41 Kalsgard

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“When the breath of wolves rushes down from the spears of

the north, there’s no easy place to find safety and warmth.
Hunters huddle in caves like bears, families crouch like shadows
around pitiful fires, and sailors shiver until their black toes
feel cold no more. But when one finds a warm spot, a place
to a make a bed and life free from the killing cold, he can’t
keep his secret for long. Kalsgard is the worst-kept secret
in the north, and in droves they come—for riches, for safety,
for warmth. Many find none of these, for on the banks of the
Rimeflow, men have walled out the killing cold, but become
more dangerous wolves than any born amid ice and stone.”
—Wind Sister Talla Yrsasdottir
alsgard, the trading capital and oldest surviving many in Kalsgard feel they brighten the city, and enjoy
settlement of the Linnorm Kingdoms, is a huge, their unique perspectives. The potent gnome whisky
bustling city rising upon the southern shore of the called throatburn is infamous throughout the city for
Rimef low River’s wide mouth. Founded countless centuries its intoxicating power. On the first Fireday of Desnus,
ago, it has grown from a crude village into today’s thriving the gnomes of Kalsgard hold a mock “Linnorm Hunt”
metropolis. No records survive from the time of Kalsgard’s festival on the city’s main promenade. The hunt excites the
founding, but an ancient saga tells that King Ulvass set sail imagination of Kalsgard’s children as they search for and
from Kalsgard on his epic journey to discover Arcadia almost “slay” the beast, an elaborate linnorm costume operated by
500 years before Aroden raised the Starstone from the depths gnomes and supplemented with illusion magic.
of the Inner Sea. Therefore, the township of Kalsgard must The natives of Kalsgard are used to seeing a wide variety of
have existed in some form for at least 5,000 years. races and ethnicities on their streets. Visitors to Kalsgard find
Historically, much of Kalsgard’s growth came from its the native Ulfen coarsely boisterous and loud, but generally
role as a major trading port for Ulfen vikings returning from welcoming to those who treat the city and its people with
raids to the south. The spoils brought back by these reavers respect and courtesy. While an exotically garbed stranger
ensured the city’s expansion and allowed specialist crafts to might draw stares from local passersby, these are almost
develop that catered to the inf lux of sailors and local desires always looks of curiosity rather than fear or hatred. The only
for exotic goods. In the more recent past, the rugged sailors exceptions are for those who openly present themselves as
of the Linnorm Kingdoms have increasingly turned to trade, witches from Irrisen. The Linnorm Kingdoms have never
making Kalsgard the primary mercantile port in the north. formally declared a truce with Irrisen, and anyone foolish
Much of the surrounding area consists of carefully tended enough to claim to be an Irrisen national is swiftly arrested
farmland that generates foodstuffs and raw materials that are and then imprisoned, exiled, or executed.
exchanged for high-quality merchandise and trade goods. Kalsgard continues to expand and grow. Each year,
Kalsgard has been ruled by a continuous line of Linnorm many hopefuls come to the city from small towns and
Kings dating back to before the Winter War with Irrisen. villages in search of employment, riches, and a better life.
While the city has suffered fire, siege, and other disasters, Today Kalsgard is a very large city, even by the standards
its citizens have always survived and rebuilt the city of Taldor or Cheliax, although natives of those nations are
stronger than before. The Ulfen residents are a mixture often loath to acknowledge the Ulfen as peers. More than
of tribes from different parts of the northern lands, with half the population of the Linnorm Kingdoms crams itself
subtly differing cultures and traditions. Other substantial inside Kalsgard’s thick walls, enjoying the security and
human ethnicities in the city include the Varki, who prosperity of the nation’s de facto capital.
come from the arctic lands of Icemark to the northwest;
Varisians, who hail from the south; and Tians, who reside Kalsgard
in the Jade Quarter along the city’s waterfront. CN metropolis
Kalsgard has a large dwarven population. Deeply Corruption +6; Crime –1; Economy +7; Law +8; Lore +5; Society +4
integrated into the life of the city, dwarves are well Qualities Insular, Notorious, Prosperous, Strategic Location,
regarded, and their expertise in many trades deeply Superstitious, Tourist Attraction
appreciated. The lifestyle of Kalsgard suits dwarves; they Danger +20
mix freely with other races and are welcomed as valued DEMOGRAPHICS
members of society. While many dwarves hold respected Government overlord
positions throughout the city, a large number dwell in Population 72,080 (62,383 humans, 7,212 dwarves, 973
the enclave of Undercroft, a series of tunnels and canals gnomes, 724 halflings, 493 elves, 83 half-elves, 212 other)
built directly into the banks of the Rimef low River Notable NPCs
and passing beneath the city itself. Here, among the Linnorm King Sveinn Blood-Eagle (CN male human
foundations of Kalsgard, dwarves carve ice and stone to barbarian 18)
amass reservoirs of fresh water, and tend enclosures of War Priest Chief Gudrun Fire-Hair (CN female human
underground livestock bountiful enough to provide for cleric of Gorum 14)
the city’s population during winter. High Skald Thyrie Tarnralsdottir (CG female human bard 12)
The gnomes of Kalsgard live primarily on the northern Master of Shipyards Sigfastr Gunnarsen (N male dwarf
bank of the Rimef low River in the township of Iceferry, expert 11)
operating many of the ferry services that provide passage Wind Sister Talla Yrsasdottir (NG female human ranger 7/
across the river. There are also many who love the nature warden 3)
stimulation of living in the heart of Kalsgard. While some Royal Advisor Grundi Erigson (N male dwarf fighter 1/bard 7/
of the other citizens grumble at the gnomes’ eccentricities, eldritch knight 2)
Base Value 30,400 gp; Purchase Limit 200,000 gp; Given the volatile and competitive nature of many Ulfen
Spellcasting 6th and the sheer number of people crammed into the city,
Minor Items all available; Medium Items 4d4 (+1 cold the justice system in Kalsgard is a mix of tradition and
resistance light fortification chainmail, +2 vicious adamantine innovation that has evolved to suit the city’s circumstances.
battleaxe, belt of dwarvenkind, breastplate of command, Many of the edicts created in Kalgard’s recent past were
cloak of resistance +5, horn of blasting, iron bands of binding, implemented to prevent or contain blood feuds. An example
ring of water walking, stone of good luck, winged shield); is an ordinance requiring aggrieved parties to wait 1 week
Major Items 3d4 (belt of giant strength +6, frost brand, helm “for their blood to cool” before initiating a blood feud.
of brilliance, horn of Valhalla, instant fortress, lantern of There are also efficient sets of regulations detailing how
revealing, manual of gainful exercise +2, ring of regeneration) to arrange a suitable weregild as compensation.
There are few jails in Kalsgard; they are mostly used to
Customs hold suspects or put them into protective custody until their
All free warriors in Kalsgard are expected to own and bear innocence or guilt can be determined. Those found guilty
arms. In the city, one of a leader’s duties is to provide his are usually required to pay weregild, or if they are unwilling
followers with weapons, whether that leader be a member to pay, are sold as thralls. Those convicted of serious crimes,
of the ruling elite, a wealthy merchant, or a shop owner such as betraying an oath to a liege-lord or cowardice leading
with a single employee. The fine armaments of a lord’s to the death of allies, often receive sentences of thralldom,
warriors enhance his reputation, and he would be ashamed banishment, or a duel to the death.
to appear publicly with an inadequately equipped escort. The city of Kalsgard supports numerous guard troops.
In Kalsgard, helms often bear f lourishes in the shapes The city’s king maintains a watch independent of his own
of wings, spikes, plumes, antlers, or even snakes; it’s warriors, and each quarter has its own unit of guards. Most
considered bad luck, however, to wear a helmet with crafting and trading guilds retain detachments of security
horns on it. Only in certain festivities or religious events guards who patrol the streets in the neighborhood of guild
is it appropriate to wear a horned helm. Often a play or buildings, and any important leader also has a retinue of
a puppet-show portrays the villain or fool with a horned personal bodyguards. Added to this is the law that obligates
helm, and much comedy is made of the pointy headwear any adult citizen to aid in the capture of a criminal when
poking others or getting stuck in things like doorframes. a victim raises a cry. While Kalsgard has a reputation for
When an Ulfen citizen dies, mourners observe one of a brawling and fighting, as well as for locals who quickly
wide variety of funeral rituals. If an Ulfen from a coastal, issue challenges if they feel insulted, it is rare for visitors
island, or river heritage dies and is wealthy or high ranking, to have their pockets picked or be the victims of similar
mourners place the body aboard a simple funerary boat or petty crimes. Even if such things happen, the culprit—who
raft for a final voyage and set the vessel alight as it is cast is often also an outsider to Kalsgard—is highly likely to be
off, cremating the remains. For those whose ancestors caught. A common punishment for stealing is shaving and
came from settlements away from large bodies of water, an tarring the thief. As a result, trif ling crimes in Kalsgard are
elongated circle of stones set in the ground symbolizes a extremely unusual, and the few crime guilds that operate
ship, and the body is cremated upon a wooden pyre inside in the city are particularly wary and very cunning.
the circle. Those from places where wood is less available
are inhumed in cairns or mounds, and richer folk are City Geography
sometimes buried in wagons, along with the bodies of As Kalsgard has expanded over the centuries, the space
horses to carry them to the afterlife. A small rise to the inside the city’s walls has become overly cramped again and
south of the city holds many such mounds. Some of those again. Each time the city runs out of room, its leadership
from the southern Thanelands still bury their dead by embarks on massive projects to build extensions to the
sinking them into the peat bogs that lie to the southwest. outer city wall. Visitors to Kalsgard might wonder why
In almost every funeral ritual, the departed is dressed people don’t simply build new houses outside the city walls
and outfitted for the journey to Pharasma’s domain. when the city becomes overcrowded. Yet being a warrior
Workers and warriors have their weapons and equipment and raiding culture, the Ulfen want their homes securely
interred with them; homemakers, their domestic tools; defended, especially while they’re away. There are many
nobles, their favorite jewelry; and so on. Food and drink tales told of the wilderness that exists just miles from the
are placed alongside the dead for the trip. It is said that city, and the beasts that claw at the city gates at night.
in the distant past, funeral offerings even included the The walls both around and within Kalsgard clearly
sacrifice of servants or captives so they could attend the divide the city, forming the boundaries of many of the
departed in the afterlife. city’s quarters. Remnants of older walls still exist in
Kalsgard, but these were largely torn down long ago and Varisian caravans from camping in any quarter besides the
their stones used as materials for housing. Today, the city’s Bone Quarter without special dispensation.
soldiers and guards use the parapets of the remaining The place was initially named for the cattle farmers and
partition walls as a way to move swiftly across the city, and hunters who lived and worked here, but at present many in
severe penalties are enforced for those found tampering Kalsgard say that it’s called the “Bone Quarter” because you
with or pilfering stones from these ramparts. The walls can see the ribs sticking out of the desperate and malnourished
converge at the great ring castle of Thanelands Linnorm inhabitants. Accommodations and land are cheap, but the
King Sveinn Blood-Eagle, the center of city government. quarter is home to a large number of unemployed, and certain
streets that run near the outer wall are dangerous to frequent
Amber Quarter after dark. Most houses in the quarter are cheaply made from
The Amber Quarter is the hub of manufacturing and branches daubed with a mixture of mud, straw, and dung,
production in Kalsgard. Shops with similar wares tend to and have leaky thatched roofs. The neighborhoods close to
congregate together along the streets of the quarter, making Kalsgard’s center are full of humble, struggling families who
it easy for shoppers to compare items. All kinds of goods are work the lower-paying jobs in the city. They are most likely to
available here, but the streets that bear witness to the most suffer during winter, and there are always some in the Bone
guards are those of the jewelers and crafters of precious Quarter who succumb to starvation or die from illnesses
metals. The people of Kalsgard love wearing jewelry to show throughout the harsh cold months.
off their wealth and rank. Men favor armbands and torcs, Whispered stories claim that the rats inhabiting the
women tend to wear circular brooches and chain necklaces middens and cesspits in this quarter have developed a
to fasten their tunics, and both sexes enjoy wearing rings sly intelligence and collective deviousness. Some claim
and cloak pins. Swirling designs depicting monstrous that large packs of rats have been known to overwhelm
creatures commonly decorate this jewelry. Many other animals and even brazenly devour people, but few reliable
types of objects including armor, buckets, combs, cups, eyewitnesses have seen such unlikely horrors.
keys, and weapons are also adorned with carvings or inlaid Deadeye’s Debris: Named by destitute skalds living in
with valuable metals. Other precious materials commonly the quarter, this charred ruin was once a towering wooden
available in the quarter include mammoth and walrus stave church of Erastil. Severely damaged after a fire tore
ivory, jet, and pieces of amber. Artisans also create useful through this part of the city, the temple’s priests abandoned
everyday items from inexpensive but unusual substances the place 80 years ago. Today, the only inhabitant of the
such as antlers, bone, and soapstone. temple ruins is an old hermit named Arnora the Ancient
While most Ulfen use coins for purchases nowadays, (LN female venerable human oracle 4) who sees herself as
in the past it was a widespread practice to create change the last guardian of the shrine. She protects it, preventing
during a transaction by chopping a piece of silver jewelry the townsfolk or anyone else from demolishing the ruins.
into pieces and valuing the silver by weight. Bits of this Her powers and menacing appearance have given her a
“hacksilver” can still be found in the quarter, and several reputation for wickedness, but she sometimes provides
shops specialize in collecting and rejoining pieces of healing to those who cannot afford to go anywhere else.
hacksilver, or recreating missing parts of a valuable piece. Many in the quarter, however, would like to see her gone
Recently, rumors have claimed that the Jade Serpent and the land cleared for new housing.
(a priceless idol brought back by some of the first Ulfen
explorers to reach Tian Xia thousands of years ago) has Fire Quarter
resurfaced in the Amber Quarter. Such rumors have been Inland from the trading waterfront of Kalsgard is the rowdy
circulating intermittently for years, and countless tales tell Fire Quarter. Unlike most other parts of the city, multistory
of those who find the ferocious linnormlike dragon statue, buildings are common in this quarter. Here all manner
then lose it again as the destiny of the idol conspires to of Ulfen competition, relaxation, and entertainment takes
find its way back to Tian Xia. place. While numerous wrestling halls and athletic courts
provide places where one can engage in various athletic
Bone Quarter contests, taverns and drinking houses represent the most
As one of the newest parts of Kalsgard, the Bone Quarter common diversions. The latter establishments host a
hosts more open space than any other quarter in the city. It diversity of boasting, brawling, dancing, and drinking
is also one of the poorer and dirtier parts of the city. Many challenges on a regular basis. Most taverns offer traditional
hopefuls who migrate to Kalsgard eventually find themselves drinking horns, but many customers prefer to use mugs
here, as do most Varisian caravans visiting the region. The and tankards, because unless entirely drained, a horn
city’s residents see little distinction between travel-loving can’t be put down without spilling its contents. Every pub
Varisian caravaneers and Sczarni con artists, and so prevent or drinking hole employs multiple bouncers, whose main

Quarter Jade

Quarter Amber


R a n n ve i
Bone g ’s R un




6000 feet
tasks are preventing damage to the furnishings, extracting Quarter’s residents, who often make sacrifices of cattle,
payment from those who do smash up the place, and goats, or sheep to appease the gods and spirits, displaying
directing groups of belligerent customers to an empty area the carcasses of such offerings on poles outside their front
where they can exchange blows without bothering other doors to show off their piety to neighbors.
drinkers. The city guard patrols the streets in large groups, The southern end of the quarter is home to a series of
and unless it appears someone is about to be killed, they farms where beekeepers cultivate f lowers during the warmer
usually let brawlers resolve their grievances before dragging months and tend several colonies of a resilient breed of
away the loser to recover in the guardhouse. honeybee. About twice as large as a normal bee, specimens
In many of the taverns, skalds entertain crowds with of this strain are also more aggressive but produce a clear,
heroic sagas of champions from long ago. The high skald sweet honey that has its own unique taste and brews into
Thyrie Tarnralsdottir often performs at the Whistling Fox, excellent mead. Honey and beeswax from Kalsgard are
and is equally famous in Kalsgard both for her poignantly highly regarded trade commodities throughout the Linnorm
beautiful sagas and traditional Ulfen kennings and for Kingdoms and in the nations to the south. Were it not for
her unbeaten record in drinking competitions—thanks the value and wide-ranging appeal of these bees’ honey,
to a seeming near-immunity to alcohol. At the House the city’s rulers would never tolerate the bees within their
of the Deep-Minded, the Ulfen board game of hnefataf l city walls due to their frequent swarms, but circumstances
is popular. In hnefataf l, one player attempts to protect a being as they are, guards patrol the areas surrounding the
leader piece from the other player’s larger army. Wagers apiaries to prevent tampering, watch for signs of swarming,
between players and betting on games are common, and ensure no one is endangered.
and the house takes a small percentage in exchange for The inhabitants of the Horn Quarter retreat inside the
supplying the boards and venue. The taverns here cater city walls before nightfall, normally having locked their
to all tastes; at the Grim Harvest, for example, brooding animals in barns or sheds for the night. It’s rare for thieves
regulars soak up the gloomy atmosphere and down bitter or wild animals to break into a farmyard outside the city,
spirits from cups made from human skulls. but when this occurs, the farmers band together, often
For those seeking paid companionship, a wide array of employing trained warriors to guard their properties
services are available, varying dramatically in price and during the night and catch the intruders.
quality. Asking for the best the Fire Quarter has to offer The Stephfir Ostlery: Situated close to the western city
invariably leads to a visit to the Hall of Splendid Valor. walls, this extensive series of corrals and stables gives the
The Hall of Splendid Valor: This is easily the finest and appearance of an upright establishment where riders can
most expensive brothel in the city. Inside the hall’s doors, stable their mounts while in the city. It is also, however,
gorgeous “azatas” whose costumes consist of wings and one of the most popular venues in the Linnorm Kingdoms
little else escort patrons to an idealized (but inaccurate) for the northern blood sport of horse fighting. Those
version of a feasting hall designed to be similar to tales leaving their mounts here should be clear with the staff
of Valenhall in far-off Arcadia. The clientele dine on what services they’re looking for—stabling or sport—or
sweetmeats and fine wines served by scantily dressed they might be surprised at their horses’ temperament
lovelies of their preference, while warrior beauties clad when they return. At the Stephir Ostlery, trainers
in impractical and extremely revealing armor perform condition aggressive stallions to be wildly vicious toward
mock sword and axe duels or wrestle for their audience’s other horses. Pairs of these horses are released into an
pleasure. Customers then retire with their chosen escorts indoor enclosure where they rear up, kicking and biting
to luxurious fur-lined bedchambers. The keeper of the ferociously at each other, and battle to the death. While
house is Belende the Showy (CE female human bard 5), a considered distasteful by many in Kalsgard, horse fighting
sensual, wily, and amoral businesswoman willing to go to remains a popular spectator sport, and the Ostlery’s fights
any lengths to drive her major competitors out of business draw large crowds who gamble heavily on the outcome.
and increase the profits of her bordello. Halldorr Byrakson (NE human male ranger 6) runs the
stables. His current prize stallion, Duskgasher, is a brutal
Horn Quarter beast whose sharpened hooves have crushed the skull of
The Horn Quarter is chief ly populated by farmers and many a challenger—both equine and human.
laborers who cultivate the fields southwest of Kalsgard.
Most farmers here grow small crops of vegetables near Ice Quarter
their homes to ensure that their personal stores can last The Ice Quarter is the focus of day-to-day commerce in
through the long winter, and thick turf layers the roofs Kalsgard, its crowded streets lined with a multitude of
of their stone longhouses to provide insulation against shops and stalls selling extravagances and mundane
the harsh clime. Superstitions abound among the Horn necessities to locals and visitors alike. Here fur-clad
traders barter for consignments of trade goods in the land’s native customs, architectural styles, and traditions,
many markets and merchandise is distributed. Close by uniquely blended with the Ulfen ways of northern Avistan.
Rannveig’s Run, the stream that runs through Kalsgard, Although most residents of the Jade Quarter are of Tian
looms the crenellated fortress-temple of Gorum, and the descent, the neighborhood also contains a sizable Varki
ornate and curving sky-shrine to Desna sits in the open population, composed of members of that nomadic group
courtyard by the quarter’s western gate. who find sedentary life to their tastes. Nevertheless,
Near the middle of the quarter rises a worn lump of stone numerous intermarriages over the years and plenty of
roughly the size of a horse. The people of Kalsgard believe ongoing trade mean that a group of non-Tian folk walking
this to be the original runestone marking the founding of down the streets of the Jade Quarter is nothing of particular
the settlement. While any markings have long since worn note. Visitors, whether Tian or natives of the Inner Sea,
away, citizens often touch the stone for luck. often feel as though they’re entering an alien community
Numerous restaurants and eating halls have sprung up when they happen upon the Jade Quarter, baff led by the
to accommodate visitors to the Ice Quarter; most of these bizarre intermingling of artistry, people, strict traditions,
establishments serve traditional Ulfen fare, including inscrutable faiths, and even the occasional rare creature,
local delicacies such as grilled horsemeat and seabird stew. all buzzing amid the din of strange languages.
Several public bathhouses can also be found in the quarter. Madam K’s Perfumery: While Madam Kawaoh (LN
The Hunting Serpent Inn: This popular lodge welcomes female human bard 9) knows an astonishing amount about
all visitors to Kalsgard; its rates are inexpensive and its fragrances and perfumes, this knowledge has absolutely no
staff are happy to accommodate travelers with special bearing on her business. Crammed into the basement level
preferences and exotic pets. The owner of the inn, Tosti of a disreputable butcher’s shop, her tiny establishment
Finehall (NG male human expert 2/warrior 2), is one of a appears to be a single room of shelves teeming with
small congregation in Kalsgard that worships Cayden strange bottles and a riot of tear-inducing aromas. Few
Cailean. Being a pious man, Tosti owns a rapier but never Tians and even fewer Ulfen visit her boutique, having
actually wears such a nontraditional weapon. Always glad neither the coin nor interest to indulge in such vanity.
to meet and talk with fellow worshipers, he only charges This suits Madam Kawaoh fine, though, as it disguises
them a nominal amount for food and board. her actual work. Behind her miniature showroom lies an
archive many times its size, filled with curiosities and
Ivory Quarter exotica from across Tian Xia. Madam Kawaoh has made
Close by the shops of the Amber Quarter lies the business it her business to collect the relics and heirlooms many
center of Kalsgard, where Ulfen merchants broker deals Tian immigrants are forced to sell after their long and
and backers organize trading expeditions and voyages. dangerous treks to secure a place in Kalsgard. While she
The city’s various trade guilds keep their guildhalls here. doesn’t return these items to their original owners, she
Some of the more powerful trading organizations in the city tries to inform them of their treasures’ new home, giving
include the Seven Lands group, a syndicate that manages them the first opportunity to buy the items back. Although
much of the trade between the seven kingdoms in the Lands these onetime owners can rarely afford to repurchase
of the Linnorm Kings; the Sunrise Seekers, a consortium their former possessions outright, Madam Kawaoh knows
that attempts long trading voyages to the south; and the the value of service and favors, and so has dozens of her
Icecrown Union, the largest of the merchant guilds, which neighbors indentured to her. Her secret shop is also open
frequently sends caravans north over the Path of Aganhei to those she deems worthy of exploring its treasures, as
to Tian Xia. The guildmaster of the Seven Lands group many of the items in her keeping are magical or quite
is Hroldmar Ragnarson (N male human rogue 6), an valuable in terms of price and sentimentality. Non-Tian
extraordinary negotiator who heads an informal council are rarely admitted, but she’s been known to show her
of the trading guilds, and who works hard to balance their wares to those who perform favors for her.
often-disparate interests, thereby preventing the guilds
from turning against each other. He periodically requires Oak Quarter
the services of independent foreigners to complete tasks The easternmost quarter in Kalsgard is the industrious
that must not be traced back to him. Oak Quarter. Here booms of lumber brought downstream
from villages and towns like Losthome are stored and
Jade Quarter crafted into a diverse assortment of finished goods. Burly
For generations, Kalsgard’s Jade Quarter has served as a laborers transfer logs from the river to lumberyards
home for the steady f low of Tian immigrants coming where workers saw them into manageable timber, which
over the Crown of the World. Most hail from the empire they sell to artisans throughout the city. A large number
of Minkai, and the Jade Quarter ref lects many of that of woodcarvers, carpenters, and craftspeople live in the
quarter, supplying the shipyards as well as producing armorers. Traditional Ulfen society holds these artisans
furniture, carts, tools, cutlery, and diverse other in high esteem, as historically Ulfen sea raiders trusted
merchandise. Wooden blocks pave many of the streets here,
their lives to the quality of their arms and armor. As a
both to provide firm footing and to keep mud and snow general rule, the quality of smiths in the Stone Quarter
from the shoes of residents. Several of the larger surface
corresponds to their shops’ proximity to the temple, and
entrances to the Undercroft are located in and along the
there is much competition among metalworkers to obtain
Oak Quarter’s riverfront. At the quarter’s northwest end
land as close to the temple as possible.
stretches the Street of Winged Thorns, which features a There are also many learned residents of the quarter who
series of shops selling well-made archery equipment. study the history of their people, recording and passing
The Guhailla clan, a family of crafters renowned for
on the traditional sagas and oral history of the Linnorm
carving linnorm figureheads for new longships, resides in
Kingdoms. While these scholars are far more scattered
the Oak Quarter. Their carvings are exquisite works of art,
and informal than “civilized” academies, a patient and
and most Ulfen sailors consider a Guhailla figurehead respectful pupil can learn a great deal from them.
to be both a status symbol and a good luck charm to Numerous magic items can also be purchased in
protect them from disaster at sea. the various shops found here.
Kalsgard Shipyards: The shipyards are Stonemasons in the quarter chisel intricate
a chaotic series of piers, dry docks, and and f lowing designs into runestones. Most
warehouses built seemingly at random buyers commission runestones to
along the Rimef low’s edge. Owned remember dead kinsfolk or loved
by numerous family concerns allied ones, to mark territory, or as long-
together into the shipbuilders’ guild, lasting reminders of historic
the Kalsgard Shipyards produce the events. A few older runestones
finest longships in the Linnorm in the quarter are known
Kingdoms. Kalsgard’s reputation to hold mystical powers or
for graceful, resilient, and swift forgotten knowledge.
longships often attracts sea The Great Temple of
captains from the other Linnorm Torag: From atop a knoll
Kingdoms seeking new vessels. at the highest point in
The Master of Shipyards is the quarter looms the
Sigfastr Gunnarsen (N male dwarf imposing temple of
expert 8), a dwarf whose family Torag. Constructed from
has long resided in Kalsgard. huge blocks of granite, the
With an innate affinity for structure has the shape of an
woodcraft, Sigfastr journeyed to enormous warhammer, with
distant parts of Avistan to perfect the main worship area and holy
the craft of shipbuilding. Having forge at the hammer’s “head”
worked and studied in Eleder, and the “shaft” of the hammer
Augustana, and other great ship- housing the priest’s chambers.
building cities, he returned home Elaborately etched steel paneling
and quickly rose through the ranks covers much of the interior,
of the shipbuilders’ guild. He hopes and highly decorated metallic
to personally craft the ship that King bracing reinforces the vaulted
Sveinn will sail to Arcadia. ceiling. The high priestess
is Nauma Irongleam (LG
tone uarter female human cleric of Torag
The Stone Quarter rises upon a rocky 7), a hardworking woman also
incline east of the city’s center, regarded as one of the foremost
and much of the stone used armorsmiths in Kalsgard. The
in the city originally came temple offers spellcasting services
from here. At the center of the
Sveinn Bloodeagle but also occasionally needs the
quarter stands a grand temple dedicated assistance of competent individuals
to the Forge Father Torag, surrounded by to escort special shipments of ore from
the workshops of many highly skilled blacksmiths and Kopperberget to the temple in Kalsgard.

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