Galvanizing - 2022: Continuous Hot-Dip Galvanizing - Process and Products

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Continuous hot-dip galvanizing – process and products.

Gary W. Dallin, P.Eng., Director, GalvInfo Center


January 2022

Table of Contents











Galvanizing is a process for rustproofing iron and steel by the application of a zinc
coating. Three of the most-used processes for applying zinc to iron and steel are hot-
dip galvanizing, electrogalvanizing, and zinc spraying. Most products are coated using
the hot-dip process. It involves immersing steel into a bath of molten zinc, which is at
a temperature close to 870°F [465°C], to form a metallurgically bonded zinc or zinc-
iron alloy coating. This same hot-dip immersion process is also used to produce other
coatings such as zinc-aluminum alloys.

Reason for galvanizing

Steel rusts (oxidizes/corrodes) when left unprotected in almost any environment.
Applying a thin coating of zinc to steel is an effective and economical way to protect it
from corrosion. Zinc coatings protect by providing both a physical barrier and cathodic
protection to the underlying steel.

Barrier protection
The primary mechanism by which a galvanized coating protects is by providing an
impervious barrier that does not allow moisture to contact the steel. Without moisture
(the electrolyte) there is no corrosion. The nature of the galvanizing process not only
ensures that the zinc coating is impervious to moisture, but adheres well to the steel
with excellent abrasion and corrosion resistance.
Galvanized coatings will not crack or peel over time in the manner of other barrier
coatings such as paint, even though they are reactive and corrode and erode slowly
when exposed to atmospheric wet/dry cycles. Their service life is directly proportional
to the coating thickness, and the corrosion rate of zinc in a given environment. It is
therefore important to understand zinc's corrosion mechanisms and what factors affect
its service life.
Freshly exposed galvanized steel reacts with the surrounding atmosphere to form a
series of zinc corrosion products. In air, newly exposed zinc immediately reacts with
oxygen to form a very thin zinc oxide layer. When moisture is present, zinc and its
oxide react with water, resulting in the formation of zinc hydroxide. The final corrosion
product is zinc carbonate, which results from zinc hydroxide reacting with carbon
dioxide in the air. Zinc carbonate is a thin, tenacious, and stable layer that provides
protection to the underlying zinc, and results in its low corrosion rate in most
atmospheric environments. Because of this protective layer that forms on zinc in the
atmosphere, its corrosion rate, depending on the climate, is 10 to 100 times slower
than that of steel.
Galvanic (cathodic) protection
The second shielding mechanism is zinc's ability to galvanically protect steel. When
steel substrate is exposed, such as at a cut edge or scratch, it is cathodically protected
by the sacrificial corrosion of the zinc coating adjacent to the steel. This occurs

because zinc is more electronegative (more reactive) than steel in the galvanic series,
as shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Galvanic Series of Metals and Alloys

Corroded End – Anodic (electronegative)
Iron or Steel
Stainless Steels (active)
Protected End - Cathodic or most noble (electropositive)
Note: Any one of these metals and alloys will theoretically corrode while protecting any other that is
lower in the series as long as both form part of an electrical circuit and an electrolyte solution is present.

When zinc-coated steel is in an oxidizing environment, zinc gives up its electrons

before iron does. In practice, this means it will not be undercut by rusting steel because
the steel cannot corrode when adjacent to and in electrical contact with zinc. Any
exposure of the underlying steel, because of severe coating damage or at a cut edge,
will not result in corrosion of the steel unless a large area has been exposed or until
the nearby zinc has been consumed.
The distance over which the galvanic protection of zinc is effective depends on the
environment. When completely and continuously wetted, especially by a strong
electrolyte, e.g., seawater, relatively large areas of exposed steel will be protected as
long as any zinc remains. In air, where the electrolyte is only superficial or
discontinuously present (such as from dew or rain), only smaller areas of bare steel
can be protected. The “throwing power” is nominally about 0.125 in [3.2mm], although
this can vary significantly with the type of electrolyte.

Service life
Zinc corrosion rates correlate directly with two major factors; time of wetness, and
concentration of air pollutants. If the surface stays wet for long periods then the
protective films do not form and corrosion proceeds at an increased rate. The effect
of wetting on zinc's corrosion rate depends on the type of moisture. For example, while
the moisture from rainfall may wash away zinc's corrosion products, that formed by
condensation can usually evaporate and leave the corrosion products in place.
Corrosion only occurs when the surface is wet.
The pH of aqueous solutions that contact zinc, have a significant effect on its corrosion
rate. At pH values below 6 and above 12 the corrosion rate increases substantially.
Many industrial atmospheres contain sulfur in the form of sulfur dioxide that contributes

to acid rain that can have a pH of less than 6. Figure 1 illustrates the effect of aqueous
pH on the corrosion rate of zinc.

Figure 1: The effect of pH on the corrosion rate of zinc

Chloride environments have far less effect on zinc's corrosion rate than sulfur
compounds, but because chlorides can be present in coastal marine and wind-blown
road salt environments, they will likely be the most frequent concern necessitating extra
corrosion protection. Nonetheless, galvanized parts exposed outdoors can remain rust
free for many years, and the two basic reasons are the relatively stable zinc carbonate
film that forms on the zinc surface, and the sacrificial protection provided by the zinc.
The service life of zinc-coated steel is therefore dependent on the conditions of
exposure and on the coating thickness. The relationship of these factors is shown in
Figure 2.

Figure 2: Service life of galvanize in various environments as a function of zinc

coating weight

Note that the zinc corrosion rates shown in Figure 2 are based on data from after
circa 1975, when aggressive pollutants such as sulfur dioxide began to decline
from their higher levels of the mid 20th century. The service life of galvanize in,
say, urban industrial areas is now longer than it was 40 to 60 years ago.
The corrosion rate of a zinc coating in the indoor atmosphere of, say, a residential
house, is generally very low. A ten-year study of steel framing in residential buildings
was undertaken by the NAHB Research Center and sponsored by the International
Zinc Association. It measured zinc and zinc-alloy coating corrosion rates of steel
framing samples in four different home environments in the U.S.A. and Canada (Miami,
FL; Leonardtown, MD; Long Beach Island, NJ; and Hamilton, ON). Corrosion was
minimal from all four sites for all sample types. The extrapolated coating life
expectancy for G60 [Z275], based on the average mass loss, ranged from 300 to over
1000 years. For semi-exposed locations in aggressive environments, G60 [Z275] still
extrapolated to over 150 years of coating life.

Galvanizing Methods
Hot-dip galvanizing
This is a process by which an adherent, protective coating of zinc or zinc alloy is
developed on the surfaces of iron and steel products by immersing them in a bath of
molten zinc. The hot-dip process is used to produce most zinc-coated steel.
General (Batch) galvanizing
The oldest method of hot-dip galvanizing is the batch process, and which continues to
be used for fabricated steel items such as structures, pipe, and fasteners. It involves
cleaning the steel articles, applying flux to the surface, then immersing the articles in a
molten bath of zinc to develop a thick, zinc-iron alloy coating. A typical hot-dip coating
produced by the batch process consists of a series of alloy layers. Starting from the
base steel, each layer contains a higher proportion of zinc until the outer layer, which
is relatively pure zinc, is reached. Total thickness of the coating can be from 1.4 mils
[35 m] to 3.9 mils [100 m]. The names of the layers proceeding outwards from the
steel are: gamma (), delta (), zeta (), and eta (). Table 2 gives the properties of
these layers.
Continuous galvanizing
The method of applying zinc coatings to steel sheet is continuous hot-dip galvanizing.
Coils of cold rolled (or hot rolled) steel sheet are charged to the entry end of a
continuous processing line, unwound, joined end to end one after the other, then
passed through a cleaner, an annealing furnace, then a bath of molten zinc bath at
speeds up to 600 fpm [183 mpm]. As the steel exits the molten zinc bath, gas "knives"
wipe off the excess coating from the sheet to obtain the specified zinc thickness. The
coating is left to freeze as traditional galvanize (GI), or can be thermally treated to
convert it to galvanneal (GA), which is a zinc-iron alloy. The coated sheet is then
cooled to ambient temperatures, leveled and/or skin-passed, passivated, perhaps
oiled, then recoiled for shipment to the fabricator. This process will be described in
greater detail later and is the subject of the greater part of this article.

Table 2: Properties of alloy layers of hot-dipped galvanized steels

Melting Point
Iron, Crystal Alloy
Layer Alloy °C °F Micro
% Structure Characteristics
Eta () Zinc 0.03 419 787 Hexagonal 70-72 Soft, ductile
Zeta () FeZn13 5.7-6.3 530 986 Monoclinic 175-185 Hard, brittle
Delta () FeZn7 7-11 530-670 986-1238 Hexagonal 240-300 Ductile
Gamma () Fe3Zn10 20-27 670-780 1238-1436 Cubic ------ Hard, brittle
Steel Base Iron 99+ 1510 2750 Cubic 150-175 ------

Very thin formable zinc coatings, ideally suited for deep drawing or painting, can be
applied to steel sheet products by electrogalvanizing. Zinc is also electrolytically
deposited on other steel products such as wire and pipe. The coating is thin and
uniform and has excellent adherence. It is free of the zinc crystals present on hot-dip
galvanize and is bonded to the steel substrate by interatomic forces. The coatings are
composed of pure zinc and have a homogeneous structure. (It is also possible to
produce electrogalvanize coatings of zinc-nickel and zinc-iron). Electrogalvanize
coatings are generally not as thick as those produced by hot-dip galvanizing, although
some product is made with heavier coating weights. One feature of electrogalvanizing
is that it is done cold and does not alter the mechanical properties already present in
the steel.

Zinc spraying and other methods

Steel can be galvanized using zinc spraying (metallizing), which consists of projecting
atomized particles of molten zinc onto a prepared surface. This process is usually
performed on-site to cover welds, ends, and rivets. Other methods of galvanizing
include sheradizing and painting with zinc-rich paint.

Other hot-dip coatings

The continuous hot-dip process is also used to apply other metallic coatings, including
55% Aluminum-Zinc Alloy-Coated (Galvalume™), Zinc 5% Aluminum Alloy-Coated
(Galfan™), Aluminum Coated (Aluminized), and Zinc-Aluminum-Magnesium Alloy-

Continuous Hot-Dip Galvanizing Lines (CGLs)

The balance of this article will focus on continuous hot-dip galvanizing, including lines
that produce high value-added products such as sheet for exposed auto panels.
Figure 3 shows the layout of a typical modern hot-dip galvanizing line capable of
producing such products. This, and other similar lines, unwind full-hard cold reduced
coils, weld them end to end, pass the strip through the line to be cleaned, annealed,
coated, surface conditioned, inspected, oiled, and rewound into GI or GA coils. Some
lines also convert heavier thickness, pickled, hot rolled coils into coated sheet.

Figure 3: Modern Hot-Dip Galvanizing Line

A few CGLs still use the original continuous line method of charging pre-annealed and
skin passed cold rolled coils and applying a flux to the surface before entering the zinc
bath. Most facilities, though, are “hot” lines that anneal the strip in-line. A current list
of North American metallic hot-dip and electrolytic continuous coating lines is available

Substrate for galvanizing

Substrate to produce hot-dip galvanize can be categorized into the following major
• Commercial Steel (CS) - low carbon steel
• Forming Steel (FS) - low carbon steel
• Structural Steel (SS) - carbon steel
• Deep Drawing Steel (DDS) - extra low carbon or ultra low carbon steel
• Extra Deep Drawing Steel (EDDS) - ultra low carbon stabilized steel
• High Strength-Low Alloy (HSLAS) - micro-alloyed low carbon Steel
• Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS) - alloyed and control cooled low carbon steel
Includes solution hardened (SHS) and bake hardening (BHS) steel

CS and SS use low carbon and carbon steel. Carbon levels range between 0.04%
and 0.15%, with manganese from 0.2% to 1.0%, depending on the product being
made. The substrate is cold rolled sheet with anywhere from 50 to 80% reduction in
thickness from hot rolled sheet.
FS typically uses carbon levels of 0.04-0.08%, with manganese at about 0.25%. In
order to obtain better response to annealing, cold reduction is between 60 to 80% and
the coating line is slowed to allow longer annealing time to increase grain size.
DDS and EDDS are generally made from ultra-low carbon stabilized steels, although
some DDS is made using extra low carbon (0.015-0.020%) steel. EDDS, and to some
extent DDS, are produced to be fully stabilized (non-ageing) after annealing and
HSLAS typically is made from micro-alloyed low carbon steel. The primary alloying
element used is Nb.
AHSS is produced using higher levels of alloying elements and carefully controlled
annealing and cooling cycles. This class also includes low carbon SHS and BHS
Ultra low carbon stabilized steel
The presence of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) in steel results in higher mechanical
properties, age hardening, and deterioration of the r-value (resistance to thinning). To
deal with this, liquid steel is processed through a degasser to remove C and N. They
are reduced to levels low enough that the remainder can be “stabilized” by additions of
small amounts of titanium (Ti) and niobium (Nb). These elements are strong carbide
and nitride formers, taking C and N out of solution in iron. The C and N are removed
from the interstices between the iron atoms, hence the somewhat misleading term,
“Interstitial-Free” (“IF”) steel. It is non-ageing with no yield point elongation, meaning
fluting and stretcher strains are never a problem, since there is no free C and N.
IF steel made using only Ti is very common and is used to produce the best mechanical
properties for deep drawing. This type of IF steel is very reactive in a zinc bath and is
usually coated only as GI.
Another popular type of IF steel is stabilized with both Ti and Nb. The synergy of these
two elements allows complete stabilization to be achieved at lower levels of each
element. Depending on the relative amounts of Ti and Nb, IF such steel needs to be
annealed at a higher temperature during processing and has slightly inferior
mechanical properties to the Ti only type; except that the former has better planar
anisotropy, i.e.,  r is smaller. (r-value measures the ability to of steel to work harden
without thinning and varies by the direction in which it is measured). Also, Ti-Nb type
IF is less reactive in zinc and is usually employed when producing GA.
Interstitial-free stabilized steels are ideal for directly producing DDS and EDDS hot-dip
products. Since all the C and N have been taken out of solution, the steel is almost
pure alpha iron. During heating and cooling it does not undergo phase transformations
so can be cooled fast in the furnace without being affected by the hardening that comes
into play when continuous annealing low carbon steel. Also, during the coating and

galvannealing operations, the strip is reheated above the overaging temperature. If

low carbon steel were being used, C and N in solution would cause hardening and
enable strain ageing to occur. With IF steels, the cooling, and GA reheating is
irrelevant, as C and N are not available to become involved in hardening and ageing
One type of EDDS made using stabilized steel is actually a high strength steel with
minimum yield strength of 30 ksi [205 MPa]. It is made using phosphorous additions
of up to 0.06% and combines good formability with high strength, producing good dent
resistance on exterior panels. This alloy is a type of solution-hardened steel (SHS).
Fully stabilized, ultra-low carbon IF steel is susceptible to a phenomenon known as
cold work embrittlement. Compression strain makes the steel prone to crack
propagation due to an embrittlement of the grain boundaries resulting from the
complete absence of carbon. The problem is solved by the addition of as little as 2
PPM of boron (B), which strengthens the grain boundaries. Unless treated with B,
these steels should not be used in load bearing, structural end uses.
Some of the advantages of ULC stabilized steel are:
- Superior stamping, forming, drawing performance,
- Part consolidation - reduce numbers of dies required to make a part,
- Free of strain ageing,
- Improved coating adhesion for galvanize products;
While some of the disadvantages of ULC stabilized steel are:
- Very soft - difficulty shearing, punching,
- Sheet that has poor dent resistance,
- Susceptible to cold work embrittlement,
- Higher rolling loads when Nb present,
- Difficulty in spot & resistance welding,
High strength steel
For many years galvanize with 80-ksi [550 MPa] yield strength has been produced
using a “full hard” (unannealed or recovery annealed) method (ASTM A653, Grd 80
[A653M, Grd 550]). This product has limited ductility and is only used for roll-formed
building siding.
Over the years there have been various approaches to making formable high strength
steels. Initially the focus was on combining high yield strength with good elongation.
During the last three decades, much work has been aimed at producing advanced
automotive coated steels with good formability, combined with high tensile strength
and lower yield/tensile strength ratio. The driving force behind this continuing
technology development is to produce steels that enable production of fuel-efficient
High strength steel (HSS) sheet can be produced by several methods:
❑ Standard HSS – widely available and used today in both structural and automotive
applications. Included are the high strength low alloy steels (HSLAS). One or
more of the following strengthening methods are utilized to produce these types of

• Solid solution strengthening (for HSS)

- Interstitial
- Substitutional
• Precipitation hardening and grain refinement (for HSLAS)
❑ Advanced high strength steels – a continually evolving class of high strength,
formable steels produced using higher alloy levels combined with specialized in-
line thermal treatments.
The solid solution strengthening method is the traditional approach and achieves
high strength with moderate formability. The interstitial approach uses elements such
as carbon and nitrogen that stretch the ferrite lattice. This mechanism is usually
combined with substitutional elements such as manganese, silicon, and
phosphorous, which replace iron atoms, also stretching the ferrite lattice.

Figure 4:
Interstitial vs. Substitutional

These two mechanisms, shown in Figure 4, can be used to produce galvanized steels
with yield strengths up to about 55 ksi [380 MPa] with reasonable formability. Steel of
this type has a characteristic low yield to tensile (Y/T) ratio. They are generally used
for structural applications. Other steels (described below) with low Y/T ratios (<0.75)
are gaining favour in automotive applications to take advantage of their crash energy
absorption properties.
The precipitation hardening method of producing HSLAS with low carbon steel uses
alloying elements, such as V, Nb, and Ti, to combine with C and/or N to form very small
carbide/nitride precipitates. These particles harden the steel by preventing or altering
dislocation movement, the mechanism by which steel yields. The precipitates also act
as grain refiners by pinning the recrystallization interfaces, delaying recrystallization
until the carbides grow, resulting in a much smaller ferrite grain size. The yield strength
increases since it is inversely proportional to ferrite grain size. Vanadium is not used
as a micro-alloying element for galvanize because VN precipitates dissolve at the
continuous annealing temperatures used, the N combines with Al, and the precipitates
are lost. Vanadium additions are used mostly for uncoated HSLAS produced by batch
annealing where lower annealing temperatures are used. Niobium at levels as low as
0.005% is effective because of its high atomic weight. Nb-C precipitates do not

dissolve at continuous annealing temperatures, so are available for both precipitation

hardening and grain refinement. These techniques are used to produce HSLAS with
yield strengths from 40 to 60 ksi [275 to 410 MPa]. The Y/T ratio of these steels is high
(>0.8) and they have lost favour for automotive applications because of this.
New types of high strength coated steels have been, and continue to be developed for
automotive applications. They are referred to as Advanced High Strength Steels
(AHSS). To produce these steels, higher levels of alloys are used combined with more
complex and controlled heat treatments in the CGL furnaces. The result is better
formability at a given strength level and, in some cases, post-forming strengthening.
The most common types of AHSS are: Dual Phase (DP), Multi Phase (MP) or Complex
Phase (CP), and Transformation Induced Plasticity (TRIP) steels. Recent
developments have concentrated on third generation (3G, GEN3) steels with ultimate
tensile strengths (UTS) of up to 1200 MPa. These grades have increased levels of
retained austenite compared to TRIP steels produced by complex in-line heat
treatments, and can have strong bake hardenability up to 160 MPa.
Figure 5 shows the relationship between the various families of high strength steels
in terms of total elongation (formability) and tensile strength. (See also Fig. 19).


Figure 5: Characteristics of Advanced High Strength Steels

The galvanizing process

Referring to the galvanizing line diagram in Figure 3, the continuous hot-dip
galvanizing process is as follows:

Preparation of black coils

Black coils, usually full hard cold rolled steel, are placed on one of two entry reels. The
lead end is cropped to remove any off-gauge or damaged steel. The end is cropped
square and is mash seam welded to the tail end of the previous coil. On modern lines
a direct current welding machine takes about 1.5 minutes to complete the weld. A hole
is punched in the centre of the strip to allow tracking of the weld through the line.
While the entry end of the line is stopped, the process section is kept running using the
strip that is stored in the vertical accumulator. Some lines use horizontal accumulators
located under the furnace section.
Full hard coils charged to continuous coating lines will always have some degree of
oxide, rolling oil, grease, and fine steel particle contaminants present on their surface.
Before the strip reaches the zinc pot the soils must be removed or reduced to an
insignificant amount. The cleaning operation begins this process.
Liquid alkali cleaning, which can be combined with a high-current-density assist, is an
important part of making high quality galvanize and galvanneal. It removes residual
rolling oils and iron fines from the surface by cleaning in hot alkali (some lines have an
electrolytic assist), with scrub brushes, followed by rinsing and hot air drying. This
cleansing of the surface prior to annealing contributes towards excellent coating
adhesion, optimum appearance and better paintability. It also removes loose iron-
bearing debris from the surface that could get carried through to the zinc bath, forming
pot top dross or surface dross on the strip.
Alone, or in combination with liquid cleaning, some hot-dip lines use direct flame
cleaning. The strip is heated in a multi zone, direct-fired, non-oxidizing furnace, which
volatilizes the organic surface contaminants and can reduce small amounts of iron
oxide to iron. The furnace zone temperatures are typically in excess of 2300°F
[1260°C] to maximize the potential for reducing the oxides on the strip. It is important
to not have a highly oxidizing atmosphere to prevent the oils from burning and leaving
behind a carbon residue.
Annealing and cooling
A HDG galvanizing line furnace is required to: heat the steel sheet to the required
temperature/time cycle to develop the required strength and ductility; provide
conditions that remove thin oxide layers that may be present; and provide a surface
that will react correctly with zinc when the strip enters the coating bath.
Hot dip galvanizing lines use vertical or horizontal, radiant tube annealing furnaces with
multi independently monitored combustion zones for precise and uniform temperature
control. The heat resistant alloy radiant tubes are equipped with high efficiency burner
systems. The vertical design minimizes strip contact and provides more efficient
heating of the strip compared to horizontal designs. Depending on the size, these
furnaces have as many as eight heating zones and a soak zone. Annealing
temperatures vary from 1330°F [720°C] for commercial steels, to 1550°F [845°C] for
EDDS ultra low carbon grades. The atmosphere in the furnace is a very dry, controlled

hydrogen-nitrogen mixture meant to continually reduce all iron oxide on the steel
surface back to pure iron so as to provide a surface that will alloy properly with zinc.
Usually, following the heating/soaking zone is a set of hot bridle rolls to provide the
tension control to minimize shape distortion, and maintain the low-tension operation
necessary when producing EDDS. Next is a rapid jet cooler, which can cool the strip
at rates up to 40 °C [100 °F] per second as required for bake hardenable and AHSS
steels. Some lines have large furnace rolls (5 ft. [1525 mm] in diameter) following the
fast cooling section. This is important to prevent the increase of mechanical properties
in ULC steel by repeated bending over small rolls. A second hot bridle roll can be
located at the exit end of the furnace, to assist in keeping the strip flat and stable at the
coating knives for enhanced coating weight control. This is needed to meet the very
tight limits on coating weight variability specified by automotive producers. Figure 6
shows an example of heating and cooling steel temperature ranges for various

Figure 6: Example of a Heating Profile

Zinc bath management and alloying reactions
Zinc pots on modern continuous galvanizing lines are ceramic lined vessels and
typically hold about 200 - 350 tons of liquid zinc, although some have capacities up to
500 tons. They are actually large metallic reactors. The purpose of the large volume
of liquid zinc is to provide superior stability of both bath chemistry and temperature, two
of the most important variables in making high quality GI and GA. It also minimizes the
effect of any bottom dross. Submerged in the zinc is a sink roll and twin stabilizer rolls,
the latter of which act to equalize the zinc distribution across the width of the strip by
controlling the passline of the strip as vertically exits the bath. Most CGL lines today
use lead-free zinc, resulting in galvanize with a spangle-free, smooth appearance.
To produce high surface quality coatings with the proper composition and appearance,
stable bath composition and temperature, quiescent conditions, and efficient control of

dross build-up are required. Most CGLs maintain a zinc temperature of between 865-
870°F [463-466°C]. Aluminum is required in the zinc bath to inhibit the zinc-iron
reaction. Pre-alloyed zinc “jumbo” ingots, containing anywhere from 0.20% to 1.00%
Al, are used to avoid undesirable aluminum variations. Controlling bath chemistry by
using only Al-free zinc jumbos, and 10% Al brightener bar additions, creates large Al
fluctuations and contributes to dross formation. For this reason, many CGLs now
control bath Al content via the choice of the Al content in the zinc jumbos. Computer
programs are now available to manage the free or “effective” Al in the bath, resulting
in better coating quality, less dross generation, and improved CGL productivity and
product quality. On modern lines, robots are increasingly being used to skim off top
dross, and instruments are available to monitor bath chemistry in real time.
As steel strip passes through a zinc bath, various reactions occur at the steel/liquid
zinc interface. These reactions are governed by what is depicted in Figure 7, which is
the zinc-rich corner of the Zn-Al-Fe phase diagram. It provides the means by which to
manage the zinc bath. The yellow lines show the solubility limits of both Fe and Al in
zinc, in this case at 860˚F [460˚C]. Without the presence of Al, the reaction would
produce a relatively thick, brittle Fe-Zn alloy. As Al is added to the bath, the solubility
limit of Fe is lowered. Overall, Al reacts faster with Fe than does Zn, quickly producing
a temporary and very thin, adherent Fe-Al-Zn alloy layer on the steel. Nevertheless,
enough Fe does dissolve into the zinc before the Fe-Al-Zn layer finishes forming to
quickly saturate the zinc with dissolved Fe. To produce galvanize with good zinc
adhesion, coating lines must operate in the green area of Figure 7, with total Al levels
above 0.14%. Aluminum acts as a very strong and much needed inhibitor to the Zn-
Fe reaction. The Al available to control the reaction (effective aluminum) is only that
dissolved in the zinc (lower left black area) but not the portion combined with Fe.

Figure 7: Iron-Aluminum Solubility Curves


As explained above, the goal is to form ternary Fe2 Al5-XZnX intermetallics at the steel
interface. This intermetallic also forms dross particles in the zinc melt, has a density
less than that of zinc, so floats to the bath surface as part of the top dross. Binary
intermetallics (FeZn7) will only form if the Al falls below 0.14%. These have a density
greater than zinc and sink to form bottom dross. By the proper use of pre-alloyed zinc
ingots the formation of FeZn7, and thus bottom dross, can be virtually eliminated. Also,
as can be seen in the formula for top dross, it is about 45% Al by weight. Additions of
high Al (10%) alloy ingots to the bath results in most of the Al reporting directly to the
top dross, and leaving the bath on the surface of the strip. Having a clean strip surface
entering the bath, free of iron debris, is also important in minimizing dross formation.
Control of the steel/zinc reaction has a direct affect on the coating quality in terms of
its adherence, formability, weldability, uniformity, and appearance. As covered above,
when Al is at the correct level, the metallic reaction forms a very thin, interfacial, ternary
alloy layer on the steel with a composition of 45% Al, 35% Fe, and 20% Zn (Fe2Al5-
XZnX). Note again that this layer has the same composition as top dross, is the reason
for the excellent adherence of the zinc to the steel, and only forms when full Al inhibition
is in effect. See Figure 9 for an electron microscope image of this alloy layer. Full
inhibition occurs when the effective Al in the bath is at or above 0.14%. When effective
Al is below 0.14%, binary FeZn7 intermetallics can form (partial inhibition), which are
brittle and can lead to poor coating adherence. Effective Al levels above 0.14%
produce adherent coatings but will result in a zinc overlay with slightly higher Al content
due to the amount of Al in the interfacial layer. At 0.14% effective Al, the overlying zinc
coating contains about 0.20% Al. Higher coating Al may result in spot weldability
problems, the more so the higher the Al. Bath effective Al levels of higher than 0.18%
should be avoided if this is an issue for the end user. It is also important to control the
strip temperature as it enters the zinc bath. Ideally the strip temperature should be one
or two degrees C above the liquid zinc temperature. Too great a variation either way
can result in changes to the amount of Al in the coating, and can interfere with proper
interfacial alloy formation.
Coating weight [mass] control and measurement
In the zinc pot, the moving strip passes around a rotating, submerged sink roll and is
redirected vertically to exit the bath below the coating knives. Stabilizer and corrector
rolls, just under the surface of the zinc, help control strip shape and vibration, allowing
a stable, flat strip to pass between the knives. Typical gas knives, one on each side of
the strip, employ a low-pressure, high-volume approach to delivery of the wiping
medium. Figure 8 depicts the gas wiping process on one surface of the sheet.

Figure 8: Depiction of gas wiping process

Pressure is the principal control parameter for coating mass (weight) control, although
height, distance to the strip, and angle of the knives are also adjustable. Automatic
coating weight controls using artificial intelligence technology have been installed on
some lines to produce consistent, steady state, coating weight with a low standard
Traditionally, the gas knives use air. Some lines use nitrogen gas, the benefits of which
are questionable, plus it has a higher cost.
After the strip has been cooled to ambient temperatures, a twin-head x-ray fluorescent
gauge utilizing a 2 in. [50 mm] focused beam repeatedly scan across the width of the
strip. The gauge provides a continuous read-out of zinc thickness (weight) of both top
and bottom surfaces for coating weight control purposes.
Galvanize (GI) versus galvanneal (GA)
If the zinc coating is left to freeze after the gas wiping operation, it forms a “traditional”
GI coating, the thickness of which is a function of the action of the coating knives. GI
has a bright, metallic lustre and is usually applied at coating weights of G40 [Z120] and
heavier. As most CGL lines today use lead-free spelter, the spangle size is small
(<0.5mm) and difficult to discern. In the past, lead and/or antimony were added to the
bath to produce large, flowery spangles. With the very small spangle produced by a
lead-free bath, it is much easier to make an extra smooth product by temper passing.
Figure 9 shows an electron microscope image of the cross-section of a GI coating and
illustrates thick, free zinc eta () above the very thin (~0.1 m), ternary Fe2Al5-XZnX
interfacial layer.

 Layer →

Fe2Al5-XZnX →

Figure 9: Cross section of galvanize (GI) coating (magnification X 7000)

Reheating the strip to a temperature of up to1100°F [590°C] immediately after leaving

the coating knives produces galvanneal. The zinc is still liquid when the strip enters
the galvanneal furnace. The reheating restarts the zinc/iron diffusion reaction and
breaks down the inhibition layer that formed when the strip was in the zinc bath. After
5 to 10 seconds a dull grey matte coating is created which has a bulk iron content of 9
to 12%. A cross-section of the coating structure is shown Figure 10.

 Layer →

 Layer →

 Layer →

Figure 10: Cross section of galvanneal (GA) coating (magnification X 1000)


The layers that form, from the steel substrate outward, are gamma (), delta (), and
zeta () – similar to those that form in batch galvanizing, except no eta () layer is
present. The compositions of the intermetallics in GA coatings are shown in Table 3.
Table 3: Composition of Galvanneal (GA) Layers

Layer %Fe %Al

Zeta () FeZn13 5.2 – 6.1 0.7
Delta () FeZn10 7.0 – 11.5 3.7
Gamma () Fe3Zn10 15.8 – 27.7 1.4

The reactions start at the steel interface and are dependent on:
• Galvannealing time and temperature
• Bath Al
• Steel grade
• A higher Al content requires higher temperature and/or longer time to produce
optimum GA coatings. Also, stabilized IF substrate reacts faster than ULC or plain
carbon substrate. Amongst IF substrates, Ti stabilized reacts faster than Ti-Nb
• On modern CGLs the reheating of the strip to make galvanneal is done using
induction furnaces. Typically, the furnace has three induction zones, which reheat
the strip from about 870°F [465°C] to as high as 1100°F [590°C] in a few seconds.
Induction furnaces, combined with soaking and cooling zones, provide the means
to do this in a controlled, fast, and efficient fashion, resulting in a coating with good
appearance and adherence. Conversion to a galvanneal coating is a diffusion
reaction between zinc and iron and occurs mostly while the coating is still liquid.
The use of difficult to control gas-fired furnaces has fallen out of fashion. Induction
galvannealing is easier to control than convection and/or radiation galvannealing
as the heat comes from inside the strip.
• Many automakers prefer GA to galvanize because of its extremely good paintability
and appearance, plus its excellent corrosion resistance under automotive type
• GA is rarely used in unpainted end uses as it contains 10% iron, and the coating
thickness is only about one third that of G90 [Z275]. It does not have good
corrosion resistance in the unpainted state.
• Coating weight [mass] and coating thickness, of both GI and GA are shown later
in this article in the section on Galvanize Properties.
• Iron content and coating weight [mass] are displayed both numerically and
graphically in real time during the production of every coil to confirm coating
uniformity. Controlling the iron level between 9 and 12% on GA is an important
parameter to produce good coating adhesion resistant to powdering. The coating
mass and percent iron data is stored in a data base for quality control purposes.

Post treatments
Temper passing
In-line temper rolling is an important part of producing exposed quality coated sheets.
It eliminates an off-line operation that would be cost increasing, and imparts a carefully
controlled surface finish, mechanical property control, and good flatness.
The 4-high design is common and incorporates tension bridle rolls before and after the
temper mill to allow extensions up to 2% to achieve the required surface finish and
mechanical properties. Work roll bending is incorporated for optimum shape control.
A wet rolling practice prevents surface contamination and zinc pick-up. On most lines,
load rather than extension controls the temper mill. Figure 11 depicts an in-line temper

Figure 11: In-line temper mill

A tension leveler (Figure 12), usually located immediately after the temper mill,
provides superior flatness while maintaining precise control of elongation so as to
prevent fluting on carbon steel product. The presence of intermediate bridle rolls
between the temper mill and leveler permits control of elongation, independent of the
temper mill mode. Extensions of up to 1.5% are attainable with such levelers.

Figure 12: In-line tension leveler

Chemical treatment
For non-automotive end uses, the next step in the CGL process is for the strip to be
given a chemical treatment. The purpose is to passivate the surface to impart
resistance to the formation of "wet storage stain" or “white rust”, terms traditionally used
in the galvanizing industry to describe the white zinc corrosion product that sometimes
forms on the galvanized steel surfaces during storage and transport. If freshly
unpassivated galvanized steel becomes wet with moisture trapped between contacting

surfaces, which restricts access to free-flowing air, zinc hydroxide quickly forms. This
is a white (sometimes grey to black), non-protective corrosion product. Zinc hydroxide
can form during a single incident of wetting, by rain or condensation. However, once
areas affected with light white rust are exposed and allowed to dry, there is minimal
harmful effect on the service life of galvanized steel. If the damp, restrictive conditions
continue, then zinc corrosion may proceed rapidly down to the base steel. Most
galvanized sheet product receives some form of surface passivation treatment to
retard the formation of wet storage stain. For many years these treatments contained
chromium in the form of the Cr+6 ion, which is very effective in delaying the formation
of white rust for periods up to six weeks.
Unfortunately, Cr+6 is toxic substance, and its use is now prohibited in many
jurisdictions. Suppliers have developed trivalent chrome (Cr+3) and non-chrome
bearing chemical treatments. Some non-chrome treatments involve the use of
phosphoric acid and other non-toxic heavy metals.
Passivation solutions of any type are not applied to sheet intended for automotive end
uses as they interfere with phosphatability, paint adherence, and spot weldability.
Some hot-dip lines are now applying clear organic coatings (some with added
passivation chemicals) by in-line roll coating to prevent handprint or black scuffing
marks during product manufacturing by users. These treatments were first developed
for aluminum-zinc hot-dip coatings, which are particularly susceptible to this problem.
The strip then passes through the inspection station, which can incorporate horizontal
and vertical and/or top and bottom visual surface inspection. The area is equipped
with both fluorescent and strobe lighting. Some lines have automatic inspection
devices to assist the human inspectors in assessing surface quality.
Oiling and recoiling
An electrostatic oiling unit is used to apply a light, consistent, precisely controlled film
of either a rust preventative oil or single phase prelube to both surfaces of the sheet.
Immediately after oiling the strip is recoiled on a mandrel to produce coils to the
customers' ordered weight. Unpassivated sheet for automotive end use generally
receives a light oil application.

Most galvanize is produced to either ASTM specifications or Automotive specifications.
ASTM standards are used by most customers and are also referred to by many
automotive documents.

ASTM standards
The following standards for zinc-coated steel-sheet products are commonly used in

A924/A924M - Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Metallic-Coated by the Hot-Dip

This standard covers the general requirements that apply to hot-dip coated steel sheet
in coils and cut lengths. The common requirements for all types of hot-dip metallic-
coated steel sheet, such as product dimensional tolerances for thickness, width,
flatness, etc. are contained in this standard.
A653/A653M - Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) for Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated
(Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process
This standard covers steel sheet, zinc-coated (galvanized) or zinc-iron alloy-coated
(galvannealed) by the hot-dip process. This standard covers the most commonly used
type of coated-steel sheet within the metal-construction industry. It is often prepainted
for use as exterior roll formed building panels.
A755/A755M - Steel Sheet, Metallic-Coated by the Hot-Dip Process and Prepainted
by the Coil Coating Process for Exterior Exposed Building Products
This standard covers steel sheet metallic-coated by the hot-dip process and coil-
coated with organic films for exterior exposed building products. The substrate is
available with several different metallic coatings. Paint coating systems supplied under
this standard shall typically consist of a primer coat covered by various types and
thicknesses of topcoats.
A common non hot-dip galvanize standard is:
A879/A879M - Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated by the Electrolytic Process
This standard covers steel sheet in coils and cut lengths that are zinc-coated by
electrodeposition. The electrolytic zinc-coated sheet covered by this standard is
produced with a coatings varying from a light (thin) coating mass to relatively heavy
masses. The zinc coating is used to provide some enhancement in corrosion
resistance compared with cold-rolled steel sheet. For most applications, the product is
painted. It is not typically used for outdoor applications where high corrosion resistance
is required.
Other metallic zinc-bearing hot dip coatings are:
A792/A792M - Steel Sheet, 55% Aluminum-Zinc Alloy-Coated by the Hot-Dip
This standard covers 55% aluminum-zinc alloy-coated steel sheet in coils and cut
lengths. This product is intended for applications requiring high corrosion resistance,
or heat resistance, or both.
A875/A875M - Steel Sheet, Zinc-5% Aluminum Alloy Metallic-Coated by the Hot-Dip
This standard covers steel sheet, in coils and cut lengths, metallic-coated by the hot-
dip process, with a zinc-5 % aluminum alloy coating. The coating is produced as two
types: zinc-5% aluminum-mischmetal alloy or zinc-5% aluminum-magnesium alloy.

The material is intended for applications requiring corrosion resistance, formability, and
Each of the above-listed standards contains the requirements that are specific to the
type of coating covered in the document. For example, Standard A653 [A653M]
contains the coating-weight designators G60 [Z180], G90 [Z275], etc.) for hot-dip
coated galvanized (zinc-coated) steel sheet. Also, each of the standards contains the
requirements for the different steel designations (CS, FS, DDS, SS, etc.) that are
available with the specific types of coatings listed in the document.
Other ASTM Standards for Hot-Dip Coated Steel Sheet that are Commonly Used
by Industry
In addition to the product standards, there are several other ASTM standards relating
to hot-dip coated steel-sheet products that are frequently referenced by industry.
These include:
A90/A90M - Standard Test Method for Weight of Coating on Iron and Steel Articles
with Zinc or Zinc-Alloy Coatings
This test method covers procedures for determining the weight or mass of the coating
on steel sheet and other articles on which the coating is zinc or a zinc alloy including
the zinc-iron alloy coating, the 55% aluminum-zinc alloy coating, and the 5%
aluminum-zinc alloy coating. This is considered a destructive test in that the coating is
physically dissolved from the steel, and the weight of coating is determined by the
weight loss during the stripping operation.
A754/A754M - Standard Test for Coating Weight of Metallic Coatings on Steel by X-
Ray Fluorescence
This test method covers the use of x-ray fluorescence for determining the coating
weight of metallic coatings on steel sheet. The test method is used for "on-line"
measurements of coating on continuous production lines. It provides the capability to
determine the coating-weight distribution throughout a coil during production on a real
time basis.
Galvanize properties
Table 4 gives typical ranges of selected mechanical properties of various galvanize

Table 4: Typical Mechanical Property Ranges – Selected Galvanize Products

Product YS (ksi) El % (in 2”) Rm value n value

ASTM A653 CS Type A (no min C) 25/50 >20 - -
Type B (min C 0.02) 30/50 >20 - -
Type C (rephos) 25/60 >15 - -
25/45 >26 1.0/1.4 0.17/0.21
20/35 >32 1.4/1.8 0.19/0.24
15/25 >40 1.6/2.1 0.22/0.27
Auto EDDS (not TR) (stabilized IF) 17/23 42.5/48.0 1.62/2.1 .245/.260
Auto EDDS (TR for AE) (stabilized IF) 18.5/26.0 41.2/51.2 1.5/2.0 .225/.254
Auto EDDS (TR for AE) (stab. IF rephos) 27.1/36.0 33.6/41.2 1.7/2.0 .20/.25
Auto HSLAS Grd 50 (Nb added) 52.5/64.0 26.9/35.3 - -

Adherence of GI coatings is generally not an issue. As long as the steel surface is
oxide free entering the bath, and the Al level properly controlled, a good ternary
interfacial alloy layer is formed and lead-free zinc will not even crack on the outside of
a “zero T” bend. GI coatings withstand roll forming and stamping operations very well.
Coating adhesion is one limitation of GA. The coating can powder or flake off in the
dies, resulting in poor stamping performance and surface problems. Powdering is an
intra-coating failure creating fine, powdery coating particulate. It results whenever
coating undergoes a compressive strain and is affected primarily by coating mass
(weight) and coating iron content. Increased levels of either will result in increased
powdering. A coating mass of 55 g/m2 or lower will pass most automotive powdering
tests. Some powdering tests require an iron content of 10.5% or less to pass.
Flaking of GA is a failure of the bond between the steel and the coating, creating
relatively large (0.5 to 2 mm) sheet-like particles. It occurs during bending/unbending
strain, followed by a shear stress on the coating, such as present along the bead in a
draw die. Flaking can result from either a weakened coating-steel bond (due to dirty
steel, over-alloyed coating, or heavy temper rolling), or an increased transmission of
strain to the coating-steel interface (resulting from free zinc in the surface).
Adherence and bare spot issues can occur with some of the highly alloyed AHSS
grades due to the strong affinity of the alloying elements for oxygen in the annealing
furnace. Special operating practices are needed to avoid these problems.

Figure 13 shows a schematic of the difference between powdering and flaking.


Figure 13: Schematic – Powdering versus Flaking on Galvanneal

Coating weight [mass] versus thickness

Table 5 shows typical hot-dip galvanize coating mass [weight] and thickness for
various coating types and designations. This information is used when computing the
required cold roll thickness of the steel substrate.

Table 5: Coating Thickness of GI and GA for Various Coating Designations

Mass-g/m2 Nominal Thickness

[Weight-oz/ft2] (Total Both Sides)
Designation SI Minimum Nominal
Type mm in
[Imp] (Per Side) (Both Sides)
Z600 [G185] 204 [0.64] 650 [2.13] 0.0916 0.0036
Z275 [G90] 94 [0.32] 293 [0.96] 0.0413 0.0016
Z180 [G60] 60 [0.20] 200 [0.66] 0.0282 0.0011
Z90 [G30] 30 [0.10] 110 [0.36] 0.0155 0.0006
GI (Zinc) 70G70G - GM 70 [0.23] 160 [0.52] 0.0225 0.0009
98G98G - GM 100 [0.33] 230 [0.75] 0.0324 0.0013
MS6000-66 - DC 100 [0.33] 230 [0.75] 0.0324 0.0013
60G60G - Ford 60 [0.20] 140 [0.46] 0.0197 0.0008
ZF180 [A60] 60 [0.20] 200 [0.66] 0.0282 0.0011
ZF120 [A40] 36 [0.12] 140 [0.46] 0.0197 0.0008
GA ZF75 [A25] 24 [0.08] 100 [0.33] 0.0141 0.0006
(Zinc-Iron) 40A40A - GM 40 [0.13] 90 [0.29] 0.0127 0.0005
50A50A - Ford 50 [0.16] 120 [0.39] 0.0169 0.0007
MS6000-44A - DC 45 [0.15] 100 [0.33] 0.0141 0.0006

Zinc and zinc-alloy coatings on steel offer substantial improvements in corrosion
resistance, not only for automobile bodies, but also for appliances, commercial and
residential buildings and other general construction applications. As a result, there has
been a large increase in the production and applications of zinc-coated steels. In the
United States, the volume rose from 9.3MM tpy in 1990 to over 18MM tpy in 2004 &
2006 (Figure 14), dropped off during 2008-10 and has now recovered and is holding
at over 16MM tpy as of 2021. To meet this demand, there are 77 operating lines in
North America as of early 2022. Coincident with this large growth, market pressures
on price and quality, and the ever-increasing need for efficiency, have led to significant
improvements in the hot-dip sheet product quality, and in techniques for using coated

Figure 14: United States Galvanized Steel Shipments

Automotive – General
Since zinc-coated steel was first used in North American vehicles in the late 1950's,
the quantity per vehicle has grown to about 850 lbs. [385 kg]. Most of the unexposed
parts are fabricated from either hot-dip galvanized (GI) or hot-dip galvannealed (GA).
Many exposed or skin panels are made from GA, while some use GI. Experience
indicates that all products provide satisfactory corrosion protection, providing vehicle
designs are appropriate, and the phosphating and painting systems are properly

It is unlikely that the usage per vehicle will increase from today's levels because of the
present satisfactory corrosion performance. A more likely scenario is a small reduction
due to more formable high strength steel and because of the increased use of tailor
welded blanks, all of which will be described later in this section. The impact of these
activities results in lighter vehicle weight along with improved crash protection for
Many developments are taking place aimed at reducing the cost of vehicles, improving
structural performance, fuel economy, durability, quality, and safety.
A very close relationship has developed between the automotive design groups and
the steel suppliers whereby steel industry personnel participate in the design of new
vehicles. Pre-competitive efforts are pursued through the AISI and the Auto/Steel
Partnership. Examples of programs are formable ultra-high strength steels, hot press
forming, and improved fatigue resistance. Individual companies provide support to a
specific vehicle program using computer-aided services and extensive forming trial
support. The end result is more reliable stamping performance and the optimum steel
The success of this activity can be seen in the chart in Figures 15 & 16, which show
that, even though the overall use of steel in automotive has fallen by ~25% over the
last 4 decades, the use of galvanize has risen by a factor of over 6 and is the largest
market for this product in the USA.

Figure 15: Use of HDG by automotive industry


Figure 16: Automotive industry largest galvanize steel market in USA

Automotive – High strength and advanced high strength steels (AHSS)

Weight reduction, improved crash resistance, and improved damage resistance are
some of the benefits of high-strength steels. Usage is steadily increasing. For
instance, using ultra-low-carbon, vacuum-degassed steel and controlled alloying
additions, partially stabilized steel can be produced with a limited amount of solute
carbon after precipitation reactions are complete.
Bake hardenable steel (BHS) uses carbon strain aging to augment the yield strength
of formed automotive panels, improving dent resistance or permitting some gauge
reduction. The strain comes from normal forming and the aging is accelerated by the
paint baking treatment. BHS contains enough supersaturated solute carbon that the
aging reaction typically adds 4 to 8 ksi [27 to 55 MPa] to panel yield strength.

This approach to providing high strength panels has the advantage of presenting
formable low yield strength material to forming operations to avoid panel shape
problems due to elastic deflection associated with initial yield strengths exceeding 35
ksi [235 MPa]. BHS is the practical consequence of new manufacturing technologies,
which permit control of supersaturated solute carbon in a range which is high enough
to provide a useful amount of accelerated strain aging, without aging during
transport/storage after being temper rolled. The BHS product produces panels free
from stretcher strains at least 2 or 3 months after its production. Figure 17 illustrates
the concept of bake hardening, with BH representing the flow stress increase on
baking. This chart also represents the typical strain and baking conditions for
automotive panels.

Figure 17: Increase in Yield Strength from Work and Bake Hardening

When producing BHS on a CGL, the important part of the process is trapping solute
carbon by fast cooling through the carbide precipitation range, and avoiding cementite
precipitation by quickly passing through the over aging zone to the pot entry
All automobile companies are committed to lowering of CO2 emissions from their
products. Weight reduction is an integral part of achieving this; hence they depend
heavily on AHSS multiphase steel technology. The added requirement for vehicles to
perform well in collisions requires steels with tensile strengths in the 590-1180 MPa
range. These grades are produced as both Dual Phase (DP) and Transformation
Induced Plasticity (TRIP) coated sheet. DP steels for processing in CGLs include
hardenability elements such as Mn, Cr, Si, B, N and Mo, and microalloying
elements such as V, Nb and Ti. Rapid cooling and isothermal holding are required
during continuous annealing to achieve the required mechanical properties. Figure 18
illustrates the tensile properties of some of these steels. The much larger area under
the stress-strain curve of AHSS steels is an important property that allows them to
absorb considerably more crash impact energy compared to HSLA steels.

Figure 18: Tensile behavior of AHSS

In the AHSS category, another class known as Ultra High Strength Steels (UHSS)
with tensile strengths in the range of 700 to 1600 MPa are available. These steels
have lower formability, however, so programs are in place to develop Third
Generation (3G, GEN3) AHSS with ultra-high strength and formability, as shown
in Figure 19. Use of such steels will permit an additional 10% mass reduction of
automotive body assemblies.

70 L-I
60 AU
Elongation (%)

50 IF Th utur S
ird e
40 -
Ge Oppo
Mild ISO ner
30 BH TRI atio rtunit
CM P nA y
20 n
0 300 600 900 1200 1600
Tensile Strength (MPa)

Figure 19: Future growth of AHSS – 3rd Generation

Taylor welded blanks and laser welding

Conventional vehicle body construction is achieved by joining together large numbers
of stamped parts, each one of which is formed from a blank of a single material. This
results in thicker components than needed in many areas and zinc coatings in areas
where they are not needed. Tailor welded blank technology has developed to address
these inefficiencies. Welding (usually by lasers) dissimilar materials together makes

blanks. The composite blanks can be made from different metal thicknesses, coated
and uncoated steels, or steels of different strength levels. The result is thick steel only
where needed, higher strength only where needed, and enhanced corrosion
resistance only where it warrants the extra protection.

Advantages of the process are: reduced vehicle weight, reduced vehicle cost,
improved structural performance, reduced material usage, fewer parts, elimination of
reinforcements, fewer spot welds, and lower assembly costs. Recognition of these
benefits has led to a very rapid growth in the adoption of this technology, such that
virtually every new North American car incorporates tailor welded blanks.

Figure 20 shows a tailor welded blank for a side ring made from five pieces, and a
cross-section of a typical laser weld joining two sheets of significantly different
thickness. Laser welds are very strong and stand up well during forming.

Figure 20: TWB side ring – blank and finished part; cross section of laser weld

Since one of the major performance attributes of a vehicle is rigidity as measured in

bending and torsion, continuously welded joints, as opposed to spot welded joints, offer
much greater resistance to elastic deformation. Laser welding is gaining acceptance,
therefore, as a method to increase rigidity, and usually to achieve weight saving as an
added benefit, since thinner steel can be used without loss of rigidity when such welds
are employed. Laser welds also offer cost savings because much smaller flanges are

Hydroforming is another technology that offers the chance to reduce weight, the
number of parts, and improve structural integrity. In this process (see Figure 21) tubing
is pre-formed by bending, inserted in a die, filled with water, and then formed to fit the
die cavity by application of pressure to the water. Complex shapes can be readily
produced with this process. The result is fewer parts, less welds, cross section
changes that can be achieved without welding pieces together, and superior structural
performance. Since, in many cases, there is also a cost saving, the process has been
adopted by the automotive industry for engine cradles, rails, cross members and other
structural parts.

Figure 21: Section of Pre-bent Tube and Hydroformed Engine Cradle

Prepainted hot-dip galvanized steel is also extensively used in the construction
industry. Much of the product is prepainted for appearance and durability. Gradual
shifts in the mix of paint types used for external building cladding by the construction
industry continue to occur as cost and performance change. North America remains
different from the rest of the world because of its extensive use of silicone modified

polyesters (SMP). The polyester trend is driven by cost considerations. In addition,

vinyl plastisols have excellent barrier characteristics, which make their use valuable for
highly corrosive environments, but high cost and sensitivity to high levels of UV, limits
application to specialized applications, usually in northern latitudes. The use of
fluorocarbon paint systems is more dominant in the U.S. south due to their improved
UV stability.
The corrosion resistance of painted galvanized steels is strongly influenced by the
chemical and physical stability of the interface between the zinc surface and the
organic coating. Zinc phosphate has been found to be very effective as a pretreatment
in limiting underfilm corrosion.
Prepainted galvanize for exterior applications is usually made using G90 [Z275]
substrate to provide maximum corrosion resistance, especially at cut edges, and is
generally temper passed to produce a smooth surface. The spangle-free galvanize
made today is easy to temper pass and results in a smooth, even appearance after
painting. As a rule, galvanneal is not used to produce prepainted sheet steel. The
coating is hard compared to G90 [Z275] and forms an extremely strong bond with
factory applied paints. When subsequently formed, e.g., in a roll former, the GA
coating, not being able to powder freely, tends to shear and break away from the
substrate, taking the paint coating with it.

In North America, the use of hot-dip galvanized sheet for home laundry products and
other appliances has been constant over the last decade, as shown in Figure 16.
Improved corrosion resistance compared with cold rolled sheet is the reason for this,
allowing longer lasting appliances and increased use in humid climates. Galvanized
steel offers very clear advantages for prepainted parts in that the zinc coating helps to
minimize sheared-edge corrosion that are known to occur with cold rolled sheet.
Some manufacturers are using galvanized steel and applying paint to the exterior side
only; thus, saving paint costs. Automated paint lines for powder coating of flat blanks
are especially viable for this option. Additional paint savings are realized by the ability
to apply much more uniform paint thicknesses when painting flat blanks rather than
post-painting formed parts.
The presence of zinc coating on the steel means that total reliance on the paint for
corrosion resistance is not necessary and reduced paint thicknesses can be tolerated.
Prepainting; either coil painting or blank painting of flat panels can achieve these
reduced paint thicknesses much more readily.
To accommodate the fabrication of galvanized steel sheet into formed parts using very
small radii bends, it has been necessary to modify the tooling used for forming. These
changes, when combined with uniform, light zinc coating weights and non-spangled
product, are allowing the fabrication of parts with bend radii as tight as zero t, without
degradation of the corrosion resistance in the vicinity of the tension bend.
Steel suppliers are also cooperating with the appliance manufacturers during design
to ensure that, not only are the best materials chosen in their most economical form,

but that fabrication and assembly is thoroughly investigated to minimize problems

during production.

It can readily be seen that galvanized steel sheet is a product that is growing in use in
many different market areas, has and continues to undergo improved manufacturing
methods, and is offering tightly controlled characteristics in the continuous effort to
supply value for customers.
Additional information can be found on the topic of zinc-coated steel sheet at .

References and Sources of Figures & Tables

Page Figure/Illustration Source

6 Table 1 Author
“Corrosion and Electrochemistry of Zinc”, X.
7 Figure 1
Gregory Zhang, Plenum Press, 1996, p298
7 Figure 2 Author
9 Table 2 Author
10 Figure 3 Comstock II Consulting Inc.
13 Figure 4 AISI
J. Stechschulte, New CAL at PRO-TEC,
14 Figure 5
Galvanizers Assoc. Proc., 2015
16 Figure 6 AIST – Galvanizing Technical Committee
17 Figure 7 International Zinc Association (IZA)
18 Figure 8 Objective Control, Inc.
19 Figure 9 Stelco Inc.
20 Figure 10 Stelco Inc.
20 Table 3 Author
22 Figure 11 AIST – Galvanizing Technical Committee
22 Figure 12 AIST – Galvanizing Technical Committee
25 Table 4 Author
26 Figure 13 Stelco Inc.
27 Table 5 Author
28 Figure 14 Author and AISI (for data)
29 Figure 15 Author and AISI (for data)
29 Figure 16 Author and AISI (for data)
30 Figure 17 Stelco Inc.
31 Figure 18 Galvatech 07 Proceedings
32 Figure 19 Galvanized Auto/Steel Partnership
33 Figure 20 Stelco Inc.
34 Figure 21 Stelco Inc.

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