Prelims Good Manners and Right Conduct

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School of Liberal Arts & Teacher Education

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Subject: VED Good Manners & Right Conduct (GMRC)
Module No. 1 Prelim Coverage
Good manners & right conduct
Values are the internalized, unique standards of an individual arrives as through a
valuing process in the context of socialization. These are universal, objective, and timeless
values derived from natural and moral laws. Values have both cognitive and affective aspects,
the former to share them up for better decision-making between two “goods: rather than between
good and evil. Values education involves both academic formations, the educational of the
intellect to know and understands the truths and personal formation, the education of the will to
choose the higher good. That values education is really moral education, and that morality can
exist only between persons in relationships. The bottom line in morality is one’s values leading
oneself to behave towards others as their values require. This stem from the intrinsic worth of
every human personality.
The students should be able to examine different views and accept and respect the
differences and similarities of the GMRC Teacher reaching out to others.
The students should be able to:
 Identify strengths and areas of improvement
 Enhance acceptance an appreciation of self
 Explore and identify personal values
 Understand and appreciate teacher’s role in promoting the core values maka-
tao,Makabayan, makakalikasan and maka-Diyos
 Describe how good manners are developed
 Demonstrate empathy and compassion within and beyond the family in
everyday life.
Learning activities:
You are about to take a journey, and like a good traveler, you prepare the thing that you
need to successfully reach your destination. This journey will lead towards self-discovery,
understanding, acceptance, and fulfillment.
Week 1
The best way to way to start is to know what you have, where you are now, how far have you
gone, how far still would you want to go, and most importantly, what you need to get there. Let
as have this activity. Draw a human figure you are that figure so make it look like you, your
hairstyle, your eyes, nose, shape of your face. Include the clothes you love to wear, favorite
accessories, shoes, pieces of jewelry so they would reflect the real you. Are your self-
descriptions mostly positive and Negative? How do you fill about these positive and negative
characteristic traits you discovered about yourself?
The four techniques to correct our distorted visions whether about ourselves or other things
 Countering
 Modeling
 Stretching
 Praying
What significant insights have you gathered form this activity. Describe
Week 2 MY VALUES, MY GUIDE Values Tree
By this time, you have a pretty good idea of who you are as a person. Now you can describe
yourself accurately since with the help of a friend you are aware of your good qualities as well as
the not so good. You have also learned to accept the things you like and the things you don’t
really like about yourself with the desire and determination to improve. With a clear picture of
who you are, you are now ready to continue your journey through life. But wait, you need
something more, the one that would give you directions-our values—they are like street signs
that would lead you to the right Path that would bring you closer to your destination.
 Draw a big tree, complete with roots, a trunk, and branches.
 At the roots of the tree, write down the values you developed since childhood
that you learned from your parent/family.
 On the trunk of the tree, write down your values developed from friends, school,
travel, book, etc.
 Finally, on the branches, write down values you want to develop as you
continue to live your life.
Definition of values
Kinds of values
The core Filipino Values
At this point, reflect on your daily activities and assess which of them contributes to the
promotion of the core Filipino values.
What realizations/learnings/have you gained from this activity? In 10 sentences summarize
Week 3
Me, My Family, and the Social Institution
After exploring your values and their importance in guiding you towards the right path, you will
now continue to discover more about yourself and this time you will investigate your family and
the other institutions that have contributed to your becoming into the person that you are now. It
is through knowing your roots and striving to be your best that you can become an instrument to
help others become the person that they want to be. This time looks to your body. Divide and
label the different parts of the body that represent the extent of influence of the family, school,
peers, and mass media on who you are now. The grater the influence, the bigger the part assigned
to it.
*The Family as the Natural Institution
*The school
*Mass Media
1. Which among the influences of the social institutions do you find useful in your tasks as a
future GMRC teacher? In 8-10 sentences describe/explain concisely.
Week 4
Making Meaningful Connections
The lesson Making Meaningful Connections highlights the beauty of diversity and how people
despite the differences of each one can transcend such to be able to establish meaningful
relationships. Imagine a classroom of 30 or 40 learners or even more. What do you see? What
have you observed? Perhaps you see a roomful of leaners who behave differently, varying in
sizes, color and ability and are unique in their own respective ways. Look what principle of
individual variation is all about. Here are different types of diversity which include:
*In terms of personal characteristics
*In terms of student background
*In terms of cognitive aptitude
*In terms of level of motivation and diversity of opinion
As a future in-service teacher, you ought to be aware of certain assumptions that might get in the
way of building inclusive classrooms and meeting students’ learning needs Here are some faulty
*Students are not diverse
*Diversity doesn’t matter because everyone is diverse.
*Diversity does not have anything to do with learning.
Tips or Ways to promote Equity and Diversity in the Classroom:
 Self-Awareness
 Get to Know Your learners
 Class Norms
 Culturally Relevant Teaching
 Purposeful Planning
 Meet Diverse Learning Needs
 Community Involvement

Application/Reflection question.
What practices do you observe to celebrate your uniqueness as persons inside the classroom?
You can make a quotation and or post your original quotation thru Google classroom or
Week 5
It is often said that the young people are the hope and future of the fatherland. But we can change
our perspective to say that they are more than our future because they are our NOW. It’s a social
context of children to train them to become a part of the society—the school. The school is a
social agent to develop the learner holistically as envisioned by the Phil. K-12 curriculum. Let us
now look at the different values which we aspire our Generation Alpha to internalize.
 Respect (types of respect)
a. respect for self
b. respect for others
c. respect for social norms
d. respect for nature
e. respect for family
f. respect for values
g. respect for culture
h. respect for national symbols
i. respect for human beings
Looking forward to looking forward generation of respectful young persons.
a. Courtesy and Politeness
b. turns up your tolerance
c read the signs
d. mind your manners
e. lends a helping hand
f. lesson integration
g. tolerance
h. fairness
i. self-control
In an 8-10 sentences describe the role of a the parents in developing the desirable values of
respect, courtesy, tolerance, fairness and self-control.
Week 6
Michael Jackson popularized the song “Heal the World” and some lines run this:
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make it a better place
For you and for me…
The world needs people who are willing to help their fellowmen and heal the world especially in
this time of the pandemic.
The discussion will focus on empathy and compassion which are important to be responsive to
the needs of other people and become concerned of other people’s plights.
Three kinds of empathy:
1. Cognitive empathy
2. Emotional empathy
3. Compassionate empathy
There are also 5 guideposts parents follow raising children with empathy
a. Empathize with your child and model and model empathy for others.
b. Make caring for others a priority and set high ethical expectations.
c. Provide opportunities for children to practice empathy.
d. Expand your child’s circle of concern.
e. Help children develop self-control and manage feelings effectively.
Five Essential Steps to Use in Schools
a. Model Empathy
b. Teach what empathy is and why it matters.
c. Practice
d. set clear expectations
f. Make school culture and climate a priority
On a similar vein, Kanov, et al: (2004) consider compassion to be comprised of three interrelated
elements which are: a.
a. Noticing
b. Feeling
c. Responding
Compassion Deficit Disorder
What is a compassion deficit?
What are its causes.
Recall a time in your life when you were in a difficult situation and out of somewhere someone,
a total stranger, offered help. You were very grateful because the help meant a lot. Try to go
down memory lane and write that story of your modern-day hero who helped you tremendously.
Highlight on the following: What is the setting? When and where did it happen? Who came to
your rescue and how? How did you feel? And What lessons did you learn?

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