Design and Optimization of A 1 KW Stirling Engine

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Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports


Design and Optimization of a 1 kW Stirling Engine

Garrett Tyler Rinker
[email protected]

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Rinker, Garrett Tyler, "Design and Optimization of a 1 kW Stirling Engine" (2018). Graduate Theses,
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Design and Optimization of a 1 kW Stirling Engine

Garrett T. Rinker

Dissertation Submitted to the

Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources
At West Virginia University
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Doctorate of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering

Songgang Qiu, Ph.D., Chair

V’yacheslav Akkerman, Ph.D.
Hailin Li, Ph.D.
Fernando Lima, Ph.D.
Kenneth Means, Ph.D.

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Morgantown, West Virginia

Keywords: Stirling Engine, Additive Manufacturing, Flexure Bearings, Regenerator, Heater

Head, Radiation Shields

Copyright 2018 Garrett T. Rinker

Design and Optimization of a 1 kW Stirling Engine

Garrett T. Rinker

Stirling engines are often overlooked as a means of energy conversion, though its versatility offers
many advantages. Since it is an external combustion engine, it can be supplied with heat through the
combustion of a variety of fuels. Its maintenance- and degradation-free aspects, as well as its excellent turn
down ratio, make it a suitable candidate for applications such as remote power generation, combined heat
and power (CHP), cryogenics, solar power, and even space exploration. The continual advancement of
additive manufacturing (AM) offers opportunity to potentially further improve the already efficient Stirling
cycle. This dissertation presents the design and optimization of a 1 kW Stirling engine with the heater head
and regenerator developed through AM.

This work was divided into four specific tasks: heater head geometry selection for reduced
conduction losses, analysis of a foil regenerator made through AM, the impact of flexure bearing geometry
and clamping method on stress and fatigue life, and how the configuration and quantity of radiation shields
in the displacer affect radiation heat transfer losses. The results of these tasks were discussed, and design
recommendations for these four components were provided.

A head heater head was designed and developed with AM that allowed for a previously
unattainable geometry with a fully integrated pressure vessel and heat exchanger that could significantly
reduce detrimental dead volumes. In addition, tapering of the heater head wall was shown to significantly
reduce conduction losses; considered taper options had losses, which were 23.8 to 37.7% less than that of
a constant thickness heater head. A regenerator was designed and developed with both foil thickness and
gaps between foils set as 300 µm. A foil regenerator developed through AM has the advantages of having
less friction losses than traditional random fiber regenerators, and the manufacturing process is less
expensive than micro-machining. If 100 µm foils could be printed with AM (current technology achieves a
minimum thickness of approximately 200 µm), the Sage results show a 3.6 percent increase in cycle
efficiency is possible compared to a random fiber regenerator of the same dimensions. FEA showed the
clamping method of flexure bearings had a significant effect on stress and fatigue life; the radially clamped
condition resulted in maximum stress values 26.3%-28.2% less than those obtained with the outer ring
clamped. A spiral flexure was designed and manufactured with Sandvik 7C27Mo2, which can provide
theoretically infinite life. The flexure design was validated with laboratory testing. FEA showed that for a
given number of radiation shields, there is an optimal placement along the length of the displacer that yields
the lowest radiation losses. The results also show that uniformly spacing the radiation shields out along the
length of the displacer has the best performance. Based on the dimensions and boundary conditions
considered, five radiation shields provide optimal resistance to heat transfer. The insertion of radiation
shields can reduce the temperature and total heat flux in the displacer body by 40 % and 55 %, respectively.
I. Acknowledgements

I would first like to thank my friends and family. The past year has been particularly

difficult, but their love and support helped me get through the hard times and accomplish all I set

out to do.

I would also like to thank Dr. Songgang Qiu. None of this research would have been

possible without his support and guidance. Finally, I would like to thank Dr. V’yacheslav

Akkerman, Dr. Hailin Li, Dr. Fernando Lima, and Dr. Kenneth Means for their contributions

toward this work.

II. Table of Contents

I. Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................ iii

II. Table of Contents ................................................................................................................ iv
III. List of Figures ..................................................................................................................... vi
IV. List of Tables ...................................................................................................................... ix
V. Nomenclature ....................................................................................................................... x
Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 System Overview .................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Description of Tasks.............................................................................................................. 3
1.2.1 Heater Head Geometry for Reduced Conduction Losses ............................................... 3
1.2.2 Design of an Additively Manufactured Regenerator ...................................................... 3
1.2.3 Effect of Clamping Method on Flexure Bearing Stress and Fatigue Life ...................... 5
1.2.4 Effect of Radiation Shield Placement on Heat Loss....................................................... 5
Chapter 2: Literature Review .......................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Stirling Engine History ...................................................................................................... 7
2.2 General Stirling Engine Design ......................................................................................... 8
2.3 Stirling Engine Applications ........................................................................................... 11
2.4 Heater Head ..................................................................................................................... 14
2.5 Regenerators .................................................................................................................... 15
2.6 Flexure Bearings .............................................................................................................. 18
2.7 Radiation Shields ............................................................................................................. 25
2.8 Additive Manufacturing .................................................................................................. 26
2.9 Sage Modeling ................................................................................................................. 28
Chapter 3: Heater Head Design for Reduced Conduction Losses ................................................ 29
3.1 Effect of Shape .................................................................................................................... 29
3.2 Effect of Length of Minimum Wall Thickness ................................................................... 36
3.3 Heater Head Dimensions and Manufactured Product ......................................................... 38
3.4 Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 40
Chapter 4: Regenerator ................................................................................................................. 41
4.1 Methodology ....................................................................................................................... 41
4.2 Results ................................................................................................................................. 42
4.3 Regenerator Dimensions and Manufactured Product.......................................................... 46
4.4 Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 50
Chapter 5: Flexure Bearings ......................................................................................................... 51
5.1 Methodology ....................................................................................................................... 51
5.2 Results ................................................................................................................................. 56

5.3 Experimental Validation ..................................................................................................... 63
5.4 Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 65
Chapter 6: Radiation Shields ........................................................................................................ 67
6.1 Methodology ....................................................................................................................... 67
6.2 Results and Discussion ........................................................................................................ 70
6.2.1 Effect of Shield Location .............................................................................................. 70
6.2.2 Effect of Number of Shields Employed ....................................................................... 77
6.2.3 Effect of Emissivity ...................................................................................................... 80
6.3 Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 81
Chapter 7: FEA of Stirling Engine Components .......................................................................... 83
7.1 Displacer.............................................................................................................................. 83
7.2 Heat Rejecter Assembly ...................................................................................................... 84
7.3 Heater Head with Bolt Pretension ....................................................................................... 87
Conclusions and Suggested Future Work ..................................................................................... 89
References ..................................................................................................................................... 90

III. List of Figures

Figure 1: Stirling Engine Schematic ............................................................................................... 2

Figure 2: Displacer Assembly Schematic ....................................................................................... 2
Figure 3: Ideal Stirling Cycle and its Processes [22] ...................................................................... 9
Figure 4: Comparison of Ideal, Simulated, and Experimental Stirling Cycles [23] ....................... 9
Figure 5: Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Stirling Engine Schematics [24] .......................................... 10
Figure 6: Spiral flexure without (left) and with (right) clamping ................................................. 20
Figure 7: Schematic of typical flexure bearing set up .................................................................. 20
Figure 8: Flexure Design Variables .............................................................................................. 23
Figure 9: Shape Factor Influence on Flexure Geometry .............................................................. 23
Figure 10: Sage Model .................................................................................................................. 28
Figure 11: Representation of Heater Head Geometries ................................................................ 30
Figure 12: Heater Head Temperature Boundary Conditions ........................................................ 31
Figure 13: Heater Head Static Structural Boundary Conditions................................................... 31
Figure 14: Heater Head Top Stress Contour for Constant Wall Thickness .................................. 32
Figure 15: Heater Head Bottom Stress Contour for Constant Wall Thickness ............................ 32
Figure 16: Heater Head Top Stress Contour for Convex Above Midpoint .................................. 33
Figure 17: Heater Head Bottom Stress Contour for Convex Above Midpoint............................. 33
Figure 18: Constant Thickness Geometry Temperature Profile ................................................... 34
Figure 19: Convex to Above Midpoint Temperature Profile........................................................ 34
Figure 20: Temperature Profile through the Bottom Segment of the Heater Head Based on
Geometry....................................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 21: Dimensions Considered for Heater Head Analysis ..................................................... 36
Figure 22: Factor of Safety vs. Conduction Losses for Various C/L Ratios ................................ 37
Figure 23: Stress Contour for C/L = 15% ..................................................................................... 37
Figure 24: Stress Contour for C/L = 95% ..................................................................................... 38
Figure 25: Heater Head Dimensions for Additive Manufacturing ............................................... 38
Figure 26: Heater Head Dimensions after Finish Machining ....................................................... 39
Figure 27: Manufactured Heater Head ......................................................................................... 40
Figure 28: Model of Regenerator Top Segment ........................................................................... 42
Figure 29: Regenerator Temperature Distribution........................................................................ 43
Figure 30: Regenerator Stress Distribution................................................................................... 44
Figure 31: Regenerator Axial Deformation .................................................................................. 45
Figure 32: Regenerator Radial Deformation................................................................................. 46
Figure 33: Regenerator Top Section Dimensions ......................................................................... 47
Figure 34: Regenerator Middle Section Dimensions .................................................................... 48
Figure 35: Regenerator Bottom Section Dimensions ................................................................... 49
Figure 36: Additively Manufactured Regenerator Top Segment ................................................. 50
Figure 37: Sandvik 7C27Mo2 S-N Curve [111] ........................................................................... 52

Figure 38: Flexure Bearing Mesh ................................................................................................. 53
Figure 39: Boundary Conditions for both Rim (Left) and Radially (Right) Clamped Flexures... 54
Figure 40: All Flexure Geometries Utilized in the Sensitivity Analysis ...................................... 55
Figure 41: Stress contour for Sandvik 7C27Mo2 Flexures Clamped at the Outer Rim (Left) and
Radially (Right) ............................................................................................................................ 56
Figure 42: Stress Contour for the Baseline Flexure Geometry (f = 0.04 and Kerf Width = 1.2
mm) ............................................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 43: Flexure Stress Contours for Various Kerf Widths and Shape Factor of 0.04 ............. 60
Figure 44: Flexure Stress Contours for Various Shape Factors and Kerf Width of 1.2 mm ........ 61
Figure 45: Maximum Stress and Axial Spring Rate for Varying Kerf Width and Constant Shape
Factor ............................................................................................................................................ 62
Figure 46: Maximum Stress and Axial Spring Rate for Varying Shape Factor and Constant Kerf
Width............................................................................................................................................. 63
Figure 47: Flexure Developed through Waterjet Cutting (Left), Flexure Mask (Center), Flexure
after Shot-Peening (Right) ............................................................................................................ 63
Figure 48: Flexure Bearing Dimensions ....................................................................................... 64
Figure 49: Flexure Test Rig .......................................................................................................... 65
Figure 50: Boundary Conditions and Displacer Assembly Mesh for the Simulations ................. 68
Figure 51: Radiation Shield Dimensions ...................................................................................... 69
Figure 52: Example Displacer Cross-Sectional Temperature Profile ........................................... 70
Figure 53: Two Shields at 20 mm, 50mm, 60 mm, and 80 mm from the Displacer Body........... 72
Figure 54: Displacer Wall Temperature Profile Based on the Location of Two Shields ............. 72
Figure 55: Three Shields at 20 mm, 50 mm, and 80 mm from the Displacer Body ..................... 73
Figure 56: Displacer Wall Temperature Profile Based on the Location of Three Shields ........... 73
Figure 57: 80 mm to Top Shield, 15 mm between Sets ................................................................ 75
Figure 58: 60 mm to Top Shield, 15 mm between Sets ................................................................ 75
Figure 59: Displacer Wall Temperature Profile Based on Number of Shields (60 mm to Top
Radiation Shield) .......................................................................................................................... 76
Figure 60: Displacer Wall Temperature Profile Based on Number of Shields (80 mm to Top
Radiation Shield) .......................................................................................................................... 76
Figure 61: 1-6 Shields, 15 mm Spacing between Shields............................................................. 78
Figure 62: 15 mm Spacing between Shields Variations ............................................................... 78
Figure 63: Displacer Wall Temperature Profile Based on Number of Radiation Shields (15 mm
between Shields) ........................................................................................................................... 79
Figure 64: Displacer Wall Temperature Profile Based on Number of Radiation Shields
Variations ...................................................................................................................................... 79
Figure 65: Displacer Wall Temperature Profile Based on Number of Shields (0.8 Emissivity) .. 81
Figure 66: Displacer Thermal and Structural Boundary Conditions ............................................ 83
Figure 67: Displacer Temperature and Stress Profiles ................................................................. 84
Figure 68: Heat Rejecter Boundary Conditions ............................................................................ 85

Figure 69: Heat Rejecter Stress Contour ...................................................................................... 85
Figure 70: Heat Rejecter Shell Stress Contour ............................................................................. 86
Figure 71: Heat Rejecter Flow Distributer Stress Contour ........................................................... 86
Figure 72: Heat Rejecter Inner Surface Stress Contour ................................................................ 87
Figure 73: Heater Head with Bolt Pretention Boundary Conditions ............................................ 88
Figure 74: Stress Contour from the Bolt Pretension FEA ............................................................ 88

IV. List of Tables

Table 1: Pros and Cons of the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Schematics [24], [25] .......................... 11
Table 2: Spring Rate Comparison of Flexures Based on Number of Arms [8] ............................ 24
Table 3: Conduction Losses in the Axial Direction of the Heater Head Wall Based on Geometry
....................................................................................................................................................... 35
Table 4 – FEA Mesh Independence Study ................................................................................... 41
Table 5 – Thermal Properties of Inconel 718 [109], [110] ........................................................... 43
Table 6: FEA Results for the Regenerator .................................................................................... 46
Table 7: Material Properties Utilized for Flexure FEA ................................................................ 52
Table 8: Flexure Geometry Considered in the Sensitivity Analysis ............................................. 54
Table 9: Maximum Stress Comparison......................................................................................... 57
Table 10: Axial Spring Rates ........................................................................................................ 57
Table 11: Modal Analysis Results ................................................................................................ 58
Table 12: Constant Shape Factor Results ..................................................................................... 59
Table 13: Constant Kerf Width Results ........................................................................................ 62
Table 14: Thermal Properties of Inconel 718 ............................................................................... 67
Table 15: Maximum Displacer Body Temperature and Radiation Heat Loss for the Two Shield
Cases at 80 mm, 50 mm, and 20 mm ............................................................................................ 72
Table 16: Maximum Displacer Body Temperature and Radiation Heat Loss for the Three Shield
Cases at 80 mm, 50 mm, and 20 mm ............................................................................................ 74
Table 17: Maximum Displacer Body Temperature and Radiation Heat Loss for the 60 mm to
Top Radiation Shield Cases .......................................................................................................... 76
Table 18: Maximum Displacer Body Temperature and Radiation Heat Loss for the 80 mm to
Top Radiation Shield Cases .......................................................................................................... 77
Table 19: Maximum Displacer Body Temperature and Radiation Heat Loss for the 15 mm
Spacing between Shields Cases .................................................................................................... 80
Table 20: Maximum Displacer Body Temperature and Radiation Heat Loss for the 15 mm
Spacing between Shields Case Variations .................................................................................... 80
Table 21: Maximum Displacer Body Temperature and Radiation Heat Loss for the 0.8
Emissivity Simulations ................................................................................................................. 81

V. Nomenclature

APU................................................................................................................. Auxiliary Power Unit

CAD ........................................................................................................... Computer-Aided Design
CFD ................................................................................................. Computational Fluid Dynamics
CHP ........................................................................................................ Combined Heat and Power
COP ........................................................................................................ Coefficient of Performance
CQ ..................................................................................................................... Radiation Heat Loss
DB ........................................................................................................................ Cylinder Diameter
DEVC .........................................................................................Diesel Engine-Vapor Compression
DMLS .................................................................................................. Direct Metal Laser Sintering
E ............................................................................................................................Young’s Modulus
EDM ................................................................................................ Electrical Discharge Machining
f .....................................................................................................................................Shape Factor
FA ...................................................................................................................................Area Factor
FEA ............................................................................................................. Finite Element Analysis
FM ......................................................................................................................... Emissivity Factor
FN ................................................................................................................Radiation Shield Factor
FR.............................................................................................................................. Resulting Force
ICE ....................................................................................................... Internal Combustion Engine
k.................................................................................................................... Conduction Coefficient
ka ......................................................................................... Surface Condition Modification Factor
kaxial ....................................................................................................................... Axial Spring Rate
kb ................................................................................................................Size Modification Factor
kc .............................................................................................................. Load Modification Factor
kd .................................................................................................. Temperature Modification Factor
ke ........................................................................................................................... Reliability Factor
kradial .................................................................................................................... Radial Spring Rate
LMP ........................................................................................................... Larson-Miller Parameter
N........................................................................................................................... Number of Cycles

P ........................................................................................................................................... Pressure
PM ......................................................................................................................... Particulate Matter
R ............................................................................... Polar Distance from the Center of the Flexure
Re ......................................................................................................................... Reynolds Number
Ri ....................................................................................................................... Active Inner Radius
Ro.......................................................................................................................Active Outer Radius
Se ..................................................................................................................................Fatigue Limit
Se’ ................................................................................................................ Specimen Fatigue Limit
Smax ......................................................................................................................... Maximum Stress
Sut .............................................................................................................................. Ultimate Stress
t ................................................................................................................................................. Time
tr..................................................................................................................................... Rupture Life
T .................................................................................................................................... Temperature
TH ......................................................................................................................... High Temperature
TL .......................................................................................................................... Low Temperature
V............................................................................................................................................ Volume
v...............................................................................................................................Specific Volume
WHR ...............................................................................................................Waste Heat Recovery

Greek Letters

σ ............................................................................................................ Stefan-Boltzmann Constant

ε ........................................................................................................................................ Emissivity
ρ............................................................................................................................................. Density
θ....................................................................................................................Intermediate Arc Angle
θ0 .............................................................................................................. Total Included Arc Angle
υ.................................................................................................................................Poisson’s Ratio
ω ........................................................................................................................................ Frequency

Chapter 1: Introduction

In the field of energy conversion, the versatile Stirling engine is often overlooked. Since the

Stirling engine is an external combustion engine, a variety of materials can be used as fuel sources.

Additionally, their maintenance- and degradation-free operation makes Stirling convertors ideal

for use in remote power generation, solar power generation, combined heat and power

applications, cryocoolers, and even for space applications [1]–[3]. Stirling engines will benefit

greatly from the increasingly advanced technology in the field of additive manufacturing. Not only

would the use of additive manufacturing to produce a robust and reliable foil regenerator, it can

also be employed to manufacture the entire Stirling heater head. This would allow for a previously

unattainable complex geometry of a fully integrated pressure vessel and heat exchanger design

that can potentially eliminate detrimental dead volumes. This work outlines the design and

optimization of a 1 kW Stirling engine with several components developed through additive


1.1 System Overview

The designed Stirling engine and displacer assembly are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. FEA,

performed with ANSYS Workbench, was conducted to ensure every component would be able to

withstand applied temperature and/or force boundary conditions. Most analyses involved

importing a temperature profile from a steady state thermal analysis into a static structural analysis,

which could be easily performed directly in the Workbench layout. Optimization of the Stirling

engine was done with Sage modeling.

Figure 1: Stirling Engine Schematic

Figure 2: Displacer Assembly Schematic

1.2 Description of Tasks

There were four primary design tasks in this work, which are specific areas in component

design intended to add to the body of knowledge concerning Stirling engines.

1.2.1 Heater Head Geometry for Reduced Conduction Losses

The heater head is a critical component of a Stirling convertor, which must be designed to

ensure it will not fail due to creep over its expected design life. Creep is a significant limiting

factor in the design life of high temperature components. Conduction losses along the wall of the

heater head should be kept to a minimum for improved thermal performance. This can be

accomplished by minimizing the heater head wall thickness and utilizing an appropriate taper

design [4]. Efficient heater head designs are often the result of a compromise between thin walls

for heat transfer characteristics and thick walls for improved resistance to creep and durability [5].

Creep is a significant factor that must be considered in the high temperature region of the heater

head. Creep is even more significant for thin walls such as those of the heater head, since stress

rupture of super alloys occurs slower with thick solid bars under the same temperature and pressure

[6]. The majority of nickel based super alloys have enhanced creep strength due to fine and

uniformly dispersed γ´- particles precipitating during ageing treatment following a solution

annealing [7]. In this work, an analysis was performed to investigate the effects of varying wall

taper profiles on stresses.

1.2.2 Design of an Additively Manufactured Regenerator

The regenerator is a crucial component of a Stirling engine which allows for the engine to

achieve high efficiencies [8]. The regenerator acts as a means of internal energy storage where a

fraction of the waste thermal energy is stored in the solid matrix and retrieved by the working fluid

later in the cycle. This results in a reduction of the required input energy from the fuel source

leading to an increase in the overall system efficiency. A variety of regenerator designs exist, such

as wire mesh, stacked screens, foil, micro-channel, and metal foam. Most Stirling engines

incorporate the wire mesh regenerator design due to its excellent heat transfer characteristics

between the wires of the regenerator and the working fluid, and it has low axial conduction in the

flow direction [9]. Foil regenerators are very efficient because the working fluid flows through

straight channels, which usually exhibit lower pressure drop values compared to wire mesh

regenerators. Foil regenerators also have the advantage of well-defined flow characteristics

whereas wire mesh regenerators may display preferential flow due to the random nature of the

design, which leads to performance variation [10]. The use of foil regenerators is limited as it is

nearly impossible to keep a uniform foil spacing throughout the regenerator due to foil

deformation. Foil deformation can occur due to thermal expansion of the foils during the repeated

heating and cooling cycles, or the regenerator can be damaged by the insertion process during

assembly. The fragility of foil regenerators is a direct result of the way foil regenerators are

manufactured. Therefore, Stirling engine manufacturers use a less efficient but more reliable

regenerator to ensure that the desired operation is achieved over the lifetime of the unit.

Despite their desirable flow characteristics, foil regenerators have not been utilized in

Stirling engine in the past due to their low reliability, as they were difficult to manufacture robustly.

Recent advancements in additive manufacturing would allow for the production of foil

regenerators with foils that are several hundred microns thick. This manufacturing method would

be vastly less expensive than previously used micro-machining techniques. The drawback of

previously manufactured foil regenerators was their inability to maintain foil spacing over

prolonged thermal cycling as the foils deform due to thermal expansion. The use of additive

manufacturing allows for the production of a novel foil regenerator where the foils are intricately

connected for added rigidity. A FEA of the designed regenerator with 300 µm foils was conducted

to examine both the thermally induced stresses in the regenerator as well as the thermal

deformation.This work presents the design and fabrication of a robust foil regenerator developed

through additive manufacturing.

1.2.3 Effect of Clamping Method on Flexure Bearing Stress and Fatigue Life

In general, Stirling engines are divided into two groups: kinematic or free-piston engines.

In kinematic engines, manual linkages are used to connect the various moving parts within the

engine like in a conventional internal combustion engine. Free-piston engines on the other hand

use the pressure variation of the working gas to induce motion in the reciprocating components

and work is extracted via a linear alternator. The lack of manual linkages coupled with the use of

clearance seals in a free-piston engine increases the reliability and lifespan of the engine as there

is no wear on the parts. The critical component to the long, maintenance-free life of these engines

is the novel implementation of flexure bearings in both the Stirling engine displacer assembly and

within the linear alternator. Characteristics of flexure bearings, such as clamping method, shape

factor, and number of arms were observed in terms of their impact on longevity. Also, a sensitivity

analysis was performed to observe the impact of kerf width and shape factor on stress and spring


1.2.4 Effect of Radiation Shield Placement on Heat Loss

This document goes over a journal article published by the author [11], though more details

are included here. Inserting radiation shields between surfaces with a significant temperature

differential is a common method for reducing heat transfer to the cooler surface due to radiation.

The amount of heat transfer can be further reduced by evacuating the space between the surfaces

to result in negligible conduction and convection effects [12]. Several applications of radiation

shields are in cryogenics [13], refrigeration [14], building design [15], and Stirling engines [16].

Radiation shields, for most purposes, are typically made out of copper and aluminum for low-

temperature applications [17]. Inconel 718 is a popular material to make displacers out of due to

its ability to withstand high temperatures and its resistance to creep and corrosion [67] [87]. This

work presents an analysis that studies the effects of quantity of shields and their arrangement in

the displacer on the temperature profiles and heat loss from the hot to cold side of the displacer.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Stirling Engine History

The Stirling engine was invented by Reverend Robert Stirling in 1816 [20]. The Stirling

engine did not initially achieve commercial success. From 1818 to 1845, only four Stirling engines

were produced, mainly due to inadequate materials of the time. The components would fail shortly

after the engine was in operation, causing complete engine failure [21].

As described by Bauer [21], the Stirling engine had three distinct phases of success, which

were from the 1860’s to 1880’s, the 1930’s to 1950’s, and the 1970’s to 1980’s. Improved

Bessemer steel in the 1860’s allowed for reliable Stirling engine performance. Though the power

output was limited to approximately 3.5 kW, these engines were safer and less expensive than the

popular steam engines of the time. However, Stirling engines still had some disadvantages, such

as sealing problems, energy losses, and high power to weight ratios (as great as three tons per kW).

The Otto engine began to dominate the power generation market with its introduction in the 1870’s,

as it was more efficient than the Stirling engines and steam engines of the time, and it had a better

power to weight ratio.

In the 1930’s the Stirling engine made a comeback because of the Dutch company Philips

Gloeilampenfabriken. The company wanted to design a small engine to generate electricity to

power radios in remote areas, and they turned to Stirling engines as a solution. Though the engine

proved to be satisfactory, the progress of transistor technology halted the use of Stirling engines

for this purpose [21].

In the 1970’s public concern over the environmental impacts of internal combustion

engines, as well as an oil crisis in 1973, caused the U.S. government to pass emissions and fuel

consumption standards. The government also subsidized development of more efficient engines to

meet these goals, which drew interest back to Stirling engines. An automotive Stirling engine was

introduced in 1989 by Mechanical Technology Incorporated, which was based on the design made

by Philips in the 1940’s. This engine produced far lower emissions than the standards set as a

maximum value, and it consumed approximately one-third less fuel than the gasoline engines.

However, the diesel engines of the time only consumed slightly more fuel than the Stirling engines,

and the emissions standards easily be met with some modifications to the existing internal

combustion engines. Therefore, manufacturers were not willing to dismiss the well-established

technology of internal combustion engines to take the financial risk of developing Stirling engines

for automotive purposes [21].

2.2 General Stirling Engine Design

Figure 3 is a P-v diagram of the ideal Stirling cycle along with the processes involved in

it. Isothermal expansion occurs from State 1 to State 2, where heat is transferred to the working

fluid from the high temperature reservoir (usually exhaust gases). Work is done by the system

during this process. Both pistons move to the right (according to Figure 3) from State 2 to State 3,

while maintaining constant volume. During this process, heat is transferred from the working fluid

to the regenerator, and the temperature decreases from TH to TL. Isothermal compression occurs

from State 3 to State 4, and heat is transferred to the low temperature reservoir to maintain the

temperature at TL. Finally, both cylinders move to the left in a constant volume process from State

4 to State 1, where the working fluid obtains heat that was stored in the regenerator during process

2-3, raising the temperature back to TH [22].

As stated by Walker [20], practical Stirling engines do not operate on the ideal Stirling

cycle for a variety of reasons; It is impossible to have isothermal compression and expansion

processes, the working fluid is never completely contained in the expansion or compression space,

dead spaces decrease the efficiency, the regenerative process is not perfect, and frictional effects

cannot be neglected. Figure 4 (from the work performed by Tavakolpour-Saleh et al. [23]) is an

example showing how simulated and experimental Stirling cycles deviate from the ideal case. The

figure shows the actual case will neither be as efficient nor have as great a power output as the

ideal scenario, due to the fact that the net work output (the area contained within the curve of the

cycle) is smaller.

Figure 3: Ideal Stirling Cycle and its Processes [22]

Figure 4: Comparison of Ideal, Simulated, and Experimental Stirling Cycles [23]

The three basic Stirling engine configurations are referred to as the alpha, beta, and gamma

arrangements, which are depicted in Figure 5. The alpha configuration has two cylinders, both

with their own piston, with a regenerator between them. The beta configuration consists of a piston

and displacer located in the same cylinder. The gamma configuration consists of a displacer and

power piston in different cylinders. Table 1 lists some of the pros and cons of each of the


Figure 5: Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Stirling Engine Schematics [24]

Table 1: Pros and Cons of the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Schematics [24], [25]

Engine Advantages Disadvantages Typical Drive Arrangements

Alpha Conceptually the Both pistons need to V-arrangement and yoke drive
simplest. have seals to contain the (Ross linkage). Can be
working space. compounded into a multiple
cylinder configuration.
Beta High Mechanical disadvantage Rhombic drive.
compression, of the drive rod from the
efficiency, and displacer extends
power can be through the piston.
obtained due to
lower dead
Gamma Mechanically Higher dead volumes, Standard crank drive.
more efficient specifically the
than the other connecting pipe that
arrangements connects both the
(simple crank compression space and
mechanism). the lower part of the
expansion space.

2.3 Stirling Engine Applications

Stirling engines have found success in a variety of applications. One such application is

with combined heat and power (CHP) systems. CHP systems simultaneously generate electricity

and heat for other applications (such as heating water). Cardozo et al. [26] integrated a Stirling

engine with a wood pellet burner to produce a CHP system. The burner supplied 20 kW of heat,

and the Stirling engine could produce 1 kW of electrical power. The heat not utilized for the

Stirling cycle was utilized to produce hot water. The overall CHP system efficiency was 72%.

Thiers et al. [27] experimentally investigated the performance of a wood pellet Stirling engine

micro-CHP system intended to provide electricity and heat for a residential building. Testing of

the unit showed it could provide approximately 1.38 kW of electricity 5.4 kW of heat. Lipp [28]

presented the results of field testing of four Stirling engine micro-CHP units in residential

buildings located close to Berlin, Germany. The units were shown to operate at a steady state

efficiency above 90%.

The field of cryogenics employs Stirling technology. Caughley et al. [29] presented a free-

piston Stirling cryocooler with utilizing metal diaphragms for extended life. The prototype could

remove 29 W of heat at 77 K, and could reach a no-load temperature of 56 K. Wang et al. [30]

conducted a study on a free-piston Stirling cryocooler that operated at approximately 30 K. The

lowest achieved by the cryocooler was 27.6 K. The cryocooler could remove 78 W of heat at 40

K, and obtained a relative Carnot efficiency of 14.8 %. Riabzev et al. [31] utilized a low vibration

Stirling cryogenic refrigerator to cool a high definition microscopy unit. The refrigerator removed

5 W at 40 K.

Stirling engines have been considered for waste heat recovery (WHR) systems in

automobiles. Andriollo and Tortella [32] presented a theoretical model of two control strategies a

Stirling free piston engine that serves as a WHR system for a diesel engine. The Stirling engine is

coupled to a linear electric generator, which will be utilized as an auxiliary power unit (APU). The

mean power output of the strategy with the greater power output is 511.5 W, and the mass of the

engine is approximately 10 kg. Alfarawi et al. [33] conducted a thermal analysis of a beta

configuration Stirling engine WHR that would be utilized to power an alternator. The alternator

would be decoupled from the internal combustion engine (ICE) for this configuration. Decoupling

the alternator from the ICE can provide the benefits of increased fuel efficiency and less CO2

emissions. The engine model was ideal and adiabatic. The authors conducted a CFD analysis to

optimize the heater and cooler sections of the Stirling engine. The results of their analysis showed

the Stirling engine could provide 1.5-2 kW of electrical power at a thermal efficiency of 40%. The

overall mass of the engine was 11-14 kg. Cullen and McGovern [34] presented a study on the

feasibility of using a Stirling engine as an exhaust gas WHR for an Otto Cycle ICE. Their model

predicted a Stirling engine with 193 cc of total displacement would provide 14.23 kW of brake

power output at 3000 rpm. The engine operated at about 32% brake thermal efficiency considering

an 812 K high temperature reservoir that provided 46 kW of heat. The shaft power of the combined

ICE and Stirling system was increased by 30% compared to the ICE alone. A study conducted by

Yu et al. [35] agree with the results gathered by Cullen and McGovern [34] in that a model of a

Stirling engine utilized as a WHR for an Otto cycle gasoline engine could increase the overall

power output of the combined system by 32.5% when operated in the range of 2000-3500 rpm.

Flannery et al. [36] developed and tested a hybrid Stirling engine-adsorption chiller for

HDD4.1962-4 engines. The APU was composed of a 1 kW linear, propane fired (propane was

utilized during the test because the Stirling engine was intended for domestic CHP applications),

free-piston Stirling engine and a 2 kW zeolite-water adsorption chiller. The adsorption chiller had

an average coefficient of performance (COP) of 0.42 ± 0.06 and 2.3 ± 0.1 kW of cooling capacity

at the baseline testing conditions. The system indicates a payback period of 4.6 years, and is

comparable to diesel engine-vapor compression (DEVC) technology in terms of cost, with the

Stirling adsorption system offering a potential of approximately $600 cost saving over the lifetime

of the truck. The authors indicate these types of Stirling engine systems can achieve approximately

29% and 97% reduction in NOx and particulate matter (PM) emissions, respectively, compared to

DEVC APU with a diesel particulate filter. However, CO emissions may be approximately 39%


Barreto and Canhoto [37] go over the modelling and simulation of a Stirling engine that

obtains heat from a parabolic dish solar receiver. In direct illumination, the engine had an

efficiency of 23.8%, which led to a global efficiency of 10.4%. Kadri and Abdallah [38] evaluated

the performance of a solar dish Stirling system for power generation in off-grid rural settings in

Tunisia. Ferreira et al. [39] presented designs of a solar dish cogeneration system, where several

options had thermal efficiencies between 66.3% and 76.1%.

Stirling engines are utilized for space applications. Dang [40] present a variety of cooling

devices for such systems, most of which meant for optics subsystems. Cooling the optic sensors

helps to minimize background noise and enhances sensitivity. Qiu et al. [41] presented the design

of a Stirling convertor intended for NASA missions. The convertor was calculated to have a power

density greater than 44 W/kg, and the efficiency was estimated to be greater than 60% of the Carnot

efficiency. Brandhorst and Chapman [18] presented the design of a 5 kW Stirling convertor

intended to be utilized for NASA’s Vision of Exploration of the moon.

2.4 Heater Head

Many Stirling engine heater head durability and creep analyses exist in the literature ([42]–

[50]). In order to maximize the efficiency of a Stirling engine, the operating temperature at the

heat accepter must be high and losses must be minimized. Operating at higher pressures increases

the power density of the engine. When the engine is operated at higher pressures and temperatures,

however, its life and reliability are reduced, cost is increased, and superior material properties are

required [51].

Zhang and Shores [52] state that the formation and maintenance of a dense oxide scale is

a key aspect of the resistance of metals and alloys to corrosion and oxidation at elevated

temperatures. The resistance to oxidation and corrosion is a primary criterion when selecting an

alloy to utilize for a Stirling engine heater head [53]. Excessive scale spalling will cause the heater

head to fail due to decreased wall thickness, which leads to high pressure working fluid rupturing

the tubes or permeating through the walls [53].

Stephens and Barrett [53] reported the results of an experimental investigation in which 16

alloys were subjected to a Stirling engine simulator test rig for 3500 hours at 820°C under cyclic

conditions. The alloys were evaluated based on their oxidation and corrosion resistance after

exposure to combustion gases. Five alloys were considered to have excellent oxidation and

corrosion resistance, which were alloys CG-27, Incoloy 800, HS-188, N-155, and Inconel 718.

These alloys had a positive change in specific weight (the samples gained weight).

The most commonly used formulations to correlate creep life to applied stress and

temperature include Larson-Miller, Orr-Shelby-Dorn, Manson-Haferd, and Manson-Succop [54].

The Larson-Miller parameter (LMP) is calculated by utilizing Equation 1.

LMP = T(log t + C) Equation 1

In Equation 1, T is the temperature in absolute units, t is the time to rupture in hours, and C is a

constant, which typically has a value of 20 [55].

2.5 Regenerators

Because of its importance to the overall efficiency of a Stirling engine, extensive research

has been conducted on characterizing the flow dynamics and heat transfer of various regenerator

types. Regenerators are designed to have high thermal mass and they are used to temporarily store

thermal energy [22]. Without a regenerator, Stirling engines would require five times the amount

of heat supply needed to generate the same power as those would do with regenerators. The heat

transferred to the gas in the regenerator during one cycle is about four times the amount that passes

through the heater for the cycle [24].

Alfarawi et al [9], [56] reported correlations for both the friction loss and Nusselt number

of a novel micro-channel regenerator. While the flow losses within the regenerator were greatly

reduced, the high thermal conduction losses had a negative impact on their performance. However,

the authors suggested that segmentation of the regenerator could potentially minimize the effect

of conduction loss improving their thermal performance of the regenerator. Costa et al. [57] used

experimental results to validate their numerical model of a stacked woven screen regenerator and

evaluated both the pressure drop and flow losses. After their model was validated, Costa et al. [58]

employed it to characterize the performance of a wound woven regenerator while also

incorporating the effects of heat transfer. Using the correlations they developed, Costa et al. [59]

then developed a non-equilibrium porous media model to investigate the performance of a real

Stirling engine without typically employed simplifications. Their results indicated that a stacked

woven regenerator outperforms a wound woven regenerator. Li et al. [60] numerically evaluated

the performance of a compact porous sheet regenerator by developing a porous media model. The

regenerator showed significantly less flow loss while exhibiting comparable heat transfer to

traditional regenerators. Xiao et al. [61] simulated and conducted an experimental study on the

characteristics of steady and oscillating flows through a wire screen regenerator and concluded

that while steady flow correlations can be used to predict osculating flows in a certain Reynolds

(Re) number range the flow in the regenerator is greatly affected by the compressibility of the gas.

Nielsen et al. [62] demonstrated the impact of flow maldistribution on the performance of

microchannel parallel plate heat exchangers through a numerical model and cyclic steady-state

regenerator experiments. Hsu and Biwa [63] measured the resistance of stacked-screen

regenerators in oscillatory flows and compared the results to empirical equations. Nam and Jeong

[64] investigated the use of a parallel wire regenerator for use in cryocoolers. While their results

showed the friction factor was 20-30% lower than a mesh screen regenerator, the effectiveness of

the parallel wire regenerator was lower due to high conduction losses.

The impact of replacing a random fiber regenerator with an involute or foil regenerator was

demonstrated by Ibrahim et al. [65]–[68] where an increase in efficiency of 4% was shown by

simply replacing the existing regenerator with a new micro-fabricated regenerator without further

optimization of the engine. Their regenerator was produced using electrical discharge machining

(EDM) and LiGA X-ray lithography. The regenerator consisted of a stack of forty-two 0.25 mm

thick disks with a 19 mm diameter. Each disk had flow channels that were 85 μm wide separated

by 15 μm thick “foils.” Ibrahim et al. [65]–[68] tested the designed involute-foil regenerator in an

oscillating-flow test rig that was previously used to test various regenerator types [69]–[72]. The

experimental results were extremely promising as the involute-foil regenerator demonstrated a

figure of merit double that seen for a 90% random fiber regenerator. The figure of merit is the ratio

of heat transfer to flow losses. A detailed design analysis of the regenerator was conducted during

the development of the regenerator. Qiu and Augenblick [10] performed a thermal and structural

analysis of the designed involute-foil regenerator to examine its structural rigidity and showed that

the regenerator had a high axial stiffness and that there was minimal deformation of the foils as

they were intricately interconnected, therefore a uniform foil spacing would be maintained during

operation. The regenerator design was further evaluated by Tew et al [73]. Using a slightly

simplified model of the regenerator, they evaluated both the heat transfer and flow losses of the

regenerator under both unidirectional and oscillating flow conditions. Additionally, they

investigated the effect that jetting has on the performance of the proposed involute foil regenerator.

Despite the regenerator’s promising performance, the manufacturing process was time-consuming

and expensive thus the regenerator was not put into mass production. However, recent

advancements in additive manufacturing would significantly reduce the associated manufacturing

costs, making a foil-type regenerator a viable mass-market option.

2.6 Flexure Bearings

Flexure bearings have been used in Stirling engines for over 30 years. The flexures can be

manufactured in a variety of ways to form one or more support legs between the clamped inner

and outer rings of the flexure as shown in Figure 6. The first patented flexure was by Wolf et al.

[74] in 1938, which were included in a vibration detector unit to observe Earth’s vibrations. Their

flexure had straight arms rather than the spiral arms that are primarily included in designs today.

The first use of a flexure bearing in a Stirling convertor was in a cryocooler at the University of

Oxford in 1981 [75]. In 1992, Wong et al. [76] developed a novel linear flexure that displayed

70% greater radial stiffness and 30% less stress than an optimized three-arm spiral design at a set

maximum displacement.

Flexure bearings provide a simple, yet robust, technique to provide the necessary

supporting of the moving components within a free-piston engine [77]. Furthermore, they offer

the benefits of 1) eliminating the rubbing in the seals and the need for lubrication, 2) eliminating

the possibility of gas-bearing port plugging failures, 3) they demonstrate good predictability,

repeatability, reliability, and stability, and 4) minimized performance and operating frequency

variations due to variations in operating conditions mainly temperature. Flexure bearings are

essentially planar springs that provide stability for the moving components. The flexures are

desired to allow for axial motion while providing high radial stiffness. The radial stiffness ensures

that the piston does not contact the stationary cylinder while it is in motion, while the axial stiffness

assists in ensuring the desired dynamic resonance characteristics within the Stirling engine.

During the design process, axial stiffness, radial stiffness, subassembly rocking modes, and flexure

arm modes must be considered [77]. The necessary spring rate of the flexure is determined through

a linear dynamic analysis, whereas the necessary radial spring rate is determined based on the

requirements to handle side loads and rocking modes. Also, the peak predicted stress must be well

below the fatigue limit [40]. Additionally, since flexures are passive in nature they are always

functioning unlike gas bearings that are activated via check valves and the pressure of the working

fluid within the cycle. Thus, gas bearings are inoperable during engine startup and low power

operation, which leads to unnecessary wear that decreases the life span of the engine. For a free-

piston Stirling engine, the flexure bearing spring rate is temperature independent, which greatly

reduces the impact of environmental conditions on the systems performance.

Typically, when a flexure bearing is used in a linear alternator, the outer ring is clamped to

the stationary stator assembly while the inner ring is clamped to the mover rod, thus these are

called moving inner diameter flexure bearings. When the flexures are used in the displacer

assembly, the inner ring is clamped to the stationary displacer rod while the outside of the flexure

is connected to the moving displacer piston, so being called moving outer diameter flexure

bearings. Two or more flexures can be stacked with an axial separation to provide a support-couple

wheelbase that prevents the moving members from rocking. This setup is shown in Figure 7.

Additionally, since the designed flexures have wide arms they provide an extremely high

resistance to radial motion while allowing for the flexure to spring axially with a relative degree

of freedom. The flexure and moving member form a mass-spring dynamic system where the

system frequency is mainly dependent on the total spring rate of the flexure stack and moving

mass. The high radial spring rate also enables the moving member to function with a tight clearance

seal of only 12 to 25 microns.

Figure 6: Spiral flexure without (left) and with (right) clamping

Figure 7: Schematic of typical flexure bearing set up

The flexures can be designed to have an almost infinite life by ensuring that the maximum

stress within the flexure is below the allowable endurance stress limit. Furthermore, the allowable

stress used during the design process is obtained by subtracting three times the standard deviation

from the vendor’s listed mean endurance limit for the selected flexure material. This leads to a

99% confidence level in the endurance of the part. Amoedo et al. [78] performed fatigue analysis

to ensure a theoretically infinite endurance life by multiplying the endurance limit of a rotating

beam specimen with a number of stress-raising factors, an expression similar to that presented by

Budynas and Nisbett [79] as shown in Equation 2:

Se = k a k b k c k d k e Se′ Equation 2

Amoedo et al. [78] utilized a maximum fatigue stress value of 366 MPa to obtain an infinite bearing

fatigue life for materials with an ultimate tensile strength above 1380 MPa. Each arm of a flexure

is exposed to alternating stresses at a frequency equal to the operating frequency of the Stirling

engine. For a certain axial displacement, the magnitude and location of the flexure’s maximum

stress are dependent upon the spiral profile, diameter, and thickness of the flexure. The maximum

stress should be much less than the endurance limit of the material to ensure the flexure has

virtually infinite life [80].

The axial stiffness of the flexure bearing is usually significantly less than the stiffness of

the gas spring above the piston to minimize the moving mass, which influences the level of

vibrations in the system [80]. Flexures must be made out of materials that have superior thermal

and mechanical properties, such as a high ratio of fatigue stress to Young’s modulus. Beryllium

copper and austenitic stainless steel are two of the most common materials used for flexures [40],

[81]. The operating frequency of the Stirling convertor is heavily dependent upon the overall spring

rate of the flexure bearings. As flexures provide nearly frictionless operation without requiring

any lubrication, they can be utilized along with clearance seals, they are inexpensive, and they can

be manufactured easily with a dye in a punch press [78]. A well-developed and proven flexure

design can easily be incorporated into a wide range of Stirling converters that operate at various

power levels as the flexures are designed independent of the absolute power of the engine. For

instance, a flexure that was designed to operate within an engine at 60 Hz with an amplitude of 12

mm can be used over a range of power levels from 1 kW to in excess of 7 kW without any

modification. When this aspect is combined with the flexure’s insensitivity to the mean operating

pressure, the power range for a design can be further expanded. The axial stiffness of the flexure

stack is directly related to the dominant spring rate within the system that also determined the

resonant frequency of both the pistons and the displacer. The utilization of flexure bearings within

a free-piston Stirling engine increases the robustness, reliability, and lifespan of the engine. These

aspects allow for a reduction in the associated maintenance costs of the engine’s operation, making

them ideal for use in remote power generation applications.

Prior to the advent of high-speed computational FEA software, flexures were analyzed as

straight or curved cantilevered beams. Dimensional analysis can be used to derive a set of

equations and parameters that along with testing can lend insight into the fundamental behavior of

flexures. While closed for solutions can readily be found for straight beams, it is difficult for curved

beams. With advances in FEA software and overall computing power, FEA has become the

primary tool by which the stresses and spring rate for various flexure arm shapes are analyzed and

optimized. The numerical predictions of spring rates for spiral flexures are typically within 10%

of the tested values. This is because not only do they experience bending but also a torsional load

as well that leads to higher stresses at the edges of the fixed end of the flexure arm. Spiral flexures

can be mathematically modeled with Equation 3:

𝑅𝑅 = 𝑅𝑅𝑖𝑖 + (𝑅𝑅𝑜𝑜 − 𝑅𝑅𝑖𝑖 )[𝜃𝜃⁄𝜃𝜃0 + 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓(2𝜋𝜋𝜋𝜋 ⁄𝜃𝜃0 )] Equation 3

where R is the polar distance from the center of the flexure, 𝜃𝜃⁄𝜃𝜃0 is the relative sweep angle ratio,

Ri is the active inner radius, Ro is the active outer radius, and f is the arm shape factor. The variables

Ri, Ro, θ, and θ0 are depicted in Figure 8, and the impact of the shape factor on flexure geometry

is illustrated in Figure 9. Both the inner and outer radii amplitudes are calculated through

optimization techniques for typical Stirling engine designs. A more evenly distributed stress

contour over the arms of the flexure can be achieved by varying arm width with a non-zero shape

Figure 8: Flexure Design Variables

Figure 9: Shape Factor Influence on Flexure Geometry

The kerf width, or the gap between the arms of the flexure, can be adjusted during the

optimization process depending on the resulting stress fields and desired operational parameters.

Increasing the kerf width usually results in lower spring rates, less mass, and higher modal

frequencies. The ideal kerf width yields reduced system mass and vibration.

A multi-arm spiral flexure is a multiple degree-of-freedom system that has many modes.

Therefore, a modal analysis must be utilized to ensure none of the modal frequencies are close to

the operating frequency or multiples of the operating frequency. The first mode of modal analysis

is the natural frequency of the flexure, describing the situation when it is supporting no additional

mass. The natural frequency must be greater than the operating frequency to allow each flexure to

reciprocate additional mass. The greater the natural frequency of a single flexure, the fewer total

number of flexures required to achieve the designed operating frequency. The 2nd and 3rd modes

of modal analysis are the flexure rocking frequency about the in-plane axis. The 4th and 5th modes

of modal analysis represent what is referred to as “surge” frequency and are considered to be the

most important modes. If the surge frequency is near a flexure harmonic, the flexure arms can

contact each other, resulting in quick failure of the component.

A spiral flexure can have any number of arms, but three is the most commonly utilized in

designs. The number of arms to be used for a flexure is highly dependent upon the design

requirements. Including more arms in a flexure design usually results in higher axial spring rates

and lower radial stiffness. Qiu et al. [77] made a spring rate comparison between flexures having

the same physical size, amplitude, and thickness, but the number of arms was varied. The results

of this comparison are shown in Table 1. Generally, for a flexure with a diameter of two inches or

less, the maximum axial spring rate occurs when four or five arms are included in the design. For

flexures with a diameter of six inches or greater, the maximum axial spring rate occurs with

approximately eight arms [77].

Table 2: Spring Rate Comparison of Flexures Based on Number of Arms [8]

3 arms 4 arms 6 arms 8 arms

kaxial (N/m) 25643 31138 37000 43960

kradial (N/m) 838964 758970 651146 583931

2.7 Radiation Shields

Formulations exist in the literature for heat transfer characteristics of radiation shields for

common geometries. Jabbari and Saedodin [82] and Torabi et al. [83] performed calculations for

concentric spheres and concentric hemispheres, respectively. Barforoush and Saedodin [84]

presented experimental and numerical analyses of the effect of using multiple concentric cylinders

as radiation shields. Siegel [85] presents radiation heat transfer equations for multiple parallel plate

shields, as well as for concentric cylinders and spheres. Martini [86] provides an equation for

calculating the heat transfer due to radiation in a cylindrical displacer:

CQ = FA ∗ FM ∗ FN ∗ (π⁄4) ∗ DB2 ∗ σ ∗ (TH 4 − TL4 ) Equation 4

where CQ is the radiation heat loss, FA is the area factor, FM is the emissivity factor, FN is the

radiation shield factor, DB is the cylinder diameter, σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, and TH

and TL are the hot and cold surface temperatures, respectively. Though this is a good

approximation for the radiation heat loss, the equation does not consider the spacing of the

radiation shields within the displacer and it assumes the displacer is a perfect cylinder.

As demonstrated by Chia and Kiang [87], the heat transfer due to radiation is reduced by a

certain factor based on how many shields are employed, though there is a point at which increasing

the number of shields results in a negligible change in the factor. Multiple radiation shields are

usually employed in a displacer, with the quantity based on acceptable heat transfer characteristics

and geometric considerations.

Maiorova et al. [88] conducted an optimization study of a thermal protection system

involving radiation shields for reusable space vehicles, in which up to ten shields were considered

made of two different materials (nickel and aluminum oxide). The position of the shields was also

considered. It was determined that utilizing one or two shields led to an optimized design.

Kasthurirengan et al. [89] conducted an experimental study on the performances of single and two-

stage pulse cryocoolers with and without radiation shields. The vacuum level was also varied. It

was observed that both the single and two-stage pulse cryocoolers were able to achieve lower

temperatures with radiation shields installed. Sun et al. [90] performed an analysis involving

adjustment parameters for thermal control methods for an orbital transfer vehicle involving

radiation shields. Seven adjustable parameters were considered, which were associated with the

thermal and radiative properties of the shields.

The emissivity of a material may vary greatly depending on its temperature and surface

finish [86]. Keller et al. [91] reported the emissivity of Inconel 718 “as-received” (sheets) from the

manufacturer to be in the range of 0.21-0.28 in the temperature interval from 760-1275 K, whereas

Tanda and Misale [92] reported “as-received” (EDM machined) emissivity values of

approximately 0.36-0.46 in the temperature interval from about 375-580 K. Kieruj et al [93]

observed the emissivity of Inconel 718 to be approximately 0.16 in the range of 200-600°C, and

0.28 at 800°C. A variety of materials can be applied to a surface to reduce its emissivity, such as

coatings, films, foils, and paints [94]. Coatings with silver nanoparticles have been investigated


2.8 Additive Manufacturing

Additive manufacturing is becoming increasingly utilized for the manufacturing of

components that would be difficult to fabricate through conventional processes, with applications

in a variety of fields. One such field benefitting from this technology is the biomedical field. Maji

et al. [96] presented the development of a patient-specific femoral prosthesis made through rapid

prototyping. Demir and Previtali [97] investigated the production of cardiovascular stents through

selective laser melting. Costa et al. [98] developed a scaffold material for bone regeneration, which

was produced through additive manufacturing. Berretta et al. [99] developed and studied the

characteristics of cranial implants made through laser sintering. The field of engineering is another

beneficiary of advancements in additive manufacturing. The potential benefits of additive

manufacturing on the aerodynamics, structures, and materials utilized for unmanned aerial vehicles

(UAVs) were explored by Goh et al. [100]. Scheithauer et al. [101] presented the pros and cons of

developing ceramic heat exchangers of complicated geometries though lithography-based ceramic

manufacturing (LCM). Robinson et al. [102] developed a small, water-cooled heat sink through

additive manufacturing that includes micro-jet arrays and micro-channels. Kirsch and Thole [103]

compared the pressure loss and heat transfer performance of pin fin arrays made through laser

powder bed fusion to those made through conventional processes.

Additive manufacturing has some challenges, including anisotropic material properties,

manufacturing-induced porosity, small build volumes, and cost. The anisotropic properties and

porosity aspects are due to the layer-by-layer printing technique [100]. However, some additive

manufacturing processes can produce specimens that rival or surpass those made through

conventional methods in terms of mechanical properties. Trosch et al. [104] compared the

properties of Inconel 718 components made by Selective Laser Melting (SLM), also known as

rapid prototyping, to those made through conventional methods. It was shown that SLM could

produce parts with better mechanical properties than parts made through casting and forging at

room temperature. One major limitation to current additive manufacturing techniques is that the

thickness of the generated components is limited by the particle size of the powder metal used and

well as heat dissipation in metals [105]. This limitation on size was considered in the design of the

foils of the regenerator presented in this paper. Based on the feedback of several additive

manufacturing vendors, a minimum foil thickness of 300 microns is achievable.

2.9 Sage Modeling

The initial design of a Stirling engine starts with a thermodynamic modeling tool. In this

study, the Sage produced by Gedeon Associates [106] was used for this purpose. Using the Sage

key design parameters such as the diameters, lengths, fin spacing, temperature, pressures, etc. of

the system and components can be determined as well as an estimated system efficiency. Sage

software will be utilized to model the Stirling cycle with various foil regenerator configurations.

The impact of replacing a random fiber regenerator with an additively manufactured regenerator

on the performance of the Stirling converter will be observed. The original Sage model is shown

in Figure 10.

Figure 10: Sage Model

Chapter 3: Heater Head Design for Reduced Conduction Losses

3.1 Effect of Shape

Inconel 718 was selected as the alloy to be utilized for these simulations due to its corrosion

resistance at elevated temperatures. Inconel 718 has excellent creep rupture strength at

temperatures up to 700°C, and is considered to be superior to other aerospace materials in terms

of its corrosion resistance and weldability [19]. Brinkman et al. [107] provides an equation for the

rupture life of Inconel 718 based on stress and temperature:

log t r = 162.319 − 193.662logσ + 88.117(logσ)2 − 12.807(logσ)3 − 0.01052Tlogσ Equation 5

Where tr is the rupture life (hrs), σ is the stress (MPa), and T is the temperature (K). Equation 5

will be utilized to estimate the life of the heater head.

The heater head considered in this work is composed of two sections. Five different

geometries were tested for the bottom section, whereas the top section was kept the same in all the

assemblies. The first geometry is a constant thickness wall from the top to the bottom. The second

type is a single linear taper with a maximum thickness at the top to a minimum thickness at the

bottom. The third type is a double taper, which starts at the maximum thickness at the top, goes to

the minimum thickness at middle, and remains at the minimum thickness until the bottom. The

fourth type is a concave curve to the midpoint, and the fifth type is a convex curve to a height

greater than the midpoint. A representation of the geometries of the bottom halves of the heater

heads tested is given in Figure 11.

Figure 11: Representation of Heater Head Geometries

A steady-state thermal and a static structural analysis was performed simultaneously for

each of the five geometries in ANSYS Workbench. The thermal and structural boundary

conditions are shown in Figure 12 and Figure 13, respectively. As shown in Figure 12, a

temperature of 80°C was applied to the entirety of the outer shell of the low temperature heat

exchanger and the bottom ledge of the top section of the heater head that extends into the low

temperature heat exchanger region. A temperature of 700°C was applied to the outer surfaces of

the top half of the heater head. As shown in Figure 13, a pressure of 3.5 MPa was applied to all

the inner surfaces of the heater head, a frictionless support was applied to all surfaces on the XY

plane to represent symmetry, and the bottom surface of the outer shell of the low temperature heat

exchanger was fixed. The two sections of the heater head were modeled as Inconel 718, and the

shell of the low temperature heat exchanger was modeled as the default stainless steel material in

ANSYS Workbench. The stress contours for the top and bottom halves of the heater head assembly

for two of the cases are shown in Figure 14 through Figure 17. The stress contours for all five

cases were similar, with the top and bottom portions of the heater head having maximum stress

values of approximately 53 MPa and 220 MPa, respectively. Utilizing Equation 2 for the top,

higher temperature section of the heater head, a temperature of 973.15 K and pressure of 53 MPa

results in an expected life of 1.17E7 hours.

Figure 12: Heater Head Temperature Boundary Conditions

Figure 13: Heater Head Static Structural Boundary Conditions

Figure 14: Heater Head Top Stress Contour for Constant Wall Thickness

Figure 15: Heater Head Bottom Stress Contour for Constant Wall Thickness

Figure 16: Heater Head Top Stress Contour for Convex Above Midpoint

Figure 17: Heater Head Bottom Stress Contour for Convex Above Midpoint

The temperature profile of both sections of the heater head for the constant thickness profile

and the convex to above the midpoint simulations are given in Figure 18 and Figure 19,


Figure 18: Constant Thickness Geometry Temperature Profile

Figure 19: Convex to Above Midpoint Temperature Profile

Figure 20 compares the temperature profiles of the bottom sections of the heater heads for

all five simulations. The conduction losses along the wall of the heater head due to resulting

temperature profile for each case are presented in Table 1. The table shows the geometry with a

constant wall thickness has the greatest conduction losses at 113.4 W. Utilizing any form of a taper

results in a significant reduction in conduction losses, as the geometry with the second greatest

conduction loss value, the single taper, shows a 23.8% reduction. The geometry with a convex

curve to above the midpoint of the bottom half of the heater head has a 37.7% reduction in

conduction losses compared to the constant thickness geometry.

Figure 20: Temperature Profile through the Bottom Segment of the Heater Head Based on

Table 3: Conduction Losses in the Axial Direction of the Heater Head Wall Based on
Geometry Conduction Losses (W)
Constant Thickness 113.4
Single Taper 86.4
Double Taper 73.1
Convex to Midpoint 75.1
Convex to Above Midpoint 70.7

The effect of heater head geometry on conduction losses along the wall was observed in

this work. Five cases were considered, which included a constant thickness geometry and four

variations of tapering to a minimum thickness. Effective tapers result from keeping the thickness

of the heater head to a minimum to reduce conduction losses, and increasing the thickness at the

hot end to improve durability and creep resistance. The results of the simulations performed for

this work show keeping the thickness of the heater head constant at the maximum value lead to

the greatest conduction losses of all the cases considered. Tapering significantly reduced the

conduction losses; the remaining four cases had losses 23.8 to 37.7% less than that of the constant

thickness heater head. The estimated life of all the heater head assemblies is approximately 1.17E7


3.2 Effect of Length of Minimum Wall Thickness

An analysis was performed to observe the factor of safety and conduction losses based on

the dimensions of the lower section of the heater head. The dimensions A, B, and L were constant,

and C varied so that 0.05≤C/L≤ 0.95 (these dimensions are shown in Figure 21).

Figure 21: Dimensions Considered for Heater Head Analysis

Figure 22 plots the factor of safety and the conduction losses through the wall of the heater

head based on C/L ratios. The plot shows that factor of safety increases and the conduction losses

decrease as the C/L ratio increases, both of which are desired results. However, based on Equation

5, C/L must be 0.85 or less in order to provide a lifetime of at least 30 years. If C/L is 0.95, the

expected lifetime is only approximately 5 years.

Figure 23 and Figure 24 are stress contours for C/L values of 15% and 95%, respectively,

which are depictions of the minimum and maximum limits of the values tested. The plots show

that the stress is more concentrated near the bottom of the heater head for the 15% case, whereas

the stress is somewhat more distributed throughout the length of the wall for the 95% case.

Figure 22: Factor of Safety vs. Conduction Losses for Various C/L Ratios

Figure 23: Stress Contour for C/L = 15%

Figure 24: Stress Contour for C/L = 95%

3.3 Heater Head Dimensions and Manufactured Product

Figure 25 and Figure 26 are drawings with dimensions for the final version of the heater

head produced by additive manufacturing and after finish machining, respectively. Direct metal

laser sintering (DMLS) was utilized to develop the heater head, and then finish machining was

performed to drill holes for bolts, apply tapering, smooth surfaces, improve tolerances, etc. The

finished product can be seen in Figure 27.

Figure 25: Heater Head Dimensions for Additive Manufacturing
Figure 26: Heater Head Dimensions after Finish Machining
Figure 27: Manufactured Heater Head

3.4 Conclusions
A head heater head was designed and developed with AM that allowed for a previously

unattainable geometry with a fully integrated pressure vessel and heat exchanger that could

significantly reduce detrimental dead volumes. Based on the results of the work done for Task 1,

it is recommended that the heater head wall have some form of tapering; considered taper options

had losses that were 23.8 to 37.7% less than that of a constant thickness heater head. Also, the wall

should be as thin as possible, though adequate thickness should be allowed near the high

temperature regions to provide more resistance toward creep, thus extending the lifetime of the

heater head.

Chapter 4: Regenerator

4.1 Methodology

To investigate the robustness of the proposed additively manufactured regenerator design,

a finite element analysis (FEA) was conducted. Based on the feedback of the additive

manufacturing vendors consulted, it was proposed that the regenerator be made of several sections

to ensure the foils remain straight and do not deform during the manufacturing process as the

tolerance of the printing process decreases with the height of the foils. The foils have a thickness

of 300 µm with a foil spacing of 300 µm. A CAD model of the top section of the regenerator is

shown in Figure 28. The top portion of the regenerator was curved to match the profile of the

heater head to minimize detrimental dead volumes in the knuckle region of the heater head between

the heat accepter and regenerator. A comprehensive report on the effect of dead volumes in a

Stirling engine was given by Puech and Tishkova [108]. The model of the regenerator was

imported into ANSYS Workbench where a ¼ symmetric model was developed. A ¼ model was

used to reduce the total computational size of the model and decrease the overall run time. A mesh

independence study was conducted where the mesh size was decreased from 1 mm to 0.5 mm.

Table 4 shows the maximum stress at various mesh sizes. Ultimately, a mesh size of 0.5 mm was

chosen, as the maximum stress in the regenerator remained unchanged.

Table 4 – FEA Mesh Independence Study

Element Size Number of Nodes Maximum Stress

1 mm 1,331,462 126.6 MPa
0.9 mm 1,582,256 129.1 MPa
0.75 mm 2,182,665 129.3 MPa
0.5 mm 4,587,690 128.1 MPa

Figure 28: Model of Regenerator Top Segment

4.2 Results

First, a steady state thermal simulation was conducted to determine the temperature

distribution within the regenerator. This temperature distribution was then used as the input to a

static structural simulation to examine the thermally induced stressed present in the regenerator.

For the thermal simulations, the bottom surface of the regenerator was set to 80 °C while the top

surface of the foils was set to 810 °C. The regenerator is made from Inconel 718 and the properties

used in the simulations are listed in Table 5. Both the thermal conductivity and thermal expansion

coefficient were functions of temperature. The resulting temperature distribution is shown in

Figure 29. As expected, a primarily linear distribution forms over the length of the regenerator. In

the top section of the regenerator, the temperature contours are curved slightly because the outer

diameter of the regenerator is hotter than the inner diameter. This occurs because the top surface

of the regenerator foils was set to 810 °C and the outer foils are shorter leading to the increased

temperature at the same axial location.

In addition to the temperature distribution within the regenerator, the axial conduction

losses were also examined. The main drawback previously seen in literature with an axially

continuous type regenerator were the significantly higher axial conduction losses seen compared

to a random fiber regenerator, which has no clear axial conduction path. Although the regenerator

is likely to be produced in multiple sections to increase the tolerance of the additive manufacturing

process, it was modeled as a continuous solid body. A total of 198.5 W of axial conduction losses

were predicted over the 110 mm length of the designed regenerator. As previous work in the

literature has stated ([9], [64]), segmentation of the regenerator will significantly reduce the total

conduction loss. For example, Nam and Jeong [64] saw a 1% decrease in the ineffectiveness of

their parallel wire regenerator when seven-segmentations were used over none during

experimental testing.

Table 5 – Thermal Properties of Inconel 718 [109], [110]

Temperature Thermal Thermal Conductivity Specific
(°C) Expansion (W/m°C) Heat
Coefficient (1/°C) (J/kg°C)
21 1.229×10 11.7 430
538 1.449×10 19.0 560
871 1.728×10 23.9 645

Figure 29: Regenerator Temperature Distribution

The resulting temperature profile was used as the input to a static structural analysis. For

the structural analysis, the bottom edge of the outer ring of the regenerator was fixed. Unlike in

previous engine designs where the regenerator was sandwiched between the hot and cold heat

exchangers, this design uses an outer ring at the base of the regenerator to fix the regenerator in

place. The outer ring is clamped between the bottom of the heater head and the rejection system.

In addition, frictionless supports where applied to the symmetry planes to simulate the symmetric

boundary conditions. The resulting stress distribution in the regenerator is shown in Figure 30. The

maximum stress occurs in the outer most foil near the regenerator ribs. A similar stress distribution

is seen in the other foils. A maximum stress of 128.1 MPa is predicted. This is well below the yield

stress of Inconel 718 at 760 °C, which is roughly 740 MPa. This yields a margin of safety of 4.9.

An additional area of stress concentration is seen where the outer ring is attached to the regenerator

ribs. A maximum stress of 94.3 MPa is seen in this area. The temperature at the locations is roughly

86 °C and the yield stress of Inconel 718 is 1185 MPa at 70 °C leading to a factor of safety of 11.6

in this region. It is unlikely the regenerator will fail due only to thermally induced stresses.

Figure 30: Regenerator Stress Distribution

The axial deformation of the regenerator is shown in Figure 31. The total length of the

regenerator increases by 0.74 mm because of thermal expansion. The radial deformation of the

regenerator and a detailed view of the deformation of the top section of the regenerator foils are

shown in Figure 32. A maximum radial displacement of 0.58 mm occurs at the top of the outer

most regenerator foils. While this deformation may seem alarming and that the foil spacing will

not be maintained, the innermost channel radially deforms 0.38 mm. and the deformation from foil

to foil is only 0.01 mm. The maximum deformation seen along a single foil is under 0.07 mm and

occurs in the outer most foil. At the bottom of the regenerator, the foils deform 0.01mm. Therefore,

despite the radial deformation that occurs in the hot portion of the foils, the radial spacing between

the foils remains mostly uniform across the width of the regenerator.

Using the one-dimensional modeling tool Sage, the effect of replacing a 90% random fiber

regenerator with a foil regenerator was examined. At present, additive manufacturing cannot

produce foils thinner than 200 µm. If the regenerator in an existing engine is replaced with a 200

µm foil regenerator the efficiency of the Stirling cycle decreases because the surface area of the

regenerator decreased. For the engine examined, replacing the random fiber regenerator with a 200

or 300 µm foil regenerator resulted in a 5.3 and 7.3 percent decrease in the cycle efficiency. If 100

µm foils were achievable, a 3.6 percent increase in efficiency is possible. While this thickness is

currently unattainable, the results indicate the improvement using a foil over random fiber

regenerator can still be achieved on the performance of a Stirling engine.

Figure 31: Regenerator Axial Deformation

Figure 32: Regenerator Radial Deformation

Table 6 is a summary of the results obtained from FEA for the regenerator. The maximum

stress is well below the yield stress of Inconel 718 at 760 °C, which is approximately 740 MPa. As

explained before, the gaps between the foils will be maintained, so the axial and radial deformation

values are acceptable.

Table 6: FEA Results for the Regenerator

Maximum Stress (MPa) Axial Deformation (mm) Radial Deformation (mm)
128.1 0.74 0.58

4.3 Regenerator Dimensions and Manufactured Product

Figure 33 through Figure 35 show the three different types of regenerator components to

be manufactured. The regenerator was divided into different sections to improve tolerance and

reduce conduction losses. Three middle components will be utilized to assemble the regenerator.

Figure 33: Regenerator Top Section Dimensions
Figure 34: Regenerator Middle Section Dimensions
Figure 35: Regenerator Bottom Section Dimensions

Figure 36: Additively Manufactured Regenerator Top Segment
4.4 Conclusions
The potential improvement to the efficiency of a Stirling engine by using a foil type

regenerator was investigated. The resulting stresses were well below the yield stress of Inconel at

both high (810 °C) and low (80 °C) temperatures leading to margins of safety over four. A total

axial deformation of 0.74 mm occurs while the regenerator radially deforms 0.58 mm. Although

the radial deformation seems concerning, the maximum deformation along a single foil is under

0.07 mm and the deformation from foil to foil is only 0.01 mm. Therefore, the spacing between

the foils is maintained and the performance of the regenerator should not change after numerous

thermal cycles. Lastly, the flow losses in the regenerator were examined using a CFD model.

Currently, the model uses constant properties to gain preliminary information about the flow

dynamics of the regenerator. The predicted pressure drop from the CFD model agreed well with

the predictions of the Sage model. An experimental test rig is being designed to further examine

the behavior of the regenerator and validate the numerical model. Using the predicted pressure

drop, the friction factor for the regenerator over a range of Re numbers was calculated. The friction

losses in the proposed foil regenerator were significantly lower than those seen in both a random

fiber and woven screen regenerator, particularly at higher Re numbers. Based on the investigation

of the designed regenerator, additively manufactured foil regenerators can be used to significantly

improve the efficiency of the next generator of Stirling engines.

Chapter 5: Flexure Bearings

5.1 Methodology

The five materials considered in this work are the default stainless steel, copper alloy, and

titanium alloy from ANSYS Workbench, Sandvik 7C27Mo2 [111], and Beryllium Copper. The

default stainless steel and titanium alloy has properties similar to that of Stainless Steel 18-8 and

Ti-6Al-4V, respectively. Though the grade of copper alloy is not specified in ANSYS Workbench,

copper alloy in general is a metal with a copper content between 50-94% [112]. Sandvik 7C27Mo2

is a hardened and tempered martensitic chromium steel developed by the Sandvik Group, a

company based in Stockholm, Sweden. Figure 37 is a S-N curve for the material up to a maximum

thickness of 1 mm. Property values for Beryllium Copper were obtained from Cardarelli [113] and

Budynas and Nisbett [79]. Table 7 lists the material properties relevant to the performed FEA

simulations. When performing fatigue analysis for an actual mechanical component (rather than a

material specimen), Se’ is reduced to Se, which is less than 0.5Sut [79]. For steels, Budynas and

Nisbett [79] recommend utilizing Se’ values of 0.5Sut and 700 MPa for Sut values less than 1400

MPa and greater than 1400 MPa, respectively. This agrees with the S-N curve shown in Figure 37,

and this criterion will be used for the default stainless steel from ANSYS Workbench. The value

of Se’ for copper alloy, titanium alloy and Beryllium Copper were obtained based on data from the

literature [114]–[117]. It should be noted that Sandvik 7C27Mo2 has the greatest Se’ value of the

five materials considered, which will lead to greater life cycles.

Figure 37: Sandvik 7C27Mo2 S-N Curve [111]

Table 7: Material Properties Utilized for Flexure FEA

Material ρ (kg/m3) ν E (GPa) Sut (MPa) Se’ (MPa)

Stainless Steel 7750 0.31 193 586 293
Sandvik 7C27Mo2 7700 0.31 210 1800 700
Copper Alloy 8300 0.34 110 430 180
Beryllium Copper 8219 0.285 124 1300 276
Titanium Alloy 4620 0.36 96 1070 380

A sweep mesh, composed of solid-shell elements, with 10 elements through the thickness

of the flexure was developed in ANSYS Workbench 18.1. A 0.4 mm element face mesh was

applied to all surfaces on the x-y plane of the model. The resulting mesh is shown in Figure 38.

For the static structural simulations, two cases were examined; one where just the outer rim is fixed

(rim clamped) and one where the outer rim with a portion of the flexure arms is held fixed (radially

clamped). The inner ring was displaced by 5.47 mm in both cases. The setup of the boundary

conditions is shown in Figure 39. The results considered from the static structural simulations were

the equivalent (von-Mises) stress plots of the whole flexure and a force reaction probe, applied to

the displacement boundary condition. The force probe was utilized to obtain values for axial spring

rates (kaxial) by dividing the resulting force from the probe (FR) by the displacement (δ), as shown

in Equation 3.

𝑘𝑘𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 = 𝐹𝐹𝑅𝑅 /𝛿𝛿 (3)

Separate modal analyses were performed to obtain the natural frequency, as well as the

second through fifth modal frequencies, for the flexures. Just the fixed supports shown in Figure

39 were utilized for the modal analyses, not the displacement conditions.

Figure 38: Flexure Bearing Mesh

Figure 39: Boundary Conditions for both Rim (Left) and Radially (Right) Clamped

A sensitivity analysis was conducted to observe the effects of modifying kerf width and

shape factor on stress and axial spring rate. Since the radially clamped boundary condition

displayed reduced stress concentrations and greater spring rates than clamping at the outer ring,

this clamping method was utilized in the analysis. Aspects of the flexure geometry utilized are

listed in Table 8. During the analysis, all variables were kept constant except for either the kerf

width or the shape factor. Figure 40 shows the nine different configurations considered in the


Table 8: Flexure Geometry Considered in the Sensitivity Analysis

Material Sandvik 7C27Mo2

Number of Arms Six
θ0 325° (5.672 radians)
Ri 5 mm
Ro 30 mm
Thickness 1 mm
Baseline Kerf Width 1.2 mm
Baseline f 0.04

Baseline: Kerf width = 1.2
mm, Shape Factor = 0.04

Kerf: 0.6, 1.0, 1.4, and 1.8 mm Shape Factor: 0, 0.2, 0.6, 0.8
Figure 40: All Flexure Geometries Utilized in the Sensitivity Analysis

5.2 Results

Figure 41 shows the equivalent (von-Mises) stress results of a Sandvik 7C27Mo2 flexure

with both applied clamping methods. The same results were generated for the other four materials.

The maximum stress point for the ring clamped flexures was located on the inside corner where

the arms meet the ring, and the maximum stress for the radially clamped flexures occurred where

the arms attached to the fixed support. For all materials, the radially clamped condition resulted in

maximum stress values 26.3%-28.2% less than those obtained with the outer ring clamped, and

the stress distribution is more even along the arms.

Figure 41: Stress contour for Sandvik 7C27Mo2 Flexures Clamped at the Outer Rim (Left)
and Radially (Right)

Based on the maximum stress values from the FEA results and the fatigue limits of the

materials, it was determined that a radially clamped Sandvik 7C27Mo2 or titanium alloy flexure

could provide infinite cycles for the specified conditions since Smax is less than Se for those


Table 9: Maximum Stress Comparison

Material Smax (MPa), Ring Smax (MPa), Radially Se (MPa)

Clamped Clamped
Stainless Steel 879.7 631.5 293
Sandvik 7C27Mo2 957.2 687.1 700
Copper Alloy 497.3 358.9 180
Beryllium Copper 569.3 419.5 276
Titanium Alloy 431.7 314.5 380

Table 10 shows the calculated axial spring rates of the flexures based on the results from

the force probe and the given displacement of 5.47 mm. The radially clamped flexures have greater

spring rates due to the fixed support, which is applied on a small portion of each arm.

Table 10: Axial Spring Rates

Ring Clamped Radially Clamped

Material FR (N) kaxial (N/m) FR (N) kaxial (N/m)
Stainless Steel 60.0 11.0E3 62.5 11.4E3
Sandvik 7C27Mo2 65.3 11.9E3 68.0 12.4E3
Copper Alloy 33.6 6.14E3 35.0 6.40E3
Beryllium Copper 39.1 7.15E3 40.8 7.46E3
Titanium Alloy 29.0 5.30E3 30.1 5.50E3

Table 11 lists the first five modal frequencies of the flexures obtained through modal

analysis. The modal frequencies for the radially clamped flexures are greater than those clamped

at the ring. These results work in favor of the radially clamped flexures because greater natural

frequencies lead to a fewer total number of flexures required to obtain the desired operating


Table 11: Modal Analysis Results

Material Mode Frequency (Hz), Frequency (Hz),

Number Outer Ring Clamped Radially Clamped
Stainless Steel 1 213.1 219.3
Stainless Steel 2 389.5 398.6
Stainless Steel 3 393.6 402.7
Stainless Steel 4 514.0 525.4
Stainless Steel 5 514.3 525.8

Sandvik 7C27Mo2 1 223.0 229.5

Sandvik 7C27Mo2 2 407.6 417.1
Sandvik 7C27Mo2 3 411.9 421.5
Sandvik 7C27Mo2 4 537.9 549.8
Sandvik 7C27Mo2 5 538.2 550.2

Copper Alloy 1 154.3 158.7

Copper Alloy 2 283.2 289.8
Copper Alloy 3 286.3 292.9
Copper Alloy 4 373.6 381.9
Copper Alloy 5 373.9 387.4

Beryllium Copper 1 166.9 171.9

Beryllium Copper 2 303.9 311.1
Beryllium Copper 3 307.2 314.3
Beryllium Copper 4 401.3 410.2
Beryllium Copper 5 401.5 410.5

Titanium Alloy 1 192.3 197.7

Titanium Alloy 2 354.0 362.2
Titanium Alloy 3 357.8 365.9
Titanium Alloy 4 466.8 477.1
Titanium Alloy 5 467.1 477.4

Figure 42 is the stress contour for the baseline flexure geometry of the sensitivity analysis.

The maximum stress and spring rate for this geometry were used for comparison purposes to

describe the significance of changing kerf width or shape factor.

Figure 42: Stress Contour for the Baseline Flexure Geometry (f = 0.04 and Kerf Width =
1.2 mm)

Figure 43 shows the stress contours of the cases where the shape factor was kept constant

at 0.04 and the kerf width varied between 0.6 and 1.8 mm. The resulting maximum stress and

spring rate values for these simulations are listed in Table 12. Both the stress and spring rate

decrease with increasing kerf width.

Table 12: Constant Shape Factor Results

Shape Factor Kerf Width (mm) Maximum Stress (MPa) Spring Rate (kN/m)
0.04 0.6 859 18.3
0.04 1.0 786 15.6
0.04 1.2 747 14.2
0.04 1.4 711 12.9
0.04 1.8 633 10.4

0.6 mm Kerf Width 1.0 mm Kerf Width

1.4 mm Kerf Width 1.8 mm Kerf Width

Figure 43: Flexure Stress Contours for Various Kerf Widths and Shape Factor of 0.04

Figure 44 shows the stress contours for the flexure geometries with a constant kerf width

of 1.2 mm, and the shape factor varied between 0 and 0.08. The stress and spring rates for these

cases are listed in Table 13The results show the stress and spring rate decrease with increasing

shape factor. However, the stress increases when the shape factor goes from 0.06 to 0.08. It should

be noted that the maximum stress in this situation changes location from where the arm meets the

clamped region to a thin portion of the arm, as can be seen in Figure 44. This shows further

increasing the shape factor will negatively affect the stress concentration.

Shape Factor: 0 Shape Factor 0.02

Shape Factor: 0.06 Shape Factor: 0.08

Figure 44: Flexure Stress Contours for Various Shape Factors and Kerf Width of 1.2 mm

Table 13: Constant Kerf Width Results
Shape Factor Kerf Width (mm) Maximum Stress (MPa) Spring Rate (kN/m)
0 1.2 814 14.2
0.02 1.2 778 14.4
0.04 1.2 747 14.2
0.06 1.2 616 13.6
0.08 1.2 655 12.4

Figure 45 and Figure 46 are the plots depicting how the results of the sensitivity analysis

compare to those of the baseline geometry. The plots show the kerf width and shape factor varied

from the baseline value by ±50% and ±100%, respectively. Within the ranges considered, for the

kerf width variation cases, the stress and spring rates changed by as much as 26.3% and 43.5%,

respectively, from the maximum values obtained. On the other hand, for the shape factor variation

cases, the stress and spring rates changed by 19.5% and 12.7%, respectively, from the maximum

values obtained. Therefore, for the dimensions considered, variations in kerf width had a more

significant impact on stress and axial spring rates.

Figure 45: Maximum Stress and Axial Spring Rate for Varying Kerf Width and Constant
Shape Factor

Figure 46: Maximum Stress and Axial Spring Rate for Varying Shape Factor and Constant
Kerf Width
5.3 Experimental Validation

The FEA results were verified by fabricating Sandvik 7C27Mo2 flexures through waterjet

cutting and testing them in a flexure test rig. Each flexure had six arms, a Ro of 32 mm, and a

thickness of 1 mm. The flexures were post-processed with a shot-peening system to improve the

regions where they would be clamped. A flexure mask was developed to ensure only the clamped

regions would be affected by the shot-peening process. Figure 47 shows the flexures before and

after shot-peening. Figure 48 shows the dimensions of the produced flexure.

Figure 47: Flexure Developed through Waterjet Cutting (Left), Flexure Mask (Center),
Flexure after Shot-Peening (Right)

Figure 48: Flexure Bearing Dimensions

Figure 49 shows the test rig utilized to validate that the flexures would be able to achieve

an infinite number of cycles. A stack of ten flexures was subjected to an axial displacement of 5.4

mm at 45 Hz for more than 107 cycles. Based on Figure 37, if the flexure has passed 107 cycles

without failure, it is reasonable to conclude the component will be able to provide an infinite

number of cycles. This is a proven method for testing flexures; Qiu et al. [77] utilized the same

approach to design flexures for a 10 W Stirling converter that operated at 65% over-stroke without

fail for more than 80,000 hours.

Figure 49: Flexure Test Rig

5.4 Conclusions

In this work, the impact of the flexure clamping method on stress, fatigue life, axial spring

rates, and modal frequencies was investigated with FEA, conducted with ANSYS Workbench

18.1. Two options were considered, which were flexures clamped at the outer ring and flexures

clamped radially along a small portion of each arm. Five materials were utilized, which were the

default stainless steel, copper alloy, and titanium alloy from ANSYS Workbench, Sandvik

7C27Mo2, and Beryllium Copper. It was determined that the clamping method had a significant

effect on stress and fatigue life; the radially clamped condition resulted in maximum stress values

26.3%-28.2% less than those obtained with the outer ring clamped. The radially clamped flexures

had greater modal frequencies, which is favored because greater natural frequencies lead to a fewer

total number of flexures required to obtain the desired operating frequency. The radially clamped

Sandvik 7C27Mo2 and titanium alloy flexure designs will provide infinite cycles. This was

validated with laboratory testing of Sandvik 7C27Mo2 flexures. An additional sensitivity analysis

was performed to observe the effect of changing either kerf width or shape factor while keeping

all other variables constant. It was determined, for the dimensions and degree of variations utilized,

that kerf width had a greater impact on maximum stress and axial spring rate. Based on the results,

it is recommended that flexure designs incorporate a clamping mechanism that involves a small

portion of each arm for increased spring rate and lower stress values during engine operation. It is

also recommended to utilize lower kerf widths and shape factors.

Chapter 6: Radiation Shields

6.1 Methodology

As stated by Kobus and Tison [118], the two main types of radiation shield models are lumped

method and numerical analysis. Due to the relative complexity of the geometry involved, a FEA

approach with ANSYS Workbench was utilized to determine the steady-state temperature profile

throughout the displacer assembly. This approach was similar to the work done by Nam et al.

[119], in which 3D FEA models were developed to perform the thermal analysis associated with

a heat shield. The designed displacer has a radius of 34.35 mm with an overall height of 174.66

mm. . The radiation shields had a thickness of 0.1 mm. The material properties of Inconel 718

were utilized for all components of the assembly. Both the specific heat and thermal conductivity

varied with temperature, Table 14, and a constant density of 8220 kg/m3 was used [120]. The

effect of distance between the high-temperature surface and the radiation shields as well as the

spacing of the shields was investigated. Additionally, the effect of emissivity on the radiation

losses was examined.

Table 14: Thermal Properties of Inconel 718

Temperature (°C) Specific Heat (J/kg°C) Thermal Conductivity (W/m°C)

21 430 11.4
538 560 19.6
871 645 24.9

Figure 50 depicts how the boundary conditions were applied to the displacer assembly for

the steady-state thermal analyses. A temperature of 750 °C and 80 °C was applied to the top and

bottom surfaces of the displacer assembly, respectively. All the internal surfaces were subjected

to a surface-to-surface radiation condition. The emissivity values of the high-temperature inner

surfaces of the displacer were set to 0.7, and all the other surfaces were set to 0.3. An additional

set of simulations were performed in which the emissivity of all the internal faces was set to 0.8 in

order to observe the importance of surface finish on the radiation heat transfer. The radiation heat

transfer is modeled using the surface-to-surface method. All bodies are treated as gray-diffuse

surfaces. Therefore, the emissivity and absorptivity are equal, independent of wavelength and

direction. Symmetry regions were applied to the faces on the XY and YZ planes to employ a 1/4

model. According to analytical and experimental studies presented by Wood et al.[120], the

convective heat transfer within the displacer is well suppressed by the implementation of the

shields. Therefore, the possible convection losses due to the motion of gas contained inside the

displacer were not considered in this study. Figure 50 shows the type of mesh that was utilized for

all the simulations conducted in the study. The maximum element size was set to 1.5 mm and

resulted in approximately 102,514 nodes. In addition to the temperature profiles, the heat flux into

the displacer body was examined. The dimensions of the radiation shields to be utilized are shown

in Figure 51.

Figure 50: Boundary Conditions and Displacer Assembly Mesh for the Simulations

Figure 51: Radiation Shield Dimensions

6.2 Results and Discussion

The effects of employing radiation shields on the temperature distribution with a displacer

assembly were investigated using FEA. The effectiveness of the radiation shields can be

determined by examining the temperature profile through a vertical cross-section of the entire

displacer assembly as well as the heat loss through the displacer body. An example temperature

profile is shown in Figure 52 for a configuration that has four radiation shields.

Figure 52: Example Displacer Cross-Sectional Temperature Profile

6.2.1 Effect of Shield Location

Numerous configurations of the radiation shields were considered to gain a greater

understanding of the effect position has on their ability to reduce radiation effects between the hot

displacer cap and cold displacer body. First, the effect of distance between the hot surface and the

radiation shields was investigated. A set of two shields that were 7.5 mm apart were placed 20, 50,

60, and 80 mm from the top of the displacer body, Figure 53. The temperature profile along the

displacer wall for these configurations is given in Figure 54. Two inflection points are seen in the

four curves. The first occurs at roughly 42% of the total displacer height, which corresponds to the

junction between the displacer body and the displacer cap. The temperature profile in the displacer

body is similar for the four heights considered. As the height of the radiation shields is increased,

both maximum temperature and thermal gradient in the displacer body decreases. However, there

appears to exist an optimal displace between the displacer body and radiation shields as further

increasing the distance from 60 mm to 80 mm results in an increase in the maximum temperature

of the displacer body as well as the total heat flux. Table 15 lists the maximum displacer body

temperature as well as total heat flux into the displacer body.

While the temperature distribution in the displacer body is relatively the same for the three

cases considered, it is vastly different in the displacer cap section where the radiation shields are

located. A second inflection point is seen in the temperature profile at the location of the radiation

shields. For the 20 mm case, this occurs at roughly 54.4% of the total height. A rapid increase in

temperature is seen between the top of the displacer and the radiation shield for the 20 mm case.

The rate of temperature increase is significantly lower between the radiation shield and the top of

the displacer cap. The rate at which the temperature between the displacer body and the radiation

shields increases decreases as the shields are moved further away.

20 mm 50 mm 60 mm 80 mm
Figure 53: Two Shields at 20 mm, 50mm, 60 mm, and 80 mm from the Displacer Body

Figure 54: Displacer Wall Temperature Profile Based on the Location of Two Shields

Table 15: Maximum Displacer Body Temperature and Radiation Heat Loss for the Two
Shield Cases at 80 mm, 50 mm, and 20 mm
Location Max Temperature Average Temperature Total Heat Flux
(mm) (°C) (°C) (kW/m )
80 379.0 213.1 52.6
60 362.7 181.6 49.0
50 367.4 204.9 49.8
20 409.4 216.9 57.4

When the number of radiation shields was increased to three, both the temperature and heat

flux decreased for all cases. The schematics of the three radiation shield cases for heights of 20,

50, and 80 mm are shown in Figure 55. Two inflection points were again seen in the temperature

profile curves, the first at the top of the displacer body and the second at the location of the

radiation shields. Again, the results indicate that there is an optimal distance for the location of the

radiation shields. This location is approximately located at the center of the displace cap.

Increasing the number of radiation shields from two to three resulted in a 5% decrease in the

maximum displacer body temperature and a 7% decrease in the total heat flux for the 50 mm case.

20 50 80
Figure 55: Three Shields at 20 mm, 50 mm, and 80 mm from the Displacer Body

Figure 56: Displacer Wall Temperature Profile Based on the Location of Three Shields

Table 16: Maximum Displacer Body Temperature and Radiation Heat Loss for the Three
Shield Cases at 80 mm, 50 mm, and 20 mm
Location Max Temperature Average Temperature Total Heat Flux
(mm) (°C) (°C) (kW/m2)
80 356.6 201.3 47.9
50 350.5 195.2 46.2
20 407.1 211.1 56.2
As the results indicated that increasing the number of shields reduces the radiation to the

displacer body, a series of simulations with two, four, and six shields at a maximum height of 60

and 80 mm from the displacer body were conducted. The schematics are shown in Figure 57 and

Figure 58. For these simulations, the two radiations shields are still 7.5 mm apart and there is a

gap of 15 mm between the radiation shield sets. A variation on the four-shield design with a 30

mm gap was also considered. The temperature profiles are shown in Figure 59 and Figure 60. For

both heights, the six-shield and four-shield variation 2 cases have nearly identical temperature

profiles. For the 80 mm height, employing six radiation shields results in the lowest displacer body

temperature and heat flux. However, in the 60 mm cases, the temperature increases from four

shields to six shields by 2%. The maximum and average temperature along with the heat flux for

both the 60 and 80 mm cases are listed in Table 17 and Table 18.

2 4 Var 1 4 Var 2 6

Figure 57: 80 mm to Top Shield, 15 mm between Sets

2 4 Var 1 4 Var 2 6

Figure 58: 60 mm to Top Shield, 15 mm between Sets

2 4 v1 4v2 6

Temperature (Celsius)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Percent of Displacer Height

Figure 59: Displacer Wall Temperature Profile Based on Number of Shields (60 mm to Top
Radiation Shield)

Figure 60: Displacer Wall Temperature Profile Based on Number of Shields (80 mm to Top
Radiation Shield)

Table 17: Maximum Displacer Body Temperature and Radiation Heat Loss for the 60 mm
to Top Radiation Shield Cases
# of Shields Max Temperature (°C) Average Temperature (°C) Total Heat Flux (kW/m2)
2 363.7 203.6 49.0
4 Var 1 324.2 181.6 40.9
4 Var 2 346.0 185.3 44.2
6 330.1 176.9 41.0

Table 18: Maximum Displacer Body Temperature and Radiation Heat Loss for the 80 mm
to Top Radiation Shield Cases
# of Shields Max Temperature (°C) Average Temperature (°C) Total Heat Flux (kW/m2)
2 379.0 213.1 52.6
4 Var 1 327.4 186.0 41.9
4 Var 2 323.8 181.0 40.7
6 303.8 163.5 36.8

6.2.2 Effect of Number of Shields Employed

It appears that using more shields spread over the length of the displacer cap will lead to

the lowest heat flux in the displacer body. Therefore, simulations were conducted by increasing

the number of radiation shields from one to six with a uniform spacing of 15 mm starting at a

distance of 80 mm from the top of the displacer body, Figure 61. Variations of the three- and four-

shield designs were considered as seen in Figure 62. A base case with no radiation shields was

also examined. The temperature profiles for the zero to six shield uniform spacing cases are shown

in Figure 63 and the temperature for the three- and four-shield variations are given in Figure 64.

For the zero-shield case, the rate of temperature increase is relatively constant over the length of

the displacer cap and the top half of the displacer body (>20% of the total height). Simply using a

single radiation shield reduces the temperature seen in the displacer body by 100 °C leading to a

28% decrease in the total heat flux. As the number of shields increases, the temperature of the

displacer body decreases and reaches a minimum when five radiation shields are used. However,

the decrease in the displacer body temperature is significantly smaller when more than four shields

are used. For the five-shield case, the temperature has been decreased by 208 °C and the total heat

flux has decreased by 55%. Increasing the number of shields from five to six actually increases

the maximum temperature in the displacer body, but the average temperature decreases. The total

heat flux only increases by 0.2kW/m2. In all cases considered the variations to the three- and four-

shield designs yield a higher displacer body temperature than the uniform spacing configurations.

Thus, the radiation shields perform better when they are uniformly spaced versus having large

gaps between shields. Additionally, there is an optimal number of radiation shields after which

point further increasing the number of shields has a smaller impact on the temperature distribution

and can lead to an increase in the displacer body temperature.

1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 61: 1-6 Shields, 15 mm Spacing between Shields

3 3 Var 1 3 Var 2 4 4 Var 1

Figure 62: 15 mm Spacing between Shields Variations

Figure 63: Displacer Wall Temperature Profile Based on Number of Radiation Shields (15
mm between Shields)

3 v1 3 v2 4 v1 3 4
Temperature (Celsius)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Percent of Displacer Height

Figure 64: Displacer Wall Temperature Profile Based on Number of Radiation Shields

Table 19: Maximum Displacer Body Temperature and Radiation Heat Loss for the 15 mm
Spacing between Shields Cases
# of Shields Max Temperature (°C) Average Temperature (°C) Total Heat Flux (kW/m2)
0 518.7 288.4 84.2
1 418.2 233.4 61.0
2 368.4 207.3 50.3
3 336.7 190.6 43.7
4 316.7 179.2 39.5
5 310.8 173.6 38.0
6 314.5 171.0 38.2

Table 20: Maximum Displacer Body Temperature and Radiation Heat Loss for the 15 mm
Spacing between Shields Case Variations
# of Shields Max Temperature (°C) Average Temperature (°C) Total Heat Flux (kW/m2)
3 336.7 190.6 43.7
3 Var 1 362.8 193.3 47.6
3 Var 2 373.5 197.0 49.6
4 316.7 179.2 39.5
4 Var 1 344.1 183.9 43.8

6.2.3 Effect of Emissivity

The final set of simulations conducted where conducted with a uniform internal emissivity

of 0.8 to examine the impact that surface finish has on the radiation heat transfer. For the zero

radiation shield cases, the temperature of the displacer body is 9.3 degrees lower than for the

previous 0.7/0.3 emissivity cases, however, the average temperature is 3.4 degrees lower and the

total heat flux is only 1.3 kW/m2 lower. As with the previous investigation, as the number of shields

increases both the temperature and the total heat flux seen in the displacer body decreases. After

four shields are employed, the decrease in temperature seen by increasing the number of shields

vastly decreases. Increasing the number of shields from four to five reduces the temperature by

14.2 degrees and further increasing the number of shields to six only results in a temperature by

0.6 degrees. The high emissivity case for five shields results in a total heat flux of 45.6 kW/m2,

which is 20% higher than seen in the low emissivity case. Therefore, great care should be paid to

the surface finish in order to minimize the effects of radiation in the displacer.

Figure 65: Displacer Wall Temperature Profile Based on Number of Shields (0.8
Table 21: Maximum Displacer Body Temperature and Radiation Heat Loss for the 0.8
Emissivity Simulations
# of Shields Max Temperature (°C) Average Temperature (°C) Total Heat Flux (kW/m2)
0 509.4 285.0 82.9
1 460.0 256.2 70.7
2 414.6 232.6 60.8
3 382.6 215.6 53.8
4 359.1 203.0 48.7
5 344.9 194.4 45.6
6 344.3 189.9 44.8

6.3 Conclusions

The implementation of radiation shields in the displacer of a Stirling engine is an effective

method for reducing heat transfer losses. The effects of radiation shield spacing and surface

emissivity (related to the surface finish and temperature of the material) on the heat transfer losses

to the cool side of a displacer were examined through FEA analyses. The temperature profiles of

the displacer and total heat flux to the cool side of the displacer for each case were gathered from

the simulations for comparison. The results show that surface finish is a critical aspect of reducing

radiation losses since the higher emissivity cases resulted in greater displacer body temperatures

and radiation losses compared to the lower emissivity cases with the same number of shields. For

a given number of shields, there is an optimal placement along the length of the displacer that

yields the lowest radiation losses. The results also show that uniformly spacing the radiation

shields out along the length of the displacer has the best performance. Furthermore, placing a

greater gap between the shields yield greater radiation losses, as observed between the variation

cases with the same number of shields. The implantation of radiation shields can reduce the

temperature and total heat flux in the displacer body by 40 % and 55 % respectively. While the

use of a single radiation shield will reduce radiation losses to the cold displacer body, care should

be given to the overall number and relative placements of the radiation shields to ensure the best

performance. Based on the results, it is suggested that five radiation shields be utilized for optimal

resistance to radiation losses. Four shields could be utilized in the interest of cost savings and

weight reduction. The shields should be placed centrally in the displacer if possible.

Chapter 7: FEA of Stirling Engine Components

7.1 Displacer

FEA was also performed for a displacer model. The thermal and structural boundary

conditions for the analysis are shown in Figure 66. The cap of the displacer was simulated as

Inconel 625, whereas the body was stainless steel. The resulting temperature and stress contours

are shown in Figure 67. The maximum stress (68.9 MPa) in the assembly occurs near the interface

of the displacer cap and body. Stainless steel 304 has a yield stress of approximately 215 MPa at

room temperature. With the assumption that the yield stress at 80°C is similar to the value at room

temperature, the factor of safety of the displacer body is approximately 3.1. The yield stress of

Inconel 625 at 21°C and 810°C is approximately 490 MPa and 410 MPa, respectively. Even

utilizing the conservative case of using the yield stress value at 810°C, the factor of safety is at

least 5.9 for all locations of the displacer cap. Based on these results, the displacer assembly will

not fail due to temperature and pressure.

Figure 66: Displacer Thermal and Structural Boundary Conditions

Figure 67: Displacer Temperature and Stress Profiles

7.2 Heat Rejecter Assembly

The heat rejecter (or the low temperature heat exchanger) is responsible for transferring

heat to the low temperature reservoir and maintaining stable temperatures within the Stirling

engine. Figure 68 shows the boundary conditions utilized in the FEA analysis of the heat rejecter.

The top surface, where the rejecter is bolted to the heater head, is constrained by a displacement

condition, which allows expansion in the x- and z-directions, but prevents motion in the y-

direction. A pressure of 2.5 MPa was applied to the inner surfaces exposed to the working fluid,

and frictionless supports were applied to apply symmetry. Figure 69 is a stress contour of all the

components of the heat rejecter, and Figure 70 through Figure 72 show the three individual

components with their stress contours. The outer shell is made of stainless steel, and the other

components are made of copper alloy. Based on the maximum von Mises stresses, none of the

components will fail due to the pressure.

Figure 68: Heat Rejecter Boundary Conditions

Figure 69: Heat Rejecter Stress Contour

Figure 70: Heat Rejecter Shell Stress Contour

Figure 71: Heat Rejecter Flow Distributer Stress Contour

Figure 72: Heat Rejecter Inner Surface Stress Contour

7.3 Heater Head with Bolt Pretension

A FEA analysis of the heater head was conducted that included bolt pretention. The

boundary conditions are shown in Figure 73. The model was fixed at a single point on the bottom

surface, and a displacement condition preventing y-direction motion was applied. A frictionless

support represented a symmetry condition. A pressure of 4.015 MPa was applied to the inner

surfaces of the heater head. Bolt pretension values of 4000 N were applied to all locations where

bolts would be applied. Figure 74 shows the resulting stress contour of the lower portion of the

heater head. The maximum stress in the component (located where a bolt pretension condition was

applied) was approximately 731 MPa, which is well below the yield stress of Inconel 625 for those


Figure 73: Heater Head with Bolt Pretention Boundary Conditions

Figure 74: Stress Contour from the Bolt Pretension FEA

Conclusions and Suggested Future Work

Research has been conducted toward developing a 1 kW Stirling engine with several

components made through additive manufacturing. FEA has been performed for the critical

components, including the regenerator with dimensions that push the limits of additive

manufacturing. Four tasks were completed that were meant to introduce innovative design

concepts for Stirling engines. The following conclusions were drawn from the results:

• A head heater head was designed and developed with AM that allowed for a previously

unattainable geometry with a fully integrated pressure vessel and heat exchanger that could

significantly reduce detrimental dead volumes.

• Tapering of the heater head wall was shown to significantly reduce conduction losses;

considered taper options had losses, which were 23.8 to 37.7% less than that of a constant

thickness heater head.

• A regenerator was designed and developed with both foil thickness and gaps between foils

set as 300 µm. A foil regenerator developed through AM has the advantages of having less

friction losses than traditional random mesh regenerators, and the manufacturing process

is less expensive than micro-machining.

• If 100 µm foils could be printed with AM (current technology achieves a minimum

thickness of approximately 200 µm), the Sage results show that a 3.6 percent increase in

cycle efficiency is possible compared to a random fiber regenerator of the same


• FEA showed the clamping method of flexure bearings had a significant effect on stress and

fatigue life; the radially clamped condition resulted in maximum stress values 26.3%-

28.2% less than those obtained with the outer ring clamped.

• A Sandvik 7C27Mo2 that could provide theoretically infinite life was designed and

manufactured through waterjet cutting. The design was validated with laboratory testing.

• FEA showed that for a given number of radiation shields, there is an optimal placement

along the length of the displacer that yields the lowest radiation losses. The results also

show that uniformly spacing the radiation shields out along the length of the displacer has

the best performance. Based on the dimensions and boundary conditions considered, five

radiation shields provide optimal resistance to heat transfer.

• The insertion of radiation shields can reduce the temperature and total heat flux in the

displacer body by 40 % and 55 %, respectively.

Though some key components have been manufactured (such as the heater head,

regenerator, and flexure bearings) and verified by component testing, the fabrication of entire

Stirling engine yet to be completed and tested to validate the engine design.


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