The Second Term English Exam

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The second Term English exam

Read the text carefully then do the activities.

Trees and forests are very important to the environment. In addition to holding water, trees hold the
soil in place. Trees use carbon dioxide (CO2) and give off oxygen (O2), which human beings, animals and
plants need for survival. Besides, they provide homes and food for millions of types of animals.

Cutting down large numbers of trees, to use the land for something instead of a forest, is called
deforestation. Although people often have good reasons for cutting down trees, deforestation can have
serious effects. In the Amazon rainforest in South America, for example, thousands of plant and animal
species are being lost before scientists can even learn about them. In the Pacific Northwest, there is a
conflict between logging companies that want to cut down trees for lumber and people who want to
preserve the ancient forests.

People cut down trees for many reasons. When the population grows, people cut down trees to clear
space to build houses, schools, factories and other buildings. They also cut them down to be sold for
lumber and paper companies . Industrial pollution is also a chief cause of deforestation .Factories often
release poisonous gases into the air and dangerous wastes into the lakes and rivers. Air pollutants may
combine with rain and fall to earth as acid rain. Acid rain and polluted water can restrict plant growth or
even kill most plants in a forest which are essential for earth. As a consequence, cutting down trees
endangers the environment . When forests are cut down, the area grows drier, causing a change in the
local climate. If governments don’t take measures to punish the irregular timber companies, there will be
fewer forests in the world.

A)Comprehension :

1- Choose a title to the text :

a) Population and acid rain.
b) pollution .
c) Trees and Deforestation.
2- Are the following statement true or false.
a) Deforestation is the result of the destruction and degradation of forests.
b) Trees take oxygen and release carbon dioxide.
c) Trees and forests provide habitat for many types of animals.
d) Cutting down trees does not threaten the environment.
3- Answer the following questions according to the text.

a-what are the benefits of trees? name two………………………………………………………………………….

b-Name two causes of cutting down trees ? ……………………………………………………………………….


c-Is acid rain harmful? justify



4-What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text :

a-Which §1……………. They §3…………….

B/ Text exploration .

1- Find in the text words closest in meaning to the following:

a) cutting down trees(§2) =…………………..
b) contaminated (§3) = ………………….

2-Complete the following chart as shown in the example .

Verb Noun Adj

To act …………………………… ……………………………..
……………………… Danger ……………………………..
……………………… …………………………. Polluting

3-Rewrite sentence –B- so that it means the same as –A-

a-Man throws his waste into rivers ;as a result , the number of fish decreases.
b-The number of fish decreases.……………………………………..… ……………..
4-Put the verbs between ( )in the correct tense:

a.If you( to put) an ice cube in water, it (to melt).

………… …………….

b. if I (to be ) Prime Minister of the environment ,I (to punish)the irregular timber companies.
…………… ………………

c.The climate (to change) rapidly if we ( to cut down) trees.

……………… ………………..

5-Mark the right intonation in the following dialogue. ( or )

A: Where do you live?

B: I live in this house.

A: Do you live there alone?

B: I live with my parents, my brother and my sister.

6-Fill in the gaps with words from the list.

air - destroyed - deserts - even

Our planet is in great danger. All over the world, ….............. are advancing. Forests are being
…………………at an alarming rate. Lakes, rivers and ………….. seas are being poisoned and polluted.
Perhaps most seriously of all, the …………….. we respire is changing for the worse.


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