Research Paper Proposal: Exemplary 5 Points Proficient 4 Points Needs Practice 3 Points Score

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Exemplary Proficient Needs Practice

5 Points 4 Points 3 Points
 The information is in  Student presents information  Sequence of information is
logical, interesting in logical sequence which difficult to follow.
sequence which audience audience can follow.  Lacks beginning, middle,
can follow.  Uses an appropriate and end.
 Uses an engaging beginning or ending.  Does not move smoothly
Organization beginning and/or  Moves smoothly from one from one point to another.
thoughtful ending. idea to the next some of the
 Moves smoothly from time.
one idea to the next all of
the time.

 Effectively uses eye  Maintains eye contact.  Some eye contact, but not
contact.  Speaks clearly and uses maintained.
 Speaks clearly, effectively suitable volume and pace.  Speaks clearly and
and confidently using  Takes steps to engage the unclearly in different
suitable volume and pace. audience. portions.
Language use  Fully engages the  Dresses appropriately.  Occasionally engages
and Delivery audience.  Selects words appropriate for audience.
 Dresses appropriately, context and uses correct  Dresses inappropriately.
selects rich and varied grammar.  Selects words
words for context and uses inappropriate for context;
correct uses incorrect grammar

 Clearly defines the topic or  Defines the topic or thesis.  Does not clearly define the
thesis and its significance.  Supports the thesis with topic
 Supports the thesis and evidence. or thesis.
key findings with an  Presents evidence of  Does not support the
analysis of relevant and research with sources. thesis with
accurate evidence.  Provides some evidence of evidence.
 Provides evidence of problem solving and learning  Presents little or no
Content extensive and valid stretch. evidence of
research with multiple  Combines existing ideas. valid research.
and varied sources  Shows little evidence of
 Provides evidence of problem solving and
complex problem solving learning stretch.
and learning stretch.  Shows little evidence of
 Combines and evaluates the combination of ideas
existing ideas to form new

 Demonstrates extensive  Demonstrates some  Demonstrates incomplete

knowledge of the topic by knowledge of the topic by knowledge of the topic by
Question and responding responding accurately and responding inaccurately
Answer confidently, precisely and appropriately to questions and
appropriately to all and inappropriately to
audience questions and feedback. questions and feedback.


Panel Member

Date of Proposal

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