5th Grade Microorganism-Stem Lesson Hces

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5 E Lesson/Literacy STEM Planning

GSE Science Standard(s): GSE Math Standard(s): GSE Other Standard(s):

S5L4. Obtain, evaluate, and ELAGSE5RI5: Compare and contrast
communicate information about the overall structure (e.g.,
how microorganisms benefit or chronology, comparison,
harm larger organisms. cause/effect, problem/solution) of
events, ideas, concepts, or
information in two or more texts.
ELAGSE5RI2: Determine two or
more main ideas of a text and
explain how they are supported by
key details; summarize the text.
Activity Materials
In expert groups students will Newsela articles about micro-
collaboratively read Newsela articles using organisms
literacy strategies. Some groups will be THIEVES Strategy
Engage assigned articles about bacteria and other Anchor Chart: Flip Grid QR Code
groups will be assigned articles about
Students will apply the different roles of Newsela article about micro-
Reciprocal Teaching to explore and learn organisms
Explore more about the assigned article. Reciprocal Teaching Props
Anchor Chart: Flip Grid QR Code
Students will return to their home groups Jig Saw Lesson
to explain/summarize the main ideas they Main Ideas outline/graphic
Explain learned from their assigned Newsela organizer
article. Anchor Chart: Flip Grid QR Code
In their Jig-Saw home groups students Compare and Contrast graphic
Extend/ will compare and contrast bacteria and organizer
Elaborate viruses.
Students will analyze the similarities and Graphic Organizers/Notes
differences between bacteria and viruses, Laptops for: PPT, Flip Grid, Prezi,
Evaluate reflect on their thinking, synthesize new etc.
ideas, and propose creative ways to teach
the micro-organisms using technology.
Students will have the opportunity to Index cards with prepared
speak to a Health Inspector as well as questions.
Career/Real-World Kona Ice Manager about the importance
of maintaining a clean environment to
Connections further enhance what they have learned
about contagious micro-organisms in a
public food setting.

Is there evidence of the 4 C’s? X Critical Thinking X Creative Thinking X Collaboration X Communication
What math concepts are being used?
What science content is being What type of technology is being What is the EDP being used to design
(Computation, graphing, budgets,
utilized? integrated? or create?
number sense, etc.)
S5L4. Obtain, evaluate, and Students will analyze the
communicate information similarities and differences
about how microorganisms’ between bacteria and
benefit or harm larger viruses, reflect on their
thinking, synthesize new
ideas, and propose creative
ways to teach the micro-
organisms using
technology. (PPT, Flip Grid,
Prezi, etc.)

Is there evidence of the 4 C’s? X Critical Thinking X Creative Thinking X Collaboration X Communication
5 E Lesson/Science STEM Planning
GSE Science Standard(s): GSE Math Standard(s): GSE Other Standard(s):
S5L4. Obtain, evaluate, and MGSE5.MD.1 Convert among different- CSS.RR.3-5.8 Gather, evaluate, and
communicate information about sized standard measurement units (mass, organize quality information from
how microorganisms benefit or weight, length, time, etc.) within a given multiple sources.
harm larger organisms. measurement system (customary and CSS.CC.3-5.6 Select and use the most
appropriate platform, tool, style,
metric) (e.g., convert 5cm to 0.05m), and
format, and digital media to clearly and
use these conversions in solving multi- creatively express thoughts, messages,
step, real world problems. goals, or positions.
PE5.1 The physically educated student
demonstrates competency in a variety
motor skills and movement patterns.
d. Throws underhand and overhand
using a mature form utilizing a variety
of objects with accuracy.
e. Throws accurately while both
partners are in motion
VA5MC.1 Engages in the creative
process to generate and visualize ideas.
a. Creates a series of thumbnail
sketches to alter visual images (e.g.,
magnifying, reducing, repeating, or
combining them in a variety of ways) to
change how they are perceived and
VA5PR.1 Creates artworks based on
personal experience and selected
b. Makes design decisions as the result
of conscious, thoughtful planning and
VA5PR.2 Understands and applies
media, techniques, and processes of
two-dimensional art processes 
b. Draws images from careful
VA5C.1 Applies information and
processes from other disciplines to
enhance the understanding and
production of artworks.
a. Makes interdisciplinary connections
applying art skills, knowledge, and
ideas to improve understanding in
other disciplines.
d. Identifies how and why skills (e.g.,
observation, perception, imagination)
impact art and enhance non-art

Is there evidence of the 4 C’s? X Critical Thinking X Creative Thinking X Collaboration X Communication
5E Activity Materials
 Students were “hooked” when Ms. Microscopes
Baker from Georgia Highland College Different Specimens for each STEM
spoke to the students about STEM Career
Careers as well as allow students STEM Journals
hands on experiences in the different
careers including microbiology.
 After thoroughly cleaning the Glo Germ
Engage classroom and the beginning of the Black Lights
day, students were given a dime size
Glo germ on their hands and they
were asked to just go about their
regular day. At the end of the day,
they utilized the black lights to look at
how germs cans spread throughout
the day.
1. Students explored, through research 1.
with media specialist and science Rubric
teachers, different microorganisms Wanted Poster Guidelines
and if the organism is harmful or Graphic Organizer created in STEM
beneficial and who/what it harms or Journals
benefits. 2.
2. Students collected specimens and Agar Plates
incubated bacteria from what they Sterile Cotton Swab
felt were the germiest places in the Latex Gloves
school. They will make observations Bottled Water
throughout the incubation period. STEM Journals
They will pick one colony of bacteria
and make measurements throughout
the incubation period. They will need
to convert measurement from mm to
cm. At the end of the incubation
Explore period, they subtract day one with
last day to determine the rate of
growth over the incubation period.
3. Students collected specimens and
incubated bacteria from places within
the room to identify the germiest
places within the classroom. They will
make observations throughout the
incubation period. They will document
this data on a coordinate plane.
4. They will use the coordinate planes
data to compare the germiest places
within the school to the germiest
places within the classroom
Note: #1 relates to #1 under Explain and
#2 relates to #2 under Explain.

Is there evidence of the 4 C’s? X Critical Thinking X Creative Thinking X Collaboration X Communication
5E Activity Materials
1. This information will be STEM Journal
communicated on a Wanted Poster Poster Board
they created with the art teacher. Art Supplies
Based on the data collected from their
Explain specimens, they will decide which spot Agar Plates with Specimen
was the germiest spot within the school. Latex Gloves
Students will communicate the findings of
their bacteria collection to administration,
staff, or students.
After collecting and determining the STEM Journal
bacteria located throughout the school, Data Collected
students will brainstorm ideas on how to Computers
best clean those areas. They will then clean Flipgrid
Extend/ areas with their proposed idea and collect
another sample. They will then take this
Elaborate information and create a Public Service
Announcement that will call administrators,
staff, and students to action. They will
upload these PSAs on Flipgrid.
Students will evaluate their data STEM Journal
gathered during the incubation of the Flipgrid
bacteria and determine the germiest
spot in the school. They will then
evaluate each groups Public Service
Announcement by listening to each
Evaluate groups PSA and participating in a
discussion utilizing the 3C + Q model
(compliment, comment, connect, and
question). This discussion will be
utilized to improve their PSA before it is
presented to administrator, staff and/or
Students will have the opportunity to Prepared Notecards with
speak to a Health Inspector as well as questions
Career/Real-World Kona Ice Manager about the importance
of maintaining a clean environment to
Connections further enhance what they have learned
about contagious micro-organisms in a
public food setting.

Is there evidence of the 4 C’s? X Critical Thinking X Creative Thinking X Collaboration X Communication
What math concepts are being used?
What science content is being What type of technology is being What is the EDP being used to design
(Computation, graphing, budgets,
utilized? integrated? or create?
number sense, etc.)
S5L4. Obtain, evaluate, and  Flipgrid Recording Ask: What can we do to
communicate information  Flipgrid Discussion Post help our school with the
about how microorganisms  Publisher, PowerPoint, spread of Germs from the
benefit or harm larger Word germiest spots in the
organisms. school?
Imagine: Using information
we gathered from our
science experiments.
Brainstorm ideas on how
we can call administrators,
staff, and students to
action on keeping areas
clean or keeping germs
from spreading.
Plan: Brainstorm ideas on
what are the best ways to
keep those areas clean.
Decide on the best way for
each area and then use
that way and clean their
area. Take another sample
and compare the germiest
samples to the cleaned
samples. Then, plan exactly
what your group will focus
on for your Public Service
Announcement. This
includes writing a script
and making any visual aids
Create: Create a recording
of your Public Service
Improve: Evaluate
discussion post and
improve your PSA based on
these posts. Send the PSA
to Administrators, Staff,
and Students.

Is there evidence of the 4 C’s? X Critical Thinking X Creative Thinking X Collaboration X Communication

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