Flexible Instruction Delivery Plan (FIDP)

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P.G. Almendras St., Poblacion, Danao City, Cebu

Telephone: (032) 260–4864 / Mobile: (+63) 9228282445
Email Address: [email protected] / [email protected]

Flexible Instruction Delivery Plan (FIDP)

Grade: 12 Semester: 1st

Core Subject Title: Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person No. of Hours/Semester:
Prerequisites (If needed):
Core Subject Description: An initiation to the activity and process of philosophical reflection as a search for a synoptic vision of life. Topics to be
discussed include the human experiences of embodiment, being in the world with others and the environment, freedom, intersubjectivity, sociality, being
unto death.
Culminating Performance Standard: The learner should be able to demonstrate a capacity for a critical and analytical reflection from the perspective of
a holistic and profound vision of life.
Power Standard: The learner should be able to demonstrate a capacity for a critical and analytical reflection from the perspective of a holistic and
profound vision of life.

What to Teach? Why Teach? How to Assess? How to Teach?

Content Content Most Performan Highest Enabling Strategy

Standards Essentia ce Learning Competencies Highest Thinking Skill to to Use in Developing the
l Standards Assess Highest Thinking Skill to
Topics Assess
Flexible Enabling Teaching
Complet KUD Most KUD RBT Level Assessment General Strategy
e Classificati Essential Classificati Activities Strategy
on on (FAA)
e Check(s)

Quarter: First

Performance Lesson 1. Doing Philosophy

Content Content Most Learning Competencies Highest Enabling Strategy
Standards Essentia Performan Highest Thinking Skill to Use in Developing the
l ce to Assess Highest Thinking Skill to
Topics Standards Assess

Flexible Enabling Teaching

Complet KUD Most KUD RBT Level Assessment General Strategy
e Classificat Essential Classificati Activities Strategy
ion on (FAA)
1.Doing The learner 1.1. The learner Distinguis Knowing 1.1 Knowing Analyzing Video / Demo Communicat Independent
Philosophy understands Distinguish a reflects on a ha Distinguish Understandi Evaluating Presentation ion reading
the meaning holistic concrete holistic a holistic ng Applying Connection
and process perspective experience in a perspecti perspective Remember Essay Representati Quiz as
of doing from a philosophical ve from from a ing on Understandin
philosophy partial point way an ethical partial point Reasoning g, Check;
of view point of of view and Proof
view. Nakikilala Mini Lecture
1.2. ang and Video
Recognize Recognize pagkakaiba
human human ng Interpretation
activities activities pangkabuua Aids;
that that ng pananaw
emanated emanated mula sa Quick
from from pananaw ng Conceptualiza
deliberate ethical mga bahagi tion Question
reflection reflection lamang
1.2 Individual
1.3. Realize Realize draft essay
the value of the value Realize the writing, with
doing of ethical value of teacher
philosophy attitudes doing comments for
in obtaining in philosophy improvement.
a broad obtaining in obtaining
perspective a broad a broad Visualization
on life perspecti perspective
ve on life. on life
1.4. Do a
philosophica Do an Nahihinuha
l reflection ethical na:
on a reflection Mahalaga
concrete on a ang
situation concrete pamimiloso
from a situation piya upang
holistic from a magkaroon
perspective holistic ng
perspecti malawakan
ve. g pananaw
sa buhay.

Quarter: First

Performance LO2. Check and download information

Content Content Most Learning Competencies Highest Enabling Strategy
Standards Essenti Performan Highest Thinking to Use in Developing the
al ce Skill to Assess Highest Thinking Skill to
Topics Standards Assess

Flexible Enabling Teaching

Complet KUD Most KUD RBT Assessmen General Strategy
e Classificati Essential Classificati Level t Activities Strategy
on on (FAA)
2. Methods of The learner 2.1. The learner Distinguis Knowing 1.3 Do a Knowing Analyzin Video / Communicat Independent
philosophizin demonstrate Distingui evaluates h ethical Understandi philosophical Understandi g Demo ion reading
g s various sh opinions. acts and ng reflection on a ng Evaluati Presentation Connection
ways of opinion unethical concrete ng Representati Quiz as
doing from acts situation from Applying Essay on Understandin
philosophy truth a holistic Reasoning g, Check;
2.2. Analyze perspective and Proof
Analyze situations Nakapagmum Mini Lecture
situations that show uni-muni sa and Video
that show the isang suliranin
the difference sa isang Interpretation
differenc between pilosopikong Aids;
e moral and paraan at
between immoral. nakagagawa Quick
opinion ng Conceptualiza
and truth Realize pamimiloosopi tion Question
2.3. that the ya sa buhay
Realize methods Individual
that the of draft essay
methods philosoph writing, with
of y leads to teacher
philosoph self- comments for
y lead to assessme improvement.
wisdom nt.
and truth Evaluate Visualization
2.4. human
Evaluate actions in
opinions relation
to ethical

Quarter: Second

Performance LO1.The human person as an embodied spirit

Content Content Most Learning Competencies Highest Enabling Strategy
Standards Essential Performan Highest Thinking Skill to Use in Developing the
Topics ce to Assess Highest Thinking Skill to
Standards Assess

Flexible Enabling Teaching

Complet KUD Most KUD RBT Assessment General Strategy
e Classificati Essential Classificati Level Activities Strategy
on on (FAA)
3.The The learner 3.1 The learner Distinguis Knowing 3.1 Knowing Analyzin Video / Demo Communicat Independent
human understands distinguish distinguishe h the Understandi Recognize Understandi g Presentation ion reading
person as an the human the s his/her limitation ng how the ng Evaluati Connection
embodied person as an limitations own s of one’s human ng Essay Representati Quiz as
spirit n embodied and limitations actions. body Applying on Understandin
spirit. possibilities and the Recognize imposes Reasoning g, Check;
for possibilities human limits and and Proof
transcende for rights possibilities Mini Lecture
nce. transcenden Evaluate for and Video
3.2 ce one’s transcende
Recognize right as a nce Interpretation
own person Nakikilala Aids;
limitations Recognize na:
and how Binibigyan Quick
possibilities human ako ng Conceptualiza
. actions hangganan tion Question
3.3 are at
Evaluate influence posibilidad Individual
own d by ng aking draft essay
limitations human katawan writing, with
and the rights. teacher
possibilities 3.2 comments for
for their Evaluate improvement.
transcende own
nce. limitations Visualization
3.4 and the
Recognize possibilities
how the for
human their
body transcende
imposes nce
limits and Natataya
possibilities ang mga
for pagkakatak
transcende da
nce. (hanggana
n) at
) ng sarili
Quarter: Second

Performance LO2. The human person in their environment

Content Content Most Learning Competencies Highest Enabling Strategy
Standards Essentia Performan Highest Thinking to Use in Developing the
l ce Skill to Assess Highest Thinking Skill to
Topics Standards Assess

Flexible Enabling Teaching

Complet KUD Most KUD RBT Assessmen General Strategy
e Classificati Essential Classificati Level t Activities Strategy
on on (FAA)
4.The human The learner 4.1 Notice The learner Knowing 4.1 Notice Knowing Analyzin Video / Communicat Independent
person in understands disorder in shows The Understandi things that Understandi g Demo ion reading
their the interplay an situations learner is ng are not in ng Evaluati Presentation Connection
environment between environme that able to their proper ng Representati Quiz as
humans and nt. demonstrat demonstr place and Applying Essay on Understandin
their 4.2 Notice e freedom ate organize Reasoning g, Check;
environment things of choice ethical them in an and Proof
s. that are and the plans in aesthetic Mini Lecture
not in consequenc order to way and Video
their e of choice.t save the Napapansin
proper environm ang mga Interpretation
place and ent from bagay na Aids;
organize destructio wala sa
them in an n. wastong Quick
aesthetic lugar at Conceptualiza
way. naisasaayos tion Question
ito nang
4.3 Show ayon sa Individual
that care kagandahan draft essay
For the 4.2 writing, with
environme teacher
nt Show that comments for
contribute care for the improvement.
s to environmen
health, t Visualization
health, contributes
well-being to health,
and well-being
sustainabl and
e sustainable
developm developmen
ent. t

4.4 Napatutuna
Demonstr yan na ang
ate the pagkalinga
virtues of sa
prudence kapaligiran
and ay
frugality nakatutulon
towards g sa
environme pagkamit
nt. ng
at likas-
e the
virtues of
las ang
masinop sa
sa kanyang
mga kapwa
nilalang at

Quarter: Third

Performance LO1. Freedom of the human person

Content Content Most Learning Competencies Highest Enabling Strategy
Standards Essential Performan Highest Thinking to Use in Developing the
Topics ce Skill to Assess Highest Thinking Skill to
Standards Assess

Flexible Enabling Teaching

Complete KUD Most KUD RBT Assessmen General Strategy
Classificati Essential Classificati Level t Activities Strategy
on on (FAA)
5. Freedom The learner 5.1 Realize The learner Knowing 5.2 Evaluate Knowing Analyzin Video / Communicat Independent
of the understands that “all shows Realize Understandi and exercise Understandi g Demo ion reading
human the human actions situations that even ng prudence in ng Evaluati Presentation Connection
person person’s have that freedom choices ng Representati Quiz as
freedom. consequenc demonstrat has certain Natatasa Applying Essay on Understandin
es.” e freedom limitations. kung siya ay Reasoning g, Check;
of choice maingat sa and Proof
5.2 Realize and the Evaluate pagpapasya Mini Lecture
that: consequenc and o hindi and Video
a. Choices e of choice. exercise 5.3 Realize
have prudence that: Interpretation
consequenc in actions a. Choices Aids;
es have
b. some consequenc Quick
things are es. Conceptualiza
given up b. Some tion Question
while things are
others are given up Individual
obtained in while others draft essay
making are obtained writing, with
choices. in making teacher
choices comments for
Nakikilala improvement.
5.3 na:
Evaluate a. May Visualization
and kahihinatna
exercise n ang bawat
prudence in pagpili.
choice. b. May
at may
sa bawat
5.4 Show pagpili.
situations 5.4 Show
that situations
demonstrat that
e freedom demonstrate
of choice freedom of
and the choice
consequenc and the
es of their consequenc
choices. es of their

had ng mga
kung saan
ang pagpili
n ng mga ito

Quarter: Third
Performance LO2. Intersubjectivity
Content Content Most Learning Competencies Highest Enabling Strategy
Standards Essentia Performan Highest Thinking to Use in Developing the
l ce Skill to Assess Highest Thinking Skill to
Topics Standards Assess

Flexible Enabling Teaching

Complete KUD Most Essential KUD RBT Assessme General Strategy
Classificati Classificati Level nt Strategy
on on Activities
6.Inter The learner 6.1 The learner Knowing 6.1 Realize that Knowing Analyzin Video / Communicat Independent
subjectivity understand Realize performs Realize Understandi intersubjectivity Understandi g Demo ion reading
s inter that inter activities that that inter ng requires ng Evaluati Presentatio Connection
subjective subjectivit demonstrate subjectivit accepting ng n Representati Quiz as
human y requires an appreciation y is one of differences and Applying on Understandin
relations. accepting for the talents the moral not imposing on Essay Reasoning g, Check;
difference of person with obligation others and Proof
s and not disabilities and of a Nakikilala na ang Mini Lecture
to those from the human pakikipagkapwa- and Video
imposing person. tao ay ang
on others. pagtanggap sa Interpretation
d sectors of
6.2 pagkakaiba ng Aids;
Explain kapwa at hindi
that pagpataw ng Quick
authentic sarili Conceptualiza
dialogue 6.2 Explain tion Question
means that authentic
accepting dialogue means Individual
difference accepting others draft essay
s and not even if they are writing, with
to different from teacher
imposing themselves comments for
on others. improvement.
6.3 anag na ang Visualization
Appreciate tunay na
the talents diyalogo ay ang
of persons pagtanggap sa
with kapwa bilang
disabilities kapwa kahit na
and those siya ay iba
from the sa akin
under 6.3 Performs
privileged activities that
sectors of demonstrate an
society appreciation for
and their the talents of
contributio persons with
ns to disabilities and
society. those from the
sectors of
6.4 wa ng isang
Perform gawain na
activities nagpapamalas
that ng mga talento
demonstra ng mga may
te the kapansanan at
talents of kapus-palad
and those
from the
sectors of

Quarter: Fourth

Performance LO1. The Human Person in society

Content Content Most Learning Competencies Highest Enabling Strategy
Standards Essential Performan Highest Thinking to Use in Developing the
Topics ce Skill to Assess Highest Thinking Skill to
Standards Assess

Flexible Enabling Teaching

Complete KUD Most Essential KUD RBT Assessme General Strategy
Classificati Classificati Level nt Strategy
on on Activities
7. The The learner 7.1 The learner Knowing 7.1 Recognize Knowing Analyzin Video / Communicat Independent
Human understand Recognize evaluates Recognize Understandi how individuals Understandi g Demo ion reading
Person in s the how the how ng form societies ng Evaluati Presentatio Connection
society interplay individuals formation individuals and how ng n Representati Quiz as
between form of human follow individuals are Applying on Understandin
the societies relationship rules and transformed by Essay Reasoning g, Check;
individualit and how s and how ethical societies and Proof
y of human individuals individuals norms. Nakikilala kung Mini Lecture
beings and are are shaped paano nahuhubog and Video
their social transforme by their Understan ng tao ang
context. d by social d the lipunan at kung Interpretation
societies. contexts. factors paano nahuhubog Aids;
7.2 that ng lipunan ang
Compare influenced tao Quick
different one’s 7.2 Compare Conceptualiza
forms of attitude or different forms of tion Question
societies character. societies and
and individualities Individual
individualiti (eg. Agrarian, draft essay
es Explain industrial and writing, with
(e.g. how virtual) teacher
agrarian, human Nakapaghahambi comments for
industrial relations ng ng iba’t ibang improvement.
and are uri ng lipunan
virtual). transforme (hal. agraryo, Visualization
d by social industriyal at
7.3 Explain system. birtwal)
how human
relations 7.3 Explain how
are human relations
transforme are transformed
d by social by social systems
system. Nakapagpapaliwa
7.4 nang na
Evaluate nagbabago ang
the mga ugnayan ng
transformat tao dahil sa
ion of sistema ng
human lipunan na
relationship kinabibilangan
s by social niya
and how
Quarter: Fourth

Performance LO2.Human persons as oriented towards their impending death.

Content Content Most Learning Competencies Highest Enabling Strategy
Standards Essential Performan Highest Thinking to Use in Developing the
Topics ce Skill to Assess Highest Thinking Skill to
Standards Assess

Flexible Enabling Teaching

Complete KUD Most KUD RBT Assessmen General Strategy
Classificati Essential Classificati Level t Activities Strategy
on on (FAA)
8. Human The learner 8.1 The learner Knowing 8.1 Knowing Analyzin Video / Communicat Independent
persons as understands Recognize writes a Recognize Understandi Enumerate Understandi g Demo ion reading
oriented human the philosophica his ng the ng Evaluati Presentatio Connection
towards beings as meaning of l reflection importance objectives ng n Representati Quiz as
their oriented his/her own on the as a living he/she really Applying on Understandin
impending towards life. meaning of individual wants to Essay Reasoning g, Check;
death. their 8.2 his/her own in the achieve and and Proof
impending Enumerate life. society. to define the Mini Lecture
death. the projects and Video
objectives he/she really
he/she wants to do Interpretation
really in his/her Aids;
wants to life
achieve Quick
and to Nakapagtata Conceptualiza
define la ng mga tion Question
projects bagay na
he/she tunay na Individual
really gusto draft essay
wants to do niyang writing, with
in his/her gawin (Ano teacher
life. ang gusto comments for
8.3 Explain niyang improvement.
the maging?)
meaning of Reflect on Visualization
life the meaning
(Where will of his/her
all lead to). own life
8.4 Reflect 8.2
on the Nakapagsus
meaning of ulat ng
his/her own pagninilay
life. tungkol sa
ng kanyang
buhay sa
ng tao
ang lahat ng

Performance Task: You are graduated from Senior High School already and is now a child trying to convince your parents on your life choices. To be
allowed to pursue your life choices, you are required to prepare a letter posted on a Facebook on why your chosen life is the appropriate life for you. You
will be allowed or disallowed based on the comprehensive, logic, depth of insight, and manner of presentation.

Literal Transfer: Learners should be able to resolve ethical dilemmas based on a holistic understanding of what the human person is.

Prepared by:
Mr. Niel Manto
Subject Teacher

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