Lesson 4 Simple Present Tense

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Lesson 4: Simple Present Tense

I. The use of simple present tense

 To express habits, general truths, repeated actions or unchanging situations.

 For habits
He drinks tea at breakfast
She only eats fish.
They watch television regularly.
 For repeated actions or events
We catch the bus every morning.
It rains every afternoon in the hot season.
They drive to Monaco every summer.
 For general truths
Water freezes at zero degrees.
The Earth revolves around the Sun.
This key moves the cursor up.

This key copies the screen display.

II. Notes on the simple present tense

1. Third Person (Singular): He, She, It.
 Always end in –s:
He wants, she needs, he gives, she thinks.
 Negative and question forms use DOES:
He wants ice cream. He does not want vanilla. Does he want strawberry?
 Verb ending in –y: change the –y to –ies:
Fly = flies, Cry = cries
Exception: If there is a vowel before the –y:
Play = plays, pray = prays.
 Add –es to verbs ending in: -ss, -x, -sh, -ch
He passes, she catches, Ardy fixes, It pushes.
2. Plural (Jamak): They, We, I, You
Negative and questions form use Do (Do not):
 Do you want a cup of tea?
 They don’t need a paper.
 They don’t put your PC in your room.

III. Study the function of these computer keyboard

Keyboard Key Function

This key moves the cursor up

This key moves the cursor left.

This key copies the screen display

While working with text. This key deletes the characters to the
right of the insertion point.

In PowerPoint the Esc key stops a running slide show.

This key renames a selected item or object.

Keyboard Key Function

While working on Microsoft Word, this key moves the screen down.

This key selects all items.

This key copies or places the selected/highlighted copy on the clipboard.

While working on Microsoft Word, this key creates a new paragraph.

While working with text, this key deletes the characters to the left of the
insertion point.

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