3 Classes Per Week - 90 Min.: Week Period Unit Lesson Content Activities Learning Point Vocabulary & Structure Phonics 1

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3 classes per week – 90 min.

Week Period Unit Lesson Activities Page
Learning point Vocabulary & structure Phonics
1 - Simple (be) verb talking about
someone’s nationality - Name Relay
SB, pg 6-7
I ‘m from ________. Hi! I am___________. I’m __ years old.
- Greetings : WB, pg 2-3
1 -I am a __________. - Listen and write names (Tr. 002)
-Countries Additional
- She/He is from ________. -Listen and write (Tr. 003)
-They are from______ -Write YES or NO
- Listen, and fill in (tr. 004)
SB, pg 8-9
Pronouns - Look and write
- General Information WB, pg 4-5
2 He/she/it/we/they/my - Fill in the chart
-Who/what/when/where questions -Listen and read ( tr.005)
-Ask and answer then fill in chart
-Review Vocabulary
-Spell and Write
- Listen and say (track 003),
-Look at the picture and answer
- Match the question and answers
- Simple (be) verb talking about -Answer questions
someone’s nationality
I ‘m from ________. Questions:
-I am a __________. 1. Who is he / she?
REVIEW 1 - She/He is from ________. He is…. SB, pg. 6-9
-Countries and Countries and
3 Welcome -They are from______ She is… WB,pg. 2-5
Nationalities Nationalities
2. Who are they?
-Personal Information
They are ….
Pronouns 3. Where did you come from?
He/she/it/we/they/my I am from____
-Who/what/when/where questions 4. What is your nationality?
I am _____.
5. when is your birthday?
My birthday is on____.
5. what are your hobbies?
My hobbies are_____.
4 Unit 1 Lesson 1 - Cooking terms and - flour, sugar, oven, bowl, whisk, - Look and listen, listen and say(tr. 006 – SB, pg 10-11
Lets cook! ingredients stir, mix, heat 007) WB, pg 6-7
-Look, listen and write( tr.008) Additional
- Sing a song (tr. 009) materials
-Look at the picture and say
- At least 2 more activities
- Read
- Read again and answer.
SB, pg 12-13
- Asking about -Speaking: ACT LIKE A CHEF:
- Transitional devices: first, second, WB, pg 8-9
5 Lesson 2 instructions to do Think of a food to cook and write the
next, after that, before, finally Additional
something recipe. Afterwards, find a partner and ask
about his/her recipe- At least 2 more
- Listen and repeat
-Act out the story.
- Listen and say
- - Simple (be) verb talking about - Listen and write the letters
someone’s nationality
- Listen, look at the picture, ask and answer
I ‘m from ________.
-I am a __________.
Questions :
- She/He is from ________.
1. Who is he / she?
-They are from______
He is….
Review 2 - Countries Cooking
She is… SB6-13
Welcome and - Cooking terms and Pronouns terms and
2. What is it? WB 2-9
Lessons 1-2 ingredients He/she/it/we/they/my ingredients
It’s a ______
2 -Who/what/when/where questions
3. Where did it come from?
- Transitional devices: first, second,
It’s from _____
next, after that, before, finally
4. what are your hobbies?
- flour, sugar, oven, bowl, whisk,
stir, mix, heat My hobbies are_____.
5. How to cook ___?
To cook _____, we must ___
6. What do we need?
We need _______-
- Listen and repeat (tr.010), role-play the
SB, pg 14-15
- Read and answer questions.
- Telling instructions to - negative imperatives WB, pg 10-11
6 Lesson 3 - Listen and say (tr. 011)
do something Additional
- Listen and write the letters (tr. 012)
- Listen, look at the picture, ask and answer
(tr. 013)
- Listen and read (tr. 014) SB, pg 16-17
- Reading comprehension:
- Read the questions and underline answers WB, pg 12
7 Lesson 4 Cakes from around the
world -Read again and discuss questions Additional
- At least 2 more activities materials
8 Review 3 - Countries - Simple (be) verb talking about Cooking - Listen and repeat SB 6-17
Welcome and - Cooking terms and someone’s nationality terms and -Act it out WB 2-12
Lessons 1-4 ingredients I ‘m from ________. ingredients - Listen and say
-I am a __________. - Listen and write the letters
- She/He is from ________. - Listen, look at the picture, ask and answer
-They are from______
Questions :
1. Who is he / she?
He is….
She is…
Pronouns 2. What is it?
He/she/it/we/they/my It’s a ______
3. Where did it come from?
-Who/what/when/where questions It’s from _____
4. what are your hobbies?
- Transitional devices: first, second, My hobbies are_____.
next, after that, before, finally 5. How to cook ___?
- flour, sugar, oven, bowl, whisk, To cook _____, we must ___
stir, mix, heat, Chop, pour, boil, 6. What do we need?
fry, mix, heat, whisk, stir We need _______-
7. What’s next after we _____?
We ____ after we ____.
3 - Read and encircle SB, pg 18-19
-Read again and answer WB, pg 13
9 Lesson 5 - Cooking terms Chop, pour, boil, fry, mix, heat,
-Fill in the chart Additional
whisk, stir
- materials
10 Review - From the beginning to the end of Unit 1: Learning points, Vocab & structure, -Listen, read, and say WB, pg 79-80
11 Review Review 4 phonic… - Read and spell Additional
Welcome and -Listen and say then match. materials
Unit 1 - Simple (be) verb talking about someone’s nationality -Listen and circle
I ‘m from ________. -Ask and answer with your partner
-I am a __________. Questions :
- She/He is from ________. 1. Who is he / she?
-They are from______ He is….
She is…
Pronouns 2. Who are they?
He/she/it/we/they/my They are ….
-Who/what/when/where questions 3. Where did you come from?
- Transitional devices: first, second, next, after that, before, finally I am from____
4. What is your nationality?
I am _____.
5. when is your birthday?
My birthday is on____.
6. What is it?
It’s a ______
7. Where did it come from?
It’s from _____
8. what are your hobbies?
My hobbies are_____.
9. How to cook ___?
To cook _____, we must ___
10. What do we need?
We need _______-
11. What’s next after/ before we _____? Self-prepared
12 Test - Listening, reading, writing, speaking
Unit 2 - Look and listen, listen and say, listen and
SB, pg 20-21
Many things - salmon, coconut, pineapple, flute, write letters (tr. 017 – 019)
- Things sold in stores WB, pg 14-15
13 from many Lesson 1 sandals, candle, digital camera, PC - Sing a song (track 020)
and markets Additional
places -Look at the picture and say
4 - At least 2 more activities
- Read
- Read again and answer. SB, pg 22-23
- Talking about
- Passive voice to talk about -Speaking: Look for five objects you have. WB, pg 16-17
14 Lesson 2 where items
the origin of products Fill in the chart with the name of each item Additional
came from
and the country it is made or grown in. materials
At least 2 more activities
-Match the words and pictures
- Simple (be) verb talking about -Listen and spell
someone’s nationality
-Re-order sentences
I ‘m from ________.
- Look and choose then Say the country
-I am a __________.
-Ask and answer
- She/He is from ________.
-They are from______
- Countries Questions:
Review 5
- Cooking terms and - Things sold 1. What is it?
Welcome, Pronouns SB 6-23
ingredients in stores and It’s a ____
Unit 1 and He/she/it/we/they/my WB 2-17
- Things sold in stores markets 2. Where does it come from?
Lessons 1-2
and markets It came from _____
- Passive voice to talk about the
3. Where is it made?
origin of products
It’s made in ____
- The ___ is from ____.
4.Where did you buy these/this?
I bought them/it in _____.
- salmon, coconut, pineapple, flute,
sandals, candle, digital camera, PC 5. Where is it from?
It’s from ______
5 -Listen and repeat (tr.021)
-Role-play the story SB, pg 24-25
- Asking about - Tag questions
-Read again and answer WB, pg 18-19
15 Lesson 3 where items - Isn’t it?
-Listen and say (tr.022) Additional
came from - Aren’t they?
-Listen and write (tr.023) materials
-Listen, ask and answer(tr.024)
16 Lesson 4 - Reading comprehension: - Listen and read (tr. 025) SB, pg 26-27
The silk road - Read the questions and underline answers WB, pg 20
-Read again and discuss questions Additional
- At least 2 more activities materials
-Look and point
-Point and repeat
It came from ________.. - Look and spell
- Simple (be) verb talking about - Read and fill in
someone’s nationality -Read the questions and answer with your
I ‘m from ________. partner
-I am a __________. Questions:
- She/He is from ________. 1. What is it?
- Countries -They are from______ It’s a ____
- Cooking terms and It came from ________.. 2. Where does it come from?
Review 6 ingredients It came from _____
SB 6-27
17 Unit 1and - Things sold in stores Pronouns 3. Where is it made?
WB 2-20
lessons 1-4 and markets He/she/it/we/they/my It’s made in ____
-Asking about where 4.Where did you buy these/this?
items came from - Passive voice to talk about the I bought them/it in _____.
origin of products 5. Where is it from?
- The ___ is from ____. It’s from ______
6. Is it from ______?
-Tag questions Yes it is
- Isn’t it? No it isn’t
Aren’t they? 7. Are these from ____?
Yes they are
No they aren.’t
- Listen and answer the question (tr. 026)
- Listen again and check your answers(tr.
027) SB, pg 28-29
- Identifying where WB, pg 21, 81-
- Complete the chart
18 Lesson 5 items came from - 82
- Read and encircle
-Read again and answer
-Answer the questions
- At least 2 more activities
6 Unit 3 - develop photos, play cassette - Listen and say (tr. 035); look and listen
SB, pg 30-31
Thinking tapes, record videos, collect (tr. 036); listen and write (tr. 037)
WB, pg 22-23
19 about the Lesson 1 - old technology stamps, deliver newspaper, keep an - Sing a song (tr. 038)
past address book, use payphones, Additional
-Look at the picture and say
watch silent films materials
- At least two more activities
20 REVIEW 7 - Countries It came from ________.. old Questions:
Units 1-2 and - Cooking terms and --I came from ________. technology 1. What is it?
lesson 1 ingredients -I am a __________. It’s a ____
- Things sold in stores 2. Where does it come from?
and markets Pronouns It came from _____
-Asking about where He/she/it/we/they/my 3. Where is it made?
items came from It’s made in ____
- old technology - Passive voice to talk about the 4.Where did you buy these/this?
origin of products
- The ___ is from ____. I bought them/it in _____.
5. Where is it from?
-Tag questions It’s from ______
- Isn’t it? 6. Is it from ______?
Aren’t they? Yes it is
No it isn’t
Transitional devices: first, second, 7. Are these from ____?
next, after that, before, finally Yes they are
No they aren.’t
-Present progressive 8. What is/are he/she/they doing?
He/she/I/we/they He/she is ____ +ing
He/she is ____ +ing I/we/they are _____ing
I/we/they are _____ing

- Read
- Read again and answer.
SB, pg 32-33
-Speaking: Think of three things your
- Talking about past WB, pg 24-25
21 Lesson 2 mom, dad and grandparents used to do
activities and hobbies Additional
when they were children. Fill in the chart.
-Ask then write
At least 2 more activities
- Listen and repeat (tr. 032)
- Role-play story SB, pg 34-35
- Asking about - Read the story again and answer question WB, pg 26-27
22 Lesson 3 -Y/N questions with use to
childhood memories - Listen and say (tr.033) Additional
-Listen and write (tr.034) materials
- Listen, ask and answer (tr. 035)
23 Review 8 Asking about where Transitional devices: first, second, Review Vocabulary SB 6-35
Units 1-2 and items came from next, after that, before, finally -Spell and Write WB 2-27
Lessons 1-3 - old technology - Listen and say
Asking about childhood -Present progressive -Look at the picture and answer
memories He/she/I/we/they - Match the question and answers
He/she is ____ +ing -Answer questions
I/we/they are _____ing
Questions :
-Past tense 1. What is it?
Verb +d/ed It’s a ____
2. Where does it come from?
It came from _____
3. Where is it made?
It’s made in ____
4.Where did you buy these/this?
I bought them/it in _____.
5. Where is it from?
It’s from ______
6. Is it from ______?
Yes it is
No it isn’t
7. Are these from ____?
Yes they are
No they aren.’t
8. What is/are he/she/they doing?
He/she is ____ +ing
I/we/they are _____ing
9. What did he/she/they do?
He/she/they ______+d/ed
10.What did he/she/ they do
He/she/they ______+d/ed________.
- Listen and read (tr. 036) SB, pg 36-37
- Reading comprehension: - Read the questions and underline answers WB, pg 28
24 Lesson 4 Listening to music in the
past -Read again and discuss questions Additional
- At least 2 more activities materials
- Listen and answer(tr. 037)
-Listen again and check your answers(tr.
038) SB, pg 38-39
- Comparing past and - Complete the chart WB, pg 29
7 25 Lesson 5
present - Read and underline Additional
-Read again and answer materials
-Answer the questions
- At least 2 more activities
- Crossword puzzle game SB, pg 40-41
- The contents from Unit 1 to the end of Unit 3: Learning points, Vocab & - Listen and circle (tr. 039) WB, pg 83
26 Review
structure, phonic… - Read and circle Additional
- At least 2 more activities materials
8 27 Review & Review 9 - The contents from Unit 1 to the end of Unit 3: Learning points, Vocab & - Look and read, write “Yes” or “No” SB, pg 6-43
Game Units 1-3 structure, phonic… - Play game WB, pg 2-84
- Board game - - Fill in the chart Additional
-- Listen and circle, answer questions materials
- Countries
-Personal Information Questions:
- Cooking terms and ingredients 1. Who is he / she?
Transitional devices: first, second, next, after that, before, finally He is….
She is…
-Present progressive 2. Who are they?
He/she/I/we/they They are ….
He/she is ____ +ing 3. Where did you come from?
I/we/they are _____ing I am from____
4. What is your nationality?
I am _____.
5. when is your birthday?
My birthday is on____.
6. What is it?
It’s a ______
7. Where did it come from?
It’s from _____
8. what are your hobbies?
My hobbies are_____.
-Past tense
9. How to cook ___?
Verb +d/ed
To cook _____, we must ___
10. What do we need?
We need _______-
11. What’s next after/ before we _____?
We ____ after/ before we ____.
12. What did he/she/they do?
He/she/they ______+d/ed
13.What did he/she/ they do
He/she/they ______+d/ed________.
28 Test - Listening, Reading, Writing Self-prepared
29 Test - Speaking materials
9 Unit 4 - Look and listen, listen and say, listen and
- annoying, brave, calm, confident, SB, pg 44-45
Describing write letters (tr. 040 – 042)
honest, nervous, proud, WB, pg 30-31
30 People Lesson 1 - traits - Sing a song (track 043)
hardworking Additional
-Look at the picture and SAY
- At least 2 more activities
- Read
- Pronouns - Read again and answer.
SB, pg 46-47
He/she/it/we/they/my -Speaking: Choose four classmates and
WB, pg 32-33
31 Lesson 2 - Describing someone -simple present (be) verb think of two adjectives to describe each
one. Additional
My/ He/she is ____
They are _____ -Describe and guess
At least 2 more activities
32 Review 10 Nationalities and - Simple (be) verb talking about Match the words and pictures SB 6-47
Nationalities Countries someone’s nationality -Listen and spell WB 2-33
and Countries Traits I ‘m from ________. -Re-order sentences
Lessons 1-2 Describing someone -I am a __________. - Look and choose
- She/He is from ________. -Ask and answer
-They are from______ Questions:
It came from ________.. 1. Who is he / she?
He is….
-- Pronouns She is…
2. Who are they?
They are ….
3. Where did he/she come from?
-simple present (be) verb
He/she is from____.
My/ He/she is ____
4. What is he/she like?
They are _____
He/she is _____
5. Why do you like him/her?
-- annoying, brave, calm, confident,
I like him / her because ______.
honest, nervous, proud,
6. Do you like him/her? why
Yes I do because he/she is ____
No I don’t because he/she is ____
-Listen and repeat (tr.044)
-Role-play the story SB, pg 48-49
- Asking about -Read again and answer WB, pg 34-35
33 Lesson 3
someone’s traits -Listen and say (tr.045) Additional
-Listen and write (tr.046) materials
-List en, ask and answer(tr.047)
10 - Listen and read (tr. 048 ) SB, pg 50-51
Reading comprehension: - Read the questions and underline answers WB, pg 36
34 Lesson 4 Outward bound -Read again and discuss questions Additional
- At least 2 more activities materials
35 Review 11 Nationalities and - Simple (be) verb talking about Match the words and pictures SB 6-51
Nationalities Countries someone’s nationality -Listen and spell WB 2-36
and Countries Traits I ‘m from ________. -Re-order sentences
Lessons 1-4 Describing someone -I am a __________. - Look and choose
Asking about - She/He is from ________. -Ask and answer
someone’s traits -They are from______
It came from ________.. Questions:
1. Who is he / she?
-- Pronouns He is….
He/she/it/we/they/my She is…
2. Who are they?
-simple present (be) verb They are ….
My/ He/she is ____ 3. Where did he/she come from?
They are _____ He/she is from____.
4. What is he/she like?
He/she is _____
5. Why do you like him/her?
I like him / her because ______.
6. Do you like him/her? why
Yes I do because he/she is ____
No I don’t because he/she is ____
7. What do you like most about him/her?
I like his/her _____ the most.
8.What don’t you like about him/her?
I don’t’ like that he/she is ______.

- Listen and answer the question (tr. 049)

- Listen again and check your answers(tr.
050) SB, pg 52-53
- Match and write WB, pg 37,
36 Lesson 5 - Telling one’s traits
- Read and underline Additional
-Read again and answer materials
-Fill in the chart
- At least 2 more activities
Unit 5 - sweep the floor, take out the trash, - Look and listen, listen and say, listen and
SB, pg 54-55
Helping at do the dishes, feed the dog, mop write letters (tr. 051 – 053)
WB, pg 38-39
37 home Lesson 1 - Household chores the floor, set the table, water the - Sing a song (track 054)
plants, wash the window Additional
-Look at the picture then ask and answer
- At least 2 more activities
38 Review 12 - Nationalities and -- Pronouns - Listen and repeat Sb 6-55
Units 1,3 -4 Countries He/she/it/we/they/my - Read the story again and answer WB 2-39
and lesson 1 - Cooking terms - Listen and say
-Things in the past -simple present (be) verb - Listen and write the letters
Traits My/ He/she is ____ - Listen, look at picture, ask and answer
Describing someone They are _____
Asking Questions:
Household chores -Present progressive 1. Who is he / she?
He/she/I/we/they He is….
He/she is ____ +ing She is…
I/we/they are _____ing 2. Who are they?
They are ….
-Past tense 3. Where did he/she come from?
Verb +d/ed He/she is from____.
4. What is he/she like?
-Present perfect with yet and He/she is _____
already 5. Why do you like him/her?
Have you____ yet? I like him / her because ______.
Have you ____ already? 6. Do you like him/her? why
Yes I do because he/she is ____
No I don’t because he/she is ____
7. What do you like most about him/her?
I like his/her _____ the most.
8.What don’t you like about him/her?
I don’t’ like that he/she is ______.
9. What is/are he/she/they doing?
He/she is ____ +ing
I/we/they are _____ing
10 What did he/she/they do?
He/she/they ______+d/ed
11.What did he/she/ they do
He/she/they ______+d/ed________.
12. Have you ___ yet/already?
Yes I have _-_ already.
No I haven’t ______ yet.

11 - Read
- Read again and answer.
-Make a list of chores you do at home then SB, pg 56-57
-Present perfect with yet and
- Talking about check days you usually do them WB, pg 40-41
39 Lesson 2 already
completed chores -Speaking: Ask your partner about Additional
Have you….?
his/her household chores then write materials
-Describe and guess
At least 2 more activities
-Listen and repeat (tr.055)
--Present perfect with yet and -Role-play the story SB, pg 58-59
- Asking about chores already to ask if anyone has done -Read again and answer WB, pg 42-43
40 Lesson 3
of someone something -Listen and say (tr.056) Additional
Have you….? -Listen and write (tr.057) materials
-Listen, ask and answer(tr.058)
41 Review 13 Unit 1: Let’s cook Transitional devices: first, second, - Listen and repeat SB 6-59
Units 1 and 3 Unit 3: Thinking about next, after that, before, finally - Read the story again and answer WB 2-43
lessons 1-3 the past - Listen and say
Household chores - Listen and write the letters
Asking about chores of -Present progressive - Listen, look at picture, ask and answer
someone He/she/I/we/they
He/she is ____ +ing Questions:
I/we/they are _____ing 1. What is/are he/she/they doing?
He/she is ____ +ing
-Past tense I/we/they are _____ing
Verb +d/ed 2. What did he/she/they do?
He/she/they ______+d/ed
-Present perfect with yet and 3.What did he/she/ they do
already (after,next,yesterday)?
Have you____ yet? He/she/they ______+d/ed________.
Have you ____ already? 4. Have you ___ yet/already?
Yes I have _-_ already.
No I haven’t ______ yet.
5. Are you done/finished ____?
Not yet
Yes I am
- Listen and read (tr. 059 ) SB, pg 60-61
- Reading comprehension: - Read the questions and underline answers WB, pg 44
42 Lesson 4 Doing the laundry 100
years ago -Read again and discuss questions Additional
- At least 2 more activities materials
12 - Listen and answer the question (tr. 060)
- Listen again and check your answers(tr.
061) SB, pg 62-63
- Talking about chores
- Match and write WB, pg 45
43 Lesson 5 of one’s family
- Read and underline Additional
-Read again and answer materials
-Fill in the chart
- At least 2 more activities
Review - The contents from Unit 1 to the end of Unit 5: Learning points, Vocab & Listen and repeat WB, pg 2-88
structure, phonic… - Read the story again and answer Additional
45 Review REVIEW 14 - Listen and say materials
UNITS 1-5 - Simple (be) verb talking about someone’s nationality - Listen and write the letters
I ‘m from ________. - Listen, look at picture, ask and answer
-I am a __________.
- She/He is from ________. Questions:
-They are from______ 1. Who is he / she?
He is….
Pronouns She is…
He/she/it/we/they/my 2. Who are they?
-Who/what/when/where questions They are ….
3. Where did he/she come from?
Transitional devices: first, second, next, after that, before, finally He/she is from____.
4. What is he/she like?
-Present progressive He/she is _____
He/she/I/we/they 5. Why do you like him/her?
He/she is ____ +ing I like him / her because ______.
I/we/they are _____ing 6. Do you like him/her? why
Yes I do because he/she is ____
-Past tense No I don’t because he/she is ____
Verb +d/ed 7. What do you like most about him/her?
I like his/her _____ the most.
-Present perfect with yet and already 8.What don’t you like about him/her?
Have you____ yet? I don’t’ like that he/she is ______.
Have you ____ already? 9. What is/are he/she/they doing?
He/she is ____ +ing
I/we/they are _____ing
10 What did he/she/they do?
He/she/they ______+d/ed
11.What did he/she/ they do
He/she/they ______+d/ed________.
12. Have you ___ yet/already?
Yes I have _-_ already.
No I haven’t ______ yet.
Test 13.Are you done/finished ____?
46 - Listening, reading, writing
Test materials
47 - Speaking
13 Unit 6 - Look and listen, listen and say, listen and
- bakery, town square, market, SB, pg 64-65
Directions write letters (tr. 062– 064)
crosswalk, gas station, train station, WB, pg 46-47
48 Lesson 1 - places in the town - Sing a song (track 065)
park Additional
-Look at the picture then ask and answer
- At least 2 more activities
14 - Read
- Read again and answer.
SB, pg 66-67
-Speaking: Create your own town. Write
Prepositions WB, pg 48-49
49 Lesson 2 - Asking directions the following places or objects on the
Between, in, at,on Additional
-Ask and answer
At least 2 more activities
-Match column A and column B
- Act it out
-Fill in the missing letter
-Guess the word
Transitional devices: first, second, - Answer and Write
next, after that, before, finally Questions:
Prepositions 1. What is it?
Review 15 Between, in, at,on It’s a ______
Telling series of actions SB 6-67
50 Unit 1 and - bakery, town square, market, 2. Where is it ____?
Places in town WB 2-49
lessons 1-5 crosswalk, gas station, train station, It’s______ the _____.
Asking directions park 3. Where can I find ____?
You can find ____ in the _____.
4. Where is he/she?
He/she is in the _______.
5.Where is the _____?
It’s ______.

51 Lesson 3 - Telling someone -Listen and repeat (tr.066) SB, pg 68-69

-Role-play the story
-Read again and answer WB, pg 50-51
directions -Listen and say (tr.067) Additional
-Listen and write (tr.068) materials
-Listen, ask and answer(tr.069)
- Listen and read (tr. 070 ) SB, pg 70-71
- Reading comprehension: - Read the questions and underline answers WB, pg 52
52 Lesson 4 The life of a European
student -Read again and discuss questions Additional
- At least 2 more activities materials
-Match column A and column B
- Act it out
-Fill in the missing letter
-Guess the word
Transitional devices: first, second, - Answer and Write
next, after that, before, finally Questions:
Prepositions 1. What is it?
Between, in, at,on It’s a ______
Review 16 - bakery, town square, market, 2. Where is it ____?
Telling series of actions SB 6-67
53 Unit 1 and crosswalk, gas station, train station, It’s______ the _____.
Places in town WB 2-49
lessons 1-5 park , convenience store, coffee 3. Where can I find ____?
Asking directions shop, shoe store, fire station, You can find ____ in the _____.
Go straight, turn left, turn right, 4. Where is he/she?
corner He/she is in the _______.
5.Where is the _____?
It’s ______.
6. How to go to _____?

15 - Listen and answer the question (tr. 071)

- Listen again and check your answers(tr.
072) SB, pg 72-73
- Giving simple
- Match and say WB, pg 53
54 Lesson 5 directions
- Read then underline and circle Additional
-Read again and answer materials
-Fill in the chart/
- At least 2 more activities
- Read then write and check SB, pg 74-75
The contents from Unit 1 to the end of Unit 6: Learning points, Vocab & - Listen, circle (tr. 073) WB, pg 89
55 Review
structure, phonic… - Read and circle Additional
- At least 2 more activities materials
56 Review & Review 17 - The contents from Unit 1 to the end of Unit 6: Learning points, Vocab & - Look and read, write SB, pg 6- 77
Game Units 1-6 structure, phonic… - Match and say WB, pg 2-90
- Board game - Read then underline and circle Additional
-Read again and answer materials
-board game

1. Who is he / she?
He is….
She is…
2. Who are they?
They are ….
3. Where did he/she come from?
- Simple (be) verb talking about someone’s nationality
He/she is from____.
I ‘m from ________.
4. What is he/she like?
-I am a __________.
He/she is _____
- She/He is from ________.
5. Why do you like him/her?
-They are from______
I like him / her because ______.
6. Do you like him/her? why
Yes I do because he/she is ____
No I don’t because he/she is ____
-Who/what/when/where questions
7. What do you like most about him/her?
I like his/her _____ the most.
Transitional devices: first, second, next, after that, before, finally
8.What don’t you like about him/her?
I don’t’ like that he/she is ______.
-Present progressive
9. What is/are he/she/they doing?
He/she is ____ +ing
He/she is ____ +ing
I/we/they are _____ing
I/we/they are _____ing
10 What did he/she/they do?
He/she/they ______+d/ed
-Past tense
11.What did he/she/ they do
Verb +d/ed
He/she/they ______+d/ed________.
-Present perfect with yet and already
12. Have you ___ yet/already?
Have you____ yet?
Yes I have _-_ already.
Have you ____ already?
No I haven’t ______ yet.
13.Are you done/finished ____?
Not yet
Yes I am
Between, in, at,on
14. . Where can I find ____?
You can find ____ in the _____.
15. Where is he/she?
He/she is in the _______.
16 .Where is the _____?
It’s ______.
17. How to go to _____?
57 Test - Listening, reading, writing Self-prepared
58 Test - Speaking materials
Unit 7 - Look and listen, listen and say, listen and
- go ice skating, play volleyball, SB, pg 78-79
16 My free-time write letters (tr. 074 – 076)
take guitar lessons, see friends, chat WB, pg 54-55
59 activities Lesson 1 - free-time activities - Sing a song (track 077)
online, go to a comic store, go Additional
-Look at the picture then ask and answer
diving, do martial arts materials
- At least 2 more activities
17 - Read
- Read again and answer. SB, pg 80-81
- What do+ simple present to ask
- Asking activities of -Speaking: Think of a free-time activity WB, pg 56-57
60 Lesson 2 about a regular activities
someone for each day. Fill in the chart Additional
What do you…
-Ask and answer materials
At least 2 more activities
- Listen and repeat
Transitional devices: first, second, - Read and answer
next, after that, before, finally
- Listen and say
- Listen and write the letters
-Simple future
- Listen, look at picture, ask and answer
Will+base form
1. What is/are he/she/they doing?
-Present progressive
He/she is ____ +ing
Unit 5: Helping at home I/we/they are _____ing
He/she is ____ +ing
Review 18 - free-time activities 3.What will you do (after,next,)?
I/we/they are _____ing SB 6-81
61 Unit 5 and - Asking activities of I will ________.
WB 2-57
lessons 1-2 someone 4. Have you ___ yet/already?
-Present perfect with yet and
Yes I have _-_ already.
No I haven’t ______ yet.
Have you____ yet?
5. Are you done/finished ____?
Have you ____ already?
Not yet
Yes I am
6. What do you do in your free time?
- What do+ simple present to ask
about a regular activities I usually _____ in my free time.
What do you… 7. What do you do every day?
In the morning,

-Listen and repeat (tr.078)

-Role-play the story SB, pg 82-83
- Asking how long an -Read again and answer WB, pg 58-59
62 Lesson 3 - How long do you….
activity lasts -Listen and say (tr.079) Additional
-Listen and write (tr.080) materials
-Listen, ask and answer(tr.081)
63 Lesson 4 Reading comprehension: - Listen and read (tr. 082 ) SB, pg84-85
Summer in Russia - Read the questions and underline answers WB, pg 60
-Read again and discuss questions Additional
- At least 2 more activities materials
- Listen and repeat
Transitional devices: first, second, - Read the story again and answer
next, after that, before, finally
- Listen and say
- Listen and write the letters
-Simple future
- Listen, look at picture, ask and answer
Will+base form
1. What is/are he/she/they doing?
-Present progressive
He/she is ____ +ing
Unit 5: Helping at home He/she/I/we/they
I/we/they are _____ing
- free-time activities He/she is ____ +ing
3.What will you do (after,next,)?
Review 19 - Asking activities of I/we/they are _____ing
I will ________. SB 6-85
64 Unit 5 and someone
4. Have you ___ yet/already? WB 2-60
lessons 1-4 - Asking how long an -Present perfect with yet and
Yes I have _-_ already.
activity lasts already
No I haven’t ______ yet.
Have you____ yet?
5. Are you done/finished ____?
Have you ____ already?
Not yet
Yes I am
6. What do you do in your free time?
- What do+ simple present to ask
about a regular activities I usually _____ in my free time.
What do you… 7. What do you do every day?
In the morning,
-How long+for (minutes/hours) 8. How long do you _____?
I do it for _______?
18 - Listen and answer the question (tr. 083)
- Listen again and check your answers(tr.
084) SB, pg 86-87
- Talking about free- WB, pg 61, 91-
-Answer the questions
65 Lesson 5 time activities in a day 92
- Read and underline
-Read again and answer
-Answer the questions
- At least 2 more activities
Unit 8 - Look and listen, listen and say, listen and
- golf, walk the dog, have a SB, pg 88-89
Future Plans write letters (tr. 085– 088)
sleepover, do housework, blog, go WB, pg 62-63
66 Lesson 1 - activities and chores - Sing a song (track 065)
to gymnastics, help out a friend, Additional
-Look at the picture then ask and answer
check my homework materials
- At least 2 more activities
67 Review 20 Unit 1:Let’s cook Transitional devices: first, second, - Listen and repeat SB 6-89
UNITS 1, 5,7 Unit 5: Helping at home next, after that, before, finally - Read the story again and answer WB 2-63
and lesson 1 Unit 7- In my free-time - Listen and say
activities -Simple future - Listen and write the letters
activities and chores Will+base form - Listen, look at picture, ask and answer
1. What is/are he/she/they doing?
He/she is ____ +ing
-Present progressive
I/we/they are _____ing
2.What will you do (after,next,)?
He/she is ____ +ing
I will ________.
I/we/they are _____ing
3. What do you do in your free time?
I usually _____ in my free time.
4. What do you do every day?
- What do+ simple present to ask
In the morning,
about a regular activities
5. How long do you _____?
What do you…
I do it for _______?
6. what will you do (tomorrow, next year,
-How long+for (minutes/hours)
next week)
I will _____ _______
- Read
SB, pg 90-91
- Read again and answer.
WB, pg 64-65
68 Lesson 2 -Activities in a week -Fill in the chart
-Ask and afill in the chart
At least 2 more activities
19 -Listen and repeat (tr.089)
-Role-play the story SB, pg 92-93
- Describing a future -Read again and answer WB, pg 66-67
69 Lesson 3 - What will you do…..?
plans -Listen and say (tr.090) Additional
-Listen and write (tr.091) materials
-Listen, ask and answer(tr.092)
70 Review 21 Time Simple be verb to express time Look and write SB 6-93
UNITS 1, 5,7 Unit 1:Let’s cook It’s ___ o’clock. -Listen and act WB 2-67
and lessons 1- Unit 5: Helping at home Transitional devices: first, second, -Listen and point
3 Unit 7- In my free-time next, after that, before, finally -Re-order the words
activities -Listen, answer then write
activities and chores -Simple future
Describing a future Will+base form Questions:
plans 1. What is/are he/she/they doing?
He/she is ____ +ing
-Present progressive I/we/they are _____ing
He/she/I/we/they 2.What will you do (after,next,)?
He/she is ____ +ing I will ________.
I/we/they are _____ing 3. What do you do in your free time?
I usually _____ in my free time.
4. What do you do every day?
In the morning,
- What do+ simple present to ask 5. How long do you _____?
I do it for _______?
6. what will you do (tomorrow, next year,
about a regular activities next week)
What do you… I will _____ _______
7. Are you _____ on _____?
-How long+for (minutes/hours) Yes I am
No I am not
8. What time will you____?
I will ___ at __ o’clock
- Listen and read (tr. 093) SB, pg 94-95
- Reading comprehension: - Read the questions and underline answers WB, pg 68
71 Lesson 4
Life on a Soccer team -Read again and discuss questions Additional
- At least 2 more activities materials
- Listen and answer the question (tr. 094)
- Listen again and check your answers(tr.
095) SB, pg 96-97
- Discussing a future - Complete the sentences WB, pg 69
72 Lesson 5
plan - Read then underline Additional
-Read again and answer materials
-Fill in the chart
- At least 2 more activities
20 73 Review - The contents from Unit 1 to the end of Unit 8: Learning points, Vocab & - Read and circle the best answer WB, pg 93-94
74 Review REVIEW 22 structure, phonic… - Play game Additional
UNITS 1-8 - Answer materials
- Simple (be) verb talking about someone’s nationality
I ‘m from ________. Questions:
-I am a __________. 1. Who is he / she?
- She/He is from ________. He is….
-They are from______ She is…
2. Who are they?
Pronouns They are ….
He/she/it/we/they/my 3. Where did he/she come from?
-Who/what/when/where questions He/she is from____.
4. What is he/she like?
Transitional devices: first, second, next, after that, before, finally He/she is _____
5. What is/are he/she/they doing?
-Present progressive He/she is ____ +ing
He/she/I/we/they I/we/they are _____ing
He/she is ____ +ing 6. What did he/she/they do?
I/we/they are _____ing He/she/they ______+d/ed
7. What did he/she/ they do
-Past tense (after,next,yesterday)?
Verb +d/ed He/she/they ______+d/ed________.
8. Have you ___ yet/already?
-Present perfect with yet and already Yes I have _-_ already.
Have you____ yet? No I haven’t ______ yet.
Have you ____ already? 9. Are you done/finished ____?
Not yet
Yes I am
Prepositions 10. Where can I find ____?
Between, in, at,on You can find ____ in the _____.
11. Where is he/she?
- What do+ simple present to ask about a regular activities He/she is in the _______.
75 Test -What
Listening, reading, writing
do you… 12. How to go to _____? Self-prepared
76 Test - Speaking materials
Unit 9 - Look and listen, listen and say, listen and
SB, pg 98-99
Comparing write letters (tr. 096– 098)
- cheap, bright, large, tiny, desktop WB, pg 70-71
77 things Lesson 1 - Technology - Sing a song (track 099)
computer, mouse, screen, keyboard Additional
-Look at the picture then ask and answer
21 - At least 2 more activities
- Read
SB, pg 100-101
- Read again and answer.
WB, pg 72-73
78 Lesson 2 - Comparing things -Superlatives -Fill in the chart
-Ask and answer then write
At least 2 more activities
79 REVIEW 23 Unit 2: Many things Passive voice to talk about origin -Review Vocabulary SB 6-101
UNITS 2-8 from Many places The ____ is/are made in ____. -Spell and Write WB 2-73
Lessons 1-2 Unit 3: Thinking about - Listen and say
the past Past tense to talk about habits in the -Look at the picture and answer
Unit 4: Describing past - Match the question and answers
people I used to …. -Answer questions
Unit 5: Helping at home Questions:
Unit 6: Directions Comparative Adjectives 1. What is it?
Unit 7: My free-time It’s a___
activities Present perfect 2. Where is it made?
Unit 8: Future plans Have you _____ The ____ is made in _____.
Lessons 1-2: 3. Who invented the _____?
Technology - cheap, bright, large, tiny, desktop The___ was invented by____.
computer, mouse, screen, keyboard 4. What do you like about _____?
I like it because ________
5.Have you ____?
Yes I have
No I haven’t
6.I s___ as____ as___?
Yes ____is as___ as___
No ___is not as____as____.
22 -Listen and repeat (tr.100)
-Role-play the story SB, pg 102-103
- Asking about the
-Read again and answer WB, pg 74-75
80 Lesson 3 differences between two - Superlatives most/least
-Listen and say (tr.101) Additional
-Listen and write (tr.102) materials
-Listen, ask and answer(tr.103)
- Listen and read (tr. 104 ) SB, pg 104-105
- Reading comprehension:
- Read the questions and underline answers WB, pg 76
81 Lesson 4 The tiniest computer in the
world -Read again and discuss questions Additional
- At least 2 more activities materials
82 REVIEW 24 Unit 2: Many things Passive voice to talk about origin -Review Vocabulary SB 6-105
UNITS 2-8 from Many places The ____ is/are made in ____. -Spell and Write WB 2-76
Lessons 1-4 Unit 3: Thinking about - Listen and say
the past Past tense to talk about habits in the -Look at the picture and answer
Unit 4: Describing past - Match the question and answers
people I used to …. -Answer questions
Unit 5: Helping at home Questions:
Unit 6: Directions Comparative Adjectives
Unit 7: My free-time 1. What is it?
activities Present perfect It’s a___
Unit 8: Future plans Have you _____ 2. Where is it made?
Lessons 1-4: The ____ is made in _____.
Technology - Superlatives most/least 3. Who invented the _____?
The___ was invented by____.
- cheap, bright, large, tiny, desktop 4. What do you like about _____?
computer, mouse, screen, I like it because ________
keyboard, expensive, powerful, 5.Have you ____?
advanced, colorful, webcam, Yes I have
laptop, USB drive, printer No I haven’t
6.I s___ as____ as___?
Yes ____is as___ as___
No ___is not as____as____.
7.Which ____is the most _____?
The____ is the most_____.
8. Which ____is least _____?
The____ is least_____.
- Listen and answer the question (tr. 0105)
- Listen again and check your answers(tr.
106) SB, pg 106-107
- Describing an item - Answer the questions WB, pg 77
83 Lesson 5 -Adjectives
- Read then underline and circle Additional
-Read again and answer materials
-Fill in the chart
- At least 2 more activities
23 - Play game SB, pg 108-109
- The contents from Unit 1 to the end of Unit 9: Learning points, Vocab &
- Listen and circle (tr. 107) WB, pg 95
84 Review structure, phonic…
- Read and circle Additional
- Game: crossword
- At least 2 more activities materials
85 Review REVIEW 25 - The contents from Unit 1 to the end of Unit 9: Learning points, Vocab & - Look, read and write SB, pg 110-111
Units 1-9 structure, phonic… - Play game WB, pg 96
- Board game 1. Who is he / she? Additional
He is…. materials
She is…
- Simple (be) verb talking about someone’s nationality 2. Who are they?
They are ….
Pronouns 3. Where did he/she come from?
He/she/it/we/they/my He/she is from____.
-Who/what/when/where questions 4. What is he/she like?
He/she is _____
Transitional devices: first, second, next, after that, before, finally 5. What is/are he/she/they doing?
He/she is ____ +ing
-Present progressive I/we/they are _____ing
He/she/I/we/they 6. What did he/she/they do?
He/she is ____ +ing He/she/they ______+d/ed
I/we/they are _____ing 7. What did he/she/ they do
-Past tense He/she/they ______+d/ed________.
Verb +d/ed 8. Have you ___ yet/already?
Yes I have _-_ already.
-Present perfect with yet and already No I haven’t ______ yet.
Have you____ yet? 9. Are you done/finished ____?
Have you ____ already? Not yet
Yes I am
10. Where can I find ____?
Prepositions You can find ____ in the _____.
Between, in, at,on 11. Where is he/she?
He/she is in the _______.
12. How to go to _____?
- Superlatives most/least First,________________
13. How long do you _____?
I do it for _______?
14. what will you do (tomorrow, next year,
next week)
15. Which ___is the most _____?
The____ is the most_____.
16. Which ____is least _____?
The____ is least_____.
86 Review - The contents from Unit 1 to the end of Unit 9: Learning points, Vocab &
structure, phonic… - Self-organized activities
87 Review materials
88 Final Test - Listening, reading, writing Self-prepared
89 Final Test - Speaking materials

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