FINAL LP TLE 10 Part 1
FINAL LP TLE 10 Part 1
FINAL LP TLE 10 Part 1
Department of Education
Region III
Division of Aurora
Ditumabo San Luis, Aurora
Quarter: Third
I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
B. Performance Standards
Apply any of the types of mulch in your own garden or even into your potted plants
C. Learning Competencies
Let us stand and start our class with a prayer. (The student will stand and listen to the prayer)
B. Greetings
C. Classroom Management
If you have your Idea about the pictures posted (The students will follow)
on the board, just share your ideas in your
classmate. Welcome sir!
(Teacher will present what is Mulching) Mulch is material that you spread over the
ground as a cover. Mulch can be either organic,
Everybody read Mulching, on my mark Go! (like wood chips, fall leaves, straw, etc.) or
inorganic (like black plastic, rocks, etc.).
Mulching is what you’re doing when you
spread it over the ground.
Who wants to read the definition of Compost Is generally the best mulching material for
Mulching? home and school gardens. It is usually free
from weed seeds and is in expensive. Prepare
Okay Marry Joy read the definition. compost from materials present in your yard
Thank you, take you sit. A stag is a male chicken, usually under 10
months of age, with coarse skin, with
(The teacher will explain more about Compost somewhat toughened and darkened flesh.
(The students will listen attentively)
Everybody read the next. Go!
Thank you, take you sit. (The students will listen attentively)
(The teacher will explain more about Straw An organic mulch is made up of natural
Mulching) substance such as bark, wood chips, pine
needles, dry grasses, paddy straw. Also It
Everybody read the definition. blocks out the sun, preventing weeds from
growing and preventing hidden weed seeds
from germinating.
Let’s proceed to the next slide. Is effective mulch if properly used. Black
plastic keeps light from the soil and prevents
Everybody read the definition of Plastic weeds from growing. Clear plastic warms the
Mulching. soil, but weeds can grow beneath the plastic. A
disadvantage of plastic is that it cannot be
turned into the soil at the end of the planting
season. However, it can be recycled.
H. Application
I. Values Integration
J. Generalization
2. _____________
3. _____________
#Answer Key
1. compost mulch
2. straw mulch (student will follow)
3. sawdust mulch
4. plastic mulch
5. newspaper mulch
V. Assignment None sir!