M.P. Tourism Board - RFPZonalMasterPlanEcoSensitiveZonesCluster5updated

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Registered Office: 6th Floor, Lily Trade Wing (above D Mart),
Jehangirabad, Bhopal - 462008
Tel.: 0755-2780600
Website: www.mptourism.com

“RFP for Preparation of Zonal Master Plans for Eco Sensitive Zones listed
in Cluster 5 of Madhya Pradesh”

NIT No.: 1212/PLG/MPTB/2022

Tender ID: 2022_MPTB_ 184947
Date: 15/02/2022

Proposals are invited from Consultancy firms for Preparation of Zonal

Master Plans for Eco Sensitive Zones listed in Cluster 5 of Madhya
Pradesh. Terms and Conditions can be downloaded from website
For any additional information please contact Mr. Prashant Singh Baghel,
Joint Director (Planning) Mobile No. 9425184809 or E-mail at
[email protected]. For any technical issues contact: Toll free number -
18002588684. Last date and Time for Purchase of Tender documents online
is 10/03/2022, 5PM.

Managing Director

RFP for Preparation of Zonal Master Plans for Eco Sensitive Zones listed in Cluster
5 of Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board

Bhopal, India

February 2022

The Managing Director on behalf of Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board
invites RFP for Selection of consultant for the “Preparation of Zonal Master Plans for Eco Sensitive Zones
listed in Cluster 5 of Madhya Pradesh”.

1 Name of the Authority: Managing Director, Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board, Bhopal
2 Pre-Bid Conference will be held: Yes Date: 03/03/22 Time: 12:00 Hrs
Venue: Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board, 6th Floor, Lily Trade Wing, Jehangirabad,
BHOPAL - 462008.
3 Proposal should remain valid for 180 days from the proposal due date.
4 The Agency/Firm is required to include with its Proposal written confirmation of
authorization to sign on behalf of the Firm: Yes
5 Method of Selection: QCBS (Quality and Cost Based Selection)
6 The Agency/Firm must submit:
i. Technical Proposal (To be submitted Online & Offline both)
ii. Financial Proposal (To be submitted Online Only)

7 An Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) must be submitted: YES, along with the Bid

8 The Amount for EMD: Rs. 1,00,000/- only (Rupees One Lakh only) to be submitted
Online Only through MP E Procurement portal (www.mptenders.gov.in) only along
with technical proposal.

9 The EMD of unsuccessful Bidders will be returned promptly without any interest, but
not later than 180 days from the bid due date, except in the case of the successful
bidder whose EMD shall be returned to Bidder after successful completion of the
project without any interest.

10 Performance security:
10 % of order value shall be submitted before Agencies execution of the order
11 All correspondence shall be addressed to:
Managing Director,
Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board, 6th Floor Lily Trade wing,
Jehangirabad, BHOPAL – 462008 Tel: 0755-2780600
Website: www.tourism.mp.gov.in Email : [email protected].
12 Date for public opening of Technical Proposal: 16/03/2022 at 12:00 hours
13 Date of presentation: - To be informed
Date of opening of financial Proposal: To be informed
15 Cost of RFP document to be paid: Yes, Rs.5900/- (Rs. Five Thousand Nine Hundred
only) including GST, to be paid online only through MP E- procurement portal towards
non-refundable EOI Document Fees and Rs. 295/- (Rupees Two hundred and ninety-
five only) towards non-refundable e-procurement processing fees through online
payment at e-Procurement portal (www.mptenders.gov.in).

This Request for Proposal (RFP) document for selection of consultant for “Preparation of Zonal
Master Plans for Eco Sensitive Zones listed in Cluster 5 of Madhya Pradesh” contains brief
information about the scope of work and qualification process for the successful applicant. The
purpose of the RFP Document is to provide the applicants (hereinafter referred to as “Bidder”) with
information to assist the formulation of their proposals (hereinafter referred to as the “Proposal”).

While all efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of information contained in this RFP
document, this document does not support to contain all the information required by the
Applicants. The Applicants should conduct their own independent assessment, investigations and
analysis thereby checking the reliability, accuracy and completeness of the information at their end
and obtain independent advice from relevant sources as required before submission of their
Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board (MPTB) or any of its employees or existing advisors shall incur no
liability under any law, statute, rules or regulations as to the accuracy or completeness of the RFP
MPTB reserves the right to change any or all conditions/ information set in this RFP Document by
way of revision, deletion, updating or annulment through issuance of appropriate addendum as it
may deem fit without assigning any reason thereof.
MPTB reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Proposals without giving any reasons thereof.
MPTB will not entertain or be liable for any claim for costs and expenses in relation to the
preparation of the Proposals to be submitted in response to this RFP Document.

1. PROJECT INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................7
2. SCHEDULE OF THE BIDDING PROCESS ..............................................................9
3. SCOPE OF WORK .......................................................................................................9
4. PROJECT DURATION ..............................................................................................14
5. STAGES OF SUBMISSION AND PAYMENT SCHEDULE ..................................15
6. PROPOSED TEAM ....................................................................................................16
8. TECHNICAL EVALUATION CRITERIA ...............................................................18
9. SALE OF TENDER DOCUMENT: ...........................................................................19
10. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD): ....................................................................20
11. PERFORMANCE SECURITY ..................................................................................20
12. FORMAT AND SIGNING OF BID ...........................................................................21
13. SUBMISSION OF BIDS ............................................................................................21
14. OPENING OF ELIGIBILITY BID ............................................................................21
RESPONSIVENESS OF THE SAME...................................................................................22
16. CLARIFICATION OF BIDS ......................................................................................22
17. PROCESS TO BE CONFIDENTIAL ........................................................................23
18. AMENDMENTS OF TENDER .................................................................................23
20. VALIDITY OF THE BID ...........................................................................................23
21. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE SELECTION PROCESS ......................................23
23. LETTER OF INTENT ................................................................................................25
24. CONFEDENTIALITY ...............................................................................................25
25. INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT..................................................................26
26. LIMITED LIABILITY ...............................................................................................26
27. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT .........................................................................27
28. DISPUTE RESOLUTION: .........................................................................................27
29. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION .............................................................27


Annexure I Bidder Cover Letter

Annexure II Checklist of Submissions
Annexure III Details of Bidder or Lead Firm in case of JV
Annexure IIIA Details of Bidder (For Partner Firm in case of Joint Venture)
Annexure IV Declaration By Bidder
Annexure V Financial Capacity of the Bidder or Lead Firm in case of JV
Annexure VA Financial Capacity of the Partner Firm in-case of JV
Annexure VI Statement of Legal Capacity
Annexure VII Power of Attorney for signing of Application
Annexure VIII Draft MoA between MPTB and the consultancy firm
FORM TECH 1 Firm’s Experience
FORM TECH 1A Partner Firm’s Experience in case of JV
FORM TECH 2 Curriculum Vitae (CV) for Proposed Professional Staff
FORM TECH 3 Description of Approach and Methodology for Performing the Assignment
FORM FIN 1 Price Bid (Financial Bid) for Cluster 5

NOTE: Gazette notifications of all the below mentioned Eco-Sensitive Zones and Draft
guidelines for preparation of Eco- sensitive Zonal Master Plans can be downloaded from
the MoEFCC (Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change) website.

CLUSTER 5 Madhav National Park Notification Issued by Ministry of Environment and Forest
dated 19.09.2017
Orchha Wildlife Sanctuary Notification Issued by Ministry of Environment and
Forest dated 15.01.2018
KunoPalpur Wildlife Sanctuary Draft Notification uploaded on Ministry of
Environment and Forest website dated 15.11.2017
Ghatigaon Wildlife Sanctuary Notification Issued by Ministry of Environment and
Forest dated 20.12.2016
National Chambal Wildlife Sanctuary Notification Issued by Ministry of
Environment and Forest dated 02.03.2020

To minimize the impact of urbanization and other developmental activities, areas adjacent to the
protected areas (National Parks and Sanctuaries) have been declared as Eco-Sensitive Zones. Eco-
Sensitive Zones (ESZs) are areas notified by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate
Change (MoEFCC), Government of India around Protected Areas, National Parks and Wildlife
Sanctuaries. The purpose of declaring ESZs is to create some kind of “shock absorbers” to the
protected areas by regulating and managing the activities around such areas. They also act as a
transition zone from areas of high protection to areas involving lesser protection. The width of eco-
sensitive zone and type of regulation vary from one area to another.

ESZs are regulated by central government through Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate
change (MoEFCC), who came out with new guidelines for regulation of such areas in 2011.
Consequently, all the states were asked to submit proposals for identification and delineation of
ESZs in their respective areas. Once the ESZs were finalized by the ministry, the states were asked
to prepare a Zonal Master Plan for the identified ESZ. In Madhya Pradesh following 27 ESZs (Karera
WS is proposed to be de-notified now) have been identified, out of which 23 ESZs are already
notified, Draft Notification for 2 ESZs are already uploaded on MoEF website and remaining 02
ESZs are yet to be notified.

Table 1: List of Clusters, Eco Sensitive Zones and their Notification details
Name Of National Notification Status Area of Area of Eco
S.No Park/Wildlife Sanctuary National Sensitive
Park/Wildlife Zone
CLUSTER 1 Badhavgarh National Park Notified 1536.9 Sq km 1030.30 Sq
1 and Panpatha Wildlife Km
2 Sanjay National Park And Notified 1674.52 Sq 1053.00 Sq
Sanjay Dubri Wildlife Km Km
3 Son Ghariyal Wildlife Notified 478.00 Sq Km 424.00 Sq
Sanctuary Km
4 Bagdara Wildlife Sanctuary Notified 110.00 Sq Km 12.88 Sq
CLUSTER 1 Kanha National Park Notified 941.79 Sq Km
2 2 Jeevash National Park Notified 0.27 Sq Km 1.12 Sq Km
3 Phen Wildlife Sanctuary Notified 110.74 Sq Km
CLUSTER 1 Dinosaur National Park Notified 0.89 Sq Km 2.01 Sq Km
3 2 Gandhi Sagar Wildlife Notified 368.92 Sq Km 310.50 Sq
Sanctuary Km
3 Sailana Wildlife Sanctuary Notified 12.96 Sq Km 3.76 Sq Km
4 Sardarpur Wildlife Sanctuary Notified 348.12 Sq Km
5 Ralamandal Wildlife Sanctuary Not yet notified 2.34 Sq Km
6 Narsinghgarh Wildlife Notified 57.19 Sq Km
7 Kheoni Wildlife Sanctuary Notified 134.77 Sq Km 160.00 Sq
8 Ratapani National Park And Notified 1201.29 Sq 546.52 Sq
Singhori Wildlife Sanctuary Km Km
CLUSTER 1 Satpura National Park and Notified 1339.26 Sq 1051.70 Sq

4 Pachmarih and Bori Wildlife Km Km
2 Pench National Park and Notified 411.33 Sq Km 1180.63 Sq
Pench Mogali Sanctuary Km
CLUSTER 1 Madhav National Park Notified 354.61 Sq Km 277.20 Sq
5 Km
2 Orchha Wildlife Sanctuary Notified 45.36 Sq Km 24.84 Sq
3 Kuno Palpur Wildlife Draft Notification 344.68 Sq Km 207.45 Sq
Sanctuary Km

4 Ghatigaon- Hukna Wildlife Notified 512.00 Sq Km 1100.46 Sq

Sanctuary Km
5 National Chambal Sanctuary Notified 435.00 Sq Km
CLUSTER 1 Panna National Park and Not yet notified 621.19 Sq Km
6 Gangau Wildlife Sanctuary
2 Noradehi Wildlife Sanctuary Notified 1197.04 Sq 291.10 Sq
Km Km
3 Veerangana Durgavati Wildlife Draft Notification 23.97 Sq Km 99.73 Sq
Sanctuary Km
4 Ken Ghariyal Wildlife Notified 45.20 Sq Km 9.34 Sq Km

Zonal Master Plan – Eco Sensitive Zone

Zonal Master Plan for the eco-sensitive zone has to be prepared by the State Government within a
period of two years from the date of last notification issued by the Ministry of Environment and
Forests, Government of India. The zonal master plan should provide for restoration of denuded
areas, conservation of existing water bodies, management of catchment areas, soil and moisture
conservation, needs of local community, etc, which needs attention. It should also demarcate all
the existing and proposed urban settlements, village settlements, types and kinds of forest,
agricultural areas, green areas, horticultural areas, lakes, etc,. No change of land use from green
uses shall be permitted in the zonal master plan except limited conversion of agricultural lands to
meet the residential needs of the existing local residents, improvement of roads and bridges,
community buildings, without the prior approval of the state government. Pending preparation of
the master plan and approval thereof by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, all new
constructions can be allowed only after it is approved by the Monitoring Committee constituted by
the Central Government.

The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the Consultant in such a
manner as is specified in the Gazette notifications issued by Ministry of Environment and Forest for
each of the identified Eco Sensitive Zones (as per Table 1) and also in consonance with the relevant
Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the Central Government, if any. Such Eco
Sensitive Zones which are yet to be notified by Ministry of Environment and Forest shall be bound
to follow all the provisions of the gazette notification whenever they get notified.

MPTB shall endeavor to adhere to the following bidding schedule:
S. No Event Description Estimated Date/Time

1 Issue of Bid Documents 15/02/2022

2 Pre Bid meeting 03/03/2022
4 Online Tender Purchase Last Date 10/03/2022, 5PM
5 Online Bid submission Last Date 14/03/2022, 5 PM
(EMD, Technical Bid, Financial Bid)
6 Opening date of Proposals 16/03/2022, 12 PM
7 Presentation of the bidders whose Will be informed later
bids are found responsive
8 Opening of Financial Bids Will be informed later

3.1 Identification of Clusters

Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board intends to select Consultant for the preparation of Zonal Master
Plan on CLUSTER BASIS. The 27 identified ESZs are divided into 6 clusters for the purpose of Zonal
Master Plan preparation. Consultant/ organizations have already been appointed for preparation
of ESZ master plan for Cluster no- 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. This RFP is being floated for preparation of ESZ
master plan for ESZs falling under Cluster-5. The Consultant shall submit separate Zonal Plans for
each of the ESZ identified in the cluster. The list of identified clusters is given below:

Name of the Cluster ESZs within the cluster

Cluster 1 (Bandhavgarh Badhavgarh National Park and Panpatha Wildlife Sanctuary, Sanjay National
Cluster) Park And Sanjay Dubri Wildlife Sanctuary, Son Ghariyal Wildlife Sanctuary
and Bagdara Wildlife Sanctuary
Cluster 2 (Kanha Cluster) Kanha National Park, Jeevash National Park, Ghughwa and Phen Wildlife
Cluster 3 (Gandhi Sagar Dinosaur National Park, Gandhi Sagar Wildlife Sanctuary, Sailana Wildlife
Cluster) Sanctuary, Sardarpur Wildlife Sanctuary, Ralamandal Wildlife Sanctuary,
Narsinghgarh Wildlife Sanctuary, Kheoni Wildlife Sanctuary and Ratapani
National Park and Singhori Wildlife Sanctuary
Cluster 4 (Pench Cluster) Satpura National Park and Pachmarih and Bori Wildlife Sanctuary and Pench
National Park and Pench Mogali Sanctuary
Cluster 5 (Madhav Cluster) Madhav National Park, Orchha Wildlife Sanctuary, Kuno Palpur
Wildlife Sanctuary, Ghatigaon- Hukna Wildlife Sanctuary and
Chambal Wildlife Sanctuary
Cluster 6 (Panna Cluster) Panna National Park and Gangau Wildlife Sanctuary, Noradehi
Wildlife Sanctuary , Veerangana Durgavati Wildlife Sanctuary and Ken
Ghariyal Wildlife Sanctuary

1. The Sub-Zonal Master Plan for such Eco Sensitive Areas which are part of municipal area
shall be prepared by concerned Urban Local Body or State Town Planning Department as
per the prevailing norms/practice laid out by MoEF. The Sub-Zonal Master Plan for rest
of the ESZ (apart from Municipal Area) shall be prepared by the Consultant.
2. Consultant who is already working with MPTB for any of the project may also participate
in this tender but with a condition that people/ team engaged in existing projects with
MPTB will not be engaged in this project. A separate new team shall be engaged for this
3. For tender submission Technical and Financial Proposal shall be submitted along with
EMD and Tender Purchase Fee.

3.2 Preparation of Zonal Master Plan

a) Consultant shall prepare the Zonal Master Plans for the Eco Sensitive Zones in the
identified Cluster in close coordination with the following line departments:

1. Environment and State Pollution Control Board

2. Forest, Wildlife and Eco Tourism
3. Tourism Department, Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board and Madhya Pradesh State
Tourism Development Corporation
4. Urban Development Department and concerning Urban Local Bodies
5. Town and Country Planning Department
6. Revenue Department

7. Agriculture and Horticulture Department
8. Water Resource Department and Narmada Valley Development Department
9. Public Works Department
10. Panchayat and Rural Development Department

b) The Consultant shall take inputs from each of the identified departments along with other
stakeholders such as other related government departments, private investors/private
institutions/hoteliers etc and compile a Zonal Master Plan for the entire Eco-sensitive Zone
c) The language of the documentation and reporting shall be in English.
d) Zonal/Sub-Zonal Master Plans shall be prepared as per the provisions issued by applicable
Eco Sensitive Zone Gazette Notification (Refer Table 1) by Ministry of Environment and
Forest, Government of India, New Delhi in consonance with the relevant Central and State
laws and the guidelines issued by the Central Government, if any.
e) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared without violating any of the provisions of the
Wildlife Protection Act 1972 as amended from time to time and the Biodiversity
Conservation Act as amended from time to time and guidelines issued by statutory bodies
such as the National Tiger Conservation Authority.
f) The ESZ master plan shall be prepared in accordance with draft guidelines and content
published for preparation of ESZ master plan by MoEFCC which is attached as Appendix 6.
g) The above work shall be completed as per schedule of work mentioned in Scope of Work.
The main works to be taken up by the Consultant for preparation of Zonal and Sub-Zonal
Master Plans for eco-sensitive zone shall be as below in 3.3.

3.3 General Scope of Work for Preparation of Zonal Master Plans for the
Eco-sensitive Zones
(* General scope of work may vary slightly for individual Eco Sensitive Zones for which applicable
gazette notification issued by Ministry of Environment and Forest shall be referred)

The Zonal Master Plans for the identified Eco Sensitive Zones in given Cluster shall cover every
aspect mentioned in applicable notifications (appended with RFP) of Government of India. The
Zonal Master Plans shall comprise of GIS based maps (scale 1:4000) and reports. It shall
incorporate the following aspects:-

(a) Preparation of Zonal Master Plan

1. The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use,
infrastructure and activities, unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master
Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and

2. The Zonal Master Plan shall provide for identification, restoration of denuded areas,
conservation of existing water bodies, management of catchment areas, watershed
management, groundwater management, soil and moisture conservation, needs of local
community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that need attention.

3. The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places, village and
urban settlements, types and kinds of forests, agricultural areas, fertile lands, green area,
such as, parks and like places, horticultural areas, orchards, lakes and other water bodies.

4. Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone, such as
the gene pool reserve areas, rock formations, waterfalls, springs, gorges, groves, caves,
points, walks, rides, cliffs, etc. shall be identified and preserved and plan shall be drawn up
for their protection and conservation.

5. Man-made heritage sites- Buildings, structures, artefacts, areas and precincts of historical,
architectural, aesthetic, and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive
Zone and plans for their conservation shall be prepared.

6. Vehicular traffic - Traffic and transportation plan shall also be prepared on the basis of
traffic volume on major existing roads and future development and tourist arrival.
Proposals for traffic regulation and parking sites shall also be part of this plan. Guidelines
shall also be framed for construction and maintenance of forest roads.

7. The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and
specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such
time as the Zonal Master Plan is prepared and approved by the competent authority in the
State Government, the Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular
movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made there under.

8. The Zonal Master Plan shall also identify and demarcate the maximum expansion area of
the village settlements. Plan for expansion of existing village abadi /settlement on the basis
of trends of growth of population in last 20 years. There shall be no consequential
reduction in Tribal area, Forest area and Green areas Agricultural area except that strictly
limited conversion of agricultural lands may be permitted to meet the residential needs of
the existing local residents together with natural growth of the existing local population.

9. Survey of existing village economic activities like service industries, agro based industries,
cottage industries, processing, agriculture, floriculture, horticulture areas and storage of
agro based products, etc. Proposals for expansion of village economic activities after
assessment of carrying capacity. The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in the
Eco-sensitive Zone as to ensure eco-friendly development for livelihood security of local

10. Identification and demarcation of steep hill slopes with a gradient of 20 degrees or more
and areas with a high degree of erosion to prevent quarrying and development on such

11. Survey of existing system of discharge of sewage/solid waste and effluents and its impact
on environment. Strategy and plan for sustainable and environment friendly and disposal

12. Building regulations for construction/ alteration/ renovation of buildings. It will also include
the provisions for rooftop rainwater harvesting, energy conservation and use of eco-
friendly building materials.

13. Proposals for rainwater harvesting and recharge of ground water shall also incorporate
storm water drains and sites for structures as percolation and storage tanks and other
means. Ground water aquifer recharge structure sites shall be proposed wherever such --J

sites do not lead to slope instabilities.

14. Proposals for protection of natural water courses/water bodies,
water falls, water springs, watershed development for recharge of ground water.

15. Identification, demarcation and protection of natural drainage

system. Identification of check dam sites and proposals for improvement of existing check

16. Identification and demarcation of existing encroachments within the Eco-sensitive Zone
including the forest area and suggestions shall also be given for removal of encroachments
in a time bound manner subject to the provisions of the existing State laws.

17. Identification of site for disposal of solid waste outside the eco-sensitive zone. Details
regarding disposal of solid waste and plan for environment friendly disposal system with
segregation of solid waste into biodegradable and non-biodegradable components.

18. Listing of existing permitted, regulated and prohibited activities, their location and plan for
shifting of prohibited activities out of ESZ. All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be
governed by the provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986) and the
rules made there under, and be regulated in the manner specified in the table as
mentioned in the applicable Eco Sensitive Zone notification.

19. Suggest guidelines to be implemented by State government to reduce noise pollution and
air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in accordance with the provisions of the Air
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 (14 of 1981) and the rules made there

20. Land use.- Forests, horticulture areas, agricultural areas, parks and open spaces earmarked
for recreational purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into
areas for commercial or industrial related development activities, Provided that the
conversion of agricultural lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the
recommendation of the Monitoring Committee, and with the prior approval of the State
Government, to meet the residential needs of local residents, and for the activities listed in
the respective ESZ notification such as :-
(i) Eco-friendly cottages for temporary occupation of tourists, such as tents, wooden
houses, etc. for Eco-friendly tourism activities;
(ii) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads;
(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution;
(iv) Rainwater harvesting; and
(v) Cottage industries including village industries, convenience stores and local amenities:

(b) Preparation of Sub-Zonal Tourism Master Plan

The tourism activities in the ESZ shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan to be prepared by the
Consultant. It shall have following components:

1. The Tourism Master Plan shall also form a component of the Zonal Master Plan and shall
be based on a detailed Carrying Capacity Study of the Eco-Sensitive Zone. The Carrying

Capacity Study shall be carried out based on the existing infrastructure and shall not be
based on future projections of any project that requires environmental or forest clearance.
2. Identification and demarcation of sites of tourist importance both natural and manmade
heritage along with development proposals for each site.
3. All new tourism activities, development for tourism or expansion of existing tourism
activities shall be permitted only within the parameters of this Tourism Master Plan.
4. Availability of existing infrastructure and tourist facilities and their carrying capacity.
5. Proposals for additional tourist sites such as eco-tourism sites, camping sites, trails and
facilities like convention centre, golf course, parking lots, sites for resorts & hotels, etc. and
other infrastructures on the basis of requirements worked out for next 10 years after study
of carrying capacity.
6. Annual arrival of tourists in last ten years
7. Preparation of guidelines for development of tourist infrastructure in ESZ such as
accommodation facilities, camping sites, way side amenities, rural tourism, adventure
tourism/water tourism related activities etc.
8. All new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-
sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with emphasis on eco-tourism, eco-education and
eco-development and based on carrying capacity study of the Eco-sensitive Zone;
9. New construction of hotels and resorts shall not be permitted within one kilometre from
the boundary of the Tiger Reserve except for accommodation for temporary occupation of
tourists related to eco-friendly tourism activities:
a) Provided that beyond the distance of one kilometre from the boundary of the
protected area till the extent of the Eco sensitive Zone, the extension of existing
establishments may be allowed in accordance with the Zonal Master Plan:
b) Provided further that beyond one-kilometer upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive
Zone construction of new hotels and resorts may be permitted as per Zonal Master Plan.
10. Till the Zonal Master Plan is approved, development for tourism and expansion of existing
tourism activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the
actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee.

(c) In case if any point mentioned in the scope of work for preparation of ESZ master plan is found
contradicting with notification issued by MoEFCC for that ESZ or with draft guidelines issued by
MoEFCC for preparation of ESZ master plan, the instructions/ provisions of notification or guideline
will be final.
1. The consultant shall make all submissions stage wise and take necessary approvals from
MPTB. Consultant shall also make a presentation of draft Zonal Master Plan before MPTB,
concerned departments, Local Area Committee or any other stakeholders as identified by
2. MPTB shall act as Nodal Agency for co-ordination of this project
3. After incorporating changes as suggested by various stakeholders/departments, Zonal
Master Plan for given ESZ shall be submitted to appropriate authority in the Government.

The Project Duration for each Eco Sensitive Zone shall be 6 months (24 weeks) from the date of
issue of Work Order which can be further extended upon mutual consent.

Following are the stages of work, schedule of submission, timeline and schedule of consultancy
fees assigned by MPTB for undertaking Zonal Master Plan for any given Eco Sensitive Zones:

Table 2: Stages of work, schedule of submission, timeline and schedule of consultancy fees
S.No. Stages of Work Schedule of Submission Timeline ( T Percentage
= Date for of
issuance of Consultancy
Work Order) Fee
1 Mobilization advance after T 10%
signing the agreement against
Security in form of Bank
Guarantee equivalent to
advance amount.
2 Baseline study covering all the First Stage Report T+16 weeks 35%
aspects as outlined in the scope Submission, Presentation
of work from all the concerned and submission of revised
departments including stage 1 reports after
presentation and submission incorporating suggestions
and its approval by evaluating provided by evaluation
committee. committee.
3 Submission of Draft Zonal Second Stage Report T+22 weeks 25%
Master Plan including Submission, Presentation
suggestive measures and and submission of revised
guidelines from all the DZMP reports after
concerned departments and its incorporating suggestions
approval by evaluating provided by evaluation
committee committee.
4 Inclusion of comments received Third Stage Submission T+24 weeks 20%
at Draft Stage and on approval
5 After final approval of the Plan 10%
by the appropriate authority in
the government

Other conditions

1. Payments shall be made as per above milestone separately for each ESZs within the cluster
2. All the work shall be done in Consultation with line departments as mentioned in Scope of
3. All data and support material required for the Consultancy should be compiled and
analyzed by the Consultant from reliable secondary sources as required by the Client.
4. All data and support material pertaining to each activity shall be compiled, completed and
handed over to MPTB in two sets of hard copies including drawings and two soft copies
(both pdf and editable format). The material shall remain the property of MPTB.
5. Final Master Plan shall also be submitted in two sets of hard copies including drawings and
two soft copies in Hindi
6. No material, including the collected data, its analysis, projections and proposals, with Study
Maps/Supporting Maps and Plans, shall be given or used for any other work by any other
person or organization by the Consultant.

7. In case MPTB decides to abandon the project for any reason, whatsoever, at anytime, the
payment of the Consultancy firm/Agency shall be restricted up to the stage the services
have actually been provided by the Consultancy firm/Agency.
8. Amount of Bank Guarantee submitted against mobilization advance, i.e., 10% of the
consultancy fee will be returned after release of Stage-2 payment, i.e., Baseline study (35%
of consultancy fee).

1.1 Time Extension – MPTB has the right to grant extension of time to the Consultant
considering the reason for delay which is beyond the control of the Consultant. For this, the
Consultant shall submit an application to MPTB before the scheduled date of submission for
any stage as per Clause 5 (Table 2), mentioning proper reason for delay in submission of
Zonal Master Plan for a given Eco Sensitive Zone. MPTB shall be the sole authority to grant
such extension of time and their decision would be final.

1.2 Penalty for Delay – Delay in submission of report as per the schedule mentioned in Clause 5
(Table 2) or delay in submission even after the time extension provided by MPTB, may
entail a penalty of 0.5% (zero point five per cent) of the Consultancy Fee per week, subject
to a maximum of 10% (ten per cent) and shall be recovered by appropriation from the
Consultancy Fees, Performance Security, EMD or otherwise.

The Consultant shall be required to deploy a Team for accomplishing the assignment. All the Team
members (The “Key personnel”) proposed by the applicant should essentially meet the required
qualifications and experience criteria as given here under.
A set of key experts/professional staff with minimum professional experience required are listed
below. Please examine the Scope of Work and add more experts if required for the proper
completion of the assignment

1. Senior Urban Planner (Team Leader)

 Master’s degree in Planning with more than 8 years of experience
 Experience of handling planning projects such as Development Plans/Tourism Plans/Regional
Plans etc.
 Experience of managing at least 3 such projects
2. Urban Planner
 Bachelor’s in Architecture and Master’s Degree in Planning with more than 5 years of
 Architectural experience including review of master plans, design drawings, working
drawings and DPR.
 Experience of relevant projects
3. Forest Expert
 Retired Forest Officer/person having relevant qualification and experience in forestry/forest
4. Environment Expert
 Master’s degree (M-Plan/M-Tech/M.E./M.Sc) with specialization in Environment with atleast 5
years of experience
5. GIS Expert
 Post graduate Diploma/Degree in Geo Informatics/Remote Sensing with at least 5 years of
experience in base map preparation, developing and managing geo databases
*For each position of key professional, required level of support/junior personnel shall be deployed.
Consultancy Team proposed for assignment shall not be allowed to change. As a condition to such
substitution, a sum equal to 5% (five per cent) of the total fee shall be deducted. In the case of a
second substitution hereunder, such deduction shall be 10% (ten per cent). Any further substitution
may lead to disqualification of the Applicant or termination of the Agreement. However, MPTB
reserves the right to waive such charges.


7.1 Eligibility Criteria for the Consultancy Firm or Lead Member in case of JV

Criteria Supporting Document

1 The Firm / Agency should be a registered 1. Certificate of Incorporation / Registration
Company /Partnership firm/LLP/ 2. Pan Card
Proprietorship firm as prescribed under 3. GST
Indian Govt. Laws with minimum 3 years of As per Annexure III
2 The Firm / Agency should have Average Statutory auditor / CA Certified Audited
Annual Turnover of Rs. 01.00 Cr. or above Balance Sheets and Profit & Loss Statements
during the financial years 2018-19, 2019-20 for the financial years 2018-19, 2019-20 and
and 2020-21. 2020-21 as per Annexure V
3 Relevant experience in assisting Work order/ LoA/ Agreement
government agencies/ department at and
center/state level in preparation of at least Completion certificate - As per Form TECH-1.
one Regional Plan/Master Plan/Zonal
Plan/Smart City Plan/Tourism Master
Plan/Zonal Master Plan for Eco Sensitive
Zone projects with consultancy fee (project
fee) of a single project to be minimum of
INR 20 Lacs
4 Bidder Declaration As per Annexure IV

7.2: Eligibility Criteria for Partner Firm only in case of JV

S.No. Criteria Supporting Document

1 The Firm / Agency should be a registered 1. Certificate of Incorporation / Registration
Company /Partnership firm/LLP/ 2. Pan Card
Proprietorship firm as prescribed under 3. GST
Indian Govt. Laws with minimum 3 years of As per Annexure IIIA
2 Experience in preparation of atleast one Work order/ LoA/ Agreement
Regional Plan/ Master Plan/Zonal and
Plan/Smart City Plan/Tourism Master Completion certificate-As per Form TECH-1A
Plan/Zonal Master Plan for Eco Sensitive
Zone for government agencies
3 Financial Status Statutory auditor / CA Certified Balance
Sheets and Profit& Loss Statements for the
financial years 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-
21 as per Annexure VA

Note - Consultant having existing registered/branch/project office in Madhya Pradesh can operate
from their respective registered/branch/project office in Madhya Pradesh. Such Consultant who
does not have any registered/branch/project office in Madhya Pradesh will be required to setup

their office in Madhya Pradesh once awarded the work (Rent agreement to be submitted within
one month from the issue of work order)


Bids for only those bidders who meet the above Eligibility criteria will only be considered further
for Technical evaluation. The Following criteria will be used for technical scoring of the bidder.

Sr. Heading Criteria for point allotment Documents Max.

No. required Points
1 Firm’s Relevant experience in assisting government Work order/ LoA/ 30
Experience agencies/ department at center/state level Agreement
(30 marks) in preparation of at least one Regional and
As per Form Plan/Master Plan/Zonal Plan/Smart City Completion
TECH 1 Plan/ Tourism Master Plan projects with certificate for
consultancy fee (project fee) of a single each project
project to be minimum of INR 20 Lacs
 Each project shall carry a weightage of 5
marks, maximum 5 projects allowed with
25 marks
 Experience of working on Zonal Master
Plan for Eco Sensitive Zone – 5 marks
2 Firm’s Office Company having registered office in Madhya Rent agreement 5
(5 marks) Pradesh or any one of the partner firm in
case of JV having registered office in Madhya
3 Approach  Technical Presentation on the approach 30
and and methodology
(30 marks)
As per Form
4 Project Team 1. Senior Urban Planner (Team Leader) Curriculum Vitae, 10
(25 marks)  Master’s degree in Planning with Education
As per Form more than 8 years of experience Qualification
TECH 2.  Experience of handling planning projects certificates/
such as Development Plans/Tourism degrees and
Plans/Regional Plans etc Experience
 Experience of managing at least 3
tourism project
2. Urban Planner Curriculum Vitae, 4
 Bachelor’s in Architecture and Master’s Education
Degree in Qualification
Conservation/Planning/Marketing/Busin certificates/
ess Management with more than 5 years degrees and
of experience Experience
 Architectural experience including certificates
review of master plans, design
drawings, working drawings and DPR.
 Experience of relevant projects
3. Forest Expert Curriculum Vitae, 3
 Retired Forest Officer/ person having Education

Sr. Heading Criteria for point allotment Documents Max.
No. required Points
relevant qualification and experience in Qualification
forestry/forest law certificates/
degrees and
6. Environment Expert Curriculum Vitae, 3
 Master’s degree (M-Plan/M- Education
Tech/M.E./M.Sc) with specialization in Qualification
Environment with atleast 5 years of certificates/
experience degrees and
7. GIS Expert Curriculum Vitae, 5
 Post graduate Diploma/Degree in Geo Education
Informatics/Remote Sensing with at least Qualification
5 years of experience in base map certificates/
preparation, developing and managing degrees and
geo databases Experience
5 Financial Average turnover for the financial years Balance sheet 3
Turnover 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21 of the Bidder for the financial
(10 marks) or Lead Firm in case of JV is 1-5 Cr year 2018-19,
As per 2019-20 and
Annexure V Average turnover for the financial years 5
2020-21 will be
2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21 of the Bidder
seen. UDIN
or Lead Firm in case of JV is 5-10 Cr
generated CA
Average turnover for the financial years certificate for 10
2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21 of the Bidder turnover for all
or Lead Firm in case of JV is >10Cr the mentioned
financial years
would be


Note: (1) All relevant proof documents are to be attached for all the above-mentioned
criterias under Clause 6, 7 and 8.
(2) Curriculum Vitae (CV), education qualification certificates/ degrees and
experience certificates of all the team members and affidavit of the team members
who are not in payroll are to be attached.
(3) Other subject matter experts which are essential for preparation of
nomination dossier apart from suggested team may be hired on part
time basis or as per requirement.

The document can be downloaded from Government of Madhya Pradesh e- Procurement Portal:
www.mptenders.gov.in , the bidder will have to submit the Tender Fee of Rs. 5,000 + GST @
18% - Total Rs 5900/- (Rupees Five Thousand Nine Hundred only) online only , to purchase
the tender.


10.1 The Bidder shall furnish, as part of its Bid, an Earnest Money Deposit (EMD equivalent to an
amount of Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh only) Online only.

10.2 Any Bid not accompanied by the EMD shall be summarily rejected by MPTB as non-

10.3 The EMD of unsuccessful Bidders will be returned promptly without any interest, but not
later than 180 days from the bid due date , except in the case of the successful bidder whose EMD
shall be returned to Bidder after successful completion of the project without any interest.

10.4 The EMD shall be forfeited as Damages without prejudice to any other right or remedy that
may be available to MPTB under the Bidding Documents and/ or under the Agreement, or
otherwise, under the following conditions:

a) If the Bidder withdraws its Bid during the Bid Validity Period as specified in this tender
and as extended by mutual consent of the respective Bidder(s) and MPTB;

b) If the Bidder submits 12a conditional Bid which would affect unfairly the competitive
position of other Bidders who submitted substantially responsive Bids.
c) If a Bidder engages in a corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice,
undesirable practice or restrictive practice;
d) In the case of the Preferred Bidder, if the Bidder fails within the specified time limit to:
i) To sign and return the duplicate copy of LOI;
ii) To furnish the required Performance Security
iii) Sign the Agreement.
e) Any other conditions, with respect to the Preferred Bidder, for which forfeiture of Bid
Security has been provided under this tender

(i) The successful bidder shall submit a performance security equal to 10% (Ten percent)
of the Consultancy Fees for entire two years contract period quoted in financial
proposal FORM 1. The performance security shall be in the form of a Bank Guarantee
from a Nationalized or Scheduled bank / FDR / Demand Draft drawn in favour of
Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board.
(ii) The successful bidder has to deposit performance security prior to signing of contract
(iii) The Performance Security shall be returned to the Bidder after successful completion
of the Project without any interest.

(iv) In case of non-performance or un-successful completion of project by the Bidder,
MPTB may forfeit part of or complete Performance Security.

(v) Validity of the Bank guarantee shall be atleast till more than 6 months of completion
of the project.


12.1 The Bidder shall prepare one copy of the documents comprising the Bid as described in
the tender. The Bidder bidding for the project has to submit Technical Bids along with all
relevant required documents online only.

12.2 The Bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by a person or
persons duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Bidder.

12.3 The Bid shall contain no alterations, omissions or additions, except those to comply with
instructions issued by MPTB, or as necessary to correct errors made by the Bidder, in such
case all such corrections shall be initialed by the person or persons authorized to sign the
Bid, provided that a written notice is given to MPTB for such alteration omission or
additions. No additions, alteration, omissions shall be allowed on or after the bid close

12.4 The Bid document shall be in serial number and properly arranged.


The Bidder shall submit the Bid as below:
13.1 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA documents (online and offline both) – As per Annexure III/IIIA,
Annexure IV, Annexure V/VA, Form Tech-1/Form Tech-1A. Hard copies are to be submitted to
1.2 TECHNICAL BID (online and offline both) – As per Annexure I, Annexure II, Annexure VI,
Annexure VII, Form Tech-1/Form Tech-1A, Form Tech – 2 and Form Tech-3 enclosed in this
RFP document. Hard copies are to be submitted to MPTB.
1.3 FINANCIAL BID (Online Only) – As per FIN FORMS 1 enclosed in this RFP document.


14.1 MPTB will open all the Bids received (except those received late) containing the Technical
Bid and announce the names of (i) Bidders, who have given notice for withdrawal of their
Bids in the presence of Bidders or their representatives who choose to attend on the date
and time mentioned in the tender . In the event of specified date of Bid opening being
declared as a holiday for MPTB, the Technical Bid will be opened at the appointed time and
location on the next working day.

14.2 Bids for which acceptable notice of withdrawal has been submitted shall not be opened
and shall be returned.

14.3 Eligible Bid of other Bidders shall then be opened. Bidder’s names, the presence/or absence
of EMD, the amount and validity of EMD furnished with each Bid and such other details, as
MPTB may consider appropriate will be announced by MPTB at the opening.

13.4 The Bidders or their representatives who are present shall sign attendance sheet evidencing
their attendance.

14.5 The Technical Bid and Financial Bid shall not be opened at this stage.


15.1. Test of Responsiveness- Prior to evaluation of Bids, MPTB shall determine whether each
bid is responsive to the requirements of the tender. A bid shall be considered responsive
only if;
a) it is received in as per the formats provided in the tender

b) it is received within the Bid due date including any extension there of
c) it is duly signed, and marked as stipulated in the tender
d) it is accompanied by EMD as stipulated specified in this tender
e) it is accompanied by the Power of Attorney as specified in the tender
f) it contains all the information and documents (complete in all respect) as required in
the tender and/or bidding document (in the same format as specified)
g) it does not contain any conditions or qualifications, and
h) it is non-responsive thereof;
i) it contains certificates from its statutory auditors in the formats as specified
15.2 The Eligibility of Bid will further be examined to determine whether the Bid has been
properly signed, meets the eligibility and qualification criteria in terms hereof, has the
required financial capabilities as set out in this tender, is accompanied by the requisite
certificates, undertaking and other relevant information specified in this tender document
and is substantially responsive to the requirement of the Bidding Documents and provides
any clarification for ascertaining the correctness of the information/details that MPTB
may require.

15.3 If the Eligibility of Bid of any Bidder is not substantially responsive, the Bid of such Bidder
will be rejected by MPTB and the Bidder will not subsequently be allowed to make its Bid
responsive by correction or modification or withdrawal of the non-conforming deviation
or reservation.

15.4 MPTB shall inform, by mail, the Bidders, whose Bid is found to be responsive and who are
short listed based on qualification criteria as detailed out in the tender, the date, time and
place for presentation. .


16.1 To assist in the examination and evaluation of Bids, MPTB may, at its discretion, ask any
Bidder for authentication the correctness of the information/details furnished by him in
his Bid. Such request by MPTB and the response by Bidder shall be in writing or by mail,
but no change in the price or substance of the Bid shall be sought, offered or permitted

except as required to confirm the correction of arithmetical errors discovered by MPTB in
the evaluation of the Bids.

16.2 Subject to Clause 10, No Bidders shall contact MPTB on any matter relating to his Bid from
the time of Bid opening to the time contract is awarded.

16.3 Any effort by the Bidder to influence MPTB in MPTB’s Bid evaluation, Bid comparison or
contract award decisions may result in the rejection of his Bid.

Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation and recommendation for the
Bidders shall not be disclosed to any person who is not officially concerned with the process or is
not a retained professional advisor advising MPTB in relation to or matters arising out of, or
concerning the Bidding Process. MPTB will treat all information, submitted as part of the Bid, in
confidence and will require all those who have access to such material to treat the same in
confidence. MPTB may not divulge any such information unless it is directed to do so by any
statutory entity that has the power under law to require its disclosure or is to enforce or assert
any right or privilege of the statutory entity and/ or MPTB or as may be required by law or in
connection with any legal process.

18.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of tender, MPTB may, for any reason,
whatsoever at its own initiative or in response to clarifications requested by Bidder,
modify the tender by the issuance of Addenda.
18.2 Any Addendum thus issued will be uploaded on site of www.mpeproc.gov.in. All such
amendments/addendum will become part of the bidding document.
18.3 In order to afford the Bidders a reasonable time for taking an Addendum into account, or
for any other reason, MPTB may, at its own discretion, extend the Bid Due Date.

Notwithstanding anything contained in Clause 17, MPTB reserves the right to accept or reject any
Bid and to annul the Bidding process and reject all Bids, at any time prior to award of contract,
without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders or any obligation to
inform the affected Bidder or Bidders of the grounds for MPTB's action.


The Bid shall be valid for a period of 2 years from the bid due date.


MPTB has adopted a Single-Stage, Three steps bidding process (collectively referred to as the
“Bidding Process”) for selection of the bidder for award of the Project assignment. The first stage
of the evaluation (the “Qualification/ Eligibility Proposal Stage”) of the process involves
Qualification (Financial Capability and Experience) of interested parties (the “Bidder”), in
accordance with the provisions of this RFP.

At the end of first step, the will announce a list of all pre- qualified Bidders who are qualified and
eligible for evaluation in the Second step (The Technical Proposal Stage). .
The Bidder will be selected on the basis of QCBS (Quality and Cost Based Selection) Method which
is outlined below.

21.1 Committee appointed by MPTB shall evaluate the Technical Proposals according to Technical
Evaluation Criteria as per Clause No. 8

21.2 The Evaluation Committee shall evaluate the Technical Proposals on the basis of
responsiveness to the Terms of Reference, applying the evaluation criteria, sub-criteria,
and point system specified in the tender. Each responsive Proposal will be given a
technical score (St). A Proposal shall be rejected at this stage if it does not respond to
important aspects of the tender and particularly the Terms of Reference or if it fails to
achieve the minimum technical score indicated in the RFP.

21.3 MPTB/Evaluation Committee shall evaluate each technical proposal taking into account
several criteria as detailed earlier in this RFP. Each proposal shall be marked on a scale of
1 to 100. Then the total points shall be weighted to become scores.

At the end of the second step, MPTB will declare list of technically qualified bidders with
Technical Score for each bidder out of 100 marks as per this RFP.

The points and the criterion have been specified in the tender.

21.4 The ratio of weight towards quality and cost shall be 70: 30. The bidders are required to
score minimum 70 technical points out of 100 to qualify for opening of financial proposal.

21.5 On the basis of technical assessment which includes presentation, the financial bids of
technically qualified bidders shall be opened. Time and date shall be informed to
technically qualified bidders (Bidders with minimum 70 technical score) by MPTB by

21.6 Bids received for all 6 clusters shall be opened according to sequence mentioned as cluster
1, cluster 2 and so on. Firm/consultant getting highest score in any cluster will be
considered non responsive for other clusters.


22.1 After the technical evaluation (quality) is completed, MPTB shall notify the agencies that
have secured the minimum qualifying mark. The date, time and place set for opening the financial
proposals shall be informed to the Eligible Bidders by MPTB, to enable the agencies to attend the
opening of the financial proposals.

22.2 Those agencies whose proposals did not meet the minimum qualifying mark or were
considered non-responsive to the tender shall not be informed separately by MPTB regarding
their disqualification.

22.3 The financial proposals shall be opened Online only.

The proposal with the lowest cost (Fm) shall be given financial score (Sf) of 100 points.

The financial scores of other proposals should be computed as follows:

Sf = 100 x Fm/F
Where F= amount of financial proposal

Combined Quality and Cost Evaluation

The total score shall be obtained by weighting the combined quality/technical and cost scores and
adding them, as follows:

S = St x Tw + Sf x Fw

Where S = total score

St = combined technical score

Sf = combined financial score

Tw= weight assigned to technical score i.e. 0.7

Fw= weight assigned to financial score i.e. 0.3

The bidder shall be the successful bidder having the highest score. In the event two or more
bidder have same score in the final ranking, the bidder with higher/highest technical score shall
be considered as successful bidder. In the case two or more bidder have same score in the final
ranking and technical score , the bidder with higher/ highest turnover in preceding year shall be
considered as successful bidder

The firm obtaining the highest total score shall be the successful agency.

After selection, a Letter of Intent (the “LOI”) shall be issued, in duplicate, by MPTB to the selected
bidder. The Selected bidder shall, within 7 (seven) days of the receipt of the LOI, sign and return
the duplicate copy of the LOI in acknowledgement thereof. In the event the duplicate copy of the
LOI duly signed by the Agency is not received within the stipulated date, MPTB may, unless it
consents to extension of time for submission thereof, appropriate the EMD of such Bidder as loss
and damage suffered by MPTB on account of failure of the Agency to acknowledge the LOI, and
MPTB may initiate the bidding process again for the other Qualified Bidders or may annul the
bidding process and take steps to start a fresh bidding process.
After acknowledgement of the LOI as aforesaid by the Agency, it shall cause the Bidder to execute
the Agreement. The RFP and response to queries received at Pre-Bid Meeting shall form part the
agreement. The Agency shall not be entitled to seek any deviation, modification or amendment in
the Agreement.

Note: Separate work orders shall be issued for each of the ESZs within a given cluster

Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation and recommendation for the
Bidders shall not be disclosed to any person who is not officially concerned with the process or is
not a retained professional advisor advising MPTB in relation to or matters arising out of, or
concerning the Bidding Process. MPTB will treat all information, submitted as part of the Bid, in
confidence and will require all those who have access to such material to treat the same in
confidence. MPTB may not divulge any such information unless it is directed to do so by any
statutory entity that has the power under law to require its disclosure or is to enforce or assert

any right or privilege of the statutory entity and/ or MPTB or as may be required by law or in
connection with any legal process.


25.1 Number of Proposals and respondents
1. Any Consultant can participate in tender for more than one Cluster. For first tender
submission One Technical and One Financial Proposal shall be submitted along with EMD
and Tender Purchase Fee. If a Consultant wants to participate in more than one tender,
copy of receipt of EMD and Tender Fee submitted during first tender shall be submitted.
EMD and Tender Fee would be required to be submitted by the Consultant ONLY onetime,
even if the Consultant participates in tender for more than one Cluster.
2. The RFP is nontransferable and Proposals shall be submitted only by the respective
Applicants to whom the RFP has been issued by MPTB.
3. Consortium/Joint Venture shall be allowed under this RFP.
25.2 Proposal Preparation Cost
1. The Applicants shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the
Proposal. MPTB will not be responsible and liable for any costs, regardless of the conduct
or outcome of the Proposal/process.
2. All papers submitted with the Proposal are neither returnable nor claimable.
25.3 Language and currency
1 The Proposal and all related correspondence and documents should be written in the English
language. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the Applicants with the
Proposal may be in any other language provided that they are accompanied by appropriate
translations of the pertinent passages in the English language. Supporting materials, which are
not translated into English, may not be considered for evaluation. For the purpose of
interpretation and evaluation of the Proposal, the English language translation shall prevail.
2 The currency for the purpose of the Proposal shall be the Indian National Rupee (INR).
25.4 Force Majeure:
An event of “Force Majeure” shall mean the following events or circumstances, to the extent that
they delay or otherwise adversely affect the performance beyond the reasonable control of
Consultant / agency, or its agents and contractors, or their duties and obligations under this
Agreement, or the performance by MPTB of their respective duties and obligations under this

a) Acts of God, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, sinkholes, fires and other casualties, landslides,
earthquakes, epidemics, quarantine, pestilence, and/or abnormal inclement weather;
b) Acts of a public enemy, acts of war, terrorism, effects of nuclear radiation, blockages,
insurrections, riots, civil disturbances, or national or international calamities; and
c) Any temporary restraining order, preliminary injunction or permanent injunction, unless
based in whole or in part on the actions or failure to act of SECOND PARTY.

a) In case due to any event or situation arises during execution, it is realized that any
component of the scope of the works cannot be implemented or there is delay in
completion of the same, the MPTB may delete or differ such component. However the
remaining part of the content shall remain unaffected.
b) It is mutually agreed between MPTB and the consultant that the aggregate liability of the
consultant shall be limited to fees paid for services under this contract.

i) In case of any unavoidable circumstances or change in government policies which may
prevent to go ahead with the project, MPTB may terminate the entire agreement or any
part of the agreement without paying any compensation to the Bidder. However MPTB will
make the payment –up to the stage as per time line up to which the bidder has completed
the work and submitted its report (Ref. clause 5 table 2)
ii) Either party may terminate the contract for breach or any condition of this contract.
However, party claiming the breach shall first issue a notice in writing to the other party
specifying the breach. If the party to whom such notice is send fails to rectify the breach
within 30 days of such notice, the contract can be terminated by the party which issued the

28.1. In case of any dispute the parties will attempt in good faith to resolve any dispute initially
through negotiations. If dispute cannot be settled amicably within 14 days from the date on
which either party has served written notice on the other party of the dispute, then the
dispute shall be resolved as per clause 28.2 and 28.3 here under.
28.2. In the event of a dispute between the parties which could not be amicably resolved, the
aggrieved party shall refer the dispute to be resolved by arbitration.
28.3. The arbitral proceedings shall be as per the provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act.1996
28.4. The Arbitration should be done by a sole Arbitrator appointed as per terms of the 1996 Act.
The place of Arbitration shall be Jabalpur, where the principal seat of high court of MP is


The contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with laws of India. Subject to clause
28 any dispute arising out of this contract or services shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of
M.P. courts.


Annexure I: Bidder Cover Letter


The Managing Director
Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board
6th Floor, Lily Trade Wing (above D Mart),
Jehangirabad, Bhopal – 462008
Madhya Pradesh, India

Sub: - Application & bid for the project -RFP for Preparation of Zonal Master Plans for Eco
Sensitive Zones listed in Cluster 5 of Madhya Pradesh
Dear Sir,
Being duly bidder to represent and act on behalf of _________________ (hereinafter referred as
the "Bidder"), and having reviewed and fully understood all of the qualification requirements and
information provided, the undersigned hereby expresses its interest and apply for qualification for
undertaking RFP for Preparation of Zonal Master Plans for Eco Sensitive Zones listed in Cluster 5
of Madhya Pradesh. We are enclosing our Bid, in conformity with the terms of the tender, and
furnishing the details as per the requirements of the Bid Document, for your evaluation.
The undersigned hereby also declares that the statements made and the information provided in
the Proposal is complete, true and correct in every detail.

We confirm that the application is valid for a period of 180 days from the due date of submission
of application and is unconditional.

We hereby also confirm the following:

1. The Proposal is being submitted by M/s _______[…] (name of the Bidder, in accordance
with the conditions stipulated in the tender .

2. We have examined in detail and have understood the terms and conditions stipulated in
the tender Document issued by MPTB and in any subsequent communication sent by

3. We agree and undertake to abide by all these terms and conditions. Our Proposal is
consistent with all the requirements of submission as stated in the tender or in any of the
subsequent communications from MPTB

4. The information submitted in our Proposal is complete, is strictly as per the requirements
stipulated in the RFP, and is correct to the best of our knowledge and understanding. We
would be solely responsible for any errors or omissions in our Proposal.

5. We confirm that we have studied the provisions of the relevant Indian laws and
regulations required to enable us to prepare and submit this Proposal for undertaking the
Project, in the event that we are selected as the Preferred Bidder.

6. I/ We declare that:

A. I/ We have examined and have no reservations to the Bidding Documents, including
any Addendum issued by MPTB; and

B. I/ We do not have any conflict of interest in accordance with the tender document; and

C. I/We have not directly or indirectly or through an agent engaged or indulged in any
corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive
practice, as defined in the tender document, in respect of any tender or request for
proposal issued by or any agreement entered into with MPTB or any other public sector
enterprise or any government, Central or State; and

7. I hereby certify that we have taken steps to ensure that in conformity with the provisions
of the tender , no person acting for us or on our behalf has engaged or will engage in any
corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive

8. I/ We understand that you may cancel the Bidding Process at any time and that you are
neither bound to accept any Bid that you may receive nor to invite the Bidders to Bid for
the Project, without incurring any liability to the Bidders

9. I further certify that in regard to matters relating to security and integrity of the country,
we, have not been convicted by any Court of Law or indicted or adverse orders passed by
the regulatory authority which could cast a doubt on our ability to undertake the Project
or which relates to a grave offence that outrages the moral sense of community.

10. I further certify that in regards to matters relating to security and integrity of the country,
we have not been charge-sheeted by any agency of the Government or convicted by the
Court of Law.

11. I further certify that no investigation by a regulatory authority is pending either against us
or against our Associates or against our CEO or any of our Directors/ Managers/

12.I hereby irrevocably waive any right which we may have at any stage at law or howsoever
otherwise arising to challenge or question any decision taken by MPTB in connection with
the selection of the Bidders, or in connection with the Bidding Process itself, in respect of
the above mentioned Project and the terms and implementation thereof.

13.In the event of me being declared as the Preferred Bidder, I agree to enter into
Agreement. We agree not to seek any changes in the aforesaid draft and agree to abide
by the same.

14.The amount has been quoted by me/ after taking into consideration all the terms and
conditions stated in the tender, our own estimates of costs and after a careful assessment
of the identified locations of the proposed Centers and all the conditions that may affect
the Bid.

15.I agree and understand that the Bid is subject to the provisions of the Bidding Documents.
In no case, I shall have any claim or right of whatsoever nature if the Project /
Authorization is not awarded to me or our Bid is not opened or rejected
16.I agree and undertake to abide by all the terms and conditions of the tender document
which inter alia includes furnishing of the Performance Security to MPTB in the manner
provided in respect thereof in the RFP.

17.We confirm that all the terms and conditions of the Proposal are firm and valid for
acceptance for a period of 180 days from the Proposal Due Date.

18.I/we offer an Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs 1,00,000 (One lakh Rupees Only) online
for Cluster 5/copy of receipt of EMD submitted for Cluster No. _____________

19. I agree and undertake to abide by all the terms and conditions of the tender document.
In witness thereof, I submit this Bid under and in accordance with the terms of the tender

Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely,

Date: _____________


For and on behalf of: (name of the Bidder and the Company Seal)

Signature: (Bidder Representative & Signatory)

Name of the Person:


Annexure II: Checklist of Submissions

S. Enclosures to the Technical & Price Bid Status (Submitted/Not Comments,

No Submitted) if any

1 Seal Signed copy of Tender

2 Tender Purchase Fee

3 Bid Covering Letter – Annexure I

4 Details of Bidder - Annexure III and

Annexure IIIA incase of JV
Technical Capacity (Experience) of the
bidder. (proof to be attached) – As per
Qualification requirements
5 Declaration by Bidder – Annexure IV

6 Turnover (Financial Capacity) of the bidder

– Annexure V and Annexure VA (in case of
7 Statement of Legal Capacity – Annexure 6

8 Power of Attorney for signing of Bid –

Annexure 7
9 Firm’s Experience – Form TECH 1/Form
10 CV’s of Proposed staff – Form TECH 2

11 Approach and Methodology for the

proposed assignment - Form TECH 3
12 Price / Financial bid – Form FIN 1

Annexure III: Details of Bidder or Lead Firm in case of JV

1. Name of the Organization

2. Name of the authorized person
3. Address & contact Numbers
4. Email ID
5. Year of establishment
6. Status of the firm (whether Pvt Ltd
company/ Public Ltd. Company/
partnership firm/ Proprietary)
7. Names of Directors/
8. Whether registered with registrar of
companies/ firms/ any Indian Govt.
Law – mention number and date with
9. Whether assessee of Income tax payee.
Mention PAN, furnish copy of last
income tax return.
10. Name and Address of Bankers
11. Whether empaneled with other
Government organizations. If so, give
names of organizations with the details
of supply.
12. 3 years Annual Turnover (Furnished (2018-19)-
copy of CA Certified Audited Balance (2019-20)-
Sheets) (2020-21)-

13. GST details

14. Any other Information




Affix Company seal

Note: Please attach relevant documents duly attested for proof.

Annexure IIIA: Details of Bidder (For Partner Firm in case of Joint Venture)

1. Name of the Organization

2. Name of the authorized person

3. Address & contact Numbers

4. Year of establishment

5. Status of the firm (whether Pvt. Ltd

company/ Public Ltd. Company/
partnership firm/Proprietary/ Limited
Liability Partnership etc )
7. PAN details

8. GST details

9. Registration details

10. Any other Information




Affix Company seal

Note: Please attach relevant documents duly attested for proof.


1. I / We have read the instructions appended to the Performa and I/We understand that if any
false information is detected at a later date, any contract made between ourselves and MPTB
on the basis of the information given by me/us can be treated as invalid by MPTB and I / We
will be solely responsible for the consequences.

2. I/We agree that the decision of MPTB in selection of consultant will be final and binding to

3. All the information furnished by me/us above here is correct to the best of my/our knowledge
and belief.

4. I / We agree that I / We have no objection if enquiries are made about the work listed by
me / us here in above and/or in the accompanying sheets.



Name & Designation & seal of the Company

Annexure V: Financial Capacity of the Bidder or Lead Firm in case of JV

Year Name of the Bidder Annual Turnover for three mentioned Financial
Years (Rs. In Lakhs)





1. Audited report of the balance sheet of the financial years 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21 of the
Bidder. The financial statements shall:

a) Reflect the financial situation of the Bidder and its Associates where the Bidder is relying on its
Associate’s financials;

b) be audited by a statutory auditor;

c) be complete, including all notes to the financial statements; and

d) correspond to accounting periods already completed and audited (no statements for partial
periods shall be requested or accepted).

2. UDIN generated CA certificate for turnover for all the above-mentioned financial years would be

Annexure VA: Financial Capacity of the Partner Firm in-case of JV

Year Name of the Bidder Annual Turnover for three mentioned Financial
Years (Rs. In Lakhs)




1. Certified balance sheet of the financial years 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21 of the Partner
Firm in case of JV.

2. UDIN generated CA certificate for turnover for all the above-mentioned financial years
would be required.

Annexure VI: Statement of Legal Capacity
(To be forwarded on the letterhead of the Bidder)

Ref. Date:

The Managing Director
Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board
Bhopal – 462003
Madhya Pradesh, India

Sub: the RFP for Preparation of Zonal Master Plans for Eco Sensitive Zones listed in Cluster 5 of
Madhya Pradesh

Dear Sir,
We hereby confirm that we satisfy the terms and conditions laid out in the tender document.

We have agreed that ______________ (insert individual’s name) will act as our representative
and has been duly bidder to submit the tender.

Further, the bidder signatory is vested with requisite powers to furnish such letter and
authenticate the same.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

For and on behalf of

Bidder signatory

Annexure VII: Power of Attorney for signing of Application
Know all men by these presents, We___________________________________ (name of the firm
and address of the registered office) do hereby irrevocably constitute, nominate, appoint and
bidder Mr./ Ms (name), __________________ son/daughter/wife of
__________________________and presently residing at __________________, who is [presently
employed with us and holding the position of _________________________], as our true and
lawful attorney (hereinafter referred to as the “Attorney”) to do in our name and on our behalf,
all such acts, deeds and things as are necessary or required in connection with or incidental to
submission of our Bid for the ***** Project[s] proposed or being developed by the ***** (the
“MPTB”) including but not limited to signing and submission of all applications, bids and other
documents and writings, participate in Pre-Applications and other conferences and providing
information/ responses to MPTB, representing us in all matters before MPTB, signing and
execution of all contracts including the Authorization Agreement and undertakings consequent to
acceptance of our bid, and generally dealing with MPTB in all matters in connection with or
relating to or arising out of our bid for the said Project and/ or upon award thereof to us and/or
till the entering into of the Authorization Agreement with MPTB.

AND we hereby agree to ratify and confirm and do hereby ratify and confirm all acts, deeds and
things lawfully done or caused to be done by our said Attorney pursuant to and in exercise of the
powers conferred by this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our said
Attorney in exercise of the powers hereby conferred shall and shall always be deemed to have
been done by us.



For ---------------------------


(Name, Title and Address)


1 1. [Notarized]

2 Accepted


(Name, Title and Address of the Attorney)


The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the procedure, if
any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executants(s) and when it
is so required, the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the required

Also, wherever required, the Bidder should submit for verification the extract of the charter
documents and documents such as a resolution/ power of attorney in favor of the person
executing this Power of Attorney for the delegation of power hereunder on behalf of the Bidder.

For a Power of Attorney executed and issued overseas, the document will also have to be legalized
by the Indian Embassy and notarized in the jurisdiction where the Power of Attorney is being

Annexure VIII: Draft MoA between MPTB and the consultancy firm

This agreement made at Bhopal on this day of ………………………2022.

Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board (MPTB) a company incorporated under The Companies
Act, 2013, having its Registered Office at 6th Floor Lily Trade Wing, Jahangirabad, Bhopal,
Madhya Pradesh, India here-in-after called the FIRST PARTY or MPTB (Which expression
shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the context include its successors in office and
assigns) of the FIRST PARTY through its authorized signatory
………………………………………, a company incorporated under The Companies Act 1956,
having its registered office at……………………………………, India here-in-after referred to as the
SECOND PARTY or AGENCY or CONSULTANT(which expression shall unless
excluded by or repugnant to the context include its successors in office and assigns) of the
OTHER PART through its authorized signatory Mr/Ms …………………………………………..
The MPTB and agency shall individually be referred to as party and collectively be referred
to as parties.

Where As:
a. FIRST PARTY had invited proposals vide Tender Notice No-
…………………………………. and System No. …………. Dated ………………… (as
listed out in appendix 'A' and schedule 1), for "Preparation of Zonal Master Plan of Eco
sensitive Zones of National Parks/Sanctuaries of Madhya Pradesh listed in Cluster-5"
for selection of an Agency for the aforesaid project subject to and on the terms and
conditions contained in the RFP document.
b. After evaluation of the Bids so received, FIRST PARTY had accepted the Bid of "
…………………………….. " a company and issued Letter of Intent No.:
……………………., dated ……………………. (as listed out in appendix 'C' and schedule
6), to it and received a confirmation from the agency.
c. Now this agreement is being executed & is to be effective from _________________ 2022



1. Subject matter of Agreement.

1.1 "Preparation of Zonal Master Plan of Eco sensitive Zones of National
Parks/Sanctuaries of Madhya Pradesh as listed in Cluster-5”.
2. The First Party shall be responsible for the following:
2.1 The first party shall be responsible as per the RFP Document along with pre-
bid query response and addendum issued regarding bid.
3. The Second Party shall be responsible for the following:
3.1 The second party shall be responsible for work mentioned under clause no 4
“Scope of work and deliverables” of this agreement and also as per the RFP
document along with Prebid query response and addendum issued regarding
4. Scope of work and deliverables.
4.1 Zonal Master Plan – Eco Sensitive Zone.
Zonal Master Plan for the eco-sensitive zone has to be prepared by the State
Government within a period of two years from the date of last notification
issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India. The
zonal master plan should provide for restoration of denuded areas, conservation
of existing water bodies, management of catchment areas, soil and moisture

conservation, needs of local community, etc, which needs attention. It should
also demarcate all the existing and proposed urban settlements, village
settlements, types and kinds of forest, agricultural areas, green areas,
horticultural areas, lakes, etc. No change of land use from green uses shall be
permitted in the zonal master plan except limited conversion of agricultural
lands to meet the residential needs of the existing local residents, improvement
of roads and bridges, community buildings, without the prior approval of the
state government. Pending preparation of the master plan and approval thereof
by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, all new constructions can be
allowed only after it is approved by the Monitoring Committee constituted by
the Central Government.
The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the
Consultant in such a manner as is specified in the Gazette notifications issued by
Ministry of Environment and Forests for each of the identified Eco Sensitive
Zones (as per Table 1 of RFP) and also in consonance with the relevant Central
and State laws and the guidelines issued by the Central Government, if any.
Such Eco Sensitive Zones which are yet to be notified by Ministry of
Environment and Forests shall be bound to follow all the provisions of the
gazette notification whenever they get notified.
4.2 Identification of Clusters
Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board has selected Consultant for the preparation of
Zonal Master Plan on CLUSTER BASIS. The 27 identified ESZs are divided
into 6 clusters for the purpose of Zonal Master Plan preparation. The list of
identified ESZs with Clusters -5 are given below:

Name of the Cluster ESZs within the Cluster

Cluster 5 (Madhav Cluster) Madhav National Park, Orchha Wildlife Sanctuary, Kuno Palpur
Wildlife Sanctuary, Ghatigaon- Hukna Wildlife Sanctuary and
National Chambal Wildlife Sanctuary

The Sub-Zonal Master Plan for such Eco Sensitive Areas which are part of municipal
area shall be prepared by concerned Urban Local Body or State Town Planning
Department as per the prevailing norms/practice laid out by MoEF. The Sub-Zonal
Master Plan for rest of the ESZ (apart from Municipal Area) shall be prepared by the
4.3 Preparation of Zonal Master Plan
h) Consultant shall prepare the Zonal Master Plans for the Eco Sensitive Zones in the
identified Cluster in close coordination with the following departments:
11. Environment and State Pollution Control Board.
12. Forest, Wildlife and Eco Tourism.
13. Tourism Department, Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board and Madhya Pradesh
State Tourism Development Corporation.
14. Urban Development Department and concerning Urban Local Bodies.
15. Town and Country Planning Department.
16. Revenue Department.
17. Agriculture and Horticulture Department.
18. Water Resource Department and Narmada Valley Development Department.
19. Public Works Department.
20. Panchayat and Rural Development Department.
i) The Consultant shall take inputs from each of the identified departments along
with other stakeholders such as other related government departments, private
investors/private institutions/hoteliers etc and compile a Zonal Master Plan for the
entire Eco-sensitive Zone.
j) The language of the documentation and reporting shall be in English.
k) Zonal/Sub-Zonal Master Plans shall be prepared as per the provisions of applicable
Eco Sensitive Zone Gazette Notification (Refer Table 1 of pre-bid clarifications)
issued by Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India, New Delhi in
consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by
the Central Government, if any.
l) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared without violating any of the provisions of
the Wildlife Protection Act 1972 as amended from time to time and the
Biodiversity Conservation Act as amended from time to time and guidelines issued
by statutory bodies such as the National Tiger Conservation Authority.
m) The above work shall be completed as per schedule of work mentioned in Scope of
Work. The main works to be taken up by the Consultant for preparation of Zonal
and Sub-Zonal Master Plans for eco-sensitive zone shall be as below in 4.4

4.4 General Scope of Work for Preparation of Zonal Master Plans for the Eco-
sensitive Zones.
(* General scope of work may vary slightly for individual Eco Sensitive
Zones for which applicable gazette notification issued by Ministry of
Environment and Forest shall be referred)

The Zonal Master Plans for the identified Eco Sensitive Zones in given Cluster
shall cover every aspect mentioned in applicable notifications (appended with
RFP) of Government of India. The Zonal Master Plans shall comprise of GIS
based maps (scale 1:4000) and reports. It shall incorporate the following
aspects: -
(b) Preparation of Zonal Master Plan
21. The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved
existing land use, infrastructure and activities, unless so specified in this
notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all
infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendlier.
22. The Zonal Master Plan shall provide for identification, restoration of denuded
areas, conservation of existing water bodies, management of catchment areas,
watershed management, groundwater management, soil and moisture
conservation, needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology
and environment that need attention.
23. The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places,
village and urban settlements, types and kinds of forests, agricultural areas,
fertile lands, green area, such as, parks and like places, horticultural areas,
orchards, lakes and other water bodies.
24. Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive
Zone, such as the gene pool reserve areas, rock formations, waterfalls,
springs, gorges, groves, caves, points, walks, rides, cliffs, etc., shall be
identified and preserved and plan shall be drawn up for their protection and
25. Man-made heritage sites- Buildings, structures, artefacts, areas and precincts
of historical, architectural, aesthetic, and cultural significance shall be
identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and plans for their conservation shall be
26. Vehicular traffic - Traffic and transportation plan shall also be prepared on
the basis of traffic volume on major existing roads and future development
and tourist arrival. Proposals for traffic regulation and parking sites shall also
be part of this plan. Guidelines shall also be framed for construction and
maintenance of forest roads.
27. The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly
manner and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the
Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master Plan is prepared and
approved by the competent authority in the State Government, the Monitoring

Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the
relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made there under.
28. The Zonal Master Plan shall also identify and demarcate the maximum
expansion area of the village settlements. Plan for expansion of existing
village abadi /settlement on the basis of trends of growth of population in last
20 years. There shall be no consequential reduction in Tribal area, Forest area
and Green areas, Agricultural area except that strictly limited conversion of
agricultural lands may be permitted to meet the residential needs of the
existing local residents together with natural growth of the existing local
29. Survey of existing village economic activities like service industries, agro
based industries, cottage industries, processing, agriculture, floriculture,
horticulture areas and storage of agro based products, etc. Proposals for
expansion of village economic activities after assessment of carrying capacity.
The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in the Eco-sensitive Zone
as to ensure eco-friendly development for livelihood security of local
30. Identification and demarcation of steep hill slopes with a gradient of 20
degrees or more and areas with a high degree of erosion to prevent quarrying
and development on such sites.
31. Survey of existing system of discharge of sewage/solid waste and effluents
and its impact on environment. Strategy and plan for sustainable and
environment friendly and disposal system.
32. Building regulations for construction/ alteration/ renovation of buildings. It
will also include the provisions for rooftop rainwater harvesting, energy
conservation and use of eco-friendly building materials.
33. Proposals for rainwater harvesting and recharge of ground water shall also
incorporate storm water drains and sites for structures as percolation and
storage tanks and other means. Ground water aquifer recharge structure sites
shall be proposed wherever such sites do not lead to slope instabilities.
34. Proposals for protection of natural water courses/ water bodies, waterfalls,
water springs, watershed development for recharge of ground water.
35. Identification, demarcation and protection of natural drainage system.
Identification of check dam sites and proposals for improvement of existing
check dams.
36. Identification and demarcation of existing encroachments within the Eco-
sensitive Zone including the forest area and suggestions shall also be given
for removal of encroachments in a time bound manner subject to the
provisions of the existing State laws.
37. Identification of site for disposal of solid waste outside the eco-sensitive zone.
Details regarding disposal of solid waste and plan for environment friendly
disposal system with segregation of solid waste into biodegradable and non-
biodegradable components.
38. Listing of existing permitted, regulated and prohibited activities, their location
and plan for shifting of prohibited activities out of ESZ. All activities in the
Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under, and be
regulated in the manner specified in the table as mentioned in the applicable
Eco Sensitive Zone notification.
39. Suggest guidelines to be implemented by State government to reduce noise
pollution and air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in accordance with the
provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 (14 of
1981) and the rules made thereunder.
40. Land use-Forests, horticulture areas, agricultural areas, parks and open
spaces earmarked for recreational purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not
be used or converted into areas for commercial or industrial related
development activities. Provided that the conversion of agricultural lands
within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of
the Monitoring Committee, and with the prior approval of the State
Government, to meet the residential needs of local residents, and for the
activities listed in the respective ESZ notification such as :-
(i) Eco-friendly cottages for temporary occupation of tourists, such as
tents, wooden houses, etc. for Eco-friendly tourism activities;
(ii) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new
(iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution;
(iv) Rainwater harvesting; and
(v) Cottage industries including village industries, convenience stores and
local amenities:

(c) Preparation of Sub-Zonal Tourism Master Plan

The tourism activities in the ESZ shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan
to be prepared by the Consultant. It shall have following components:
11. The Tourism Master Plan shall also form a component of the Zonal Master
Plan and shall be based on a detailed Carrying Capacity Study of the Eco-
Sensitive Zone. The Carrying Capacity Study shall be carried out based on the
existing infrastructure and shall not be based on future projections of any
project that requires environmental or forest clearance.
12. Identification and demarcation of sites of tourist importance both natural and
manmade heritage along with development proposals for each site.
13. All new tourism activities, development for tourism or expansion of existing
tourism activities shall be permitted only within the parameters of this
Tourism Master Plan.
14. Availability of existing infrastructure and tourist facilities and their carrying
15. Proposals for additional tourist sites such as eco-tourism sites, camping sites,
trails and facilities like convention centre, golf course, parking lots, sites for
resorts & hotels, etc. and other infrastructures on the basis of requirements
worked out for next 10 years after study of carrying capacity.
16. Annual arrival of tourists in last ten years.
17. Preparation of guidelines for development of tourist infrastructure in ESZ
such as accommodation facilities, camping sites, way side amenities, rural
tourism, adventure tourism/water tourism related activities etc.
18. All new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within
the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with emphasis on eco-tourism,
eco-education and eco-development and based on carrying capacity study of
the Eco-sensitive Zone.
19. New construction of hotels and resorts shall not be permitted within one
kilometre from the boundary of the Tiger Reserve except for accommodation
for temporary occupation of tourists related to eco-friendly tourism activities:
c) Provided that beyond the distance of one kilometre from the boundary of
the protected area till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone, the extension
of existing establishments may be allowed in accordance with the Zonal
Master Plan:
d) Provided further that beyond one kilometre up to the extent of the Eco-
sensitive Zone construction of new hotels and resorts may be permitted as
per Zonal Master Plan.

1. The consultant shall make all submissions stage wise and take necessary approvals from
MPTB. Consultant shall also make a presentation of draft Zonal Master Plan before MPTB,
Monitoring Committee, concerned departments, Local Area Committee or any other
stakeholders as identified by MPTB.
2. MPTB shall act as Nodal Agency for co-ordination of this project.
3. After incorporating changes as suggested by various stakeholders/departments, Zonal Master
Plan for given ESZ shall be submitted to MPTB.

5. Period of agreement.
5.1 The contract period shall be of two (2) years from the date of signing of agreement and
may be extended upon mutual consent. The project duration for each eco sensitive zone
shall be 6 months (24 weeks) from the date of issue of work order which can be
extended upon mutual consent.

6. Contract Value
6.1 The total value of the contract is Rs ………………………….. + all taxes as per
applicable laws, (as mentioned in appendix ‘B’). Separate work orders shall be issued
for each of Eco-Sensitive zone depending upon issuance of Gazette notification by GoI
for that eco Sensitive Zone, separate payment will be made for each Zonal master Plans
according to the rates quoted in financial bid and as per payment schedule mentioned in
Clause-7 of agreement.

7. Stages of Submission and payment Schedule.

Following are the stages of work, schedule of submission, timeline and schedule of
consultancy fees assigned by MPTB for undertaking Zonal Master Plan for any given
Eco Sensitive Zones:

Table 2: Stages of work, schedule of submission, timeline and schedule of consultancy fees
S.No. Stages of Work Schedule of Submission Timeline ( T Percentage
= Date for of
issuance of Consultancy
Work Order) Fee
1 Mobilization advance after T 10%
signing the agreement against
Security in form of Bank
Guarantee equivalent to
advance amount.
2 Baseline study covering all the First Stage Report T+16 weeks 35%
aspects as outlined in the scope Submission, Presentation
of work from all the concerned and submission of revised
departments including stage 1 reports after
presentation and submission incorporating suggestions
and its approval by evaluating provided by evaluation
committee. committee.
3 Submission of Draft Zonal Second Stage Report T+22 weeks 25%
Master Plan including Submission, Presentation
suggestive measures and and submission of revised
guidelines from all the DZMP reports after
concerned departments and its incorporating suggestions
approval by evaluating provided by evaluation
committee committee.
4 Inclusion of comments received Third Stage Submission T+24 weeks 20%
at Draft Stage and on approval
5 After final approval of the Plan 10%
by the appropriate authority in
the government

Other conditions
1. Payments shall be made as per above milestone separately for each ESZs within the cluster.
2. All the work shall be done in Consultation with departments as mentioned in Scope of
3. All data and support material required for the Consultancy should be compiled and analysed
by the Consultant from reliable secondary sources as required by the Client.
4. All data and support material pertaining to each activity shall be compiled, completed and
handed over to MPTB in two sets of hard copies including drawings and two soft copies.
The material shall remain the property of MPTB.
5. Final Master Plan shall also be submitted in two sets of hard copies including drawings and
two soft copies in Hindi.
6. No material, including the collected data, its analysis, projections and proposals, with Study
Maps/Supporting Maps and Plans, shall be given or used for any other work by any other
person or organization by the Consultant.
7. In case MPTB decides to abandon the project for any reason, whatsoever, at any time, the
payment of the Consultancy firm/Agency shall be restricted up to the stage the services have
actually been provided by the Consultancy firm/Agency.
8. Amount of Bank Guarantee submitted against mobilization advance, i.e., 10% of the
consultancy fee will be returned after release of Stage-2 payment, i.e., Baseline study (35%
of consultancy fee).

7.1 Time Extension – MPTB has the right to grant extension of time to the Consultant considering
the reason for delay which is beyond the control of the Consultant. For this, the Consultant shall
submit an application to MPTB before the scheduled date of submission for any stage as per
Clause 7 (Table 2), of this agreement mentioning proper reason for delay in submission of Zonal
Master Plan for a given Eco Sensitive Zone. MPTB shall be the sole authority to grant such
extension of time and their decision would be final.
7.2 Penalty for Delay – Delay in submission of report as per the schedule mentioned in Clause 7
(Table 2) or delay in submission even after the time extension provided by MPTB, may entail a
penalty of 0.5% (zero point five per cent) per week, subject to a maximum of 10% (ten per
cent) of the Consultancy Fee and shall be recovered from the Consultancy Fees, or shall be
appropriated from Performance Security, EMD or otherwise.
8. Risk – Purchase Clause:
8.1 If the Second party, after submission of RFP and the acceptance of the same, fails to abide
by the Terms and Conditions of the RFP document or fails to complete the work within the
specified time or at any time repudiates the contract, the MPTB will have the right to:
a) Forfeit the Performance Security.
b) In case of completion through alternative sources and if price is higher, the Second
Party will pay the balance amount to MPTB.
c) For all purposes, the work order issued by MPTB and accepted by the Second
Party will be considered as a part of this agreement.

9. Termination of Agreement.
i) In case of any unavoidable circumstances or change in government policies which may
prevent to go ahead with the project, MPTB may terminate the entire agreement or any
part of the agreement without paying any compensation to the Bidder. However, MPTB
will make the payment up to the stage as per time line up to which the bidder has
completed the work and submitted its report (Ref. clause 7 table 2) here-in-above.
ii) Either party may terminate the contract for breach of any condition of this contract.
However, party claiming the breach shall first issue a notice in writing to the other party
specifying the breach. If the party to whom such notice is send fails to rectify the breach
within 30 days of such notice, the contract can be terminated by the party which issued
the notice.

10. Force Majeure:

An event of “Force Majeure” shall mean the following events or circumstances, to
the extent that the delay or otherwise adversely affect the performance beyond the
reasonable control of Consultant / agency, or its agents and contractors, or their
duties and obligations under this Agreement, or the performance by MPTB of their
respective duties and obligations under this Agreement:
a) Acts of God, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, sinkholes, fires and other casualties,
landslides, earthquakes, epidemics, quarantine, pestilence, and/or abnormal
inclement weather;
b) Acts of a public enemy, acts of war, terrorism, effects of nuclear radiation,
blockages, insurrections, riots, civil disturbances, or national or international
calamities; and
c) Any temporary restraining order, preliminary injunction or permanent injunction,
unless based in whole or in part on the actions or failure to act of SECOND

11. Limited liability
a) In case due to any event or situation arises during execution, it is realized that any
component of the scope of the works cannot be implemented or there is delay in
completion of the same, the MPTB may delete or differ such component. However,
the remaining part of the content shall remain unaffected.
b) It is mutually agreed between MPTB and the consultant that the aggregate liability
of the consultant shall be limited to fees paid for services under this contract.
12. Dispute Resolution:
12.1 In case of any dispute the parties will attempt in good faith to resolve any dispute
initially through negotiations. If dispute cannot be settled amicably within 14 days
from the date on which either party has served written notice on the other party of
the dispute, then the dispute shall be resolved as per clause 12.2 and 12.3 here
12.2 In the event of a dispute between the parties which could not be amicably resolved,
the aggrieved party shall refer the dispute to be resolved by arbitration.
12.3 The arbitral proceedings shall be as per the provisions of Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 1996.
12.4 The Arbitration should be done by a sole Arbitrator appointed as per terms of the
1996 Act. The place of Arbitration shall be Jabalpur, where the principal seat of
High Court of MP is situated.
13. Governing law and jurisdiction.
The contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with laws of India. A
dispute arising out of this contract or services shall be subject to the exclusive
jurisdiction of M.P. courts.
14. Annexure or Schedule
1) Appendix A- RFP for the Appointment of Second Party including pre-bid query
response and addendum.
2) Appendix B- Financial Proposal Submitted by the Second Party.
3) Appendix C- Letter of Intent.
4) The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of
this Agreement, viz……….
S. Document
1 RFP No.-………………………. and System No. ………… dated
………………….. issued by MPTB for Preparation of Zonal Master Plan of
Eco Sensitive Zones of National Parks/ Sanctuaries in Madhya Pradesh
listed in Cluster -5
2 Pre-bid query response and addendum issued by MPTB on the basis of pre-bid

query received and pre-bid meeting held on ……………….
3 Unconditional Bid proposal submitted by …………………………, opened on
………………….. on e-Procurement portal in the presence of Technical
Evaluation Committee formed by MPTB.
4 Technical presentation was given by …………………., on
5 Financial bid submitted by …………………….., along with bid opened on
6 Letter of Intent (LoI) issued by MPTB on ………………. to

7 LoI accepted by ……………………… on ……………………..

8 Performance Bank Guarantees No. ………………………….. of Rs Rs
…………………. Issued by ………………. Bank. Valid upto

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed and delivered this Agreement by their
duly authorized representative on the date first above written:


Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board (MPTB)
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India …………………………………………

In presence of Witnesses:





FORM TECH 1 – Firm’s Experience
[Using the format below, provide information on each assignment for which your firm was legally
contracted either individually as a corporate entity or as one of the major companies within an
association, for carrying out consulting services similar to the ones requested under this
Firm’s Name:

Assignment name:

Location within country:

Name of Client:


Duration of assignment (months):

Total No of man-months of the assignment:

Amount of consulting fee received by your firm


Start date (month/year):

Completion date (month/year):

Name of associated Advisors, if any:

No. of professional man-months provided by

associated Advisors:

Narrative description of Project

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

*Use separate sheets for separate projects

Note: Please attach work order/ LoA/ agreement and completion certificate issued by
competent authority for each project separately. Please also attach document showing
scope of work for each project. Only completed projects shall be considered as relevant
experience for eligibility/technical evaluation criteria.

FORM TECH 1A – Partner Firm’s Experience in case of JV
[Using the format below, provide information on each assignment for which your firm was legally
contracted either individually as a corporate entity or as one of the major companies within an
association, for carrying out consulting services similar to the ones requested under this
Firm’s Name:

Assignment name:

Location within country:

Name of Client:


Duration of assignment (months):

Total No of man-months of the assignment:

Amount of consulting fee received by your firm


Start date (month/year):

Completion date (month/year):

Name of associated Advisors, if any:

No. of professional man-months provided by

associated Advisors:

Narrative description of Project

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

*Use separate sheets for separate projects

Note: Please attach work order/ LoA/ agreement and completion certificate issued by
competent authority for each project separately. Please also attach document showing
scope of work for each project. Only completed projects shall be considered as relevant
experience for eligibility/technical evaluation criteria.

FORM TECH 2 : Curriculum Vitae (CV) for Proposed Professional Staff

1. Proposed Position [only one candidate shall be nominated for each position]:
2. Name of Firm [Insert name of firm proposing the staff]:
3. Name of Staff [Insert full name]:
4. Date of Birth: Nationality:
5. Education[Indicate college/university and other specialized education of staff member, giving
names of institutions, degrees obtained, and dates of obtainment]:

6. Membership of Professional Associations:

7. Other Training [Indicate significant training since degrees under 5 - Education were obtained]:

8. Countries of Work Experience: [List countries where staff has worked in the last ten years]:

9. Languages [For each language indicate proficiency: good, fair, or poor in speaking, reading, and

10. Employment Record[Starting with present position, list in reverse order every employment held
by staff member since graduation, giving for each employment (see format here below): dates
of employment, name of employing organization, positions held.]:
From [Year]: To [Year]:


Positions held:

11. Detailed Tasks Assigned

[List all tasks to be performed under this assignment]

12. Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Tasks Assigned
[Among the assignments in which the staff has been involved, indicate the following information for
those assignments that best illustrate staff capability to handle the tasks listed under point 8.]
Name of assignment or project:




Main project features:

Positions held:
Activities performed: _________________________

Date :

Signature :

FORM TECH 3 : Description of Approach and Methodology for Performing
the Assignment

In this chapter you should explain your understanding of the objectives of the assignment, approach
to the services, methodology for carrying out the activities and obtaining the expected output, and
the degree of detail of such output. You should highlight the problems being addressed and their
importance, and explain the technical approach you would adopt to address them. You should also
explain the methodologies you propose to adopt and highlight the compatibility of those
methodologies with the proposed approach.
Presentation would also be held at MPTB, for which date and time shall be informed to the
successful Bidders.

FORM FIN 1: Price Bid (Financial Bid)
(To be submitted Online only)



The Managing Director

Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board
6th Floor, Lily Trade Wing (above D Mart),
Jehangirabad, Bhopal - 462008,
Madhya Pradesh, India

Sub: Price Bid for RFP for Preparation of Zonal Master Plans for Eco Sensitive Zones listed in
Cluster 5 of Madhya Pradesh

Dear Sir,

As a part of the Bid for the RFP for Preparation of Zonal Master Plans Eco Sensitive Zones listed in
Cluster 5 of Madhya Pradesh, we hereby make the following Financial Offer (Price Bid, GRAND
TOTAL FEES) to Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board for the project.

S.No. Name of the Eco Sensitive Zones in Cluster 5 Price in INR

1 Madhav National Park
2 Orchha Wildlife Sanctuary
3 Kuno Palpur Wildlife Sanctuary
4 Ghatigaon- Hukna Wildlife Sanctuary
5 National Chambal Wildlife Sanctuary

We quote Rs.___________________________________________ (in words) towards our fee for

Preparation of Zonal Master Plans for Eco Sensitive Zones listed in Cluster 5 of Madhya Pradesh.
We understand that the fees quoted by us is exclusive of GST and other taxes and the same shall
be payable over and above the amount quoted at applicable rate
We agree to be bind by this offer if we are selected as the preferred bidder.

FOR AND ON BEHALF OF ___________________

SIGNATURE _________________


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