Science Investigation MY3 Investigating Rusting

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Skagerak Middle School

Science Investigation MY3

Investigating Rusting

Rusting is a chemical process that, can take place in metals exposed to the atmosphere.

This equation shows the process of rusting:

Iron + Oxygen + Water → Iron Rust

Not all metals however rust. Rusting is common with the metal, iron. Certain
conditions in the air around a metal have to be present for iron to rust. Iron rust which,
generally appears brown, is itself a chemical compound quite different from the iron itself.
The rusting of iron can be prevented. In towns and large cities where iron sheets are used for
roofing houses, rusting can also take place if the iron sheets are not protected from rusting.
Rusting of iron affects the quality of the iron. It is like the decay of the iron. Rusting costs the
community a great deal of money. It has to be prevented otherwise articles made of iron will
decay away.

In this investigation you need to find out what would be the best conditions to keep
iron tools in a slightly damp garage or shed

You will have to place an iron nail in 4 different conditions, examine and estimate the
amount of rust after a period of time. This diagram can give you a hint which conditions you
may place your iron nail:

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Your investigation is assessed towards criteria D, E and F

Please, read carefully the descriptors for each of the criteria:

Criterion D: Scientific inquiry

Maximum level 6

Achievement Descriptor
0 The student does not reach the standard described by any of the
descriptions given below.
1-2 The student attempts to define the purpose of the investigation and
makes references to variables but these are incomplete or not fully
developed. The method suggested is partially complete. The
evaluation of the method is either absent or incomplete.
3-4 The student defines the purpose of the investigation and provides an
explanation/prediction but this is not fully developed. The student
acknowledges some of the variables involved and describes how to
manipulate them. The method suggested is complete and includes
appropriate materials/equipment. The evaluation of the method is
partially developed.
5-6 The student defines the purpose of the investigation, formulates a
testable hypothesis and explains the hypothesis using scientific
reasoning. The student identifies the relevant variables and explains
how to manipulate them. The student suggests improvements to the
method and makes suggestions for further inquiry when relevant.

1. You will have to identify the aim of your investigation. What do you want to find out?

2. You will have to indentify factors that will affect your experiment. To make your test
fair you will have to list the factors you are going to keep the same and how you are
going to keep them the same and the only one factor you are going to change and how
you are going to change it.

3. You will have to design an experiment and write step-by-step instructions how to
carry out your experiment.

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4. You will have to evaluate your method and make some suggestions of the
improvements you could make to your method if you were to do it again. (This can be
in the evaluation section)

Criterion E: Processing data

Maximum level 6

Achievement Descriptor
The student does not reach the standard described by any of the
descriptions given below.
The student organises and presents data using simple numerical or
diagrammatic forms and draws an obvious conclusion.
The student organises and transforms data into numerical and
diagrammatic forms and presents it using appropriate
communication modes. The student draws a conclusion consistent
with the data.
The student organises and transforms data into numerical and
diagrammatic forms and presents it logically and clearly, using
appropriate communication modes. The student explains trends,
patterns or relationships in the data, comments on the reliability of the
data, draws a clear conclusion based on the correct interpretation of the
data and explains it using scientific reasoning.

1. You will have to design a table for the results of your experiment.

2. Your experiment results should be recorded in the table neatly, showing the
appropriate scientific units of measurement and your observations.
3. Make a conclusion from your investigation – what have you found out in your
4. You will have to make a comment of how your conclusion matches your prediction.
5. Comment on the reliability of your results and possible sources of errors.

Criterion F: Attitudes in Science

Maximum level 6

Achievement Descriptor

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0 The student does not reach the standard described by any of the
descriptions given below.

1-2 The student requires guidance and supervision using laboratory

equipment. The student can work safely and cooperate with others but
may need reminders.

3-4 The student uses equipment competently but might require occasional
guidance; on most occasions pays attention to safety and works
responsibly with the living and non-living environment. The student
generally cooperates well with other students.

5-6 The student works largely independently; uses equipment with

precision and skill; pays close attention to safety and deals responsibly
with the living and non-living environment. The student consistently
works effectively as a part of a team, collaborating with others and
respecting their views.

1. You will have to demonstrate your confidence using laboratory equipment.

2. Pay close attention to safety measures.
3. Collaborate and communicate well with your group members, share the work
equally and respect other people’s views.

You need to plan and carry out your investigation, analyze your results and make a conclusion
from the data obtained. You will have to evaluate your investigation and suggest the
improvements you would make to the investigation if you were to do it again.

Please, follow the Investigation Guide closely. Make sure you include all necessary items
in your planning.

You can write your investigation either in your exercise book or type it on a computer.

Here is a general guide how to plan a Science Investigation:


Aim: Write down what you are trying to find out

Factors: List all the things that you think will affect what happens in your experiment.
These things are called FACTORS or VARIABLES

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A fair test: To do a fair test you must only change ONE factor at a time.

.Write down the factors that you will keep the same

.Write down the factors that you will change

Prediction: Write down what you think is going to happen in your investigation. Use
your scientific knowledge to explain WHY you think this will happen.

Apparatus: List all the equipment you want to use.

Your Experiment:

.Write a detailed plan of what you will do.

.Write down what you will measure and how many measurements you will take.

Safety: Write down how you will stay safe while you do your investigation.

Obtaining Your Evidence: Record all your measurements neatly in a table. Make a note
of anything you see changing.

Considering Your Results:

.Draw a line graph of your results if you can.

.Draw a SMOOTH CURVE or LINE OF BEST FIT through your points.

.Write down what your results show. This is your CONCLUSION.

.Write down how well your prediction matched your results.

Evaluating Your Evidence:

. How reliable are your results?

.Write down how well your investigation went and any problems you met while doing it.

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