The Efffect of Post-Weld Heat Treatment On Properties of Low-Alloyed Crmonb Steel After Submerged Welding
The Efffect of Post-Weld Heat Treatment On Properties of Low-Alloyed Crmonb Steel After Submerged Welding
The Efffect of Post-Weld Heat Treatment On Properties of Low-Alloyed Crmonb Steel After Submerged Welding
Faculty of Metallurgy, University of Zagreb, Aleja narodnih heroja 3, 44103 Sisak, Croatia
Zlatna Aurora Ltd., Hrvatskoga narodnog preporoda 25, 44010 Sisak, Croatia
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Aškerčeva 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Received 2 August 2004, received in revised form 7 March 2006, accepted 8 March 2006
The effect of post-weld heat treatment on mechanical properties, microstructure and frac-
ture mode of low-alloyed CrMoNb steel was examined using an optical microscope, and a
scanning and transmission electron microscopes. Steel plates, 18 mm thick, were welded by
means of the submerged arc welding technique and then heat treated in the temperature range
from 475 to 700 ◦C. It was found that the tensile strength, hardness and impact energy values
decrease with the increasing annealing temperature, except for annealing at 550 ◦C and 625 ◦C.
Anomalies were attributed to the precipitation of fine carbides. Complex cementite proved to
be beneficial in controlling the fracture mechanism in impact (Charpy V-notch) and tensile
tested specimens.
Chemical composition
C Mn P S Si Mo Al Cr Ni Cu Nb
Base metal 0.07 1.40 0.016 0.003 0.46 0.45 0.04 1.42 0.49 0.09 0.06
Weld metal 0.09 1.43 0.012 0.003 0.62 0.47 0.03 1.19 0.14 0.08 0.015
T a b l e 3. Mechanical properties of the base and weld metals before PWHT. Tested at room temperature
T a b l e 4. Mechanical properties of the weld metal (WM) after PWHT at various temperatures. Specimens tested at
room temperature
Fig. 1. Micrograph of the low-alloyed CrMoNb steel, LM, Fig. 2. SEM micrographs of low-alloyed CrMoNb steel weld
a) base metal, b) heat-affected zone/base metal interface. metal, a) before PWHT, b) after PWHT.
prior austenite grains. This microstructural variation, of dimple morphology are illustrated. At the anneal-
clearly, was responsible for different hardness values ing temperature of 700 ◦C areas of dimple morpho-
across the weld joint (Table 5). logy were found in both CVN and tensile tested spe-
After PWHT a noticeable change in carbide distri- cimens (Figs. 5–7). Spherical carbide particles were
bution and morphology could be observed (Fig. 2b). found inside dimples. The EDX analysis demonstrated
Typical TEM-bright micrographs of the steel annealed the presence of carbides and non-metallic inclusions at
at 700 ◦C, with visible rod-shaped carbides (20–50 the fracture surfaces (Figs. 5b and 7b).
nm), are shown in Fig. 3. In general, coarsening of
microstructure of the weld joints as well as noticeable
changes in the mechanical properties took place dur- 4. Discussion
ing PWHT.
In Fig. 4, facets of transgranular cleavage and areas During the thermal cycle the molten weld metal so-
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Fig. 5. SEM microfractograph of low-alloyed CrMoNb steel Fig. 6. SEM microfractographs of low-alloyed CrMoNb
weld metal after Charpy impact testing (a) and EDX spec- steel weld metal after tensile testing. Specimens annealed
trum of carbide particle (b). at 475 ◦C, a) basic view, b) detail.
the precipitation of acicular M2 C carbides [11] and to M2 C and MC carbides are arranged in kinetic se-
the resistance of both carbides to the coarsening [12]. quence, whereas M23 C6 and M6 C carbides form sep-
The carbide precipitation in the bainitic regions could arate areas in the time-temperature diagram. The
be expected because of the increased carbon concen- first carbide to precipitate is cementite (M3 C), or
tration in these regions due to the rejection of carbon some transient iron carbide, if the PWHT tempera-
into austenite [13]. ture is low. The precipitation sequence can be sum-
The precipitation mechanism concerning low- marized as M3 C → M7 C3 + M2 C + M23 C6 →
-alloyed CrMo steel welds is very complex, and is M23 C6 + M6 C [15]. Even if molybdenum is present
still not fully understood. According to the investig- in the investigated steel (Table 1), the precipita-
ation of the secondary phase precipitation in CrMo tion of Mo-carbides was not established. Further
and CrMoV steels by Janovec [14] the M3 C, M7 C3 , studies are required before any conclusions concern-
M. Gojić et al. / Kovove Mater. 44 2006 119–126 125
5. Conclusions
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