BPL (Gas) : Part-FCL Question Bank

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Part-FCL Question Bank

BPL (Gas)
Acc. (EU) 1178/2011
AMC FCL.115, .120, 210, .215


53 – Principles of Flight
53 Principles of Flight (Balloon) ECQB-BPL

[email protected]


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53 Principles of Flight (Balloon) ECQB-BPL

1 The vertical extend of air with pressure changing by 1%

with 80 m difference in height is referred to as ... (1,00 P.)
 unstable
 homogene
 stable
 inhomogene

2 What statement is correct with regard to the density of a gas? (1,00 P.)
 The density increases with increasing temperature and constant volume.
 The density decreases with increasing temperature and constant volume.
 The density decreases with increasing temperature and constant pressure.
 The density decreases with decreasing volume and constant temperature.

3 How do volume, density and temperature change when a gas is being compressed?
(1,00 P.)
 Volume decreases, density increases, temperature increases.
 Volume decreases, density increases, temperature increases.
 Volume increases, density decreases, temperature decreases.
 Volume decreases, density decreases, temperature decreases.

4 With pressure and temperature given, any gas being heavier or lighter than air
depends on what?
(1,00 P.)
 on the content of water vapour in the gas
 on the mean kinetic energy of the molecules
 on the number of gas molecules
 on the molecule mass of the gas

5 How does a gas react when released from a pressurized container? (1,00 P.)
 The gas heats adiabatically due to expansion.
 The gas cools adiabatically due to expansion.
 The gas condenses inside the envelope.
 The gas cools due to thermal contact with environmental air.

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53 Principles of Flight (Balloon) ECQB-BPL

6 In a given height, a given amount of ballast is uloaded from a gas balloon.

How is the increase in height at 5500m different from the increase in height at MSL by
unloading the same amount of ballast? (1,00 P.)
 At 5500m the increase in height is twice as high.
 At 5500m the increase in height is three times as high.
 At both heights the same increase in height is observed.
 At 5500m the increase in height is four times as high.

7 At which height the load carrying capability of a gas balloon is reduced by

approximately 50% compared to MSL?
(1,00 P.)
 At 6.500 m
 At 11.000 m
 At 18.000 m
 At 1.500 m

8 Aerostatic lift, amongst other factors, depends on... (1,00 P.)

 on the speed.
 balloon mass.
 shape of the envelope.
 air density.

9 What effect can sudden insolation from sunlight have on a gas balloon? (1,00 P.)
 The height at maximum differential pressure decreases.
 The height at maximum differential pressure increases.
 The hull pressure decreases.
 A sudden increase in rate of descent.

10 How does the norm height of a gas balloon with maximum differential pressure
change, when its mass is reduced by 1%?
(1,00 P.)
 Norm height increases by 800 m.
 Norm height decreases by 800 m.
 Norm height decreases by 80 m.

 Norm height increases by 80 m.

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53 Principles of Flight (Balloon) ECQB-BPL

11 The dynamic lift created by airflow across the top of the envelope of a balloon on the
ground is referred to as? (1,00 P.)
 Upper lift
 Anti-ballast
 Lower lift
 False lift

12 With regard to gases, which statement is correct? (1,00 P.)

 Temperature decreases with increasing pressure and constant volume.
 Volume increases with increasing temperature and constant pressure.
 Pressure decreases with increasing temperature and constant volume.

 Temperature increases with increasing volume and decreasing pressure.

13 The aerostatic lift corresponds to which force?

(1,00 P.)
 the dynamic force due to airstream across the top of the hull

 the weight of the displaced air

 the drag due to airstream around the balloon envelope

 the weight of the balloon less ballast

14 The force resulting from the (positive) difference from load-bearing capacity
and weight force, is referred to as: (1,00 P.)
 Load force
 Upper force
 Climb force
 Lift force

15 The ratio between air pressures at different heights is referred to as: (1,00 P.)
 Height value
 Pressure number
 Height ratio
 Height number

16 What is the relationship between pressure and volume of a dry gas at constant
temperature? (1,00 P.)
 The volume increases by a factor of 4 with double pressure

 The volume is inversely proportional to pressure

 The ration between pressure and volume is constant
 The volume increases proportional with pressure

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53 Principles of Flight (Balloon) ECQB-BPL

17 Doubling the pressure of a dry gas at constant temperature results in a change of the
volume to: (1,00 P.)
 double the previous value.
 four times the previous value.
 half the previous value.
 a quarter of the previous value.

18 At equilibrium the inner overpressure of a free balloon is highest at: (1,00 P.)
 at the equator.
 the upper pole.
 at the center of the hull.
 at the lower opening.

19 What statement is correct with regard to change in temperature? (1,00 P.)

 During climb, the carrying gas warms due to thermal exchange with envorinmental air.
 During descent, the carrying gas warms adiabatically.

 During descent, the carrying gas warms due to thermal exchange with envorinmental air.

 During climb, the carrying gas warms adiabatically.

20 Below maximum differential pressure of a gas balloon,

temperature increase of the carrying gas by 1K results in: (1,00 P.)
 volume decrease by 0,4%
 volume increase by 0,4%
 volume increase by 4%
 volume decrease by 4%

21 What is a direct consequence of increase of the carrying gas temperature at a gas

balloon with maximum differential pressure? (1,00 P.)
 Climb force decreases.
 Weight force increases.
 Lift force decreases.
 Load-bearing capability increases.

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53 Principles of Flight (Balloon) ECQB-BPL

22 What is the difference between a gas balloon at or below maximum differential

pressure during climb? (1,00 P.)
 The balloon at maximum differential pressure climbs with constant rate to unlimited height.

 The balloon below maximum differential pressure climbs with constant rate up to maximum
differential pressure height.
 The balloon below maximum differential pressure climbs with constant rate to unlimited height.
 The balloon at maximum differential pressure climbs with constant rate up to maximum
differential pressure height.

23 How does the norm height of a gas balloon with maximum differential pressure
change by dropping ballast? (1,00 P.)
 It increases by 8 m when total mass is reduced by 10%.

 It increases by 80 m when total mass is reduced by 1%.

 It decreases by 8 m when total mass is reduced by 10%.

 It decreases by 80 m when total mass is reduced by 1%.

24 What change results from an increase in temperature of the carrying gas and of the
environmental air at a gas balloon at maximum differential pressure? (1,00 P.)
 The load capability decreases by 4% per K temperature change.
 The load capability increases by 4% per K temperature change.
 The load capability increases by 0,4% per K temperature change.
 The load capability decreases by 0,4% per K temperature change.

25 According ISA, what is the density of air at MSL? (1,00 P.)

 1.225 g/m3

 1225 kg/m3

 1.225 kg/m3

 12.25 kg/m3

26 The standard state of gases refers to which temperature? (1,00 P.)

 15° C

 5° C
 25° C

 0° C

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53 Principles of Flight (Balloon) ECQB-BPL

27 The standard state of gases refers to which temperature? (1,00 P.)

 5° C
 0° C

 15° C

 25° C

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