12 Talens

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Credits Special Thanks

Written By: Jacob Klünder To Travis Legge, for suggesting I do a free book.
Developed By: Jacob Klünder
Edited By: Maiken Klünder And to my wife, Maiken, for her endless patience in beta-
Photos on pages 7, 8, and 9 by Jacob Klünder. reading my stuff.

Drawing on page 10 by Maiken Klünder

Follow my work here:


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pire: The Masquerade®, World of Darkness®, Storytelling Sys-
tem™, and Storytellers Vault™ are trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of White Wolf Entertainment AB. All rights reserved.
For additional information on White Wolf and the World of Dark-
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2 12 Talens
Book Title 1
Introduction 5
Chapter One: 12 Talens 7

12 Talens 3
4 12 Talens
“Where does he get those wonderful toys?”
- The Joker; Batman

Greetings, dear reader.

I have a confession to make; I love magic items. I think
it comes from having started out with Dungeons and
Dragons and playing high fantasy games for so many
years. What I especially like are small, practical, not-so-
powerful magical items with uses that are open to being
So, I really like Talens. They are one-shot Fetishes with
limited application, yet with a lot of practical use and,
with enough creativity, you can get a lot of mileage out of
many of them.
In this book, I present 12 Talens for use in a Werewolf
game. Some are straightforward and their benefits are
easy to see, while other are a bit more peculiar and might
not, on the surface, seem all that useful, but can be used
with some creativity to great effect.
Have fun!

12 Talens 5
6 12 Talens
“Yo, Wyrm-head! Catch!”
- Daniel Mocks-theWyrm, Glass Walker Galliard

Helios Lightbulb Helios Lightbulb is quite popular among those Garou

who frequently face Leeches in combat. The sunlight
Gnosis 7 produced by the Helion spirit is true sunlight and as
This Talen is almost exclusively made by Glass Walkers such, it burns vampires. If you are using the rules from
– a few Bone Gnawers also make them, but given the Vampire: the Masquerade, assume the burst to be being
technological aspect of the Talen, it is mainly the domain outside on a cloudy day, with the whole body exposed.
of the Walkers. The difficulty to avoid Rötschreck is 7. If you are not
using those rules, the burst of sunlight does 2 levels of
The physical aspect of a Helios Lightbulb is a burned- aggravated damage to all vampires, who must roll Will-
out lightbulb. Most Walkers prefer old-style incandescent power, difficulty 9, not to flee the scene.
lightbulbs, but it can be made from more modern bulbs,
such a LED ones. The maker of this Talen then binds a
Helion spirit, a servant of the great Incarnae of the sun,
Helios. To activate the Talen, the lightbulb must be bro-
ken. If the activation roll is successful, the Helion with
shine with true sunlight for a short while, equal to one
turn in combat, before disappearing.
Obviously, a short burst of light is usually not that use-
ful. At most, it can blind those caught unaware. Anyone
not prepared for the sudden flash must roll Wits + Stam-
ina, with a difficulty depending on the ambient light
level. Full daylight is difficulty 4, dim light (say a full As mentioned, in order to create a Helios Lightbulb, a
moon or insufficient light inside a building) is difficulty 6 Helion spirit must be bound within. In addition, any
and near- to full darkness is difficulty 9. However, the

12 Talens 7
Garou who is not a Glass Walker or Bone Gnawer who der, such as clownfish. The Talen only works on people
creates a Helios Lightbulb loses a point of temporary who are genetically, mentally, and spiritually male. It
Wisdom, rather than gaining one for the creation of a must be surreptitiously placed upon their person and
Talen. only works for as long as the target carries it.

Light-as-a Feather If the activation roll is successful, the Clownfish Veil

lasts for an hour per success on the activation roll and
Gnosis 5 turns the outward appearance of the target undeniably
This Talen was originally invented by the Bone Gnaw- female, as appropriate for the target’s ethnicity, body
ers, though it has spread to all the Tribes and few structure, and the culture the person is currently in. This
acknowledge, or even remember, the original creators. illusion also effects the target’s voice. However, any form
of supernatural perception will pierce the illusion. Unless
Physically the Light-as-a Feather can be any feather the target manages to get rid of the Talen, the effect lasts
from a bird capable of flight. To use it, a Garou puts the for one hour per success on the activation roll.
feather against a free-standing, inanimate object and at-
tempts to lift it. The player then rolls to activate it. If As mentioned, some Bone Gnawers employ a variation
successful, the item in question has its weight reduced to of this Talen. Instead of changing the target’s apparent
one percent of its normal weight, as long as the Garou gender, it changes their apparent ethnicity; usually to that
who activated the Feather is lifting said object. The effect of a minority.
disappears once the object is put back down – if the ob- To create a Clownfish Veil, the spirit of an animal ca-
ject is dropped, it will fall slowly until it rests on a rela- pable of changing gender (such as a clownfish, reed frog,
tively sturdy surface, and then return to its original or the like) must be bound into the package. The Bone
weight. Gnawer version requires bits from an octopus or chame-
leon, as well as an appropriate spirit.

Rune of Destruction
Gnosis 6
Most tribes have some kind of variation of this Talen.
The Rune of Destruction is the specific variation used by
the Get of Fenris.

In order to create a Light-as-a Feather, a bird spirit of

the same species as the feather came from must be bound
in it. Alternatively, an Ant Spirit can be used, which may
be bound in any feather.

Clownfish Veil
Gnosis 6
This Talen was invented by the Black Furies and is
mainly used by members of this Tribe, though some Physically, the Rune of Destruction is a single rune
Bone Gnawers have been known to employ a modified carved into a piece of wood or bone, or on a small stone.
variant. It usually has a leather thong attached, so that it can be
A Clownfish Veil is a small package, easily concealed in carried as a necklace or around a wrist until its used.
a grown human’s palm, filled with bones, scales, skin,
etc., from one or more animals capable of changing gen-

8 12 Talens
To activate the Rune of Destruction, the user slaps it
hard against something inanimate and the player rolls to
Barbed Dart
activate it. If the roll is successful, the Rune does tremen- Gnosis 5
dous damage to whatever it is slapped against. It can cre- This Talen resembles a sports dart, though made of
ate a man-sized hole in a reinforced concrete wall, with iron and natural materials, rather than steel and plastic,
the level of destruction rising or falling, depending on and with almost imperceptible barbs near the tip. In or-
how solid the target it. der to use it, the Garou must throw the dart at their tar-
Creating a Rune of Destruction requires the binding of get, which inflicts Strength -2 Lethal damage – however,
a spirit of Rage or a fire elemental. the dart can do a maximum of one health level of dam-
Black Coin Should the dart strike its target, the player rolls to acti-
Gnosis 7 vate the Talen. If successful, the barbs break off in the
These Talens are most common among the Shadow target and for one hour per success on the activation roll,
Lords and Glass Walkers, though the Silver Fangs also they will “broadcast” a clear, spiritual signal in the Um-
use them in secret. bra. This signal can be followed by the Garou who acti-
vated the Talen with a Perception + Primal-Urge roll –
Physically, a black coin is any kind of coin, though it is the basic difficulty is 4, rising by 1 for each mile between
slightly blackened, as if it has been tarnished or in a fire. the tracker and the target. Any whom the activator has
In order to use it, the Garou must first get their target to told about the effect can also follow the trail, but at +2
accept the coin, either as charity or payment (or part of a difficulty.
payment). If the roll to activate the Talen is successful,
the victim is afflicted with bad luck for a time. This af-
fects a number of rolls equal to the number of activation
successes, though only rolls where the Storyteller deems
the outcome to be important are affected. On these rolls,
the victim sets aside a single die, which is considered to
have rolled a 1. In addition, the Storyteller might decide
to let one or more successes manifest as general bad luck,
like a blown tire. This is especially appropriate in situa-
tions that rely totally on luck, such as playing the rou-
lette. To create a Barbed Dart, a spirit of a bloodhound or
other superlative tracker must be bound to the dart.

Cleasing Brew
Gnosis 4
The name of this Talen, which was invented by the
Fianna, harkens back to an earlier time, when it was a
mug’s worth of beer or ale. However, in moden times, it
is more commonly a shotglass of strong, distilled spirit,
such as vodka or schnapps. Multiple iterations of the
talen can be kept in the same bottle and passed out.
To activate the Talen, the Garou drinks the liquid and
the player rolls for activation. If succesful, the Brew clears
the mind, giving the user -1 difficulty on the next Mental
roll. Alternately, if the user is afflicted by a supernatural
effect that targets the mind and allows a resistance roll, a
In order to create a Black Coin, a spirit of bad luck or new roll can be made.
ill omen must be bound into the coin.

12 Talens 9
When activated, the Poppet begins to dance and caper
about for one minute per succes on the activation roll.
In order to create a Dancing Poppet, some kind of
wind spirit must be bound within.

Sucking Stone
Gnosis 5
Sucking Stones are a small pebbles that have been
ground smooth by fresh water. In order to use them, the
Garou places one in their mouth and the player rolls for
activation. If succesful, the pebble begins to create water,
a little bit at a time. The effect lasts for one full day and
the water is enough to keep the user hydrated, no matter
To create a Cleansing Brew, a plant spirit appropriate the level of activity.
to the alcohol in question must be bound – hops for
beer, potato for vodka, agave for tequila, etc.

Liquorice Root
Gnosis 4
As the name suggests, this is a piece of liquorice root.
In order to activate the Talen, the user simply chews the
root. If the activation roll is succesful, the magic of the
Talen enhances the power and effectiveness of the user’s
howls. For the next hour, any Gift that requires the
character to howl gains +1 die and all howls of
communication (see W:tA20 pages 58-59) can be heard
twice as far away. To create a Sucking Stone, a water elemental must be
Dancing Poppet bound within the stone.

Gnosis 6 Fruit of Joy

This is a small figure, no larher than a foot in height or Gnosis 8
length, usually resembling a human or an animal, and The physical form of a Fruit of Joy is any kind of sweet
made from twigs, leaves, straw, and other easy-to-come-by fruit or berry. Apples, cherries, and bananas are
natural materials. The Talen was invented by the Red commonly used.
Talons and is used by very few other tribes.
When eaten, if the activation is succesful, the Talen
allieviates dark thoughts and depression. If the fruit is
enjoyed by a person merely “feeling down”, it removes
this feeling entirely. If the person is suffering from
depression, the fruit alleviates the symptoms for one
week, as if the person had taken anti-depressants –
though without any side effects. Prolonged use of Fruits
of Joy might actually help cure a depression. Harano is
suppressed for a number of hours equal to the successes
on the activation roll and the use of a Fruit of Joy might
help the sufferer on the road to breaking out of this

10 12 Talens
To create a Fruit of Joy, a songbird spirit, a spirit
associated with happiness, or a plant spirit corresponding
to the physical representation, must be bound.

Blood Mark of Fortitude

Gnosis 7
This Talen is very popular among the more warlike
Tribes, especially the Wendigo. In order to create a Blood
Mark, the creator must first gather a vial of their own
blood, from a wound caused by an enemy in battle. It
must be enough blood to fully cover their palm.
To use the Blood Mark, the Garou covers their palm in
blood and marks an exposed area of skin or fur, usually
the face. If the activation roll is succesful, the user gains
an additional number of soak dice against any damage,
except silver, equal to the number of successes rolled.
After every time the player rolls a soak roll, this bonus is
reduced by 1, until the Talen’s power is spent.

12 Talens 11

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