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Weidner Memorial Senior Secondary School


Business Studies

"Marketing Management"
Year 2021-2022
Guided by: Submitted by:
Mr. Sebastian T.J. Name:A~an Sudhir Deokate
Roll No. 12626813

This is to certify that

Aryan Sudhir Deokate

WJJft no. 12626818

of Class XJJ-C of Weidner Memorial Senior Secondary School,

Rajnandgaon, has completed this project under my supervision. He

has taken keen interest and shown utmost sincerity in completion of

this project.

I certify that he has successfully completed this 'Project Work in

Business Studies' during the academic year 2021-2022 up to my

expectation and satisfaction as per the guidelines issued by CBSE and

this is his original work.

Mr.Sebastian T.J. Principal Examiner

P.G.T. AccountsHOD Commerce


I would like to convey my sincere gratitude and heartfelt thanks to my

esteemed guide, teacher Mr. Sebastian T.J Head of the Department of

Commerce, Weidner Memorial Senior Secondary School, Rajnandgaon, for

his immense help, valuable suggestions and guidance for the completion of

my project He helped me to understand and remember important details of

the project that I would have otherwise lost. It is only due to his efforts that

my project could be completed successfully. This report is submitted as a part

of practical examination included in the curriculum of CBSE for All India

Senior Secondary Examination to be held in the year 2021-2022.

Name:. Aryan Sudhlr Deokate
Roll No:12626813

Name of the Student: Aryan Sudhir Deokate

Class xn Section C (Com)

Roll No. i12626813

Name of the School :Weidner Memorial Senior Secondary School,


Name of the Teacher: Sebastian T .J.

Title of Work:Marketing Management of 8 oap

Objectives of the Project:

1. To teach the concept of marketing management

2. To understand the process of marketing management.

3. To find out new ways to promote our product.

4. To create goodwiU and public image of our company.

Period of Study : One year

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