List of IC@N Research Projects and Supervisors: School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE)

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List of IC@N Research Projects and Supervisors

School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE)

Name of Supervisor Research Project Description
Prof Alex Kot Chichung Exposing Image Forgery through Statistical Detection of Image
[email protected] Inconsistencies

(Undergraduate Level)
To restore the traditional trustworthiness on digital photos, scientific
means to expose the common image forgeries is urgently needed. Since
making an image forgery often involves mixing signals from different
image sources, this would destroy the original statistical harmony inside
a photo and lead to many underlying forms of detectable
inconsistencies. In this project, the student is required to implement part
of our statistical detection framework on image inconsistencies,
compare different types of statistical image regularities, and improves
the existing detection framework based on the experimental findings.

Making Content Adaptive Image Forensics Decision

(Postgraduate Level)
To restore the traditional trustworthiness on a digital photo, digital
image forensics has recently become a booming research area to identify
the image source and detect possible image forgeries. Some possible
solutions are through detection of various image statistical regularities
and apply state-of-art pattern classification techniques to make forensics
conclusions. However, the common statistical regularities detected are
easily affected by the different image contents and the large variations
on the statistical features can degrade the forensics performance. In this
project, the student is required to address the above issue and propose
valid solution to improve forensics performances by making content
adaptive forensics conclusions. A student with good knowledge
background on image processing and pattern classification is preferred.

Real-Time Object Detection with NVIDIA Deep Stream SDK

Object detection on images/videos is computationally intensive. Real-

world surveillance applications need to run on resource constrained
platforms with power, memory, and compute (CPU/GPU) restrictions.
This project aims to develop an efficient object detection framework using
NVIDIA Deep Stream SDK for real-time applications
[] (based on SSD and/or
RFBNet algorithm). The framework will be tested on vehicle/person
detection in surveillance videos.

Project Duration: 2 - 5 months

Efficient Object Detection in C++ for Surveillance Videos

Object detection on images/videos is computationally intensive. Real-

world surveillance applications need to run on resource constrained
platforms with power, memory, and compute (CPU/GPU) restrictions.
This project aims to develop an efficient inference engine in C++ for object
detection (based on SSD and/or RFBNet algorithm). PyTorch 1.0+ C++ API
will be used for development. The framework will be tested on
vehicle/person detection in surveillance videos.

Project Duration: 2 - 5 months

AI for Human Re-ID across Cameras

The aim of this project is to develop human Re-identification API to re-

identify a Person of Interest (POI) from one camera in another different
camera, among a set of multiple non-overlapping cameras. Re-
identification is based on the POI’s clothing and other visual attributes.
The project will construct two datasets for person Re-ID using surveillance
cameras on NTU campus and develop a front-end and back-end Person
Re-ID API. Applicant’s role in this project is to do data processing,
pedestrian detection, and identification from video; CNN model training
and testing on available datasets. Python, Pytorch and Linux will be used
for development.

Project Duration: 2 - 5 months

Counterfeit Detection

This project aims to develop a state-of-the-art counterfeit detection and

recognition system that can work well to differentiate a fake and real
product with similar characteristics. Automating the detection of
counterfeit events for products is challenging due to the ambiguity of how
such events are defined. The problem is approached by learning different
methods e.g. Barcodes, QR codes, material verification etc. that can
identify real product using limited supervision. We propose end-to end
systems that are able to predict the counterfeit events. The applicant will
be responsible for the development (implementation, training, and test)
of the system on GPU server with 1 GPU.

Project Duration: 2 - 5 months

Anomaly action detection in surveillance video

This project aims to develop a state-of-the-art anomaly action detection

and recognition system that can work well in the wild in unconstrained
operating conditions. Automating the detection of anomalous events
within long video sequences is challenging due to the ambiguity of how
such events are defined. The problem is approached by learning
generative models that can identify anomalies in videos using limited
supervision. We propose end-to end system based on 3DCNN networks
that are able to predict the evolution of a video sequence from a small
number of input frames. The applicant will be responsible for the
development (implementation, training, and test) of the system on GPU
server with 1 GPU.

Project Duration: 2 - 5 months

Assoc Prof Ali Iftekhar Isolated DC/DC Converter with MPPT Extraction for DC motor
Maswood Application
[email protected]
(Postgraduate Level)
This project is about photovoltaic power extraction from solar panels. The
project includes discussion on different types of dc-dc converter and types
of maximum power point tracking system (MPPT). Study and
understanding of dc-dc converter and MPPT are done in order to select
the best alternative for the project requirement. An isolated dc-dc
converter is used for this project, and its simulation is carried out in
PSIM/MatLab software. For the maximum power extraction on solar
panels, a MPPT technique is selected, and its simulation is carried out. The
converter is to run a DC motor in the most optimal manner.

Project Duration: 2 - 4 months

Sine Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM) scheme in Wind Turbine Inverter

System for Harmonic Reduction

(Postgraduate Level)
Fossil fuel is depleting over the years and there are many research into
renewable resource. One of them is using wind turbine system. However,
most wind turbine system uses a popular and common form of
modulation technique which Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM).
This is due to simplicity and less complex. However, it generates high total
harmonics distortion (THD). In power system, harmonics leads to losses
and high THD leads to very high losses, and this is deem very inefficient.
The problem is handled at its rectifier. Vienna Rectifier is a three-phase
topology using only three switching device and investigated to study its
properties. Simulations is done to provide analysis on how different types
of Vienna Rectifier is used to improve its THD. In these study, two methods
is used mainly Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) and Hysteresis Current
Controller . PWM uses a fixed frequency to generate the voltage for the
switching device. Hysteresis Current Controller is use to generate the
modulation method based on the its phase input, voltage, output
capacitor voltages. While this study aims at harmonics reduction, Vienna
Rectifier provide additional characteristics of a unity power factor.
Consequently, it provides a more efficient and reliable power system.

Project Duration: 5 months

Asst Prof Amal Chandran Satellite technology enablers for IoT applications
[email protected]
Singapore’s smart nation initiative will utilize data from a multitude of
sensors. A space based Low-Earth-Orbiting Equatorial constellation of 6
small satellites can provide a continuous efficient back up system for data
relay in the event of failure of the terrestrial network. This space platform
can also thus an efficient technology enabler for disaster recovery and for
IoT hubs for remote areas/ocean-based buoys or autonomous exploration
devices. This project aims to conceptualize and prototype the ground and
space segment for this space based IoT enabler.

Project Duration: 2 months

Development of low cost subsystems for student satellites

(Undergraduate Level)

The Satellite Research Centre at Nanyang Technological University is

embarking on a series of student satellite programs where select
undergraduate students will get the opportunity to build cubesats and
small satellites. A Cubesat is a miniaturized self-contained small satellite
built in scalable multiples of 10 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm (1 Unit) weighing no
more than 1.33 kg per Unit. A cubesat contains all the sub-systems of a
larger spacecraft. Students will get the opportunity to develop, build and
test spacecraft sub-systems and integrated satellites.

Project Duration: 6 months

Assoc Prof Anamitra Compressed Sensing and its Applications

[email protected] (Postgraduate Level)
This project involves algorithm development in the area of compressed
sensing, a new area of research in signal processing community.
Compressed sensing involves taking measurements of a sparse signal
using random basis functions and reconstructing the signal from these
measurements. Many reconstruction algorithms such as basis pursuit
family and matching pursuit family have been proposed. In this project
the objective is to apply compressed sensing to new scenarios such as
reconstruction in presence of noise, or reconstruction of joint sparse
signals, etc. Matlab knowledge and love of mathematics is desirable for
this project.

Assoc Prof Arokiaswami Composite Right Left handed Metamaterials for Microwave Circuits
[email protected] Multi band filters/ Leaky wave phenomenon from the composite
right/left-handed transmission lines (CRLH TLs) is a very interesting and
promising topic in recent times. The most important advantage for the
CRLH TLs is that they can be used to design leaky wave antennas which
can radiate backward in the left-handed (LH) mode and forward in the
right-handed mode. With the development of the CRLH TLs, one
important property has been found that the structure can support the
backward radiation when it is working in LH region, and it exhibits
negative permeability and negative permittivity. The structure can be
realized by introducing the series capacitance. The transverse slots
etched in the upper side of the waveguide create series capacitance,
while the solid inductive posts in the rectangular guide create the shunt
inductance. Besides the posts at the side walls, additional posts are
introduced at the centre of the waveguide with one
and three posts alternatively. These contribute the LH property of
the SIW, which is necessary to support a backward radiation.

Modelling of Photonic Crystal Fibre

Photonic crystal fibers (PCF) are promising fiber structures. Their

applications in nonlinear optics, supercontinuum generation, soliton
propagation, and photonics signal processing are some examples of the
improved performance of PCF. Despite the known benefits of those
fibers, the modelling has attracted much interest in the last few years.
Finite difference methods have the general advantages of their
simplicity, the ease of implementation, and the possibility of including
several additional effects without relevant modifications. On the other
hand, they have some drawbacks, as other method of analysis, related to
memory requirements as the photonic crystal structure becomes large.
Some of those problems can partially be alleviated by the use of sparse
matrices and advanced eigenvalue calculation methods. In this work a
comparative study between the spectral Fast-Fourier transform (FFT)-MS
method and the central finite difference methods of high order has to be
performed to conclude on the numerical methods of PCF models.

Wireless Energy Harvesting

In this project, a wireless power transfer (WPT) that is adaptive to change

in coil separation will be attempted. For analytic design of the WPT
system, a new design method which does not require calculating the
voltages and currents in the system is to be explored. The proposed design
method may allow us to have perfect impedance matching theoretically
for the WPT system using capacitor circuits connected to the sending and
receiving coils.
Closed-form design equations are to be derived for straight-forward
application of the new design method. In order to compensate the
variation of the mutual coupling between the two coils due to the
change in separation, a new switchable capacitor array circuit need to be
attempted. For verification of the new design method and the new
switchable capacitor array circuit, fabricate and measure a WPT system
operating at lower frequency.

Assoc Prof Boon Chirn Virtual Reality RFIC

[email protected] (Postgraduate Level)
Candidate will engage in state-of-the-art research in RFIC. Technology
node for fabrication in our group is TSMC 40nm. Chance to use advance
testing equipment up to 325Ghz. Candidate will engage in either analog
baseband, Mimo Antenna, IC controlling software stack or RF front-end
for VR applications. Strong interest and background in IC or baseband
software stack will help in your PhD.

In-Band-Full-Duplex Transceiver's Component IC Design

A new paradigm for future wireless communication. In-Band-Full-Duplex

Transceiver's allows for 2 x throughput with the same wireless spectrum.
This is an extremely important technology for the overly congested
frequency spectrum. In this work, together with post-doctoral fellows
and researchers team members, you will embark on an integrated circuit
design learning journey while working on a component or part of such

Asst Prof Cuong Dang Imaging through strongly scattering media

[email protected]
(Postgraduate Level)
The project will combine algorithm with specific hardware arrangement
to do imaging through strongly scattering media. We do not implement
any technique to de-scatter the structure or even understand the
scattering media. We take ‘seemingly random’ speckle pattern image,
then find out the object behind by digging into the statistic properties of
these speckle with strong algorithm.
Project Duration: 3 - 6 months

Optical wave front controls for biomedical imaging

(Postgraduate Level)
Have you ever wanted to look or image through the skin by light
wave? Skin or bio-tissues do not absorb light significantly; they scramble
the light path and mesh up the spatial information of the objects behind.
We will design and execute a special optical imaging system to de-scatter
light. The captured images are better quality with speckles. Then we will
build an algorithm to reconstruct images and reveal the high quality
images of objects behind a scattering medium. The algorithm is based on
the signal processing with significant knowledge about optical properties
of random scattering media. The project will combine your physical
experiment skills with computational coding skills.

Full Colour Single Material Lasers

(Postgraduate Level)
Compact visible lasers would enable an extreme technology for many
applications such as lighting, display, or visible light communication.
Conventional solid state lasers based on semiconductor hetero-
structures are technologically matured and ubiquitous but still cannot
cover the whole visible spectrum. Colloidal semiconductor
nanomaterials with full visible colour tune-ability offer a great solution
for this problem. The proposed research aims to study both theoretical
and experimental parts of the colloidal quantum dot lasers. The research
will cover theoretically modelling/optimizing nanocrystal structures for
stimulated emission, chemically synthesizing colloidal semiconductor
nanocrystals, building a resonant cavity to enable a nanocrystal laser by
micro-fabrication techniques, characterizing the optical gain materials
and lasers.
Optoelectronic devices with solution processed materials

(Postgraduate Level)
The research focuses on the optoelectronic devices such as light-
emitting diodes, lasers, solar cells, or photodetectors with advanced
solution processed materials. We are targeting new semiconductor
materials such as perovskites, semiconductor nanomaterials, quantum
dots, nanoplatelets. The research will cover theoretical
modelling/optimizing novel materials, experimentally demonstrating the
materials and their optoelectronic devices with high performances.

Assoc Prof Chang Chip Design of Residue Number System (RNS) Based Scalers
[email protected] (Final year Undergraduate and Postgraduate Level)
RNS is very attractive for designing high speed digital hardware, especially
in real time process control and signal processing, due to its main
advantage of being able to perform addition and multiplication without
carry propagation between different moduli; Hence, exhibit smaller delay
as compared to that of in Binary Weighted Number System.
However, due to its non-weighted characteristic, carrying out
intermodular operations, such as sign detection, scaling, etc. entice long
delay and large hardware requirement. This project focuses on scaling
operation that is essential in ensuring the results of preceding
operations do not exceed the dynamic range of the system.

Asst Prof Christopher H. T. A high-performance direct-drive motor for electric vehicles

[email protected] (Postgraduate Level)

This project aims to develop a high-performance motor drive with direct-

drive feature for electric vehicles. A high-speed electric motor installed
with mechanical gear is a typical arrangement for electric vehicles, while
this setting suffers from mechanical loss and bulky size. A direct-drive
motor can be a solution for this application. This project targets to develop
a direct-drive motor from design, analysis and simulation. The obtained
results can be fundamental elements for future projects, e.g., fabrication
for concept verification.

Project Duration: 6 months

Assoc Prof Fan Weijun Design of novel GaAsBi/AlGaAs quantum well lasers
[email protected]
High-performance and low-cost long-wavelength semiconductor lasers
operating in the 1.3 and 1.55 µm range are highly demanded in fiber
optical communication, measurement, and sampling systems. In this
project, we will design a GaAsBi/AlGaAs QW laser using our k.p
programs. We may control Bi composition to achieve smaller
fundamental transition energy (better for 1.55 um long wavelength
emission) and very large band offset for both conduction and valence
bands (better electron and hole confinement. The novel GaAsBi
materials grown on GaAs provide us an opportunity to fabricate high-
performance and low-cost 1.55 um QW laser.
Prof Gan Woon Seng Subjective Study on the New Virtual Bass (Low Frequency) System
[email protected]
(Postgraduate Level)
In this project, we will perform psychoacoustics into how human
perceive low-frequency sound based on the “missing fundamental
phenomenon”. In this project, student will take part on an ongoing
doctoral work dealing with subjective listening tests for different
nonlinear devices (NLDs) used in the Virtual Bass System. Previous
objective studies have shown great promise in using certain types of NLD
to create useful harmonics that enhance the perceived low-frequency
effect. This new subjective study will provide a correlation study on how
to best design the virtual bass system that relates objective and
subjective scores. The virtual bass system is now currently deployed in
enhancing the bass effect for portable devices, like audio player,
handphones, etc

Implementation of a Beamsteerable Loudspeaker Array

(Undergraduate Level)
The target of this project is to develop a LABVIEW program that can fulfil
various experiments of beam steering algorithms of an ultrasound
transducer (or loudspeaker) array. A basic functional LABVIEW program
without GUI is provided, together with 8 channel analog output board
(PCI-6733) from National Instruments. The functions to be implemented
consists of a GUI with text file operation, channel selector, weight setting
for each channel, weight compensation for each channel, delay
compensation for each channel, optimal update rate, and temperature
compensation for sound speed. This project requires student with good
experience on LABVIEW program and will provide student with an
opportunity to understand basis concepts of array signal processing.

Research into new 3D audio technology for 3D TV

(Postgraduate Level)
With the recent advancement and popularity of the 3D TV LCD in home
entertainment, there is a strong desire to improve on the 3D audio
capability and features of current TV speakers. Several research works
have been on-going in the DSP Lab in NTU and the selected student is to
assist the researchers in carrying out several objective and subjective
measurements. There are several interesting novel works that are yet to
be researched in this field. One such work involves the development of a
new type of 3D audio system that is dependent on the content of multi-
channel audio soundtracks in today’s movie format. Several interesting
research questions to be answered in this work.

New Deployment of Directional Sound System

(Undergraduate Level)
This project investigates new deployment of the directional sound
system. Student will have the opportunity to assist researchers to carry
out several experiments and deployment of the directional sound
system. Student will also learn the art of measurement of sound
radiation pattern in an anechoic chamber using an array of microphones
and binaural microphone with dummy head and torso. To make this
project more interesting, student will also be involved in programming
the latest embedded processor for implementing some pre-processing
algorithms to drive the directional sound system.

Assoc Prof Gooi Hoay Optimization of Load Aggregator via Maximization of District Benefit
[email protected] (Postgraduate Level)
A Load Aggregator (LA) combines all Demand Dispatch (DD) and Demand
Response (DR) loads of homes and buildings. Each participant will be
compensated proportionally based on the half-hourly kWh contribution
amount. Based on the declared DD/DR amounts or past historical
measurements and performance, LA is able to schedule DD and DR
loads. LA participates in the optimization of generation and demand by
considering maximum demand, ToU tariff, supply and load constraints,
and traditional and renewal energy sources. Optimization is performed
by maximizing the overall campus benefit. DD and DR will be
incorporated as an expanded version of Automatic Generation Control.

Assoc Prof K. Gas sensing using GaN-based HEMT Structures

[email protected] Gas sensing technology, where the detection of gases and air pollutants is
imperative for safety of health. Common sensors suffer from limited
sensitivity/lifetime, poor selectivity and high energy consumption. To
overcome these shortcomings, III-Nitrides based sensors are attractive as
they offer high band gap, 2-Dimensional Electron Gas (2DEG) near the
surface and chemical inertness. We propose novel AlN/GaN
heterostructure for NO2, CO2 and O2 gas sensing. Specific objectives are
to optimise epigrowth of thin AlN (barrier), GaN (channel) and thick AlN
(buffer) layers, and gas sensor demonstration. AlN/GaN heterostructure
offer high 2DEG concentration due to higher spontaneous polarization,
achieved by thin barrier ~5 nm. The unique feature of channel near the
surface makes this sensor more sensitive and efficient.

Project Duration: 6 months or longer

GaN-based UV detectors on Silicon

Group III Nitrides offer major advantages compare to conventional

silicon-based UV detectors. They have direct bandgap, which confers the
photodetector with improved spectral selectivity. The cut-off frequency
can be engineered by changing the mole fraction in their ternary alloys,
which allows for blue and white light emission or detection.
Conventional GaN-based epitaxial layers are generally grown on sapphire
or SiC, which are either poor thermal conductor or expensive. In this
project, we aim to develop GaN-based UV detectors on Silicon using
MBE growth, and fabricate detectors with low dark current, high
quantum efficiency, improved responsivity, and bandwidth.
GaN-based High Electron Mobility Transistors

It is proposed t investigate the growth and fabrication of lattice matched

InAlGaN/GaN HEMTs on Si by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) technique
to demonstrate higher frequency performance compared to
conventional AlGaN/GaN devices. Extensive characterization techniques
such as Hall, mercury probe CV, SEM, TEM, XRD, AFM, Raman
spectroscopy, etc will be used to study the electrical, structural, optical,
stress and surface morphology properties of the grown layers. Further,
DC and RF characterization of the fabricated HEMTs will be studied and

Electrical and Structural Characterization of GaN based semiconductor


GaN-based semiconductors are important for high-power, high-

frequency and high-temperature electronic applications due to wide
bandgap, high saturation velocity and high breakdown electric field.
Devices based on these materials are promising for applications in radar,
satellite, wireless base stations, etc. Materials growth and their
properties play a vital role in the performance of these devices. Surface,
optical, electrical and structural characterizations are important to
understand the crystalline quality, composition, thickness, defects and
carrier mobility of the material. In this project, characterization of GaN
based semiconductors will be studied using Hall, CV, AFM, X-ray
diffraction, and Photoluminescence. Results will be correlated with
epitaxial growth parameters.

Assoc Prof KIM Tae Design of Robust Sub-threshold Circuits for Highly Energy Efficient
Hyoung, Tony Microwatt Systems
[email protected]
(Postgraduate Level)
In recently emerging battery-powered applications such as mobile
electronics, wireless sensor nodes, RFID Tags, and implantable
biomedical devices, energy efficiency concerns surpass traditional
emphasis on performance. Sub-threshold circuits are attracting interests
since the minimum energy consumption to maximize the battery lifetime
can be achieved in the sub-threshold region. However, various
challenging issues including frailty sub-threshold operations, high
process-voltage-temperature (PVT) variation sensitivity and difficulties in
designing analog and mixed-mode circuits exacerbate the utility of sub-
threshold circuits in real applications. The goal of this research is to
develop sub-threshold circuit design techniques for microwatt
applications with operation robustness and high energy efficiency in
nano-scale technologies.

Design of Robust Sub-threshold Circuits for Highly Energy Efficient

Microwatt System

(Final Year Undergraduate Level)

In recently emerging battery-powered applications such as mobile
electronics, wireless sensor nodes, RFID Tags, and implantable
biomedical devices, energy efficiency concerns surpass traditional
emphasis on performance. Sub-threshold circuits are attracting interests
since the minimum energy consumption to maximize the battery lifetime
can be achieved in the sub-threshold region. However, various
challenging issues including frailty sub-threshold operations, high
process-voltage-temperature (PVT) variation sensitivity and difficulties in
designing analog and mixed-mode circuits exacerbate the utility of sub-
threshold circuits in real applications. The goal of this research is to
develop sub-threshold circuit design techniques for microwatt
applications with operation robustness and high energy efficiency in
nano-scale technologies.

Asst Prof Leong Wei Lin Novel materials and device structures for printed electronics
[email protected]
Organic and printed electronic devices such as solar cells, transistors and
memories are under intense research due to their potential to enable
production of flexible, stretchable, and low-cost devices. This project
proposes to fabricate and test these printable electronics. Candidates for
this project are preferably those with interests in electronics and
materials characterization.

Assoc Prof Ling Keck J-Park Simulator

[email protected] J-Park simulator is a project under the Cambridge Centre for Advanced
Research and Education in Singapore (Cambridge CARES). The simulator
models the manufacturing activities in an industrial park, their carbon
footprints, electricity usage, etc. It will display every object in 3D for data
visualisation and user interaction. You will be expected to contribute to
the coding effort of project. Candidate is expected to have extensive
coding experiences, especially in C#, XML, and 3D modelling.

Accelerating Model Predictive Control

This project aims to accelerate computation of Model Predictive Control

(MPC), a form of constrained optimisation to be carried out online and in
real-time, on special purpose hardware such as FPGA or GPU.
Experiences in digital circuit and system design, MATLAB would be
useful. Predictive Control Knowledge is desirable but not necessary.

Model Predictive Control (MPC) on a Chip

The purpose of this project is to implement the MPC algorithm (a

Quadratic Program which need to be solved in real-time at every sample)
on a FPGA.
The candidate should have the necessary mathematic background, e.g.,
linear algebra, as well as MATLAB and FPGA (Xilinx ISE) coding
experiences. Model Predictive Control knowledge is desirable but not
necessary. One area of interest is to investigate how one could optimise
or trade-off speed vs resource usage to fit the demand of specific
Asst Prof Luo Yu Ultrasensitive metadevices for biosensing
[email protected]
(Postgraduate Level)

The demand for new chemical and biological sensing methods for the
effective detection of small amounts of molecules has been continuously
growing for diverse purposes such as health care, food monitoring,
environmental science, and national security. In particular, there is an
increasing concern for health risk originating from screening to detection
of bio-molecules. One element in strategy to address these concerns is
to develop rapid, easy to use, sensitive detection methods which are the
objective of this project. The localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR)
supported by noble metal nanostructures provides a powerful platform
for sensitive structural detection of a single or a small number of bio-
molecules. In this project, the student will be guided to design compact,
non-invasive, and cost-effective meta biosensors capable of detecting
specific protein at the single molecule level.

Negative refraction in metamaterials

(Undergraduate Level)

When light is incident upon the interface of two different materials, it will
be bent and refracted at the interface. Normally, the refracted and
incident light beams lie on different sides of the surface normal.
Nevertheless, recent theoretical and experimental developments show
that artificially structured metamaterial can support negative refraction,
where the refracted and incident light beams appear on the same side of
the surface normal. However, most of the previous designs are metal
based, where large dissipation losses strongly deteriorate the
performance of devices under design. In this project, we will explore a
new approach by using all dielectric resonators to achieve low-loss
negative refraction.

Project Duration: 6 months

Invisibility cloak designed with a genetic algorithm

(Undergraduate Level)

Invisibility cloak is a fictional device which can make objects invisible to

outer detection. Recent years, invisibility cloak has become a hot research
topic. However, previous invisibility schemes provide less ability to
characterize the performance of a multi-layered cloak in practice. In this
project, the student will be guided to model the performance of a multi-
layered invisibility cloak. A genetic algorithm will be applied to diminish
the intrinsic scatterings caused by discretization and simplification. The
goal is to design a 'quasi-perfect' invisibility device with only a few layers
of artificially structured materials, that can be easily implemented in

Project Duration: 6 months

On-Chip Narrowband Thermal Emitter for Filter-Free gas Sensing at
Mid-infrared frequencies

(Postgraduate Level)

In this project, we will design an on-chip narrowband thermal light

source for mid-infrared gas sensing by combining
microelectromechanical system (MEMS) heaters with metamaterial
perfect emitter structures. The ultimate goal is to design a dual-gas
detection in a single MPE structure.

Project Duration: 6 months

Assoc Prof Ma Maode Design of Efficient Security Schemes for Cloud-based E-Health Systems
[email protected]
(Postgraduate Level)

Data sharing in cloud-based e-Health systems is the most popular one of

the important applications in cloud computing. The data sharing will
introduce the security issues of access control. To prevent the untrusted
cloud server from accessing the sensitive data, particularly the patients’
health information, a promising method is to encrypt the records before
outsourcing. In this project, the student will design secure access control
schemes applying the multi-authority attribute-based encryption with a
traitor traceability method.

Security and Performance Enhancements on 5G Wireless Networking

(Postgraduate Level)
The integration of heterogeneous wireless networks is one of important
issues of 5G wireless technology.

In this project, the student will investigate the security functionality of

the heterogeneous wireless networks. Furthermore, he will evaluate the
performance of the existing security schemes and design the security
schemes with improved performance while enhanced security
functionality for the 5G wireless network systems.

Security Study in Cloud Computing

(Undergraduate Level)
Cloud computing is one of today’s most enticing technology areas due to
its cost-efficiency and flexibility. However, there are significant potential
for the system vulnerable to various security weakness. In cloud
computing, since the user’s data has to be released to the cloud and thus
leaves the protection sphere of the data owner. In this project, the
student will investigate various security problems and their impact on
adoption including data confidentiality, data safety and data privacy. The
purpose of this project is to explore ways to a secure, trustworthy,
reliable, and easily applicable Cloud Computing environment.
Design and Implementation of Security Protocol for Wireless Vehicle

(Undergraduate Level)
"Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) provide
communications among nearby vehicles and between vehicles and the
fixed roadside infrastructure. Vehicular networks are a cornerstone of
the envisioned Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Currently
standards are mainly for communication purposes, and hence there is
limited security for V2I and V2V communications. Thus, the project
objective is to design and implement the security protocol to
authenticate the vehicles and protect the exchanged messages in
vehicular communications, and finally evaluate its performances.

QoS Supports in LTE 4G Wireless Cellular Networks

(Undergraduate Level)
The Long Term Evolution (LTE) is the emerging technology for the 4G
wireless cellular networks. Different from conventional wireless cellular
networks, LTE facilitates data transmission between base station and its
mobiles. In this project, the student is expected to investigate various
solutions for QoS provisioning by simulation experiments in the LTE
cellular networks. The student will also explore to design an efficient
MAC layer protocol to support QoS in LTE networks.

Assoc Prof Poenar Daniel Design & simulation of micro-electromagnetic components for RF
Puiu applications and bioMEMS
[email protected]
The goal of this research is to boost the output of a current, freshly started
research project targeting to design original micro-devices for performing
various RF functions useful for either RF applications, or bioMEMS using
magnetic methods.
The starting point is to investigate novel planar microcoils or 3D-like
integrated inductors. Dependence of the magnetic field strength, RF
performance on geometrical parameters, type of the substrate, and the
fabrication method will be investigated. The bulk of the work will most
probably be dedicated to Finite Element Analysis FEA simulations and
analysis of such devices, as well as of their performance. We have
available dedicated licenses for Microwave Studio which is a powerful
electromagnetic simulation software.
The student should be serious, hard-working, knowledgeable in basic
electromagnetics and physics, as well as some knowledge of Si wafer
microfabrication, and have good grades. Although not mandatory, some
earlier exposure to RF design & modelling, and especially FEA
simulations, would be welcome and obviously useful.

Design & simulation of simple miniature devices for differentiation of

airborne particles

This project aims to investigate some methods & devices which can
differentiate airborne particles in size-related categories (bins), i.e.
perform granulometry. Some of these methods are Field Flow
Fractionation (FFF) and aerodynamic separation methods.
FFF separates different particles moving through a channel by applying a
vertical field (or gradient) across the channel (i.e. along the z axis) and
normal to the flow along the x axis. Various types of fields can be
applied: electric, thermal, flow or gravitational. Separation of particles
can also be done with the so-called impactor filter or virtual impactor or
using other flow-based methods.
The goal is to study these separation techniques/devices, determine
their performance and do simulations to optimize the performance of
each. For this purpose, the student will:
Perform a literature review, for introduction in topic, understanding of
the theoretical principles and extraction of relevant equations, which will
be used for preliminary calculations.
Use a Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software (CFD-ACE) for simulations &
optimizations. The optimized structures obtained at the end of the
previous step will then be compared in terms of performance, and the
best one(s) will be selected for the next step.
4) If time will allow, we can also investigate how the designed devices
can be fabricated using simple methods such as soft lithography, or
multilayer Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) or 3D printing.
The student picking up this project should easily understand the equatio
ns and principles underlying the operation of the desired methods & dev
ices and
be able to quickly learn the FEA software. The student will collaborate wi
th a Project Officer currently working in a small research project with the
same topic.

Assoc Prof Soong Boon Study and analysis of Smart Wireless Sensor Networks based on TV
Hee White
[email protected]
(Postgraduate Level)

TV White Spaces (“TVWS”) refer to unused radio spectrum in the TV

broadcast bands that could potentially be used for alternative wireless
broadband communications. TVWS technology is an innovation that
allows opportunistic access to the presently untapped and under-utilised
source of spectrum, to meet the demand for frequency spectrum for high-
speed wireless broadband Internet access, machine-to-machine
communications, smart metering and outdoor environment monitoring
services. The project will involved the simulation study of specialized MAC
(Medium Access Control) protocols for the underground monitoring
system using Matlab.

Project Duration: minimum 5 months

Wireless Power Transfer for Biomedical Implanted Devices

(Postgraduate Level)

Recent advances implementation of miniaturized embedded systems is

not limited to biomedical applications. Implanted Micro-systems for
monitoring or actuating devices are readily available in the market for
environmental monitoring and other industrial applications. Wireless
data and power transfer is an attractive option as it allows the full
exploitation of the potential of such systems. Magnetic or inductive
coupling at radio frequencies for wireless power and data transfer is a
widely acknowledged solution for low power devices. Student will also
benefit from building architecture and algorithm to improve wireless
power transfer efficiency and apply technology to the industrial needs.
In addition, the student will be working research students to provide the
new applications.

Project Duration: minimum 5 months

Assoc Prof See Kye Yak Fault Detection using Machine Learning and Statistical Data Analysis
[email protected]
(Undergraduate Level)

Huge amount of data for rail faults detection was collected. Analysis of
the collected data can reveal any deviation from the normal operation
and this deviation is indicative of the system’s potential malfunction or
defect. The task in this project is to analyse the data and find those
specific defect signals and also to identify the specific signature of the
defect based on the available information.

Project Duration: 2 months

Frequency Selective Surface for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding

(Postgraduate Level)
The growth of wireless communications, such as GSM mobile services,
wireless LAN, TV and radio broadcast, have brought us much
convenience. However, it also means that our environment is occupied
by a wide spectrum of electromagnetic fields, which could be an
electromagnetic interference (EMI) threat to sensitive electronic devices,
for example, medical electronics in hospital. Frequency selective surfaces
(FSS) have been studied extensively since 1960s and been deployed in
the design of randomes, Cassegrainian reflectors and reflect-array
lenses, mostly for defense applications. The use of FSS in EMI
suppression provides selective protection against strong electromagnetic
field at specific frequency. The project aims to employ 3D full-wave
electromagnetic modelling software to design and to implement a FSS
that behaves as a band stop shielding at the ISM band (2.45 GHz).
Prof Shen Zhongxiang Design of Low-profile Wide-band UHF Slot Antennas
[email protected]
(Postgraduate Level)
Wide-band UHF antennas are extensively used in many radar and
communication systems. The objective of this project is to design a low-
profile slot antenna that exhibit broadband characteristics in the UHF

Design of Three-Dimensional Frequency Selective Structures

This project aims to investigate a novel three-dimensional (3D)

frequency selective structure (FSS). The new structure consists of a two-
dimensional periodic array of planar transmission lines and exhibits very
attractive and unique features such as quasi-elliptic filtering
performance, stable angular response, and robust design capability.

Assoc Prof Teh Kah Chan Energy-efficient co-operative systems

[email protected]
(Undergraduate Level)
In this project, we focus on optimizing the energy efficiency of co-
operative systems. The student will first study existing methods and
reproduce some of the existing results using Matlab programming.
Following that, new algorithm will be proposed, and its performance will
be compared with the existing methods.

Prof Tan Chuan Seng Germanium Photonics

[email protected]
(Postgraduate Level)

There is tremendous potential for communication (e.g., chip to chip) and

sensing (chemical, gas) applications at the 2 micro-meter wave-length.
This is presently achieved by using compound semiconductor. To enable
manufacturability, reliability and cost, semiconductor from group-IV is
highly desired. Germanium based photonics is an emerging areas to fulfil
this objective. There are a number of scientific and technical challenges
that must be overcome before this can come to fruition. The main
objective in this project is to study the effect of strain and alloying on
enhancing the properties of Ge to meet the above objective. The scope
includes materials growth, processing, device design/modelling,
fabrication, and characterization.

Assoc Prof Tang Xiaohong Selective post-growth bandgap tuning of semiconductor quantum well
[email protected] structure for novel photonics devices

(Final year Undergraduate and Postgraduate Level)

Post-growth bandgap tuning is very important technology for photonics
integration and developing novel photonics devices. In this project, a
post-growth selective bandgap tuning technology for quantum well
structures will be developed and studied. The application of this
technology into developing novel photonics devices will be explored.
Assoc Prof Tay Wee Peng Distributed Deep Learning for Visual Recognition
[email protected] (Postgraduate Level)

We analyze and investigate the use of distributed methods to

implement a deep neural network learning architecture over multiple
nodes in a network. Using distributed features and running in a
distributed fashion, the proposed architecture is expected to achieve
better accuracy and robustness compared to current machine learning

Project Duration: 6 months

Hybrid Graph Signal Processing and Deep Learning Methods

(Postgraduate Level)

We aim to develop a robust learning framework that can handle noisy

sparse labels and correlated data points, through the fusion of graph
signal processing (GSP) and machine learning techniques. By
leveraging on the correlation information gleaned through GSP,and
combining graph features with traditional features in a machine
learning model, we aim to achieve accurate learning even in the case
where labels in the training set are noisy or unreliable or when not all
data samples have labels.

Project Duration: 6 months

Generalized Graph Signal Processing Methods and Applications

(Postgraduate Level)

We develop a Hilbert space theory for generalized graph signal

processing, including the concept of filtering and sampling of generalized
signals on graphs. We apply this theory to various applications and study
the advantages of such a framework compared to traditional graph
signal processing approaches.

Project Duration: 6 months

Fusion Based Vehicular Localization Method

(Postgraduate Level)

Vehicular self-positioning is of significant importance for intelligent

transportation applications. However, accurate positioning (e.g., with
lane-level accuracy) is very difficult to obtain due to the lack of
measurements with high confidence, especially in an environment
without full access to a global navigation satellite system (GNSS).
We develop information fusion algorithms based on a particle filter to
achieve lane-level tracking accuracy under a GNSS-denied environment.
This project involves both software and hardware implementations.
Project Duration: 5 months

Prof Tay Beng Kang CVD growth and application of Sb thin flakes
[email protected]
(Undergraduate Level)

Antimonene, an atomic layer of antimony (Sb) atoms, is predicted to be

a semiconductor, and have good potential application in electronic
devices. Currently, the Sb monolayers have only been demonstrated by
molecular beam epitaxy, which have small size and are not suitable to
device fabrication. CVD is an efficient method for 2D materials growth,
however, so far, the Sb flakes grown with CVD is still thick, and further
effort is necessary for thin flakes. In this project, the student will explore
the CVD growth mechanism of Sb thin flakes with CVD and their
application in electronic devices.

Project Duration: 6 months

Growth and application of two dimensional layers of group VA


(Postgraduate Level)

Recently, the atomic layers of other elements of group VA, including

arsenic, antimony and bismuth, are predicted to be semiconductors that
are stable and have high mobility, which make them promising to be
applied in electronic devices. However, the preparation of such atomic
layers is still challenging. In this project, the student will explore the
growth mechanism of van der Waals layers of antimony and bismuth
with CVD and our recently setup sputtering system, and explore the
properties of such materials, including their compositions with XPS, their
crystalline structure with XRD and TEM, and apply such materials in
electronic devices.

Project Duration: 6 months

Advanced EM shielding through novel CNT fence wall transfer


(Postgraduate Level)

With the increase in mobile phones and smart homes, research focused
on higher frequency bands. This resulted in interference between
adjacent circuitries. Electromagnetic isolation has been introduced to
avoid unwanted coupling from EMI. MWCNTs have shown potential due
to absorption and negligible skin depth effect. In this project, the student
will design and develop a novel high performance carbon based EM
shield that benefit from properties such as light weight, size reduction,
high aspect ratio and improved EM isolation as compared to classical
approaches that are critical for the advancement of future miniaturised
HF devices.
Project Duration: 6 months

Advanced EM shielding through novel CNT fence wall transfer


(Postgraduate Level)

With the increase in mobile phones and smart homes, research focused
on higher frequency bands. This resulted in interference between
adjacent circuitries. Electromagnetic isolation has been introduced to
avoid unwanted coupling from EMI. MWCNTs have shown potential due
to absorption and negligible skin depth effect. In this project, the student
will design and develop a novel high performance carbon based EM
shield that benefit from properties such as light weight, size reduction,
high aspect ratio and improved EM isolation as compared to classical
approaches that are critical for the advancement of future miniaturised
HF devices.

Project Duration: 6 months

Assoc Prof Wang Han Face and Eye Detection

[email protected]
The project is about face detection, as well as detection of eye
open/close detection. We wish to develop a hardware based solution to
speed up the detection process.

Assoc Prof Xiao Gaoxi Co-evolution of opinion and social network topology in opinion
[email protected] formation

In this project, we study on co-evolution of social opinion and social

network topology. Students need to have some basic (not necessarily
extensive) background knowledge of C++ or Matlab programming (either
one of them).

Assoc Prof Zheng Yuanjin Design a MIMO Communication System for Wireless Ingestible Capsule
[email protected] Applications

Wireless capsule endoscope, also known as the pill camera was

introduced in clinical medicine as a non-invasive technique for visualizing
the gastrointestinal tract. Instead of having a flexible endoscope inserted
through the mouth or the rectum, the patient swallows the capsule
endoscope, which is equipped with lens, image sensor, transmitter and
batteries. The wireless camera takes thousands of high-quality digital
images within the body as it passes through the entire length of the small
intestine. These images are wireless transmitted to a data recorder
outside body worn like a belt by the patient while going about his or her
day as usual.

The student will study the dedicated wireless body channel

and build the channel model. Based on the channel model, a multiple
input multiple output wideband communication system including
transmitter, receiver and synchronizer will be proposed and simulated.
The proposed system, once function verified, will be mapped to
integrated circuits block level for practical implementation and
The student who has strong interest on IC design and communication
system are welcome to apply.

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