Reflection No 1

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The top three most important values in my life are happiness, peace of mind and

contentment. On the other hand, my top three goals right now are family, health, and career.
Specifically, my goal in terms of my family is for them to stay safe and to give all the best that I
could for them by being a great provider physically, financially, mentally, and emotionally. For
my future family, I am set to get married, though derailed due to pandemic, so that I could start
my own family. Making myself available to my family and to start my own would eventually
lead me to happiness, the sense of joy in continuing with life, having a reason to go through
every day. By providing for my present and future family also gives me peace of mind and
contentment that I was able to be a giver for them, making their lives in this world with ease and
Health wise, my goal is to lower down my cholesterol as I am borderline high on such.
My goal is to continue, as much as possible, to eat healthy and to exercise regularly. The
continuous good health of my family is also my goal since both my parents are
immunocompromised seniors while I am the only one they could depend on for errands outside
our house. If I would be able to cut down my cholesterol level and continue to stay healthy, I
would feel happiness and be satisfied, would have peace of mind as I would no longer worry
about contingencies, and contented as to my health status.
Short term wise, my goal is to get promotion in my current work and eventually, for long
term, to be the head of the legal department or to go back to the judiciary to be a judge or justice
The three values mentioned play interactive roles among them. To define each value
personally, let me first start with happiness and contentment. While happiness is the reaction of
momentarily feeling positive and gratified in a certain item or aspect in life, contentment is a
lasting state of being when what one has is already enough, knowing that things are already okay
as they are and appreciating what one has right now. Achieving all my goals would lead me to
happiness, that reaction of satisfaction and gratitude upon achieving something. However, there
is a deeper value of just achieving happiness in attaining my goals, and that would be
contentment. Would everything be enough upon achieving these goals? Would I appreciate what
I have upon attaining these? While I would answer yes, my current state already gives me
contentment since I am a person that is thankful for everything that is provided for me. I do not
focus on what I do not have and instead focused on what I have. I am instead grateful for what I
have rather than spending too much time with what I do not have. While happiness could be
achieved if I could get more than what I have right now, which is a good and healthy thing, that
is why I am constantly dreaming and reaching for my desires, the sense of contentment is there
with respect to what I presently have right now. While goals are helpful to give one person the
drive to continue living, this should not determine one’s contentment in life. The feeling of
happiness should not be just for a moment and should not be stressed on achieving for more but
rather, contentment should promote happiness. Desiring for what one does not have is one thing
while having enough for what one has right now is another.
On the other hand, accepting what one has right now does not mean one should stay at
that situation and no longer dream for more. Contentment is very much different with
complacency, as we should not limit what is in store for each one of us, and achieving the goals
stated would bring out more happiness in me. Achieving one’s goals should not be because to
satisfy the craving for happiness, but one should already be happy in the first place, especially in
achieving a goal. Focusing a goal should not lead to happiness but should be done because one is
already happy. Happiness should not depend on goals or other externalities and be conditional
only when the result is according to one’s will. Happiness should be a choice and not a result of
satisfaction. Contentment should already be there in achieving one’s goals as one is already
loving the journey. Happiness could go hand in hand with contentment by staying committed
with my goals but being flexible with my approach. It is simply accepting the present but
wishing for a better future. Life, instead of being in pursuit while struggling for things that needs
to be achieved, should instead be an enjoyable journey, even if there are miseries and
disappointments along the way. Thus, if attaining the goals mentioned should be for the reason
of achieving happiness, then I could say that the value of happiness is expensive, time-
consuming, and exhausting.
This is where peace of mind comes in. Peace should not let you worry not just at present
but for future uncertainties just like this pandemic. That is why there is still a need to achieve the
goals so there would be assurance in the future and have peace of mind. At the same time,
acceptance of things that cannot be controlled should also be embraced to have peace of mind.
Contentment also give a sense of reassurance despite uncertainties, thus, giving me peace of
mind. Contentment gives me freedom from stress and toxicity that also promotes peace.
Preparing for the future makes one not worry about the it. That is the peace of mind for me in a
personal sense. Peace of mind is not worrying too much for things that cannot be controlled.
Worrying is useless as it does not solve any problem. There should be a realization that things
that cannot be solved should not be worried about and that is peace of mind.

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