Practical Paper 2

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Identification Characters:
 Name of the disease – Downy Mildew of crucifere.
 Name of the host – Brassica leaf
 Name of the pathogene – peronospora parasities.

 The disease is characterised by appearance of purplish brown spots
on the inner side of leafs.
 The upper surface of the leat on the coshions is yellow.
 Sometimes the Albugo conidia is also found side by side on the same
leaf & Symtoms of the 2 look very similar from a distance.

 Stem also infected & swell up.

Casual Oranignism:
 The fungus causing the disease is personspora parasitica.
 The mycelium stricktly intracellular with larga finger
shaped/clavate, branched haustoria which nearly fill the cell cavities.
 Numerous branched conidiophores emerged to the stomatal on the
lower surface of the leaf.
 Conidiophores are 100-300 microns long & uhbranched.
 Dichotomously branching occurs at the tip region.
 Sterigmata are longs slender and pointed. They are on aeute angle
 A single conidlum is born at the tip of branches.



 All parts of host plant above soil level are attack by the disease.
 The first visible symptom appears on the leaflet of lower leaves as
dark spot which at a later stages are surrounded by yellow rings.
 The spots are circular, they appear in large number on the leaves.
 Mature spots are dark brown to almost black particularly on the
upper surface of leaflet.
 The spotting is due to attack of cercospora personata and cercospora
 Cercospora personata passes mycelium which is entirely internal and
intracellular developing haustoria in the pellicidae and spongy
mesophyll cells.
 The mycelium produce conidiophores, they are cylindrical, sepetate,
conidia are pale brown in colour.
 Cercospora arachidicola it has both internal and external intra and
inter cellular mycelium without haustoria.

 The condiophore are usually anphigenous, non-sepetate to sepetate
they are in light brown in colour.

 Burning of previous year of disease plant debris will to be great
extent reduces to sources of 1 Infection.
 Crop rotation down the rate of infection.
 Treatment of disease with 0.5% cuso4 solution to seed disinfection &
spraying of Bordeaux mixture with linseed oil as sticker at an interval
of 15 days. Effective in checking the disease.



 Uredinospores are intermiaed, capitates paraphyses and are

producing uredinospores.
 Reddish yellow uredinos occurs in both sides of the leaf.
 Leaf, Stem, Petioles and capsules.
 These are formed in circles on the leaves & as elongated patches on
the stem.
 Uredinia consists of ovate, with spiny, exaspores which are
intermixed with the capitate paraphyses.
 Germinating the uredinospores take places by germ tube that grows
towards stomata & produce mycelium.
 Uredinospores germinate over range from above 0”C to 25”C with an
optimum temperature of 16-20”c

 The disease may be controlled by the sanitation through destruction
of diseased plant debris & weed host.
 Use of resistance varicties.
 Seed treatment with chemical to inactivate the Telia (or) Oredina.



 Wheat just crop is mainly affected by 3 types of Rust diseases. They

are 1) Black Stem rust.
2) Yellow / Stripe rust.
3) Brown / Orange rust.
 Black rust is caused by puccinia graminitritici.
 It is large elongated brown, Uredopustules filled with uredinospores
appears on the stem, Leaf sheath, Lamina of the infected plant.
 The Uredinopustules later on change into black coloured
Teliotopustules bearing Telitospores / Teliospores.
 Black coloured Telia mainly appears on the stem. So it is the disease
is called as the Black Stem rust.

 On wheat plant, large elongated, Brown coloured Uredopustules with
uredinospores appear on the stem, leaf steath & lamina of the
infected plant.
 The brown colour uredinia changes into black coloored
 The infected plant part gives rusty appearance.

Life Cycle:
 The somatic phase of fungus on wheat plant consists of dikaryotic
mycelium below the epidermis of the host leaf.
 The mycelium produces sporophores towards the epidermis.
 The Sporophores produces the uredinospores.
 Uredinospores are unicellular, dikaryotic, oval & brown coloured
 It has a thick accumulates wall & dense cytoplasm is brown oil
globules & Brown pigment.
 The spores get detached from their sporephore & disseminated by
 At the time of growing season another type of spores develops from
the some dikaryotic mycelium. They are known as Telitospores.
 They are black & brown in colour & 2 celled, spindle shaped structure
each cell consisting diploid nucleus.

Control Measure:
 Eradication of alternate host.
 Developing rust resistance varities.
 Mixed cropping.
 Nitrogenous filters.
 Increas the susceptability of wheat crop to rust.
 Spraying of fungicides.



Identification character:
 White rust commonly found in the families cruciferae (Brassicaceae),
Convolvulaceae, Compositae, Amaranthaceae etc.,
 The white rust caused by albugo species.
 Albugo conidida is the most comman species of the genus which
attacks on cruciferae members and causes the white rust disease.
 The symptom occurs mainly onthe aerial parts of the plant such as
leaves, petioles, stem, flowers etc.,
 Early stage of this disease is the formation of rust like white shiny
irregular pustules on the lower surface of leaves & they spread on the
upper surface of leaves and stem.
 The pustules contain powder like sporangia.
 The mycelium of albugo is branched intercellular, aseptate &
 The fungal mycelium grows in intercellular spores of the host tissues
and absorb food material with the help of haustoria.
 At the time of development, they develop sporangiophore, The
sporangiophore produces numbrous sporangia.
 The sporangia are exposed as white powdery mass, characteristically
called as the “White Rust”

Control Measure:.
 Damage due to white rust is not significant.
 Whenever the disease occur in several forms, the effected plants &
Other suspectable weeds may be removed & brunt.
 Crop rotation prevent the disease.


 Bacteria can be divided into two major group called grame-ve &
grame +ve.
 This division based on the response of the bacteria towards the stain
called “Gram Stain”.
 “Chirstain Gram” in 1884 formulated. This Staining procedure to
differentiated bacteria.

To identify the bacteria by Gram Staining method.

Clean dry glass slide, Innoculation loop, Microscope, Spirit lamp.

Bacterial Suspension, crystal violet, Iodin, Acetone or Alcohol.

Bacterial Suspension:
A small amount of bacterial culture taken from the pure cultures
slant and mixed with sufficient Quantity of sterile distilled water to prepare
the bacterial suspension.
 Bacillus cultures are used for Gram +ve
 E.coil cultures are used for Gram -ve

 Take a clean & dry glass slide.
 Place a loop of bacterial suspension at the centre of the glass slide by
using the loop.
 Dry the suspension by taking the slide gently to the spirit lamp flame
for 3-4hrs till a dry smear is prepared.
 Stain the smear by added crystal violet dye for 30 sec.
 Wash the slide under running water.
 Flood the smear with the excess of iodine for 30 sec.
 Destain the slide by adding alcohol or Acetone.
 Wash the slide under tap water.
 Counter stain the smear with saffarnin.
 Wash the slide under tap water to remove excess of stain.
 Gently blocked the slide with blotting paper to make it dry.
 Observe the slide under highpower lens after adding a drop of
emersion oil on the smear.

 The smear which contain purple coloor cells, hence Gram +ve



 It is known as “slime mould”.

 It fruits in clusters on dead wood and has distinctive tall reddish
brown sporangia.
 The sporangia are supported on slender stalk.
 The sporangia are supported by a thin stiny black stalk that is 3-7mm
 The bright rusty brown colour of mature sporangia lightness to a pale
brown after spores has been dispersed.
 The spores measure 5-7mm and have a smooth surface.



 The mycelium is short septate and branched.

 The alternaria causes early blight disease in potato.
 Asexual reproduction take place by means of conidia.
 Conidia are produced in single or short chains at the tip of
 The conidia are multicellular, Obetavite, Obovoid or Uniform in
 The conidia are both transversely and longitudinally septate.



 It is a obligative parasite.
 The thallus is Unicellular and holocarpic.
 The cells are localizied within the infected host tissues.
 Sporangium is elliptical and composed of several spores formed by
cleavage of protoplast.
 Asexual reproduction by spores.
 Zoosporangia is thick-walled zoospores are produced by cleavage,
Resting zygotic sporangium thick-walled.



 Allomyces occur in soil and it is a saprophytic organism.

 Somatic body consist of a stout-Trunk like structure with the basal
portion attached to the substratum by the rhizoids.
 Numerous slender hyphal branches arises dichotomously with the
distal end of the hyphal trunk.
 The cytoplasma is colourless and it change its colour according to the
Environmental Conditon.
 Allomyces is homothallic. The gametangia appears in pairs at the tip
of the hyphae.
 Allomyces exhibits alternation of generation.



 Ustilago causes loose smut of wheat and Barley.

 The characteristic is dusty black appearance on heads.
 Due to production of teliospores. Teliospores are produced in sorus
it is enclosed by delicated slivery membrane.
 The spores are germinated into promycelium during karyogamy and
meiosis take place.



 The Neurospora is red bread Mould.

 It is commonly known as “Bakery Mould”
 It infects and causes several baking industry.
 The somatic mycelium composed of rapidly growing pigmented
 The hyphal cells are multinucleated.
 The nevrospore reproduce asexually by conidia.
 Two types of conidia produced they are
1. Multinucleate Macroconidia.
2. Uninucleate Microconidia.



 The chlamydospores borne terminally on the hyphae.

 The tip of the hyphae present with sporocarp.
 The spores contains sepetate from the attached hyphae.
 The septum accumulated by sporewall thickening.



 The Urediniospore produced in uredinosori.

 The terminal cell of the sporophore divided transversely into a basal
foot cell, upper spore initial.
 The spore initial again divided transversely into stalkcell and
 Each uredospore is uninucleated, Dikaryotic oval and brown colour.
 The Urediniospore consist of outer thick spiny exospores and inner
delicate hyaline endospore.
 The exospores having four germpores in the equatorial plane.



 Uredinospores are intermixed, capitate, paraphyses and are

producing uredinospores.
 Reddish yellow uredinos occur in the both sides of the leaf.
 These are formed in circles on the leaves and as elongated pateches
on the stem.
 Uredinia consists of ovate, with spiny. Exospores which are
intermixed with the capitates paraphyses.
 Germinating the Uredinospores take place by germ tube that grows
towards stomata & Produces mycelium.
 Uredinospores germinate over range from above 0’C to 25’C with an
optimum temp of 16-20’C.



 In late growing season on wheat teliospores develops from the

dikaryotic mycelium.
 They are produced in telia or teliaspores.
 Teliospores are dark brown or black in colour.
 The Teliospores present with two cells. Each cells are initial
binucleate and spindle shaped.
 Two cells are one above the other, the upper cell being rounded or
blented and thickened at the apex.
 Each cell consisting with a single germ pore.
 The germ pore are upper cell at apex, lower cell is at lateral position
below the septum.



 Downy Mildew of vitis vinifera caused by “Plasmoparaviticola”.

 The growth of downy mildew on the super surface of the attached
 All the succulent tendence parts are attached which leads to
destruction of foliose, dwarfing of shoots.
 The fungus spread rapidly with profuse downy growth on leaf
 And corresponding greenish patches on the upper surface which



 In groundnut due to cercospora caused the Tikka disease.

 This species is caused by tow types of species cercospora arachidicda
and personata.
 All the aerial parts of the host plant get the infection.
 Symptoms of disease appear on the leaves.
 The Epidermis of the leaves losse contact with mesophyll leaves.
 The patches on the leaves irregularly or circular structure with a
diameter of 1-10nm



 The genus puccinia graminitritici causes the rust disease in wheat

 The wheat crop is attack mainly by three types of rust diseases.
1. Black stem Rust.
2. Yellow or strape Rust.
3. Brown or orange Rust.
 In wheat black stem rust causes by the occurances of uredinospore
and Teliospores.
 On the leaf and stem Uredinaspore produce in uredino pustules
brown colour.
 The Telitopustule are produces in Telitopustute they appear in dark
brown in colour.



 Albugo attacks on the members of cruciferea like cabbage, Raddish,

Turnip, mustard.
 It causes white rust disease.
 Fungus infects mainly aerial parts of the plant.
 The early symptoms of the diseases is formation of rust like white
shiny, irregularly pustules on the lower surface of leaves.
 These pustoles gradually appears on the upper surface of leaves &
 The pustules contain powder like sporangia which propagate the


 Lichens are broadly grouped into three type based on morphology

1. Crustose Lichens
2. Foliose Lichens
3. Fruticose Lichens

1. Crustose Lichens:
 The thallus is thin and flat, crust like. The thalli are appressed to the
substratum forming thin flat crust.
 The thallus is pariatelly or fully emmebbed in the substratum.
 Sometimes only fruit bodies are visible on the surface of substratum.
Eg: Lecanora Graphis.

2. Foliose Lichens:
 These lichens are flat with leaf like lobed thallus.
 They are attached to the substratum with the help of Rhizoids like
Eg: Parmelia, Peltigera.

3. Fruticose Lichens:
 These are bush like cylindrical or strap shaped branched thallus.
 The branches may grow erect or hang from the substratum.
 The plant attached to substratum with the help of basal mucilage
Eg: Usnes, Ramilina.


 Causual organism is “Xanthomonas axonopodia citri”.

 Citrus canker is a disease affecting citrus species caused by the
 The infection causes lesions on the leaf, stem and fruit.
 The lesions on the leaf are blackish in colour on the fruit. They were
glandlur brighten yellow covering.
 Due to citrus canker leaves and fruit are fall off.


 The little leaf of brinjal disease caused by a plant pathogenic

phytoplasma earlier known as mycoplasma like organism.
 And it is transmitted by the insect vector “hishimonous phycitis”.
 The symptom of the disease include shortening of the petioles and
production of leaf which are much smaller in size.
 They become soft and globrous and yellow in colour.
 The disease affect the plant in earlier stages of growth the plant did
not bear leaf and fruit.
 In the late season infection fruit may remain small, become hard and
unfit for consumption or marketing.


- -Basidomycotina

 The mature basidiocarp of Agaricus is a small umberalla structure.

 It is a range of 5-10cm height.
 The macroscopic fruit body or basidiocarp generally has a stalk, pilus
bearing hymenium covering lamellae inside.
 The developing hymenium bears a covering called annulus around
the stipe.
 Later numerous lamellae typically inferior are form all around.
 The mycelium like parenehyma called “pseudoparenchymo”.


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