C 03 RefrigeratedGasPlant
C 03 RefrigeratedGasPlant
C 03 RefrigeratedGasPlant
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03 Refrigerated Gas Plant.pdf
2 Refrigerated Gas Plant
In this simulation, a simplified version of a refrigerated gas plant is going
to be modeled. The purpose is to find the LTS (Low Temperature
Separator) temperature at which the hydrocarbon dewpoint target is
met. The Sales Gas hydrocarbon dewpoint should not exceed -15°C at
6000 kPa. The incoming gas is cooled in two stages—first by exchange
with product Sales Gas in a gas-gas exchanger (Gas-Gas) and then in a
propane chiller (Chiller), represented here by a Cooler operation. A
Balance operation will be used to evaluate the hydrocarbon dewpoint of
the product stream at 6000 kPa.
Learning Objectives
Once you have completed this section, you will be able to:
Before beginning this section you need to know how to:
Process Overview
4 Refrigerated Gas Plant
Refrigerated Gas Plant 5
Adding a Separator
There are several ways to add unit operations. For a complete
description, see the Propane Refrigeration Loop module (Adding Unit
Operations to a Flowsheet).
• Press the F12 hot key. Select the desired unit operation from the
Available Unit Operations group.
• Double-click the unit operation button in the Object Palette.
6 Refrigerated Gas Plant
Figure 1
Refrigerated Gas Plant 7
Figure 2
8 Refrigerated Gas Plant
Figure 3
Refrigerated Gas Plant 9
When you change the type of specification, the view will change
accordingly. Once all the information has been provided, the view will
be as shown below:
Figure 4
10 Refrigerated Gas Plant
The LTS feed temperature will be varied using an Adjust operation in the
next section to find a temperature at which the dewpoint constraint is
met. For now, specify the temperature of stream Gas to LTS to be -20°C
Refrigerated Gas Plant 11
Look at the parameters for Sales Gas. The stream parameters are
calculated so that there is no way you can force the stream to calculate a
dewpoint temperature at 6000 kPa. Adding a Mole Balance allows you to
create a second stream with the same molar flowrate and composition
as Sales Gas but no vapour fraction, temperature, or pressure.
12 Refrigerated Gas Plant
2. Click the Select Var... button in the Adjusted Variable group. The
Variable Navigator view appears.
Refrigerated Gas Plant 13
3. From the Object list, select Gas to LTS. From the Variable list which
is now visible, select Temperature.
Figure 6
Always work left to right in
the Variable Navigator. Don’t
forget you can use the
Object Filter when the
Object list is large.
4. Click the OK button to accept the variable and return to the Adjust
property view.
5. Click the Select Var... button in the Target Variable group.
6. Select HC Dewpoint Temperature as the target variable.
7. Enter a value of -15°C (5°F) in the Specified Target Value box.
8. The completed Connections tab is shown below.
Figure 7
14 Refrigerated Gas Plant
Figure 8
When adjusting certain
variables, it is often a good
idea to provide a minimum
or maximum which
corresponds to a physical
boundary, such as zero for
Note the Tolerance and Step Size values. When considering step sizes,
use larger rather than smaller sizes. The Secant method works best once
the solution has been bracketed and by using a larger step size, you are
more likely to bracket the solution quickly.
Refrigerated Gas Plant 15
Figure 9
16 Refrigerated Gas Plant
Advanced Modeling
Linking the Propane Loop to the Gas Plant
Once you have completed the Refrigerated Gas Plant example, you can
link it to the Propane Loop template.
The duty of the Chiller, Chiller Q, in the Gas Plant will be linked to the
duty of the Chiller, Chill-Q, in the Propane Refrigeration Loop template.
1. Open the refrigerated gas plant simulation you saved at the end of
Page 15 and double-click on the Sub-Flowsheet icon on the Object
Sub-Flowsheet icon Palette.
2. Click the Read an Existing Template button.
3. Open the template file saved in Module 2, C3Loop.tpl.
4. In the Inlet Connections to Sub-Flowsheet group, connect the
External Stream, Chiller Q to the Internal Stream Chill Q.
Figure 10
Refrigerated Gas Plant 17
How does this affect your LMTD and Temperature Approach? _____________
In building the Refrigerated Gas Plant and the Propane Refrigeration
Loop you decided to shortcut things and add a single-sided Cooler
operation instead of the shell and tube exchanger that will actually be in
the plant. This shortcut works for preliminary work, but now you need
to replace the cooler with a shell and tube exchanger.
18 Refrigerated Gas Plant
If your case contains any Adjust operations, they must be turned off so
that they do not conflict with the Case Study.
Both the independent and
the dependent variables are 1. From the Tools menu select Databook (or press CTRL D), to open the
added to the Databook from
the Variables tab.
Figure 11
Only user-supplied variables 2. On the Variables tab, click the Insert button to open the Variable
can be selected as Navigator.
Independent Variables.
3. Select the Pressure in stream 4 as the first variable.
4. Click the Add button to add the variable.
Refrigerated Gas Plant 19
5. Select the SPRDSHT-1, cell A3 and click Add. Click Close to close the
Variable Navigator Window.
6. In the Databook, switch to the Case Studies tab.
7. Click the Add button to add a new Case Study.
8. Select Stream 4 Pressure as the Independent Variable and
SPRDSHT-1 cell A3 as the Dependent Variable.
Figure 12
Figure 13
What First stage compressor outlet pressure (Stream 4) will result in the
minimum power usage in the refrigeration loop? _______________________
20 Refrigerated Gas Plant