Wastewater and Its Treatment Techniques: An Ample Review: Indian Journal of Science and Technology July 2019

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Wastewater and its Treatment Techniques: An Ample Review

Article  in  Indian Journal of Science and Technology · July 2019

DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2019/v12i25/146059

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5 authors, including:

Alaa Fahad Radin Maya Saphira Radin Mohamed

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia


Mohammed Al-Sahari
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia


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waste water View project

BioNanotechnology View project

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ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846
ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645
Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 12(25), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2019/v12i25/146059 July 2019

Wastewater and its Treatment Techniques: An Ample

Alaa Fahad1*, Radin Maya Saphira Mohamed1, Bakar Radhi2, Mohammed Al-Sahari1
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400, Batu Pahat, Malaysia;

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Department of Structures and Water Resources, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kufa, Kufa City, Najaf, Iraq;
[email protected]

The prompt population increment, rapid urbanization of the cities and fast development of the industries leads the
generation of much pollution in our atmosphere. Among the other pollutants; water pollution is one of the important
issues for addressing seriously. Such pollution not only affects human health but also harmful for agriculture and the
earth. Drinking safe and clean water is one of the rising problems around the globe. Various developed countries are
utterly working for providing safe and clean water by treating the water. Such countries not only ground water treatment
but also proper treatment of wastewater. There are various conventional and non-conventional wastewater treatment
techniques. This research work highlights the issues of water, wastewater treatment and few conventional and non-
conventional wastewater treatment techniques. More than 50 latest and critical articles relating to the subject area of
this research work had been reviewed and also few web blogs has been used to address the challenges in the wastewater
treatment. On the basis of reviewed material in this research work, it is concluded that drinking water shortage increased
to scary level and needs serious address. Also non-conventional wastewater treatment techniques are more feasible than
the conventional techniques. Among the other non-conventional techniques, the constructed wetlands are more beneficial
for the wastewater treatment.

Keywords: Constructed Wetlands, Conventional and Non-Conventional Treatment Techniques, Wastewater, Wastewater
Treatment, Water

1.  Introduction type of life. But only 2.5% is the fresh water on Earth1.
Speedy urbanization and industrialization discharges
Presently, environmental laws have turned out to be severe tremendous volumes of wastewater, which is progressively
towards economy, health and lessening of pollution. The used as a significant asset for water system in urban and
pollution is the source of release of numerous organic pre-urban agribusiness. It drives noteworthy monetary
and inorganic elements into the environment. Among action, underpins incalculable vocations especially those
the other pollution sources; domestic, industrial and of poor farmers2. Also, because of industrialization and
agricultural water is also. But yet; water is one of the utmost urbanization, it is winding up progressively contaminated
essential substance on earth. It is quite important for and danger of this dirtied water utilization and its
domestic usage, agriculture crafting, industrial operations sanitation issue is expanding every day in developing
and routinely entire animals and plants need water to live. countries including Malaysia. No matter how hard, yet
On the off chance that there is no water there would be far from the most effective, financial and solid approach
no life on earth. About 71% of the Earth’s surface covered to guarantee the water supply in Malaysia needs to be
with water and is imperative for every single known

*Author for correspondence

Wastewater and its Treatment Techniques: An Ample Review

addressed properly and this challenge is unsolved yet. In Among the other wastewater treatment processes and
the recent time, extraordinary developments have been the significance of removing the contaminations from
prepared in the development of effective technologies, the waste water; Wetlands are commonly considered
yet at the same time there are different difficulties being an effective technique for removing the pollutants from
encountered by wastewater treatment plants and its the wastewater. Artificial wetland is an engineered
operators in Malaysia3. Appropriate cure of sewerage is purification system for wastewater that incorporates
important since almost 98% of Malaysia’s fresh water physical, chemical and biological processes to mimic the
source emanates from surface water and still many happening processes in natural treatment wetlands6 - 8.
technologies, stakeholders and government and non- Constructed Wetlands (CWs) are presently observed as
government office must address properly the problems reputable eco-technologies for the wastewater treatment.
and implement new technologies to avoid shortage of Though, it is designated near-natural methods and
fresh water. Such problems lead the water scarcity and fully contrived clarifications intended for which many
have a substantial adverse impact on human livings and investigations has been dynamically established in the
environmental quality all over the Malaysia and in other earlier periods9. Constructed wetlands for example multi-
developing countries. Henceforth it has turned into a layer artificial wetland is companied of groundmasses
fundamental requirement for the present condition to by means of breaks, gravel and stone etc as well as by
keep water from getting contaminated or to improve employing aquatic plant. The wastewater streams in or
cost effective counteractive technique for its fortification. underneath surface layer groundmass at the wetland, and
Malaysia, in spite of being honored with plenty of disintegrates healthy ingredients in water.
rainfall, water must be coped proficiently to confirm
its supportability and furthermore to take into account
requests for the generations to come.
2.  Wastewater
Approach to safe drinking water is an essential need; Wastewater (or waste water) is any water that has been
its arrangement ought to be a primary public health influenced by human utilize. Wastewater is “utilized
main concern. Such alarm has been broadly tended to in water from any mix of residential, mechanical, business
developed countries; but, accessibility of sanitation and or farming exercises, surface overflow or storm water, and
clean water isn’t the standard in most creating nations4. any sewer inflow or sewer penetration”10. Because of water
An important origin of water in a Malaysia is the recycle shortage issues round the globe, the situation is basic to
of wastewater in addition with of the rainfall. There are consider non-conventional water sources for satisfying
numerous water treatment systems in Malaysia: Physical the intensification in need for freshwater. Wastewater
Chemical Treatment Systems, Biological Treatment is viewed as a suitable elective substitute alternate to
Systems, Dewatering Systems, Deionization, Reverse overwhelm the scarcity in water supply causing from
Osmosis, Ultrafiltration and many more. Generally, several causes for example population progression11 - 16.
wastewater treatment is the method, where pollutants will Nevertheless, the incredible diversity in wastewater
be eliminated from wastewater to provide solid waste or sources intrusive of organic and inorganic elements
waste stream which might be suitable for discharge. The create the recycle of that water condition to ordered
removal of all contaminants (organic, inorganic chemicals checking to evaluate impending hazards effecting on the
and pathogens) is the contemporary goal of treatment total environment17. Satisfactory recycle of wastewater
of wastewater developed countries. The removal of is important to care for public health, environment and
pollutants from municipal wastewater has been conducted water resources. There are many kinds of waste water and
via different techniques such as biological treatment their treatment is depended on the type of waste water and
processes; biodegradation, metabolism, adsorption, its characteristics. For example: Domestic waste water can
flocculation, precipitation and ion- exchange are often be classified as Black water and Grey water. Black water
considered amongst the ecological and advantageous comes from Toilets or it is sewage. Grey water comes from
treatment opportunities5. However, some treatment shower, wash basin and floor wash as shown in Figure
method like adsorption is consider as a costly treatment 1. Also, the domestic wastewater is the sourcing from
in addition to biodegradation treatment needed to more homes, commercial places such as markets, restaurants,
area to installation and contours maintenance.

2 Vol 12 (25) | July 2019 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Alaa Fahad, Radin Maya Saphira Mohamed, Bakar Radhi, Mohammed Al-Sahari

banks, institutional places such as schools and hospitals. originates from kitchen, laundry washing, wash basins,
The amount of waste water coming from homes varies baths and etc., while the other is “black water” comes
according to the hours of the day, days and seasons18. from urinals and toilets.
Wastewater constituents are categorized into
numerous foremost sets as shown in Table 1. They can
antagonistically influence the oceanic life if release them
into ecological.
Table 2 shows the usual configuration of
untreated domestic wastewater. Absorption denotes
to the authentic quantities of physical, chemical and
biological contaminants available in wastewater. These
contaminants can give permanent impairment to the
atmosphere. Due to this objection, all such constituent
Figure 1.  Wastewater types19.
quantities must be decreased to satisfactory altitudes
formerly for releasing.
3.  Domestic Wastewater Domestic wastewater generation has superseded the
The water disposed from households, workplaces and industrial waste water generation in many developing
factories is titled as domestic wastewater. It originates countries and is the major cause of water pollution and
from showers, basins, toilets, washing machines and eutrophication. Conventional domestic wastewater
industrial progressions. Historically such wastewater treatment system involves large expenditure to bring
is considered as sewage. Wastewater created because of down the pollutants level to the permissible discharge
“the human activities in households” is termed domestic limits1. Many research22 - 28 adopted an appropriate
wastewater like: from the kitchen, toilet, wash basin, wastewater management approach, wherein twin benefits
shower and clean washing. It generally encloses somewhat such as treatment and reuse can be achieved, and
lesser quantities of pollutants, however; such lesser sustainable development can be promoted. Recently, land
quantities of contaminants can create the huge effect on application of domestic wastewater is attaining thrust due
our health. Thus, an appropriately introduced and kept up to the point that it provides the most cost-effective and
residential sewage treatment framework for treating and safe wastewater treatment and disposal method29. Being
discarding household wastewater will reduce the effect rich in organic matter and nutrients, it could be used as
on ground and surface water. Generally, domestic waste source of nutrients for biomass production and thus can
water contains two foremost instabilities: “grey water” be helpful in sustaining economy.

Table 1.  Constituents in domestic wastewater20

Constituent Concentration Effect on Environment
Biodegradable Organic Materials Oxygen diminution in lakes and rivers Odour and Deaths of Fish
Microorganisms Pathogenic bacteria, worms’ eggs and virus. Hazardous during bathing and eating shellfish
Oxygen depletion, Eutrophication, poisonous
Nutrients Phosphorus, Nitrogen,  Ammonium
Pesticides, Detergents, Oil & Grease, Fat, Bioaccumulation in the food chain, Aesthetic
Additional Organic Materials
Coloring, Phenols, Solvents and Cyanide awkwardness and Toxic result
Additional In-Organic Materials Acids (Sulphide, Hydrogen) Toxic and Corrosion.
Metals Ni, Cu, Cr, Cd, Pb and Hg. Bioaccumulation and Toxic Result.
Taste and Odour Hydrogen sulphide Toxic Result and Aesthetic awkwardness.
Fluctuating the living situations for fauna and
Thermal effects Hot water
Radioactivity Accumulation and Toxic effect.

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Wastewater and its Treatment Techniques: An Ample Review

Table 2. Typical composition of untreated domestic as components in structure and activity. In this manner,
wastewater21 commonly it is desirable over use indirect constraints
Concentration (mg L-1) which characterize the oddity or the contaminating threat
Contaminants to the wastewater? Such factors characterize the nature of
Weak Medium Strong
the sewage, and can be isolated into three classifications:
Total Dissolved (TDS) 250 500 850
physical, synthetic and organic parameters.
Fixed 145 300 525
Tables 3, 4 and 5 show the major physical, chemical
Volatile 105 200 325 and biological characteristics of domestic wastewater30.
Total Solids (TS) 350 720 1200
Table 3. Major physical characteristics of domestic
Suspended Solids (SS) 100 220 350
Fixed 20 55 75
Constraint Explanation
Volatile 80 165 275
Colour • Fresh Waste: Small Grey
Total Organic Carbon
80 160 290 • Infected Waste: Dark Grey (Black)
Temperature • Somewhat greater than in drinking water
BOD5 at 20° C 110 220 400
• Dissimilarities as per year’s seasons
Nitrogen (total as N) 20 40 85
• Effects microbial action
Chemical Oxygen • Effects gases solubility
250 500 1000
Demand (COD)
• Impacts on liquid viscosity
Organic 8 15 35
Turbidity • Produced on account of higher changes of
Phosphorus (P) 4 8 15
suspended solids
Free ammonia 12 25 50 • Fresh concerted waste: normally higher
Inorganic 3 5 10 turbidity
Alkalinity (as CaCO3) 50 100 200 Odour • Fresh waste: somewhat nasty and oily
Sulfate 20 30 50 odour,
Volatile organic • Infected Waste: foul odour: because of
<100 100-400 >400
compounds (VOCs) the hydrogen sulphide gas and other
Grease 50 100 150 by-product’s decomposition.

4.  Characteristic of Domestic 5.  Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater Techniques
Domestic wastewater is primarily involved of water
There are non-conventional and conventional wastewater
(99.9%) along with somewhat some quantity “suspended
treatment techniques that have been demonstrated and
and dissolved” and “organic and inorganic” solids.
observed to be effective for the wastewater treatment. In
Amongst the organic constituents existing in sewage
contrasting to non-conventional wastewater treatment,
like: lignin, carbohydrates, soaps, fats, proteins synthetic
conventional techniques have a somewhat great level
detergents and some decomposed goods. Also many
of mechanization. Generally require pumping and
regular and synthetic organic chemicals produced
power supplies and involve trained labor for processing
through industrial process.
and preservation of the system. Figure 2 shows the
The organization of the wastewater is a component
conventional and non-conventional techniques for the
of the utilizations to which the water was succumbed.
treatment of wastewater.
These utilizations, and the structure with which they
were worked out, differ with atmosphere, social and
monetary circumstance and populace propensities. This 6.  Conventional Methods
is expected, not exclusively to the trouble in attempted the
different research center tests, yet in addition to the way Conventional methods for eliminating metals are moreover
that the outcomes themselves can’t be legitimately used fetching insufficient to meet recent rigorous controlling

4 Vol 12 (25) | July 2019 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Alaa Fahad, Radin Maya Saphira Mohamed, Bakar Radhi, Mohammed Al-Sahari

Table 4.  Major chemical characteristics of domestic wastewater30

Parameter Description Parameter Description
TOTAL SOLIDS “Organic & In-organic” and “Suspended & Dissolved
◦◦ Suspended • Non-filterable organic and inorganic solids.
▪▪ Fixed • Mineral compounds which cannot oxidize through heat.
▪▪ Volatile • Organic compounds which heat oxidisable.
• Filterable organic and in-organic solids.
◦◦ Dissolved
• Usually have dimension less than 10−3µm.
▪▪ Fixed
• Mineral compounds of the dissolved solids.
▪▪ Volatile
• Organic compounds of the dissolved solids
Heterogeneous mixture of numerous organic compounds. Fundamental parts: carbohydrates,
proteins lipids.
Indirect determination • Biochemical Oxygen Requirement. Calculated at 5 days and 20 °C. Related with the
◦◦ BOD5 biodegradable portion of carbonaceous organic parts.
• Calculation of the oxygen spent after 5 days by the microorganisms in the biochemical
stabilization of the organic matter.
◦◦ Ultimate BOD • Ultimate Biochemical Oxygen Requirement. Shows the total oxygen spent on the completion
of quite a lot of days, by the microorganisms in the biochemical stabilization of the organic
◦◦ COD • Chemical Oxygen Requirement. Shows the amount of oxygen compulsory to chemically
stabilizing the carbonaceous organic matter.
• Utilizes strong oxidizing agents in acidic conditions.
Direct determination • Total Organic Carbon. Straight calculation of the carbonaceous organic matter.
◦◦ TOC • Find through the adaptation of organic carbon into carbon dioxide.
Total nitrogen comprises organic nitrogen, nitrite, ammonia and nitrate.
TOTAL NITROGEN It is an indispensible nutrient for microorganisms’ develop in wastewater treatment through
biological process.
◦◦ Organic nitrogen • Nitrogen in the form of proteins, urea and amino acids.
• Transitional phase in the ammonia oxidation.
◦◦ Nitrite
• Basically not found in fresh waste.
◦◦ Ammonia • Created during the 1st period of the organic nitrogen decomposition.
• Final creation in the ammonia oxidation.
◦◦ Nitrate
• Basically not found in fresh waste.
Total phosphorus occurs in organic and inorganic forms. It is an important nutrient in
wastewater through biological treatment.
◦◦ Organic phosphorus • Joined with organic matter
◦◦ Inorganic phosphorus • Polyphosphates and orthophosphates.
Indicating the alkaline or acidic conditions of the wastewater. At pH7, the solution is neutral.
Biological oxidation methods usually tend to decrease the pH.
CHLORIDES Creating from drinking water and human & industrial wastes.
Indicating the buffer capability of the medium (confrontation to deviations in pH). Produced
by the occurrence of hydroxyl ions, bicarbonate and carbonate.
Portion of organic matter that is soluble in hexane. In domestic waste, the causes are fats and
oils utilized for food.

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Wastewater and its Treatment Techniques: An Ample Review

Table 5.  Major organisms existing in domestic wastewater30

Organism Depiction
• Dissimilar to bacteria in their cell material, cell wall and RNA configuration.
• Imperative in anaerobic methods.
• Unicellular organisms
• Existing in several forms and sizes.
• Main organisms accountable for the organic matter stabilization.
• Some bacteria are pathogenic and instigating mostly abdominal infections.
• Autotrophic photosynthetic organisms, having chlorophyll.
Algae • Main in the oxygen production in water and in some waste treatment techniques.
• They can proliferate in reservoirs and lakes for longer time and declining the quality of water.
• Generally unicellular organisms having no cell wall
Protozoa • Feed themselves on algae, bacteria and other microorganisms.
• Important in biological treatment to sustain steadiness between the several clusters.
• Parasitic organisms, made by the relationship of genetic material (RNA or DNA) and a protein arrangement.
• Pathogenic and often hard to eliminate from water.
• Mainly multicellular, aerobic, heterotrophic, non-photosynthetic organisms.
Fungi • Significant for the organic matter decomposition.
• Can raise in small pH circumstances.
• Higher-order animals.
• Helminth eggs existing in waste and can source for many diseases.

treatment system principally relies upon an assortment

of elements, for example waste sort and fixation,
profluent heterogeneity, required dimension of cleanup,
just as economic variables. A typical type of wastewater
treatment plant is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3.  Typical wastewater treatment plant19.

Figure 2.  C
 onventional and non-conventional wastewater Conventional wastewater treatment techniques are:
treatment techniques. “activated sludge”, trickling filter”, rotating biological
contactor” techniques. Rotating Biological Contactors
waste parameters or are highly expensive. Subsequently, and Trickling filters are temperature sensitive, eliminate
substitutive and cost effective advancements are in little BOD, and trickling filters required more cost to
intense interest. Conventional methods for eliminating construct compare to activated sludge systems. Activated
dissolved heavy metals contain carbon adsorption, sludge methods are high costly to function since more
chemical precipitation, ion exchange, and membrane and energy is consumed for blowers and pumps31. However;
evaporations processes1. The determination of a specific

6 Vol 12 (25) | July 2019 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Alaa Fahad, Radin Maya Saphira Mohamed, Bakar Radhi, Mohammed Al-Sahari

few conventional techniques are argued in detail in the “fungi” and “protozoa” are fixed to the stream as a slime
following segments. layer or biological film (approximately thickness from 0.1
to 0.2 mm).
6.1  Activated Sludge Trickling filters are proficient in which waste eminence
like suspended solids and BOD elimination is great. The
Activated sludge is a procedure having higher amount
method is less complex contrasted with activated sludge
of microorganisms like protozoa, bacteria and fungi and
method but the maintenance and operation necessities
exist as unfastened clattered mass of fine elements that
are high because of the electrical power usage. Also,
are retained in deferment by stirring, with the purpose
skilled labor is essential to preserve the trickling filter
of eliminating organic matter from wastewater1, 32.
processing and operating without any trouble like:
Activated sludge denotes to biological treatment methods
“prevent clogging”, “ensure adequate flushing”, “controls
that employ an adjourned development of organisms to
filter flies”. This process is appropriate for certain
eliminate suspended solids and BOD. It depends on the
comparatively prosperous, heavily populous regions
rule that extreme wastewater air circulation to shapes
which have a centralized wastewater treatment and better
flocs of microorganisms that reduce organic matter and
waste system. Also appropriate for the treatment of grey
be detached by sedimentation33. The method involves the
water. Furthermore it needs more space contrasted with
aeration and settles down tanks with other accessories:
specific other technologies and has impending for filter
reoccurrence and waste pumps, mixers & blowers for air
flies and odour35. Figure 5 shows the main parts of a
circulation and the device for flow measurement34 ,35. To
trickling filter36.
continue the attentiveness of active bacteria in the tank,
portion of the activated sludge is reused36.
Activated Sludge method occupies small place as
associated with trickling filter and has better quality of
waste. The only drawback is of greater amount of BOD
in one end of the tank. While to the other end, the
microorganisms are more active physiologically until
the mixer completely activated in the activated sludge
system. A typical type of activated sludge system is shown
in Figure 437.

Figure 5.  Main parts of a trickling filter37.

6.3  Rotating Biological Contactors

The aerobic Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC)
is one of the biological treatment methods for the
organic wastewater treatment. RBC is a different kind
of wastewater treatment technique which associates
Figure 4.  An activated Sludge System37.
benefits of biological fixed-film like: “short hydraulic
6.2  Trickling Filter retention time”, “high biomass concentration”, “low
It is a development procedure wherein microorganisms in energy cost”, “easy operation” and “insensitivity to
charge of treatment are connected to a dormant pressing toxic substance shock loads”. Thus the aerobic RBC
material. It is comprised of a round tank loaded up with reactor is broadly used for the industrial and domestic
a bearer material (volcanic shake, rock or engineered wastewater treatment19, 38. Figure 6 shows the schematic
diagram of an RBC reactor which involves of narrowly
material). Wastewater is delivered from above and trickles
spaced discs mounted on a communal horizontal
through filter media permitting organic material in the
shaft, partly immersed in a semicircular tank getting
wastewater to be adsorbed by micro-organisms populace
like “anaerobic”, “aerobic”, “facultative bacteria”; “algae”,

Vol 12 (25) | July 2019 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology 7
Wastewater and its Treatment Techniques: An Ample Review

6.5  Non-Conventional Methods

Non-Conventional techniques are low-technology, low-
cost; less sophisticated in maintenance and operation
biological treatment techniques for municipal wastewater.
Though these methods are land concentrated in contrast
with the conventional biological methods. They are
frequently more effective in eliminating pathogens
and do as such dependably and ceaselessly if method is
appropriately planned and not over-burden41.
Few non-conventional techniques like “stabilization
ponds”, “constructed wetlands” and “oxidation ditch” are
Figure 6.  Diagram of an RBC unit19. explain below in details.

6.4  Membrane Bioreactors

6.6  Waste Stabilization Ponds
This kind of wastewater treatment technique carries
Waste Stabilization Ponds (WSP) is synthetic,
out more than just one treatment phase. Membrane
shallow basins that include a single or numerous
Bio-Reactor (MBR) techniques are distinctive that
series of anaerobic, facultative growth ponds used
combine aerobic- and anoxic- biological treatment with an
for the treatment of wastewater. The treatment of
incorporated membrane organism which can be utilized with
the wastewater processes as ingredients are detached
most suspended-growth, biological wastewater-treatment
by sedimentation or converted by biological and
systems19. A typical schematic diagram of an MBR is shows
chemical procedures 42. While for facultative ponds,
in Figure 7. Current development and research trends of
organic matter is broken down further to nitrogen,
and MBR technology has been upgraded from progression
carbon dioxide and phosphorous by means of oxygen
optimization and economic valuation to installation of new
created through algae in the pond.
procedural architecture to improve functional strains: nitrifiers
WSP are very significant waste treatment which
or giving supported field for enhancement of performance, to
have better outcome. The latest investigation
absorption of reasonable adsorbents for membrane fouling
concluded that such technique improve quality of
modification and to employing MBR hybrid techniques for
waste water with minimum cost, simple and better for
attaining instantaneous eliminations of contaminations and
pathogen elimination. Additional advantage of this
other pollutants39, 40.
type of technique is that “don’t have to pay for routine
maintenance” as waste stabilization ponds don’t
need to be aerated and because of this motivation
this technique of waste water treatment is entitled as
natural waste water treatment 43. A typical schematic
diagram of waste stabilization pond is shown in
Figure 844.

Figure 8.  Schematic diagram of Anaerobic Pond44.

Figure 7.  Membrane bioreactor19.

8 Vol 12 (25) | July 2019 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Alaa Fahad, Radin Maya Saphira Mohamed, Bakar Radhi, Mohammed Al-Sahari

6.7  Constructed Wetlands

Constructed Wetlands (CW’s) are strategic techniques that
are planned and fabricated to use wetland vegetation to
help for the treatment of wastewater in a more meticulous
atmosphere than achieves in natural wetlands45. CWs are
an ecological and an appropriate substitute for secondary
and tertiary treatment of industrial and municipal
wastewater. Also CWs are appropriate for the elimination
Figure 10.  C
 onstructed wetland waste water treatment
of suspended solids, organic materials, nutrients, heavy
system (Sub-Surface Flow System)19.
metals, pathogens and toxic pollutants. However;
CWs are not idyllic for the raw waste treatment and 6.8  Oxidation Ditches
pre-treatment of industrial wastewater to preserve the
Oxidation Ditches (OD) are characteristically
biological equilibrium of the wetland ecology.
comprehensive mix techniques however can be
amended. Usual OD treatment techniques comprise
of a single or multichannel arrangement within a ring,
or oval. Preliminary treatment like bar screens and grit
elimination usually leads the oxidation ditch. Principal
resolving proceeding to an oxidation ditch is occasionally
proficient and tertiary filters may be prerequisite after
elucidation, reliant on the sewage necessities. Disinfection
is essential and reaeration may be required prior to
final absolution. Horizontally or vertically attached
Figure 9.  C
onstructed wetland waste water treatment aerators offer circulation, oxygen transfer, and aeration
system (free water surface system)19. in the ditch51. Flow to the oxidation ditch is aerated and
mixed with return sludge from a secondary clarifier.
Constructed Wetlands (CWs) are near-natural The mixing procedure entrains oxygen into the mixed
techniques and are fully engineered resolutions for liquor to foster microbial progress and the drive velocity
which many latest investigations have been dynamically guarantees contact of microorganisms with the influent52.
established in the past decades7, 46. CWs are techniques Figure 11 shows the schematic flow diagram of oxidation
which meaning primarily on naturally happening ditch treatment by using plant19.
combined and commonly reliant on biochemical
progressions that functions through microbial and
solar developments and ensure so within a organized
atmosphere47, 48. CWs are treatment services replicating
the methods happening in natural wetlands containing
of substrate, macrophytes, and microbial assemblage.
CW has been proven to ensure several benefits over
the conventional techniques. CWs are low cost in Figure 11.  Oxidation ditch19.
construction, operation and maintenance, absorbs low
energy, reduce cost on waste collection process, can 7.  Future Challenges
be functioned on several levels, promise appropriate
reprocessing and enhance visual significance to the Wastewater treatment techniques are an enormously
atmosphere49, 50. A typical kind of constructed wetland noteworthy measure of protecting our environment
waste water treatment is shown in Figure 9 (Free Water ecological. The treated wastewater is normally driven
Surface System) and Figure 10 (Sub-Surface Flow back to natural water bodies, where it at that point gets
System) extricated and later cleaned for utilities. Earlier services

Vol 12 (25) | July 2019 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9
Wastewater and its Treatment Techniques: An Ample Review

constructed with an incorporated perspective are ending are numerous methods of removing the pollutants from
up less and less powerful as treating the regularly expanding the sewage water and treating the wastewater for reuse.
volumes of wastewater from developing urban areas The scarcity of the shortage of water globally, various
over-burdens services, prompting to expanded energy studies has been carried to solve this problem and in
utilization and breakdowns. Moreover, such services are this connection, wastewater treatment is among the one.
now overwhelmed by the cityscape, devouring land, value In this review article, a brief and detailed introduction
and really becoming unmanageable for the long run. of the wastewater has been highlighted. The up-to-date
Conventional wastewater treatment plants are  justly literature was argued and highlighted relating to the aim
huge outdoor services that  have a lot of adversative of the review article. On the basis of reviewed literature
potentials. The sight and smell of the cumbersome and in this work, following are the some concluded remarks:
industrial water management systems are the two biggest. • The advanced new green technical techniques are
In addition to the fact that they are undesirable, they being announced to overwhelm the conventional
require enormous framework spending plans, expecting techniques of wastewater treatment.
speculators to construct the genuine capability as well as
to plan out and make the entire foundation of getting the • Human growth and speedy population development
wastewater to the wastewater treatment plant. Basically put several pressures on the quality and access to water
such conventional techniques are an incapable framework resources which sensed solidest at the edge between
and in spite of the fact that it cleans the wastewater, they’re water and human health; wherein contagious, diseases
neither reasonable nor affordable. through water endure the prominent reasons of
The reuse of water, nutrient and recycling of energy are human illness and impermanence worldwide.
the new ideal models that the CW community is beginning • Some techniques covenant with decrease of heavy
to report, reflecting the fundamental patterns in the more metals where other techniques compact with lessening
extensive water area and supplementing the current study of phosphorus and nitrogen.
on biological facilities. The research on the reuse of water
• It is established that the conventional techniques are
has begun to highlight the combination of advanced CWs
not competent in decreasing the heavy metals, toxic,
and oxidation techniques to confirm acquiescence with
phosphorous, nitrogen etc.
the compulsory regulation of discharge-reuse standards.
The incorporation of microbial fuel cell ideas into CW • There is no one of a kind strategy to treat a large
designs is beginning to be noticeable. The usage of bio- portion of the compounds in a solitary advance.
electro-chemical techniques and the correlated microbial • The principle point of the present paper is to talk about
electrolysis cell, in which electric current is utilized to the innovative progressions in treatment of waste and
attain enhanced pollutants deprivation, is the latest and sewage water.
very successful track of research.
• A consolidated treatment including microbiological
procedures and hydroponics was set for treatment
8.  Conclusion of domestic water. The treatment is observed to be
viable and the impediment is significant recycling of
Throughout the years, the nature of water is crumbling
phosphorus and nitrogen through collected biomass
predominantly because of the anthropogenic exercises,
populace development, impromptu urbanization, quick • The biological treatment particularly fungi and
industrialization and unskilled utilization of natural bacteria for wastewater treatment, specifically
water resources. Besides, the expanded consciousness of the colored compounds in the molasses founded
the significance of giving effects because of the current distilleries wastes.
environmental policies has driven the research community • As per the dissimilarities in engineering design and
towards the advancement of robust, economically feasible pattern of flow of water, the constructed wetland
and environmentally friendly techniques capable of treatment system can be categorized into Surface Flow
eliminating contaminants from water and at same time Wetland (SFW), vertical flow wetland, tidal flow wet-
to protecting the health of influenced community. There land and SFW has been applied most broadly.

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