12 STEM A GROUP 1 ENTREP Rabilas Borbon Dungalen and Cadaoas 1
12 STEM A GROUP 1 ENTREP Rabilas Borbon Dungalen and Cadaoas 1
12 STEM A GROUP 1 ENTREP Rabilas Borbon Dungalen and Cadaoas 1
Crafts n’ snookIe
6 Vision
6 Mission
7 SWOT Analysis
8 Key to Success
11 Operation Period
12 Organizational Chart
16 Marketing aspect
17 Target Market
18 Market Promotion
24 Location
24 Pricing
25 Product
27 Direct Competitors
29 Pricing Strategy
29 Demand
29 Supply Analysis
Crafts n’ snookIe
31 Technical aspect
32 General Business Condition
34 Plan Layout
36 Process Chart
38 Service Process
39 Materials and Equipment
43 Financial aspect
44 Source of Financing
44 Project Cost
56 Socio-economic aspect
57 Benefit to the Economy
57 Benefit to the Government
57 Benefit to the Community
58 Benefit to the Customers
58 Benefit to the Employees
58 Benefit to the Partners
59 appendices
60 Articles of Partnership
62 Product Costing
63 Vicinity Map
63 Location
64 Curriculum Vitae
Crafts n’ snookIe
List of
5 Figure 1.0
11 Figure 2.0
12 Figure 3.0
17 Figure 4.0
19 Figure 5.1
19 Figure 5.2
20 Figure 5.3
21 Figure 5.4
21 Figure 5.5
22 Figure 5.6
23 Figure 5.7
23 Figure 5.8
33 Figure 6.0
34 Figure 7.1
34 Figure 7.2
35 Figure 7.3
35 Figure 7.4
35 Figure 7.5
38 Figure 8.0
Business Logo
History of the Business
SWOT Analysis
Key to Success
Crafts n’ snookIe 2
For some people, food is just a necessity to satisfy basic needs;
for the others, food is more than just a basic necessity, but a pleasure
that plays a significant role in their understanding of happiness. There
are so many different cuisines and food preferences built by cultural
summary and ethnical backgrounds, geographical locations and social classes.
Food and popular meals can tell us a lot about the history and traditions
of various nations and regions.
However, as human history keep developing and evolving, we have a higher standard on choosing
food that we like to eat nowadays. Most people have some common knowledge on what is good and what
is bad for the human body to consume. With pride and dignity, Crafts n’ snookIe
, a craft and snack business that presents satisfying and fiery products to the customers.
The business is a general partnership type of he business organization composed of four partners. The
partnership is called ARgon TENN Bah– Saw Co. and it has its main branch inside the University of
Northern Philippines and can be contact through online around Sta. Catalina, San Vicente, San Ildefonso,
Vigan, Caoayan, Abra and Bantay. The business will soon have a sub-branches and will be located at
Tamorong, Sta. Catalina Ilocos Sur.
The food and hand-craft business is open from 8:00 am in the morning up to 5:00 pm at the afternoon
in weekdays and in weekends. Online orders will also be accepted at 24 hours with a delivery fee. It offers
several varieties of food perfect anytime whenever the customers want to eat.
The business will be built on a 400sqm lot and the building will cover the 300 sqm. The business will
be financed by the profit of the company and contribution of the four partners with the total of Php
20,000,000.00 .
The business will undergo job hiring for the allotted position especially for those with the
specifications they can meet. In accordance t the articles of partnership, the four partners will be working
as managers and shall not be disqualified any of the conditions and they are headed by Nathaniel Genesis I.
In marketing aspect, the management team connected their business spirit with social media as
another foundation of their business. The management team will be driven and decisive for the products to
be brought by their lovely customers. Aside from their competitors, Crafts n’ snookIe
have its own oneness to make everything possible in the development of their business. All of the resources
are being considered by the management team.
S trategies, techniques and promotions will be applied widely to disseminate the important details
about the business.
ARgon TENN Bah– Saw Co. will make invest and invest for the growth and development of their
Crafts n’ snookIe 3
C r a f t s n’ s n o o k I e
Crafts n’ snookIe 4
A“promise of friends” was the root of the business. Way back 2005, the owners who were then
students planned and promised to put up a business someday where they can forge their relationship deeper
as they become partners in their own dream business. They have their own conversations like being
heartbroken and ghosted and many more. Since it wasn't their intention to connect each other, they sense
something different between them. Later on, after they have settled their own professional careers, they
decided to meet and finally make their promise come true. It was because of the grace of God that they are
destined to create and produce experience together.
At first, the business industry was a new maze for them because running an entire business was a new
thing considering that they each have professional careers to take care too. But they were determined to
show the market that their products reach the standards and quality to be able to stand out from other
businesses. On May 23, 2014, they signed their first partnership and started to plan for a branch opening
eventually. They start with a small stall and then they went on and continued to shake the business industry
for their increasing sales rate and quite a good feedback from regular and walk-in customers. After 2 years
on February 15, 2016, they opened a new branch located in the University of Northern Philippines, Tamag,
Vigan City. Until now, there is only one branch and it is the main branch of the business.
The company open a very The company open their The company interacted
new and unique stall at own restaurant inside the with different companies The company is
Plaza Maeztro, Vigan University of Northern in other countries for proposing other
City. Philippines. trading of their business. branch of the business.
The company signed The company made a The company opens public
contract from the other personal contract to a to purchase their business
company for their realty international bank for for other businessmen.
and holdings. their financial accounts.
We envision to become front runners of the business world, having and upholding, excellence in all
aspects of business levels and maintaining the integrity and honesty of business management.
To provide quality products and services to everyone using indigenous and traditional materials and
ingredients from formulation, manufacturing, up to production where partners and customers receive
premium quality services.
CORE values
The team do whatever it takes to delight our They pride their selves on providing
partners. They support and share responsibility complete visibility into the successes, and
with the members of the team.
sometimes failures, of our business as they
grow and scale. It is an integral part of their
All are passionate about learning and seek to culture as they collaborate and work towards
constantly improve and innovate. They are not a common goal across functions.
afraid to make mistakes. They learn from others
and from their challenges & successes.
Control and ownership over individual
business impacting projects empowers
They work smartly, take care of the team, and their employees to think critically.
have fun in order to ensure the sustainability
and success of our organization.
The team empower their employees in a
work environment that is conducive to
The stakes are high for the students and creating the optimal work/life balance.
educators we serve. They knock down barriers
to ensure the long-term success of our partners.
The team align around a decision and each
contribute to and are accountable for its
They constantly ask how their choices support success.
educators and improve outcomes for English
Language Learners. The passion for these
workers drives us to work with great urgency They are relentless in our pursuits of major
and to hold each other accountable. victories and humble in their successes.
Crafts n’ snookIe 7
S wot analysis focuses on the internal and external environment of our business, examining strengths
and weaknesses in the internal environment and opportunities and threats in the external environment. Swot
Analysis is a very effective way of identifying our strengths and weaknesses, and of examining the
opportunities and threats we face. Swot analysis looks at the factors which affects the success or failure of
our business. From that, the management team will be able to generate ways for improvement and possible
growth of the business.
strength weakness
• Food preferences of customers are
• The business has good location inconsistent and may change from
• The business products have great time to time.
taste and quality • The chance of getting a negative
• Have skilled and responsible
feedback or respond from public.
• Can order products through • The business may not get as popular
online shop as its direct competitors
• The products have affordable • Limited foods and drinks in the menu
prices that the customers could choose
• Continuous expansion by building • There are lots of classy and
more branches in the province. popular food stalls, fast food, tea
• The business will be well-known houses, and café shops around
in a larger scope. Vigan City, Ilocos Sur who sells
• More products will be offered to the same products.
the customers. • Unstable prices of raw materials
• More individuals may be used in cooking the products.
interested in investigating in the • The business may not be noticed
business. by the people.
Crafts n’ snookIe 8
Achieving business success is not as easy as it sounds. Imagine, sailing a ship all by yourself not en-
tirely sure where or how you’re going to get to the place you want and all of the responsibilities in making
sure your ship doesn’t sink is all in your hands. It is similar to being an entrepreneur. There are numerous
elements allied to the vision of the enterprise that must be embodied and granted with importance. There
are key factors that need to be regulated to attain success. All the things in the business must work all
together, most importantly, the management team and staff, shall know what is must and what is must not.
Powerful decisions
First, the staff must have the ability to cleverly address and
solve real problems. This means that you must think diagnostically
and perform root-cause analyses. The members should come up with
permanent preventive solutions for problems and sure-fire techniques
for success. All decisions and goals should be in line with the
SMART acronym; Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and
Time-bound. The people in the business must be wise to think of
strategies in the price, product and at the place. To attract the
customers is the first goal and to make the customers come back is
the second.
A great team
Lastly, positive results can be achieved when people
use teamwork. By communicating ideas, being receptive of
contrasting views, and embracing constructive criticism will
always lead to success. When teams effectively work
together, they can achieve results that are impossible for one
person to reach by himself. Teamwork creates a support
network, it builds confidence, leads to innovation, strengthens
self-growth, promotes positivity and boosts goodwill.
In general, the keys to success are powerful decisions, great marketing and customer
service, and a great team. These must be possessed by the management and staff whenever
they are inside in the business and even outside.
Type of Organization
Operation Period
Organizational Chart
Job Description and
Crafts n’ snookIe 11
O The food and hand-craft business is open from 8:00 am in the morning
P up to 5:00 pm at the afternoon in weekdays and in weekends. Online orders
E will also be accepted at 24 hours with a delivery fee. A daily and weekly
R schedule of the workers will be made. In order to adjust in working at
A different hours per day, the said schedule will vary and change monthly. All
of the workers will have a three day off each month which will serves as
their rest and free day.
The managers have to facilitate, acquaint and do some operations of the
business in all of its branches. It is a must for them to check on the
employees especially on how to communicate with our customers, help in the
process and secure the maintenance of all the things that work in the
Crafts n’ snookIe 12
General manager
Operations and
marketing manager financial manager
The chart above shows the positions and jobs starting from the high-level
management down to the managers of different of different sectors which flows to the
different workers who will take different types of activities in the business for it to run
harmoniously and blissfully. Contractual or not, all of the requirements should be passed
until the given day and time. They will have their own duties and responsibilities and they
must embody the values of the company as they enter the business.
Crafts n’ snookIe 13
Description Qualification
General manager Assistant manager
The one who are tasked with overseeing daily
business activities, improving overall business
functions, engaging with vendors, hiring and training The one who is interested in helping to hire and train
employees, identifying business opportunities, other team members and helps out with the obligations
managing budgets, developing strategic plans, creating of the general manager. The assistant manager takes
policies, and communicating business goals. A general some of the general manager’s tasks like going over the
manager usually must speak the languages of finance customers service, supervising the works of the
and accounting, operations, sales, marketing, human employees, contributes in the management procedures
resources, research and development. It’s general and sales strategies and ensuring compliance to all
manager’s responsibility to provide direct management required papers and license. The Assistant Manager
of key functional managers and executives in the should have a consistent work history and previous
business unit, coordinate the development of key experience as a senior staff member.
performance goals for functions.
Qualifications Qualifications
• Male or Female • Male or Female
• 25 years old and above • 25 years old and above
• Degree Holder in Accountancy/ Business • Degree Holder in Accountancy/ Business
Administration and Fine Arts-related course Administration and Fine Arts-related course
• Strong leadership qualities and highly organized • Dedicated to customer satisfaction
• At least two- three years’ experience in • At least two- three years’ experience in
business world. business world.
Qualifications Qualifications
• Male or Female • Male or Female
• 25 years old and above • 25 years old and above
• Degree Holder in Accountancy/ Business • Degree Holder in Accountancy/ Business
Administration-related course Administration-related course
• Excellent written and verbal communication • Must portray a high comfort level
skills • At least two- three years’ experience in
• At least two- three years’ experience in business world.
business world.
Crafts n’ snookIe 14
Description Qualification
financial manager cashier
Cashiers scan items, ensure that prices are quantities are
Financial managers also investigate ways to improve correct, and collect payments. They also assist
profitability, and analyze markets for business customers by explaining or recommending items, an-
opportunities, such as expansion, mergers or swering questions, and processing exchanges or refunds.
acquisitions. Administrative assistant performs duties The Cashier will ensure that prices and quantities are
different from the others. He or She prepares and accurate, issue receipts, answer inquiries, and provide
analyses financial reports and presents it to the whole helpful information to customers products, promotions,
management. Lastly, she ensures that the company is or item location. He or She will also respond to
financially healthy and is growing. complaints, process refunds or exchanges of items, and
maintain a clean workspace.
• Male or Female
• 28 years old and above
• Male or Female • Degree Holder in Accountancy/ Business
• 28 years old and above Administration-related course
• Degree Holder in Accountancy/ Business • Customer service or Cashier experience
Administration-related course • Ability to handle transactions accurately and
• Negotiation skills and the ability to develop responsibly
strong working relationships • High level of energy with strong customer service
• At least two- three years’ experience in skills
business world. • At least FIVE Years’ experience in business
An excellent cook must be able to follow instructions
The bookkeeper position creates financial transactions in cooking and delivering well-prepared meals and
and generates reports from that information. The must be deft in moving around the kitchen and apt in
creation of financial transactions includes posting multi-tasking. Experience in using various ingredients
information to accounting journals or accounting and cooking techniques, ensure great presentation by
software from such source documents as invoices to dressing dishes before they are served, keep a sanitized
customers, cash receipts, and supplier invoices. The and orderly environment in the kitchen, ensure all food
bookkeeper also reconciles accounts to ensure their and other items are stored properly, check quality of
ingredients and monitor stock and place orders when
there are shortages are also important.
Qualifications Qualifications
• Male or Female • Male or Female
• 25 years old and above • Degree Holder in Hospitality and Tourism Management
• Degree Holder in Accountancy/ Business and Culinary Arts-related course
Administration-related course • Ability to follow all sanitation procedures
• At least FIVE years’ experience in business • Very good communication skills
world. • Excellent physical condition and stamina
Crafts n’ snookIe 15
Management team is composed of the five managers who are also the partners and they are being led by
Nathaniel Genesis I. Rabilas (General Manager). Thus, the management team will announce and disseminate the
job vacancies through the mediums they will use in promotions.
The applicants in any available position must bring and submit the following requirements:
Resume with 2 pcs of 2x2 recent pictures
Application Letter
Barangay and Police Clearance
2 Valid IDs
Dental and Medical Certificate
Birth Certificate
High School/ College Diploma
The amount of salary that the available jobs offered are shown below:
Target Market
A target market refers to a group of potential customers to whom a business or company wants to
sell its products and services. This group also includes specific customers to whom a business or company
directs its marketing efforts. A target market is one part of the total market for a good or service. Target
market is also considered based on the location of the business.
Crafts n’ snookIe main branch, being situated in the middle of civilization,
has a wide scope of target market since it can be accessed by different individuals from various fields.
The goal of any promotional marketing campaign is to raise awareness about a product or
increase its appeal. It offers new customers a reason to try the product for the first time, while
building loyalty in existing customers. The entrepreneurs take the advantage for the business
growth including the positive qualifications in order to establish a larger market by attracting
more individuals to be the customers.
The following are the forms of promotion for the business:
We cannot deny how big of an impact social media has on
our lives now, not only on people but businesses too. It has
opened a whole new door to the business world and given them
a big opportunity to interact and attract a larger amount of
customers. It’s given us a new and faster way of
communication by exchanging pictures, stories, news, blogs,
online discussions, etc. In exchange businesses have benefited
by a long shot just by the click of a button. This phenomenon
has taken over the marketing and advertising industries and has
changed the way they handle their efforts to attract customers.
With effective strategies and guidance, businesses are
offered a new platform of advertisement that has the potential
to revolutionize the way companies present their products and
services to consumers.
Facebook marketing has become one of the best marketing channels in the word of businesses. One of
the major importance of Facebook marketing is that it has varied areas and also makes things appear to be
more real. It can also advise and help organizations on how to get new clients. The development of
Facebook marketing has helped user to rely on online communication whereby you don’t have to appear
face to face. In Facebook, your ability to connect and influence the users can be the main factor in success or
failure in achieving your objectives.
Crafts n’ snookIe 19
Figure 5.1 Facebook Page
The entrepreneurs
will surely put a review
about the business on
how they can satisfy
their customers. There is
a discussion tab which
can be used for many
things. Customers can
post after-sales questions on the Facebook wall, and staffs can answer them. This is often more efficient
than staff answering phone calls, and allows other customers to read common questions.
Twitter has gone from a place for people to share their every thought into a powerful marketing
platform that lets brands speak to their audience in real-time. With over 321 million monthly active users,
it’s easy to see why companies keep using Twitter after all of this time. Like every other social media
platform, finding marketing success on Twitter takes strategic planning and intentionality to stand out and
keep your audience engaged. When you start to build your online presence and your followers trust you as a
serious network marketer they will be ready to retweet your messages and even promote your products
eventually. Hashtags are a great way to expose your brand to new audiences who may be interested in what
you have to say. Some brands create hashtags for a specific campaign and use that hashtag to label
individual Tweets or encourage their audience to share Tweets with that hashtag. #BROWNBURST will be
the official hashtag line for the business. Figure 5.2 Twitter Account Profile
Crafts n’ snookIe 20
Instagram can also help you grow your brand awareness and introduce new products. 70% of
Instagram users have spent time searching for a brand on the platform. Instagram allows you to promote
your brand and product in a friendly, authentic way without hard selling to your customers.
Unfortunately, millennials’ favor for Instagram has been both a blessing and a curse. While many
marketers are leveraging the photo-sharing network, even more marketing professionals are focusing their
efforts elsewhere, based on the assumption that their audience just isn’t there. Recently, it’s gained
popularity as an exciting method for brands to show off their cultures, recruit new employees, engage
with customers, and show off products in a new light. Followers can click on your contact button to get in
touch with you right from your Instagram page just like they would from your website.
The success or failure of a business frequently depends on its location. The right location will
increase the chance of a business succeeding. The wrong location could increase the chances of a
business failing. Moreover, it also affects the demand and the capacity of the supplies to reach the
The perfect location is a vital component in the success of a business. The right location gives
a company access to transport, labor, customers and raw materials.
The partners have chosen the main branch of their business to be situated inside the University
of Northern Philippines and can be available anywhere around Vigan, Sta. Catalina, San Vicente,
Abra, Bantay and San Ildefonso as the business is allowing online orders though there are a lot of
risks in the said location such as having tight competition.
Near the proposed location are: Poblacion and Tamorong, Sta. Catalina and Vigan City, Ilocos
Sur, several establishments of the different municipalities and a lot of business infrastructures.
This proves that the business has an accessible location that customers can easily find and
Prices have always been the center of human interaction ever since traders have been in existence.
It should come to no surprise that all business in different industries spend countless time figuring out
how to price their products and services competitively . The management team applied their skills and
knowledge in proposing the prices of each products. They made sure that it is a win-win situation by ben-
efitting both the business and customers. The business will be benefitted by getting a large profit while
the customers will receive overall satisfaction of the business.
The management team also considered the direct competitors in setting the prices of the products.
They put lower prices and established pricing strategies to invite customers and ensure that all the prices
are appropriate to the products that sell.
The table on the next page will show all the products that the business offers and its prices
according to its different sizes.
Crafts n’ snookIe 25
Chuckie Tea with M 15.00 65.00
Tapioca Pearl L 25.00 75.00
M 10.00 55.00
L 20.00 65.00
Lemon Drink 45.00
With Strawberry 10.00 15.00
With Yakult 10.00 15.00
Clubhouse 2 Slices 50.00 25.00 75.00
Mango Dip Mini
Cup 5.00 5.00 10.00
Banana Fritters Piece 3.00 4.00 7.00
Potato Cheese Rolls Piece 15.00 10.00 25.00
Wine Bottled Lamp Piece 75.00 25.00 100.00
Wine Bottled Display Piece 50.00 10.00 60.00
The business has created on its own satisfying products which will be having only one main branch
and allow to have sub branches in the following business years in the city. It is open for everybody within
the official work time of the business which workers or employees will serve the customers at their finest,
clean and negotiable communication and connection in 9 hours at different times of the day.
S weets with handworks, highlighting pleasurable drinks, snacks and gratifying handcrafts which will
the business need to focus on. The Drinks will be chuckie tea and lemmon drink with different styles and
sizes. Clubhouse, Mango Dip Mini Popsicle, Banana Fritters and Potato Cheese Roll will be the business’
snacks. Handcrafts are the Designed Wine Bottle and Wine Bottled Lamp. The aforementioned products
especially the drinks and snacks are available all throughout the day but online selling like handcrafts.
Crafts n’ snookIe will be given on the different schedules. will give you the
best food that you’ve wanted and craved a long time ago and will heal all your sweetsphobia. The items or
products for each day may sometimes vary depending on the state of the weather, demand, or supply of
Crafts n’ snookIe 26
Crafts n’ snookIe presents you the chuckie tea that will pull you towards
your childhood affections and the Designed Wine Bottle that has its own antique charisma that can
make your eyes melt. This may not be the greatest product in the world but this can mesmerize and
give yourself its necessity.
The business will guarantee that the money spent on the products of
Crafts n’ snookIe comeback again and again.
M...................... Php 65.00
Chuckie Tea
with Tapioca L....................... Php 75.00
Clubhouse 2 Slices Php 75.00
Mango Dip Mini Popsicle Cup Php 10.00
Banana Fritters Piece Php 7.00
Potato Cheese Rolls Piece Php 25.00
Wine Bottled
Piece........ Php 100.00
Bottled Piece........ Php 60.00
Crafts n’ snookIe 27
Competition exists in the market in terms of price, quality, features and offerings etc. It is due to the
presence of rivals, that the price of products in a particular industry fluctuates. This is because the
customers have a number of options to select the product which offers the best possible value for
money. For Crafts n’ snookIe, it assesses that its competitors will be those
who are near at the location and those who offers similar products and services.
• Satisfying and different flavors • Their products are expensive.
of tea. • They only have one branch and it
• It is popular in the province of is near to a church.
Ilocos Sur.
• It is already operating for more
than 2 years.
Zentea • Their products are satisfying.
• They have many customers.
• Workplace are very comfortable
to have some appointments.
revive it again to create satisfaction to the customers and also for happiness. It has a tapioca pearls since
milktea is very trendy nowadays. Handcrafts are also featured in our business to recycle the used and
wasted wine bottles. The team will be making the plain wine bottled into a memorable and very precious
one especially for the people who loves art. This handcraft is for everybody and can be a design to their
Crafts n’ snookIe 29
Knowing your costs of production, both fixed and variable, is the first step in pricing strategy.
Keeping good records for each item that you produce allows you to evaluate the profitability of each item
in your product. Crafts n’ snookIe hopes for a continuous growth of their
business to build more expansions and recieve higher profit. The team will secure and demonstrate their
different techniques and strategies which are effective in attracting customers and inviting them back to the
business. Some of these strategies has to do with the prices of the product.
Additional item of our products will be given to the customer who will order more than 5-8 any of the
snacks. Free shipping will also be given to the online buyer who can buy more than 10 crfats and snacks.
Customers will receive giftaways to every 30th person who will buy our products. The management team
will also have to create combo meals and budget friendly bundles. This will be helpful to the customers
who have limited money to spend for food and to the students. The amazing and satisfying bundles can be
grabbed by families or group of people who want to celebrate or hanf-out.
Management team will ensure every customers to make happy when they order. Special Occassions
like Christmas and New Year will be very exciting and enjoying as they can get any item for the raffle
draw. Social Media will be used to update customers for new product and price.
Demand analysis is one of the important consideration for a variety of business decisions like
determining sales forecasting, pricing products/services, marketing and advertisement spending,
manufacturing decisions, expansion planning etc. Demand analysis covers both future and retrospective
analysis so that they can analyse the demand better and understand the product/service's past success
and failure too.
Plan Layout
Process Chart
Service Process
These general business conditions are used to regulate all mutual obligations, rights and
responsibilities between any operations and its employees. It discusses the rules and conditions that shall be
utilized in the business. Any eventual resignation from these general business conditions or deviations from
these conditions is valid only if the supplier confirms it in a writing form, but this does not affect the validity
of the remaining provisions of these general business conditions, which do not change even in case of
confirmed agreement about resignation. The following are the business conditions of
Crafts n’ snookIe :
1 3
Any offers, conclusions of contract as well as Delivery periods and delivery dates shall only be
additional agreements are subject to these fixed without obligation. Delivery period begins at the
General Conditions. These shall also be applicable day of acceptation of order, however, not before all
even if they are not referred to in the future in the details with respect to execution of the order have been
event of permanent business relations. Once our settled. If dispatch is possible without our fault the
written confirmation has been accepted, these terms delivery period and the date of delivery shall be regarded
shall be considered as agreed. In the case of as having been observed.
deviations a written confirmation shall be required and
shall otherwise be without obligation. 4
No matter what the business or the size of the
2 company, a basic rule of professional conduct is to act with
Dispatch shall always be effected subject to integrity at all times, particularly when doing something
order and at the customer’s expense. Unless otherwise that outwardly represents the business for which you work.
stipulated, the seller shall choose the means of Be honest and straightforward in business dealings and do
transport and the way of transport, not including any things by the book; keep your professional word and don't
liability for possible faults on the part of the company do business in a cutthroat manner.
in charge.
Crafts n’ snookIe 33
5 9
Never give preferential treatment to clients Kitchen shall be constructed, illuminated, ventilated,
because of a personal relationship or allow an and well maintained in terms of cleanliness and sanitation.
employee perks over another just because he happens Comfort rooms and toilets shall be in areas having no direct
to be your Saturday morning golf buddy. It is
connection to the kitchen or workplace where products are
important to act fairly in business, because once you
give the impression that you are prone to favoritism, manufactured, prepared, or displayed.
particularly among staff, you instantly lose
credibility. Maintain your sense of impartiality when 10
dealing with professional matters. Hair should be relatively secured at all times. This
can mean that kitchen staff should wear hair nets or hats,
6 and servers should have ponytails and trimmed hairstyles.
Business shall require, permit, or even hire No matter what, hair must be clean and out of the way –
any person affected or suffering from any contagious and away from food. Facial hair should also look freshly
or infectious disease including physical ailments or groomed, not only for the sake of appearance but also for
injuries to participate in any work from the product hygiene.
manufacturing to the distribution in order to maintain
a healthy status on both employee population and 11
clients as well.
The biggest issue for today’s employers is the use
7 of cell phones while on duty. As a restaurant owner/
Ingredients thereof shall be stored, handled, operator, you must implement this policy and strictly
transported and kept so as to them form spoilage, adhere to it. Many owners find it helpful to post a big sign
contamination, and disease-causing bacteria. Boxes in the kitchen that reads “Phone use is strictly prohibited
and other receptacle or containers for storing, receiv- while on duty.” Others ask their employees to keep their
ing, or handling of products shall be placed and
cell phones in their lockers and are permitted to check
stored to places beyond the reach of contamination
their phones on their breaks. You must have this policy
from sidewalk pedestrians, animals, and automated
written clearly in your employee handbook and signed by
vehicles to maintain a clean and sanitary business
environment. each employee so that they understand the violation and
consequences of using their phone while on duty.
All employee even walk-in clients within the produc-
tion areas shall observe sanitation which includes Park only in the areas designated by your management..
wearing proper garments, hand washing, and keeping
on protocol. After work, there shall be a meeting or
finalizing and settling materials to be used for the
other day.
Figure 6.0 Parking Area
Crafts n’ snookIe 34
Figure 7.1 The Business Plan Layout
( This Layout was edited in AUTOCAD)
2 5 8
1 1 3
4 4 4
6 4 10
1. In a mixing bowl, combine the milk and 1. Peel the mangoes using a spoon scoop the
bananas. Sift in the flour, salt, and baking fleshy part and leave the seed. Then take a
powder. Thoroughly mix in the eggs and toothpick and stick it to the carved out
margarine. mango flesh leaving at least half of the
2. Heat the oil.
toothpick visible. Set aside.
2. Using a mixing bowl, put a generous
3. Carefully place spoonful's of the mixture amount of chocolate (one time per flavor),
into the hot oil and fry until brown. Flip the and using the hot bath method melt the
fritter and continue to brown. Remove fritters chocolates. Then, take it out of heat and set
from the oil and drain on paper towels. Dust aside to cool down to room temperature.
the fritters with confectioners' sugar and 3. Then, get the mangoes and dip them on the
serve while warm. melted chocolate and sprinkle mini mallows
on top. Put them on a tray and chill them in
the refrigerator.
1. Toast the bread slices. Lay 3 pieces of 1. Boil potatoes in a medium pot until very
bread and spread a tablespoon of Lady’s tender, about 20 minutes. Drain and place in a
Choice Ham Spread on one side of the 1st large bowl.
and 3rd slice, and a tablespoon on both 2. Mash the potato using a fork until very
sides of the 2nd slice of bread evenly. smooth. Season with salt and pepper.
2. Top the 1st slice (mayonnaise-side up) 3. Scoop out 2 tablespoons mashed potatoes.
with lettuce, tomatoes, and bacon then Place a cheese cube in the center. Shape into a
cover with the 2nd slice. Top with lettuce, oblong enclosing cheese. Repeat with
cucumber, ham, and egg then cover with remaining ingredients.
the 3rd slice (mayonnaise-side down). 4. Roll in breadcrumbs and place on a parchment
3. Press the sandwich lightly then slice into 4 paper-lined baking tray.
triangular portions. Secure with toothpicks 5. Fry until golden brown.
and serve.
Crafts n’ snookIe 37
5 3
1 4
2 5
3 6
Crafts n’ snookIe 39
The materials and equipments below will be needed for the preparing and cooking the products of the
business. The management team will make sure that they will acquire high quality materials and
equipments to make sure that it will last and will contribute in making the best of the products which will
be served to the customers. Some of these weren’t mentioned in the process chart for may it will be use if
needed and available.
Materials for Snacks and Drinks
Ice Box Spoon and Fork Containers are boxes or cylindrical in
An ice box, or cooler, is a simple, Spoon and fork are kitchen utensils that
shape and usually made of plastic or
portable device for keeping food and are mostly made of metal or plastic.
metal. It is used for containing food,
drinks cold. A block or bag of ice is kept Spoons and forks are widely used in
ingredients, or liquids that is used for
in the cooler, along with food. The ice cooking and in serving too.
the product.
box is kept closed except for when
something is needed from inside of it.
Acetone String
Alcohol is a colorless, flammable
Empty Wine Bottles A string is a cord usually used to
chemical compound with a strong
It is a empty or used bottle of wines bind, fasten, or tie typically made of
odor. It is used to heat up the empty
that is made of glass. It is used as a fibers. It is used wrap the wine bottle
wine bottle and melts a portion of
based or body of the product that as a design or can be used to cut the
the bottle to be able to be cut in half.
will be designed or customized. bottle if its been deeped in alcohol.
A lighter or match is a portable Glue Sticks
Glues are strong adhesive substances Stickers
device used to create a flame, and to used to bind together small pieces of A sticker is a type of label: a piece of
ignite a variety of combustible material or powders. printed paper, plastic, vinyl, or other
materials, such as gas stoves, material with pressure sensitive
fireworks, or candles. It is used to adhesive on one side. They can be
ignite the yarn deeped in alchohol. used for decoration or for functional
purposes, depending on the situation.
Paint is a colored substance which is spread over Scrapbook Materials
a surface and dries to leave a thin decorative or
protective coating. It is used to decorate the A scrapbook is a book of blank
product. pages for sticking clippings,
Glue Gun
An electric gun-shaped device that heats up A light-emitting diode (LED) is a
cylindrical canisters of glue, and ejects the semiconductor light source that
hot glue when the trigger is squeezed. It is emits light when current flows
used for adhesive. through it. It is used to bring light in
the product.
Glass Cutter
Glass cutter is a type of cutter which
scores a line on a piece of glass,
allowing the glass to be snapped
along the line.
Source of Financing
Project Cost
Crafts n’ snookIe 44
Source of Financing
The business will be financed by the profit of the company with the total of Php 20,000,000.00 that
was earned since the beginning of the partnership of four individuals in 2014. The company already owns
one branch in Tamag, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur and entertaining online buyers. The partners also invested Php
5,000,000.00 for a total of Php 20,000,000.00, engaged to a loaning process from their family and close
friends and from their personal savings.
Project COST
The proposed project is estimated to incur a start-up cost of Php 16,087,101.20. This amount will be
spent on property, equipment, materials, facilities, inventories, taxes and license.
Notes 1 Cash
CASH BEGINNING 18,000,000.00
Inventories 14,644.60
Property, Machineries, Equipment and Tools 5,880,812.00
Furnitures and Fixtures 147,000.00
Permits and License 30,000.00
Cash, End 11,927,543.40
Notes 2
Milk Liter 3 80.00 240.00
Bananas Kilo 5 70.00 350.00
Flour Kilo 10 15.00 150.00
Salt Kilo 1 20.00 20.00
Baking Powder Kilo 1 95.00 95.00
Egg Piece 100 8.00 800.00
Butter Gram/Piece 1000/5 60.00 300.00
Cooking Oil Liter 2 70.00 140.00
Sugar Kilo 5 60.00 300.00
Condensed mL/Piece 500/20 40.00 800.00
String Piece 5 10.00 50.00
Acetone/ Liter 1 69.00 69.00
Stickers Piece 10 60.00 600.00
Cut File Piece 10 100.00 1,000.00
Paint mL/Piece 250/20 20.00 400.00
Glue mL/Piece 500/5 50.00 250.00
Crafts n’ snookIe 46
Lights Piece 10 25.00 250.00
Slice Bread Piece 20 45.00 900.00
Lettuce Kilo 5 40.00 200.00
Tomato Kilo 5 30.00 150.00
Cucumber Kilo 5 50.00 250.00
Cheese Gram/Piece 990/6 48.50 291.00
Tuna Flakes Gram/Piece 1000/5 65.00 325.00
Mayonnaise mL/Piece 1,400/2 257.30 514.60
Potatoes Kilo 5 40.00 200.00
Onions Kilo 5 20.00 100.00
Carrots Kilo 5 80.00 400.00
Black Pepper Piece 200 1.00 200.00
Tapioca Pearl Kilo 1 120.00 120.00
Evaporated Milk mL/Piece 8,200/20 39.00 780.00
Crafts n’ snookIe
Projected Income Statement
For the Years Ended of December 31, 2020-2024
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total
Net Sales 5,650,000 6,275,000 6,280,000 6,290,000 24,495,000
Cost of Sales 900,000 950,000 970,000 980,000 1,290,000
Gross Profit 4,750,000 5,325,000 5,310,000 5,310,000 23,205,000
Operating Expenses 980,900 980,900 980,900 980,900 980,900
Operating Income 3,769,100.00 4,344,100.00 4,329,100.00 4,329,100.00 22,224,100.00
Income Tax 1,884,550.00 2,172,050.00 2,164,550.00 2,164,550.00 11,112,050.00
Net Income 1,884,550.00 2,172,050.00 2,164,550.00 2,164,550.00 11,112,050.00
Benefit to the
Business is always interconnected to economy since it involves managing finances that is expected to
contribute highly to the economy. This is possible when the business becomes a great supporter and
contributor likewise. Supporter in terms of offering employment to concerned individuals, and contributor
in terms of proper and regular tax payments.
Benefit to the
The national budget of a country collects taxes from individuals and businesses as well. For every
quarter of the year, the operating income of Crafts n’ snookIe allots thirty percent
from sales for tax payment for the government. This shows that businesses make such an impact that it can
help lessen unemployment rates while earning profits from which owners, employees, and the government
benefit from.
Benefit to the
The community does not only define the place where a business establishment is located but it also
includes residents and people surrounding it. Businesses must be responsible enough to adjust with their
operations, and respect policies and regulations of their area especially with permits considering the health
of the people and the environment as well. Also, ingredients and materials needed for product
manufacturing will be assured to be bought from local markets to also promote and support fellow
businesses as long as they are available. In this way, the business prospers while helping others prosper.
Crafts n’ snookIe 58
Benefit to the
C ustomers keep any business alive and are very vital in its existence. This fact alone gives the
responsibility to businesses to provide services and product qualities that are worth every peso. To meet the
clients’ satisfaction must always be the daily goal followed by warm accommodation and good manners
while dealing with them. Always remember to keep the humility and trust towards every client in order to
maintain a standard reputation in the industry.
Benefit to the
Owners own but employees run the business. They are the manpower and the steam that keeps the
engine going in relation to business. Employees deserve to be treated fairly and justly because a business
is crippled without them, that is why employees must be guaranteed with proper and regular salary and of
course all necessary benefits that they have to be given. They must also be protected and the business will
also serve as a field where they will be taught and nurtured in order for them to obtain skills and
knowledge for them to standout in their line of work.
Benefit to the
The partners are the building blocks of business since they are the ones responsible for marketing
products to farther ends. Therefore, all business partners must acquire benefits. This will be from a
monthly salary that they will receive other than their share from the net income which will be equally
divided quarterly. Also, they will benefit from future business investments.
Articles of Partnership
Product Costing
Vicinity Map
Curriculum Vitae
Crafts n’ snookIe 60
Articles of Partnership
ARgon TENN Bah-Saw Co.
That we, the undersigned, residents of the Republic of the Philippines have agreed to a limited
partnership under the terms and conditions herein set forth and subject to provisions of the Republic of the
ARTICLE I. The name of the partnership shall be: ARgon TENN Bah-Saw Co.
ARTICLE II. The names, citizenship, and residence of the partners of the said partnership are as
Name Citizenship Residence
Nathaniel Rabilas Filipino Tamorong, Sta. Catalina, Ilocos Sur
Wren Karl Dungalen Filipino Poblacion, Quirino, Ilocos Sur
Maria Angela Borbon Filipino San Juan,Abra
Mark Joshoa Cadaoas Filipino Caoayan, Ilocos Sur
ARTICLE III. The term of existence of partnership shall be fifteen (15) years from and after the
execution of these articles. It is renewable for another fifteen (15) years if the partners decide to extend the
term of partnership. However, when one of the partners disagree to renew their term of partnership, then it
shall be dissolved.
ARTICLE IV. The purposes to which said partnership is formed are as follows:
To engage in business mainly related in food and crafts.
To reach out places through branch extensions.
To help people in need through charity programs.
Crafts n’ snookIe 61
ARTICLE V. The capital of this partnership is four hundred thousand pesos (Php 20,000,000) in
cash, broken down, in contributions, as follows:
Name of Partner Financial Contribution
Nathaniel Rabilas Php 5,000,000.00
Wren Karl Dungalen Php 5,000,000.00
Maria Angela Borbon Php 5,000,000.00
Mark Joshoa Cadaoas Php 5,000,000.00
ARTICLE VI. The partners shall withdraw the 50% of the profit quarterly and the remaining 50%
of the profit shall be earned for future investments and expansions of the business.
ARTICLE VII. The profit and losses will be equally divided among the partners.
ARTICLE VIII. The remaining general partners shall have the right to continue the business in
certain cases such as death, retirement, insanity, and lack of managerial capability of a general partner.
ARTICLE IX. The firm shall be under the management of Mr. Nathaniel Rabilas, General Man-
ager, and he shall be in charge of the management and affairs of the partnership.
ARTICLE X. The partners shall withdraw a minimum amount of Php 8,000.00 every month as
compensation. This may increase depending on what the general partners have decided.
ARTICLE XI. The partners shall exert their best efforts as their service on half of the partnership.
A decision in the partnership shall be made by unanimous votes.
IN WITNESS HEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands on this 23rd day of March, 2014 at
Vigan City, Ilocos Sur, Philippines.