Annual: Rajesh Exports Limited

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Board of Directors
SHRI. RAJESH MEHTA Executive Chairman
SHRI. PRASHANT MEHTA Managing Director

M/s P. K Rungta & Co.
Chartered Accountants
D-1, Jyothi Complex
# 134/1, Infantry Road
Bangalore – 560 001

Canara Bank
State Bank of Hyderabad
UCO Bank

Regd. Office
# 4, Batavia Chambers
Kumara Krupa Road
Kumara Park East
Bangalore - 560 001.
Tel: 91-80-22266735
Fax: 91-80-22259503

Corporate Office CONTENTS PAGE

Rajesh Group Notice............................................................................... 3
# 1, Brunton Road
(Off M. G. Road)
Report of Directors...................................................... 5
Opp. Old Passport Office
Bangalore - 560 001.
Tel: 91-80-40239999 Auditor’s Report.......................................................... 16
Fax: 91-80-40239945
Balance Sheet.............................................................. 19
Share Transfer Agents
Profit & Loss Account............................................... 20
M/s S. K. D. C Consultants Limited
Kanapathy Towers,
Schedules to Balance Sheet..................................... 21
3rd Floor ; 1391/A-1, Sathy Road
Coimbatore - 641 012. Cash Flow Statement................................................. 32
Phone: 0422 - 6549995; 2539835-836
Fax: 0422 2539837. Balance Sheet Abstract............................................. 33
E-mail: [email protected]

Notice is hereby given that the 16th Annual General Meeting of the Members of RAJESH EXPORTS
LTD will be held at 5.00 P.M. on 22–09-2010 at the Mini Hall, Hotel Woodlands, # 5, Raja Rammohan
Roy Road, BANGALORE to transact the following business.
1. To receive, consider and adopt the Profit and Loss account for the year ended 31st March 2010 and the
Balance Sheet as at that date together with the reports of the Directors and Auditors thereon.
2. To declare dividend.
3. To appoint a Director in place of Mr. P. Siva Sankar, who retires by rotation and being eligible, offers
himself for re-appointment.
4. To consider and if thought fit, to pass with or without modification the following Resolution as a SPECIAL
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Section 269, Schedule XIII and all other applicable Provisions of the
Companies Act, 1956, Mr. Rajesh Mehta be and is hereby re-appointed as the Executive Chairman of
the Company for a further period of three years from 16-03-2010 on existing terms and conditions viz,
Salary – Rs. 1, 19,988/- p.a.
a. Free use of Company’s car and driver.
b. Leave Travel Concession for self and family, once in year.
c. Children’s Education Allowance, as per Income Tax Rules
d. Reimbursement of medical expenses for self and family.
e. Fees of clubs, subject to maximum of 2 clubs.
f. Contribution to Provident Fund to the extent it is not taxable under Income Tax Act, 1961.
g. Gratuity payable at a rate not exceeding half a month’s salary, for each completed year of service.
h. Encashment of leave at the end of the tenure.
i. Personal Accident Insurance Premium, as per Income Tax Rules
5. To consider and if thought fit, to pass with or without modification the following Resolution as a SPECIAL
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Section 269, Schedule XIII and all other applicable Provisions of the
Companies Act, 1956, Mr. Prashant Mehta be and is hereby re-appointed as the Managing Director of
the Company for a further period of three years from 16-03-2010 on existing terms and conditions viz,
Salary – Rs. 1,19,988/- p.a.
a. Free use of Company’s car and driver.
b. Leave Travel Concession for self and family, once in year.
c. Reimbursement of medical expenses for self and family.
d. Fees of clubs, subject to maximum of 2 clubs.
e. Contribution to Provident Fund to the extent it is not taxable under Income Tax Act, 1961.
f. Gratuity payable at a rate not exceeding half a month’s salary, for each completed year of service.
g. Personal Accident Insurance Premium, as per Income Tax Rules
h. Children’s Education Allowance, as per Income Tax Rules
i. Encashment of leave at the end of the tenure.
6. To appoint auditors and fix their remuneration.

Item No. 4 of the Agenda:
The term of appointment of Mr. Rajesh Mehta as the Executive Chairman of the Company has expired on
March 15, 2010.


Mr. Rajesh Mehta, who is known for his impeccable skills, was instrumental in the efficient management
of the Company. It may not be out of place to mention here that Mr. Rajesh Mehta, with his quest for
excellence, uplifted the Company with a modest turnover to one that has entered the Multi Billion dollar
club within a short span of time. In his tireless efforts and under his able Chairmanship, the Company
achieved a prominent position among the Indian Corporates. The innumerable Awards that the Company
continues to bag both from the Centre and the State Governments are the testimony to his caliber and
unequivocal etiquette coupled with his business acumen.
Therefore, your Directors consider it inevitable and most advantageous to continue to receive the benefit of
the expert advice and guidance of Mr. Rajesh Mehta as the Executive Chairman for the efficient functioning
of the Company.
Mr. Rajesh Mehta and Mr. Prashant Mehta may be regarded as interested Directors in the aforesaid Resolution.
Item No. 5 of the Agenda:
The term of appointment of Mr. Prashant Mehta as the Managing Director of the Company has expired on
March 15, 2010. Mr. Prashant Mehta, who is well known for his manufacturing skills, was instrumental in
setting up of a modern and most integrated facility for the manufacture of gold jewellery at Whitefield. He,
along with Mr. Rajesh Mehta, paved a way for the setting up of a highly advanced Research and Development
facility for the evolvement of crafting of jewellery and for the development of new internationally accepted
designs. Mr. Prashanth Mehta is also known for his excellent skills of managing the affairs of the Company.
In the light of the above, your Directors consider it desirable and advantageous to continue to avail the
services of Mr. Prashant Mehta in the interest of the Company’s progress.
Mr. Rajesh Mehta and Mr. Prashant Mehta may be regarded as interested Directors in the aforesaid Resolution.
By the Order of the Board
Place : Bangalore RAJESH MEHTA
Date : 13-8-2010 Chairman
1. A Member entitled to attend and vote at the Meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote
instead of himself/herself and the proxy so appointed need not be a member of the Company.
2. Proxies, in order to be effective, should be lodged at the Registered Office of the Company not less than
48 hours before the commencement of the Meeting.
3. The Register of Members and Share Transfer Books of the Company will remain closed from 17-09-2010
to 22-09-2010 (both days inclusive), notice of which will appear in the News Paper on 09-09-2010.
4. Members holding shares in Physical form are requested to intimate the Change of Address and their Bank
Account details such as Bank Name, Branch with address and Account No. for incorporating the same
in dividend warrants to the Registrars and Transfer Agents of the Company M/s. S.K.D.C. Consultants
Limited, Kanapathy Towers, 3rd Floor; 1391/A-1, Sathy Road, Ganapathy, Coimbatore 641012, quoting
their respective Folio Number. Members holding shares in Demat form shall intimate the above details
to their Depository Participants (DP’s) with whom they have Demat Account.
5. Members seeking any information with regard to the accounts are requested to write to the Company
early, so as to enable the Management to keep the information ready.
6. Members/proxies should bring the attendance slip sent herewith duly filled in, for attending the Meeting.
7. Members are requested to address their correspondence, including share transfer matters and change
of address to:
S. K. D. C. Consultants Limited, Kanapathy Towers, 3rd Floor; 1391/A-1, Sathy Road, Ganapathy
Coimbatore - 641 012. Phone: 0422 - 6549995; 2539835-836 Fax: 0422 2539837. E-mail: [email protected]


Mr. P. Siva Sankar, aged about 47 years, is a tax planner and tax consultant by profession and advises
the company on taxation matters. The Board considers it appropriate to reappoint Mr. P. Siva Sankar as
a Director.

Directors’ Report
Your Directors have great pleasure in presenting their 16th annual report on the business and operations
of the Company, for the financial year ended 31st March 2010.

Financial Results
(Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores)
For the year ended For the year ended
31.03.2010 31.03.2009

Profit Before Depreciation 209.02 100.32

Less : Depreciation 1.78 1.75
Profit after depreciation 207.24 98.57
Less : Provision for taxation 13.83 11.19
Deferred taxation for the year
Profit after taxation 193.41 87.38
Add : Balance as per last account 44.35 75.20
Profit available for appropriation 237.76 162.58
Less : Transfer to general reserves 100.00 100.00
Less : Proposed dividend including tax on Dividend 30.99 18.04
Less : Provision for Gratuity liability as at 31-3-08 - 0.19
Balance surplus transferred to Balance Sheet 106.77 44.35

Your Directors are pleased to report that your Company’s total income during the period under review stood
at a record all time high of Rs. 18529.44 crores compared to that of Rs. 12204.13 crores during the previous
year. As a result, the net profit for the year under review, after provision for depreciation and income tax
was Rs. 193.41 crores. The Company has transferred an amount of Rs. 100.00 crores to the general reserves.
As a result, the total reserve of the Company has moved up to Rs. 1117.63 crores.
Keeping in view the profitability of the Company, your Directors have recommended a dividend of 100 %.
Mr. P. Siva Sankar, Director of your Company, retires by rotation; and being eligible offers himself for
M/s. P. K. Rungta & Co, Chartered Accountant, retires at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and is
eligible for reappointment. They have confirmed that their reappointment as auditors of the Company, if
made, would be in accordance with the limits specified under section 224 (1B) of the Companies Act, 1956.
Pursuant to the requirement under section 217 (2AA) of the Companies Act 1956, with respect to Directors
responsibility statement, it is hereby confirmed:
1. That for compilation of annual accounts for the financial year ended 31.03.2010, the applicable accounting
standards have been followed along with proper explanation relating to the material departures.


2. That the Directors have selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently and made
judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent, so as to give a true and fair view of the
state of affairs of the Company at the end of the financial year under review and of the profit of the
Company for that period.
3. That the Directors have taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate accounting
records in accordance with the provisions of this Act, for safeguarding the assets of the Company and
for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities.
4. That the Directors have compiled the accounts for the financial year ended 31.03.2010 on a “going
concern” basis.

The shares of the Company continue to be listed at the National Stock Exchange of India Ltd, Mumbai, and
the Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd, Mumbai. The annual listing fees for National Stock Exchange of India
Ltd and Bombay Stock Exchange have been paid.

Company’s (Disclosure of particulars in the report of Board of Directors) Rules, 1988

A) Research and Development and technology absorption

Your Company has the largest and one of the finest R&D units in jewellery industry. The research and
development team of the Company comprises of some of the finest designers, metallurgists, chemists
and senior craftsman. The Company has been instrumental in developing and introducing several widely
acclaimed jewellery designs. The Company has also developed several new systems, procedures and
techniques in jewellery manufacturing.

B) Foreign Exchange Earnings

During the year the Company has reported foreign exchange earnings of Rs. 16,253.60 crores (Previous
year: Rs. 10,538.91 crores). The foreign exchange outgo on account of import of raw materials amounted
to Rs. 18,396.96 crores (Previous year: Rs. 11,698.28 crores).

C) Particulars of Employees
During the year under review, there were no employees who were drawing remuneration in excess of
Rs. 24 Lakhs per annum or Rs. 2,00,000/- per month, if employed for a part of the year.

A new Refinery Unit (SIDCUL), Uttaranchal, has been started during the Year.

Your directors specially wish to place on record, their sincere appreciation to the people of the Company
for their dedication and hard work, which have resulted in the overwhelming success of the Company
during the year under report. Your directors place on record their gratitude to Canara Bank, IDBI Bank,
State Bank of Hyderabad and UCO Bank for their continued support. Your Directors also thank all the
Shareholders, Consultants, Customers, Vendors, Service providers and Government & Statutory authorities
for their continued support.
For and on behalf of the Board

Place : Bangalore RAJESH MEHTA

Date : 13-8-2010 Chairman

We are delighted to say that our company has come out unscathed from the recession, emerging stronger
with highest ever cash on Balance-sheet and a strong Order Book position. The company capitalized on
the economic downturn by climbing up the value chain into high value added products as well as further
lowering its cost structure by backward integration, thus resulting on margin expansion. Company achieved
a 49.72% increase in its revenue for the year ended 31/3/2010.
Our vision is to emerge as the most trusted and the largest jeweller in the world. The people of the Company
have been relentlessly-working towards this for the last two decades and as a result of constant focus,
research and improvement, today, your Company has achieved the capability of being a 100% integrated
jeweller, wherein the operations of your Company extend from Gold Mines to the retail outlets. The ultimate
goal of the Company is to deliver quality jewellery at the most affordable prices to consumers across the
world. Your Company has started efforts to capture a major Share of jewellery retailing in the world and
for that purpose has launched the “Gold Revolution” in Bangalore which has met with an unprecedented
success and the retail brand name of the Company “SHUBH JEWELLERS” has now become one of the most
trusted and a household name in Bangalore. Your company will spare no efforts to ensure that “SHUBH
JEWELLERS” would be the most trusted brand name in India and in the global markets.

To achieve its vision your Company is sharply focusing on Research and Development and has evolved
several new technologies for manufacturing world class jewellery and the designers of the Company are
constantly working towards creating the best jewellery design portfolio in the world.

The Board of Directors heads the Management of the Company, which also includes Whole Time Directors.
The following is the composition of the Board of Directors of the Company as on 31.03.2010.
Sl. No. Name Designation Profession
01. Mr. Rajesh Mehta Executive Chairman Rich and varied experience of over two
decades in management.
02. Mr. Prashant Mehta Managing Director Over two decades of experience in
jewellery production and marketing.
03. Mr. P. Siva Sankar Non Executive & Leading Tax Consultant.
Independent Director
04. Mr. Venu Madhava Reddy Non-Executive & Has an experience of over 15 years in
Independent Director management and administration.
05. Mr. G. Shanker Prasad Non-Executive & Well known practicing Company
Independent Director Secretary and Cost Accountant.

The Board of Directors are efficiently complemented in the day to day functioning by a team of highly
qualified professionals with commendable experience and expertise in their respective fields.


Rajesh Exports realizes the importance of human resources, which it considers next only to capital in the
order of importance. The Company has a pool of highly qualified and experienced professionals, who are
instrumental in achieving giant strides the Company is making year after year towards progress. The Company
has a HR policy which emphasizes the need for attaining organizational goals through individual growth
and development. Staff audit and performance appraisal are the key areas of the Company’s HR Policy.


Statements made in Management Discussion and Analysis report include forward looking statements and
may differ from the actual situation. The important factors that would make a difference to the Company’s
operations include market factors, government regulations and policies, developments within and outside
the country etc.


a) Key financial Indicators:
2009-2010 2008-2009
Return on Net Worth 16.91% 11.07%
PAT to Sales 1.08% 0.73%
Fixed Assets / Turnover (Times) 253.25 210.92
Sales / Total Assets (Times) 5.50 4.17
b) Revenues:
The business operations of Rajesh Exports Ltd. for the year 2009-10 resulted in the Company achieving
total revenue of Rs. 18529.44 Crores as against Rs. 12204.13 Crores during the previous year. The
operating revenue for the year (Revenue less other Income) is Rs. 17894.96 Crores.
(Rs. in Crores)
2009-2010 2008-2009
Operating Revenue 17894.96 11949.66
Other Income 634.48 254.47
Total Revenue 18529.44 12204.13
c) Operating Income:
Operating income (excluding other income) for the year 2009-2010 is Rs. 17894.96 Crores.
d) Cost of Revenue:
Cost of goods sold for 2009-2010 is Rs. 18179.47 crores as compared to Rs. 11861.61 Crores in the
previous year.
e) Provision for Taxation:
The provision for taxation for 2009-2010 is Rs. 13.83 crores as compared to Rs. 11.19 Crores during the
previous year.
f) Debt:
The Company as at 31st March 2010 had working capital facilities outstanding with the consortium of
member Banks of Rs. 601.28 crores.
Note: Apart from the above credit facilities the Company has also availed overdraft facility against its
own deposits for meeting short term working capital requirements.
g) Fixed Assets:
The book value of fixed assets for the year ended 31.03.2010 after providing for depreciation is Rs. 70.66
h) Loans and Advances:
The loans and advances as on 31st March 2010 were Rs. 869.56 Crores as compared to Rs. 765.26 Crores
during the previous year.
i) Cash and Bank Balances:
REL continues to be a cash positive Company. As on 31st March 2010 the Company has Rs. 6653.51
Crores (Net) as cash and bank balances.
h) Current Liabilities:
The current liabilities as on 31.03.2010 are Rs. 5362.60 Crores.
For and on behalf of the Board

Place : Bangalore RAJESH MEHTA

Date : 13-8-2010 Chairman

Rajesh Exports Ltd. recognises the ideals and importance of corporate governance and acknowledges its
responsibilities towards all its shareholders, employees, customers and regulatory authorities. The Company
believes that a good corporate governance process aims to achieve a balance between the shareholders’ interest
and corporate goals of the Company. It aims to attain the highest levels of transparency, accountability and
integrity to all its shareholders by implementing transparent corporate governance, thereby enhancing the
value of the shareholders and their Company.
Accountability improves decision-making and transparency helps to explain rationale behind decision-making
and reinforces the shareholders’ confidence in the company.
The composition of the Board of Directors of the Company is as follows:
Category Names of Number of Composition No of No. of No. of
Directors Directors % Directorship’s Executive Membership
in other positions in in committees
Companies other Companies of other companies
Executive 1. Mr. Rajesh Mehta 1. Rajesh Nil 1. Shareholders and
Chairman Global Investor Grievance
Solutions Committee of
Limited Rajesh Global
2 40 % Solutions Limited.
2. Astalakshmi
Pvt. Ltd.

Managing 2. Mr. Prashant Mehta 1. Rajesh Nil 1. Audit and
Director Global Compliance
Solutions Committee of
Limited Rajesh Global
Solutions Ltd.
2. Astalakshmi
Pvt. Ltd.
Independent 1. Mr. P. Siva Sankar 1. Rajesh Nil 1. Audit Committee
& non Global of Rajesh Global
Executive Solutions Solutions Ltd.
Directors Ltd.
2. SDS Futura 2. Investor Grievance
3 60 % Blocks Pvt. Committee of
Ltd. Rajesh Global
Solutions Ltd.
2. Mr. Venu Madhava Reddy 1. Rajesh Nil 1. Audit Committee
Global of Rajesh Global
Solutions Solutions Ltd.
Ltd. 2. Investor Grievance
Committee of
Rajesh Global
3. Mr. G. Shanker Prasad 1. Gopichand Solutions Ltd.
Rohra and
Pvt. Ltd.
2. NG Cluster Nil Nil
Pvt Ltd.
3. SME’s


The Company has not entered into any transactions with its Directors or relatives which would affect the
interest of the Company at large.
During the year 2009-10, twenty four (24) board meetings were held on the following dates :
18.04.2009, 02.05.2009, 16.05.2009, 26.05.2009, 06.06.2009, 20.06.2009, 30.06.2009, 29.07.2009, 17.08.2009,
19.09.2009, 03.10.2009, 30.10.2009, 21.11.2009, 26.11.2009, 05.12.2009, 06.01.2010, 22.01.2010, 30.01.2010,
18.02.2010, 02.03.2010, 06.03.2010, 13.03.2010, 20.03.2010 and 29.03.2010.
The details of attendance of the Directors at the meetings are as follows :
Name of the Director Attendance at the board meetings.
Mr. Rajesh Mehta 24
Executive Chairman
Mr. Prashant Mehta 20
Managing Director
Mr. P. Siva Sankar 22
Independent & Non-Executive Director
Mr. Venu Madhava Reddy 19
Independent & Non-Executive Director
Mr. G. Shanker Prasad 14
Independent & Non-Executive Director
The Board has constituted Committees of Directors to deal with matters which need quick decisions and timely
monitoring of the activities falling within their terms of reference. The Board Committees are as follows.
The Audit Committee comprises of three non-executive Directors viz Mr. P. Siva Sankar, Mr. G. Shanker
Prasad and Mr. Y. Venu Madhava Reddy. During the year under review the Committee held four meetings.
The terms of reference of the Audit Committee are in accordance with Clause 49(ii) of Listing Agreements
entered into with the Stock Exchanges which inter-alia include the following:
a) Overseeing the Company’s financial reporting process and to ensure correct, adequate and credible
disclosure of financial information.
b) Recommending the appointment and removal of external auditors and fixing their fees.
c) Reviewing the annual financial statements, with special emphasis on accounting policies and practices,
compliance with accounting standards and other legal requirements concerning financial statements.
d) Reviewing the adequacy of the audit and compliance function, including their policies, procedures,
techniques and other regulatory requirements.
The Audit Committee of the Company met four times during the year.
Members Attendance
Mr. Siva Sankar 04
Chairman, Independent & Non–Executive Director
Mr. G. Shanker Prasad 04
Independent & Non-Executive Director
Mr. Y. Venu Madhava Reddy 04
Independent & Non-Executive Director

The Shareholders and Investor Grievance Committee comprises of Mr. Y. Venu Madhava Reddy, Mr. G
Shanker Prasad and Mr. Rajesh Mehta. The Committee approves and monitors transfers, transmissions,
dematerialisation, splitting and consolidation of shares issued by the Company and issue of duplicate share
certificates. The Committee also monitors redressal of complaints from shareholders relating to transfer of
shares, non-receipt of balance sheet, dividends etc. and reviewing the share transfers executed by S.K.D.C.
Consultants Ltd.

No. of investor complaints received during the year : 06

No. of complaints resolved : 06
No. of complaints pending : 0
The Committee is chaired by Mr. Y. Venu Madhava Reddy, who is a non executive director.
The Committee has met two times during the year.


Members Attendance
Mr. Y. Venu Madhava Reddy 02
Independent & Non-Executive Director
Mr. G Shanker Prasad 02
Independent & Non-Executive Director
Mr. Rajesh Mehta 02
Executive Director

The Directors’ remuneration includes consolidated remuneration paid to Executive Chairman, Mr. Rajesh
Mehta and Managing Director, Mr. Prashant Mehta amounting to Rs. 2,39,976/- per annum. Independent
and non executive directors do not receive any remuneration or sitting fees from the Company.


Details of Annual General Meetings of the company for the last 3 years
Last 3 AGM’s Date/Time of AGM Venue
13th AGM 22nd September 2007 Mini Hall, Hotel Wood Lands, Raja Ram Mohan Roy Road,
@ 4.30 P.M. Bangalore
14th AGM 16th September 2008 Mini Hall, Hotel Wood Lands, Raja Ram Mohan Roy Road,
@ 10.15 A.M. Bangalore.
15th AGM 29th September 2009 Mini Hall, Hotel Wood Lands, Raja Ram Mohan Roy Road,
@ 10.30 A.M. Bangalore.

No resolutions were passed through postal ballot during the last three financial years.


Disclosures on materially significant related party transactions that may have potential conflict with the
interest of the Company at large.
These disclosures have been made under related party transactions in notes (B.10) to financial statements
of the Company, which form part of annual report.
No penalties or strictures were imposed on the Company by any of the Stock Exchanges, Securities and
Exchange Board of India or any statutory authority, on any matters related to capital market, during the
last three years. Compounding Applications that were pending before the Hon’ble Company Law Board in
respect of certain provisions of Companies Act 1956 were settled.

The Company’s quarterly and half yearly un–audited results and audited annual results were published
in the leading print media, both in English and regional languages having nation-wide circulation and
also through various information notices sent to Stock Exchanges about the latest developments in the
Company. Our Company’s web site i.e. is regularly updated regarding the corporate
actions undertaken by the Company.


We have established a mechanism for employees to report concerns about unethical behavior, actual or
suspected fraud or violation of our code of conduct or ethics policy. The mechanism also provides for adequate
safeguards against victimization of employees who avail of the mechanism and also provide for direct access
to the chairman of the Audit Committee in exceptional cases.


Management Discussion and Analysis also forms part of the Directors Report.


Annual General Meeting : 22nd September 2010 at 5.00 PM
at Mini Hall, Hotel Woodlands,
# 5, Raja Rammohan Roy Road, Bangalore.

Share transfers, dividend payments and all other investor related activities are attended to and processed at
the Office of our Registrars and Transfer Agents. For lodgment of transfer deeds and any other documents
for any grievances / complaints kindly contact at the following address:-


Kanapathy Towers, 3rd Floor ; 1391/A-1, Sathy Road, Ganapathy, Coimbatore - 641 012.
Phone: 0422 - 6549995; 2539835-836 Fax: 0422 2539837. E-mail: [email protected]
The powers to approve share transfers and dematerialization requests have also been delegated to some of
the executives of the company in order to avoid delays that may arise due to non-availability of the members
of the Shareholders and Investor Grievance Committee.
Name of the compliance officer : Joseph T D
All the share transfers received up to 31st March 2010 have been processed.

Financial Year 1st April 2009 to 31st March 2010

Board meeting for considering audited accounts and recommendation of

dividend for the year ended 31.03.2009. 30.06.2009
Board meeting for considering Un-audited results for the first quarter. 29.07.2009
Board meeting for considering Un-audited results for the Second quarter. 30.10.2009
Board meeting for considering Un-audited results for the Third quarter. 30.01.2010
Board meeting for considering audited results for the financial year
ended 31.03.2010 and recommendation of Dividend. 31.05.2010
Posting of Annual Reports. on / before 27.08.2010
Book Closure Dates. 17-09-2010 to 22-09-2010
Last date of receipt of Proxy Forms. 20-09-2010
Date of AGM. 22-09-2010
Probable date for dispatch of Dividend Warrants. First week of October 2010
The Board of Directors are pleased to recommend the payment of dividend for the year ended 31st March
2010 @ Re. 1/- per share or 100 per cent for all the shareholders whose names appear on the register of
members as on the book closure date i.e. 17-09-2010.
The National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. (Exchange Code: rajeshexpo)
Bombay Stock Exchange of India Ltd. (Exchange Code: 531500)

01.04.2009 TO 31.03.2010.
Period Highest Quotation Lowest Quotation Volume of Turnover Rs. in
in Rs. in Rs. shares Traded Lakhs
@ Re. 1 / Share
April, 2009 35.90 25.05 244,71,241 7,481.21
May, 2009 46.40 26.15 433,27,045 16,300.09
June, 2009 59.70 40.85 445,73,885 22,507.53
July, 2009 46.45 32.10 153,99,284 6,233.61
August, 2009 55.00 40.00 267,70,130 12,558.29
September, 2009 84.65 47.25 922,17,491 63,825.59
October, 2009 85.55 64.60 457,84,739 34,701.64
November, 2009 88.80 70.05 396,16,245 32,285.04
December, 2009 91.25 74.55 317,64,218 26,240.69
January, 2010 100.20 89.00 215,57,141 20,437.34
February, 2010 110.80 95.10 205,36,384 21,340.40
March, 2010 121.50 99.95 189,72,870 20,463.98



Period Highest Quotation Lowest Quotation Volume of Turnover Rs. in
in Rs. in Rs. shares Traded Lakhs
@ Re. 1/ Share
April, 2009 35.85 25.00 11,841,046 3,624.87
May, 2009 46.30 26.10 20,856,437 7,952.97
June, 2009 59.70 41.60 18,507,778 9,335.98
July, 2009 46.50 32.10 6,586,529 2,681.55
August, 2009 52.35 40.00 11,882,679 5,541.08
September, 2009 84.60 47.25 45,444,797 31,312.19
October, 2009 85.50 64.55 22,620,479 17,064.29
November, 2009 91.70 70.20 24,444,870 19,921.24
December, 2009 91.40 74.90 20,298,870 16,617.24
January, 2010 100.40 89.05 11,521,002 10,432.10
February, 2010 110.80 95.00 9,916,080 10,312.89
March, 2010 121.35 99.90 9,393,979 10,094.92
Value (in Rs.) No. of share holders % Amount (Rs) %
Up to 5,000 61324 99.25 14366913 5.40
5,001 to 10,000 254 0.41 1823054 0.70
10,001 to 20,000 89 0.14 1233121 0.47
20,001 to 30,000 37 0.06 878623 0.33
30,001 to 40,000 8 0.01 276327 0.10
40,001 to 50,000 9 0.01 404506 0.15
50,001 to 1,00,000 18 0.03 1367957 0.51
1,00,001 and above 50 0.08 245464871 92.34
TOTAL 61789 100.00 265815372 100.00


Category No of Shares %
Indian Promoters 149127180 56.101
Foreign Institutional Investors 25756560 9.690
Private Corporate Bodies 3861645 1.453
Indian Public/Mutual Fund /
Financial Institutions etc. 39784508 14.967
NRI’s / OCB’s 47285479 17.789
TOTAL 265815372 100.000

Dematerialization of equity shares

The Company’s shares are under compulsory dematerialization list and can be transferred through depository
system. The Company has entered into tripartite agreement with National Securities Depository Limited
(NSDL) and Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL) to facilitate the dematerialization of shares.
As on 31.03.2010, 97.067% shares of the Company were in electronic form.

No. of shares % of holding
No of shares held in CDSL : 57,52,351 2.164
No of shares held in NSDL : 25,22,66,197 94.903
Total No. of shares held in DE-Mat form : 25,80,18,548 97.067
No. of shares held in Physical form : 77,96,824 2.933
Grand Total : 26,58,15,372 100.000
The Company is fully cognizant of and committed to, adhering to the statutory requirements for the internal
controls as set out by the Securities and Exchange Board of India. Accordingly, the Managing Director and
the Finance Manager of the Company have duly verified and certified to the Board of the Company that
the procedures and internal controls of the reporting as fully compliant with SEBI guidelines.
The Managing Director and Finance Manager have certified to the Board by placing a certificate thereof on
the financials of the Company that they have reviewed financial statements and the cash flow statement
for the year and that to the best of their knowledge and belief:
(i) These statements do not contain any materially untrue statements or omit any material fact or contain
statements that might be misleading.
(ii) These statements together present a true and fair view of the Company’s affairs and are in compliance
with existing accounting standards, applicable laws and regulations.
(iii) There are, to the best of our knowledge and belief, no transactions entered into by the Company during
the year which are fraudulent, illegal or in violation of the Company’s code of Conduct.
For and on behalf of the Board
Place : Bangalore PRASHANT MEHTA
Date : 31-5-2010 Managing Director


The Members,
We have read the report of the Board of Directors on Corporate Governance and have examined the relevant
records relating to compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance by Rajesh Exports Ltd. for the year ended
31.03.2010, as stipulated in the Clause 49 of the listing agreement of the said Company with Stock Exchange.
The Compliance of condition of Corporate Governance is the responsibility of the management. Our examination
was conducted in the manner described in the guidance note on certification at Corporate Governance issued
by the Institute of the Chartered accounts of India and was limited to procedures and implementations thereof,
adopted by the Company for ensuring compliance of the conditions of the Corporate Governance as stipulated in
the said Clause. It is neither an audit nor an expression of opinion on the financial statements of the Company.
In our opinion and to best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, subject to:
1. Our reliance upon the certificate received by the Company from its Registrar for the number of complaints
received from the shareholders and the number of complaints resolved during the financial year and number
of complaints pending at the year end as stated in Company’s report on the Corporate Governance.
2. Our having relied on the representation of the management that there were no transactions of material nature
with the management or their relatives that may have potential conflict with the interest of the Company
at large.
We certify that the Company has complied in all material respects with the conditions of Corporate Governance
as stipulated in the above mentioned Listing Agreement.
We further state that such compliance is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Company nor of
the efficiency or effectiveness with which the management has conducted the affairs of the Company.
For P. K. RUNGTA & CO.,
Chartered Accountants
Place : Bangalore (C. A. P. K. RUNGTA)
Date : 31-5-2010 Proprietor
M.No. 051184

Auditor’s Report
The Members,
We have audited the attached balance sheet of M/S. RAJESH EXPORTS LIMITED as at 31st March 2010,
and the profit and loss account and Cash Flow Statement of the company for the year ended on that date
annexed thereto. These financial statements are the responsibility of the company’s management; our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those
Standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the
accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall
financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
We report as follows
1. As required by the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2003 issued by the Central government in
terms of sub-section (4A) of Section 227 of the Companies Act, 1956, and on the basis of such checks
and verification of the books of accounts as we consider necessary and to the best of our knowledge and
according to the information and explanations given to us during the course of our audit, we enclose in
the Annexure a statement on the matters specified in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the said order.
2. Further to our comments in the Annexure referred to in Paragraph 1 above.
a) We have obtained all the information and explanations, which to the best of our knowledge and
belief were necessary for the purposes of our audit.
b) In our opinion, the company has kept proper books of account as required by law so far as appears
from our examination of the books.
c) The Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss account and Cash Flow Statement dealt with by this report
are in agreement with the books of account.
d) In our opinion, the Profit and Loss account, Cash Flow Statement and Balance Sheet comply with
the mandatory Accounting Standards referred to in sub-section (3C) of section 211 of the Companies
Act, 1956 except that there is non compliance of Accounting Standard 11 and Accounting Standard
1 as premium or discount arising at the inception of forward exchange contract is not amortized
as expense or income over the life of the contract but is charged to the Profit & Loss Account of the
year and exchange difference on such a contract is not recognized in the Profit & Loss Statement in
the reporting period in which the exchange rate changes
e) On the basis of written representations received from the directors, and taken on record by the
Board of Directors, we report that none of the directors are disqualified as on 31st March 2010
from being appointed as a director in terms of Clause (g) of sub section (1) of Section 274 of the
Companies Act, 1956;
f) In our opinion and to the best of our Knowledge and according to the information and explanations
given to us, the said accounts give the information required by the Companies Act, 1956, in the
manner so required and Subject to; (i) that during the year the company has changed the Accounting
policy and accounted for the additional liability on account of increase in gold price as prevalent
as on 31st March 2010 in the case of outstanding provisional imports for which the gold price is
yet to be fixed; due to this change in accounting policy, the profit for year has been understated by
Rs.31,93,21,126 and further, where the price of gold exported on provisional basis through certain
invoices is not fixed as on 31st March,2010 but additional income on account of increase in gold
price as prevalent as on 31st March 2010 in the case of outstanding provisional exports, for which
the gold price is yet to be fixed; is not accounted for (as stated in Para A.6 in schedule ‘S’), the
effect of which to the Profit & Loss Account is not quantified (ii) that during the year the Company
has changed the Accounting Policy with regard to accounting of interest income on interest bearing
loans other than bank deposits from accrual to cash basis, resulting in the profit for year has been
understated by Rs.14,82,02,244/- (as stated in Para A.6 in schedule ‘S’); read with other notes in
Schedule ‘S’ annexed to the audited accounts, give a true and fair view:
i) In the case of the balance sheet, of the state of affairs of the company as at 31st March 2010
ii) In the case of the profit and loss account, of the profit for the year ended on that date;
iii) In the case of cash flow statement, of the cash flow of the company for the year ended on that
For P.K. RUNGTA & CO.,
Chartered Accountants
Place: Bangalore Proprietor
Date: 31st May 2010 Membership No. 051184

1. The company has maintained proper records showing full particulars, including quantitative details
and situation of fixed assets but identification mark on the individual assets is not displayed. The
Company has drawn up a programme of Physical verification of Fixed Assets which in our opinion is
reasonable having regard to the size of the Company and the nature of its assets. Fixed assets were
physically verified by the Management during the year and no material discrepancies were noticed on
such verification. Substantial part of the fixed assets has not been disposed off during the year.
2. As explained to us, Inventories held by the company have been physically verified by the management
at regular intervals during the year.
In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the procedures of physical
verification followed by the management are reasonable and adequate in relation to the size of the
company and the nature of its business.
The Company has maintained proper records of inventories. As explained to us, there were no discrepancies
noticed on physical verification of inventory as compared to the book records.
3. As per the information and explanations furnished by the Management, the company has not granted
any loans to the companies or other parties listed in the register maintained under section 301 of the
Companies Act, 1956.
The Company has taken loan from the parties listed in the register maintained under section 301 of
the Companies Act, 1956. These loans were taken from three parties and the amount outstanding as at
the year end is Rs.242,176,838/- and maximum amount taken at any time of the year Rs.286,492,220/-.
The rate of interest and other terms and conditions of these loans taken are not prima facie prejudicial
to the interest of the company. The payment of principle amount and interest thereon are also regular
wherever stipulated.
4. In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, there are adequate internal
control procedures commensurate with the size of the Company and the nature of its business, for the
purchase of inventory and fixed assets and for the sale of goods and services. During the course of our
audit, no major weakness has been noticed in the internal controls.
5. In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the particulars of contracts
or arrangements referred to in section 301 of the companies Act, 1956, if any, have been entered in the
register maintained under section 301 of the companies Act, 1956. The transactions made in pursuance of
such contracts or arrangements, exceeding the value of rupees five lakhs in respect of any party during
the year, if any, have been made at prices which are reasonable having regard to prevailing market
prices at the relevant time.
6. The Company has accepted deposits from an individual and the directives issued by the Reserve Bank
of India and the provisions of Section 58A and 58AA or any other relevant provisions of the Companies
Act 1956 and the rules framed there under, where applicable, have been complied with. The Company
Law Board has not passed any order with regard to public deposits.
7. In our opinion, the company has an internal audit system commensurate with the size and the nature
of its business.
8. The company has maintained cost records and accounts as prescribed by the Central Government under
section 209 (1) (d) of the Companies Act, 1956.We have broadly reviewed the accounts and records of the
company in this connection and are of the opinion that prima facie the prescribed accounts and records
have been made and maintained. However, we have not made a detailed examination of the same.

9. According to the records of the Company, the Company is generally regular in depositing undisputed
statutory dues including Provident Fund, Investor Education and Protection Fund, Employees’ State
Insurance, Income-tax, Sales-tax, Wealth tax, Service tax, Customs Duty, Excise duty, Cess and other
statutory dues, as applicable to it, with the appropriate authorities. According to the information and
explanations given to us, no undisputed amounts payable in respect of aforesaid dues were outstanding


at the year end for a period of more than six months from the date they became payable. Based on
information and explanations given to us, we furnish hereunder the particulars of disputed aforesaid
dues which have not been deposited:

Name of Nature of Amount in Period to which Forum where

the Statute the dues Rs. the amount relates dispute is pending
Entry Tax Act Entry Tax 3,52,844 2001-02 The Joint Commissioner
of Commercial Taxes
Karnataka Sales
Tax Act Sales Tax 1,54,702 2001-02 --Do--
--Do-- --Do-- 1,00,000 2002-03 --Do--
--Do-- --Do-- 2,24,355 2003-04 --Do--

10. The Company has no accumulated losses and has not incurred any cash losses during the financial year
covered by our audit or in the immediately preceding financial year.
11. As per information furnished by the management, the company has not defaulted in repayment of dues
to banks, financial institutions and debenture holders.
12. According to the information and explanations given to us, the Company has maintained adequate
documents and records in cases where the Company has granted loans on the basis of security by way
of pledge of shares, debentures and other securities.
13. The company is not a chit fund or a nidhi/mutual benefit fund/society and hence clause 4 (xiii) of
Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order 2003 is not applicable to the company.
14. In our opinion, the Company is not a dealer or a trader in shares, securities, debentures and other
15. The company has not given guarantees for loans taken by others from banks or financial institutions.
16. The Company did not have any outstanding term loans at the year end of the year. However, the
company has a sum of Rs. 303,81,28,000/- outstanding as on 31st March 2010 as FCCB issue proceeds
shown under the head ‘Unsecured Loan’ in Schedule ‘E’ annexed to the accounts. Out of the outstanding
FCCB amount the Company has paid a sum of Rs. 240,76,23,516 as an advance to AGR Matthey, a
foreign company..
17. According to the information and explanations given to us and on an overall examination of the Balance
Sheet of the Company, we report that no funds raised on short-term basis have been used for long-term
investment by the company.
18. During the year, the company has not made any preferential allotment of shares to parties and companies
covered in the register maintained under section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956.
19. The company has not created any security or charge in respect of debentures/bonds issued.
20. The Company has not raised any money through a public issue during the year.
21. In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, no fraud by or against
the Company has been noticed or reported during the year

For P.K. RUNGTA & CO.,
Chartered Accountants
Place: Bangalore Proprietor
Date: 31st May 2010 Membership No. 051184

(Amount in Indian Rupees)
Schedule As at 31.03.2010 As at 31.03.2009
Share Capital A 265,815,372 257,008,287
Reserves & Surplus B 11,176,251,571 8,881,343,179
11,442,066,943 9,138,351,466
Secured Loans:
Term Loan and Working Capital C 6,012,824,225 1,933,496,091
Loans from banks
against fixed deposits D 11,569,805,419 13,479,961,607
Unsecured Loans:
From directors and others E 3,280,304,838 3,919,718,220
20,862,934,482 19,333,175,918
32,305,001,425 28,471,527,384
Gross block 836,631,066 756,094,763
Less : Depreciation 130,025,132 112,229,986
Net block F 706,605,934 643,864,777
Work in progress - 4,968,816
706,605,934 648,833,593
INVESTMENTS G 44,176,800 3,849,116,800
Inventories H 4,135,046,530 1,742,931,322
Sundry debtors I 6,120,643,233 5,472,697,787
Cash & bank balances J 66,535,131,087 55,371,793,938
Loans and advances K 8,695,694,356 7,652,607,181
85,486,515,206 70,240,030,228
Less : Current Liabilities & Provisions L 53,940,547,805 46,274,732,434
Net current assets 31,545,967,401 23,965,297,794
DEFERRED TAX ASSET 8,223,385 8,223,385
32,305,001,425 28,471,527,384
Schedule ‘A’ to ‘S’ enclosed herewith form the integral part of the accounts.
For and on behalf of the Board As per our Report of even date
For P.K. Rungta & co,
Chartered accountants,
Date : 31.05.2010 Chairman Managing Director Company Secretary Proprietor
M.No. 051184


(Amount in Indian Rupees)
Schedule As at 31.03.2010 As at 31.03.2009

Income from operations *
(Refer Note N 184,113,456,055 119,496,647,862
B8 in Schedule ‘S’ )
Other income O 1,180,942,626 2,544,617,402
185,294,398,681 122,041,265,264
Cost of goods sold P 181,794,682,702 118,616,109,262
Administrative & Selling expenses Q 455,779,245 1,006,152,107
Interest and bank charges R 953,732,202 1,415,742,627
Depreciation 17,795,146 17,556,905
Preliminary expeses written off 27,907 27,907
183,222,017,202 121,055,588,808

Profit for the year before tax 2,072,381,479 985,676,456

Provision for taxation for the year (138,350,019) (111,677,143)
Fringe benefit tax for the year - (238,953)
Profit for the year after tax 1,934,031,460 873,760,360
Balance as per last account 443,514,345 752,047,682
Provision for Gratuity liability as at 31.03.2008 - (1,869,766)
Profit available for appropriation 2,377,545,805 1,623,938,276
Proposed dividend (265,815,372) (154,204,972)
Dividend for earlier years - (10,106)
Tax on dividend (44,148,611) (26,207,135)
Tax on Dividend for earlier years - (1,718)
Transferred to general reserve (1,000,000,000) (1,000,000,000)
Balance carried to balance sheet 1,067,581,822 443,514,345
Earning per share
(Per Equity share of Rs 1/- each,

Basic 7.28 3.40

Diluted 6.34 3.04
(Refer Para 14 of Notes to Account Schedule S)

Schedule ‘A’ to ‘S’ enclosed herewith form the integral part of the accounts.
For and on behalf of the Board As per our Report of even date
For P.K. Rungta & co,
Chartered accountants,
Date : 31.05.2010 Chairman Managing Director Company Secretary Proprietor
M.No. 051184

(Amount in Indian Rupees)
As at 31.03.2010 As at 31.03.2009
Authorised :
30,00,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs.1/- each
(Previous Year 30,00,00,000 Equity shares of Rs.1/- each) 300,000,000 300,000,000
Issued, subscribed and paid up :
26,58,15,372 equity shares of Rs.1/- each fully paid
up (Previous year 25,70,08,287 equity shares of
Rs.1/- each fully paid up) 265,815,372 257,008,287
(includes 14,78,14,000 equity shares of Rs 1/ each
issued as bonus shares on capitalisation of general reserve)
265,815,372 257,008,287

Share premium account
As per last account 3,535,642,834 2,984,369,823
Add : Additions during the year 670,840,915 551,273,011
4,206,483,749 3,535,642,834
General reserve
As per last account 4,902,186,000 3,902,186,000
Add : Additions during the year 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000
5,902,186,000 4,902,186,000
Surplus as per the Profit and Loss account 1,067,581,822 443,514,345
11,176,251,571 8,881,343,179
A. Working Capital
Canara Bank 603,015,350 604,473,044
HSBC Limited - 573,252,500
State Bank of Hydrabad 600,195,750 160,235,297
UCO Bank 599,613,125 595,535,250
Above loans are secured on pari passu basis by
hypothecation of stocks & book debts and mortagage of
office building at Batavia Chambers, land & building at
Gandhinagar and land, building and plant & machineries
situated at Export Promotion Park, Whitefield
Further the above loans are secured by personal
guarantee of the promotor directors.
Bills discounted from HDFC Bank Limited 1,210,000,000 -
Bills discounted from Canara Bank 3,000,000,000 -

6,012,824,225 1,933,496,091


SCHEDULE “D” (Amount in Indian Rupees)

OVERDRAFT ON PLEDGE OF FIXED DEPOSITS As at 31.03.2010 As at 31.03.2009
AXIS Bank Limited 615,839,391 366,482,640
Canara Bank 2,321,026,033 1,708,950,426
HSBC Limited - 852,315,501
Indian Bank 469,627,629 4,301,416
IDBI Bank Limited 3,221,779,030 3,148,322,648
Indus Ind Bank Limited 13,123,988 350,206,164
ING Vysya Bank - 45,098,182
Karnataka Bank Limited - 1,549,167
Punjab & Sind Bank 176,747,114 -
State Bank of Hyderabad 229,071,087 610,731,442
State Bank of India 3,931,943,402 1,690,002,610
State Bank of Mysore 572,799,767 3,403,460,891
Syndicate Bank - 97,272,699
Tamil Nadu Mercantile Bank Limited 32,175 556,713,957
Uco Bank 17,584,567 644,553,864
Yes Bank Limited 231,236 -
11,569,805,419 13,479,961,607
From Directors 112,283,420 30,842,220
From Others 129,893,418 171,100,000
FCCB Issue 3,038,128,000 3,717,776,000
3,280,304,838 3,919,718,220
Gross Block Depreciation Net Block
Particulars As on Additions Sales Total As on For the Withdrawn Total As on As on
01.04.2009 31.03.2010 01.04.2009 Year 31.03.2010 31.03.2009
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
A. Business assets
Land 36,924,097 - - 36,924,097 - - - - 36,924,097 36,924,097
Lease Hold Land - 7,155,563 - 7,155,563 - - - - 7,155,563 -
Buildings 309,052,792 16,458,594 - 325,511,386 78,486,027 10,390,656 - 88,876,683 236,634,703 230,566,765
Plant and machineries 86,092,973 10,256,757 - 96,349,730 21,542,840 4,565,735 - 26,108,575 70,241,155 64,550,133
Generator 2,944,621 - - 2,944,621 268,320 155,476 423,796 2,520,825 2,676,301
Furniture and fixtures 16,609,649 1,551,502 - 18,161,151 5,111,585 1,137,937 - 6,249,522 11,911,629 11,498,064
Office equipments 4,782,504 599,306 - 5,381,810 1,104,018 277,197 - 1,381,215 4,000,595 3,678,486
Computers 3,660,357 221,404 - 3,881,761 2,078,792 585,927 - 2,664,719 1,217,042 1,581,565
Weighing scales 1,260,638 148,257 - 1,408,895 519,180 63,540 - 582,720 826,175 741,458
Borewell 148,000 - - 148,000 4,578 4,943 - 9,521 138,479 143,422
Motor vehicles 6,433,500 699,000 - 7,132,500 3,114,646 613,735 - 3,728,381 3,404,119 3,318,854
Sub total 467,909,131 37,090,383 - 504,999,514 112,229,986 17,795,146 - 130,025,132 374,974,382 355,679,145
B. Other immovable properties
Sujatha complex 20,505,157 - - 20,505,157 - - - - 20,505,157 20,505,157
Mohan building 97,715,861 - - 97,715,861 - - - - 97,715,861 97,715,861
Volga hotel building 2,608,855 - - 2,608,855 - - - - 2,608,855 2,608,855
Land at Kumbalgod 13,435,200 6,587,912 - 20,023,112 - - - - 20,023,112 13,435,200
Land at Akupette 11,195,065 - - 11,195,065 - - - - 11,195,065 11,195,065
Property in Kerala 27,735,930 1,700,000 - 29,435,930 - - - - 29,435,930 27,735,930
Property at Devanhalli 12,174,066 - - 12,174,066 - - - - 12,174,066 12,174,066
Jayashree Complex 13,183,210 - - 13,183,210 - - - - 13,183,210 13,183,210
Commercial Street 88,263,968 - - 88,263,968 - - - - 88,263,968 88,263,968
Land at Peenya 1,368,320 - - 1,368,320 - - - - 1,368,320 1,368,320
Malleshwaram - 35,158,008 - 35,158,008 - - - - 35,158,008 -
Sub total 288,185,632 43,445,920 - 331,631,552 - - - - 331,631,552 288,185,632
Grand total 756,094,763 80,536,303 - 836,631,066 112,229,986 17,795,146 - 130,025,132 706,605,934 643,864,777
Previous year 657,121,746 103,458,537 44,85,520 756,094,763 95,008,236 17,556,905 335,155 112,229,986 643,864,777 562,113,510
(Amount in Indian Rupees)
SCHEDULE “G” As at 31.03.2010 As at 31.03.2009
Long term investments- At cost
A. Quoted : Non - Trade 33,99,980 (48,99,980 ) equity share of
Rs 10/- each fully paid up in Rajesh Global Solutions Ltd. 33,999,800 48,999,800
HSBC Mutual Fund FTS 49 20,000,000 Units - 200,000,000
HDFC Mutual Fund FMP 37D 48,000,000 Units - 480,000,000
HSBC Mutual Fund FTS 46 62,000,000 Units - 620,000,000
Birla Sunlife 6,000,000 Units - 60,000,000
Fidelity FMP Series A 60,000,000 Units - 600,000,000
HSBC FTS - 59 - 80,000,000 Units - 800,000,000
HSBC TFHFS -64 - 52,000,000 Units - 520,000,000
HSBC TFHF 52,000,000 Units - 520,000,000
Canara ROBECO CNRB0001833 10,000,000 -
B. Non - Quoted - Long Term: In Govt Securities: At Cost
National Saving Certificates 60,000 -
( Deposited with Govt. Department)
C. Non Quoted: shares in
1. Sri Ashtalakshmi Marketing Pvt Ltd
a. 180 equity share of Rs.200 each fully paid up 23,400 23,400
b. 144 equity share of Rs.1000 each fully paid up 93,600 93,600
2. Laabh Jewel Gold Pvt Ltd
a. 30,99,000 equity share of Rs 1 each fully paid up 3,099,000 3,099,000
b. 88,02,000 convertible Preference share of Rs 1
each fully paid up 8,802,000 8,802,000
3. Oyzterbay Pvt Ltd
a. 1,09,600 equity share of Rs.10/ each fully paid up 1,523,180 1,523,180
b. 48,682 Preference share of Rs.1000/ each fully paid up 486,820 486,820
58,087,800 3,863,027,800
Less : Provision for diminution in value 13,911,000 13,911,000
44,176,800 3,849,116,800
Quoted Investment Cost Market Value
Rajesh Global Solution Ltd. 33,999,800 Not Traded
Mutual Funds 10,000,000 1,300,000,000
Stock in trade of gold & gold ornaments 4,045,580,806 1,672,886,291
Stock in trade of diamonds 87,365,189 70,045,031
Stock of Silver 2,100,535 -
4,135,046,530 1,742,931,322
Due for more than 6 months - Considered good 29,770,802 173,744,916
Due for more than 6 months - Considered doubtful 3,477,236 3,477,236
Other debts 6,090,872,431 5,298,952,871
6,124,120,469 5,476,175,023
Less: Provision for doubtful debts 3,477,236 3,477,236
6,120,643,233 5,472,697,787


(Amount in Indian Rupees)

SCHEDULE “J” As at 31.03.2010 As at 31.03.2009
Cash in hand 52,865,491 21,000,000
Balances with scheduled banks
In current accounts 1,005,882,177 9,977,325
In fixed deposits 64,005,077,725 53,728,059,937
In unclaimed dividend accounts 2,541,418 1,916,643
Deposit in Foreign Currency
Bank of Baroda, Dubai 1,471,264,276 -
Uco Bank, Singapore - 1,613,340,033
66,537,631,087 55,374,293,938
Less : Provision for doubtful balances 2,500,000 2,500,000
66,535,131,087 55,371,793,938
A. Loans given
Secured - Considered good 3,641,681,610 2,041,800,000
Unsecured - Considered good 13,000,000 85,500,000
B. Advance recoverable in cash or in kind or for
value to be received or adjusted
Advances- Considered good 5,032,013,739 5,516,920,174
Advances- Considered doubtful 253,664,904 254,023,394
Deposits - Considered good 8,999,007 8,387,007
8,949,359,260 7,906,630,575
Less: Provision for doubtful advances 253,664,904 254,023,394
*Note Refer Para B4 of Schedule ‘S’ annexed herewith 8,695,694,356 7,652,607,181
A. Current liabilities
Sundry creditors including acceptances 53,249,261,479 45,684,877,966
Advance received from customers 26,010,835 176,019,483
Unclaimed dividend 2,541,418 1,916,643
Book overdraft from bank 297,453,390 171,899,672
Outstanding Liabilities 471,875 2,303,485
Franchise deposit 28,574,000 32,424,000
Rent advance 21,277,592 21,246,992
Statutory liabilities 416,908 965,970
A’ 53,626,007,497 46,091,654,211
B. Provisions
Proposed dividend 265,815,372 154,204,972
Provision for tax on dividend including
Fringe benefit tax 44,148,611 26,207,135
Provision for Gratuity 4,576,325 2,666,116
‘B’ 314,540,308 183,078,223
TOTAL ‘A’ + ‘B’ 53,940,547,805 46,274,732,434

(Amount in Indian Rupees)
SCHEDULE “M” As at 31.03.2010 As at 31.03.2009
(To the extent not written off or adjusted)
Prelimenery Expenses 27,905 55,812
27,905 55,812

Sales 178,949,608,803 113,769,134,617
Bank Interest Received (Tax deducted at source 5,163,847,252 5,727,513,245
Rs. 523,203,243 ; Previous Year Rs 791,320,100)
184,113,456,055 119,496,647,862

Rent 726,353 714,190
Provision for Doubtful Debts withdrawn 358,490 -
Fluctuation in foreign currency including profit from
Forward Contracts 154,256,773 2,383,289,697
Profit of sale of Mutual Funds 406,535,211 -
Other Interest Received (Tax Deducted at
SourceRs 112,425,966, Previos Year Rs. 22,163,767) 615,967,277 158,585,068
Delivery Charges 716,850 39,980
Insurance Claim 623,000 1,555,881
Making Charges 1,758,672 432,586
1,180,942,626 2,544,617,402

Gold jewellery, bullion, medallions and diamond:
Opening stocks 1,742,931,322 2,458,249,590
Add : Purchases etc 184,181,915,134 117,896,259,977
Add : Consumption of consumables 4,717,876 3,403,364
Add : Making charges 164,900 1,127,653
185,929,729,232 120,359,040,584
Less : Closing stocks 4,135,046,530 1,742,931,322
181,794,682,702 118,616,109,262


(Amount in Indian Rupees)

SCHEDULE “Q” As at 31.03.2010 As at 31.03.2009
Salaries and wages 46,389,656 39,506,211
Asset maintenance expenses 4,203,161 3,594,426
Electricity charges 3,273,595 3,062,069
Directors’ remuneration 239,976 239,976
Professional charges 7,631,729 62,310,591
Postage, telegram & telephones 1,774,189 1,453,737
Insurance premium 24,674,872 18,420,952
Staff welfare expenses 2,758,359 2,480,591
Gratuity 1,910,209 796,350
Travelling & conveyance 1,308,030 1,242,562
Miscellaneous expenses 13,617,730 7,105,914
Bad Debts 194,953,380 1,769,905
Provision for doubtful debts - 258,867,362
Auditors remuneration :
As audit fees 500,000 300,000
Rates & taxes 1,658,095 392,479
Loss on sale of fixed assets - 323,345
Loss on MCX Trading 101,187,901 563,518,253
Frieght charges (Net) 15,065,172 15,120,001
Advertisement expenses 15,769,931 314,015
Commission - 16,669,842
Minimum Gaurantee 12,699,846 -
Rent paid 6,163,414 8,663,526
455,779,245 1,006,152,107

Bank charges 33,766,960 26,351,642
Interest on working capital 917,411,461 1,386,938,768
Interest to Others 2,553,781 2,452,217
953,732,202 1,415,742,627

Schedule ‘S’
Annexed to and forming part of the accounts for the year ended 31st March 2010
Significant accounting policies and notes on accounts:
A. Significant accounting policies:
1. Accounting convention:
a. The annual accounts have been prepared on historical cost basis and confirm to the statutory
provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, the General accounting practices prevailing in the country
and applicable accounting standards. All income and expenditure having a material bearing on
the financial statements are recognized on accrual basis.
2. Fixed assets:
a. Fixed Assets are stated at cost of acquisition or construction less accumulated depreciation/
amortisation. All Costs relating to the acquisition, construction and installation of Fixed Assets
are capitalized and include financing costs, if any, relating to borrowed funds attributable to
construction or acquisition of Fixed Assets, up to the date the assets is ready for intended
use, net of adjustments arising from exchange rate differences relating to specific borrowings,
wherever applicable, attributable to those Fixed Assets.
b. Depreciation on fixed assets is provided on straight-line method basis at the rates and in the
manner prescribed in Schedule XIV to the Companies Act, 1956. Depreciation on additions made
during the year is provided for the period the assets were in use.
3. Borrowing cost:
Borrowing costs attributable to acquisition and construction of qualifying assets are capitalised as
a part of the cost of such asset up to the date when such asset is ready for its intended use.
Other borrowing costs are charged to the Profit & Loss Account.
4. Foreign currency transactions including futures and option contracts thereon:
Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded at the exchange rates prevailing on the date of
transaction. Foreign currency monetary assets and liabilities without forward foreign exchange
contract are translated at year-end exchange rates. The resulting exchange gain/loss on settlement
of transactions and translation of monetary items are recognized as income or expense in the
year in which they arise in the profit and loss account. Exchange differences attributable to the
acquisition of the fixed assets, if any, are adjusted to the cost of the respective assets. Premium in
respect of foreign exchange option contracts is charged to the Profit & Loss Account as and when
the contacts are entered into but the gain on such option contracts, if any, is recognized only on
maturity/cancellation of such option contracts.
5. Investments:
Long-term investments are stated at cost after deducting provision, if any, made for permanent
diminution in the values.
Current investments are stated at lower of cost and market/fair value.
6. Revenue recognition:
Sales are recorded net of trade discounts, rebates and value added tax, if any and are inclusive of
foreign currency fluctuation. Some of the goods have been imported on provisional basis without
fixing the gold price. Some of the goods have also been exported on provisional basis without fixing
the price of gold. All the provisional imports and exports have been accounted for as per the custom’s
assessment of the goods. When the price of import shipment is fixed or when the price of the export
shipment is fixed, the final invoice is submitted to the customs; the differential is accounted for as
purchase or sales. However during the year the management has changed the accounting policy
and accounted for the additional liability on account of increase in gold price as prevalent on 31st
March 2010 in the case of all outstanding provisional imports and due to this change in accounting
policy the profit for the year has been understated by Rs. 31,93,21,126.
Making charges income is recognized on dispatch of goods.
Interest on bank deposits and other interest bearing loans are accounted on accrual basis. However
during the year the management has changed the accounting policy with regard to accounting of


interest income on interest bearing loans other than bank deposits to cash basis due to which the
profit for the year has been understated by Rs.14,82,02,244/-
Dividend income on investments is accounted for when the right to receive the payment is
7. Employees benefits:
Retirement benefits in the form of Provident Fund and Superannuation Schemes are not applicable
to the company at present.
Gratuity liability for the year under the Payment of Gratuity Act is accounted on the basis of
Actuarial valuation.
The company does not provide leave encashment and carry forward of accumulated leave to next
year to its employees.
8. Taxation:
Provision for current tax is made on the basis of taxable income for the current accounting year
determined in accordance with the Income Tax Act, 1961.
Deferred tax is recognized; on timing differences, being the difference between taxable incomes
and accounting income that originate in one period and are capable of reversal in one or more
subsequent periods. The deferred tax is accounted for, using the tax rates and laws that have been
substantively enacted as of the balance sheet date.
Deferred tax assets in respect of unabsorbed depreciation and carry forward of losses are recognized
only if there is virtual certainty that such deferred tax asset can be realized against future taxable
9. Valuation of inventories:
Stock in trade is valued at cost or net realisable value (International standard rate as on 31.03.2010),
whichever is less for E.O.U, SEZ & SIDCUL units and in respect of other units at cost or net
realisable value (Rate prevailing at Mumbai as on 31.03.2010), whichever is lower. The cost formula
used for this purpose is first in first out (FIFO) method and includes direct cost incurred in bringing
the items of inventory to their present location and condition.
10. Book debts and advances:
Provision/Write-off of doubtful and unrecoverable book debts and advances have been made, wherever
found necessary by the Management.
11. Cash flow statement:
The cash flow statement is prepared by the indirect method set out in Accounting Standard 3 on
Cash Flow Statement.
12. Business segments
The company is mainly engaged in the business of gold and gold products. These, in the context of
Accounting Standard 17 on Segment Reporting, issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants
of India, are considered to constitute one single primary segment.
1. Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on capital account (net of advances) not
provided for is Nil (Previous year - Nil)
2. Contingent liabilities not provided for:
(a) Sales tax and entry tax demands disputed by the Company of Rs.8,31,901/- (Previous year –
(b) The Company had received an order from the tax authorities dated December 27, 2006 for
the period April 1, 2003 to March 31, 2004 demanding a tax payment of Rs 9,99,60,890. The
Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals) has passed an adverse order confirming the order of
assessing authority. The Company has appealed against the said order before the Income Tax
Appellate Tribunal, and the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal has passed an order allowing the
deduction under section 10B of the Income Tax Act but did not allow a sum of Rs. 200 lakhs
paid as commission by the company. Against the order of the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal,
the company and the Income Tax Department both have appealed before the Hon’ble High Court
of Karnataka and the Company firmly believes that the issue will be settled in its favour.

Further, the Company had received an order from the tax authorities dated November 13, 2009,(
rectified by order dated December 31, 2009) for the period April 1, 2006 to March 31, 2007
demanding an additional tax payment of Rs 36,59,90,939. The Company has appealed before the
Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals) against the said order and the Company firmly believes
that the issue will be settled in its favour.
3. Loans and advances includes Rs.14,51,40,760/- (Previous year Rs. 14,52,41,250/-) due from the
companies under the same management within the meaning of sub-section (1-B) of section 370 of
the Companies Act. The particulars of the same is furnished hereunder:
Loans and advances Current Year Previous Year Max. Balance at any
time during the year
Laabh Jewels Gold Pvt Ltd 14,51,40,760 14,52,41,250 14,52,41,250
4. Directors remuneration includes remuneration payable to Executive chairman and Managing director
of Rs.2,39,976/- ( Previous Year Rs.2,39,976/- )
5. Brief particulars of Employees who were entitled to receive or were in receipt of emoluments
aggregating to Rs.24,00,000/- or more per annum and/or Rs.200,000/- or more per month, if employed,
for a part of the year is Nil ( Previous Year Nil).
6. The company has taken a key man’s insurance policy from Life Insurance Corporation of India on
the life of Mr. Rajesh Mehta, Executive chairman for a sum assured of Rs.300 lakhs with ten year
term and paid annual premium of Rs.30,29,175/- during the year which has been accounted under
administrative & selling expenses. Amount receivable on maturity or otherwise shall be accounted
as income in the year of receipt.
7. Income from operations includes bank interest earned Rs. 516,38,47,252/-; (Previous Year
Rs.572,75,13,245/-). Interest earned on fixed deposits with banks is recognized as income from
operations since these deposits are utilized for the business of the company.
8. In accordance with the Accounting Standard `22’ on “Accounting for Taxes on Income” issued by
the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, the Company has not recognized the Deferred tax
assets on account of unabsorbed losses etc. on account of timing differences of Rs 1,174,328,324/-
as on 31st March 2010, (Previous Year Rs. 1,34,65,83,325/-) as there is no virtual certainty that
such deferred tax assets can be realized against future taxable profits. The break up of deferred
tax assets not recognized is furnished hereunder:
(a) Deferred Tax Assets
Unabsorbed Business Loss 1,134,075,747 130,37,16,492
Unabsorbed Long Term Capital Loss 0 78,104
Provision for doubtful debts 9,29,80,712 9,31,02,563
Total 1,227,056,459 139,68,97,159
(b) Deferred Tax Liability
Time Difference on account of Depreciation (4,45,04,750) (4,20,90,449)
(c) Net Deferred Tax Assets 1,182,551,709 135,48,06,710
Less : Already accounted 82,23,385 82,23,385
1,174,328,324 134,65,83,325
9. Zero coupon FCCB were issued on 17th February 2007 for US $ 150 millions (Rs. 661.35 crores at
issue).The Bond holders have an option to convert FCCB into Equity shares at an initial conversion
price of Rs.575/- per equity share of Rs.2/- each of the company at a fixed exchange rate of conversion
at Rs.44.09 equal to US$ 1, between 19.02.2007 to 10.02.2012. The conversion price is subject to
adjustment in circumstances as described in the offering letter. The company may redeem the
bonds in whole, but not in part, at any time at the accreted principle amount in the event of certain
changes relating to taxation in India, and subject to the receipt of regulatory approval. Unless
previously converted redeemed or re-purchased and cancelled, the bonds will mature on 21.02.2012
@ 148.22% of their principle amount subject to the receipt of regulatory approval, the company will,
at the option of bond holder, redeem any outstanding bonds upon their occurrence of a de-listing
of the shares from the NSE or BSE, at the accreted principle amount. During the year, some of


the Bond holders have exercised their options to convert FCCB into equity shares and consequent
to this 88, 07,085(Previous Year 63, 94,989) equity shares of Rs 1/- each have been allotted by the
10. Related party disclosures
(In term of Accounting standard-18)
A. Relationship:
a) Related parties where control exists:
Rajesh Global Solutions Limited
Rajesh Jewels
Laabh Jewel Gold Pvt Ltd
b) Directors and their relatives:
Mr. Rajesh Mehta - Executive Chairman
Mr. Prashant Mehta - Managing Director
Mr. Mahesh Mehta
c) Key Management personnel:
Mr. Rajesh Mehta - Executive Chairman
Mr. Prashant Mehta - Managing Director
Mr. Bhavesh Mehta - Executive officer
d) Transactions with related parties:
(i) Transactions carried out with related parties referred to in (a), & (c) above in ordinary course
of business:
Nature of transactions Related Parties Key Management Personnel
Expenses -Remuneration ------ 3,55,476
(-------) (3,51,189)

Out standings - Debit 14,51,40,760 -----

(14,52,41,250) ( ---)
(ii) Transactions carried out with related parties referred to in (b) above:
Balance outstanding Rs. 24,21,76,838
(Rs. 20,19,42,220)

11. Accounting Standard 19-Leases:

The company has let out and taken premises under cancelable operating lease agreements, which
the company intends to renew in the normal course of its business. The Lessees cannot sublease
these properties. Total lease rentals recognized as income in the Profit & Loss Account for the
year with respect to above is Rs 7,26,353/- ( Previous Year Rs.7,14,190/-) and total Lease rentals
recognized as expenditure is Rs 61,63,414/- (Previous Year Rs 86,63,526/-).
12. Basic earning per share has been calculated by dividing profit for the year attributable to equity
shareholders by the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the year. The
company has issued potential Equity shares and accordingly, the basic earning per share and diluted
earning per share are computed. Earning per share has been computed as under:
Description Year Ended Year Ended
31.03.2010 31.03.2009
Profit after Taxation 1,934,031,460 87,37,60,360
Weighted average number of shares for ba sic EPS 26,58,15,372 25,70,08,287
Weighted average number of shares for diluted EPS 30,51,84,359 28,72,89,739
Earning per share Rs. per equity share of Rs. 1/- each
(Previous year Rs.1/- each.)
Basic 7.28 3.40
Diluted 6.34 3.04

13. Company has identified that there is no material impairment of assets and as such no provision is
required as per AS-28 issued by the ICAI.
14. In the opinion of the management, no provision is required against contingent liabilities referred
to in Schedule ‘S’ Para B Point 2.
15. Based on the information/documents available with the Company, the amount due to small-scale
industries is nil.
16. Unclaimed dividend accounts are subject to reconciliation.
17. Additional information required in pursuance to paragraph 3 and 4 of the Part II of Schedule VI
of the Companies Act 1956.
Unit Quantity Amount Rs.
A. Opening Stock
Gold and Gold Products Kgs. 1535.882* 1,672,886,291
(2226.758) (2,405,155,593)
Diamond Cts 2997.220 70045031
(2311.710) ( 53,093,997)
B. Purchases
Gold and Gold Products Kgs. 118,180.005 184,158,308,310
(89,668.386*) (117,877,741,047)
Diamond Cts 1059.33 23,606,824
(789.390) (18,518,930)
Alloys Kgs 116.383 4,266,857
(81.843) (309,830)
C. Sales Turnover
Gold and Gold Products Kgs 117,248.061 178,946,170,160
(90,434.906) (113,765,938,213)
Diamond Cts 275.14 3,438,643
(103.880) (3,196,404)
D. Closing Stock
Gold and Gold Products 2583.066* 4,045,580,806
(1535.882*) (1,672,886,291)
Diamonds 3781.41 8,7365,189
(2997.220) (70,045,031)
E. Wastages/Lost
Gold and Gold Products Kgs 1.143
Diamond Cts Nil
F. Earnings in foreign currency
F. O. B Value of Exports 162,536,014,836
G. Expenditure in foreign currency :
C.I.F value of Imports of Rawmaterials 183,969,574,224
* Note: Quantity details for purchase of Jewellery worth Rs. 3,72,09,000/- made is not included as
the purchases are made of assorted items. The same is not included in Stocks quantity also.
Previous year’s figures are furnished in brackets.
The previous year’s figures are regrouped / rearranged wherever deemed necessary.
For and on behalf of the Board As per our Report of even date
For P.K. Rungta & co,
Chartered accountants,
Date : 31.05.2010 Chairman Managing Director Company Secretary Proprietor
M.No. 051184


Cash Flow Statement

(Amount in Indian Rupees)
2009-2010 2008-2009
A. Cash Flow from Operating Activities
Net Profit before tax and Extra ordinary items 2,072,381,479 985,676,456
Depreciation 17,795,146 17,556,905
Gratuity Liability up to 31.03.2008 - (1,869,766)
Finance Cost 953,732,202 1,415,742,627
Loss on Sale of Fixed Assets - 323,345
Rent Received (726,353) (714,190)
Preliminary Expenses Written Off 27,907 27,907
Profit on sale of Mutual Fund (406,535,211) -
Operational Profit before working Capital changes 2,636,675,170 2,416,743,284
Adjustments for Decrease (Increase) in Trade and
other receivables including Loans & Advances (1,306,088,027) (5,000,396,049)
Decrease (Increase) in Inventories (2,392,115,208) 715,318,268
Increase(Decrease) in Current Liabilities 7,665,815,371 1,857,374,482
Cash generated from operations 6,604,287,306 (10,960,015)
Direct Taxes paid (523,294,613) (813,722,820)
Net cash from Operating Activities 6,080,992,693 (824,682,835)
B. Cash Flow from Investing Activities
Purchase of fixed assets (75,567,487) (104,020,723)
Sale Proceeds of Fixed Asset - 3,827,020
(Purchase)/Sale proceeds of Investments 4,211,475,211 (2,486,089,000)
Rent Received 726,353 714,190
Net cash from Investing Activities 4,136,634,077 (2,585,568,513)
C. Cash Flow from Financing Activities
Increase in Share Capital and Share Premium 679,648,000 557,668,000
Finance Cost (953,732,202) (1,415,742,627)
Increase /(Decrease) in Secured Loan 2,169,171,946 9,686,443,207
Increase /(Decrease) in Unsecured Loan (639,413,382) 110,414,747
Dividend paid and tax on Dividend (309,963,983) (180,423,931)
Net cash from Financing Activities 945,710,379 8,758,359,396
Net increase(decrease) in cash & cash
equivalents(A+B+C) 11,163,337,149 5,348,108,048
Opening cash and cash equivalents 55,371,793,938 50,023,685,890
Closing cash and cash equivalents 66,535,131,087 55,371,793,938
For and on behalf of the Board As per our Report of even date
For P.K. Rungta & co,
Chartered accountants,
Date : 31.05.2010 Chairman Managing Director Proprietor
M.No. 051184

We have examined the attached Cash Flow Statement of Rajesh Exports Limited for the year ended 31st
March 2010. The statement has been prepared by the company based on and is in agreement with the cor-
responding Profit & Loss account and Balance Sheet of the Company covered by our report of even date
As per our Report of even date
For P. K. RUNGTA & CO.,
Chartered Accountants
Place: Bangalore (C.A. P.K. RUNGTA)
Date : 31.05.2010 Proprietor
M.No. 051184

Registration No. L36911KA1995PLC017077 State Code 08
Balance Sheet Date 31.03.2010


Public Issue NIL Rights issue NIL
Bonus Issue NIL Private Placement Rs. 88,07,085


Total Liabilities Total Assets

Sources of Funds Rs. Application of Funds Rs.

Paid-up Capital 26,58,15,372 Net Fixed Assets 70,66,05,934
Unsecured Loans 3,28,03,04,838 Net Current Assets 31,82,68,57,046
Secured Loans 17,58,26,29,644 Investments 31,54,59,67,401
Reserves & Surplus 11,17,62,51,571 Misc. Expenditure 27,905
Deffered Tax Asset 82,23,385


Total Income 1,85,29,43,98,681 Total Expenditure 1,83,22,20,17,202
Profit Before Tax 2,07,23,81,479 Profit After Tax 1,93,40,31,460
Earning Per equity share of Re.1 Dividend Rate 100%
Basic 7.28
Diluted 6.34


(As per monitory terms)
Item Code No. 71131901
(ITC Code)

For and on behalf of the Board

Date : 13-8-2010 Chairman Managing Director


Regd. Office : No.4, Batavia Chambers, Kumara Krupa Road, Kumara Park East, Bangalore-1. INDIA.

To be handed over at the entrance of the Meeting venue.
Name of the member attending the Meeting (In block letters)

Member’s Folio No.

In case of Proxy, Name of Proxy
No. of Shares held

I hereby record my presence at the 16th Annual General Meeting at 5.00 P.M. on 22.09.2010 at the
Mini Hall, Hotel Woodlands, No. 5, Raj Rammohan Roy Road, Bangalore - 560 001.

Member’s/Proxy’s Signature
(To be signed at the time of handing over this slip)

Notes : 1. Interested joint Shareholders may obtain attendance slips from the Company’s Registered Office.
2. Shareholders/Joint Shareholders are requested to bring the Annual Report and attendance
slips with them.



Regd. Office : No.4, Batavia Chambers, Kumara Krupa Road, Kumara Park East, Bangalore-1. INDIA.




being a member/members of Rajesh Exports Ltd., hereby appoint


or failing him


or failing him


as my/our Proxy to attend and vote for me / us and on my / our behalf at the 16th Annual General Meeting
of the Company to be held at 5.00 P.M. on 22.09.2010 at the Mini Hall, Hotel Woodlands, No. 5, Raja
Rammohan Roy Road, Bangalore - 560 001.

Signed this          day of

Affix Re. 1
Signature of the said Revenue



If undelivered please return to :


No.4, Batavia Chambers
Kumara Krupa Road
Kumara Park East, Bangalore-1. INDIA.

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