Infinities Rising: Genesys Character Cards

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The key takeaways are that the multiverse is made up of different universes with varying physics and probabilities, and occasional tears allow people and objects to cross over between universes.

Tears in space-time can allow incompatible things from different universes to interact, like differing technologies or laws of physics, which can have unpleasant effects like inconsistent gravity or objects shrinking and growing. They also allow genre conventions of one universe to exert pressure on things from another, like a wizard affecting a non-magical world.

Infinities are people who have crossed over between universes and can't get back. They have a certain affinity for 'infinity energy' and can open portals between universes. Many Infinities work to close tears and deal with the effects of crossovers, especially hunting rogue Infinities who deliberately cause crossovers.



Infinities Rising
Genesys Character Cards

RUles and Setting Guide



Emlyn Freeman

Emlyn Freeman
Emlyn Freeman

Emlyn Freeman
Emlyn Freeman

Psychogenesis Games via
Fantasy Flight Games Genesys
Genesys Foundry
Foundry, and Emlyn Freeman.

This product was created under license. GENESYS and its logo, and GENESYS FOUNDRY and its logo are
trademarks of Fantasy Flight Games in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Fantasy Flight Games characters
and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Fantasy Flight Games.

This work contains material that is copyright Fantasy Flight Games and/or other authors. Such material is used with
permission under the Community Content Agreement for Genesys Foundry. All other original material in this
work is copyright 2021 by Emlyn Freeman and published under the Community Content Agreement for Genesys

Dice App
available where
apps are sold.

Genesys Core Rulebook and either the

Genesys Dice or Dice App are required
to use this supplement.
Infinities RISING
Rising Guide
I nfinities Rising has a couple of small differences from
Genesys RAW. The materials I’ve got reflect those
differences, so anyone using them will need to either
use these differences or reverse-engineer them. Divine
It takes 1 maneuver to change range bands instead of 2. Knowledge
The characters use talent trees as in the FFG Star Wars Mechanics
games. Medicine
The skill list is condensed, removing the heavy/light Negotiation
distinctions from weapons and cutting out a few others,
mostly knowledge, and adding the knowledge skill
“Infinities,” which covers information on other universes Piloting
and the multiverse as a whole. The full skill list is: Primal
Arcana Ranged
Athletics Resilience
Charm Skulduggery
Coercion Stealth
Computers Streetwise
Cool Survival
Coordination Vigilance
Infinities RISING
Rising Guide
A seemingly infinite number of universes drift through the FTL space opera starship to a cyberpunk
hyperspace. Each universe has its own set of probabilities slower-than-light speed.
that allow for different physics: some have magic, others
Unfortunately, these tears can also have much
science. Beyond what we know of physics, these
worse effects, as differing technology levels and
probabilities change what’s likely to happen day-to-day,
laws of physics. Tears can cause problems with
affecting morality, lethality—everything. These differences
physics, both the rules of another universe having
result in what you know as genres, and the probabilities as
unpleasant ramifications—wizards invade non-
genre conventions. In a superhero universe, not only are
magical universes, conventional biology exerts
superpowers possible, but the probability is that the villain
pressure on a Pegasus’s impossible physiology—and
will spend time monologuing. In an ‘80s cop movie
physics simply breaking down, with inconsistent
universe, the probability is that it’s just a flesh wound.
gravity, time dilation, random shrinking and
Generally, everyone lives in their own genre and in the
growing, etc.
stories that genre tends to tell.
There is a certain synergy formed from a team of
The multiverse is unstable—occasional tears in space-
Infinities, a bending of reality that only occurs
time break down the barrier between worlds. These tears
when several of them are in one place, that they can
allow people and objects from one universe to interact
exploit for their own benefit. It only works when
with another, and sometimes people—nearly always heroes
they work together, otherwise the reality-bending
or villains, not ordinary people--cross over and can’t get
triggers randomly and often harmfully. Many
back. These people are known as Infinities. Infinities have
Infinities have formed a loose organization
an affinity with “infinity energy,” the power flowing
dedicated to shutting down these tears and dealing
through hyperspace. They can open up portals between
with the fallout of a crossover. Most notably, they
universes. They carry a certain amount of their own genre
hunt down rogue Infinities who deliberately bring
conventions with them, making it possible for wizards to
objects or people from one reality to another. They
cast spells or superheroes to fly no matter where they are.
do it because nobody else can.
With some effort, they can actively push their own genre
conventions on new worlds for a short time, transforming
a noir death into a pulpy improbable survival or slowing

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