High Voltage Circuit Breakers 3AP Type 72.5 KV To 800 KV: Answers For Energy

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High Voltage Circuit Breakers

3AP Type
72.5 kV to 800 kV

Answers for energy.

The 3AP
High Voltage Circuit Breakers
Available up to 800 kV
Decades of our experience in high voltage switching with optional closing resistors. The circuit breakers feature
technology go into the design and production of the 3AP approved technology and ensures efficient operation. Based
circuit breakers which set an international trend. We are on our well proven modular design, we manufacture all of
a powerful partner for our customers and a competent the core components ourselves, which include the stored-
supplier of attractive products and solutions at energy spring mechanism and the arc-assisted interrupter
competitive prices with the high standard of quality that unit.
Siemens is known for. We comply with our customers’
demands for reliability, safety and cost-effectiveness More than 90,000 nos. 3AP-circuit breakers have been
and serve them throughout the world. No matter what delivered to over 140 countries around the world in all
your application is, the 3AP circuit breakers provide the climatic areas, proving on a daily basis the value and the
best solution for your requirements every time. reliability of the 3AP high voltage switchgear. The 3AP high
voltage circuit breaker operates safely and is capable of
Our standard is reliability and safety at all times. The withstanding high mechanical loads. Particularly strong
3AP circuit breaker family is available for rated voltages porcelain insulators and a circuit breaker design optimized
from 72.5 kV up to 800 kV. The latest development of our by using the latest mathematical techniques, give it very
well established circuit breakers completes our 3AP product high seismic stability whilst in operation enabling it to
range for rated voltages up to 800 kV. For the application perform to its full potential during its entire service life.
of 420 kV to 800 kV the circuit breakers can be equipped

3AP2 FI 420 kV
Live tank circuit breaker in operation at a major
power transmission and distribution company

3AP4 FI 800 kV Live tank circuit breaker

With High Voltage Circuit Breakers from

Siemens you are always on the economically
safe side
Great demands for highest quality. Our quality intervals, but also has a positive impact on the environment,
management system, certified in accordance with DIN EN indicating our sense of responsibility. Our switchgear will
ISO 9001, confirms that our quality always remains at the fulfill your demands for low life-cycle-costs with highest
same high level. We carry out regular management reviews, availability and economical and continuous operation.
internal audits in every department and the continuous We use strong materials under low mechanical loads in
development and maintenance of documentation for all the construction of individual switchgear components;
processes. Most modern manufacturing technologies and therefore maintenance is not needed for 25 years or
investments in our worldwide production sites, assure 10,000 operating cycles. By standardizing our internal
reliable and long-lasting products and process quality processes and systematically implementing module
according to Siemens’ well-proven high standards. strategies for our 3AP product series, we can offer minimal
delivery times.
The high quality, as well as excellent operating experience,
is inherited by the 3AP series. The result is very high SF6 The results are low service and investment costs which
tightness of our switchgear: The SF6 leakage rate is less provide our customers competitive advantages worldwide,
than 0.5% per year. This not only increases reliability and which equates to greater success for their own businesses.
decreases operating costs as a result of long maintenance

The Modular Design
The self compression arc-quenching principle is applied The stored-energy spring mechanism: The compact
in our 3AP circuit breakers. design of this operating mechanism allows placing the
The arc-assisted interrupter unit of the 3AP circuit breaker stored-energy spring mechanism within the control cubicle.
utilizes the energy of the arc during opening for an optimal The main components such as the interrupter unit and
arc quenching, allowing reducing the operating energy to a the operating mechanism of our 3AP high voltage circuit
minimum. Our circuit breakers for the voltage range 72.5 kV breakers are identical to the ones in our 3AP dead tank
up to 245 kV have one interrupter unit per pole and up to circuit breaker family. By applying this proven modular
245 kV the circuit breakers are available with a common or design we can fulfill the highest expectation with regard to
a single pole operating mechanism. 3AP high voltage circuit availability, reliability, as well as economical performance.
breakers rated for 420 kV and 550 kV are equipped with This results in continuously high customer satisfaction.
two interrupter units per pole. At 800 kV voltage level, the
breakers are available with four interrupter units.

Distinct advantages with superior design

‘Ambient’ temperature compensated density monitoring device

Base frame - Robust & hot dip galvanized
Lesser joints in gas piping – better limiting of gas leakage
Factory set closing & tripping springs - No adjustment required at site
2 Trip coils per mechanism. Both magnetically & electrically separated from each other


2 2


4, 5 3 4 3

3AP1 FG up to 72.5 kV 3AP1 FG up to 145 kV 3AP1 FG up to 245 kV

One interrupter unit per pole. One interrupter unit per pole.
Laterally stored-energy spring mechanism, Stored-energy spring mechanism, circuit
circuit breaker with common breaker base for breaker with common breaker base for three-
three-pole operation pole operation

3AP circuit breakers are available in

1 different designs
2 1 Interrupter unit
2 Post insulator
2 3 Pillar
4 Control cabinet
3 5 Operating mechanism cubicle
4 6 Grading capacitor
7 Closing resistor (option al)

3AP2 FI up to 550 kV 3AP4 FI up to 800kV

Two interrupter units per pole. Four interrupter units per pole.
Stored-energy spring mechanism, circuit Stored-energy spring mechanism, circuit
breaker with separate breaker base for one or breaker with separate breaker base for one or
three-pole operation three pole operation

The Stored-Energy Spring Mechanism
There are a number of advantages to
The advantages of the stored-
our stored-energy spring mechanism
energy spring mechanism:
Compact housing can be utilized by
applying the most modern production
Same principle for rated voltages
techniques. Since the closing and opening
from 72.5 up to 800 kV
springs are housed in the operating
mechanism, a compact and sturdy High reliability thanks to low
structure is achieved. This design results in operating energy requirement
a small number of moving parts. The use
Simple principle of operation –
of roller bearings and the maintenance-
minimum number of components
free spring mechanism are a prerequisite
for decades of reliable operation. Proven Robust, durable & virtually
design principles such as vibration-isolated maintenance free – Reduces life
latches and load-free isolation of the cycle cost
charging mechanism are retained.
Lesser demand of auxiliary power
Low environmental impact

The Control
The control system includes all the Special features
secondary components required for Above and beyond these two standard
operating the circuit breaker, most of variants, a great number of further
them are located in the control cabinet. components and options are at our
The control, tripping, motor and heating customers’ disposal. Every control
power supplies are, to a great extend, configuration of a circuit breaker can
selectable. Depending on customer therefore be designed individually. All
requirements, two standard control control components have been type-
variants are available. tested for use on our circuit breakers and
are all located in a weatherproof cubicle
Basic variant
(IP 55 degree of protection). They are
The basic variant includes all control and
resistant to switching vibrations, and meet
monitoring elements that are needed for
the requirements for electromagnetic
operation of the circuit breaker. In addition
compatibility (EMC).
to the elementary actuation functions, it
includes: The circuit breaker documentation
includes the wiring diagram of the control Control cabinet with the stored-
Total 20 NO + 19 NC Auxiliary switch energy spring mechanism
configuration. This diagram comprises the
following documents:
4 wiper contact
Switching operation counter General Arrangement diagram
Local actuator Circuit diagram
Technical data equipment part list
Compact variant
Connection diagram
In addition to the basic variant, this variant
includes:- The circuit diagram documentation is in
Spring monitoring by motor run time
monitoring Heating monitoring
Light and socket with a common circuit
MCB for AC/DC protection, Motor
MCB for heater protection

Controlled Switching –
Revolution in technology
Increased demand of controlled switching for some specific applications like
– Reactor switching
– Auto-transformer switching
– Power transformer switching
– Switching of capacitor bank
– Switching of unloaded lines

Kind of load Switching Operation Avoided load

Inductive load; Transformer; Shunt reactor Opening Re-strike; Over voltages

Inductive load; Transformer; Shunt reactor Closing Inrush current

Capacitive load; Capacitor bank; Unloaded lines/cables; Filter Opening Re-strike; Over voltages

Capacitive load; Capacitor bank; Unloaded lines/cables; Filter Closing Over voltages; Inrush current

Capacitive load; Unloaded lines/cables Closing; Auto-reclosing Over voltages; Inrush current

Overall achievements with PSD


Effective reduction of inrush

Decrease in electromechanical
stress on Operational equipment
Increase in life time expectancy of
Circuit Breaker
Minimization of stress caused of
Effective minimization of system
over voltages = safety to system 100

Minimum dielectric stress =

insulation protection (Slower D C B A
aging of dielectrics)
Increased system reliability
cfd [%]

Advanced technology 40
communicable device = Ready for
A. Without limiting measures
future automations 20 B. Using surge arrestors, only
Multifunctional substitute of C. Using closing resistors, only
D. Controlled closing with PSD controller
closing resistors 0
1 1,5 2 2,5 3
overvoltage [p.u.]

Cumulative frequency distribution for overvoltages

Value for switching overvoltages for Closing Resistor PSD Controller

different closing strategies

95% 2.05 p.u. 1.95 p.u.

99% 2.38 p.u. 2.13 p.u.

Right from the Start
Development Routine testing
The foundation for the quality of Siemens high voltage The main components of the circuit breakers are subjected
circuit breakers is laid down right from the beginning of the to complete pre-acceptance testing before assembly. Based
development of a new product. Switching performance, on this quality level, it is possible to confirm a leakage rate
high voltage stability and performance under mechanical of less than 0.5% per year for the circuit breaker. Each circuit
loads (wind and short circuits) and during an earthquake are breaker is completely assembled in the test bay. The product
simulated and optimized in the outline design phase using specific inputs for computer-assisted routine testing are
computer- aided calculations. imported from the order processing tools. This ensures that
in addition to the standard test procedure, the fulfillment of
The use of common parts and assembled units in a large every customer requirement is checked before delivery.
number of breaker types such as live tank, dead tank, as
well as in the GIS means the production of a large number Routine testing is performed in accordance with the
of the same type of main components. Steady and regular latest IEC standards and it includes at least the following
quantities of produced units allow a continuous production operations and measurements performed on each & every
process and ensure the highest quality standards. Statistic breaker:
quality control is based on large quantities. This results in a
higher achieved validity. Mechanical operations test
Switching time determination – Speed travel
All 3AP circuit breakers can be used in earthquake areas up characteristics
to 0.5 g without additional fittings. Gas leakage test
Testing of control circuits in accordance with the circuit
Testing laboratories diagram
Our state-of-the-art circuit breaker plant has the most Contact resistance measurement
modern testing facilities: High voltage tests

High voltage testing lab

Mechanical testing lab
Temperature rise testing laboratory

Type testing of all our 3AP type Circuit Breakers has been
carried out at globally recognized premium test laboratories
like PEHLA (Germany), CPRI (India) & ERDA (India). The 3AP
circuit breakers are fully type tested in accordance with the
latest IEC 62271-100.

3AP1 Dead Tank Compact

For 145 kV and 245 kV applications

1 Flexible solutions according to your substation


Circuit breaker with one or three pole operating


Disconnector, earthing switch, high speed earthing
Current transformer, voltage transformer and
voltage detection system
4 Cable connections possible at various positions
Bushings available as porcelain or composite
2 insulators
Additional separations of gas compartment, with
SF6 density monitor on request
Double breaker modules for ultra compact
7 substation designs
Possibility of stand-alone components, e.g.
Possible components for the 3AP1 DTC compact switchgear disconnector module with voltage transformer
1. Bushing 4. 3-positon disconnector
2. Current transformer 5. High speed earthing switch
3. Circuit breaker with self- 6. Voltage transformer
compression principle 7. Cable connection assembly

The hybrid concept, on which the 3AP1 Dead Tank Compact The level of encapsulation and the design of the DTC
(DTC) is based on, combines SF6-encapsulated components module can be defined in accordance with the requirements
and air-insulated devices. The application of gas insulated of the individual substation layout and the system operator’s
components increases availability of switchgear. According project budget. This leads to optimized investments and
to CIGRE analyses, gas insulated components are four times greater success for our customers’ businesses.
more reliable than air insulated components. Furthermore,
safety can be enhanced by separating gas compartments,
The 3AP1 DTC offers you:
e.g. between circuit breaker and disconnector.
Proven SF6- and air-insulated components that can
The DTC circuit breaker is a compact arrangement of
be combined in different, new ways
several functions needed in a substation. The elements
of this Siemens Compact Switchgear is a dead tank circuit Optimized investments according to requirements
breaker, fitted with one or two current transformers, one of your individual substation layout
or more disconnectors, earthing switches and bushings Gas insulated components ensure highest
as applicable for connection to the bus bar system. And of availability at minimum maintenance effort
course, based on our modular design, the core components Flexibility in confined spaces and extreme
have been adopted from our high voltage circuit breakers, environmental conditions, e.g. low temperature
disconnectors and GIS product family. Due to the compact applications
design and the flexible use of predefined modules, different
layouts can be realized with a minimum of engineering Benefit from the hybrid idea!

Technical Data
A) 3AP - Live tank type

Type 3AP1 FG 3AP1 FI 3AP2/3 FI 3AP4/5 FI

Rated voltage (kV) [kV] 72.5 72.5 145 245 145 245 420 550 800

Rated frequency [Hz] 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Rated current [A] 2500 3150 3150 3150 3150 3150 4000 4000 4000

Interrupters / pole 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4

Rated breaking [kA] 31.5 40 40 50 40 50 50 63 63

Operating temperature [°C] -30 up to +55

Rated making [kAp] 78.75 100 100 125 100 125 125 158 158

Rated PF withstand Voltage [kVr] 140 140 275 460 275 460 610 800 870

Lightning Impulse withstand [kVp] 350 350 650 1050 650 1050 1425 1550 2100

Switching Impulse withstand [kVp] 1050 1175 1550

Rated operating sequence [kAp] O - 0.3 sec - CO - 3 min - CO or CO - 15 sec - CO

Rated S/C duration [s] 3

B) 3AP - Dead tank type


Rated voltage kV 145 245

Number of interrupter units per pole 1

Rated power-frequency withstand voltage/min kV 275 460

Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage/min kV 650 1050

Rated switching impulse withstand voltage kV

Rated normal current, up to A 3150 4000

Rated short-time withstand current (1 s – 3 s), up to kA(ms) 40 63

Rated short-circuit breaking current, up to kA 40 63

Temperature range °C -55 up to +55 °C

Rated operating sequence 0-0.3 s-CO-3 min-CO or CO-15 s-CO

Rated break time 3 cycles

Rated frequency Hz 50 / 60

Maintenance after 25 years

Values in accordance to IEC, other values on request


A worldwide 24 hours service is available, which
immediately sends out service personnel and/or delivers
spare parts as needed.

Customer Support Center:-

Toll free Phone no. in India: 1800 2667 480

Email: [email protected]

Siemens Ltd. XX-XX-XXX-XXX

Energy Sector
Energy Transmission - High Voltage Breakers
E-76, Waluj MIDC, Aurangabad - 431 136
Maharashtra, INDIA
Fax: +91 240 255 4701
E-mail: [email protected]

Product upgradation is a continuous

process. Hence, data in this catalog is
subject to change without prior notice. For
the latest information, please get in touch
www.siemens.com/energy with our Sales Offices.

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