BS 1881-Part 207-92
BS 1881-Part 207-92
BS 1881-Part 207-92
part 207:1!392
Testing concrete
part 207. Recommendations for the
assessment of concrete strength by
near-to-surface tests
The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the ‘l&hnical Sector
Board for Building and Civil Engineering (B/-) to lbchnical Committee CAB/4,
upon which the following bodies were represented:
The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of the standard,
through subcommittees and panels:
British Nuclear Fuels plc
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword 2
1 scope 3
2 Definitions 3
3 General 3
4 Applications 3
6 Choice of test method 4
6 Internal fracture test 4
7 Pull-out test 7
8 Pull-off test 8
9 Penetration resistance test 10
10 Break-off test 11
11 Methods of establishing correlations between near-to-surface tests
and strength 12
12 Assessment of structures 13
13 Repot 13
1 Summary of near-to-surface test methods 4
1 Principal features of near-to-surface tests using commercially
available apparatus 5
This Part of BS 1881 has been prepared under the direction of the ‘l&h&al
Sector Board for Building and Civil Engineering. All aspects of testing concrete
are being included as Parts of BS 1331 from sampling fresh concrete to assessing
concrete in structures. Part 201 gives general guidance on the choice of
non-destructive test methods, including a bibliography, and should be consulted
for advice on methods which complement the use of near-to-surface strength
tests or are useful as alternatives.
In recent years, several tests and devices have been developed which give a
measure of the insitu strength of concrete near to the surface. Carrying out
near-to-surface tests requires only one face of the concrete to be available and
this face need not be as smooth as that required for some alternative tests.
Although most of these tests measure a property of concrete related to its
strength, correlation with compressive strength has to be established
experimentally. The results obtained may be used to estimate the strength of the
body of the concrete. However, placing, compacting and curing may make the
concrete in the surface zone unrepresentative of the concrete at deeper levels.
For some methods the same correlation can be used over a wide range of
concrete types but this is not universally true. Care should be taken to ensure
that the correlations adopted are relevant to the circumstances of use.
Guidance on planning and interpreting tests to assess the strength of concrete in
structures is given in BS 6089, which refers to the use of near-to-surface
methods. The tests described in this Part of BS 1331 are those for which there is
most experience at present. Other near-to-surface techniques may be proposed,
usually to meet some particular need, and their use is not precluded by this Fart.
The recommendations of clauses 3, 4, 5 and 11 to 13 may usefully be applied to
such methods.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from
legal obligations.
Protruding length
Wedge anchor bolt
nominal 6
failure surface
L Removable shaft
Bearing rtig ’ \ Typical failure surface
I Load
7.3 Test procedure It has been shown that for a given type of
apparatus the relationship between pull-out force
7.3.1 l&t positions and compressive strength is similar over a wide
The centres of test positions should be separated by range of concrete mixes and that a general
at least eight times the insert head diameter. The correlation can be used with reasonable accuracy.
centres should be at least four times the head Greater accuracy can, however, be achieved if a
diameter from the edge of the concrete. The specific correlation is obtained for the type of
inserts should be placed so that all reinforcement is concrete under investigation. special correlations
outside the expected conic fracture surface by at are required for lightweight concretes or other
least one bar diameter or the maximum aggregate mixes with less common constituents.
size whichever is greater. The thickness of the The coefficient of variation of a set of measured
concrete to be tested should be at least four times values at one location under site conditions is likely
the insert head diameter. to be about 7 %. However, in asses&g compressive
At least four pull-out tests should be performed in strength, the accuracy of the correlation with
each location. pull-out force should also be considered as an
7.3.2 Installation of inserts additional factor When a general correlation is
used, estimates of compressive strength are
Cast-in inserts (7.2.1) should be securely fmed to unlikely to have 95 % confidence limits better than
the formwork or locating device at the required ±20 % of the mean of four valid results. When a
test positions. A small separately removable panel specially prepared correlation for the type of
may be incorporated in the formwork when the concrete is available, estimates can be
test is being used to determine the formwork within ±10 % .
stripping time. It is important to ensure that the
shafts are disconnected from the fonnwork before
its removal. Holes for other inserts should be 8 Pull-off test
drilled and under-reamed (7.2.2) and the inserts
8.1 General
assembled according to the manufacturer’s
instructions. The pull-off test is based on the concept that the
force required to pull a metal block, together with
7.3.3 Loading a layer of concrete or mortar, from the surface to
The tapered shaft of a cast-in insert should first be which it has been attached, is related to the
removed and then the loading system (7.2.4) stm-tgth of the concrete.
connected to the insert in accordance with the The technique may be applied in two forms. If a
manufacturer’s instructions. The load should be block is attached directly to the surface then the
applied and increased at a steady rate without stressed volume of concrete lies close to the face of
jerking to cause failure. For a 25 mm diameter the block and the results may be less related to the
insert a loading rate of (0.5 f 0.2) kN/s should be strength of the body of the concrete than with
used. some other near-to-surface tests. See figve l(c).
The insert may be loaded to rupture the concrete if Alternatively the test may be carried out by
the strength is to be estimated or a proof load may partially coring the concrete and bonding a block of
be applied to check that the concrete has achieved the same nominal diameter to the top of the
a minimum strength. cylinder of concrete thus isolated. This allows the
fracture surface to occur deeper into the concrete.
7.4 lkst results
‘l&t results should be reported as the failure value 8.2 Apparatus
in kilonewtons and the mean rounded off to the 8.2.1 Cylindrical metal blocks, having a flat
nearest 0.5 kN. surface prepared for bonding to the surface of the
7.5 Relationship between pull-out force and concrete using a suitable resin adhesive and which
strength of concrete can be connected to the loading system so that a
tensile force can be applied perpendicular to the
The pull-out force can be empirically related to the interface between the block and the concrete. The
compressive strength of the concrete as determined thickness of the block should not be less than 40 96
by standard tests in accordance with BS 1881: of its diameter.
Parts 116 and 120. The correlation between
NOlIE. Current work indicates that a greater thickness/diameter
strength and pull-out force for the apparatus being ratio may be desirable to ensure uniform stress distribution in
used should be established experimentally. The the concrete. A ratio of 60 % would be appropriate for
manufacturer may provide this information for aluminium blocks.
specific concretes.
BS1881:lWt207: 1992
Correlations may be developed experimentally specimens and measuring strength on a companion
between break-off force and strength. Confidence series cast from the same concrete batch and cured
limits for compressive strength correlation may be under identical conditions. The form and number
expected to be wider than for tensile strength or of companion specimens will depend on the type of
modulus of rupture correlations. While a strength correlation required. These companion
correlation for the particular type of concrete specimens should be made and tested in
under test is recommended, a general correlation accordance with the relevant Parts of this
with compressive strength covering a wide range of standard. Some near-to-surface tests can be carried
mixes may be useful. out on cubes but for others, larger specimens will
The coefficient of variation of a set of measured be required to satisfy the requirements for
values at one location under site conditions is minimum edge distances. Ideally the correlation
typically about 10 %. However, in assessing specimens should represent the structure to be
compressive strength, the accuracy of the tested as closely as possible in manufacture and
correlation with break-off force should also be CUIkg.
considered as an additional factor. Limited The method of varying the strength should be
experience suggests that a well-prepared chosen in relation to the purpose for which the
correlation will allow strength estimates to be correlation is to be used. For example, if it is 4
within f 20 % at the 95 % confidence level from intended to monitor the development of strength in
the mean of five valid results. a structure then it would be appropriate to test
correlation specimens of the same mix at different
ages. If it is proposed to monitor the quality of the
11 Methods of establishing correlations concrete in a structure it would be appropriate to
between near-to-surface tests and vary the mix proportions of the concrete. At least
strength the number of near-to-surface tests given in table 1
should be made on the relevant specimens and the
11.1 Introduction mean value related to the mean strength obtained
All the tests described in this Part may be used to from three companion strength test specimens of
estimate strength. The extent to which each test the same age. At least eight points at different
method requires separate correlation for different strengths should be used to establish a correlation
types of concrete has been outlined in clauses 6 unless the general form of the relationship is
to 10. It should be noted that all tests measure available, in which case a smaller number of points
properties of concrete near to the surface and will may be acceptable. Different tests are influenced
only allow estimation of strength of concrete in the by different factors and the degree to which the
interior of the mass if there is a known relationship correlation specimens may differ from the structure
between the concrete properties near to and away without unduly affecting the validity of the
from the surface. This relationship will be correlation will depend on the particular test
influenced by the curing conditions and will be involved (see 6.5, 7.5, 8.5, 9.5 and 10.5). Caution
particularly sensitive to temperature gradients at may be required when establishing correlations at d
early ages and any segregation in the plastic early ages to allow for maturity differences
concrete. between the near-to-surface test specimens and the
lb prepare a correlation between a near-to-surface strength test specimens.
test and strength, a number of specimens should be 11.3 Site correlation
tested which encompasses the likely range of
strength to be expected in the structure. The It is difficult to ensure that laboratory specimens
reliability of the correlation will be increased by accurately represent the concrete in the structure
increasing the number of specimens and the range to be tested and more reliable results may be
of strengths. The near-to-surface tests should be obtained if a correlation is made using cores. In
carried out in accordance with the relevant clauses this case cores should be cut close to the positions
of this Part of ES 1881. of the near-to-surface tests but sufficiently far
away to avoid the possibility of the tests interfering
A correlation curve should be drawn through the with one another Results should be obtained from
points plotted from the mean near-to-surface test at least three cores cut from each of at least two
results and the mean strength of each locations within the test area selected to be likely
corresponding set of nominally identical specimens. to provide extreme values of the strength range
The equation of this curve can be determined by involved based on the results of the near-to-surface
any standard curve fitting procedure. or other tests. It may be necessary to establish the
11.2 hboralmry correlation general form of the relationship by tests on
laboratory-cast specimens to enable the correlation
A correlation between a near-to-surface test and to apply over an adequate range of strength values
strength should be obtained by carrying out the d
but unjustifiable extrapolation should be avoided.
near-to-surface tests on a series of concrete
Publication(s) referred to
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