01 Synopsis Format

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Mathuradevi Institute of Technology and Management, Indore

Department of Computer Science & Engg.

Synopsis Format

Subject: - Minor Project Session: - Jan to June-2011 Subject code: - CS-606


The students are advised to strictly follow the guidelines and format while giving a
strong emphasis of the goals to be achieved. The guidelines follow after the lines below:


<Name of the Student>


<Name of the Project Guide>


<Name of the Department at MDITM>

Abstract (100 Words Approx.)

The synopsis must begin with an abstract of 100 words. The abstract must clearly indicate the
ideas of the proposed work, suggested solution framework and expected outcome in brief.

Keywords: <Give significant and relevant 4-5 keywords>

1. INTRODUCTION (250 Words Approx.)

This section should provide the concept and overview of the domain of proposed work while giving
the references of work being done in the field under same context.

2. PROBLEM DOMAIN (150 Words Approx.)

This section should indicate crisply and explain clearly “what exactly is the problem.” Also enlist the
objectives of the proposed dissertation work.

3. SOLUTION DOMAIN (300 Words Approx.)

This section should provide the description of the proposed solution e. g. requirements, techniques,
algorithms, schema, architecture, design, plan, framework (whatever is applicable) explained in a lucid

4. SYSTEM DOMAIN (150 words Approx.)

This section should describe the tools, technology, environment, platform and hardware/ software
specifications needed for implementing the proposed idea. Proper justification for the choice of any of
the system elements must also be given in the section.
5. APPLICATION DOMAIN (100 Words Approx.)
This section must provide scope of the work where it is applicable. It should also depict the variants if
any impact of the work on real life/ end-user.

6. EXPECTED OUTCOME (70 Words Approx.)

A point wise description of expected outcome must be given here. A list shall be preferred.

The reference must be completely mentioned in the list and cite in the text of the synopsis above.
There should be at least 10 latest references. Formats (it is just like IEEE style) are as under:
[1] Authors’ name(s), “Paper Title,” Journal’s Name, Vol._, No_, Month, Year, pp.
[2] Authors’ name(s),“Paper Title,” Proceedings of <Conference Name>, Place, Date, pp.
[3] Authors’ name(s), Book Title, Edition No. Publisher, Year, pp.
[4] www.websitename.com, the title of the white paper/ any other documents.

Appendix (-A, -B, -C etc.)- If any

This may include the dataset, specifications etc. used, if any on/with, which the dissertation work is
being carried out.


1. This student shall write every thing in his own words. Use MSWord, 12 Point Times New
Roman Font, Single Column and Laser Printer. Approximately one-inch margin on each side of
the page be maintained.
2. The synopsis has to be signed by every student and endorsed by respective Project Guide.
3. The student shall make two copies of the synopsis- one for self, second for Project Guide.

Name of Faculty Narendra Rathor

Concern Faculty HoD(CS)

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