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Nature and propagation of light; Reflection & Refraction. Interference;
diffraction; polarization of light; simple interferometers. Determination
of wavelength of spectral lines, Electromagnetic spectrum. Rayleigh
scattering, Raman effect, Lenses and mirrors, combination of coaxial
thin lenses, spherical and chromatic aberrations, and their corrections,
Microscope, Telescope, Eyepieces and Photometry.
Electricity and magnetism:
Electric charges, fields and potentials, Gauss‟s theorem,
Electrometers, Dielectrics, Magnetic properties of matter and their
measurement, Elementary theory of dia, para and ferro-magnetism,
Hysteresis, Electric current and their properties, Ohm‟s law,
Galvanometers, Whetstone‟s bridge and applications,
Potentiometers, Faraday‟s law of E.M. induction, self and mutual
inductance and their applications, alternating currents, impedance
and resonance, LCR circuit, Dynamos, motors, transformers,
Peltier-Seebeck and Thomson effects and applications, electrolysis,
Hall effect, Hertz experiment and electro-magnetic waves, Particle
accelerators and cyclotron.
Atomic structure:
Electron, measurement of ‘e’ and ‘e/m’ , measurement of Planck Constant,
Rutherford-Bohr Atom, X-rays, Bragg‟s law, Moseley‟s law, Radioactivity,
Alpha-Beta-Gamma emission, Elementary ideas of nuclear structures,
Fission, Fusion and Reactors, Louis de Broglie waves and Electron
Thermo-ionic emission, diodes and triodes, p-n diodes and transistors,
simple rectifier, amplifier and oscillator circuits.
Q: Which among the following is/are the purpose/purposes of pilot signal?
1. Equalization
2. Synchronization
3. Continuity
4. Attenuation
Q: What is the antenna current of a 60% modulated SSB-SC wave having a carrier wave power of 80 W and
impedance of the system as 20 ohms?
1) 0.2 A
2) 0.4 A
3) 0.6 A
4) 0.8 A