Integral Launch and Reentry Vehicle System: Study of

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MSC 00193

Study of Integral Launch and

Reentry Vehicle System
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Volume I • Summary Report

Space Division
North American Rockwell
SD 69-573-1

MSC 00193




(Contract NAS9-9205)




r G.F. Fras;':
Study Manager

~j~ Space Division

.,.~ North Arne,lcan Rockwell
4J~ Space Division
.,.~ North Amencan Rockwell


This report is submitted to the NASA Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Texas, in
accordance with contract NAS9-9205. The report is submitted by North American Rockwell
Corporation (NR), through its Space Division (SD), and presents results of the Study of Integral
Launch and Reentry Vehicle System.

Acknowledgement is given to NASA MSC for the aerodynamic and aerothennal test data
provided in support of the study. The NASA MSC contracting officer's representative directing the
study was R.H. Bradley.

This document is Volume I of a five-volume report. It present~, a summary of design,

performance, and resource studies of a two-stage reusable logistic shuttle vehicle concept
investigated during the second phase of the program.

The volumes of the complete final report are as follows:



Volume Title SD Report No.

Summary Report SD 69-573-1

II Technology Development Requirements SD 69-573-2

III Technical Report - Second Phase

Environment and Performance SD 69-573-3

IV Technical Report - Second Phase

Design and Subsystems Analysis SD 69-573-4

V Technical Report - Second Phase

Operations and Resources SD 69-573-5

SD 69-573-1
41~ Space Division
.,.~ North Amencan Rockwell


Section Page

Space Division
North American Rockwell


Figure Page

Baseline Vehide 3
Flight Profile 4
3 Thermal Environment 6
4 Orbiter Lateral Range Potential 7
5 Approach and Landing 8
6 Performance Summary 8
7 Configuration Definition 9
8 Orbiter Structure Thermal Protection Definition II
9 Orbiter Main Propdsion System 12
10 Operations Summary 15
11 New Assembly and Launch Facility Options 16
12 Cost Summary (10-Year Program) 17


Table Page

1 Nominal Mission Requirements 2

2 Aerodynamic Cl',:racteristics Summary 5
3 Final Weight Statement Summary, 50,OOO-Pound Payload
(l5-Foot-Diameter by 60-Foot-Length Cargo :;ay) 10
4 Power System Requirements 13
5 Recommended Design Improvement Studies. 20
A-I Description of Final 50,UOO-Pound-Payload Vehicle A-I

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SD 69-573-1
41~ Space Division
••~ North Amem:an Rockwell


Future space exploration will be constrained within a limited budget and will benefit from the
development of an ccC'nomicaJ logistic system. NASA is therefore directing investigations of
reusable logistic vehicks which offer potential for major operational cost reduction compared to
current systems. A number of contracted design studies have been directed by NASA during 1969.
This document is presented to the NASA Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Texas, in accordance
with contract NAS9-920S. The document is submitted by North American Rockwell Corporation
(l'lR), through its Space Division (SO), and contains results of design, performance, and resource
studies performed during the second phase of the program.

The contract was negotiated on 31 January 1969, and activity started on 3 March 1969. The
study schedule reflects an eight-month technical activity plus reporting period. The major objectives
of the study were to define logistic systems which achieve an order-of-magnitude reduction in
recurring costs and to advance inherent safety. The program was divided into two phases: the first
phase was two months in duration and encompassed comparison of logistic vehicle concepts using
expendable boosters. The second phase encompassed investigations of a two-stage reusable vehicle
conceived by NASA/MSC. This vehicle has similar shaped booster and orbiter elements with fixed
low sweep wings and the mall1 propulsion system uses L02/LH2 propellants. In the study, vehicles
were configured to deliver 10,000-, 2S,000- and SO,OOO-pound payloads to a 27O-nautical-mile
altitude, SS-degree-inclination orbit.

A conceptual design definition was prepared for a selected vehicle, and the technology
required to support development of the system was identified.


This design study investigates low cost space transportation systems. The objectives of the
program are as follows:

l. Derive conceptual designs, plus resources analysis, identifying the development,

manufacturing, procurement, testing, ROT &E, and operations requirements for logistics
space vehicle systems to support earth orbital programs in the post-1974 period. The
major design approaches attempt to:

a. Achieve order of magnitude reduction in recurring costs of the total logistic support
operational system

b. Achieve significant advances in the inherent safety of the space vehicle system

2. Establish requirements for research and technology development, and discuss potential
benefits in terms of systems sensitivities, development risk, etc.

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SO 69-573-1
Space Division
North Amencan Rockwell


Four design studies of Integral Launch and Reentry Vehicles (ILRV) were directed by NASA
during 1968 and 1969. This program is one of the four studies performed to develop conceptual
designs of advanced logistic systems. The studies have been made in accordance with similar ground
rules with vehicles configured to satisfy identical mission requirements. Results will enable NASA to
compare various advanced space shuttle vehicle concepts.

NASA is currently performing studies of an earth orbital space station and results of the JLRV
investigations will support definition of the space statin logistic system.

The space shuttle vehicle studies also serve to identify technology development programs
required by NASA in support of future space programs.


It is assumed that the advanced logistic vehicle studied will become operational in the
post-1974 period. The vehicle is designed with major emphasis on the space station logistics mission
which imposes the nominal requirements defined in Table I. It is also assumed that a high chamber j
pressure engine using L02/LH2 propellant will be available, and the same basic engine design will be
used on all stages of the space shuttle vehicle.

Table I. Nominal Mission Requirements

• Orbit 270 -nautical-mile, 55 -degree inclination

• Launch Site Eastern Test Range (ETR)
• Cre\' 2 (booster may be unmanned)
• Payloads
Pa ssenger s 10
Cargo weight 10, ODD-pound
(including pas sen- 25, ODD-pound, 12-ft diameter x 48-ft, 15-ft
gers and cargo-bay diameter x 30-ft and IS-it diameter x 60-it
size) 50, ODD-pound, 15-ft diameter x 60-ft and 22-ft
diameter x 60-ft
Payload for 3 million and 3. 5 million pounds
gross weight
• Life Iduration 7 days active, 30 days in orbit
• Launch rate 24 to 50 per year
• Ranging Requirement for 24-hour recall; investigate
lateral ranging capabilities

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SO 69-573-1
Space Division
North Amencan Rockwell

Thl! whil:k studil!J during til\! sl!cond phase of the program was wnceived by NASA MSC. The
syst~m (Figure I) has two reusabl~ stages with similar aerodynamic shape and fixed, low sweep
wings. The main propulsion systems of both booster and orbiter use
LO~/LH2 propellants with high chamber pressure bell or aerospike engines.
Tht vehicle is configured for vertical takeoff with the orbiter mounted
forward on the booster. This orbiter location is to provide a forward center
of gravity during the ascent phase of the mission and thus achieve an
aerodynamically stable configuration. This results in minimizing thrust
vector control, angle of attack, and aerodynamic loads. A major requirement
of the logistic vehicle is to minimize operational costs It therefore becomes
necessary to provide a reusable thennal protection system which makes it
desirable to limit temperatures experien~ed on the vehicle during reentry.
The apiJroach adopted is to design vehicles with large plan form area and flat
base and to enter at a high angle of attack to minimize the heating rate.

With the specified vehicle, the booster element must cruise back to a
land landing site after separation of the orbiter. For this purpose, turbojets
are used for the mission cruise phase. Turbojets are also used on the orbiter
for landing. A high subsonic lift-ta-drag ratio (LID) is provided with booster
and orbiter for efficient cruise capability and low landing speeds.
Figure I. Baseline
Vehicle The second phase of the study encompassed:

1. Parametric vehicle sizing analysis

Design and resource studies of a selected vehicle

To facilitate definition of vehicle sizes for the previously described payloads, weight scaling
data were generated from previous aircraft and space vehicle :-tatistics. These were used in
conjunction with baseline vehicle characteristics to obtain preliminary configuration definitions of
vehicles with payload delivery capabilities up to 50,000 pounds.

NASA selected one vehicle for detail design and resource studies. The vehicle's aerodynamic
and control characteristics were established and used in conjunction with trajectory analyses to
define vehicle environments. Environmental data were used in a structural analysis to obtain
accurate weight estimates. Trade studies were also performed to select subsystem concepts, and a
conceptual design definition was generated for use in resource investigations. Preliminary resource
plans were prepared for development, manufacture, and operation of the space shuttle vehicle and
program costs were estimated.


This section summarizes results of environment, perfonnance, design, and resource studies
performed during the se..:ond phase of the study.
FLIGHT PROFILE AND VEHICLE SIZING-Flight analyses established the optimum propellant
distribution between orbiter and booster vehicles to minimize the system gross weight. Based upon 1i

SD 69-573-1
.41~ Space Division
~ North Amencan Rockwell

th~ us~ of two main l'ngines on the orbiter and the same basic engine design on the two vehicle
stages. I I ~ngines were sl!\ectrd for the booster to provide an optimum vehicle design.

The flight profile for the sl~\cded vehicle is illustrated in Figure 2. The two-stage vehicle is
launched vertically, and staging occurs at an altitude of 230,000 feet with a velocity of 10,800 feet
per second. Separatiol. is achieved by rockets installed on the orbiter to displace the vehicle laterally
while the attitude of both stages is held constant by the reaction control system. After staging, the
booster element rolls with an angle of attack of 52.5 degrees to minimize travel down range and,
thus. minimize propellant required to cruise back to the landing site. The orbiter vehicle, after
staging, is injected into a 50- by 100-nm elliptical orbit, and coasts to a I OO-nm altitude where the
orbit is circularized. A Hohmann transfer mode is then used to transfer the orbiter vehicle to a
270-nm. 55-degree-inclination rendezvous orbit. The orbiter vehicle may remain with the space
station from 5 to 30 days. After separation from the space station, a phasing operation is perfonned
tc provide a reentry orbit compatible with location of the landing site. It is noted that the minimum
orbital maneuv~dng velocity required to accomplish the mission is less than the specified design
requirement. The orbiter vehicle reenters at a 6O-degree angle of attack and maintains this attitude
until the vehicle achieves subsonic velocities. After reentry, the orbiter vehicle is pitched over to a
glide attitude of approximately 5 degrees to return to the landing site.
-jORBIT t--
.-----..... DE - ORBI T

V. 10,800 FT,I SEC

'5 x 100 N MI
INJECT 50 x 100 N "II olm
CIICUI.,AIIZE AT 100 N "II 90 90
TlIoN5F TO 260 N "II ' .. ASING Olt" ~S8 j58
102 II,
DE -OI'1T flOM 270 N "'I 02~ S()(,

TOTAL 1215 :990
180" TURN
Figure 2. Flight ProfIle

AERODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS-A key factor associated with selecting an advanced

logistics system is the aerodynamic characteristics of the configuration. The tandem launch
configuration is statically stabl~ during boost. The entry flight mode selected for the shuttle vehicle
studied is to reenter at high angle of attack to maximize the lift coefficient and then the vehicle
makes a transition to low angle of atta.:k for cruise and landing.

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SD 69-573-1
~I"" Space Division
~~ North Amencan Rockwell

Based upon wilH! tunnel tests and aerodynamic analysis. the characteristics of the shuttle
vehide have bel'n established. Table 2 aerodynamic characteristks of the orbiter and
booster at hypersonic speeds and for the transition and glide phases of the mission.

Table 2. ACI'0dynamic Characteristics Summary

Booster Orbiter
Trim a (entry) 52.5 degrees 60 degrees
Lift coe£fici '~nt (CL) 1. 87 2.10
Elevator deflection -7 degrees -24 degrees
Lift-to-drag ratio (LI D) 0.S3
Trim a (entry) 52.5 degrees 60 degree s
CL 2.2 2.20
Elevator defle ction o degrees -28 degrees
LID O. 3 0.3
Trim a (cruise) 4 degrees 2 degrees
CL O. 5 0.5
Elevator deflection -5 degrees -2 degrees
LID 8.4 7.3

The horizontal tail of the vehicle is sized to obtain a 7-percent static stability margin and to
provide the aerodynamic moment to pitch the vehicle over from high to low angle of attack at
subsonic speeds. For this transition maneuver, the horizontal is deflected down, and during the
cruise phase of the mission, the orbiter and booster achieve maximum subsonic LID ratios of 7.3
and 8.4. respectively. At hypersonic speeds, the maximum lift coefficient CL occurs at a 5(}' to
55-degree angle of attack. To trim the vehicle at high angle of at.;.ck at hypersonic speeds, the
horizontal must be deflected up to decrease the effective area. The hypersonic L/C ratio is 0.53. It
is possible that at subsonic and trdnsonic speeds, unsteady aerodynamic forces may be applied to
the vehicle in the yaw direction and slight reshaping of the vehicl~ may be desirable to assure either
continuous flow separation around the body or assure flow attachment. The study has shown that
the vehicle will trim at high and low angle of atta:k and will be statically stable about pitch and ro!!
axes and dynamically stable about the yaw axis.

CONTROL-Vehicle control is achip-ved through main-engine thrust-ve..:tor contrd (rVC) during

the ascent phase of the nlission, through use of the reaction control system (RCS) for orbital
maneuvers and reentry, and by aerodynamic surfaces during subsonic flight.

To establish the vehicle loading environment, it is necessaty to establish the vehicle control
chaidcteristics. In the study, the vehicle was analyzed for the ascent phase of the mission with wind
and gust profile based upon a 99-percent probability ot nonoccurrence. With a programmed
flight-path-angle control mode, and a 7-degree main-engine gimbal limit, the vehicle is subjectC"d to
maximum q 0 of 2970 psf degrees.

A six-degree-of-freedom control simulation was perfonned for vehicle reentry ane: showed that
a control system authority of 0.5 deg/sec 2 acceleration is adequate. A simulation of the transition

SD 69-573-1
, }... Space Division
~. . North American Rockwell

to I.:ruise mancuver wnlinncd that pih:hovcr was smooth and wdl dampcd using an elevator
I.:ommand incorporating gain sdleduling,

ABORT An analysis of the iPl!>ad of potential system failures which was performed indicates that
failure of a single engine on cither the booster Qr the orbiter will not prevent completion of the
primary mission. A system failure requiring premature staging wiII necessitate action to limit reentry
loads on the orbiter and propellant dumping. For mission tennination at low altitude. the orbiter
with two engines operating will abort to low altitude. With one or two engines operating on the
orbiter. the engines may be used to shape the trajectory and prevent excessive reentry loads. Failure
of both orbiter engines. however, will cause excessive I't'('ntry loads unless propellant dumping is
provided, and possible water landing will result.

THERMAL ENVI RONMENT --To define thermal-protection-system requirements, it is necessary to

identify a thermal environment. During ascent, the vehicle is subjected to areas of interference
heating on the upper surface of the body. The temperature of . ; 00 degrees experienced on the upper
surface of the orbiter is the critical design temperature cOl'dition and is in excess of that
experienced during cntry,

The most severe thermal .:nvironment condition for the under surface of the vehicle occurs
during reentry. Figure 3 illustrates the radiation-equilibrium t~mpeTature for the orbiter and
booster. For reen try, the temperature is illustrated for two lor;ations on the body and also for a
number of iocations on the wing. The temperature is defined as a function of body statkn or
percentage dl:.tance across the wing chord. The temperatures are based on vehicle reentry with a lift
ioading (W leLS) of 50 psf. As shown in the figure, the orbiter vehicle experiences temreratures

ORBITER 0 • 60'

/ ,,0° ,'liNG

'~f ~@,
~ :: o0 o1 0.4
0 .•
(X l)
0.8 1.0

30500 CLEAN

27SOO /22()()0

NOSE ENTlY 12'~ 1160
LOWU SUIFACE 20'% ENTIY 1310 1~20

.. (] LOWEI SUIFACE .,...

U''fl SUI' ACE ASCENT 500 500
BOOSTE~ 0 • 51.~'
L.E. (tlO INTUFUfNC!) ENTlY 2200 3UOO
~ ;~~~Y ,

lOWEI SURFACE 20'% '..,TIY 1400 1700
:-- 1600 / . CHIN!;:.oo
U"'ll SURFACE ~ \. !Nt 650 700

"'====---.oC<::::::/:::t,:==, L.E,
lOWEI SUlf",!
STATteN - i" II
600-650 I 2320

Figure 3. ThennaI Environment

SO 69-573-1
Space Division
North American Rockwell

below 1500 F on 90 percent of the body. This thermal environment is based upon reentry at a
60-degree angle of attack. It should be noted, however, that the equilibrium temperatures on wing
leading edges during reentry are significantly greater than telr:peratures experienced generally on the
bodyo Radiation-equilibrium temperatures on the wing leading edges are 2800 F to 3200 F without
interference effects. Flow interference effects at 20-percent wing span could significantly increase
leading-edge temperatures. Skin temperatures, however, will be less than radiation temperatures
because of conductance.

As illustrated in the figure, temperatures experienced by the booster during reentry are
significantly lower than those experienced by the orbiter and are less than 1400 F on 90 percent of
the vehicle.

LATERAL RANGING EFFECfS AND POTENTIAL-In view of the desire to establish vehicle
potential for increased lateral range, investigations were performed to establish the impact of
reentering at lower angles of attack. Figure 4 illustrates orbiter body and wing temperatures and
heat load experienced during entry at various angles of
attack. As illustrated, the vehicle can achieve approximately
TEMPERATURE ("FI 1240-nm lateral ranging capability at a 2O-degree angle of
4000 HEAT
attack without exceeding the temperature limitations of the
il~~:ti' n 2 1 proposed densifiej quartz material, except for wing leading


I edges. The increased heat load, however, with the greater

3000 HEA T LOAD", I lateral ranging, will require an increase of approximately
BG 22,000 pounds in thermal protection o;ystem weight.

The lateral range capability of the vehicle can also be
. ". int;reased to 1500 nm through cruising with the turbojet
engines, off-loading payload, and adding turbojet fuel.

APPROACH AND LANDING-To limit logistic vehicle

',x~ L-....x--.~:;1----'BD-G--12~OO--1~6;;
weight, it becomes extremely important to optimize booster

cruise and orbiter landing system weights. Figure 5 illustrates

the mission flight mode and results of cruise and landing
studies. The booster vehicle is required to cruise
Figure 4. Orbiter Lateral approximately 300 miles back to base after staging. A
Range Potential number of turbojet systems were considered for this
cruise-back operation. As illustrated, the use of four JT9D-15
turbojets will result in the lowest combined system and propellant weight. With this system, the
optimum booster cruise condition is at an altitude 20,000 feet and Mach number of 0.38. This
requires a ::ruise propellant of approximately 10 percent of the vehicle landing weight, and the total
system weight, including propellant, is 91,600 pounds. The landing speed for the booster is 113
knots on a standard dayo A significant reduction in cruise propellant weight may be achieved
through the use of hydrogen as fuel for the turbojets. The orbiter vehicle, in accordance with study
requirements, is configured to provide a g.}-o<!round capability. With the selected system using four
JT3D-7 turbojets, the combined go-around system and propellant weight is 20,240 pounds.
Elimination of go-around and climb-out requirements will allow removal of two turbojets. This
would reduce system weight by 10,120 pounds. The landing speed for the oruiter is 128 knots. It is
noted that significant weight reduction would be achieved in the orbiter g<raround system weight
by the use of high thrust-to-weight turbojet systems currently being developed.

SD 69-573-1
41~ Space Division
.,.~ North Amencan Rockwell

PERFORMANCE-In the study, vehicle gross weights were established for various payloads.
Figure 6 illustrates vehicle gross weights for various payload delivery capabilities to 270 nm,
55-degree inclination orbit. The weights illustrated include a I O-percent contingency for subsystem
weights. To provide a 50,000-pound payload delivery capability with orbiter designed for a
IS-foot-diameter by 60-foot-Iength cargo bay, the vehicle gross weight with sequential firing of
booster and orbiter is 4,490,849 pounds. For a vehicle configured to provide a 12-foot-diameter by
48-foot-Iength or IS-foot-diameter by 60-foot-Iength cargo bay and deliver a 2S,000-pound payload,
the gross weight is 3,310,000 pounds.

If a IO-percent increase in orbiter dry weight is incurred in excess of the 10-percent weight
contingency, the vehicle gross weight will increase by more than 0.5 million pounds to maintain a
SO,OOO-pound-payload delivery capability. The use of a simultaneous booster and orbiter firing at
liftoff would result in significant payload degradation. As previously discussed, feasibility of the
system is contingent upon limitation of system weights. The baseline vehicle is configured to
provide a SO,OOO-pound-payload delivery capability allowing 2000 feet per second for on-orbit
maneuvers. Without contingencies, the maneuvering l::N allowance could be reduced to 1215 feet
per second and facilitate a reduction of approximately 200,000 pounds in vehicle gross weight. A
number of options exist to improve vehicle performance. Vehicle gross weights for the specified
payload delivery requirement may be reduced by approximately 0.75 million pounds.

• POTfr~TI"l WT ~tDUCllON



.. l>.V • 1300 FTIS£C

------~OLO~~I~===2~OO==~300 PAYLOAD

1000 LB _~_-6.X JT9O-15 -15fT 0 )(60FTCA~GC
FUEL _ 6JT90 4X JT9O-15 - - - 12 FT 0)( 0&8 FT OR 15 f T 0 )( lO FT (.A.~GC

-6 x JT90 WITH H.
4X JT3O-7 60 10


2X JT3O-7 20 4 5
- I MI N O.........--'IL.W.L-.JC---.J GROSS WE IGHJ 1M LSI
200 240 280 320 360 400

Figure 5. Approach and Landing Figure 6. Performance Summary

SD 69-573-1
~I"" Space Division
. . North American Rockwell

Payload delivery capabilities of the vehicle for various inclined orbits were established and are:

28.S-degree inclination 60,000 pounds

SS-degree inclination SO,OOO pounds
90-degree inclination 32,700 pounds

CONFIGURATION DEFINITION-The vehicle SIZing and environmental analyses were used to

develop definition of the two-stage vehicle illustrated in Figure 7, which is designed to deliver a
50,000-pound payload. As previously indicated, the logistics system uses two reusable stages of
similar aerodynamic shape and fixed, low sweep wings. A weight summary for this vehicle is
presented in Table 3

The booster uses eleven Sl O,OOO-pound sea-level-thrust bell engines with an expansion ratio of
3S: I. The L02 and LH2 tanks have a common bulkhead and provide the capability to carry
prelaunch, launch, and reentry aerodynamic loads. The booster is 280 feet long, has a wing span of
244 feet, and a lift off weight of 3.62 million pounds.

The orbiter vehicle uses two engines with the same basic design as used on the booster. These
engines provide 590,000-pound vacuum thrust capability and have a two-position nozzle with
maximum expansion ratio of 120: I. The orbiter element is configured with the IS-foot-diameter by
60-foot-Iength cargo bay located at the vehicle c.g., to provide a vehicle which can be trimmed on
reentry and during cruise with or without payload. This cargo bay location requires separation of
propellant tanks. Small cargo modules can be transferred through a pressurized hatch in the main
cargo doors. These doors can also be opened for removal of large cargo container. L02 and LH2

I ,~,--:.~- -~--;\~1 __ ~,~7~-

I I ,,/
______ 1.. ,- -

4 X JT30·1
4 X JT90·15
19 K EA
:. ~ - ~; ~
I • ~;
45 K EA


SPAN= 244 FT
GROIS WT 11_ LBI 3620 811
603 sw =2830 SQ FT
PLAN AREA FT2 19770 8200
SPAN =146 FT

t------------ 202 F T - - - - - - - - - l
E -120

,- 11 X 510K LB

LH2 ,I
' E - 35

Figure 7. Configuration Definition

SD 69-S73-1
41~ Space Division
.,.~ North American Rockwell

Table 3. Final Weight Statement Summary, SO,OOO-Pound Payload

(IS-Foot-Diameter by 60-Foot-Length Cargo Bay)

Weight (pounds)
IteIn Booster Orbiter

Aerosurfaces 95,400 26, 177

Body structure 229,642 61,658
Induced environInental control 25,572 29,438
SysteIns 157,078 80, 334
Cargo 50,000
Residual and service iteIns 24,310 ° 7,200
Landing weight 532,002 254,807
Expended fluids 55, 550 3,836
Reentry weight 587, 552 258,643
Expended fluids 15, 111 48,297
Boost burnout weight 602,663 306,940
Separation rockets and fluic..s 209 4,037
Ascent propellant 3,017,000 560,000
Liftoff weight 3,619,872 870,977
Total vehicle 4,490,849

tanks are located forward with a common bulkhead separating the propellants. A second hydrogen
tank is located aft of the cargo bay. The tanks are suspended and are not subjected to vehicle
aerodynamic loads. Propellants required for on-orbit maneuvers are stored in separate tanks with
superinsulation to provide the on-orbit stay-time capability. The orbiter is 202 feet in length, ho.:: a
wing span of 146 feet, and weighs 871,000 pounds at lift-off.

STRUCTURE AND THERMAL PROTECTION-The most significant weight element in the logistic
vehicle is the structure and thermal protection system. Trade studies were therefore performed to
establish the lowest-weight structure and thermal protection design for concepts using integral
load-carrying tanks and for systems with suspended tanks and externalload-carrying structure.

Figure 8 illustrates the orbiter structure anJ thermal protection design which is considered the
lowest weight system. Propellant tanks, which are aluminum, are suspended and therefore not
subjected to vehicle aerodynamic loads. A polyurethane bsulation is used on the inside of the LH2
tank. Separate tanks with superinsulation are used to contain propellant for orbital maneuvers. The
primary load-carrying structure is a skin-stiffened titanium shell. To withstand the entry thermal
environment, the titanium structure is protected on the bottom and sides of the fuselage by a
densitied quartz, external insulation. Bare titanium is satisfactory on the top of the orbiter becahse
of the mild thermal environment. A fiberglass insulation is used inside the titanium structure to
limit the temperature of the tankage and insulation. The orbiter uses fixed, low sweep wings
fabricated from titanium.

The booster propellant tanks provide the primary load-carrying structure. The tankage is
fabricated from 2219Al with external stiffened structure. The L02 tank is located forward of the

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SD 69-573-1
'r ~
Space Division
North Amencan Rockwell



cCY~'" I~ --. .

;2219 T-87 ALUM /
t • 0 .048 ~O 0.,09,6/
.. /~~
TG 15000

Ti _ _rr


LI-15 -iJijj~~ .~
1275 - 1860°F BEADED WEBS 20 IN. RIB

IN. TO 12 IN.

..' \ \
\ \ LI-15


tcO.054 TO 0 .114 ~ SHELL STRUCTURE


Figure 8. Orbiter Structure Tht:rmal Protection Definition

LH2 tank with a common bulkhead separating the propellants. LH2 tank thermal control
requirements are satisfied by polyurethane foam installed internally in the I.H2 tank. An aluminum
truss and reinforced phenolic and polyimide honeycomb-sandwich substructure is provided to
maintain the desired flat base. This structure is also used to bond densified quartz external
insulation to the booster bottom and side. The mild thermal environment on the top of the booster
is within the capability of honeycomb-sandwich material. The booster uses fixed. low sweep wings
fabricated from titanium.

PROPULSION-Figure 9 schematically illustrates the orbiter main propulsion system. The system
uses two high-pressure bell engines with a vacuum thrust of 590,000 pounds. The engine has a
two-position nozzle with expansion ratios of 58 and 120: 1, and provides 7-degree pitch and yaw
gimbal capability. Engines are throttled to lO-percent maximum thrust for orbiter maneuvers. The
L02 tank is located forward to provide vehicle stability and is pre-pressurized at launch from 30 to
32 psi. Helium is used as the pressurant before launch. Pressurant during ascent is obtained from the
engine, and tank pressure is regulated to provide 20 and 30 psia at end of boost in the L02 and LH2
tanks. Pressure is required in the tank to prevent collapse on reentry.

Investigations of the orbiter go-around system were performed to identify the desirable
turbofan engines. The system selected to provide a go-around capability uses four JT3D-7 engines.
These engines, which use JP fuel, have a rated sea level static thrust of 19,000 pounds and have a
thrust-to-weight ratio of 4.5: 1. It will be necessary to qualify these engines for a space environment.
A significant reduction in go-around system weight could be achieved through the use of hign
thrust-to-weight engines. Technology for these engines, curreI.dy under development, could resvit
in an increase of approximately 10,000 pounds in vehicle payload delivery capability.

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SD 69-573-1
4J~ Space Division
~ North Amencan Rock ,,'Veil



L __________ ....J

GH2 REG 14 IN. L02

30-32 PSIA L02 FEED LINE 30-32 PSIA



20-22 PSIA


E = 58/120

30-32 30-32

Figure 9. Orbiter Main Propulsion System

A significant system development for future logistic vehicles is the reaction control system. A
gaseous oxygen and hydrogen system was selected to provide a clean system, subject to minimal
maintenance requirements. The installation is based upon the use of four thruster modules, and full
vehicle control capability is possible with a single thruster failure. A number of design options exist.
The system illustrated is based upon use of propellant stored in the on-orbit maneuvering tanks. The
propellant is pumped in liquid state through heat exchangers and transferred as a gas to
accumulators for use in the RCS thrusters. Twenty-eight thrusters with 300-psi chamber pressure,
each exerting 80o-pound force, are used. It is possible that residual propellant gases contained in the
main propellant tanks could be used for the ReS. This approach would require relatively high
horsepower compressors to transfer the gases to ReS accumulators. A performance and weight
trade has not yet been performed to establish the most desirable ReS design approach. In the
subject study, RCS propellant is obtained from the maneuvering tanks.

The booster main propulsion is provided by II high-pressure bell-nozzle engines, each

delivering 51 O,OOo-pound sea level thrust. The engine has a fixed nozzle with 35: 1 expansion ratio
and provides 7-degree pitch and yaw gimbal capability. The same basic engine is used in the orbiter
and booster with altitude and sea level nozzles attached at an expansion ratio of approximately 5: 1.
Studies indicate that the desirable cruise system for the booster will use lT9D-15 turbojets. These
engines have a rated sea level static thrust of 45,000 pounds. The lP propellant weight required to
provide capability for cruising 310 miles back to a landing site and go-around is 57,800 pounds. Use
of hydrogen fuel for these engines in place of lP would facilitate a significant reduction in
propellant requirements. The booster ReS uses gaseous oxygen and hydrogen and has 24 thrusters,
each delivering 180o-pound thrust.

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GUIDANCE AND NAVIGATION--In establishing the guidance and navigation sY5tem for future
logistic vehicles, functional and equipment requirements were established. The future G&N system
will require the use of a computer integrated with a total electronics system to provide checkout
capability and also dual redundancy. Two other major new system requirements are development of
an automatic docking and an automatic landing system. It is projected that the docking system will
use a three-beam radar system with reflectors installed upon the space station. Approach and
landing is likely to use ground-based radar and a computer, and the ground base would transmit
signals to the logistic vehicle autopilot. It is considered that repackaging and qualification of the
guidance and navigation equipment would be necessary for operation in a space environment.

INTEGRATED ELECTRONICS-To provide a minimum weight and flexible electronic system,

integration of the various subsystems is desirable. Integration of the various electronics subsystems
using common equipment will provide increased flexibility. A key element in the integrated
electronics system is a real-time computer using three processors to provide capability for safe
mission termination with two system failures. With the logistic vehicle, a large amount of data must
be displayed to the crew. Therefore, it becomes desirable to use an electrooptical system for display
of mission infonnation. This display system presents mission data as required. A manual override
may bt: used to request display of data not preprogrammed. The system will also automatically
display information associated with system or subsystem perfonnance which is outside tolerance. A
multiplexing system will be used in place of hard wiring to transmit signals and thus minimize
weight and complexity. Built-in test equipment will be used to the subsystem and component level
to provide an on board checkout capability. Automatic checkout procedures of non-electronic
equipment will require development of techniques such as sonic analysis, ultrasonic testing, fiber
optics, etc.

POWER-Electrical and hydraulic power equipment requirements for the booster and orbiter are
summarized in Table 4. The dc power supply is obtained from fuel cells and two 80-ampere power
batteries. These batteries are recharged from ac and dc supply systems. The ac power is obtained
from an alternator which is powered by four auxiliary power units using cryogenic propellants.
These auxiliary power units are also utilized to drive the hydraulic pumps which deliver pressure to
the aerodynamic surface actuators and landing gear.

Table 4. Power System Requirements

Booster Orbiter

Electrical Electrical
4 x 2S0-hp APU, 02/ H 2 3 x S-kw fuel cells, 02/ H 2
2 x 80-ah batteries 4 x lS0-hp APU 02/H2
4 x 12-kva alternators 2 x 80 -ah batteries
4 x 12-kva alternators
Hydraulic Hydraulic
4 independent systems, 4000 psi 4 independent systems, 4000 psi
2 x 40 gpm pumps and 40 gpm pump, reservoir
as sociated equipment N2 pressurization, filters,
relief valve, actuators

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ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL AND LIFE SUPPORT -The environmental l:ontrol and life
support system (EC LSS) provides thernwl and wntaminant l:ontrol of the l:rew and passenger
~ompartment and life support systems. Thermal wntrol is also provided for the vehicle equipment.
Thermal wntrol is supplied by dual-loop water-glywl system and water evaporators for backup and
peak loads.

MANUFACTURE -An analysis of the baseline shuttle vehicle and development of a manufacturing
breakdown indicates that manufacture of development hardware will extend over approximately a
4-1/2-year period. The total manufacturing program encompassing fabrication of six flight vehicles
at a rate of two per year will extend over approximately 7-1/2 years. Significant manufacturing
progress will be necessary for installation of the vehicle thermal protection system and vehicle
handling. Existing facilities can be adapted with minor modifications for production of the orbiter
vehicle, but new facilities or existing facilities with major modifications will be required for the
booster. However, the consideration of facility collocation effects of cost reduction led to the
selection of a new final assembly facility located at Palmdale, California.

DEVELOPMENT ~Qualification of the shu ttle vehicle will be based upon an aircraft-development
approach where possible, using nondestructive testin,g techniques and increasing severity of test
conditions. It is planned that taxi, cruise, glide (low angle of attack), and landing tests will be
performed using turbojets. Main-rocket propulsion is not recommended for horizontal flight tests.
Separate tests with vertical takeoff of the orbiter and booster are possible. Integrated-system
dynamic and fligll t tests will be necessary.

OPERATIONS~ The study requires a vehkle l:apable of rendezvous with the space station within
24 hours of lift-off. The orbiter vehicle must provide capability for five days active life of systems
and may remain with the space station for 30 days, using the power source from the sp .. ce station
or from the payload. The orbiter vehicle must also provide the capability for return to a selected
landing site within 24 hours of recall. The system goal will be to provide the capability for
maintenance, checkout, and turnaround within a two-week period. To achieve this, use of onboard
checkout and nondestructive testing techniques such as fiber optics, sonic analysis, etc., will be
necessary. Figure 10 illustrates a normal operation cycle for booster and orbiter elements of the
shuttle system. For the orbiter vehicle, the flight cycle ranges from 15 to 49 days, and for the
booster, 8 to 15 days will be required.

In considering the period required for turnaround, an ana!Y'iis was performed to establish the
time necessary for maintenance, vehicle assembly, cargo loading, and checkout. Figure 10
summarizes the vehicle cycle for the ILRV, based on the goal of vehicle turnaround within two
weeks. Ba,:.!d upon the philosophy that a large percentage of checkout operations will be automatic
and performed during the normal mission, and that airline maintenance type operations will be
performed, the minimum estimated period required for turnaround is 66 hours. Nonscheduled
maintenance would, however, require an incJ\;ase in this turnaround period. It is considered that in
the early phases of the space shuttle program, the turnaround period of two weeks would be
exceeded. and additional information and experience are still required to confirm the feasibility of a
two-week turnaround cycle.

Operations analysis indicates that approximately 200 direct personnel will be required for
maintenance and launch operations to sustain a rate of 50 launches per year.

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North American Rockwell

,.. -ION-ORBIT 1- ~
VERT 'I~----------~, HORI IZ
~ Ir-JI I \ I
: 5 - 30 DAYS
:S 1 DAY
o 20 40 60 80
V9f leLE CYCLE 15-49 DAYS 8-15 DAYS

Figure 10. Operations Summary

The maintenance operations and associated turnaround times were used in analyses to establish
the number of logistic vehicles required. For a l4-day turnaround cycle and 50 launches per year,
three orbiters would be required if the vehicles were capable of more than 170 reuses per vehicle. In
the subject program, however, a life constraint of 100 flights per vehicle is used. This identifies a
requirement for a minimum of five orbiter vehicles in a I ~year program for 50 flights per year. One
space vehicle was added to the quantity required to satisfy the life constraint.

ASSEMBLY AND LAUNCH-A number of approaches for assembly and launch of the twcrstage
logistic vehicle were considered. The various assembly and launch options are illustrated in Figure
11, and analyses, indicate that off-pad horizontal assembly is desirable. Horizontal assembly of the
vehicle would not be possible within the existing Vertical Assembly Building (VAB) at Complex 39.
A major extension to the VAB or provision of a new assembly building will therefore be necessary.
The booster and orbiter elements would be cl:ecked out in a horizontal position and the orbiter
hoisted above the booster for mating. The integrated system would then be transported to the
launch site in the horizontal position and erected on the launch platform.

The study required launch and landing of the ILRV at the Eastern Test Range. Investigations
were performed to establish the landing strip that should be used. The conclusion resulting from the
studies is that either the existing skid strip at KSC or a new landing strip should be used. A new
~(rip would result in greater initial expenditure but would provide a more efficient facility. This
landing !ohip would be built adjacent 1.0 Complex 3).

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.,.~ North Amertean Rockwell


VER'TlCAL f'--~

Figure II. New Assembly and Launch F. dlity Options

SCHEDULE AND COST ANALYSIS-Based upon a schedule analysis which assumes a su~~cssrul
program and technology available to support the space shuttle, it is considered that program initial
operational capability could be achieved 7-1/2 years after initiation of Phase B.

Preliminary cost estimates have been developed, also based upon a successful program and
availability of technology. These cost estimates are illustrated in Figure 12 for vark1us launch rates
and show a nonrecurring cost of approximately $7 billion and program cost of $ 10 billion for
50 launches per year.

CONCLUSIONS-Based upon the investigations, the following may be concluded:

• The subject vehicle will trim at high and low angles of attack; therefore, the concept of
entering at a high angle of attack to minimize temperature and subsequently pitching down
to a low angle of attack for glide is a feasible operating mode.

• Reentry of the vehicle at a high angle of aU2ck in a stalled condition will minimize the lift
loading and reduce temperatures experienced upon reentry. It is projected that temperatures
on the orbiter vehicle will generally be less than 1500 F. Temperatures on leading-edge and
flow-interference areas, however, will be significantly greater than 1500 F. The capability
exists for the orbiter to return to the selected landing site within 24 hours of recall without
reducing payload. At a low angle of attack, the vehicle lateral range capability may be
increased to 1500 nm. bu t this would require an increase of approximately 22,000 pounds
in insulation weight. A portion of the ranging must also be obtained through vehicle cruise.

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30 40 50

Figure 12. Cost Summary (I ~ Year Program)

• The projected landing speed of both orbiter and booster elements will be less than
130 knots which is compnable to existing transport aircraft.

• The studies show that sequential firing of booster and orbiter maximizes performance, and
with the two-stage system configured to deliver SO,OOO pounds of paylo?d, the gross weight
is approximately 4-1/2 million pounds.

• Analyses of the structure and thermal protection system indicate that suspended tanks and
external load-carrying structure are desirable in the orbiter to minimize weight and increase
design flexibility. The use of densified quartz as the external thermal protection also
minimizes system weight and provides a safe system. The safety aspect associated with the
use of densified quartz is attributable to the capability of the thermal protection to ablate
under more severe reentry thermal environments than projected, thus preventing catas-
trophic vehicle failure. To assure availability of the vehicle in a timely manner, early
operations could be performed using an ablative material for external thermal protection. It
is projected that for the booster element, integral load-carrying tanks sho~ld be used to
minimize system weight.

• For the vehicle configured to deliver a SO,OO~pound payload, eleven SIO.OOO-pound

sea-level-thrust engines ~."e desirable on the booster. By requalification for space
e' lironment, existing turbujets may be used on orbiter and booster elements for cruise and
go-around. Benefits could also be obtained through high thrust-to-weight turbojets and
engine using hydrogen as fuel.

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• To provide low weight, flexibility, and a system with automatic checkout capability for
rapid turnaround an integrated electrical system is desirable.


The study has indicated the feasibility of a tW()astage. reusable. fixed wing concept. Further
design studies and development testing of the system will. however. be necessary.

The aerodynamic technology for the ILRV is well defined for the ascent phase of the mission
and for cruise and landing. Aerodynamic technGlogy for flight at high angie of attack [mm
hypersonic to subsonic velocitieJ, post-stall flight, and transition from htgh to low angie of attack
requites advancement. Establishment of the aerodynamic characteristics of the ILRV in this study
has been based upon analysis and a limited amount of testing up to Mach number 2. The effects of
Reynolds number afld Mach number on vt'wcle aerodynamic characteristics have not been clearly
defined. The potential flutter and buffeting which may bl~ experienced with the vt'hicle have also
not been analyzed. Testing to date has been at Reynolds numbers considerably less than would be
experienced during flight. The horizontal tail surface could be too farge when sized on the basis of
low subsonic Mach number test data measured at low Reynolds numbers. Tendencies toward direc-
tional instability at high angles of "ttack indicated In testing at low Reynolds numbers would be
expected to be nonexistent at flight Reynolds numbers. Trade studies to establish the aerodynamic
shape of the system have been limited.

In this study, the abort analysis has been dIrected toward establishment of trajectories and
environmental conditions which woulL )ccur if premature staging becomes necessary and mission
termination is required. A failure-mode anal;,.'~is has not been performed to identify system failures
which would require premature staging ar.tJ mission termination. Extensive analysis will be
necessary to establish whether the system should be designed to provide for premature staging and
to define the flight mode which wiil be used for abort at any phase of the mission.

The thermal environment for the vehicle has been based on analysis and a limited amount of
test data. Tests indicate potential flow interference areas and resulting increases in heat rates.
Further testing will be necessary to obtain more information on the flm'. .• terference effects and
methods of preventing excessive temperatures. A limited amount of effort has been expended in
establishing desirable trajectories to minhize heating. The analyses of vehicle reentry also at low
angle ot' attack have encompassed only the heating effects on the base and leading edges of the

Establishment of the loading environment for the system has been based upon a st~tic loads
analysis with factors applied to reflect magnification associated with a dynamic response. The
effects of acoustic :,;nvironment on secondary structlJre also have not been considered.

To obtain complete confide!lce in the weights projected for the system. a further
comprehensive analysis of ali subsystems will be required.

A key factor in the capability of the system to operate lit low cost is the availability of a
reusable thermal protection system. In the study, definition of the thermal protectien ha' been
based upon an extremely limjted amount of data relative to densified quartz. Flight analysis and

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ddinition of the main propulsion system have not considered the impact of using main engines for
orbital maneuvers. The preconditioning requirements for the main engines to perform orbital
maneuvers haw not been defined; therefore, the impact upon vehicle performance has not been
established. While preliminary definitions have been developed for the vehiclt: subsystems, a detailed
definition will be required for development of the vehicle. It will also be necessary to establish the
degree of integration required for the electronics system.

Definition of resource plans for the ILRV has been based upon a conceptual design definition
and a limited amount of infonnation relative to materials. More definitive data relative to each
subsystem will be necessary to refine the program plans and to facilitate more accurate estimation
of system costs.


The previous sectIon has identified limitations of this conceptual design study. It has also
served to identify areas requiring technology advancement. A critical area requiring deveiopment of
tec!mology for the shuttle vehicle is the aerodynamic characteristics of the system. Further
analytical studies and extensive wind-tunnei testing will be necessary to establish the following:

1. Vortex development and shedding and boundary layer separation associated with stall
and post-stall flight

2. Flutter transonically and in stalled flight

3. Reynolds-number and Mach-number effects at high angle of attack

4. The effects of configuration geometry (bcdy shaping, wing and tail geometry, etc.)

Interference heating and boundary-layer transition probably represent the most difficult
problems to solve becaus~ of the many variables involved, lack of analytical tools, and unknown
scaling laws.

Analyses anti test data indicate two major areas of concern: shock-wave interactions on orbiter
and booster wings anti horizontal tail, and shock-wave and support-structure interference during
mated booster and orbiter ascent. Extreme temperatures may occur without proper design. Risk can
be minimized through extensive test program and subsequent design modifications.

It is generally recognized that critical areas for development arc the external structure and
external and internal thennal-protection systems. It will be necessary to establish a low-weight
reusable system. In the study, the selected ex ternal thennal-protection concept is based upon the
use of densified quartz. Presently, this material has not been fully developed and has certain
disadvantages. The material is subject to water absorption and possibly erosion under operating
conditions, and it will be necessary to provide an external coating. This material is a critical
development item for the ILRV. It is also recognized that current insulation used for the cryogenic
propellant tankage does not have extensive reuse capabilities. It will therefore be necessary to
ensure that the polyurethane insulation material or the replacement will be capable of reuse with
minimum maintenance without causing hazards to system operation. Current programs encomr JSS

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North Amencan Rockwell

the development of a high-chamber-pressure bldl engine. The program to develop the main
propulsion system must be continued to facilitate development of the logistic vehicle. Another
major area fOl development is the reaction-control system using gaseous oxygen and hydrogen.
Previous programs also have not developed an auxiliary power unit of the size and type selected for
the lLRV. and this also will require further development. Another major area for technology
advancement is the demonstration of the reusability of the logistic vehicle with minimum


Prior to development of the logistic ,,-ehicle, additional effort will be required in further study
activities. These studies include investigations of various modifications of the basic ILRV shape
which offer potential for improving vehicle stability, reducing severity of the thermal environments,
and decreasing system weight. Specific additional activities should include potential improvement
concepts which have been identified in the study and these items are listed in Table 5. Future
programs must encompass extensive testing to develop the materials required for satisfactory
performance of the shuttle system.

In ge!1eral, an in-depth analysis will be necessary to develop comprehensive definitions of all

subsystems, to develop confidence in the design projected weights, and to facilitate a more
comprehensive resource analysis.

Table 5. Recommended Design Improvement Studies

Ae rodynamic s Wind fillet and sweep to r{>ducE' interferencE'

Wing location and body shape to minimize tail size and weight
Body-corne r radius to reduce tail size and minimize
Wing size and shape to improve flyback range and reduce
eros s- range Low alpha effects
c..onfiguration changes to improve cross-ranging capability
if desired
Heating Fly constant-heat-rate reentry
Increased rarlius on or bite r wing leading edge to reduce
tempc rature
Abort Failure-mode analysis to identify abort modes for
projected failures
Water-impact effects
Pe rfonnance Turbojet use on liftoff
De sign/ reduced Reduce
gross weight • On-orbit ().V
• Cargo weight/ size
Modify body shape. reduce wing if increased landing speed
High thrust-to-weight turbojets and HZ fuel
Canard configuration for booster to improve L/D and
reduce weight
Integ rated structure and the rmal protection refinement
Use of composites for structure
Reduce prelaunch loads by inclination or facility support
or windshield
Optimize maximum-ascent acceleration
Modify wing incidence to reduce ascent loads

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T:;is table presents a descriptive summary of the integral launch and reenty vehicle configured [Q

deliver a SO,OOO-pound payload within a IS-foot-diameter by 60-foot-length cargo bay.

Table A-I. Description of Final SO, OOO-Pouna-I- ayload Vehicle

Booster Orbiter

Vehicle Weights

Gross weight (lb) 3,619,872 870,977

Entry weight (lb) 587,522 256,515
Landing weight (lb) 5'22,002 254,807

Wing Geometry

Span (ft) 244 146

Sweep (deg) 14 14 .•~
Taper ratio 0.319 0.333
Exposed area (sq ft) 6300 2010
MAC (ft) 37 21. 4
Leading edge radius (in.) 7. 1 4.05

Vehicle Dimensions

Length (ft) 280 202

Planform area (ft 2 ) 19,770 8,200
Body wetted area (ft2) 36,000 17, III
Wing wetted area (ft2) 12,600 4,020
Horizontal-tail wetted
area (ft 2 ) 4,080 2, 340
Vertical-tail wetted
area (ft2) 3, 180 1, 170
Body mold-line volume (ft 3 ) 320,000 97,690
Volumetric efficiency
(V /A) O. 13 O. 124

Main Propulsion

Propellant type L02/LH2 L02/LH2

Mixture ratio 6: 1 6: 1
Engine thrust (1,000 lb) 510 (sl) 590 (vac)
Expansion ratio 35:1 (sl) 5 8 : 1 (s 1 )/1 2 0 : 1 (va c)
Number of engines 11 2
Fir ing sequence 1 2

SD 69-573-1
41~ Space Division
~ North Amencan Rockwell

Table A-I. Description of Final 50, OOO-Pound-Payload Vehicle (Cont)

Booster Orbiter

Turbojet Propulsion .;,

Engine type JT9D-15 JT3D-7 ~. ~~

Numbe r of engine s 4 4
Engine.-out capability Yes Yes
Engine thrust, SLS (1, 000 Ib) 45.5 19
SFC (1b/hr/lb; 0.364 0.55

Launch Data

T /W (initial) 1. 25 1. 36
Engine-out capability Yes Yes
Maximum acceleration (g) 3 3
Burnout time, from
lift-off (seci 220 440
Burnout velocity (fps) 10,866 25,855
Burnout altitude (ft) 245,000 303,806
Burnout range (nm) q8 680
Burnout flight path
angle (deg) 6. 9 0

On-Orbit Data I
Inclination (deg) 55
Injection conditions (nm) 50 x 100
Station altitude (nm) 270
Maneuver !:l V (total) (fps) 2,000

Entry Data

Reentry angle (deg) 6. 5 (Staging) -1. 5

Reentry velocity (fps) 25, 134
Lateral range, (nm) a = 60 48 190
Longitudinal range (nm) 2,541::
Lateral range, TMAX (nm) 1,240
Maximum acceleration (g) 4.0 2.08

SD 69-573-1
41~ Space Division
" . . . North Amencan Rockwell

Table A-I. Description of Final 50, OOO-Pound-Payload Vehicle (Cont)

Booster Orbiter

Recover y Data
Flyback range (nm) 310 0 --
Landing speed (knots) 113 128 ~
Touch-down angle of
attack (deg) 8 8

Aerod ynamic Parameter s


Hypersonic (LID) """

maximum (inviscid) 2. 05 1. 53
Hypersonic (LID) design 0.69 O. 53
Subsonic (LID) maximum 8.40 7. 30
Entry planform loading (psf) 30 31
Landing p1anform loading (ps£) 27 31
Land ing wing load ing (ps£) 67 88


RCS (lb) 460 950

ECS (lb) 0 50
Power (lb) 200 880
Turbojets, go-arounds (lb) 10,600 3,900
Orbit man system 500 fps (lb) - -- 9,600
Primary propulsion, FPR (lb) 0 4,700

Safety Factors

Crew compartment 2 2
Primary structure 1.5 1.5
Secondary structure 1.5 1.5
Pressure tanks (propellant) 1.5 1.5
(pneumatic) 2.0 2.0

Payload Definition

Weight (lb) 50,000

Size, diameter x length
(ft x ft) 15 x 60

. SD 69- 573 - 1
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Space Division
North American Rockwell

Table A-I. Description of Final 50, OOO-Pound-Payload Vehicle (Cont)

Booster Orbiter

Weight Factor s

Design stress allowable:

Aluminum (2219-T87) 58.5at175F 58.5 at 175 F
F tu (ksi) 78.5 at -323 F 78.5at-323F
Titanium 6A 1-4V ST A, 129.5 at 400 F 129.5 at 400 F

Safety Factor s
Crew compartment 2. 0 2. 0
Primary structure 1.5 1.5
Secondary structure 1.5 1.5
Pre s sure tanks (Propellant) 1.5 1.5
(Pne umatic) 2.0 2.0

Weight Margin
Percent inert weight 10 percent and 10 percent and
statistical data statistical data

How applied Added at Added at

subsystem level subsystem level

Tank Sizing
Ullage, percent LI 'X /H2 1. 1 x Usable W p 1. 1 ): Usable W p
Tolerances, percent LOX/H2

Residuals and Losses

RCS, (lb) 100 200
ECS, (lb) a a
Power, (lb) 35 80
Turl.>ojets, (lb) 200 100
One ··man syste m, (lb) 330
Pri mary propulsion, (lb) 26,490 4, 550

SD 69-573-1

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