as follows:-
DD, payable to the Director General of Archives, National Archives of India at New
S. Name of the No. of Posts Eligibility Conditions Delhi.
No. Posts/scale (existing/ 7. Course Fee : Rs. 300/- (Rs. Three hundred only) non-refundable & to be paid at
anticipated) the time of admission.
1. Asstt. 02 Employee(s) of the Central Government or 8. How to apply : Application in the prescribed proforma along with copies of
Development State Governments or a PSU of Central Certificates of educational qualification, age and caste and application fee may be
Commissioner Government or State Governments:- sent to the Director General of Archives, National Archives of India, Janpath, New
(Rs.9300- (a) (i) Holding analogous posts on regular basis; Delhi-110001.
34800/- + GP or Note -Applicants employed in Central & State Govt. and PSU's should apply through
Rs.4600/-) (ii) With three years' service in the grade rend- proper channel.
(pre-revised) ered after appointment, thereto on a regular 9. Last date of receipt of application : : 31st March, 2022.
(Level-7 as basis in the scale of Rs. 5500-9000 (pre- 10. Boarding & Lodging: The School has no boarding and lodging facilities.
per 7th CPC) revised) or equivalent in the parent cadre or Note: - The prescribed application form may be downloaded from National Archives
department: or of India website (http// under heading "What's New". An
(iii) With eight years' regular service in the applicant has to apply only through offline mode. There is also no provision for
grade rendered after appointment thereto on applying or making online payment.
a regular basis in the scale of pay of Rs. 5000- FORMAT OF APPLICATION
8000 (pre-revised) or equivalent in the parent 83rd short term certificate course in Reprography
cadre or department and: 1. Name of the Applicant -
(b) Possessing two years' experience in the 2. Father's/Husband's Name -
field of Industrial development or foreign trade. 3. Age and Date of Birth - General/SC/ST/OBC/PH
2. Applications of the eligible officers who possess the requisite experience and 4. Category -
qualification and who can be spared immediately may be forwarded for the posts. The 5. Contact address & Telephone No -
application in the prescribed pro-forma (Annexure-I) in duplicate supported with up-to 6. E-maiI (Mandatory) -
date confidential reports for last three years & vigilance clearance should reach to the 7. Permanent address -
following address within 60 days from the date of publication of the advertisement 8. Name and address of the -
in Employment News. Sponsoring Department, if employed
The Development Commissioner 9. Post held at present, if employed -
Indore Special Economic Zone, 207, 2nd Floor, Atulya IT Park 10. Details of the crossed Indian Postal Order/ Demand Draft -
Near Crystal IT Park, Khandwa Road, Indore-452001 11. Academic qualification (enclose attested copies of testimonials):-
E-mail: [email protected]
3. The appointment will be on transfer on deputation basis. The period of deputation Examination Subject Year of Division Percentage Name of
including the period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding Passed passing of marks University
this appointment in the same or some other Organization/ Department of the Central Date __________ Signature of the candidate
Government shall not exceed three years. The pay and allowances of the officer Signature and Seal of the Sponsoring Authority
selected on deputation will be regulated in accordance with the instructions issued by EN 51/83 Fax/ Telephone No.
Deptt. of Personnel & Training from time to time. The maximum age limit for
appointment by deputation shall be not exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of
the receipt of applications. Parliament of India
4. Officers who volunteer for the post will not be permitted to withdraw their names later.
The selected officer(s) can also be posted anywhere within the jurisdiction of DC,
Rajya Sabha Secretariat
Indore SEZ (State of M.P) depending on the exigencies of work. New Delhi
5. The bio-data duly supported by documents will be accessed by the Selection
No. LAFEAS-PS21011/1/2022-Perl Sec-RSS Dated the 19th March, 2022
Committee while selecting candidates for appointment to the concerned post on
deputation basis. Applications received after the last date/without through proper
channel or unaccompanied by copies of CR Dossiers & vigilance clearance of the
officer concerned will not be considered. Besides, advance applications even if
Applications are invited for filling up the following posts on deputation/foreign
received before the last date shall also not be entertained.
service basis in the Rajya Sabha Secretariat:-
6. The number of vacancies indicated are liable to increase/ decrease.
Grade No. of Posts
7. This post is a deputation post and no request for absorption would be entertained at
any stage.
8. The advertisement may also be viewed at the website of this office- 1. Legislative/Committee/Protocol/Executive Officer (Level- 10) 12 2. Assistant Legislative/Committee/Protocol/ 26
9. The application may be submitted in the prescribed pro-forma (Annexure-I), which Executive Officer (Level- 8)
can be downloaded from the aforementioned website. 3. Secretariat Assistant (Level-6) 27
10. The deputation rules, regulations and provisions as issued from time to time by 4. Assistant Research/Reference Officer (Level-8) 03
DoPT shall be applicable. A Govt. Officer in a higher grade pay/ scale shall be ineligible 5. Translator (Level- 8) 15
for appointment on deputation to the post in lower grade pay/ scale in terms of Deptt. 6. Personal Assistant (Level- 7) 15
of Expenditure's O.M. No. 1/1/2008-LC dt. 26.03.2009 and DOPT O.M. No. 6/8/2009- 7. Office Work Assistant (Level- 4) (6 English & 6 Hindi) 12
Estt.(pay II) dt. 17.06.2010. 2. Applications are to be sent through proper channel and should reach 'Director (P),
Annexure-I Room No. 240, 2nd Floor, Rajya Sabha Secretariat, Parliament of India,
Bio-Data Parliament House Annexe, New Delhi -110001' within 45 days from the date of
1. Name of the post applied for: the advertisement.
2. Name, Designation and Office Address (in BLOCK LETTERS): 3. Details of essential qualifications, experience, other terms and conditions of service
3. Date of Birth: and format of application etc are available on the 'Notice Board' on the official website
4. Educational Qualifications: of Rajya Sabha Director (P)
5. Present post held and scale of pay and date from which held: Rajya Sabha Secretariat
6. Present pay drawn (Basic pay & Grade pay) New Delhi
davp 31202/11/0009/2122 EN 51/85
7. Post held on regular basis with scale of pay, basic & grade pay and date of
appointment thereto on regular basis.
12. Additional information, if any, you would like to furnish in support of your suitability
8. Permanent post held with scale of pay, basic & grade pay and date of confirmation
for consideration to the Post(s)
9. Details of Employment in chronological order, (if required, please encloses a
13. Whether belongs to SC/ST community.
separate sheet, duly signed by the applicant)
S. Name of Office/ Post From To Scale of pay and basic Nature of Date: Signature of the Candidate
No. Organisation held pay + Grade Pay duties Certification of Forwarding Officer
10. Nature of present employment i.e. whether ad-hoc, temporary or permanent. The information furnished by the candidate has been verified from the record and is
11. In case the present employment is held on deputation basis, please state: found to be correct. There is no vigilance case pending or being contemplated against
a. Date of appointment to the present post on deputation basis the candidate. Name & Signature
b. Period of deputation Designation of the Officer with seal
c. Name of the parent Office/ Organisation which you belong. davp 05120/12/0004/2122 EN 51/87
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38 Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022
Continued from page 2 Government of India


liters of water that can be utilised to serve the needs of this WEAPONS & ELECTRONICS SYSTEMS ENGINEERING ESTABLISHMENT (WESEE)
(West Block-V, Wing No. 1, Ground Floor, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110066)
significant section. Irrigation is especially important for India, where
1. Applications are invited in the prescribed proforma at Annexure-l against one post of Civilian Motor Driver
agriculture accounts for 90 per cent of water use due to fast-track (Ordinary Grade) in the Pay Level-2 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix in the O/o Weapons & Electronics Systems
groundwater depletion and poor irrigation systems, say experts. Engineering Establishment (WESEE).
Under PMKSY, launched in 2015, the government has given Mode of Selection: Transfer on Deputation/Transfer/Re-employment of Ex-servicemen.
priority to water conservation and management. The pro-gramme Eligibility Conditions:
(a) Transfer on Deputation or Transfer.
has been formulated to increase irrigation coverage and improve
(i) Employees of Armed Forces Headquarters holding analogous posts on regular basis.
water use efficiency in a focused manner with end-to-end solution on (ii) Group 'D' employees (now MTS) of Armed Forces Headquarters with five years regular service in their grade
source creation, distribution, management, field application and and possessing a valid motor-car driving license.
extension activities. (b) Transfer of Ex-Servicemen on deputation or re-employment
Armed Forces Personnel due to retire or who are to be transferred to reserve within a period of one year and
The irrigation scheme has been formulated by merging ongoing
having the requisite experience and qualifications shall also be considered. Such persons would be given
schemes, Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP) of the deputation upto the date on which they are due for release from Armed Forces; thereafter they may be continued
Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga on re-employment.
Rejuvenation (MoWR, RD&GR), Integrated Watershed Management Note: The period of deputation including the period of deputation spent in any other ex-cadre post held
Programme (IWMP) of Department of Land Re-sources and the On immediately preceding this appointment in any other Department shall not exceed three years.
The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall not be exceeding 56 years as on the closing date
Farm Water Management of Department of Agriculture and
of receipt of applications.
Cooperation. PMKSY has been approved for implementation across 2. Application for the above post be forwarded on the prescribed proforma through proper channel along with
the country with an outlay of Rs. 50,000 crore in five years, says the the copies of ACRs/APARs for the last 5 years, within two months from the date of this advertisement to
ministry. In December 2021, the government extended the scheme DG (WESEE), Ministry of Defence, West Block-V, Wing No.1, Ground Floor, RK Puram, New Delhi-110066.
to improve farm productivity by four years till 2025-26 to complete 3. Applications received after the last date or without the copies of ACRs/APARs or otherwise found incomplete
will not be considered. Applications must be duly verified and certified by the Controlling Officer stating that
ongoing projects, with the programme receiving additional spending
particulars furnished by the applicant are correct and no disciplinary case is pending or contemplated against
of Rs. 93,068 crore. the applicant. Annexure-l
The major objectives of PMKSY are to accomplish convergence of APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF CIVILIAN MOTOR DRIVER (ORDINARY GRADE) IN WESEE ON
investments in irrigation at the field level, widen cultivable area TRANSFER ON DEPUTATION/TRANSFER/RE-EMPLOYMENT BASIS
under assured irrigation, improve on-farm water use efficiency to (a) Name of the post applied for
reduce water wastage, boost the adoption of precision irrigation and (b) Name of the applicant (in capital letters)
other water-saving technologies, enhance recharge of aquifers, and (c) Name of the employer
introduce sustainable water conservation practices by exploring the (d) Date of Birth
viability of reusing treated municipal wastewater for peri-urban (e) Date of entry into service
agriculture and attract private investment in precision irrigation (f) Date of retirement under Central Govt
system. (g) Present Residential Address with Tele No.
The prime irrigation programme of the Centre works on ‘a (h) Present Office Address with Tele No.
decentralised state-level planning and projectised exe-cution (j) Educational Qualification:
model’, allowing states to draw up their own irrigation development (i) Academic (ii) Technical
plans based on District Irrigation Plan and State Irrigation Plan. A (k) Place of issue of Motor Car Driving License and its validity
convergence platform for all water sector activities, including drinking (I) Whether SC/ST or Ex-Serviceman
water and sanitation, MGNREGA, application of science and (m) Please state clearly whether in light of the entries made
by you above, you meet the requirements of the posts.
technology, and others makes PMKSY a comprehensive plan. The
(n) Whether willing for transfer on deputation/transfer
State Level Sanctioning Committee (SLSC), chaired by the State
(p) Brief service particulars (commencing from the latest)
Chief Secretary, oversees the implementation and sanctions at state (q) If any post held on Deputation in the past by the applicant,
level. At the centre, the programme is supervised and monitored by date of return from the last deputation and other details.
Certified that the details furnished above are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I also declare that
an Inter-Ministerial National Steer-ing Committee set up under the
once selected for the post, I will not withdraw my candidature.
chairmanship of the Prime Minister with union ministers from Place:...................
concerned ministries. A National Executive Committee has been set Date: ..................... Signature of the applicant: .............................
(for use by the forwarding authority)
up under the leadership of Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog to oversee
programme imple-mentation, allocation of resources, inter- Forwarded, duly recommended. The details have been verified. It is certified that no disciplinary proceedings/
ministerial coordination, moni-toring and performance assess-ment, vigilance case is pending or contemplated against Shri/Smt/Km ________ and in the event of his/her selection,
he /she will be relieved immediately.
addressing administrative issues and other tasks.
Date :...............
While the government is focused on achieving the targets of the (Signature of the Controlling Officer
said programmes, it has also been running awareness programmes EN 51/88 Designation & Office Address)
to make people part of its vision of water security and sustainability
and en-courage others, from United Nations agencies to countries, programmes. With water being a subject on the The writer is a senior journalist based in New
corporate, civil society organi-sations and citizens, to be part of the state list, the programmes, together with similar Delhi and can be reached at jyotisverma
change. Messages like Har Ghar Jal and More Crop Per Drop are dedicated state programmes, are making water a [email protected]
being used to make people understand, respect and be a part of the priority for everyone. Views expressed are personal.

EN 51/42
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Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022 39

World Poetry Day (March 21) is a day to celebrate the art of poetry. As former Director-General of
UNESCO Irina Bokova has said, "Poetry is one of the purest expressions of linguistic freedom.
It is a component of the identity of peoples and it embodies the creative energy of culture, for it
can be continuously renewed." We all love reading poetry and Employment News would like to
read your self-composed poem on a socially-relevant topic (100-150 words).
Entries may be sent to [email protected] latest by 30/03/2022 in English/Hindi/Urdu. Entrants
must clearly mention their Name, Age, Full Address, Email ID and Contact No. The entry adjudged
best will be published in Employment News/Rozgar Samachar (issue dated 9 - 15 April 2022) and
will be eligible for a three-month free subscription of Yojana/Kurukshetra/ Ajkal as per the
winner's choice.

Question: What is that one thing (infrastructure/civic sense/
hospitality/sanitation, etc.) about a state/UT that you liked the most and
think should be adopted in your state?
Hardil Noor Singh
New Delhi
Our country India is blessed with magnificent people, infrastructure and natural wonders like the living root
tree bridges of Meghalaya, the lofty buildings in Mumbai, the magnificent Dravidian architecture of Tamil
Nadu and the cleanliness of Indore in Madhya Pradesh. Every nook and corner of our country spells
brilliance in its own unique style.
When I visited Chandigarh (UT) I was mesmerised by the red sandstone government buildings and
residences there. The thing that impressed me in those buildings was that they were disabled friendly to
the core and in true compliance of our Accessible India campaign. Our peer states as also other cities in
the country and round the globe could learn the best accessibility practices. Trees that are lined on both
sides of the road add to its brilliant architecture besides giving a natural shadow to everyone , and the
cherry on the top was streets and markets so well maintained and no garbage thrown on the roads and
in markets too.
I would like the same civic sense of responsibility to keep surroundings clean, green and have buildings
accessible for all in its truest sense in my city Delhi too so that we too can have a clean and green city.

EN 51/86

Employment News
Shubha Gupta Employment News
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40 Employment News 19 - 25 March 2022

News Digest
NATIONAL Mahotsav on the occasion of 75 years of India’s Independence. The event was attend-
„ India to resume International flights from 27th March ed by members of local government, diplomatic corps, Heads of International Organ-
International Flights to and from India are to be resumed from 27th of March 2022. isations, and members of the Indian Diaspora in Madagascar. Addressing the audi-
The Civil Aviation Ministry which had suspended regular international flights in March ence, the Ambassador of India to Madagascar Abhay Kumar said – “Vasudhaiva
2020 in view of the Covid-19 pandemic said after having recognized the increased Kutumbakam is one of the core philosophies of the Indian civilization. The concept of
vaccination coverage across the globe and in consultation with the stakeholders, the Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam originates from Maha Upanishad that is a Vedic Sanskrit
Government has decided to resume scheduled commercial international passenger text of Indian philosophy. Vasudha means the earth, Eva provides emphasis and
services to and from India from 27 of this month. The Civil Aviation Ministry said, the Kutumbakam means a family. ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ means ‘the whole earth is
international operations shall be subject to strict adherence to the Ministry of Health one family.”
& Family Welfare guidelines for international travel. „ Yoon Suk Yeol elected South Korea's New President
„ 29 Women Achievers conferred Nari Shakti Puraskar In South Korea, opposition candidate
President Ram Nath Kovind conferred the Nari Shakti Puraskar 2020 and 2021 at a Yoon Suk Yeol, a conservative former
special ceremony held at Rashtrapati Bhavan on the occasion of International top prosecutor has been elected as
Women’s Day. The award was conferred on 29 outstanding women achievers in country's new President. Yoon Suk Yeol
recognition of their exceptional work towards empowerment of women, especially the defeated his ruling liberal party opponent
vulnerable and marginalised. Lee Jae-myung in one of the country’s
„ Upper Age Limit for NEET-UG removed most closely fought presidential elec-
The National Medical Commission (NMC) has removed the upper age limit for appear- tions. With more than 99 percent of the
ing in the medical undergraduate entrance exam- National Eligibility cum Entrance ballots counted, People Power Party candidate Yoon won 48.6 percent of the votes,
Test (NEET) Undergraduate (UG) examination. Earlier, the age limit was 25 years for narrowly edging his rival Lee Jae-myung of Democratic Party, who garnered 47.8
general category candidates and 30 years in the case of reserved category candi- percent.
dates. Meanwhile, the government has decided that half the seats in private medical
colleges will be charged at par with government medical colleges to benefit poor and
middle class students. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi made this announcement „ Centre for Excellence in Power Grid Technology launched
while interacting with Jan Aushadhi Kendra owners and beneficiaries of the scheme The Ministry of Power has launched the Virtual Smart Grid Knowl-
via video conferencing. edge Center (SGKC) and Innovation Park as part of Azadi ka Amrit
„ Education Ministry cautions public about Fake Websites offering Govt Jobs Mahotsav Programme. The SGKC has been established by POW-
The Education Ministry has termed several websites fake and advised the public to ERGRID for demonstration and advancement of frontier smart grid
avoid applying for jobs through such websites. These websites are, www.sarvashik- technologies.SGKC aims to be one of the leading Centers of, and The Ministry Excellence globally to foster innovation, entrepreneurship and
said, it has come to its notice that several websites have been created with the name research in smart grid technologies and create capacities in the
similar to the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan to dupe innocent applicants. It added that these power distribution sector.
websites are offering employment opportunities to the aspiring candidates and mis- „ DD India onboards Global OTT Platform
guiding job aspirants. These websites demand money from the respondents for the Public broadcaster Prasar Bharati has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with
applications. Yupp TV, an over-the-top (OTT) platform, which is a gateway for television viewers
„ Atal Innovation Mission-Snapchat collaborate to skill youth in Augmented across the globe. With this, DD India is now available on the OTT platform of Yupp TV
Reality in USA, UK, Europe, Middle East, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand. Through
Niti Aayog's Atal Innovation Mission has joined Yupp TV, one can watch live TV anytime anywhere in the world. It is aimed at expand-
hands with camera firm Snap Inc, which owns ing the global reach of DD India channel to put forth India’s perspective on various
social media platform Snapchat, to drive Aug- international developments on global platforms and to showcase the country's culture
mented Reality (AR) skilling among country's and values to the world.
youth. Snap's camera plays a transformative role
„ Donate-a-Pension Programme Launched
in how people experience the world around them.
Over a two-year timeframe, Snap Inc is expected The government has launched
to train over 12,000 teachers affiliated with the Atal Tinkering Labs on Augmented Donate-a-Pension programme -
Reality, enabling the reach of the programme to millions of students affiliated with an initiative under the Pradhan
ATL's network of schools. Snap Inc also announced its partnership with the Atal Incu- Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan
bation Centers (AICs) to support the Indian startup ecosystem with AR advertising (PM-SYM) pension scheme
boot camps, Ad credits, and other opportunities. where citizens can donate the
premium contribution of their
„ Six States to hold RS polls on 31st March
immediate support staff including
Election Commission has announced polls to 13 Rajya Sabha seats in six states on
domestic workers, drivers and
31st March. The states are Assam, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Tripura and
helpers. Under the programme,
Nagaland. The Commission said, out of the five seats to be filled from Punjab, three
workers in the unorganised
are to be filled by holding one election and other two through another election as these
seats belong to two different biennial cycles. sector in the age group of 18 to
40 years can register themselves
„ SAMARTH - Special Entrepreneurship Promotion Drive for Women - Launched
and deposit a minimum of 660 to 2400 rupees every year depending on their age.
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, MSME Minister Narayan Rane launched a
After they attain 60 years they will receive the minimum assured pension of three
Special Entrepreneurship Promotion Drive for Women - “SAMARTH” on the occasion
thousand rupees per month.
of International Women’s Day 2022 in New Delhi. Under the Samarth initiative twenty
percent seats in free Skill Development Programs organized under skill development SPORTS
schemes of the Ministry will be allocated for women and more than 7,500 women will „ India bags most Medals in ISSF World Cup 2022 in Cairo
be benefitted. Twenty percent of MSME business delegations sent to domestic and
India have taken first place in the medal standing in International Shooting Sport Fed-
international exhibitions under the schemes for Marketing Assistance implemented by
eration, ISSF World Cup 2022 in Cairo. The Indian team finished on the top of the
the Ministry will be dedicated to women owned MSMEs.
medals tally with a total of seven medals comprising four gold, two silver and one
INTERNATIONAL bronze. In the last event of the tournament, Rhythm Sangwan and Anish Bhanwala
won the 25m rapid fire pistol mixed team gold medal match against Thailand by
„ Plaque of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam in Antananarivo, Madagascar
defeating them 17-7. Earlier in the day, the Indian trio of Gurpreet Singh, Anish Bhan-
The Embassy of India,
wala and Bhavesh Shekhawat lost the gold medal match of the men’s 25m rapid fire
Antananarivo, Madagas-
pistol team competition to Germany 7-17. In the women’s 25m pistol team event final,
car, organized a special
India defeated Singapore 17-13 to clinch their third gold of the World Cup. Rahi
unveiling ceremony of
Sarnobat, Esha Singh and Rhythm Sangwan defeated the Singaporean trio of Xiu
the plaque of “Vasudhai-
va Kutumbakam” in the Hong, Shun Xie and Ling Chiao Nicole Tan in the gold medal match-up. Saurabh
Embassy premises on Chaudhary clinched India’s first gold medal in Cairo defeating Michael Schwald of
10 March 2022 to mark Germany 16-6 in the gold medal match of the Men’s 10m Air Pistol event.
the Azadi ka Amrit (Source: AIR/PIB)

Printed & Published by Monideepa Mukerjee, Director General, on behalf of Publications Division, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Govt. of India, New Delhi and Printed at Amar Ujala Ltd., C-21 & 22, Sector-59,
Noida-201301. Published from Employment News (Ministry of I. & B.) 7th Floor, Soochna Bhawan, C.G.O Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003, Senior Editor - Manogyan R Pal

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